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i G Chuyên ngành: 60340102 - ii iii PH CH NG 1: C S LÝ LU N VÀ T NG QUAN CÁC NGHIÊN C U V DOANH NGHI P 11 12 13 13 13 14 iv 14 14 15 Edgar H Schein 15 16 16 16 19 - 21 Consistency) 21 Adaptability) 22 22 23 23 CH N 25 25 25 2.1.2 C 27 2013 30 31 -2012 32 33 2.2.1 Ph 33 33 Ph 34 34 Các ph V 34 36 v 36 37 38 38 Logo 38 39 40 40 41 V 42 44 V V 45 45 CH 50 50 50 3.3 52 3.3.1 52 3.3.2 55 3.3.3 59 vi khác 65 68 vii : : GTTB : TMCP : viii 2012 30 -2012 33 42 43 45 48 47 ix S 20 S 23 S 24 S 28 S 48 M doanh Tuy nh 108 ANOVA Sum of Squares Between Groups df Mean Square ,071 Within Groups 73,253 315 73,394 317 ,862 ,431 Within Groups 69,578 315 ,221 Total 70,440 317 1,008 ,504 Within Groups 102,051 315 ,324 Total 103,059 317 Between Groups Muc tieu Between Groups Tam nhin Sig ,233 Total Chien luoc_dinh huong ,142 F ,305 ,738 1,951 ,144 1,555 ,213 -Way ANOVA Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig Chien luoc_dinh huong 1,761 314 ,155 Muc tieu 1,919 314 ,126 Tam nhin ,184 314 ,907 ANOVA Sum of Squares Between Groups df Mean Square ,879 Within Groups 70,757 314 73,394 317 1,252 ,417 Within Groups 69,188 314 ,220 Total 70,440 317 1,726 ,575 Within Groups 101,333 314 ,323 Total 103,059 317 Between Groups Muc tieu Between Groups Tam nhin Sig ,225 Total Chien luoc_dinh huong 2,638 F 3,902 ,009 1,894 ,131 1,783 ,150 109 Multiple Comparisons 90% Confidence Interval Mean Difference Chien luoc_dinh Bonferroni tu 25 25 tuoi huong Duoi Std (I-J) Dependent Variable Error Sig Lower Upper Bound Bound ,04475 ,08549 1,000 -,1610 ,2505 ,24834* ,09025 ,038 ,0311 ,4656 -,01365 ,11887 1,000 -,2998 ,2725 -,04475 ,08549 1,000 -,2505 ,1610 ,20358* ,06095 ,006 ,0569 ,3503 -,05840 ,09849 1,000 -,2955 ,1787 -,24834* ,09025 ,038 -,4656 -,0311 -,20358* ,06095 ,006 -,3503 -,0569 -,26198* ,10265 ,067 -,5090 -,0149 ,01365 ,11887 1,000 -,2725 ,2998 ,05840 ,09849 1,000 -,1787 ,2955 ,26198* ,10265 ,067 ,0149 ,5090 -,01365 ,11887 ,998 -,2501 ,2228 -,05840 ,09849 ,829 -,2543 ,1375 den 35 tuoi 36 den 50 tuoi tren 50 tuoi tu 25 Duoi den 35 25 tuoi tuoi 36 den 50 tuoi tren 50 tuoi 36 den Duoi 50 tuoi 25 tuoi tu 25 den 35 tuoi tren 50 tuoi tren 50 Duoi tuoi 25 tuoi tu 25 den 35 tuoi 36 den 50 tuoi Dunnett t Duoi tren 50 (2-sided)b 25 tuoi tuoi tu 25 tren 50 den 35 tuoi tuoi 110 36 den 50 tuoi Bonferroni Duoi tu 25 -,26198* ,10265 ,026 -,4662 -,0578 -,20581* ,08446 ,092 -,4091 -,0025 -,12857 ,08916 ,902 -,3432 ,0860 -,32222* ,11743 ,039 -,6049 -,0396 ,20581* ,08446 ,092 ,0025 ,4091 ,07724 ,06021 1,000 -,0677 ,2222 -,11642 ,09730 1,000 -,3506 ,1178 ,12857 ,08916 ,902 -,0860 ,3432 -,07724 ,06021 1,000 -,2222 ,0677 -,19365 ,10141 ,343 -,4377 ,0504 ,32222* ,11743 ,039 ,0396 ,6049 ,11642 ,09730 1,000 -,1178 ,3506 ,19365 ,10141 ,343 -,0504 ,4377 -,32222* ,11743 ,015 -,5559 -,0886 -,11642 ,09730 ,417 -,3100 ,0772 -,19365 ,10141 ,118 -,3954 ,0081 tuoi 25 tuoi Muc tieu tren 50 den 35 tuoi 36 den 50 tuoi tren 50 tuoi tu 25 Duoi den 35 25 tuoi tuoi 36 den 50 tuoi tren 50 tuoi 36 den Duoi 50 tuoi 25 tuoi tu 25 den 35 tuoi tren 50 tuoi tren 50 Duoi tuoi 25 