Vision of the company Nang Xanh Development Company Limited aims to create a beloved company with a strategy of providing great services to customers by putting the profits of customers
Class: MK171 Internship period: March 28", 2022 — July 10°, 2022 Supervisor: Ms Hoang Thi Thu Hoai Instructor: Ms Huynh Thi Thuy Duong
Ho Chi Minh City, July 2020
Trang 3
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Evaluator’s Signature (Sign and seal)
Ho Chi Minh City, ./ /
Evaluator’s Signature
Nang Xanh Development Company Limited recruited me as an intern for 15 weeks
Through that internship, I became aware of the company's problem: after ten years of
business, the company still does not have the market share it deserves Despite the
company's many years of expertise of providing digital marketing services, the
company's business results and the number of contracts it receives each year are
unworthy I discovered that one of the reasons for the company's current situation is that
it has not focused on developing a standout brand image for the Nang Xanh brand
In this report, I will suggest that a company rebrand using the CBBE model and
implement a digital marketing campaign to promote the brand image My solutions have
the same goal: increasing Nang Xanh’s competitive advantage and service sales volume
in the last five months of 2022 In addition, I will advise the company to promote the
sale of a package of branding services that relates to the campaign's theme The
proposal for a digital marketing campaign on the theme of Nang Xanh rebranding will
run for three months, beginning August 1*, 2022, and ending October 31*, 2022
After a 15-week internship and planning process, I want Nang Xanh to increase its
brand equity, become a strong and profitable brand, and attract 30 new customers in the
last five months of 2022
First and foremost, I would like to express gratitude to my parents, who have raised and
guided me for the past 23 years Thanks for supporting me to study and develop at Hoa
Sen University, which is my dream school I remember struggling to get started during
my previous internship, my parents were the people who supported and encouraged me
the most at the time My parents are very strict, and they are not psychological in the
way that many other families are, but I know that they are the two people who always
love me unconditionally Fortunately, my parents’ parenting style created a strong and
brave me Moreover, I discussed my career goals with my parents and received their
support Thanks to my parents, I am now able to complete my graduation internship
report and my undergraduate work, which allows me to begin a new adventure
Second, I would like to give special thanks to Ms Hoang Thi Thu Hoai for guiding me
through all of my Marketing tasks, particularly in the Digital field In addition, I'd like
to express my gratitude to Nang Xanh Development Company Limited for providing
me with a pleasant working environment
Third, I want to show my thankfulness to my instructor, Ms Huynh Thi Thuy Duong,
for accompanying me during my graduation internship, giving me many advice,
suggestions, and providing a solid knowledge foundation that helped me complete my
graduate internship and this graduation internship report
Finally, although I have done my best to check the information and format the
document carefully, I am aware that there will be mistakes that I have not corrected As
a consequence, I'm hoping for feedback from teachers or anyone else who reads this
report I will try to fix it, and your feedback will help me successfully complete my
future reports
1.1 General information of the company
1.2 The process of formation and development of the company
1.3 About Nang Xanh Development Company Limited
1.1.1 Vision of the company
1.1.2 Mission of the company
1.1.3 Core value of the company
1.4 Business sector
1.5 Organization chart of the company
1.6 Business results of the company
2.1 The current situation of business operation
2.1.1 The business environment of the company Microenvironment Macro environment 2.1.2 The situation of marketing operation of the company
Trang Current marketing strategies of the company Positioning
2.2, The integrated marketing mix tactics of the company
2.2.1 The Marketing Mix Strategy of the company — 7Ps Product Place Price Promotion Physical evidence People Process 2.2.2 SWOT analysis
3.1 Graduation internship report topic
3.1.1 Reasons for choosing the topic of the report 3.2 _ Literature review
3.2.1 Brand Equity Definitions of brand equity Brand Equity Model 3.2.2 Integrated marketing communications — IMC 3.2.3 Digital Marketing Definitions of Digital Marketing Digital marketing methods 3.3 Situation of the problem
3.3.1 Status 3.3.2 Advantages
Trang 103.3.3 Disadvantages 3.4 Proposing solutions and implementing plans for the company
3.4.1 Make a rebranding plan for the company Rebranding plan
3.4.2 Implement rebranding plan for the company Digital marketing plan Implementing digital marketing plan CONCLUSION
