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an internship report on studying content marketing at officience limited liability company

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An Internship Report on Studying Content Marketing at Officience Limited Liability Company

Instructor: Chu Quang Phé, M.A Reporter: Tran Hoang Thanh Thúy Student’s code: 1621001591

Ho Chi Minh City, May 2021

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The three-month internship at Officience is one of my greatest opportunities and most successful experiences The working period at Officience has provided me with such immense intangible assets, that I felt a strong need to express my sincerest gratitude to everyone that helped make “An Internship Report on Studying Content Marketing at Officience Limited Liability Company” possible

First of all, I would like to send my deepest appreciation to all of my co- workers at Officience for their generous assistance and guidance for my internship Furthermore, I could never thank my dearest team enough for their welcoming and supportive attitude, which helped me adapt to such an unfamiliar environment so quickly I also would like to thank Mr Duong Cao Phong — Vice Director of Officience for giving me the chance to work and learn at the company

Moreover, my internship report could be completed if it was not for the attentive guidance from my lecturer — Mr Chu Quang Phe During the internship, he provided me with a lot of advice and instruction on my report He spent a lot of time evaluating my report and adding necessary information that I neglected His valuable guidance was undeniable and very much appreciated

Last and certainly not least, I would love to show my gratefulness toward each and every lecturer who has been a part of my student life at the Foreign Language Faculty The knowledge and experience I obtain from my teachers contribute to what Iam today Words cannot describe how grateful I am for all the guidance, dedication, and great care that I fortuitously received

Sincerely, Reporter,

Tran Hoang Thanh Thuy

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The year is 2021 The world is more globalized than it has ever been, with each passing year, the world becomes more connected than ever Globalization allows us to spread new technology and innovate across country borders, it also allows lower cost for producers, and finally, it brings access to new markets which gives companies around the globe plenty of opportunity for international commerce

While globalization brings new markets and great opportunities, it also brings smarter consumers These consumers are much more aware when it comes to purchasing with a ton of research available at their fingertips Globalization also brings international competition, which is why it is more important than ever to have a great product One that’s well marketed, is of good quality, and offered at a competitive price

Enter Officience, a corporation that showcases a new structure but maintains a good product This new type of corporate structure, known as the “Teal Organization Model”, advocates enabling workers! self-management and to adapt as an organization grows It is one of the main reasons why the reporter chose Officience as the place to complete her internship During the reporter’s internship, her job title was “Content Marketing Intern” Her main duties involved researching, creating content, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and managing social media

Based upon her experiences at Officience, the reporter wrote a report entitled “An Internship Report on Studying Content Marketing at Officience Limited Liability Company” The report will begin with the reasons and objectives behind the report This will be followed by information about Officience including the Founding and development of Officience as well as information on the company's mission and vision Following this is an introduction to content marketing and the team behind it before delving into the concepts of marketing including definitions,

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why content marketing is important, and some content marketing strategies Furthermore, the tasks and functions of the author will be specified in detail in the Job Description section Last but not least, the reporter will end the report with some advice, as well as findings and experiences for University of Finance - Marketing

and its students


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Nhìn lại từ năm 2021, thế giới đang toàn cầu hóa hơn bao giờ hết, với mỗi năm trôi qua, chúng ta lại càng thiết lập kết nối bền chặt Toàn cầu hóa cho phép chúng ta phô biến công nghệ mới và đổi mới xuyên biên giới quốc gia, cho phép các

nhà sản xuất tiết kiệm chi phí hơn, mang lại khả năng tiếp cận các thị trường mới,

qua đó cho các công ty trên toàn cầu nhiều cơ hội gia nhập thương mại quốc tế Toàn cầu hóa mang lại những cơ hội lớn và thị trường mới, cùng với đó cũng là những người tiêu dùng thông minh hơn Nhờ những công cụ mới có sẵn trong tầm tay của những người này, mà họ cảng kén chọn trong việc mua hàng hơn bao giờ hết Toàn cầu hóa cũng mang lại sự cạnh tranh quốc tế, góp phần thúc đây các doanh

nghiệp chăm chút trong việc tạo ra một sản phẩm Họ phải đảm bao san phâm được tiếp thị tốt, có chất lượng tốt với mức giá cạnh tranh

Công ty Officience là một trong những đơn vị đã tiên phong thành công áp

dụng mô hình hoạt động mới với tên gọi “Mô hình tô chức Xanh Ngọc”- một mô

hình khuyến khích nhân viên tự quản lý và thích nghi với những sự thay đổi trong công ty Đây chính là một trong những lý do chính khiến tác gia chon Officience la nơi đề hoàn thành khóa thực tập của mình Trong thời gian thực tập tại Officience với vị trí “Content Marketing Intern”, tác giả chịu trách nhiệm các công việc như nghiên cứu, viết bài, tối ưu hóa công cụ tìm kiếm và quản lý các kênh mạng xã hội

