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Nội dung

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read two passages about the two famous festivals in Viet Nam- Hung King temple festival and Huong pagoda festival to get more det[r]


Date of preparing: Period: 37 UNIT 5: FESTIVALS IN VIETNAM


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read two passages about the two famous festivals in Viet Nam- Hung King temple festival and Huong pagoda festival to get more details and then pratise talking about these festivals

+ Vocabulary: + Grammar:

- Skills: develop and practice reading and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: help Ss explore and understand more about famous festivals in Viet Nam


- Textbook , teacher’s book , lesson plan , board , chalks, posters, computer and projector

C METHODS: open – prediction questions; answer the questions, discussion. D CONTENTS:


Oganization: - Greeting

- Number of students

II Revision / Warmer: (5’) Chatting:

- T shows Ss the pictures on p.54- Ss’ books + Which festival is it?

+ Where and when is it held?

+ Have you ever taken part in this festival? + How you think about it?

III New lesson: 1- Reading(20’)

*Activity 1: Pre questions:( use projector)


- Have Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions, but don’t check the answers with the class

* Activity 2: Read the passage and check your answer ( part 2- p.54)

- T gives SS minutes to skim the passages and check their answers in part 1.( T explains to SS that to skim, they must move their eyes very quickly over the text to get a general idea of the subject

- T collects the answers from students

* Activity 3: Find the words in the passage that have similar meaning to the givan words or phrases. (part 3-p.54)

- T runs through the words

- Let Ss read the passage again and and the task T gives one minute to scan the passages to find the words- T explains to Ss that they must move their eyes very quickly over the text to look for specific information, rather than reading every word

- T asks Ss to underline or circle the words they find with a pencil - T can help Ss work out the meanings of these words from the context - T checks with the whole class

+ Key: 1emperors 2.features 3.joyful 4.from overseas 5.hiking scenery

* Activity 4: Answer the questions.( part 4- p 54)(use projector)

- T runs through the questions, then asks Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions

- T sets a longer time limit for Ss to read the text again and answer the questions - T asks SS to note down where they found the information that helped them to answer the questions

- Ss compare the answers in pairs


+ Key:

1- The Hung King temple festival takes place from the 8th to 11th day of the

third lunar month.

2- Incense, specialities such as chung cakes, day cakes and five-fruit traya. 3- Because there are many joyful activities including bamboo swings, loin

dances, wrestling and xoan singing performances

4- People join a procession and make offerings of incense, flowers, fruit and candles

5- SS’ answers 2- Speaking(15’)

* Activity Discussion ( part 5a- p,54) - T asks Ss to work in pairs

- T sets the sences: Your teacher is organising a trip You have two options: Going to Huong pagoda or going to Hung King temple You have to decide the


- Let Ss read the questions and the examples

- Let Ss choose one of the two places to go to, then discuss in pairs

- T asks Ss to think about what to take with them- asks them to use the suggestions in the pictures, take notes

- T can also encourage Ss to talk give the reasons for their choice and add any other iterms they think necessary

- T goes round to help …

* Activity 2.Report the decisions ( part 5b- p.54)

- T asks Ss to report their decisions to the class and decide which location is more popoular- T can ask Ss to say why the chosen location is more popular


- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (3’)

- Read again the passages, answer the questions - Rewrite about your choice in part 5b

- Do the exercises: 1, 2, in part D- Unit 5- W.B - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 3: Lesson 6: Skills E EVALUATION:

-Date of preparing: Period: 38 UNIT 5: FESTIVALS IN VIETNAM


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen for specific information about THE Saint Giong ang the Giong festival and write an article about a festival in Viet Nam that they like best

+ Vocabulary:

+ Grammar: present simple, compound and complex sentences, connectors - Skills: develop and practice listening and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: help Ss understand more about the historical heroes of our country and traditional festivals in Viet Nam


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, posters and pictures, cassette and the CD record

C.METHODS :- Chatting, open - predictions, listen and choose the best answer, questions and answers, writing


I Organization: - Greeting

- Number of students

II Revision / Warmmer: (5’) : Chatting

- T shows Ss the pictures on p.55- Ss’ books and asks: 1 Do you like know who he is?

2 What didi he for our country? - Ss discuss the two questions in pairs

- T tells Ss to look at the picture and say what they know about Saint Giong III New lesson :

A Listening( 15’)

* Activity 1: Listen and circle the correct answer ( part – p.55) + Prediction:

- T sets the sences, then T and WC runs through the statements and the answers - T checks if Ss know the word “defeat”

- Let SS read the statements carefully, then try to predict the answer based on what they know

- Let Ss listen to the tape then circle the right answers.( twice) - Ss listen individually then compare with their partners

- T gets Ss’ answers then corrects + Key: 1- B ; 2- A ; 3- C

* Activity 2: Listen and answer the questions( part 3- p.55):

- T runs through the questions, by having them underline the key words in the questions

- T plays the recording - let Ss write the answers into the notebooks - Let Ss compare their As with a partner

- T asks SS to read out the answers

- T listens and writes the answers on the board, elecits any corrections from the class



1.He is a mythical hero, who grew from a three – year- old child into a giant overnight.

2 The preparations begin one month before the festival. 3 A religious ceremony.

4 There is a cheo performance.

5 This festival shows the love for our motherland and the preservation of our cultural heritage.

B Writing( 20’)

*Activity 1: Discussion: ( part 4- p.55) - T tells Ss to study the web

- T sets a time limit for Ss to brainstorm ideas , then asks SS to work in pairs and write their notes- T moves around, helping Ss with ideas where necessary

- T collects Ss’ ideas + Example:

I like the Tet festival

It’s held in February (or the first lunar month)

In this festival, Vietnamese people worships their ancestors The main activities are farewell ceremony for the Kitchen Gods (Ong Tao), New Year's Eve, the aura of the earth, giving away red envelopes (filled with lucky money) and making offers for the ancestors I like it because it’s valuable time for every family to gather and enjoy a happy festival

*Activity 2: Writing:( part 5- p.55) :Writing an article about the festival above for the school website.