Table 1 General information of Nắng Xanh Development Company Limited 2
Table 2 Nang Xanh Development Company Limited’s sales volume in the period of
2019 — 2021 (Nang Xanh Development Company Limited, 2021) 5
Table 3 Description of the reasons customers pick Nang Xanh 18
Table 4 Nang Xanh Development Company Limited client profile (Nang Xanh
Development Company Limited, 2022) 19
Table 5 Compare the Points of Parity and Points of Differences of Nang Xanh
Development Company Limited compared to competitors 20
Table 6 The competitive advantages of Nang Xanh and competitors 23
Table 7 Evaluation employees’ skills and core competencies of Nẵng Xanh 28
Table 8 Nang Xanh’s SWOT analysis 30
Table 9 The seven brand elements of Nang Xanh (Website of Nang Xanh Company,
2022) 40
Table 10 Overview of digital marketing plan of rebranding campaign for Nang Xanh 52
Table 11 KPIs of digital marketing plan of rebranding campaign for Nang Xanh 53
Table 12 Digital marketing plan timelines for the Nang Xanh rebranding campaign 63
Table 13 Total estimated budget for SEO tools 64
Table 14 Total estimated budget for Google AdWords 66
Table 15 Facebook advertising packages 67
Table 16 Total estimated budget for Facebook advertisement 67
Table 17 The total expenses for implementation of the rebranding plan for Nang Xanh
Diagram 1 Organization chart of Nang Xanh Development Company Limited (Nang
Xanh Development Company Limited, 2021) 4
Diagram 2 Services of Nang Xanh (Website of Nang Xanh Company, 2022) 25
Diagram 3 The 9-step process for the overall SEO service package of Nang Xanh
Diagram 4 Nang Xanh’s workflow for SEO projects (Website of Nang Xanh Company,
2022) 46
Diagram 5 3 communication periods for Nang Xanh 48
Trang 13Picture 3 Ranking of the most downloaded mobile apps (TechCrunch, 2022) 7
Picture 4 Number of newly registered company of Vietnam (Q&Me, 2022) 12
Picture 5 Vietnam’s PMI since October 2021 to March 2022 (S&P Global & IHS
Markit, 2022) 13
Picture 6 Air quality and pollution Southeast Asia city ranking (Q&Me, 2021) 14
Picture 7 Sources of brand discovery on Internet in Vietnam (DataReportal, 2022) 20
Picture 8 Positioning Map 24
Picture 9 Kevin Lane Keller’s Brand Resonance Pyramid Model (Keller, 2013) 33
Picture 10 Components of Promotion (Kenneth E Clow & Donald Baack, 2018) 36
Picture 11 The 1* element — Brand name 42
Picture 12 The 2"! element — Logo & symbol 42
Picture 13 The 3" element — URL 43
Picture 14 The 5ht element — Slogan 43
Picture 15 Logo displayed on the homepage of the company's website 44
Picture 16 Interest over time of the keyword “brand design” in the first 5 months of
Trang 14Vietnamese Dong Company Limited Khau trang — Khử khuân — Khoảng cách — Không tập trung — Khai báo y
tế (Facemask — Disinfection — Distance — No gathering — Medical declaration)
Vắc-xin — Khir khuan — Khau trang (Vaccine — Facemask — Disinfection)
Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Integrated marketing communication Cost Per Click
Pay Per Click Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Marketing Social Media Marketing
Et cetera Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure Uniform Resource Locators Purchasing Managers Index
Building a plan to change brand elements and brand image is a major objective for
every company in order to have a solid foundation for promoting the brand through
media as well as digital platforms and increasing the rate of converting target customers
into actual customers
The current economic market is growing and becoming more competitive A company
that wants to grow must not only have strong core values, but also produce top branding
strategies A well-constructed set of brand elements will provide good market
competitive opportunities, create sympathy for customers, and increase business
efficiency for businesses But how can businesses create a truly effective set of brand
Designing effective brand elements is regarded as the first step toward the success of a
company's products and services because, in almost every situation, customers will
Judge the company's products and services at first glance Businesses really need a set of
distinctive brand elements and bearing the personal imprint of the business to help
customers have a great and memorable impression when mentioning the brand
However, Nang Xanh Development Company Limited is one of the many businesses
that ignore brand image development in order to focus primarily on core product
development The company's problem is that it does not prioritize brand image
development This problem must be addressed as soon as possible because the market is
now welcoming a large number of new entrants, increasing competition As a
consequence, the company's brand elements, brand image, and brand equity must be
made aware of to actively boost business development and increase market share
through rebranding planning
1.1 General information of the company
r” Nwesite
4 @ tạo ra sự khác biệt!