Dựa trên những kinh nghiệm của tác giả tại Officience, cô đã chọn viết bài báo cáo được đặt tên là “Báo cáo thực tập về Content Marketing tai Officience”

Phan dau ctia báo cáo sẽ chỉ ra những lý do và mục tiêu đằng sau báo cáo Tiếp theo sẽ cung cấp các thông tin về Officience bao gôm sự thành lập và phát triển của Officience cũng như sứ mệnh và tầm nhìn của công ty Sau đó là phần giới thiệu cụ

về môi trường nhóm làm việc của tác giả, trước khi đi sâu vào các khái niệm về content marketing bao gom cac khai niệm, sự quan trong, cũng như các chiên thuật


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content marketing Hon nira, cac nhiệm vụ và chức năng công việc của tác giả sẽ được chỉ định chỉ tiết trong phần Mô tả Công việc Cuối cùng và cũng không kém phan quan trong, tác giả sẽ đưa ra các đề xuất, kèm theo những kinh nghiệm đã đúc

kết được cho trường Đại học Tài chính- Marketing cùng sinh viên.

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1 Progress score:

2 The report’s score & comments:

Department Basic concepts

Experiences Conclusions

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Department Basic concepts

Experiences Conclusions

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Chapter 3 BASIC CONCEPTS -13-



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6.2 RecomimendafIORS - - - - - 2< < 22 <2 2213105510 13 HE EE khen rey -32-

6.2.1 Recommendations to University of Finance - Marketing and Foreign I0) i).0á 101i 0n -32- 6.2.2 Recommendatlons to Students at University of Finance -

Marketing 0.0 - 32-

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Figure 1: Officlences OrganizatIonal CharÄ 5s + vn ren ren -6- Figure 2: Content Marketing Definition (Mandloys Digital Agency, 2013) - 14- Figure 3: Why companies are using content marketing (Demand Metric 2013) - 15 - Figure 4: The B.E.S.T formula (Pulizz1 & Barrett 2009) +s<c+<ec+ - 18-


Table 1: Comparison of traditional 4P’s model and the $.A.V.E framework (Ettenson et al 2013) 5 - 20 -


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1 Reasons for the report

The marketing department is the lifeblood of every business Unless the fundamental marketing decisions are made, the production department cannot proceed with its work, the procurement department cannot purchase, and the financial department cannot budget Many divisions in an organization are vital to its success, but marketing remains the sole revenue-generating operation

In this present day of blooming technology, the Internet has become a bare necessity in human life More and more people are going online to carry out their daily activities, including buying goods and services We are starting to see people stray away from traditional media, which is why digital marketing, especially content marketing, has a definite advantage over traditional marketing

Content marketing attracts and acquires a clearly established audience through the production and dissemination of useful, appropriate, and reliable content with the goal of driving profitable consumer action Companies are delivering genuinely meaningful and valuable content to their prospects and clients to help solve their problems, rather than bluntly pitching their products or services

Nowadays, customers are more educated than ever when it comes to purchasing In fact, consumers have a quite low tolerance for advertisements They will fast forward adverts on TV, skip them on YouTube and enable ad blockers whenever possible The way they consume content indicates that they inherently avoid advertising when they can, which means if companies want to attract attention from consumers, they have to provide something relevant or useful

At Officience, the reporter saw a potential for the company’s growth as the IT industry progressed However, the company is losing out on many potential clients due to a lack of visibility With content marketing, the company can gain more

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-1-coverage on the internet, helping clients find Officience easier Today, many clients are starting to look for content outsourcing solutions The content marketing team can utilize this opportunity to further improve Officience’s relationship with them

For this very reason, the reporter believes content marketing plays a very important part in a business in general and marketing in particular As an aspiring marketer, she chose to conduct the report entitled “An Internship Report on Studying Content Marketing at Officience Limited Liability Company” in order to thoroughly reinforce what she has learned during her internship and apply that to her

future career

2 Objectives of the report

Content marketing allows a potential target audience to turn into interested and repeat consumers Unfortunately, too few people understand the importance of this type of marketing This brings us to the objectives of the report

The first objective of this report is to introduce Officience, as well as take an in- depth look at their marketing team The second objective is to look at the practice of marketing as a whole, and to also differentiate why content marketing is different from other more traditional kinds of marketing The third and final objective of this report is to examine the reporter's three-month internship at Officience through an impartial lens.

