Báo cáo thực tập bằng Tiếng Anh tại Eurowindow CompanyBáo cáo thực tập bằng Tiếng Anh tại Eurowindow CompanyBáo cáo thực tập bằng Tiếng Anh tại Eurowindow CompanyBáo cáo thực tập bằng Tiếng Anh tại Eurowindow CompanyBáo cáo thực tập bằng Tiếng Anh tại Eurowindow CompanyBáo cáo thực tập bằng Tiếng Anh tại Eurowindow CompanyBáo cáo thực tập bằng Tiếng Anh tại Eurowindow CompanyBáo cáo thực tập bằng Tiếng Anh tại Eurowindow CompanyBáo cáo thực tập bằng Tiếng Anh tại Eurowindow CompanyBáo cáo thực tập bằng Tiếng Anh tại Eurowindow CompanyBáo cáo thực tập bằng Tiếng Anh tại Eurowindow CompanyBáo cáo thực tập bằng Tiếng Anh tại Eurowindow CompanyBáo cáo thực tập bằng Tiếng Anh tại Eurowindow Company
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OF EUROWINDOW COMPANY 1.1 Foundation and development……….5
1.2 Fields of business activities……… 5
1.3 Company’s organizational structure……… 7
CHAPTER 2: BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OF EUROWINDOW COMPANY 2.1 Company’s markets and main products 2.1.1 Company’s markets………11
2.1.2 Company’s main products……… 11
2.2 Business activities of the Company 2.2.1 Assets and Equity structure………14
2.2.2 The result of business activities……….16
2.3 Comments on the strong points and weak points of company’s business activities 2.3.1 Strong points……… 17
2.3.2 Weak points………18
2.4 Comments on the use of English in the company………19
CHAPTER 3: SOME PROBLEMS IN COMPANY’S BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 3.1 Opportunities and challenges of the company 3.1.1 Opportunities……… 20
3.1.2 Challenges……… 21
3.2 Some problems in the use of English in Eurowindow Company………21
3.3 Recommendations for solutions……… 22
3.3.1 Solutions to finance 3.3.2 Solutions to human resources 3.3.3 Solutions to the use of English in the company CONCLUSION……… 24
Trang 2After many years of penetrating into Vietnam market, windows, doors, partitions
of preminum uPVC materials have initially created a new trend of consumption fordomestic consumers Among the manufacturers of this type of door, Eurowindowemerged as a leading brand, both in terms of screen time, the quality and the market share
of the product
Through product’s research and practical installation, with many different kinds ofdoor, Eurowindow always advise customers how to choose the most economical doorwhich help to ensure functional requirements as well as highlight the luxury and moderncharacteristic of the construction Perhaps, in addition to the quality and reputation of theproducts, the professional and enthusiastic attitude toward customers is the reason tomake customers believe in using Eurowindow’s products throughout time So far, therehave been more than 4,000 construction works using Eurowindow’s products in Vietnamincluding office buildings, hotels, apartments, villas, etc Along the results which havebeen achieved, Eurowindow still strive to contribute to the beauty of construction worksacross the country
During my internship in Eurowindow Joint Stock Company, with the help of theBoard and the employees in the company, especially in Sales Department as well as thehelpful instructions from my supervisor Mrs Vu Thi Thu Trang, I had general knowledgeabout the company’s business activities and completed my internship report However,due to the first time exposing to the actual work as well as the limited time andknowledge, my report cannot avoid some mistakes in the content and layout I expect toreceive the teachers’ reviews to make my report perfect
Thank you for your help!