Picture 1 Logo of Nang Xanh Development Company Limited
(Website of Nang Xanh Company, 2022) NANG XANH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED
12/224A Le Duc Tho Street, Ward 15, Go Vap District,
Address Lí Chỉ Minh City
Business Sector Digital Marketing Telephone (08) 667 555 29 - 093 784 1299 Website Tax code 0312358859
Business license number 0312358859
Business license date of May 5" 2013
Legal representative Ms Hoang Van Oanh
Table 1 General information of Nang Xanh Development Company Limited
1.2 The process of formation and development of the company
Nang Xanh Company was established with the purpose of improving competitiveness
for small and medium businesses through the support of the Internet
Nang Xanh Company has completed many successful projects in its ten years of
operation and has continued to build a growing company until today The company
currently has 50 employees, | headquarter, and 2 representative offices
Headquarter address: 12/224A Le Duc Tho Street, Ward 15, Go Vap District, Ho Chi
Minh City
Trang 17Representative office address:
Representative office 1: 243 Huynh Van Banh street, Ward 12, Phu Nhuan District, Ho
Chi Minh City; Representative office 2: 7th floor VINACONEX Building, Ward Cau
Dien, Bac Tu Liem District, Ha Noi Capital
13 About Nang Xanh Development Company Limited
L1.1 Vision of the company
Nang Xanh Development Company Limited aims to create a beloved company with a
strategy of providing great services to customers by putting the profits of customers
above the profits of the company Besides that, the company wants to develop a positive
workplace that adds value to the company's partners and employees (Website of Nang
Xanh Company, 2022)
1.1.2 Mission of the company
Nang Xanh Development Company Limited always aims to create the best services to
serve the company’s customers The company always listens to customer feedback and
complaints in order to improve Furthermore, the company is constantly learning and
creating in order to create good service processes (Website of Nang Xanh Company,
11.3 Core value of the company
Nang Xanh Development Company Limited always knows that the success of their
customers encourages the company's employees to work harder Customers who benefit
from Nang Xanh Development Company Limited's services will stay with them for a
long time and become loyal customers, as well as bringing in new customers through
word-of-mouth (WOM) (Website of Nang Xanh Company, 2022)
1.4 Business sector
Nang Xanh is a company that specializes in Digital Marketing strategic planning and
branding services Specifically, the company provides the following services:
Package Marketing Service
Brand Design Service Website Design Service Server Hosting Service Domain Name Registrar Service
Domain Email Service
Trang 18SEO for Website Service Content Writing for Website Service SEM for Website Service Marketing on Social Networks Service Content Writing on Social Networks Service Social Media Advertising Service Mobile App Design Service
15 Organization chart of the company
Diagram 1 Organization chart of Nang Xanh Development Company Limited
(Nang Xanh Development Company Limited, 2021) 1.6 Business results of the company
Nang Xanh has achieved remarkable results after ten years of operation Until now, the
company has served and completed hundreds of large and small digital marketing
projects across the country
In short, the company's customers are primarily small and medium-sized businesses,
resulting in a small profit in 2021 Furthermore, the pandemic's impact has reduced the
country's labor productivity However, the company's business activities have shown
signs of improvement in 2022, and this business result is expected to significantly
Trang 19BUSINESS RESULTS 2019 — 2021 (Unit: Thousand VND)
224,821 524423 535,726 299,602 13,326 11,302 2.16 income tax
Profit after
52,424 62,980 109 680 10,556 20.14 46,699 74.15
Table 2 Nang Xanh Development Company Limited’s sales volume in the period of
2019 — 2021 (Nang Xanh Development Company Limited, 2021)
IL1 The current situation of business operation
II.1.1 The business environment of the company Microenvironment
IL1.1.1.1 The Company
Nang Xanh Development Company Limited was established in 2012 and has been
operating for 10 years in the field of digital marketing Currently, the company is
accomplishing projects in website design services, website domain name services,
mobile app design services, brand design services, SEO - SEM services and content
writing social media marketing services
During the time when the pandemic seemed to have frozen everything and made direct
business operations difficult, businesses were forced to update and adapt to the difficult
conditions at the time by launching their products to the digital market to find a way to
survive One thing leads to another, to meet the huge demand of the massive number of
businesses integrating into that market, agencies providing digital marketing services
also sprung up like mushrooms after rain In that context, to be able to compete and
have a good position in this cake that has been torn into extremely small pieces, Nang
Xanh Development Company Limited needs to build a strong brand but at the same
time, the brand must be easier to remember to take the opportunity and quickly reach
the huge number of potential customers mentioned above
I1. Suppliers
Nang Xanh is a provider that sells digital marketing services Some suppliers who offer
digital platforms for Nang Xanh can easily be listed here, such as Google, Facebook,
Twitter, Pinterest, etc
Picture 2 The digital platforms most visited by Vietnamese users in early 2022
(Datakeportal, 2022)
In recent years, the TikTok platform has appeared and is currently leading in the
