Hanoi — 2023
Major: Legal English
La Nguyen Binh Minh, MA.
Hanoi — 2023
Trang 3TI hereby state that I: Nguyen Thi Tinh, class 4430, being a candidate for
the degree of Bachelor of Arts accept the requirements of the University
relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in
the library
In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited
in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in
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August 3", 2023 Supervisor Student
La Nguyen Binh Minh, MA
Trang 4First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratefulness towards mysupervisor, Ms La Nguyen Binh Minh, M.A., for her support with greatpatience, devotion, unwavering advice, profound insight and experience She
has been very attentive to me and guided me through the difficulties I have in
the process of writing this paper
Besides my supervisor, my sincere thanks go to all the Members of thePaper Committee, the lecturers who work hard and fair to evaluate this research
of mine, give insightful comments and questions, as well as provide me withdetailed feedback to help my future studies
I am deeply grateful that Hanoi Law University creates such opportunityfor me to enhance my writing and research skills Via this activity, I and otherstudents shall gain a variety of useful knowledge and experience for our future
Trang 5This research aims to investigate the factors influencing the interest of
English-majored students in learning legal English at Hanoi Law Universityand explore the strategies they employ to promote their interest in this domain
A survey questionnaire was utilized to gather data from the participants A total
of 68 senior English-majored students at Hanoi Law University participated in
the study The results of questionnaire indicate that the majority of participantsexhibit a moderate level of interest in learning legal English Regarding the
factors influencing the interest in learning legal English, the participantsshowed that the factors related to the teacher had the most influence, followed
by factors related to the legal English subject Other factors namely facilitiyand internal factors also have impact on students’ learning interest but at a
lower level compared to teacher-related factors and legal English
subject-related factors Pertaining to the strategies employed by students to enhancetheir learning interest, this present study found out that the use of digital toolsreceived the highest satisfaction rating to promote their interest in learning legalEnglish among the strategies investigated Concerning the strategies that theyexpect, students expressed a strong preference for teacher-related strategies inthe teaching process Accordingly, the researcher also provides somerecommendations for students, teachers and the institution respectively
1 Rationale for the study 1
2 Aims of the study 3
3 Research questions 4
4 Scope of the study 4
5 Significance of the study 4
6 Organization of the study 6DEVELOPMENT 7
CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 71.1 English for Specific Purposes 71.2 Legal English 81.2.1 Definition of legal English 81.2.2 Characteristics of legal English 91.3 Learning interest II1.3.1 Definition of interest 111.3.2 Definition of learning interest 11
1.3.3 Expressions of learning interest 12
1.3.4 The importance of learning interest 131.3.5 The factors influencing learning interest 14
Trang 71.4 Review of some previous related research So)1.5 Summary 24
CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY 262.1 Research design 262.2 Participants 262.3 Data collection 28
2.3.1 Research instruments 28
2.3.2 Data collection procedures 292.4 Data analysis 292.3 Summary 30
CHAPTER 3 RESULTS AND DICUSSION 313.1 Research question 1 313.2 Research question 2 323.3 Research question 3 383.4 Summary 42
CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDATIONS 434.1 Recommendations for students 434.2 Recommendations for teachers 444.3 Recommendations for institutions 444.4 Summary 44
Figure 1 Percentage participants’ class 27
Figure 2 Percentage participants’ gender 27
Table 1 Level of interest in learning legal English
Table 2 Physical factor
Table 3 Mental factors
Table 4 Cognitive factor
Table 5 The legal English subject-relatedfactors
Table 6 The facility-related factors
Table 7 The teacher-related factors
Table 8 Strategies students used
Table 9 The teacher-related strategies
Table 10 The institution-related strategies
Trang 10This part intends to lay the groundwork for the research paper bydescribing its rationale, aims, research questions, scope, significance and
organization with a clear focus, purpose, and direction
1 Rationale for the study
Interest plays a crucial role in learning, serving as a catalyst formotivation, engagement, and deep understanding According to Hidi andRenninger (2006), interest enhances cognitive processes such as attention,encoding, and retrieval of information, leading to better retention and transfer
of knowledge Furthermore, studies have demonstrated that interest-based
learning experiences foster intrinsic motivation, which is essential for term engagement and mastery of a subject (Harackiewicz et al., 2008) Whenlearners are intrinsically motivated, they exhibit higher levels of curiosity,persistence, and enjoyment, resulting in enhanced learning outcomes
long-However, there are many factors that influencing the interest in learning.One crucial factor is the learning environment Fredricks et al (2004) indicatedthat the learning environment needs to be stimulating and supportive, providingappropriate materials and activities to create an engaging and exciting learning
