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Tiêu đề A Study On The Use Of Technology To Enhance Students’ Speaking Skill: A Case Study At Hanoi Law University
Tác giả Lai Thi Bao Ngoc
Người hướng dẫn Nguyen Thu Trang, MA
Trường học Hanoi Law University
Chuyên ngành Law
Thể loại Graduation Paper
Năm xuất bản 2023
Thành phố Hanoi
Định dạng
Số trang 66
Dung lượng 31,7 MB

Nội dung

The result showed that most students believedtechnology plays a crucial role in learning to speak English, and they have usedvarious technological tools to enhance their speaking skills.

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Supervisor’s confirmation Researcher’s signature

Nguyen Thu Trang M.A Lai Thi Bao Ngoc

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My gratitude goes to my friends and classmates who have devotedly

encouraged and assisted me with all of their talents Iam especially appreciative

to all participants for their important contributions to the data collection for myresearch

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my family for their

unending love and support Thank you for always having faith in me


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disadvantages of using technology in learning English speaking skills among

K46 English major students Moreover, the study also suggests somerecommendations for enhancing the use of technology to acquire speakingskills by applying a mixed method of quantitative method and qualitativemethods A five-point Likert Scale questionnaire and interview sessions were

carried out for one week period at Hanoi Law University with 102

English-majored sophomores The result showed that most students believedtechnology plays a crucial role in learning to speak English, and they have usedvarious technological tools to enhance their speaking skills The study alsoreveals that technology can both positively and negatively affect English-

speaking ability suggesting helpful recommendations for students, teachers,

and universities to use more technology in the classrooms Based on the

findings, this thesis recommends that educators provide students with moreopportunities to practice their speaking skills using technology and that

students should be encouraged to use various technological tools to enhancetheir learning experience Finally, this research paper's results may also beapplicable to the other study on this topic


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STUDENT DECLAIRRA TON G5 <5 5 9 nọ nọ ng 0090608ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SwissssssscersevesssccassevnnsevessvoanssscssveurssossssscenaveanasecnvesenasesABSTTIRACCTT <5 << 5 0.0 00.90040000 4.0004.000 58 09.06LIST OF TABLES seeeneencaeeianioneiingit4L04014130601572151011G000141811088336

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1, Rationale for the Study: xeuoeseessnnnenaieniioakiisdiiiairiissayEGiSNESEEESREEOIEKEESUXSXEN 11.1 Aims Of the Study o5 G5 5 5 55 999.9 000.0000000 00000000996 31.2 RescarCH QUESTIONS: sáccsccoeecenoaonadreoiirdddoringaocoddiopgiratigatidtlidgihiciikagtriidgSuiiuuii6618M 31,0 Simca) Gf Ee SHffseeeesssonnaareexoeptriorgoiiigsgiEGODEGODDEIIBGENIGSIIESISSESIUGSEGSME 3

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Lt SURMISE ngatrdbitiaitdtetitiitcdGiALL100088100133L08136015EL09936146146123413803813613880120833-566 16CHAPTER 2, METHODOLOGY 5 scsssconsscenxassosassonsssennsssnsseseanssnenesensxonnnnnonss 172.1 Design of the study 005G 5 5 5 S9 9 9 00000 000009896 172.2, Research question FESĂAÍEzsosceneeseesnnresedrrnrirndorecrorpddiroiuiiooiiiopadriodtoiuvs 172.3 Data collection ÏnSÍTUITHIE c 55 << 5 55 << 5 555 SE9555688556 588256 172A Sample population sss ssscssscsss sscssvesssssssvssvesssssonsseasssnssveseaeasscssvesseasensvenseews 18

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2.3: Data collection procedures seseesasreeeepreekedkeianneikuaiietiikikouiotitiogNo046Á081003009006 182.6 Data AIẠSÏS oo-GG G5 0 0 0 000080000106 192.6.1 Student”s Questionnaire ssssscssssvenencssvssseveenasnvennssanvssseensensanananssscsssasevesns 19shÐ 22M VIEITE ENTE Ye seeesngpewrueoortobovisesegtv900001000909/33001000900ĐG00004X3001070/00%/08000120300M00001E1EEDR 20Bids TUTHHÌẨE ghuuttbbttitDtELDiLGE21001GG84155530216136501G S51L00H1-8E544GI210E5124801248582336 20CHAPTER 03 RESULT AND DISCUSSION -c<<<<<<<<55 21