number of mobile app downloads on both the Android and iOS operating systems,
promising an effective advertising service platform Digital marketing agencies should
learn to grasp and develop on this platform (TechCrunch, 2022)
Messenger @
Capcut S
Spotify ©
Zoom ( WhatsApp Business ()
Meesho —]
Nettix @®
YouTube ©
nu AT xna:on Ð NEEEEEEEB Pinterest Ô ỌEENNNENB sen E BS
Trang 22Furthermore, companies that specialize in providing domain names and search browsers
are essential suppliers to the company These platforms have created growth
opportunities for all digital marketing agencies in the market
IL1.1.1.3 Marketing intermediaries
Nang Xanh acts as an intermediary and retailer for digital platforms that provide
advertising services such as Google, Facebook, and others Nang Xanh Company
purchases advertising packages directly from digital platforms rather than through
intermediaries As a result, the increased cost of using intermediary services has little
impact on Nang Xanh’s business activities
I1. Customers
Small and medium-sized companies
Nang Xanh’s clients are small and medium-sized companies Vietnam has
approximately 870,000 companies, with small and medium companies accounting for
more than 98 percent, or more than 850,000 companies (VietnamPlus, 2022)
However, the company will focus on small and medium-sized businesses that are newly
established, need to create a brand, or need to launch new products on digital platforms;
nearly 15000 businesses will be targeted
Furthermore, if there is demand, the company also provides services to small and
medium-sized businesses across the country that have built their brands and sold
products on digital platforms
Group of clients who have never launched on digital platforms
This group of customers have no experience in doing business through digital
marketing, which means they come to Nang Xanh company with the desire for advice
and will almost use the package service provided This group of customers are mostly
start-ups and are starting to find a place for them in the Vietnamese market
First, they need to design a brand identity according to their business and then, they can
continue to use other services such as web design services, website domain name
services, SEO - SEM services and content writing social media marketing services
Group of clients who have been launched on digital platforms
This group of clients may have used brand design services, web design services, website
domain name services, SEO - SEM services and content writing social media marketing
services of other agencies or may also be customers from Group of corporate customers
Trang 23who have never launched on digital platforms yet, but now they have gained a larger
number of customers, leading to the need to launch a mobile application to better
manage customer loyalty
In another case, this group of clients has used the services of another agency but has
terminated its operation due to personal reasons and is looking for another reputable
agency that can continue to maintain their business on their own previously available
digital platforms
IL. The competitor
a Direct competitor
GOBRANDING was established in 2013 and specializes in the field of Online
Marketing, established from foreign investment, with experts and technology from
Currently, GOBRANDING is focusing on providing SEO services with the goal of
making the website appear on the first page of Google with keywords, thereby leading
customers to access the website Through specific services including SEO consulting,
SEO services and website content writing (Website of GOBRANDING Company,
The company has strong investment capital from Japan At GOBRANDING, there are
Japanese experts with a deep understanding of technology in Japan, while the
company's Vietnamese experts understand the needs of domestic clients They have
combined these advantages to provide customers with the most suitable solutions,
contributing to the development of Vietnamese businesses
GOBRANDING is currently one of the leading businesses in providing standard SEO
website design services, but when searching for the keyword "SEO standard web design
services" on Google's search bar, the company's website is not in the first 3 search
results pages This can cause customers to doubt the company's service commitments
SEONGON is a brand established in 2012 SEONGON specializes in consulting and
directly implementing digital marketing campaigns - focusing on Google Over 9 years
of development, SEONGON has gradually won the trust of customers through countless
Trang 24successful large and small advertising campaigns (Website of SEONGON Company,
SEONGON has been trusted and used by some famous brands in Vietnam (including
OWEN, VinHomes, Viettel, VNPT, Sun World, Vietnam Airlines, Traphoco, RMIT
University, Habeco, Jaguar, SUNHOUSE, Richy) This is like an example of co-
branding, when these brands appear on SEONGON's website, potential customers will
immediately have confidence in the SEONGON brand similar to the brands that the
company has cooperated with before
The strength of the above, however, also unintentionally turned into a weakness of
SEONGON Customers from small-sized companies may come to SEONGON with the
desire to find an experienced digital agency, but at the same time, the cost they can
afford is not as much as the big brands they see on the website of SEONGON That
leads to customers being afraid, ignoring SEONGON and choosing to find another less
reputable agency to match the expected advertising budget
MangoAds was established in 2015 MangoAds provides services for both domestic and
foreign businesses MangoAds has become a partner providing advanced technology
solutions for many partners
MangoAds starts with programmers who know marketing combined with perfectionist