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1.1 Foundation and development

Officience is a French- Vietnamese company pioneering in the global outsourcing industry Its main purpose is to make sure that Vietnam skips the age of mass consumerism and leapfrogs to the new global sharing and connection economy

Officience was founded in February of 2006 by two co-founders Duong Ha Duc and Duong Cao Phong with the vision of providing global outsourcing solutions During this time, they had only three other employees who had all worked together in a small office located on Truong Quyen Street in Ho Chi Minh City

Within a year's time (as well as the rise of the IT industry), the company had increased to one hundred employees and had moved offices to a new location located on Nguyen Dinh Chinh street which was capable of fitting all the new employees This office is known as “Crunch” By 2010, Officience went international creating a representative office in Singapore

After a while of gradual and steady growth, the company started to see a demand from French clients in 2012 One of the founders- Duong Ha Duc decided to move back to France and launched a brand-new office in Paris called Officaire In the next year, the company saw its biggest change in management by letting go of the pyramidal organization to implement Teal- an organizational theory that advocates enabling workers’ self-management and adapting as an organization grows

2014 was a major year for the company, as it had created the “Offy Handbook” A code containing Officience’s mission as well as shared values which will be discussed in the next section of the report In 2015 and 2016, representative offices opened in Japan and the US respectively.

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In 2017, Officience established the third home in Vietnam named Offyplex to share with many like-minded start-ups and organizations Offyplex is currently located on Le Hong Phong Street in Ho Chi Minh City A year later, Officience released a book titled “Reinventing Organizations” by Frederic Laloux in hopes of inspiring others to employ the Teal Principles within their own organizations

Nowadays, Officience has over 250 employees, 3 main offices as well as representative offices in Vietnam, France, the US, Japan, and Singapore 1.2 Mission

In order to provide premium experiences for their clients, Officience develops and introduces high-quality, custom outsourcing solutions With every decision the company makes, no matter how big or small, is guided by five main causes

Developing Vietnam: Officience believes that Vietnam is a country with a wealth of untapped potential With the majority of Vietnam’s population under the age of 30, this leaves a large pool of human resources perfect for the technology field dominated by a younger crowd In addition to this, economic projections for the country look promising with Gross Domestic Product growth percentage exceeding China’s in the year 2020 Overall, Vietnam is a country with the perfect starting point which talent yearning to be shared around the world, and Officience is looking to be one of the major competitors within it

Positive globalization: The world is becoming an increasingly globalized place, with economies becoming more intertwined than ever Vietnam has already boasted an impressive record when facing economic crises such as the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998 in addition to the great recession in 2008-2009 Officience believes we can build upon these strengths in Vietnam, by being the go-to company led by experienced leaders who will utilize globalization as an opportunity to grow even further as well as spread ideals such as the Teal Principles on a global scale.

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Creating shared value: The level of Entrepreneurship seen in Vietnam rivals’ levels seen in many western countries Officience believes businesses now have a greater role to play in the growth of human communities than ever before, which is why creating shared value is one of our shared causes

Sustainability: Caring for our environment is not a trend, and the truth is we only have a matter of years until greenhouse gas emissions increase global temperature by more than the Paris Climate Agreement’s goal of 1.5C Officience recognizes that all of humanity relies on the earth for survival, and if we are unable to meet the Paris Climate agreement’s goals, millions of people worldwide will lose

their homes and much of the world will become uninhabitable Due to this,

Officience has made it one of their five values to be environmentally sustainable Open knowledge: Officience recognizes that knowledge is the key to change, and they aim to change the communities that they serve, which is why their final shared cause is open knowledge Officience aims to make our information accessible and digestible for anyone around the world

1.3 Vision

Due to Steve Blank, a startup is an organization formed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model When they do that, the economy, and therefore culture, is re-invented Officience hopes to reinvent new ways to implement projects, to make a sustainable effect by organizing itself according to 21st-century values

Officience aims to help the founder’s motherland leapfrog the Industrial Age and catch up with the most developed countries currently entering the Connection Age Consequently, let Vietnam be known as a notable competitor in the New Economy.

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Department par Department P Department Ý— —_ Department P

Finance Marketing

Figure 1: Officience's Organizational Chart

Officience is a company that, like Vietnam once was, is both French and Vietnamese With the company’s founding back in 2006 to today it has gone from just five employees to over 200 These employees are spread among offices around the world and represent many different ethnicities and cultures around the world

The company is broken down into different departments One of them is finance This department handles all the money going in and out of the company Another department is Human Resources, this is essential to any company no matter how the rest of the company is structured Human Resources oversees the recruiting, hiring and training of new staff They also oversee any potential disputes between staff and management A third department at Officience is their marketing department, which the reporter had the pleasure of working in The marketing team are the people who make Officience’s product known Finally, there is the IT