3 Đ€SỤẨS cccsccccssseccssssccsssseccscsscssssssccsssscsssessesessssssssssseessssssesssssssssesssons 213.1.1How do second — year Legal English majors use technology inimproving Speaking Skill ? œ <5 5< < 5s 999 0905 0 09856880996 213.1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of using technology to enhance theS| 263.1.3What are recommendations for enhancing technology use f0acquire speaking SKIS? sicsccsscccssncnnserescnsamvsovenasenasvanveesrencunareasevamasanenannn 333.2.DSCUSSÏOTN 0 <5 5 <6 5S 9 0.0 0 0 4.0004 0004.0004.000 56009960 343,5 SUMMALY coacsantcexkekdgti1840465Vak00015ã006500105805554600461800905u6466086/000600158840ã66-00000804046 36CHAPTER 04 RECOMMENDA TIƠNG con 1e 374.1 Recommendations for English major s(udenfs < «5< «« 374.2 Recommendations for English teachers o 555 <5 s5 S555 S995 374.3 Recommendation for the University c G5 <5 5 555555 5555995 39CONCLUSION nanscscexssonsnessaccnnsenverseavevianesexsuncnnaesesnsusawesvenssasnancsevesesesaneaves 41

1 SUITITALTV d 5 (G55 9 9 9 9.9 0 0 0000 0000000000040 60980 41

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3 Suggestions for further SÍUỈY c5 << 555 < s1 55 8990565 8885056 08856 42FREER ENCES bununueniarirdiidudttiigtiiidiiiisi1LIEI60082160144G10401008316164 G0538 0831685 44APPENDIX 01 sessesscocnsnnnsncnnscncxcnnantonnnnonnaennns ssennssnnstennisveeunvennrsnnesemn ences 47APPENDIX Ú2 0œ <5 G9 Họ 0 0 04.0004.0004 000.50 0008.08 51APPENDIX 03 ccoccavaninoenoeraniadisaiasirrierisisds116701016801956095X05016196966010/6719166E 51

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Table 3 Apps K46 English majors students use to learn speaking skill

Table 4 Websites K46 English majors students use to learn speaking



Figurel English proficiency levels of K46 English majors at HLU

Figure 2 Advantages of using technology to enhance the speaking

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: Hanoi Law University

: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

: English as a Second Language

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The purpose of this chapter is to build the foundation for the research

study by describing its rationale, aims, research questions, scope,significance, and organization with a clear focus, purpose, and direction

1 Rationale for the study

In recent years, along with the worldwide integration and globalizationtrend, the scientific and technological revolution has evolved significantly,

which has contributed to the education sector in general and foreign language

learning in particular in Vietnam The online preservation of teaching andlearning activities at all levels of education countrywide, even during the

Covid-19 outbreak, has also been a clear indication of the employment of

technology in education

Technology promotes an open education, helping people access

multi-dimensional information, shortening distances, narrowing all spaces, andsaving optimally in time Since then, people have developed faster inknowledge, perception, and thinking Open educational programs help peopleexchange and seek knowledge effectively Therefore, the influence of

technology has changed educational methods and thinking in Vietnam inrecentyears That is foreign language learning integrated with skill development,

learning English on the technology platform

This advanced training method is beneficial since it enables students

to approach the language in a more practical and applied approach.Educational institutions, colleges, and research investment centers stressthe application of technology to learning in order to provide a sound and

progressive educational environment for students A typical example is the

application of technology in learning foreign languages by learners.Especially, learning English allows learners to instantly access knowledge

sources, from general knowledge to academic knowledge around the world

in English through the library's search system Search engines like Google

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Search, Google Scholars, Google Books, academic databases like Scopus

or educational, and social networks such as Academia, and Research Gates.Moreover, with the advent of technology, language learners can now use

various digital tools and software to improve their language skills,including their speaking skills

According to Arifah (2014), accessing the Internet will help motivatereaders to learn We can combine pictures, films, and music with the lessonstoincrease their intellectual awareness and develop their thinking ability.Another benefit is that students can use English-related apps on their phones.Computer technology and the Internet provide providers for studying,enhancing, rehearsing, and developing skills EFL students can use some

technology such as computers, tablets, and Smartphones to access the Internet

to communicate with foreigners and improve their language (Alsied andPathan, 2013) Moreover, according to Bull and Ma (2001), technologyprovides offers unlimited resources to language learners According toHarmer (2007), using computer-language activities improve cooperativelearning in learners

Moreover, Hussain (2018) stated that the primary function of language

is to communicate, and English is considered an international languageused in conferences, meetings, cultural exchanges, forums, etc People in

interaction mainly use speech to transmit information, so speaking plays animportant le in language acquisition The Industrial revolution 4.0 hassignificantly impacted foreign language teaching and learning thanks toadvancements in multimedia technology, helping to diversify and improvethe efficiency of transferring foreign language knowledge and skillsthrough the application of information technology achievements,particularly in teaching speaking skills

In this research paper, the author wants to find out what type oftechnology the 2nd year students of Legal English major, Faculty of Legal

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Foreign Languages, Hanoi Law University use to enhance speaking skills as

well as their positives and hindrances when applying these technologies in


1.1 Aims of the study

The research paper has three primary purposes as follows:

1 Investigating the practice of using technology to improve theirspeakingskill among English-major students from K46

2 Investigating the positive and negative results of using technology inlearning speaking skills

3 Suggesting some recommendations for enhancing the use of

technology to acquire speaking skills

3 What are the recommendations for enhancing the use of technology to

acquire speaking skills?