marketers who are very knowledgeable in technology That good coordination helps
MangoAds have a clear view from product conception to market launch, and also helps
customers have a broader view of the business's digital transformation path (Website of
MangoAds Company, 2022)
Website: https://mangoads vn/
In order to grasp the potential development trend of the UX/UI industry in the future,
MangoAds promptly updated a new service, UI-UX Design service for website/mobile
app to meet the needs as well as lead at the beginning of this trend
Compared to the top competitors, MangoAds has a slightly shorter number of years of
operation This is also a factor affecting the decision to choose to cooperate with a brand
because customers still tend to choose experienced brands
Trang 25b Indirect competitor
ABV Media
ABV Media officially started its business in 2013 ABV Media is a famous brand about
PR and TV program production in Hanoi As a producer of television programs, ABV
Media only uses high-end specialized camcorders to shoot videos, high-definition
videos, attractive scripts, attracting viewers contributing to affirmation products of
the brand
Besides production and business activities, ABV Media accompanies with social
programs rich in humanity: ABV Media and many youth classes have successfully
implemented many projects Besides, ABV has conducted many skill courses that
changed the lives of many students Since then, ABV Media has also built a very good
image in the mind of customers, they participate in accompanying programs for the
development of the community and society
The cost of creating an advertisement TVC at ABV is not low, and its effectiveness is
difficult to evaluate Small-sized companies will prefer using digital platforms to
promote brands, products, and services, the results are displayed through specific data
and the price is affordable Publics
Vietnam has approximately 870,000 companies, with small and medium-sized
businesses reporting for more than 98 percent The Ministry of Information and
Communications plans to continue selecting excellent digital platforms to support small
and medium-sized companies in 2022, with the goal of supporting 30,000 companies in
digital transformation (GovernmentNews, 2022)
Nang Xanh offers digital marketing services - a method of digital transformation with
the goal of benefiting the community by assisting businesses in developing and
modernizing the country Macro environment
I1. Demographic forces
Vietnamese gradually living with the pandemic and returning to normal business
activities, this is a good opportunity for businesses to start promoting their brands on the
internet In other words, the pandemic seems to have been causing businesses and
customers to change their shopping habits from in-person to online It is simply because
Trang 26we cannot know whether there will be other pandemics in the future and we should be
prepared for the worst possible cases
According to the General Statistics Office, in the first 4 months of 2022, the number of
newly established businesses increased by 12.3% over the same period in 2021; the
number of businesses returning to operation increased by 60.6% and the number of
businesses completing dissolution procedures decreased by 17.5% (The People's Army
Newspaper, 2022)
Also according to the General Statistics Office, after two years of the effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the number of newly registered businesses for the first time
reached 15,000 businesses, if the number of businesses returning to operation is
included, the number of businesses entering the market in April is more than 2 times
higher than that of businesses withdrawing from the market (The People's Army
The first quarter of 2022 indicated more new companies were registered than
2021 first quarter (18%)
Picture 4 Number of newly registered company of Vietnam
(O&Me, 2022) Brief demographic analysis of the customers of Nang Xanh: No limit on age, gender,
income level, geographical location, family structure, religion and ethnicity, occupation,
and education level The reason is that Nang Xanh Development Company Limited's
target customer base is businesses (B2B) but not the end-users As long as businesses
have the demand to build their brands on any online platforms, they have the ability to
Trang 27become customers of Nang Xanh According to the above statistics, this number of
potential customers is approximately 35,000, a number that gives the company huge
expectations and ambitions
I1. Economic forces
In general, these days, Vietnamese people have learned to live with the pandemic, and
almost everyone has been infected and cured Business activities are hardly affected by
domestic economic factors, but instead, foreign factors tend to have a large impact on
our country's market The reason is that there are countries that are still not completely
open to trade because the disease situation in their country has not been resolved
properly or the price of gasoline and food has increased sharply because of a lack of
Picture 5 Vietnam's PMI since October 2021 to March 2022
(S&P Global & IHS Markit, 2022) Shown in the infographic above, Vietnam's PMI has increased continuously since
October 2021, when lockdowns were lifted, but it witnessed its first downturn in March
this year due to the latest wave of positive patients, which also causes a labor shortage
and rising inflation headwinds (Vietnam Briefing, 2022)
Vietnam's economy is still evaluated as "the fastest growing in Southeast Asia" until the
end of the first quarter of 2022, when the necessary condition for the recovery
Trang 28foundation is the situation of social vaccination and prevention to stop the spread of
COVID-19 (VGP News, 2022)
The domestic economy opened in a “new normal” state, the COVID-19 pandemic is
