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By the end of this lesson, students can - know some natural wonders of the world - use lexical items to " things in natural".. - use fixed expressions for classroom situation * [r]


Date of preparing: Period: 31



- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson sts can revise vocab about appearance and personality

- have chance to look back what they 've learnt in the unit

- Practice doing some exercises to consolidate abd apply what they have learnt in Unit

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: Vocab about appearance and personality,some leisure activities - Grammar: Polite requests and suggestions, sound/b/, /p/

- Skill: Practice doing exercise

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson. B.TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook , teacher’s book , lesson plan ,pictures, CD record C METHODS: T- WC, group work, individual work

D CONTENTS: I Oganization(1'):

Class Date of teaching Absent ss

- Greeting

- Number of students

II/ Revision : (5’)Matching

- Ss look at the pictures and match each picture with it's correct words : ( Ex ) - T 's correction and answer key :

statue temple railway station memorial park cathedral III/ Newlesson :

Teacher's activities SS' activities

Language focus : (15’) */ Activity : Gap fill

- Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and complete them with the adjextives they've learnt in unit


Remind them that the words , phrases and sentences before and after the blanks will provide the context for them to choose the correct adjectives

- Ss work in pairs to the task -T 's correction and asnwer key :

noisy narrow historic

inconvenient cheaper / more expensive

*/ Activity : Palmanism Fast / faster

Hot / hotter Noisy / noisier

Exciting / more exciting Expensive / more expensive +Ex :

- Ss the exercise individually then they can check their answer with a partner

- T asks some Ss to write the answer on the board => Key :

noisier than more modern than

more convenient than more beautiful than more expensive than 2 Communication (11')

( Ex )

- Ss work in pairs to match the questions with the correct answers

- T 's correction and answer key : a-c d-e f-g h- b

- Ss role play the questions and answers

S1 : Excuse me ! Is there a post office near here ? S2 : Yes , there 's one at the corner of the street S1 : Is HaNoi more exciting than Vinh ?

S2 : Yes ,it is 3.Project : (10’)

- Ss work in groups of five to describe their ideal neighbourhood

- Each group imagine their ideal neighbourhood and describe it - hey can use these cues for help

+ where it is + what it has

+ how the people / the streets / the weather is /are

- Ss the exercise

individually then they can check their answer with a partner

work in pairs to match the questions with the correct answers


IV/ Summary :(1’)

- Nouns and adjectives about places - Comparative adj

- Describing a neighbouehood

V/ Homework : (2’) Write it up ( the project ) *EVALUATION:

……… ……… ………




By the end of this unit, Ss can:

- pronouce correctly the ending sounds / t /, / st / in isolation and in context - use the lexical items related to "things in natural" and "travel items"

- use fixed expressions for classroom situations

- use comparative and superlative adjectives to describe things in natural - use must and mustn't to give orders

- talk about and give travel advice

- listen and get information about travel plans - read a brochure for tourist information

- write a travel guide entry about an interseting place 2 Procedure.

lesson1 : Getting started Lesson 2: A closer look Lesson3 : Acloser look Lesson : Communication Lesson : Skill1

Lesson 6: Skill


Date of preparing: Period: 32 UNIT 5: NATURAL WONDERS OF THE WORLD


- Knowledge

By the end of this lesson, students can - know some natural wonders of the world - use lexical items to " things in natural"

- use fixed expressions for classroom situation * Language content:

- Vocabulary: Vocab about natural wonders of the world - Grammar: superlatives of short adjs

- Skill: Practice reading the dialogue

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson. B Teaching aids: English book, pictures

C Method of teaching; T –WC, groups, pairs, individual D Contents.