1.3 Significance of the study

Although this study was conducted on a small scale, the researcher hopesthat once completed, it will be useful to all HLU students, particularly second-year English major students at Hanoi Law University who wish to improvetheir English language skills Particularly, the study aims to provide languagelearners with helpful information and assist them in utilizing technologicaltools to acquire English speaking more effectively

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Finally, this study will be a reliable resource for academicians interestedinthe same subject.

1.4 Scope of the study

This study focuses on which technology tools K46 students of HanoiLaw University use to maintain and improve their speaking skills when going

through 2 semester online classes due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic aswell as the positive or negative outcomes of technology Moreover, it can beexpected that they have already experimented with anddiscovered a variety oftechnology tools for learning speaking skills to fit into the scope of thisresearch paper

1.5 Organization of the study

The study consists of three parts mainly organized as follows:

Part I: Introduction includes the Rationale, Aims, Research questions,Scope, Significance, and Study Organization

Part II: Development is segmented into four chapters as follows:

Chapter 1 The Literature Review sets out the theoretical framework forresearch and reviews some of the previous studies

Chapter 2 Methodology provides the data collection instruments,

procedures of data collection, and procedures of data analysis

Chapter 3 Results and Discussion shows the analytical findings of thesurvey and a detailed interpretation of the data obtained

Chapter 4 Recommendations make a number of recommendations on the

basis of key study results

Part III: Conclusion delivers a summary of the study, limitations of the

study,and suggestions for future research

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This chapter outlines the fundamental ideas of speaking skills, including

the definition of speaking and technology, the significance of speaking skills,the role of technology for language learners studying speaking skills in

particular, and the methods of learning speaking In addition, this chapter

gives an overview of the application of technology in English learning,including its advantages and disadvantages Last but not least, the researcherreviews some previous research on the implementation of technology toenhance students’ speaking skills

1.1 Speaking skill

1.1.1 Definition of Speaking skill

Speaking is considered as one of the four most essential skills of English,helping learners to express their foreign language skills directly in daily

communications Researchers and educators have had different opinionsabout regarding the concept of “speaking skills”

The first definition is that speaking is a tough interaction skill withthe

extra complication of being especially anxiety-provoking for second languagelearners (Burns & Siegel, 2018) According to the third definition, saying is aproductive talent in the oral form It is similar to mastering other abilities inthat it is more complex than it appears at first and includes more than merely

speaking words (Bashir, Azeem & Dogar,2011)

According to author Khamkhien A, speaking is one of the essentialskills when learning a foreign language, including English According toBygate (2018), speaking skill is one of the reflexive skills, helping learners

to use foreign languages to express opinions, views, thoughts, and feelings

to the opposite person, the listener Richards (2006) states that speaking is

"the use of natural language that occurs when a speaker interacts and

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maintains continuous communication despite limitations in their ability tocommunicate."

Speaking, according to Brawn (Awalia Reski, 2009:2), is an interactiveprocess of meaning construction that involves producing and receivingprocessing information Speakers must grasp not just how to generate specificpoints of language such as syntax and pronunciation, but also when, why, and

in what manner to produce language

Bygate (1987) defined speaking as the generation of auditory signals toelicit various verbal replies from listeners It is viewed as systematicallyblending sounds to make meaningful phrases According to Florez (1999) andAbd El Fattah Torky (2006), speaking is a two—way activity that authenticlyshares views, facts, or emotions This top-down perspective sees spokenwords as the cooperation of two or more people in a shared moment and

describes speaking as "the process of creating and communicating meaning in

a variety of circumstances via the employment of verbal and nonverbal

symbols" (quoted in olcova, 2011: 17)

According to Ur (1996), speaking encompassed all other aspects of

understanding that language Speaking is "the act of constructing and

communicating meaning via the use of verbal and nonverbal symbols in arange of circumstances" (Chaney, 1998) Speaking is an essential aspect ofsecond language learning and instruction; it is a communication skill and

one of four productive abilities that must be learned while learning a

foreign language The act of creating words that listeners can understand is

referred to as good speaking abilities Speaking is the ability that

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students will be graded on the most in real-life circumstances, according to

Brown and Yule (1983) It is a vital aspect of daily conversation, and mostpeople's initial impressions are based on their ability to talk smoothly and


