Through this meaningful and practical internship, I would like to thank the Board of Directors, officers and employees of KBVISION VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED for creating many favorable con
2 Dang Thi Huyén Trang ID: 2011142111 Class: 20DKQQA2
Ho Chi Minh City, 2021
Student 1: V6 Thi Thu Phung
This report is the result of my own continuous efforts and the support and encouragement of teachers, friends, colleagues, and relatives Through this page, the author would like to thank those who have helped me during my study and research
I would like to express my deep respect and gratitude to teacher Vo Thi Nhu Thao for directly guiding and providing the necessary scientific information for this thesis Sincere thanks to the leaders of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Faculty
of Business Administration, and Department of Business Practice for creating conditions for me to complete the course Finally, 1 would like to thank my colleagues and working units for helping me in the process of studying and preparing the Graduation Report During the preparation of the report, I realized that I had tried my best, but because
my knowledge was still limited, there were still many shortcomings I look forward to receiving valuable comments from teachers so that my knowledge in this field can be improved and at the same time, I have the opportunity to supplement and improve my consciousness
Thank you sincerely!
Trang 3Student 2: Đặng Thị Huyền Trang
First of all, 1 would like to express my gratitude to all the teachers and students of the Faculty of International Business, the University for creating favorable conditions for me
to complete this internship Especially giving me the opportunity to approach the real environment Through this meaningful and practical internship, I would like to thank the Board of Directors, officers and employees of KBVISION VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED for creating many favorable conditions during my internship I have gained useful knowledge from practice And make a great contribution to step by step perfecting skills Professional knowledge and professional ethics before entering the profession
In particular, | would like to thank my instructor — Ms Vo Thi Nhu Thao who wholeheartedly helped and guided me to complete the internship report on time
In the process of making the report, I also recetved a lot of help Support and encouragement from teachers, friends and family | would like to express my deep gratitude
With a short internship period, the opportunity to approach reality and perfect the article despite efforts But there will still be certain shortcomings On the basis of the problems that have been solved, I will continue the investigation process Research and improve professional skills
Sincerely thank you
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Student’s full name:
Independence — Freedom - Happiness
Student’s full name:
(2) Dang Thi Huyén Trang ID: 2011142111
2, Department 0n
3 General comment: 20000000000 occ cc cece ccc cccccee seseenneensetnnneeeeeseeeeseceeeeceeeeecesaanenneeteess
ACMC., (date)
Instructor (signed and sealed)
Head office: 104 Nguyen Xi, Ward 26, Binh Thanh District, City Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Providing products and services associated with the KBVISION brand, ensuring international standard quality, reasonable prices, diverse models, optimal services, meeting the needs of customers, contributing to improve the development of the country and the community Constantly innovating and developing to affirm the stature and mission of a dynamic, creative, pioneering Vietnamese enterprise in both business and social activities, raising its position in the international market economic
- Product quality is the focus
- Customer benefits are key
- Organizational prestige is a responsibility
- Employee income is an obligation
Trang 7PART 2: JOB DESCRIPTION Student 1: V6 Thi Thu Phung
- Clean up the workplace
1 22/5/2021 - Get to know the brothers and
sisters in the company
- Watch your siblings work
- Make tea
- Clean up the desk
- Watch your brothers and
- Clean up the workplace
- Be guided by the Marketing
Manager to create company email and add to work
4 26/05/2021 | exchange groups
- Get acquainted with the company's social networking
- Manage company websites
such as Facebook, youtube, and
and edit accordingly
- Submit the articles to the
Marketing Manager for
7 29/05/2021 | approval - Brainstorm ideas to post next
Trang 8
- Statistics of website visits in the past week
- Post to each page
- Brainstorm ideas for a new website
- Have lunch with everyone at the company
- In access the list system
- Brainstorm ideas for the rest
Marketing Manager via email
- Write demos for websites
15 09/06/2021
- Post ads on facebook
- Print the visit statistics table
of e-commerce sites
16 10/06/2021
- Print product price list
- Get product pricing documents and post
17 11/06/2021 - Respond to customer
feedback messages via Shopee
Trang 9
19 14/06/2021
- Send a letter to the head of the department about the article about to be published
- Read reviews and feedback
- Lean how to link e- commerce sites with Sapo software
20 15/06/2021 - Clean up
- Read product reviews
Trang 10Student 2: Dang Thi Huyén Trang
- Clean up the workplace
-Watch your siblings work
-Relearn the rules
- Be guided on how to create
a company email and add it
to work exchange groups -Be guided by the brothers and sisters to use workplace
- Respond to audience interaction on media sites and receive instructions on how to post
29/05/2021 - Brainstorm and discuss
ideas for writing articles to
Trang 11
post on social media sites with other brothers and sisters
- Photo of voucher
- Statistics of visits on websites in the past week and reports to media
10 02/06/2021 | capture the needs of
customers through the website
-Research documents -Reply to comments and
- Learn about SAP software
15 09/06/2021 | - Post to Facebook - Be guided on how to post
Trang 1216 10/06/2021 |- Get documents and based
on that post product prices
- Learn how to reply to customer messages on
Trang 13Environment Seriously, finish the work earlier than
the deadline, mistakes are punished
Have practical experience with the corporate environment
Comfortable, no pressure, mistakes will be corrected and perfected by the teacher Only heard the lecturer talk about the business, not yet understood
Communicate Use professional words, skillful in
words to convince customers, pay attention to appropriate sentences
Only learning and practicing
friends, have not had the correct experience in corporate communication
Work Flexibility in work Explore new
things on your own Active in division of work High responsibility
in teamwork
Work under the guidance of