basically under control, which creates an important premise for socio-economic
recovery and development; Cultural and social activities gradually return to normal
However, the prices of some input goods increased, especially gasoline prices due to the
war between Russia and Ukraine, and a local shortage of human resources, affecting
production and business activities of businesses and people (The People's Army
Newspaper, 2022) Natural forces
The process of social-economic development has revealed many drawbacks and put
significant pressure on the country's environment, ecosystems, and biodiversity The
situation with environmental pollution remains complicated, with many hot spots, and
the quality of the environment has declined sharply in many places Environmental
incidents not only have a direct impact on the environment and people's health, but they
also endanger the country's social order and security (Ministry of Industry and Trade
Web Portal, 2021)
Air quality and pollution Southeast Asia city ranking
According to IQAir, Hanoi ranks the worst in terms of air quality in South East Asia Ho
Chi Minh ranks as 6"
aN We heme Ì ^^ sa DI”
a? ki ee
Picture 6 Air quality and pollution Southeast Asia city ranking
(O&Me, 2021)
Trang 29On the other hand, air quality in urban areas, particularly in major cities such as Hanoi
and Ho Chi Minh City, is currently eroding and becoming increasingly serious In terms
of air quality, Hanoi is the worst city in Southeast Asia With the increase in air
pollutants, air quality surpasses the allowable limit and has had a significant impact on
people's lives and health (Q&Me, 2021)
The causes of environmental degradation in our country in recent years have been
caused, first and foremost, by the expansive scale of the economy and population
increasing, the increasing degree of industrialization and urbanization; massive and
uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources, resulting in many sources of pollution
and increasing waste in composition and density Meanwhile, the infrastructure for
waste collection and processing remains insufficient and has not been invested in a
coordinated manner, resulting in increased environmental pressures and a negative
impact on environmental quality, particularly the degradation of ecosystems and
biodiversity (Ministry of Industry and Trade Web Portal, 2021)
II. Technology forces
It can be seen that high-quality human resources, along with science-technology and
innovation, have become the most important input factors of modern production
powers, the "key" to determining the speed of production, level of development, and
quality of countries and economies Our Party and State have always valued the role of
science and technology in promoting the country’s industrialization and
modernization Science and technology are regarded as the top national policy, the
foundation and driving force for socioeconomic development and national defense in
many Party documents and resolutions
However, Vietnam's level of science and technology remains far below that of the rest
of Southeast Asia Except for some fields with relatively fast technological innovation,
such as information technology - telecommunications, oil and gas, aviation, finance -
banking , many companies in the manufacturing sector continue to use outdated
technology when compared to the global average Domestic companies’ ability to
absorb and innovate technology and innovation remains limited Higher education
institutions’ applied research capacity remains limited (COMMUNIST REVIEW, 2022) Political forces
According to the most recent information, which was updated on 06/06/2022, the
Ministry of Health proposed V2k rather than 5K Instead, the Ministry of Health
Trang 30consulted members of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 prevention and
control and proposed V2K (vaccine - facemask - disinfection; means Vac-xin — Khau
trang — Khir khuan in Vietnamese) instead of 5K as usual Given the current stable
epidemic situation, many people agree with the above proposal The Ministry of Health
previously recommended 5K messages such as "masks, disinfection, distance, not
gathering, medical declaration." COVID-19, on the other hand, gradually "regressed"
until the thriving period of 2022 to return society to “new normal” state The number of
infections has significantly decreased; the number of consecutive deaths is 0; the 5K
regulation has been repeatedly considered "outdated," causing many difficulties in the
social — economic recovery process (Tuoi Tre News, 2022) Cultural forces
So far, Vietnam has been relatively comfortable when it comes to organizing cultural
and social activities, owing to the active work of mobilizing people to get vaccinated
against COVID-19 and supporting people during the period of social distancing These
activities have contributed to the overall population's physical and mental health being
maintained and improved Furthermore, climate change is making life more difficult for
people in some areas of the country; the Vietnamese government and people are
collaborating to find the best adaptation options Otherwise, with the consequences of
sea level rise, a country like ours will suffer terribly, and social and cultural activities
would be unable to take place outside the affected area
The effort of providing care for and guaranteeing people's lives is concentrated; for the
whole year of 2021 and the first 4 months of 2022, the Government supported over 49.6
million employee turns and 728.4 thousand employer turns with a total budget of over
VND 81.6 trillion
Cultural and social activities gradually recovered their vibrancy; cultural values, social
ethics, decent family traditions, good examples of good people and good deeds are still