Speaking is defined as "the act of constructing and communicatingmeaning via the use of verbal and nonverbal symbols in a range ofcircumstances" (Chaney, 1998, p 13) Speaking is an interactive process of

meaning construction that includes creating, receiving, and processing

information (Brown,1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997) Its shape and meaning aredetermined by the context, which includes the individuals, their collectiveexperiences, the physical surroundings, and the reasons for speaking (1999,Florez)

From the preceding definitions, the researcher has concluded thatspeaking skill is defined as one of the reflexive skills, helping learners to useforeign languages to express opinions, views, thoughts, and feelings to thelistener, which consists of making structured verbal utterances in a variety ofcontexts to transmit meaning

1.1.2 The importance of speaking skill

According to Baker and Westrup (2003), those who learn to speakEnglish very well can have better opportunities to study, find good jobs, andget promoted According to research by Hoang Tue and Tran Duyen (2019),

more than 50% of employers believe that speaking should be practiced more

That means speaking skill is of great importance Thus,it can be asserted thatspeaking skill helps the English language to perform its own communicationfunction Moreover, speaking skills also contribute to strengthening learners'listening skills, helping to increase vocabulary and practice-related skills.Therefore, when learning English, many Vietnamese students want to studyand practice a lot to improve their speaking skills, helping them study andwork in the future

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According to Bueno, Madrid, and Mclaren (2006: 321), “Speakingis one

of the most challenging skills language learners have to face Speaking is

considered the most important of the four language skills ofEnglish Even the

learners learn the language for so many years; they find it difficult to speak in

real times when it is demanded Gerald Gillis(2013) states that speaking skills

are important for career success, but certainly not limited to one’sprofessional aspirations Speaking skills can enhance one’s personal life and

thereby bring about the well-roundedgrowth that we should all seek

Shumin (2002, p.205) said: “Speaking is a skill that deserves as muchattention as literary skills (literature skills) both in the process of learningmother tongue and learning foreign languages The purpose of learning aforeign language is to be able to communicate in that language According toNunan (1991, p.39), “For most learners, mastering the speaking skill is themost important factor in the process of learning a foreign language, and success

in speaking is assessed by the ability to develop speaking skills.” In addition,

according to some recent studies, speaking skills also play a role in supporting

the development of other skills such as reading skills (Hilferty, 2005), writingskills (Trachset & Severino, 2004) and skills listen (Regina, 1997)

Chaney (1998) argues that speaking is a process of creating and sharinginformation in different contexts He admits the importance of speaking skills

in learning and teaching language; however, students should find out moreappropriate methods to learn it best thanks to the development of modern

society He considers cultural factors and communicative rules as the most

important components According to Brown (1994), speaking is the process ofinteracting with each other to create information through the process ofcreating, receiving, and processing information In short, language researchersare consistent with the idea that speaking is a skill that allows people toexpress information, and express opinions, thoughts, and emotions clearly,helping the process of communicating effectively

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Today, no one can deny the role of foreign languages in general

development and international economic integration, in which speaking skill

is considered as a productive skill, helping learners to show the ability to

communicate with the best results Brown and Yule (1983) assert thatspeaking skills play an important role in everyday communication Theauthors mention two main functions of speaking skills: transactional function(information transmission function) and interaction function (function tomaintain social relationships) Therefore, the development of speaking skillshas an extremely important meaning in the curriculum of English as a foreignlanguage (EFL) or as a second language (ESL)

Nunan (1999) argues that successful speaking skills are assessed based

on the ability to carry out conversations in the target language Obviously,through speaking skills, teachers assess not only students' English ability butalso their social knowledge, communication skills, life experiences, andpersonalities Some of the problems in speaking ability include a) Students donot have enough motivation to practice inclass; b) they are too shy and afraid

to take part in the conversation; c) they have nothing to say; and d) they donot like the materials (Asaei, 2011) These problems can be handled if there

are appropriate and effective teaching and learning strategies

1.2 Technology

1.2.1 Definition of technology

Technology refers to the scientifically developed instruments, methods,and systems that are used to address practical problems, improve processes,and enhance the human experience It includes a wide range of innovations,from simple tools and machines to complex software systems, communication

networks, and advanced robotics Technology plays an increasingly important

role in modern society, influencing every aspect of our lives, including

education, business, healthcare, entertainment, and communication

Using technology in learning English refers to the use of various


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technological tools and resources to facilitate language learning and teaching.