space Additionally, the teacher-student relationship also has a significant
impact on learning interest Wentzel (1997) demonstrated that a warm andsupportive classroom environment, where teachers foster positive interactions
and encourage student engagement, can increase interest and motivation for
learning Furthermore, personal beliefs and students' connection to a particulartopic or subject also play a role A study by Ainley and Hidi (2014) revealed
that students who have a deep personal interest and connection with the
learning content tend to have higher levels of interest and achieve betterlearning outcomes
Trang 11In the current context, the importance of legal English cannot be
understated The significance of legal English stems from its role as a global
language of law, facilitating communication and understanding among legal
professionals across different jurisdictions Katz and Olszewski (2015)
highlighted that proficiency in legal English is essential for effective legalpractice, as it enables lawyers to navigate complex legal documents, negotiate
agreements, and advocate persuasively in legal proceedings Furthermore, legal
English plays a crucial role in legal education, as emphasized by Bowles and
Woon (2011) It enables law students to comprehend and analyze case law,statutes, and legal texts, fostering critical thinking and legal reasoning skills In
the current era of globalization and interconnected legal systems, masteringlegal English is paramount for legal professionals, law students, and anyoneinvolved in legal matters
Hanoi Law University is one of the few universities in Vietnam that offerlegal English courses to students of different disciplines The goal of thetraining program is to create human resources who are not only good at English
and have basic knowledge of the law, but also master the legal English language
so that they can use it to communicate and work in an international
environment, meeting the needs of society English-majored students at HanoiLaw University are required to learn legal English through subjects such asBasic legal English, Advanced legal English, Legal translation andinterpretation, etc
Through observing the learning environment and the attitudes ofEnglish-majored students at Hanoi Law University, the student researcher havenoticed many students show not very high interest in learning legal English
Therefore, it is necessary to study strategies to promote their interest in learning
legal English By conducting research on this topic, we can identify the
Trang 12underlying reasons behind the lack of interest and explore strategies to addressthis situation.
Because of the aforementioned reasons, the student researcher was urged
to conduct a study on: “Strategies used by English-majored students at Hanoi
Law University to promote the interest in learning legal English.”
2 Aims and objectives of the study
2.1, Aims of the study
The present study intends to achieve the following aims:
- To evaluate the levels of legal English learning interest of English-majoredstudents at Hanoi Law University;
- To explore the factors influencing the interest of English-majored students inlearning legal English;
- To investigate the strategies that English-majored students use to promotetheir interest in learning legal English;
2.2 Objectives of the study
- To explore the perceptions and attitudes of English-majored students inlearning legal English
- To identify which factors affecting most the interest of English-majored
students in learning legal English
- To propose some recommendations to help English-majored students topromote their interest in learning legal English
Trang 133 Research quesfions
In order to achieve the aims set out, three research questions were
formulated as follows:
- What are the current levels of interest in learning legal English among
English-majored students at Hanoi Law University?
- What factors influence the interest of English-majored students in learninglegal English at Hanoi Law University?
- What are the strategies used by English-majored students at Hanoi Law
University to promote their interest in learning legal English?
4 Scope of the study
This research limits itself to investigate the strategies that these studentsuse to promote their interest in learning legal English, examining factorsinfluencing the interest of English-majored students at Hanoi Law University
in learning legal English The population for this research includes seniorstudents registered as full-time students regardless of gender from classes 4429and 4430 in the Faculty of Foreign Legal Languages at Hanoi Law University.This research was conducted over a period of three months, from the end ofApril 2023 to the end of July 2023
5 Significance of the study
This study mainly focuses on exploring the factors influencing theinterest in learning legal English of English-majored students at Hanoi LawUniversity and strategies to promote their interest in learning legal English Theresearch contributes to filling the research gap and provide valuable insightsand recommendations for learners, teachers, institutions, and researchers
Trang 14For learners, the findings of this research provide valuable insights intothe factors influencing the interest in learning legal English Understandingthese factors can help learners become more self-aware and proactive inpromoting facilitative factors and limiting prohibitive ones that influence theirinterest in language learning in general and legal English learning in particular.The research also explores effective strategies that learners can employ topromote their interest in legal English, fostering a more positive and rewardinglearning.