tuoi tu 25 den 35 tuoi 36 den 50 tuoi Dunnett t Duoi tren 50 (2-sided)b 25 tuoi tuoi tu 25 tren 50 den 35 tuoi tuoi 36 den tren 50 50 tuoi tuoi * The mean difference is significant at the 0.1 level b Dunnett t-tests treat one group as a control, and compare all other groups against it 111 Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: chienluoc_dinhhuong 90% Confidence Interval Mean Difference Std (I) SO NAM KINH NGHIEM (I-J) Error Bonferroni -,06687 ,07400 1,000 -,2450 ,1112 ,18890* ,06770 ,034 ,0260 ,3519 ,00748 ,08097 1,000 -,1874 ,2024 ,06687 ,07400 1,000 -,1112 ,2450 ,25578* ,08213 ,012 ,0581 ,4535 ,07436 ,09337 1,000 -,1504 ,2991 -,18890* ,06770 ,034 -,3519 -,0260 -,25578* ,08213 ,012 -,4535 -,0581 -,18142 ,08846 ,247 -,3943 ,0315 lam tu viec Bound Bound duoi nam Sig Upper den duoi Lower nam tu den nam tren nam tu lam den viec duoi duoi nam nam tu den nam tren nam tu lam den viec nam duoi nam tu den duoi nam tren nam 112 tren lam nam -,00748 ,08097 1,000 -,2024 ,1874 viec -,07436 ,09337 1,000 -,2991 ,1504 ,18142 ,08846 ,247 -,0315 ,3943 ,00748 ,08097 ,999 -,1568 ,1718 ,07436 ,09337 ,727 -,1151 ,2638 -,18142* ,08846 ,095 -,3609 -,0019 duoi nam tu den duoi nam tu den nam Dunnett t (2-sided) b lam tren viec nam duoi nam tu tren den nam duoi nam tu tren den nam nam * The mean difference is significant at the 0.1 level b Dunnett t-tests treat one group as a control, and compare all other groups against it 113 Ph l c 4: - sample T test One-Sample Statistics N Mean Std Deviation Std Error Mean Gia tri cot loi 318 3,4755 ,41406 ,02322 Su dong thuan 318 3,4767 ,51122 ,02867 Hop tac_hoi nhap 318 3,3164 ,40492 ,02271 One-Sample Test Test Value = t df Sig (2-tailed) Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Difference Lower Upper Gia tri cot loi -22,590 317 ,000 -,52453 -,5702 -,4788 Su dong thuan -18,253 317 ,000 -,52327 -,5797 -,4669 Hop tac_hoi nhap -30,108 317 ,000 -,68365 -,7283 -,6390 Ki nh ANOVA tu i Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig Gia tri cot loi 5,917 314 ,001 Su dong thuan 11,460 314 ,000 2,948 314 ,033 Hop tac_hoi nhap 114 ANOVA Sum of Squares Between Groups df Mean Square F ,863 Within Groups 51,761 314 ,165 Total 54,349 317 3,391 1,130 Within Groups 79,457 314 ,253 Total Gia tri cot loi 2,588 82,848 317 ,382 ,127 51,593 314 ,164 51,975 317 Between Groups Su dong thuan Sig Between Groups Hop tac_hoi nhap Within Groups Total 5,233 ,002 4,467 ,004 ,776 ,508 : Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig Gia tri cot loi ,698 315 ,498 Su dong thuan ,496 315 ,610 Hop tac_hoi nhap ,146 315 ,864 ANOVA Sum of Squares Between Groups df Mean Square ,044 Within Groups 54,261 315 54,349 317 ,161 ,080 Within Groups 82,687 315 ,262 Total 82,848 317 ,122 ,061 51,853 315 ,165 51,975 317 Between Groups Su dong thuan Sig ,172 Total Gia tri cot loi ,088 F Between Groups Hop tac_hoi nhap Within Groups Total Theo kinh nghi m làm vi c: Test of Homogeneity of Variances ,254 ,776 ,306 ,736 ,371 ,691 115 Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig Gia tri cot loi 3,898 314 ,009 Su dong thuan 4,445 314 ,004 Hop tac_hoi