This can include software programs, mobile apps, onlinecourses and tutorials,

educational websites, multimedia content, language learning games, andcommunication tools such as video conferencing and chat applications

Technology can provide learners with a more interactive, engaging, and

personalized learning experience, enabling them to practice and improve their

language skills in a more efficient and effective way For example, languagelearning apps can provide learners with instant feedback on theirpronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary usage, whileonline courses can offer

a wide range of learning materials and interactive exercises

In addition, technology can also help overcome geographic and timebarriers, enabling learners to access language learning resources andcommunicate with native speakers from around the world

Technology has been defined by different researchers According to

ISMAN (2012), it is the practical use of knowledge particularly in a specificarea, and is a way of doing a task, especially using technical processes,

methods, or knowledge The usage of technology includes notonly machines(computer hardware) and instruments but also involves structured relations

with other humans, machines, and the environment (ISMAN, 2012).

According to Hennessy, Ruthven, and Brindley (2005) and Pourhosein

Gilakjani (2017), technology integration is defined in terms of how teachers usetechnology to perform familiar activities more effectively and how this usage can

reshape these activities Dockstader (2008) defined technology integration as theuse of technology to improve the educational environment It supports classroom

teaching by creating opportunities for learners to complete assignments on thecomputer rather than the normal pencil and paper

Overall, using technology in learning English can help learners acquirelanguage skills more easily, enhance their language proficiency, and improvetheir overall learning outcomes


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1.2.2 Advantages of technology in learning a speaking skill

Using technology in learning to speak brings a number of positive results

on the part of the learners

Flexibility: Technology allows learners to access speaking practicematerials and tools at any time and from anywhere, which can help them fitlearning into their busy schedules

Personalization: Many technology-based speaking practice programs

can be customized to the learner's level and needs, allowing them to focus on

areas where they need the most improvement

Interactivity: Technology-based speaking practice tools often usemultimedia, such as video and audio, to simulate real-life conversations,allowing learners to practice in a more interactive and engaging way

Immediate feedback: Technology-based speaking practice programs

can provide immediate feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary

usage, allowing learners to correct errors and improve their skills more


Confidence building: Technology-based speaking practice tools canhelp learners build confidence by providing a safe and supportiveenvironment where they can practice without fear of embarrassment or

judgment (according to Chan, V (2016) “Advantages and Disadvantages of

technology in language learning”)

Technology in learning to speak develops language fluency, accuracy,

and complexity Moreover, using technology in learning to speak improvesstudents’ speaking fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical

range, accuracy, and pronunciation In addition, technology in learningspeaking improves learners' speaking skills, and employing such has a positiveimpact on learners speaking skills, fluency, and pronunciation It alsoovercomes students' speaking difficulties may, Metwally & Alfaruque, 2019)

An article was written by Costley (2014) with the topic: “The Positive


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Effects of Technology on Teaching and Student Learning” The author usedanalysis for this paper This paper showed that technology hasa positive effect

on language learning Moreover, technology is effective in all age groups and

helps students with special learning needs In summary, using technology inlearning English has many following benefits: increased student motivation,engagement, collaboration, and technology skills

Further, Akkara, Anumula, and Mallampalli (2020) described that there

is a significant difference in the speaking ability of students when taughtspeaking using technology such as WhatsApp interaction Using technology

in teaching speaking with the experimental group has a larger significance inEnglish fluency compared to the other group taught to speak in English usingthe traditional method In addition, Rodrigues and Vethamani (2015) find outthat there is greater language proficiency and stronger self-confidence amonglearners of English as a second language as they develop their speaking skills.Also, using Information Communication Technology (ICT) enhancesspeaking skills, motivation, and oral performance (Idayani & Sailun, 2017) It

has a huge and significant impact on students learning effectiveness in which

students claim to have their speaking ability, knowledge and creativity

enhanced The use of multimedia as learning material as one of the ICTtechnologies was recorded as significantly effective in honing students’

ability to speak in English (Ampa, Rasyid, and Rahman, 2013)

Overall, technology can enhance the learning experience for learnerswho are seeking to improve their speaking skills, by providing them with

access to flexible, personalized, interactive, and supportive learning


1.2.3 Disadvantages of technology in learning speaking skill

While technology has made significant advancements in languagelearning, there are still some challenges and difficulties that learners mayface when using technology to learn speaking skills Here are some of thecommon ones:


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Lack of human interaction: Technology-based language learning often

involves interacting with a computer or device, which may not provide the

same level of human interaction as face-to-face communication This canlimit the opportunities for learners to practice real-life conversation andreceive immediate feedback

Limited feedback: While some language learning software may offer

speech recognition features, they may not always accurately capturenuances inpronunciation or intonation This can lead to learners developing incorrecthabits or not receiving adequate feedback to correctmistakes