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department This is the team that handles all matters related to technology, whether it be helping internally or completing work for a client

1.5 Work environment

Officience’s forward-thinking approach allowed for a once-in-a-lifetime experience An experience that embraced diversity, allowed a more laid-back approach to dress code, provided room for growth all the while making the world a better place

The workplace was an international community where people of many different races and ethnicities communicated and worked together The diversity can be attributed to our many international offices around the world with workers in

France, Japan, the US, and of course, here in Vietnam These satellite offices allow

us to seek not only diversity but also allow us to seek out talent in many areas of the world

When you work for a major corporation, oftentimes you find yourself limited to a meager selection of wardrobe Not at Officience Officience believes in the contributions being made by an employee to be of much higher value than what he or she decides to wear

Another issue that occurs when working for major corporations is that you may find many positions of power to be already filled with lifelong employees who take the positions away from younger, and newer talent This young and new talent may often feel discouraged and despite putting time into these companies finds themselves with little to show for it Officience has a solution to this Mentorship Officience provides interested employees with a mentor with a wide range of experience from a multitude of different backgrounds These mentors work out career plans over spans of time such as 12 months, 3-years, and even 5 years.

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Even while providing this wonderful environment for the employees, Officience doesn’t back down from Social responsibility One of our main five causes is sustainability, and previously we had talked about the Paris Climate agreements international goals We aim to meet these goals and we have methods in place to meet these goals

Overall, Officience offers a work environment that compares to no other A work environment with a balanced approach taking into account employee happiness as well as many other great benefits If you are looking for something new, then Officience is the place to be!

Hardware and Software testing consists of quality assurance testing to help their clients create a quality product or service that meets the requirements set out in ISO 9000

Web applications include the design and development of websites including e-commerce, Learning Management System and social media websites

Their IT services department also includes services for mobile applications including but not limited to designing, developing and maintaining native, hybrid and cross-platform applications

The last department in IT services is Business applications This is a major portion of Officience’s work What we do in Business applications 1s business analysis including on-site consultation of businesses worldwide We also include

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development of applications for these businesses such as chatbots and Microsoft sharepoint.net application development

Data services, like IT services, have many different options to choose from Among these are business process outsourcing, business intelligence services, robotic process automation, data components, back-office support, tool testing, and processing All designed for the benefit of Business to Business consumers around the world

Image Services are the third group of services that Officience provides The main clientele of these services are e-shops aimed at improving their sales and revenue Included in image services is digital image processing, designing, and translation

Officience utilizes the marketing team to make their lines of service known The marketing team does this by researching local markets as well as advertising to potential clients

Finally, the last group of services provided by Officience is Design Services Included in these services is graphic design (illustration), animation of video and user interface/ user experience design for both websites and applications.

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2.1 Staffing

The Content Marketing team consists of 6 members, headed by team leader Nguyen Dinh Huong Giang She is in charge of formulating goals for the rest of the team as well as identifying clients, creating distribution plans, and communicating with other related teams

Our Content Planner is Nguyen Thanh Hai His main job is to execute the team’s vision as a whole as well as oversee day-to-day operations Responsibilities include managing the content calendar, identifying topics, and tracking metrics indicative

The English Translator is Nguyen Hong Si Khanh Content produced by the team is translated into English by him He makes sure that translation is smooth and easy to digest as well as double-checking for typographical errors

There are two full-time content creators, Huynh Duc Uyen Nha and Nguyen Thi Thuc Anh They are responsible for researching the subject, creating contents utilizing SEO, as well as creating visual contents such as graphics, infographics, and charts

The team is rounded out with our content marketing intern Tran Hoang Thanh Thuy She follows assignments given by the team leader in order to assist the team in creating plans, as well as writing content, translating, and checking for


2.2 Duties and Responsibilities

The content marketing team was formed in March 2020 due to the growing needs from projects inside and outside of Officience

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-10-The team is responsible for pmpointing the company’s brand and goals Content marketing team conducts market research, competitor analysis, business history, and brand identity in order to establish broad objectives and guidelines to follow

Another responsibility is to build tailored marketing plans Content marketing team blends the knowledge provided by the brand developer with its own experience and understanding to reach targeted audiences

Content marketing is in charge of producing written contents as well as visual contents for blog posts, campaigns, and social media The team also makes sure that contents are high quality and consistent with brand voice and publishing format

Another program offered by Officience was the Year-End Assessment The year-End assessment is an annual performance review that many companies around the world participate in, Officence’s is based upon results Based upon the results Officience will assign a multiplier which is then multiplied by your annual earnings for a final result which is your annual bonus During this year-end assessment, your

Ngày đăng: 08/07/2024, 19:12