nhap 1,464 314 ,224 ANOVA Sum of Squares Between Groups df Mean Square ,161 Within Groups 53,864 314 54,349 317 6,278 2,093 Within Groups 76,570 314 ,244 Total 82,848 317 1,113 ,371 50,862 314 ,162 51,975 317 Between Groups Su dong thuan Sig ,172 Total Gia tri co tloi ,484 F Between Groups Hop tac_hoi nhap Within Groups Total ,941 ,421 8,581 ,000 2,290 ,078 Phân tích sâu ANOVA (Post Hoc Test) tu i: Multiple Comparisons 90% Confidence Interval Mean Difference (I-J) Dependent Variable giatricotloi Bonferroni Duoi tu 25 25 tuoi Std Lower Error ,21919* ,07349 ,019 ,0423 ,3961 ,24157* ,07759 ,012 ,0548 ,4283 ,01345 ,10219 1,000 -,2325 ,2594 -,21919* ,07349 ,019 -,3961 -,0423 Sig Upper Bound Bound den 35 tuoi 36 den 50 tuoi tren 50 tuoi tu 25 Duoi 116 den 35 tuoi 25 tuoi 36 den ,02238 ,05240 1,000 -,1037 ,1485 -,20573* ,08467 ,094 -,4095 -,0019 -,24157* ,07759 ,012 -,4283 -,0548 -,02238 ,05240 1,000 -,1485 ,1037 -,22812* ,08825 ,061 -,4405 -,0157 -,01345 ,10219 1,000 -,2594 ,2325 ,20573* ,08467 ,094 ,0019 ,4095 ,22812* ,08825 ,061 ,0157 ,4405 ,01345 ,10219 ,997 -,1899 ,2168 -,20573* ,08467 ,035 -,3742 -,0373 -,22812* ,08825 ,024 -,4037 -,0526 ,33070* ,09106 ,002 ,1115 ,5499 ,29345* ,09613 ,015 ,0621 ,5248 ,28596 ,12661 ,148 -,0188 ,5907 -,33070* ,09106 ,002 -,5499 -,1115 -,03725 ,06492 1,000 -,1935 ,1190 50 tuoi tren 50 tuoi 36 den Duoi 50 tuoi 25 tuoi tu 25 den 35 tuoi tren 50 tuoi tren 50 Duoi tuoi 25 tuoi tu 25 den 35 tuoi 36 den 50 tuoi Dunnett t Duoi tren 50 (2-sided)b 25 tuoi tuoi tu 25 tren 50 den 35 tuoi tuoi 36 den 50 tuoi Su dong thuan Bonferroni tren 50 tuoi Duoi tu 25 25 tuoi den 35 tuoi 36 den 50 tuoi tren 50 tuoi tu 25 Duoi den 35 25 tuoi tuoi 36 den 50 tuoi 117 tren 50 -,04473 ,10490 1,000 -,2972 ,2078 -,29345* ,09613 ,015 -,5248 -,0621 ,03725 ,06492 1,000 -,1190 ,1935 -,00748 ,10934 1,000 -,2706 ,2557 -,28596 ,12661 ,148 -,5907 ,0188 ,04473 ,10490 1,000 -,2078 ,2972 ,00748 ,10934 1,000 -,2557 ,2706 ,28596* ,12661 ,054 ,0341 ,5379 -,04473 ,10490 ,922 -,2534 ,1640 -,00748 ,10934 1,000 -,2250 ,2100 tuoi 36 den Duoi 50 tuoi 25 tuoi tu 25 den 35 tuoi tren 50 tuoi tren 50 Duoi tuoi 25 tuoi tu 25 den 35 tuoi 36 den 50 tuoi Dunnett t Duoi tren 50 (2-sided)b 25 tuoi tuoi tu 25 tren 50 den 35 tuoi tuoi 36 den tren 50 50 tuoi tuoi * The mean difference is significant at the 0.1 level b Dunnett t-tests treat one group as a control, and compare all other groups against it 118 Theo s kinh nghi m làm vi c: Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: sudongthuan 90% Confidence Interval Mean Difference Std (I) SO NAM KINH NGHIEM (I-J) Error Bonferroni ,16373 ,07698 ,205 -,0216 ,3490 ,35246* ,07043 ,000 ,1830 ,5220 ,08267 ,08423 1,000 -,1201 ,2854 -,16373 ,07698 ,205 -,3490 ,0216 ,18873 ,08544 ,167 -,0169 ,3944 -,08106 ,09713 1,000 -,3148 ,1527 -,35246* ,07043 ,000 -,5220 -,1830 -,18873 ,08544 ,167 -,3944 ,0169 -,26979* ,09202 ,022 -,4913 -,0483 lam tu viec Bound Bound duoi nam Sig Upper den duoi Lower nam tu den nam tren nam tu lam den viec duoi duoi nam nam tu den nam tren nam tu lam den viec nam duoi nam tu den duoi nam tren nam 119 tren lam nam -,08267 ,08423 1,000 -,2854 ,1201 viec ,08106 ,09713 1,000 -,1527 ,3148 ,26979* ,09202 ,022 ,0483 ,4913 ,08267 ,08423 ,595 -,0882 ,2536 -,08106 ,09713 ,700 -,2781 ,1160 -,26979* ,09202 ,009 -,4565 -,0831 duoi nam tu den duoi nam tu den nam Dunnett t (2-sided) b lam tren viec nam duoi nam tu tren den nam duoi nam tu tren den nam nam * The mean difference is significant at the 0.1 level b Dunnett t-tests treat one group as a control, and compare all other groups against it 120 Ph l c 5: - sample T test One-Sample Statistics N Mean Std Deviation Std Error Mean Doi moi_sang tao 318 3,5239 ,48847 ,02739 Dinh huong_khach hang 318 3,6453 ,47095 ,02641 To chuc_hoc tap 318 3,6270 ,49797 ,02792 One-Sample Test Test Value = t df Sig (2-tailed) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Doi moi_sang tao -17,381 317 ,000 -,47610 -,5300 -,4222 Dinh huong_khach hang -13,431 317 ,000 -,35472 -,4067 -,3028 tochuc_hoctap -13,356 317 ,000 -,37296 -,4279 -,3180 Ki nh One-way ANOVA tu i: Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig Doi moi_sang tao 2,421 314 ,066 Dinh huong_khach hang 9,061 314 ,000 ,976 314 ,404 To chuc_hoc tap 121 ANOVA Sum of Squares Between Groups df Mean Square F 1,425 Within Groups 71,364 314 ,227 Total 75,638 317 5,552 1,851 Within Groups 64,756 314 ,206 Total 70,308 317 4,765 1,588 Within Groups 73,842 314 ,235 Total Doi moi_sang tao 4,274 78,607 317 Between Groups Dinh huong_khach hang Between Groups To chuc_hoc tap Sig 6,269 ,000 8,974 ,000 6,754 ,000 h c v n: Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic Doi moi_sang tao Dinh huong_khach hang To chuc_hoc tap df1 df2 Sig ,537 315 ,585 1,630 315 ,198 ,303 315 ,739 122 ANOVA Sum of Squares Between Groups df Mean Square F ,525 Within Groups 74,589 315 ,237 Total 75,638 317 ,030 ,015 Within Groups 70,278 315 ,223 Total 70,308 317 ,343 ,171 Within Groups 78,264 315 ,248 Total Doi moi_sang tao 1,050 78,607 317 Between Groups Dinh huong_khach hang Between Groups To chuc_hoc tap Sig Theo s 2,216 ,111 ,067 ,935 ,690 ,502 m: Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig Doi moi_sang tao 1,252 314 ,291 Dinh huong_khach hang 5,132 314 ,002 To chuc_hoc tap 2,190 314 ,089 ANOVA Sum of Squares Between Groups df Mean Square ,320 Within Groups 74,680 314 75,638 317 2,304 ,768 Within Groups 68,003 314 ,217 Total 70,308 317 5,260 1,753 Within Groups 73,348 314 ,234 Total 78,607 317 Between Groups Dinh huong_khach hang Between Groups To chuc_hoc tap Sig ,238 Total Doi moi_sang tao ,959 F 1,343 ,260 3,547 ,015 7,505 ,000 ... cho nghiên c u Th c tr Th ng Gi i pháp phát tri n Nam Th ng K t lu n Tài Li u Tham Kh o Ph l c p t i Ngân Hàng TMCP Vi t Nam p t i Ngân Hàng TMCP Vi t : LÝ LU N VÀ T NG QUAN CÁC NGHIÊN C U V... p Ngân hàng TMCP Vi t Nam Th nh m s tham gia ) 42 ng 2.3 Tiêu chí GTTB t P-value 318 -11,732 0,002 318 3,9239 -3,292 0,000 318 Phát 3,7421 3,5233 -22,995 0,000 viên p c a Ngân Hàng TMCP. .. n, phát tri n h th ng tài s d ng thêm nghiên c t h u hình c u th Th nh tính nh m tìm hi u nh n bi t y u p c a Ngân Hàng TMCP Vi t Nam ng: Ti n hành ph ng v n nh ng thành viên thu c p cao Ngân Hàng