Technical issues: Technology-based language learning often relies oninternet connectivity, software updates, and device compatibility, which cansometimes cause technical difficulties or interruptions in the learning process.Limited context: Technology-based language learning may not always

provide learners with a full context for the language being taught For

example, learners may not be exposed to the cultural nuances or situational

appropriateness of certain expressions or phrases

Lack of motivation: Without a structured learning environment or

teacher guidance, some learners may lack the motivation to consistentlypractice and improve their speaking skills using technology (Warschauer, M.,

&Matuchniak, T (2010)

The research name "Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities ofTeaching Speaking Online" by Tzu-Hsuan Chiu and Chun-Chieh Chang: Thisstudy explored the challenges and opportunities of teaching speaking skillsonline in the context of English as a Foreign Language The findingsindicatedthat while online teaching can provide more opportunities for students topractice speaking, it also presents challenges such as technicalissues, lack offace-to-face interaction, and difficulties in assessing speaking skills

1.3 Review of some previous research on the use of technology to learnEnglish in general and enhance speaking skills in particular


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There are several surveys and research for using technology inlanguage learning in general and in learning speaking skills in particular One

of the previous research related to this topic is “Effects of UsingTechnology to Support Students in Developing Speaking skills” by NguyenThi Doan Trinh, Pham Vu Phi Ho The present study attempts to investigatethe effects of using technology to support the development ofspeaking skillsfor high school students and the attitude of students when being employedwith technological devices in learning foreign languages The purpose of this

study is to develop beneficial suggestions for educators, students, and

teachers to enhance the teaching and learning of spoken English The research

was conducted in a high school in Kien Giang province with the participation

of 100 students giving the answers to the questionnaire with items about usingtechnological devices to enhance students' speaking skills Besides, theinvolvement of six teachers of English in the interview gives insights intoteachers' beliefs about using technology to support students in developingspeaking skills Statistical Package statistically analyzed data for Social

Sciences (SPSS) program The study's conclusions show that speaking is

significantly impacted by technology According to the study, technology

tools like PowerPoint, YouTube, Speech Recognition Software, and films can

substantially enhance oral communication skills in EFL learners

In 2012, one research was done by Shyamlee and Phil with the topic

"Use of Technology in English Language Teaching and Learning".Two authors

used qualitative analysis to find out the pros and cons of applying multimedia

technology to English language teaching and learning, such as e-mail, theInternet, Electronic Dictionaries, PowerPoint, etc The results obviously showthat using multimedia technology can enhance teachers' and students' teachingeffects and interaction Moreover, technology also makes the course contentflexible Everything has two slides, however, technology also keeps students'thinking potential restricted All in all, the authors claimed that technology


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should not be overused because it is just a support tool for teaching andlearning English.

Moreover, the research “Use of technology in improving speaking skill”

by B.Waheeda Parveen (2016) This paper aims to discuss some modern

technologies available for teachers of English today to enhance speakingskills in a second or foreign language and the availability of varioustechnologies, their impact, their practical uses and the problems associatedwith the application of modern technological tools In this study, the authoralso provides modern technologies available in education today such asCommunication lab; video conferencing; video library; CALL (ComputerAssisted Language Learning); Speech recognition software; Programmersthrough educational satellites; Blogging; Internet; TELL (TechnologyEnhanced Language Learning); Podcasting; Quick Link Pen; Quicktionary.The next research was named “Technology in teaching speaking skill”

by Maryam Bahadorfar and Reza Omidvar This research has reviewed

briefly how technology can be utilized in developing the speaking skill of

learners This paper aims to discuss some modern technologies available for

teachers of English today to enhance the speaking skills of second or foreign

language learners Different methods for using technology to improvespeaking skills were discussed thoroughly The study reports that technology

is the vehicle to get access to this modernized world More than the process of

communication, trade, and transactions, today technology is widely used in

educational sectors Technological tools have been regarded as ways of

helping students improve language skills such as speaking skills Internet,

podcasts, video conferencing, videos, and speech recognition software are

considered the best tools for teaching speakingskills

Furthermore, Tomlison (2009) and Genclter (2015) say that computer

-based activities provide learners with rapid information and appropriate

materials They continue that internet materials motivate learners to learn


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more In addition, Larsen-Freeman and Anderson (2011) supported the view

that technology provides teaching resourcesand brings learning experience to

the learners’ world Through using technology, many authentic materials can

be provided to learners, andthey can be motivated to learn the language

Solanki and Shyamleel (2012) and Pourhosein Gilakjani (2017)supported the view that language teaching method has been changed due totechnology The researchers continued that the application of technologyhelps learners learn on the basis of their interests It also satisfies both the

visual and auditory senses of the learners According to Lam and Lawrence

(2002) and Pourhosein Gilakjani (2017), technology assists learners inadjusting their own learning process and they can have access to a lot ofinformation that their teachers are notable to provide

