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+ Standard knowledge: What time does he/ do you get up?” The present simple: I leave the house./ She leaves the house.. + Advanced knowledge: Write about Ss.[r]


Date of preparing:

UNIT Period 43 Lesson 5: C4 I.Objectives

1 Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to read a text about Hoang’s daily

routine for further practice in simple present habitual actions *The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: What time does he/ you get up?” The present simple: I leave the house./ She leaves the house + Advanced knowledge: Write about Ss

*Basic language:

*Vocabulary: take a shower, leave the house, start, end, half past = thirty past; a quarter to/ past = fifteen to/ past, so, then

- “/ ai/ /i/’’ i the words : time, five, six clinic

* Language focus: What time does he/ you get up?”

The present simple: I leave the house./ She leaves the house Practice skill:

- Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill

3 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to read a text about Hoang’s daily routine for further practice in simple present habitual actions II.Teaching aids: Computer, projector, ipads

III.Method: PWP IV.Contents 1.Organization

Class 6A1, A2 Date of teaching 27/11 Absent 2.Warmer ( 5’ )

+Find someone who… -T elicit then write on bb - Elicit qts from ss

- Ss work in groups of to find someone who……

e.g: S1: Do you get up at 5.30? S2: Yes, I do/ No, I don’t S1: What’s your name? S2: My name’s …… - T go round to help & monitor

Find someone who… Name

……gets up at 5.30 ………gets up at ……….walks to school ……….goes to school by bus ……goes to school by bike


3.New lesson * Pre-reading ( 6’ ) +Open prediction

Hoang – a student

? Predict what time Hoang does the following things?

- T model, ss predict * While-reading ( 20’ ) +Correction

- Ss listen to the tape, read the text to check their prediction

- T get feedback from ss

- Ss listen & read again to get the right time then fill in the grid

+Comprehension Qs/ L.N - T run through the qts

- Ss read the text agan to answer the qts in pairs -> pairs compare

- T ask some pairs to present before class, others give feedback & correct * Post-reading ( 12’ )


- Ss work in groups of 3, ask & answer about their daily routine

- T go round to help & monitor

Activities What time? He gets up

He leaves the house

School starts School ends He has lunch

5.00 5.30

6.30 7.00 11.30 12.00

The text C4 P.80 a.He gets up at 5.30

b.He goes to school at 6.30 c No, he doesn’t He walk d.Yes, he does

e.Classes start at 7.00 f.They end at 11.30

What time Get up

Go to school Classes start

Classes end Go home Have lunch

4.Summary ( 1’ )

T summarise contents of the lesson 5.Homework ( 1’ )

- Prepare for revision Vocabulary, Language in use; ( G1: Unit 1; G2: Unit


Write about your daily routine

E.g: My name is… I’m a student I get up at………… *Evaluation

……… ……… UNIT 8:

Out and About


By the end of the unit ss will:

- Describe daily actions happening at present, ask & answer about them - Talk about the third person ( using present progressive tense ), ask &

answer about him/ her

- Use simple present to talk about traffic, road signs using must/ musn’t, can/ can’t for obligation/ prohibition

II.Teaching aids: Computer, projector, ipads III.Procedure

Period 44: U8L1: A1-3 Period 45: U8L2: A4, Period 50: U8L3: B1-

Period 51: U8L4: C1- Period 52: U8L5: C3-

Date of preparing:


Period 44 Lesson 1: A1- 3 I.Objectives

1 Aims: By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to Get present progressive positive statements, and Wh- qts with “I / she / he” to talk about actions happening now

*The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: I am playing …

She is riding…/We are traveling …/They are waiting …

- Hỏi đáp hoạt động xảy ra::What are you doing?/What is he doing? + Advanced knowledge:

* Basic language:

*Vocabulary: ride ( her bike) , drive( his) car, wait for a train Verb- ing : play - playing and ride, have, drive - riding, having , driving

* Language focus: I am playing …

She is riding…/We are traveling …/They are waiting … - Ask and answer about what is happening


* The present progressive in affirmative and interrogative statements“ what… doing ?

2 Practice skill: - Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to Get present

progressive positive statements, and Wh- qts with “I /she /he” to talk about actions happening now

II.Teaching aids: Computer, projector III.Method: PPP



Class 6A1, A2 Date of teaching 28/11 Absent ss Warmer*

3.New lesson

* Presentation ( 13’ ) +Pre-teach

Picture Picture Picture Picture

- T follow steps of teaching vocab +Rub out & remember

- T follow steps of ROR +Presentation texts/ Gap-fill

- T use pictures P.82 to set the scene then give some incompleted sentences -> run through & model

- Ask ss to close books, listen to the tape & repeat, get information then fill in the blanks individually -> compare with partners

- T get feedback from ss

+Presentation grammar/ Dialogue built Ba Lan

What doing? playing -What - - doing? - - riding - - What - - doing? - - walking - school


-(to)play video games: chơi trò chơi điện tử

-(to) ride a bike: xe đạp -(to) drive a car: lái xe ô tô -(to) wait for: chờ, đợi

II.The texts

Exer 1: Listen to get information then fill in the blanks

1 I am playing video games He is playing video games I am riding my bike

4 She is riding her bike We are walking to school They are walking to school III.Grammar

Ba: What are you doing? Lan: I’m playing video games Ba: What is she doing?