I : Organization.(1’ )

Class Date of teaching Absent ss

- Greeting

- Number students

Teacher's activities SS' activities

II warm up(5') : Back to board

- Divide ss into teams

- One st of each team goes to the board and back to board

- Show ss in team some pictures of natural

wonders on the board.( Halong bay, Sydney opera, Great wall of China )

- Ss in each team try to explain the name of each wonder

- the winner is the person who first says the name of wonder correctly

III New lesson. 1 Presentation(12') * Vocab

- Geography club (n): CLB địa lý - wrong ( a): sai , nhầm

- follow teacher' guides


- incredible (a): khó tin, lạ - high (a) cao

- change (v) : thay đổi - desert ( n): xa mạc - valley (n): thác nước - island(n) : đảo

- forest(n): rừng

* Check : What and where * Presentation dialogue:

- T sets the scene by showing the picture on p.48 then asks ss some questions

+ How many ss are there?

+ Are they talking about the pictures? + What can you see in the pictures? + Do you know these places?

- Tell the class Ss in the pictuer are Vy, Mai, Nick and Phuc.They are talking about some natural wonders of the world

* Pre questions:

- What places are they talking about?

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check their predictions

- Ask SS to Practice the conversation in group - Ask Ss to answer the questions in part a p49

- T elicit ss to give model sentences: Can you spell that, please?

Sure, it's U- L-U- R -U 2 Practice(17')

Pictures cues:

Show Ss 10 pictures in part page 49 Run through the pictures

- T model pix what is that ? it's a mountain

Can you spell that, please? Yes, M-O-U-N-T-A-I-N

SS look at the picture on p 48 and answer individually

- SS guess the answer - T give feedback

They are talking about some natural wonders of the world: Ayres Rock and HaLong Bay

- Ss work in pairs Vy is the leader of Geograhpy club

2 She went to the wrong room

3 Uluru Australia an Island


3 Further practice(7')

Show ss a picture of Halong and ask them to tell about Halong in groups of

Call one group to present in front of the class IV.Summary(1')

V Homework(2')

Do exercises B1,2,3 page 33,34 in work book

Group work

* Evaluation:


Date of preparing: Period: 33


A Objectives:

- Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students can - know some natural wonders of the world

- use lexical items to " traval items"

- ponounce correctly the sounds /t/, and / st/ * Language content:

- Vocabulary: plaster, scissors, painkiller, sleeping bags… - Grammar/ pronunciation: /t/, and / st/

- Skill: listening the sounds

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson. B Teaching aids: English book, pictures

C Method of teaching; T –WC, groups, pairs, individual D Contents.

I : Organization.(1’ )


- Greeting

- Number students

Teacher's activities Ss' activities

II warm up(5').

Brainstorming compass

tent T elicits ss to talk about travel items

- Ask them why they thought about these things - Are these things useful for a beach, desert or mountain?

III New lesson 1.Presentation(12') Vocabulary

- plaster(n): cao dán

- walking boots (n) ủng - painkillers(n): thuốc giảm đau - sleeping bag(n): túi ngủ

- compass(n): la bàn

- suncream(n): kem chống nắng - pack(v): đóng gói

- hurt(v): đau

* check : matching ( part p 50)

2 practice(16m') * part2 p 50

- Run through the sentences

- Make sure ss understand the meanings - Ask ss to complete sentences in pairs - Check : lucky numbers

Ss in groups

choral repetition individual repetition Copy down

1 painkiller scissors plaster sun cream sleeping bag walking boots backpack compass

Pairs work

SS play in teams compass

2 suncream painkillers backpack plaster travel items


* part3.p.50

- tell ss they are going on a beach holiday ask them to think about useful things for a beach by ordering the items from very useful to not very useful in part

- Ask ss to give reasons for thier choices 3 futher practice(8')

Pronunciation./t/and /st/ + part 4,5 :

- Let ss to practise sounding out the sounds /t/ /st/ together

- Emphasise that /s/ is a long sound, /st/ is a long sound with a stop

- play the record and ask ss to number the words in the order they hear them

- Allow ss to compare their answers - SS listen again and correct

- T play the record again pause after each word and ask ss to repeat

+ part

- play the recording of the sentences ask ss to listen carefully and raise their hands when they hear the /t/ or /st/ sound

- play the recording again pause after each sentence and ask ss to repeat

IV.Summary retell the aim V Homework

- practise sounding out the sounds/t/ and /st/ again - excercise A1,2 p 33 in workbook

- pair work

* Evaluation:


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 06:35

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