In 2016, Alsulami conducted research intending to find the impact oftechnology on learning English for female students at Effatt College He usedquestionnaires with Likert scale questions forthis research The data for thisinvestigation were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the SocialSciences (SPSS) to derive results The result clearly demonstrates that social

media, software, audio tools (Youtube, Skype, MP3 player), and educational

fps on smartphones positively impact However, the useful impact of usingTechnology in English learning depends on how students or learners use it.1.4 Summary

In this chapter, the researcher presents the definition of speaking skill

and the concept of technology In addition, chapter 1 also shows the

importance of speaking skills and technology for language learners and theadvantages and disadvantages technology in learning a speaking skill Finally,the researcher examines some of the previous studies on the use of technology

to learn English in general and enhances speaking skills in particular


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In this chapter, the researcher will describe in detail the researchmethods and the methodology utilized for this study

2.1 Design of the study

The study was researched through a mixed method of quantitative andqualitative aiming to investigate the use of technology to enhance students’speaking skills by using a questionnaire survey and interview questions

Moreover, among 120 questionnaires delivered, the researched got 102out of 120 respondents were reviewed in cross-sectional research thatincluded 12 research-made questionnaire questions and 6 interview questionswith 5 students conducting the interviews In one week, participants respond

to questionnaires via offline, and online surveys, and take part in directinterviews afterward

Primary data were used to perform the analysis

2.2 Research question restated

These research efforts are dedicated to finding answers to the followingquestions:

1 How do second-year Legal English majors use technology inimproving speaking skills

2 What have been the positive and negative results of using technologyinlearning a speaking skill?

3 What are the recommendations for enhancing the use of technologytoacquire speaking skills?

2.3 Data collection instrument

The primary methods for data collection in this research were aquestionnaire survey and a set of interview questions There are numeroustypes of survey questions including multiple choice questions, rating scalequestions, Likert scale questions, ranking questions, and so on This research

used a combination of multiple-choice questions, Likert scale questions,


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demographic questions, and open-ended questions In particular Part I with 03

multiple-choice questions regarding the respondents’ background

information Part II also consisted of 06 multiple-choice questions regardingstudents’ current technology usage Part HI comprised 23 Likert questionspivoting on their extent of agreement about the advantages and disadvantages

of using technology in learning speaking skills In addition, the interviewcontains six queries that reinforce the research question to elicit more detailedand high-quality responses than the survey

Before asking the participants to complete the survey questionnaire, theresearcher briefly stated the purpose and significance of the study andclarifiedany misunderstanding about the questions and confidentiality protection as afirst step in the questioning process

2.4 Sample population

The research was undertaken with the participation of a total of

102 English-major students from K46, Legal English major, Department

of Foreign Languages, Hanoi Law University Among 102 participants,80

students (78.4%) are female while 18.6 % are male students, which is atypical pattern for social majors at HLU This social-dominant female to male

gender ratio was comprehensible in a university focusing on social subjectslike HLU Moreover, 3 students (2.9%) preferred not to reveal their gender.English proficiency level of most K46 students ranges from Intermediate toUpper Intermediate, which is understandable given that they are second-year

students K46 students have not yet accumulated much knowledge and

experience in various English-speaking learning and working environments.However, there are also 8 students who achieved an Advanced level and 1student who achieved a Proficient level, indicating that the Englishproficiency level of students in the specialized field at HLU is pretty good.2.5 Data collection procedures

The study was notified and received approval and support from the


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school as well as from the students themselves After that, the researcher

created a questionnaire by using Google Form which is a survey

administration software offered by Google, then the researcher sent it toK46English major students The online questionnaire provides a succinctdescription

of the intent and a straightforward explanation of how to respond to the

questions After answering the questionnaire, participants' answers were sentback to Google Sheets, a web-based application that enables users to create,

update and modify spreadsheets and share the data online in real-time As a

result, the researcher could get all participants’ answers In addition, 05students were directly interviewed at Hanoi Law University with 5 prepared

interview questions by the researcher

In general, K46 had a high level of participation, with 102 studentsresponding and all 05 interviewed students cooperating The answers wererecorded and saved for analysis Once the Google Forms survey was

completed, it was closed to prevent any modifications to the collected data

2.6 Data analysis

2.6.1 Student’s Questionnaire

This study employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative

methods to obtain the most favorable outcomes The researcher coded andinterpreted data from various sources using raw information from

respondents The questionnaire survey results were analyzed using Google

Forms, Microsoft Office Excel, and IBM SPSS software in this study Bar

charts and tables were used to display the gathered data In addition, three

primary analysis techniques were utilized: Google Forms, SPSS Descriptive

Statistics (used to collect data on topics such as the advantages and

disadvantages of using technology to improve speaking skills and thestrategies implemented), and SPSS Frequency Statistics (used to gather data

on topics such as gender ratio, English proficiency levels, and frequency ofusing technology to improve English speaking skills) The data were entered


