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Today, providing we look after ourselves, eat more healthily, cut down on things like butter, alcohol and cigarettes, we can add nearly 35 years to that figure.. factor is the developmen[r]

(1)Week : 16 Period : 46 Planning date: 18 / 10 / 2010 Teaching date: UNIT LIFE IN THE FUTURE Lesson Listening @ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to listen and understand about people’s life expectancy in the future by deciding True / False and answering the questions @ Teaching aids: Posters, pictures, extra boards, cassette tape @ Procedure: TEACHER’s ACTIVITIES STUDENT’s ACTIVITIES I WARM – UP: (5’) Multiple Choice - setting up the activity: asking ss to try to pick out the - participating in the activity in groups - writing on board word which is pronounced differently from the others * Expected answers: A B eating C healthy D early predict 2ø A B C D general nobody themselves exercise A B C D cigarette expectancy eradicate impossible A B factor C fatal D improve cancer A B C century D according advantage important - controlling + congratulating the winners -leading into the new lesson: “In the listening section today, you’ll listen to the interview about people’s life expectancy.” II BEFORE YOU LISTEN: ( 12’) A B A D - listening - listening and trying to guess the words - repeating in chorus and individuals - copying into notebooks Pre – teach: (eliciting / modelling / recording) ▫curable (adj.) = ▫treatable: có thể chữa trị (synonym) (a) cente▫narian : người sống lâu trăm tuổi (picture) e▫ternal (adj.): trường cửu, vĩnh (situation) (to) ▫mushroom: moïc nhanh nhö naám (situation) (to) bring under con▫trol = (to) con▫trol : kieåm soùat (explanation) - checking: Multiple Choice Fatal diseases like AIDS and cancer can now be A curable B treatable C untreatable D A & B 2.AIDS will also under control A bring B be brought C - looking at the poster - sharing in groups - Choosing the best answer (2) C to bring D bringing A is a person who lives over 100 years A scientist B secretary C centenarian D interviewer The population in VN today A is mushrooming B mushroom C has mushroomed D mushroomed So far, life is just a science fiction But with the advance of science, it’s not impossible A eternal C confidence B medical D effect Set the scene: by using pictures and asking ss to D B C A A discuss the question: Which of the following factors you think might help people have a long and healthy life? THINGS AGREE DISAGREE - listening and participating in building the ð eating healthy food ð lesson doing exercise ð laughing a lot ð going to bed early ð drinking a lot ð - looking at the poster eating a lot of meat - guessing individually Prediction: - sharing with partners True / False Prediction ( Task 1, p 89) - sharing in groups - using an extra board - setting up the activity : asking ss to try to guess whether the statements are true or false Nobody can predict how long we will be able to live in the 21st century People’s general health will improve because they eat a lot of mushrooms Nowadays, if people look after themselves, they can live to be 90 Within 30 years, 80% of cancers will be curable Eternal life isn’t impossible - monitoring III WHILE YOU LISTEN ( 17’) Activity : Listen and check - playing the cassette player the first time - asking if there is any answer - playing the cassette player the second time - monitoring / giving feedbacks - congratulating the winner Activity : No GUESS CORRECT F F F T T - giving the evidence: Many scientists predict that in the 21th century people will be living into the incredible age of 130 The centenarian population is mushrooming as our general health improves A century ago, average age expectancy in Europe was 45 Today, providing we look after ourselves, eat more healthily, cut down on things like butter, alcohol and (3) Multiple Choice ( Task 2, p 89) - setting up the activity : asking ss to “listen again and try to answer the question about the interview.” What are the factors that help people have longer life expectancy? A cutting down on things like butter, alcohol and cigarettes B looking after ourselves C eating more healthily D all are correct Which factor is the most important one? A the development in medical science B the development in telecommunication C the inventions of labour-saving devices D The growth of world population Why is the development in medical science the most important factor? A Because eternal life is just science fiction B Because people just die from the diseases that affect people when they get older C Because scientists are trying to find cures for fatal diseases like cancers and AIDS D Because centenarian population is mushrooming as our general health improves What will we have been able to about AIDS in ten years’ time? A It will not be curable B It will be brought under control C It will no longer be a fatal disease D Nobody will be died of it How many percentages are cancers curable nowadays? A 15% B 50% C 80% D 90% - introducing the game : Lucky Numbers - playing the cassette player (twice) - monitoring / giving feedbacks - congratulating the winner IV AFTER YOU LISTEN : (10’) Read the passage carefully then choose the word that best fits the space: Many scientists predict that in the 21st century people (1) into the incredible age of 130 They have reasons to be (2) about that In fact, their prediction is based on research and on the cigarettes, we can add nearly 35 years to that figure - looking at the poster - guessing individually - sharing with partners - participating in the game in groups D A B B B - looking at the poster - guessing individually - sharing with partners - sharing in groups - Choosing the best answer (4) fact that the centenarian population is mushrooming as our general health improves A century ago, average age (3) in Europe was 45 Today, providing we look after ourselves, eat more healthily, cut down on things like butter, alcohol and cigarettes, we can add nearly 35 years to that figure But (4) factor is the development in medical science Nobody die from old age, but just from diseases that affect people when they get older Nowadays, about 50% of cancers are curable, and within 30 years this will increase to 80% And in ten years’ time, AIDS will also brought under control, too so far, eternal life is just science fiction, but with the advance (5) science, it’s not impossible A live B lived C have lived D will be living A confident B confidently C unconfident D confidence A centenarian B fiction C life expectancy D research A important B as important C more important D the most important A in B of C with D on - monitoring / assisting / conducting feedbacks V HOMEWORK: (3’) asking ss to : - the sentences in their notebooks Mistake Recognition 1.Now that I’ve become old, I can’t read as quick as I A B C used to D Despite he is old, he wants to travel around the A B C Dworld If she is ten years younger, she’d apply for that job A B C D Many people stopped to smoke cigarettes because A B smoking is harmful for their health C D Who will look at the cat when I am on business? A B C D - prepare Lesson Writing REMARKS: D A C D B - listening and taking notes into their notebooks (5)

Ngày đăng: 05/06/2021, 10:05

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