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TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: 8’ Matching - Instruct student play “Matching” Watch homework Play games Get up Do television Listen breakfast Have to music - Lead to the lesson... STUD[r]

(1)Week : 10 Period: 28 Date of preparation: 21/10/2016 Date of teaching: 24/10/2016 UNIT : THINGS I DO SECTION A: MY DAY LESSON 3: A5, I OBJECTIVES: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about the activities after school of Lan’s, Thu’s and themself II PREPARATIONS: Textbook, cassette player, tape, pictures III PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (8’) Matching - Instruct student play “Matching” Watch homework Play games Get up Do television Listen breakfast Have to music - Lead to the lesson STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Play follow T’s instruction Watch homework Play games Get up Do television Listen breakfast Have to music - Pay attention 2/ Presentation:  Activity 1: (10’) - Ask Ss: What you after school? - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and ask: What two girls do? - Introduce new words I New words: play volleyball (v) play soccer (v) Girl (n) - Check vocabulary: Slap the board - Have Ss listen the dialogue twice and ask them talk about the activities after school - Answer - Look at the picture and answer They play volleyball They play soccer - Listen and copy down - Do as directed - Listen and work in pair  Activity 2: (10’) - Asks Ss to make the questions and the short answer for the following sentences They play volleyball - Make sentences Do they play volleyball? (2) Girls play soccer Thu and Vui play soccer Nga plays soccer Ba watches television - Present Yes/ No question in present simple tense II Yes/ No question: Yes, they Do girls play soccer? Yes, they Do Thu and Vui play soccer? Yes, they Does Nga play soccer? No, she doesn’t Does Ba watch television? No, he doesn’t - Take note Do + S (plural) + V (bare-inf)? Yes, S + / No, S + don’t Does + S (singular) + V (bare-inf)? Yes, S + does / No, S + doesn’t 3/ Practice: (10’) - Ask Ss to work in pair to ask and answer about their activities Do you play sports? Do you watch television? Do you the housework? Do you play volleyball? Do you listen to music? Do you read? Do you your homework? - Call some pairs to present - Practice in pair - Ask and answer 4/ Production: (5’) - Have Ss tell the form of Yes/ No question - Remind and remember Do you listen to music? (bad Ss) Yes, I / No, I don’t 5/ Homework: (2’) - Have Ss: + Learn by heart new words, and structure - Write assignments IV.COMMENT: (3) Week : 10 Period: 29 Date of preparation: 23/10/2016 Date of teaching: 28/10/2016 UNIT : THINGS I DO SECTION B: MY ROUTINE LESSON 4: B1, 2, I OBJECTIVES: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Read and understand about Ba’s routines + Write about Ba’s routines and themseft II PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures III PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (7’) Pelmanism - Have the Ss play a game watch school play television go to breakfast have volleyball STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Play game - Pay attention - Lead to the lesson 2/ Pre-reading: (13’)  Activity 1: - Give the pictures and introduce new words (to) eat breakfast (to) have lunch - Take note I Vocabulary:  (to) eat a big beakfast  (to) have classes  (to) start  (to) finish  (to) take a shower  (to) go to bed  From … to  A quarter to/ past/ half - Do as directed - Fill the time ACTION TIME (4) (to) start  (to) finish (to) take a shower - Check vocabulary: using pictures  Activity 2: - Ask Ss to fill the time in the table for Ba without reading Get up Goto school Classes start Classes finish Ba 6.00 6.45 7.00 11.15 Me 3/ While-reading: (15’)  Activity 1: - Read aloud once - Ask Ss to read in whisper and then check their prediction - Have Ss answer the questions using above table + What time does Ba get up? + What time does Ba go to school?  Activity 2: - Tell the time II Structure: * Nói thời gian: at … from …to - Listen carefully - Check the prediction - Answer the questions He gets up at six He goes to school at 6.45 - Listen and write down 4/ Post-reading: (8’) - Practice with the partner - Ask Ss to practice with the partner + What time you get up / go to school / have classes / have lunch / go home / go to bed? - Call on some bad Ss to answer the questions - Answer the questions 5/ Homework: (2’) - Have Ss: + Learn new words and structure - Write assignments IV.COMMENT: (5) Week : 10 Period: 30 Date of preparation: 23/10/206 Date of teaching: 29/10/2016 UNIT : THINGS I DO SECTION C: CLASSES LESSON 5: C1 I OBJECTIVES: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Know some subjects in English + Ask and answer about some subjects on Monday + Write their timetable in English II PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures, cassetle III PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (7’) Noughts and crosses - Have Ss play game 7.00 10.30 6.00 8.20 11.45 11.30 STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Play game 9.15 5.30 12.10 2/ Presentation: (15’)  Activity 1: - Give new words I New words: History(n) English(n) Math(n) Geography(n) Literature(n) - Check vocabulary: “Slap the board”  Activity 2: - Give model sentences II Structure: What you have today? (?) We have English (+) I don’t have my timetable (-) - Ask Ss to listen to the tape - Call some pairs to read aloud 3/ Practice: (13’) - Ask Ss to work in pair to practice * Ex: S1: What we have today? - Listen and copy down - Do as directed - Listen and take note - Listen and repeat - Read aloud - Practice in pair (6) S2: We have English from eight o’clock to a quarter to nine - Call some pairs to present 4/ Production: (8’) - Review present simple tense * Remember: + Wh-question + does + S(he, she, it) + V? S + V(s/es) + O S + does not + V (bare-inf) + O + Wh-question + + S(you, they, we)+V? S + V + O S + not + V (bare-inf) + O - Ask Ss to choose the correct option (bad Ss) 1.Ba goes at eleven o’clock A to bed B to a bed C to the bed We have literature 8.40 9.25 A from .to B at .to C at .and at We have geography at A nine forty-five B nine and forty- five C nine forty five o’clock She has break fast home A at B on C in She goes to school at A a quarter to seven B the quater to seven C seven to quarter 5/ Homework: (2’) - Have Ss: + Learn new words and structure + Answer the question: What you have on Monday? - Ask and answer - Remind - Choose the correct option - Write assignments IV.COMMENT: (7)

Ngày đăng: 10/10/2021, 20:07

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