Chart 1.1 Eurowindow Company’s organizational structure
Table 2.1 Eurowindow Company’s assets and equity structure (2012-2013-2014) Table 2.2.Eurowindow Company’s result of business activities (2012-2013-2014)
Trang 4Eurowindow JSC Eurowindow Joint Stock Company
1.1 Formation and Development
- Nam of company: The European plastic window joint stock company
- Abbreviation name: Eurowindow
- Headquarter: Lot 15, Quang Minh Industrial Zone, Me Linh, Vinh Phuc
- Business office: T & M Building, 30 BCD Ly Nam De Street, Hoan Kiem District,Hanoi
- Business registration number: 1903000269 granted by Vinh Phuc Department ofPlanning and Investment on March 16th, 2007
The European plastic window joint stock company was established in 2002 with100% foreign investing capital, working under T&M Group On August 29th of 2002,Eurowindow Company was granted investment registration No 25 / GP-VP by VinhPhuc People Committee and amended on March 15th of 2006, with a total investment of
12 million USD
In May 2007, Eurowindow officially converted to the formation of a joint stockcompany under Decree No 38/2003 / ND-CP Company operations are organized underthe Enterprise Law No 60/2005 / QH11
European Window Company was established to mobilize and effectively usecapital in reproduction, business on many fields which were registered with the goal ofmaximizing profit, creating jobs stability, ensuring the justifiable interests of employees,increasing shareholders’ income, contributing to the State budget and strongerdevelopment
1.2 Fields of business activities
Eurowindow Joint Stock Company primarily serves the domestic market.According to certificate of business registration No 1903000269 granted by Vinh Phuc
Trang 6Department of Planning and Investment on March 16th, 2007, Eurowindow Joint StockCompany has permission to do business fields as follow:
- Manufacturing windows, doors, partitions of premium materials such as uPVC orpremium composites, aluminum, steel or other materials
- Manufacturing and trading of aluminum doors, rolling doors, automatic doors andall kinds of wooden doors, doors, partitions of other materials following to marketdemands
- Manufacturing laminate glass, construction glass for the construction and industry
- Installing equipment systems in the construction sector and civil construction, such
as the automatic doors
- Installing door systems including doors, windows, the same types of door whichare made of aluminum, wood or other materials
- Installing products in buildings or other construction such as installing mirrors,glass walls
- Designing aluminum glass wall products, glass roof systems, glass stairs, shutterssystem and kinds of doors, aluminum windows of high buildings and otherconstructions
Trang 71.3 Company’s organizational structure
Chart 1.1 Eurowindow Company’s organizational structure
(Source: Administrative and personnel department)
Annual Meeting of Shareholders: The highest authority to decide all matters of
the company, including: considering and approving reports from the Board of Directors
about business activities; deciding plans of manufacturing business, investment and
strategy to the development of company; amending and supplementing Charters; electing
the Board of Directors and deciding the organizational structure of the company, deciding
to increase / decrease the charter capital, deciding the quantity of each type of shares to be
offered The main shareholders of Eurowindow Company include: Eurowindow Holding
Joint Stock Company, BankInvest Group, K/S BI Private Equity New Markets Company,
Ms Nguyen Thi Quynh Chi, etc
Financial and accouting department
Importing and exporting material department
Sales department
Advertising and analyzing department
Customer service departmnet
Trang 8Board of Management: Company’s managing authority, who has the right to
decide all matters relating to the objectives and benefits of company Board of Directorshas the right and duty to decide the development strategies of the company; decide to sellshares and bonds of the company; make decisions on investment plans and tender;appoint, dismiss, demote general director and chief accountant of the company, set thesalary and other benefits for those managers; propose the annual financial report to theGeneral Meeting of Shareholders; define organizational structure and rules of internalmanagement of the company Eurowindow’s Board of Management includes: Mr.Nguyen Canh Son (President), Mr Nguyen Canh Hong (Vice president) and othermembers
Board of Directors: The legal head representatives of the company, who have
executive and management function to implement all manufacturing business activitiesand other activities of the company as well as directly operating activities of alldepartments in the company This is the Company’s representative signing documents andcontracts as well as giving foreign policies, orientations, development strategies andtaking legal responsibility for the entire manufacturing business activities of theCompany Mr Nguyen Canh Hong is Eurowindow’s General Director
Administrative and Personnel Department: Implement recruitment of quality
assurance requirements as well as the company's strategy Organize and coordinate withother departments to manage human resources, training and re-training Developcompensation regulations, measures to encourage employees to work; implementing theregime for employees Executing and implementing policies and regulations of the Board
of Directors Researching, drafting and submitting the rules to apply in the company,building the organizational structure of the company Assisting the administrative workfor the Board of Directors in directing - operating activities in the company Supportingother departments in managing human resources and playing as a link between the Board
of Directors and employees of the company
Trang 9Manufacturing factory: There are many small parts working directly under the
factory to make the good productivity, reduce to the maximum cost of production, andcomplete the progress to match the sale department’s requirement, simultaneously thefactory will corporate materials to catch up with the input materials using progress, andprovide adequate supplies when necessary for producing
Financial and Accounting Department: Helping director ensure the
manufacturing process to continue Urging payment to recover capital and accountingentire production and business operations of the Company Subscribing to the necessarydocuments and vouchers required for all financial operations of the company Having anobligation to make financial repost for the authorities of the State Taking responsibilityfor the financial figures provided
Importing and Exporting Material Department: Taking responsibility for
purchasing goods for the company; finding and evaluating the suppliers of goods andservices; getting and handling quotes
Sales Department: Divided into several parts: direct sales, showroom sales,
indirect sales, agent sales, project sales Sales department is always supported by otherdepartments in order to achieve the sales objectives of the company All orders ofbusiness staffs must be designed and set out the price to be sold before moving on factory
to be produced according to production proposal Thus, the company can ensure the workquality, respect the views of customers, while they can advise customers of the type, thekind of company products, ensure the accurate production according to size of production
Advertising and Analyzing Department: Implementing sales promotion
programs and promotions, seminars, fairs for company’s brand development
Customer Service Department: Managing all output and input information of
customers, understanding the production progress of every projects, receiving information
of the customer guarantee, controlling warranty issues arise during using process
With the principle of voluntary activity, democracy, equality, publicity and unity inaccordance with current regulations, Eurowindow Joint Stock Company has established
Trang 10an effective management model suitable for the actual model and condition of thecompany.