- T follow steps of Dial Built

? Read again? What is it in Vnese? What is at the beginning/ next… of the qts/ answer?

?Where’s the sentence stress? Is it raising or falling? Did these people the actions in the past? Do they in the future or at present? Are these actions happening?

* Practice ( 20’ )

+Word/ Picture cue drill - T follow steps of the drill you/ go by bus

2 Lan/ walk to school Minh/ play soccer

4 Mai and Linh/ play badminton your mother/ the housework You/ ride a bike

+Find someone who…

- T elicit from ss then write on bb - Model with ss -> ask ss to work in groups of tables to ask & answer who is doing smt

- T go round to help & monitor

*Production ( 10’ ) +Recalling

- Ss recall what they’ve done +Write it up

- Ss write sentences about what their friends are doing using “Find someone who…”

- T go round to help & monitor

Ba: What are they doing?

Lan: They are walking to school S1: What is she/ he doing? are you/ they

S2: She/ He is V-ing I am/ They ( We ) are *Present progressive: express actions happening actions at present ( now, )


Example exchange: As grammar above

Actions Name

…play video games ….walk to school ….traveling by bus ….wait for a train … ride a bike … drive a car ……do other things

Nam, Ha Linh ……

E.g: S1: What are you doing? S2: I’m ……… S1: What’s your name? S2: My name’s ……

E.g: Nam and Ha are playing video games Linh is …


? What we use present continuous for? How does it form? 5.Homework ( 1’ )

Complete the writing, learn new words, prepare A4,6 *Evaluation

……… ………

Date of preparing:


Period 45 Lesson 2: A4, 6 I.Objectives

1 Aims: By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to Further practice in present progressive positive statements with “ I / you / she / he / we / they” to talk

about actions happening now

*The knowledge needs to get: present progressive positive statements with “ I / you / she / he / we / they” to talk about actions happening now

+ Standard knowledge: + Advanced knowledge: * Basic language:

-Vocabulary: by car, train, motorbike, … New: a businessman, by plane

* Language focus: who, where, how Who is traveling to Hanoi?

Where is he going? How is she traveling?

* The present simple in “Who…doing? , Where going? How… traveling? Practice skill: - Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to use “ I / you / she / he / we / they” to talk about actions happening now

II.Teaching aids: Computer, projector III.Method

PWP ( Mix ) IV.Contents


Class 6A1 Date of teaching 29/11 Absent ss 6A2 30/11


- T run through exer A4 P.84 - Ss listen to the tape & match the numbers they hear with the pictures in the books individually -> compare with partners

- T get feedback from ss

Numbers Pictures


b f d a c e

3.New lesson

* Pre-reading ( 5’ ) +Pre-teach

Translation +Pre-questions

- T use pictures P.85 to set the scene then give qts, ask ss to predict the answers

* While-reading ( 20’ ) +Comprehension Questions

- Ss read the text to answer the qts in pairs -> pairs compare

- T ask some pairs to ask & answer, others give feedback & correct if it’s necessary

- Ask ss to read the text a, again to answer qts3 & T get feedback from ss

+Grid or form

- T elicit from ss, ask ss to read the texts left to fill in the grid individually -> compare with partners

- T get feedback from ss

+Wordcue drill

- T use the grid as the cues & follow

I Vocabulary

- a businessman: thương gia, nhà d nghiệp

II.The text

1.Who is traveling to Hanoi? - Mr Ha is traveling to Hanoi 2.What does he do?

- He is a businessman

3.Where is he going? - He is going to Hanoi 4.How is he traveling? - He is traveling by plane

Name Job Where How

1.Miss Hoa

teacher school walk

2.Mr Tuan & Mrs Vui

doctors hospital by car

Example exchange S1: Who is that? S2: That is ……


steps of the drill

* Post- reading ( 13’ ) +Transformation writing

- T model, ask ss to replace the

information & write about themselves & the members in their families

- T go round to help & monitor - Ss swap their writings to correct mistakes

- Ask some ss to read aloud their writings Ask others to give feedback & correct if it’s necessary

S2: He/ She is ………… S1: Where is he/ she going? S2: He/ She is going to……… S1: How is he/ she traveling? S2: He/ She is traveling by …… E.g:

My name is … I am a student I’m going to school by bike My mother is a……

4.Summary ( 1’ )

? What we use present continuos for? How does it form? 5.Homework ( 1’ )

Complete the writing *Evaluation

……… ……… TCM duyệt ngày / / 2019

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 08:55


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