imitated and encouraged Physical education and sports have been prioritized, and the
preparation and organization of the 31st SEA Games have been carried out with care,
safety, and success
The government has established a Steering Committee and developed a plan to
implement COP26 commitments, focusing on thorough research to complete the energy
transition plan (Electricity Plan VIII), and continuing to implement the effectiveness of
Trang 31the program for sustainable development in the Mekong Delta to adapt to climate
change (The People's Army Newspaper, 2022)
IL.1.2 The situation of marketing operation of the company
I1.1.2.1 Current marketing strategies of the company
IL1.2.1.1 Market segment of the company
Nang Xanh Development Limited Company has been operating for over ten years
During that time, the Company has made numerous positive contributions, assisting
businesses in participating in the digital market competitive match Currently, the
company has more experience in the field of Digital Marketing than agencies that have
just begun operating due to the market's high demand Despite the fact that the
company's brand recognition is almost non-existent, client credibility seems to be very
significant Businesses have set a number of different selective purposes when deciding
to choose Nang Xanh Development Limited Company as a partner to carry out
their branding projects, of which there are 3 most prominent objectives to consider
Trang 32Numerical order Objective Description
Nang Xanh is a company that grasps Digital Marketing services, particularly SEO standard Choosing forthe web design services that have previously been
1 reliability of Nang performed When purchasing service packages, Xanh clients want to take the values that Nang Xanh
company will bring to their businesses after being branded on digital platforms
When picking Nang Xanh, clients will be involved
in the majority of branding decision making
Table 3 Description of the reasons customers pick Nang Xanh
Trang 331IL. Target market of the company
and increase brand awareness
; Searching for the keyword phrase "SEO standard web design"
Customer's social ; ; "¬
; ; on Google; promoting their brands on digital platforms;
media usage habits ; ;
keeping up with new market trends
Total number of 35,000 businesses (Number of newly registered companies of
target customers Vietnam in Q1 2022)
Table 4 Nang Xanh Development Company Limited client profile (Nang Xanh Development Company Limited, 2022) Nang Xanh's sampling of the target customer segment is reasonable Nang Xanh is a
company that offers a variety of services related to brand promotion on digital
platforms, and the need to put brands on digital platforms is growing rapidly in
Vietnam Currently, up to 34.2 percent of Internet users between the ages of 16 and 64
use Search Engines to find new brands, indicating that the demand for businesses to put
their name on the digital world is still growing As a result, the size of the client
company that Nang Xanh selects is in the customers with small and medium-sized
businesses that are just starting up
I1. POPs and POSs of the company
— Providing branding — Experience: 10 years of experience working in the services on digital field of digital marketing
platforms - Services: A variety of subdivided service
- Using a variety of Digital packages that aid in providing customers with the Marketing tools as the exact service package they require
foundation of business — Price: Offer a reasonable price that is appropriate
activities for a group of customers who are just starting
- Offering solutions to help their business and do not have a large marketing customers have a detailed budget
view of the points that — Employees: Qualified and skilled employees
need to be redesigned in Professional demeanor and timely response to
terms of images and customer inquiries
content on their digital - The position of Nang Xanh’s website when
platforms searching for the keyword "SEO standard web
~ Increase the awareness of design" on the Google search page: ranges from customers’ businesses 2nd to 5th position
Table 5 Compare the Points of Parity and Points of Differences of Nang Xanh Development Company Limited compared to competitors
Trang 35In the current economy, most Digital Marketing agencies will offer service packages that are similar When compared to competitors with strong brand equity, the location
of Nang Xanh's website on the search page when searching for the keyword "SEO standard web design" on Google stands out In addition, direct competitors such as GOBRANDING and MangoAds do not appear on the first page of search results This
is a significant benefit that enables new customers to learn about "SEO standard web design" to be aware of Nang Xanh Furthermore, Nang Xanh distinguishes itself from other Digital Marketing firms by providing a reasonable service quotation
I1. Brand positioning of the company
a Brand manifesto
Nang Xanh Company was founded with the intention of assisting partners through selecting Nang Xanh to satisfy their needs and desires Increase their brand equity and reputation while providing businesses with timely solutions
Nang Xanh Company's direct competitors include GOBRANDING, SEONGON and MangoAds; indirect competitor is ABV Media In comparison to these 4 competitors, Nang Xanh, with 10 years of experience, always desires to accompany small and medium-sized businesses that are just starting up so that Nang Xanh can use the experience accumulated in 10 years and help partners succeed
b Positioning map
After analyzing, I determined that the two most important factors for customers who want to do business and advertise their brands on digital platforms that choose Nang Xanh are quality and price of Digital Marketing service packages suitable for their small