The organizational system of the company is unified from top to bottom, everyactivity was issued from the Board of Directors to the Directors to the operatingdepartments with many teams and the factory The entire operation of the system is placedunder the direction of the Board of Directors and the Directors
2.1 Company’s market and main products
2.1.1 Company’s market
Eurowindow Company primarily serves the domestic market, with the goal ofbecoming the biggest supplier of Doors – Windows – Curtain Walls in Vietnam Thecompany has 5 factories based in Hanoi, Da Nang and Binh Duong Province Besides, thecompany also has a wide-spreading distribution network all over the nation with 3branches, 40 showrooms and a hundred of local dealers and distributors
Eurowindow Company’s factories are equipped with complete advanced production linesproduced by European leading branch such as: URBAN, FRIZ (Germany), MARVAL,MACOTEC and PERTICI (Italy)
2.1.2 Company’s main products
o Toughened glass: Toughened glass is a type of safety glass processed bycontrolled thermal treatments (up to roughly 700°C) and then cooldowned byair to create surface’s tension, increase its ability against strength, arbitrationand breakage which is created by temperature’s pressure
o Heat strengthened glass: Heat-strengthened glass is processed by the same way
as toughened glass but heated and cooldowned by another way
o Decorative glass: Decorative glass is fabricated under advanced equipment andmachines imported from Italy which are fully automatic programmed toengrave variety of shapes and designs upon glass surface
o Laminated glass: Laminated glass has a special structure consisting of one pane
of glass with one or more panes of glass Each glass pane is rinsed off byionized water before being applied to each other with PVB (Polyvinyl Butyral)interlayer which then being autoclaved at 130°C to create the requiredtransparency
Trang 12 uPVC Windows and Doors: uPVC Windows and Doors are reinforced by uPVCprofile with steel tube to intensify the frame’s rigidity; multi - point locking systemprovides solid security; 3D hinge allows the multi - opening directions; dual seals andgas filled glazing help to prevent the infiltration of wind - driven moisture, noise andheat.
Curtain wall: Eurowindow’s curtain wall is made from high quality aluminum profile,integrated with thermobreak that enhances the thermoacoustic and weathertightperformance Aluminum curtain wall can meet unlimited demands from the customer
by offering numerous options such as: windows, door, curtain wall, skylight, etc
Timber door: Two wood factories have been built in Quang Minh Industrial Zone(Hanoi City) and Tan Uyen Industrial Zone (Binh Duong Province) with continuousproduction lines transferred by long standing experienced wood makers come fromItalia, Spain and Russia It not only remains the natural beauty of wood but also addsnumerous superior features like: solid stability, tightness, smooth operation, aesthetics,quick installation
Aluminum-clad wood system: Eurowindow’s aluminum-clad wood system combinesthe best characteristics of wood and aluminum – beauty and performance – without thecompromises The aluminum outer part plays as a weather shield sunlight, rain,corrosion and rusty whilist the wood inner part brings thermoacoustics, beauty andharmony of interior décor
Wood flooring: Eurowindow’s wood flooring are available in two types: solid andengineered wood flooring – which are made from Padauk (Pterocarpus pedatus), Cam
xe (Xylia xylocarpa) and Oak These wood floorings offer exceptional stability,distinguished aesthetic and friendliness