a teacher The responsibility
of teamwork is not high, pushing the work
Awareness The assigned work and tasks must be
completed on time or earlier Go to work on time and prepare well for the session
Students will be observed
by the reminded of the deadlines of
instructor and
the work Late arrivals will
be reminded
Achievement Must really try, apply what is
available and have to learn a lot more Need help from people around
Just learn things from teachers, books Hard work will get good results
Relationship Keep a certain distance, respect them
and create a good relationship with them Pay attention to every word
freely with anyone of the
Trang 14
following parts: Subject, | structure of an email, I also know salutation, body, conclusion |more when writing the subject: and finally the sender's | Short, clear, not long, rambling Email signature You should always |never lack greetings, words,
make sure your email has all of | sentences more serious than the above before sending it out | intimate email a lot Besides using This is how to write office | an unprofessional email address, mail, help your sent emails | the message body should not be become more professional and | too long
behavior of consumers, what stages does consumer behavior go through? From there, an effective method of researching consumer behavior is proposed
Teamwork is a group of people | When working in a_ group,
working together towards the |everyone needs to elect a same destination They work | responsible team leader, must Teamwork together, have regular | define a common goal, strengthen
interaction, have a _ clear | communication between members, division of work, rank, and |members must trust and respect tasks, and have specific binding | each other, must work effectively rules, which is to gather many | and clearly about responsibilities
people with the same goal to avoid causing conflicts
Student 1: Vo Thi Thu Phung
After a fairly long time working at KBVISION VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED, I learned a lot of new things that cannot be learned in school
Trang 15- The first thing I learned was soft skills After graduating from school, soft skills are a very important skill, if we hone this skill well, work and life will become easier Confidence and initiative are what I practice every day by my brothers and sisters in the business
- Actively getting to know people, actively learning about work at the internship, proactively proposing and working with people all of these help me integrate faster in a new environment Experiencing the real working environment is something that school certainly cannot bring This is an opportunity for students to apply what they have learned in their work The reality is very different from the theory Even though they are interns, international students will have to complete the assigned work in accordance with their capacity and requirements as an employee During the internship period, there were always mistakes, but with the help of the official employees of our company, we partly knew how to overcome them
- In terms of professional skills, | have experienced a number of related jobs: statistics
on visits to consumer websites, answering customer inquiries, using websites to sell products, Statistics of websites have shown me which website customers are interested
in and from there where to focus and where to improve Be careful in every statistic and always be creative to attract customers Answering customers’ questions have given me the opportunity to interact with the market more, and know the needs of users and the psychology of buyers
- The most interesting and also the most difficult thing for me is consulting and answering customers over the phone At first, I had a lot of problems with this but gradually it has helped me a lot in life Consulting customers over the phone helps me practice listening, communicating directly with customers, and handling situations quickly,
- Besides those skills, the most important thing that I got when I joined the company was to have a good relationship with the brothers and sisters at the company
After those practice sessions, | feel very interesting and useful If possible, | always give myself the opportunity to experience new things
Student 2 : Dang Thi Huyền Trang
- Being proactive is the first lesson I noticed when going to practice It's as simple as taking the initiative to get to know people, actively tinkering, learning about work, offering help, collaborating with people, etc
Trang 16- Before going to practice, I did not know how to write a work Gmail post, after finishing the internship, I have formed a complete work Gmail, written in the correct layout and arrangement Words in Gmail are most suitable for the working environment
- From being managed and posted on the company's social networking sites such as Facebook, Youtube, TikTok, helping me to know how to form an article and how to choose the most suitable image Besides, having to think about articles to post on it also helps me to be more self-conscious and creative
- The statistics of visits to websites help me know what statistics are and compare the numbers so that I can know which websites are most visited by customers
- Thanks to replying to messages, and answering customers’ questions through channels such as Facebook, Shopee, and Lazada, that 1 develop more ways to solve problems, and how communicate with customers through commercial sites and e-commerce for customer satisfaction
- Through observing and understanding customer needs through the website, helps me develop more observation skills, and always be careful and meticulous in every job to give the most accurate results
- Not only consulting and answering customers’ questions on e-commerce sites, but I also learn how to consult customers over the phone to help me practice listening and communicating directly with customers , handle situations quickly,
- After finishing the internship, I also know more about the sales software Sapo and how
it works Besides, this software can also link many e-commerce sites together, and find product names and product prices on this software
- Besides, I also know how to post products for sale on e-commerce sites, we don't need
to post them for sale on each e-commerce site in turn, but just post them for sale on Sapo and then link Not only that, but I also know how to write descriptions, and qualitative for each product
- And I find that after this internship, I have many new relationships and these relationships taught me more about how to behave in co-worker relationships
Student 1: V6 Thi Thu Phung
- After doing business practice at the company, specifically in the Marketing department, I realized that I am very interested in this industry and in the future, I want to