and medium businesses
Trang 36customer's website loads in less
than two seconds, a Google Pagespeed quality score of 90 or higher, and standard Google AMP web design
The company has a Japanese management board, many years
of experience, high service quality, and a good reputation
GOBRANDING has worked with well-known corporations and companies, confirming its industry-leading service quality
SEONGON has a detailed and clear 12-step process for consulting and implementing services to help customers easily track service commitments; The company has many years of experience and has collaborated with big names, which has helped to
Service prices
Service packages range in price from 8 to 15 million, depending on the needs and business status of the
partner company
Suitable for small and medium-sized businesses that are just starting out and introducing products to digital platforms
This company's service prices are diverse, aimed primarily toward medium- sized businesses that have been in the market for a long time, introduced products on digital platforms, and have a strong brand foundation before partnering with
Service prices vary, and tend to be suitable for medium-sized companies with large capital and long- standing operations, or brands that have previously promoted products and services on digital
Trang 374 MangoAds
5 ABV Media
increase the recognition of the brand in the company's field of operation
This company is the youngest among the listed companies;
their employees are also young and highly productive, bringing
a prestigious quality of service
to the company; Collaboration with reputable businesses to help them increase brand value and ensure service quality reputation
Specializing in TV commercial production and advertising
services, excellent service and
Due to years of experience and reputation, the company’s service prices are diverse for businesses of all sizes, but will be lower than
Due to the high cost of manpower and equipment, the cost of TVC production cannot be lower than the cost of implementing Digital Marketing projects Small businesses with limited capital may find it difficult to decide whether
to use this type of service or
Table 6 The competitive advantages of Nang Xanh and competitors
Trang 38In general, all five of the companies mentioned above provide high-quality services that
satisfy customers As a result, the disparity in service prices will force SMEs to make
the final decision Based on the foregoing analysis, the Nang Xanh Company and
competitors' brand positioning map is as follows:
Picture 8 Positioning Map
IIL2 The integrated marketing mix tactics of the company
11.2.1 The Marketing Mix Strategy of the company — 7Ps
I1.2.1.1 Product
11,, Main services of Nẵng Xanh
Nang Xanh provides a variety of Digital Marketing service packages, as well as retail
services in the Marketing package, such as Brand Design Service, SEO for Website
Trang 39Service, Marketing on Social Networks Service, and Mobile App Design Service
Although service packages can be purchased separately, Nang Xanh always advises
customers to purchase the entire package for the best results Nang Xanh provides
solutions and strategies that are unique to each business, rather than a generic approach
Diagram 2 Services of Nang Xanh (Website of Nang Xanh Company, 2022)
a Brand Design Service
Nang Xanh’s brand design service is always focused on its target customers, who are
small and medium-sized businesses that are just getting started, because it is the
foundation for making partners’ future marketing activities more convenient
Trang 40b SEO for Website Service
Nang Xanh will encourage customers to move on to the stage of increasing the ranking
of their website on the search results pages of popular search engines after they have
built the necessary brand elements In addition to providing content marketing services
for the website in order to increase rankings organically, the company also provides
SEM services for the website if customers need to increase awareness or conversions
c Marketing on Social Networks Service
Marketing on social networks services is similar to SEO for websites services, but
instead of assisting partner companies! websites in increasing their rankings on browser
search results pages, Marketing on social networks services focus on using keywords
and hashtags so that posts on partner companies’ fan page are displayed when end-users
search for specific keywords or hashtags on Social Networks including Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and other
d Mobile App Design Service
This service will primarily benefit businesses with a solid reputation and a large amount
of customer data The customer desires to sell their products or services directly rather
than relying on e-commerce platforms (Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, Sendo, etc.) or public
technology delivery apps (Grab, Baemin, Be, Gojek ) will need this service Product of the company
a Core value
The service must provide effective, optimal, and cost-effective digital marketing
solutions, as well as on-time project implementation The employees complete
successful projects and create their credibility with partners’ companies
b Actual product
Customers’ needs and desires are met by providing high-quality service Nang Xanh’s
services, such as brand design, SEO for websites, and social media marketing, must
always produce positive results, as evidenced by the improved ranking of the partner's
business website on browser search results pages and the position of the article on social
networking platforms The Mobile App Design Service is always fixed, updated with
new features in route with end-user needs and partner business requirements to help
improve user experience and frequency of app usage