- T asks Ss to refer back to the reading passages in Skills for useful language and ideas, and note some necessary expressions and language as well as connectors they may need on the board


- After that, T asks Ss to display some of the articles on the wall- T asks others students and T give comments

- Let Ss edit and revise the articles as homework + Sample writing:

The festival which best epitomizes Vietnam's cultural identity is Vietnamese New Year or Tet It occurs somewhere in the last ten days of January or the first twenty days of February (or the first lunar month of a year)

Before for the festival, Vietnamese people always get their home cleaned with the belief of getting rid of the bad fortunes associated with the old year They also decorate their house with traditional festive items such as apricot flowers, peach flowers, kumquat trees, parallel sentences, etc In addition, seven days (the 23rd night of the last lunar month) prior to Tet, each Vietnamese family offers a farewell ceremony for Ong Tao to go up to Heaven Palace His task is to make an annual report to the Jade Emperor of the family's affairs throughout the year On New Year’s Eve (the last day of the twelfth lunar month), every single family should offer an open-air ceremony to worship the earth and an indoor ceremony to commemorate their ancestors After that, people spend the first three days of the new year visiting their relatives and friends’ houses and exchanging best new year wishes

Lunar New Year is the most important celebration of Vietnamese culture This holiday is the gathering time for all members of a family, who have to stay away from home to work or study People hope that, all the lucky things at the beginning of the New Year will be last to the end; therefore, their own family is able to have a better life, which is happier and more successful

IV Summary (2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (3' )

- Finish your writing

- Do the exercises: 1, in part E – Unit 5- W.B




Date of preparing: Period: 39 UNIT 5: FESTIVALS IN VIETNAM


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review some vocabulary , complex and compound sentences and the use of connectors and subordinators, then practice speaking more in “Communication”

+ Vocabulary:

+ Grammar: complex and compound sentences and the use of connectors and subordinators

- Skills: develop and practice speaking and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: helps Ss to know more about festivals in Viet Nam


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, posters and pictures and the projector

C METHODS: - reaarange the letter, gap –fill, choose the best answer, complete the sentences, ranking the words, role-play, discussion

D CONTENTS: I Organization: - Greeting


A Vocabulary: ( 7’)

*Activity 1:Reaarange the letters to label the pictures ( part 1- p.56) - Let SS work individually, then compare with the partner

- Let some Ss go to the board and write the answers ( one student write only one word.)

- T corrects mistakes + Key:

1 incense; 2- offerings; 3- pray; 4- lantern; 5- crowds; 6- cheering *Activity 2: Complete the text( part 2- p.56)

- T runs through the text and the given words

- T asks Ss to the Ex individually, then check the answer with a partner

- T gives a time limit, then asks Ss to work in groups, go to the board and write the answers

- T corrects, marks , praises the winners - T asks a student to read again the text

+ Keys:1- ethnic; 2- commemorates; 3- respect; 4- ritual; 5- ancient; 6- procession; 7- perform; 8- performances

B Grammar: ( 15’)

* Activity 1: ( part 3- p 56 )

- T and WC run through the sentences

- T asks Ss to the Ex individually, then compare the answers with a partner - T calls some Ss to read out their answers- T corrects mistakes

+ Key:

1- If; 2- Even though; 3- Because; 4- While; 5- When * Activity 2: ( part 4- p 56 )

- T asks Ss to read the sentences carefully and try to complete them with different answers

- T asks Ss to work in pairs


1- ……people come to se the quan ho singing performances. 2- ……, we call it the month of fun and joy.

3- ……, you can enjoy an ao dai fashion show. 4- …… , it’s hard to eat it everyday.

5- ……., we often listen to our grandparents’ stories. C Communication (10’): (part - p.56)

- T sets the sence, then runs through the words in the box

- Let SS work individually to sort the wordsand phrases for the two festivals - T checks their answers as a class


New Year festival Mid-Autumn festival

Family reunion Visiting relatives Fireworks displays Kumquat

The first - footer

Moon cakes Lion dance Floating lanterns

Welcome – the- moon party Hang Nga and Cuoi stories

- T then asks SS to interview each other about the activities that they like best and give the reasons- T encourages Ss to give as many reasons as possible D Project (5’)

* Activity 1: ( part 1- p 57 )

- T runs through the pictures, then divides the class into groups of or 5- ask and answer the questions

+ Suggested answers:

1.Chau Van singing, xoan singing , quan ho singing and don ca tai tu singing 2.Chau Van is often performed in competitions or religious ceremonies in the north of Viet Nam

- Xoan is often performed in the Hung King Temple festival or in other local festivals in Phu Tho Province

- Quan ho is often performed in the Lim festival , Bac Ninh Province and local festivals

- Don ca tai tu is often performed in the south of Viet Nam , normally in weddings, birthday anniversaries and local festivals…

* Activity 2: ( part 2- p 57 )


- Let SS read the instructions in the book- T runs through to helpSs answer the questions

- T asks Ss to some research outside of class ( at home) before making preparations and performances

- Tells Ss that they will start the next lesson with the talent show- T will have Ss perform, then asks the whole class to vote for the best performance

- T encourages Ss to sing different song in each group IV Summary.(2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson IV Homework: (3’)

- Learn by heart all the vocabulary and grammar - Finish the project (p 57) at home

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:34