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into SPSS for analysis to produce mean scores and interpreted as follows:Mean (M) = (Maximum — Minimum)/n = (5-1)/5 = 0.8

Subsequently, the mean scores would be interpreted as follows:

1.00 - 1.80: Strongly disagree/ Very low

In conclusion, throughout this chapter, the researcher has laid out and

supported the approach in the implementation of this research and presents it

with details to justify it within seven parts: Design of the study; Locale of thestudy; Research questions restated; Data collection instrument; Sample

population; Data collection procedures and Data analysis


Trang 30


This chapter demonstrates and discusses the data collected through dataanalysis procedures of the questionnaire survey

3-4 times per week a2 31.4 31.4 48.05-7 times per week 36 kh 3.5 83.3

Rarely 3 2.9 2.9 86.3

Every day 7 6.9 6.9 93.1

Sometime 7 6.9 6.9 100.0 Total 102 100.0 100.0

Figure 1 Frequency of using technology

Looking at the table, it can be noted that the most-selected frequency inresults of using technology to learn to speak English of K46 was “5-7 times

per week” with 36 responses (35.2%) The second rank belongs to “3-4 timesper week” with 32 responses (31.4%) Meanwhile the least —responded option

was “Rarely” just account for precisely 3% Moreover, the “Every day” and

“Sometimes” proportion equals 7 responses and occupy 6.9% respectively Asa

result, the majority of K46 English majors use technology at least once a

week to study speaking English skills


Trang 31

e Types of technological tools to improve speaking skills.

Education apps


Networking site

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Table 1 Type of Technology K46 students uses to learn speaking skill

It is evident from the table that Networking site is the most common type

of technology that 71% of K46 students use to learn to speak English at least

one time per week It cannot deny that “Networking site” like Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram offer a wealth of English- language content, including

news articles, videos, and posts from native English speakers that provide

opportunities for students to practice their English skills through interactionswith other users In addition, they can engage in conversations with native

English speakers, post comments in English, and participate in online

discussions or forums Besides, the proportion of “Website” and “Education

apps” is equal to 56%

e Technology devices students use to learn speaking skills

Nowadays, Smartphones, PCs, and laptops are an integral part of bothstudents and teachers' daily lives It’s only natural that the use oftechnological devices in the classroom is explored to create meaningful

learning experiences for students of all ages Looking table below,concerning technology devices, “Smartphone” and “Laptop” are the two

primary technology devices that K46 students use to learn to speak English

(both of them occupy 78%) This might have to do with the fact thatSmartphones and laptops are quite compact and portable Students


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can access English learning resources and practice speaking English every

time everywhere, making it more convenient for them to fit language learninginto their daily routine Moreover, there was a close gap between the number

of participants using “PC” and “Ipad” with precisely 27% and 26%

respectively Not surprisingly, PCs and laptopsmake up a significantly smallerpercentage PCs are fixed so they can't be carried around when go duringwhile not every student uses an iPad

Table 2 Technology devises K46 students use to learn speaking skills

e Students’ favorite applications to improve speaking skills

As suggested by the responses, many K46 students chose “YouTube” asthe primary app used to enhance their English speaking skills, occupying

69% It can be seen that, YouTube is a common and valuabletool for students

to learn and improve their speaking skills, providing them with access to

native speakers, a variety of content, convenience, and cost-effectiveness

In addition, there were 60 students, and approximately 60% respondedthat they use “Oxford’s Dictionary” This is a dictionary app that extremely

gets on with many students because the dictionary includes a range of

helpful features, such as definitions, examples,


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synonyms, and antonyms, as well as information on word origins and

usage It is a trusted and comprehensive resource that can help them improvetheir understanding and improve pronunciation

In addition, the number of participants who chose “Duolingo” also had

positive results with 48% of the total As for “Elisa” the percentage of

participants who use this app to enhance their speakingskills consists of 30%

e Students’ favorite social networking site

Interestingly, concerning “Social Networking Sites K46 students use to

learn speaking skills” interviewers also provide much interestinginformation.Student 01 shared that when it comes to improving both comprehension and

speaking skills, Skype, Line, and FaceTime are highly recommended In

addition, there are many new apps on the market for speaking with other

learners today, such as Coffee Strap and HelloTalk People can converse withnative speakers right from their phones No webcam is required anymore.Furthermore, Student 3 added Podcasts the technology type of learning

speaking by listening to podcasts on a daily basis to improve my brainstorming

as well as horningmy pronunciation to desirable accuracy

As well as this, student 2 said he prefers self-study, so he uses differentkinds of technologies He finds YouTube and TED Talks to be great resources


Ngày đăng: 10/03/2024, 18:28