For teachers, this research sheds light on the factors that impact learners'
interest for legal English learning Armed with this knowledge, teachers cantailor their teaching approaches to better cater to students' needs andpreferences, creating more engaging and effective language learningenvironments The research also offers insights into innovative teachingstrategies that can promote learners' interest and boost their learning outcomes
For institutions, the research provides recommendations for enhancinglanguage learning program Understanding the factors influencing learners'interest in legal English can help institutions design and implement moretargeted and impactful courses, building suitable facilities and equipment to
promote students' interest in learning legal English
For researchers, the research adds to the existing body of knowledge onlanguage education and specifically on legal English learning By synthesizingprior studies, the research contributes to the advancement of theoreticalframeworks and empirical evidence related to motivation and interest inlanguage learning The findings can serve as a reference for future researchersinterested in exploring similar themes or conducting comparative studies in
other educational contexts
Trang 156 Organization of the study
The study is organized into three main parts: Introduction, Development,and Conclusion
The Introduction includes the Rationale, Aims, Research questions,Scope, Significance and Organization of the study
The Development is segmented into four chapters as follows:
Chapter 1 The Literature Review setting out the theoretical framework for
research and reviewing some of the earlier studies
Chapter 2 Methodology which provides details concerning the research design,the participants, the data collection instruments, procedures of data collection
and procedures of data analysis
Chapter 3 Results and Discussion revealing the analytical findings of thesurvey and a detailed interpretation of the data obtained
Chapter 4 Recommendations making a number of recommendations on thebasis of key study results
The Conclusion delivers a summary of the study, its limitations and
suggestions for future research
1.1 English for Specific Purposes
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a specialized branch of English
language teaching and learning that focuses on developing language skills and
knowledge specifically tailored to meet the needs of learners in particularprofessional or academic contexts Over the years, researchers and scholars
have explored various aspects of ESP, providing insights into its definition and
key characteristics
Swales (1997) referred to ESP as an approach to language teaching in which
all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner's reason forlearning This definition emphasizes the learner's specific purpose or goal foracquiring English and highlights the importance of aligning the languageinstruction with the learners' needs in their respective domains
One common characteristic of ESP highlighted in the literature is the notion
of needs analysis Hutchinson and Waters (1987) emphasized the significance
of conducting thorough needs analysis to identify the specific language
requirements and communicative skills necessary for learners to functioneffectively in their target professional or academic settings This approachinvolves analyzing the linguistic, situational, and task-related needs of thelearners, ensuring that the language instruction addresses their specific needsand objectives
ESP is further characterized by its focus on authentic and specializedmaterials According to Dudley-Evans and John (1998), ESP materials should
reflect the language and discourse patterns found in real-world professional or
academic contexts These materials often incorporate authentic texts, such as
Trang 17industry reports, academic journal articles, or professional correspondence, toprovide learners with exposure to the language they will encounter in their
fields of study or work
In terms of instructional approaches, ESP encompasses a range of methodsand techniques tailored to the specific needs of the learners One widelydiscussed approach is content-based instruction, which integrates languagelearning with subject matter content This approach enables learners to developlanguage skills while simultaneously acquiring knowledge in their respective
fields (Brinton et al., 1989) Task-based learning, another popular approach in
ESP, focuses on engaging learners in meaningful, authentic tasks that reflectthe tasks they will encounter in their professional or academic settings (Nunan,2004)
In conclusion, ESP is a specialized field of language teaching and learning
that emphasizes the alignment of language instruction with learners' specificprofessional or academic needs It involves conducting needs analysis, utilizingauthentic materials, and employing instructional approaches tailored to the
learners' goals and contexts By examining the literature, we can gain valuable
insights into the definitions and key characteristics of ESP, providing afoundation for further research and the development of effective ESP programsand materials
1.2 Legal English
1.2.1 Definition of legal English
Legal English, within the framework of ESP, refers to the specializedlanguage used in legal contexts, including law universities, legal practice, andinternational law It is a sub-discipline of ESP that focuses on equippinglearners with the linguistic skills and knowledge required to navigate andcommunicate effectively in legal settings Legal English incorporates
terminology, vocabulary, and language structures specific to the field of law,
Trang 18enabling professionals, law students, and practitioners to engage in accurateand precise communication related to legal matters.
According to Haigh (2020), legal English can be defined as the
specialized language used within the legal profession, encompassing the unique
vocabulary, syntax, and communication styles employed in legal texts andinteractions It refers to the application of English language skills and
knowledge in the context of law, including legal research, writing, negotiation,
advocacy, and court proceedings Samuel (2001) emphasized that legal Englishinvolves not only the technical terminology and jargon specific to law but alsothe ability to understand and use legal concepts, principles, and rulesaccurately Legal English requires precision, clarity, and attention to detail inlegal writing, contract drafting, and the interpretation of statutes and case law.Mellinkoff (2004) highlighted the importance of Legal English as a tool foreffective communication and comprehension within the legal community andacross legal systems It serves as a common language that enables lawyers,judges, and legal professionals from different jurisdictions and backgrounds tointeract, negotiate, and resolve legal disputes
In summary, based on the works of various authors, legal English can be
defined as the specialized language used within the legal field, encompassing
not only the terminology and vocabulary specific to law but also thecomprehension and application of legal concepts, principles, and rules It plays
a crucial role in facilitating effective communication, precision, and clarity inlegal discourse, writing, and proceedings
1.2.2 Characteristics of legal English
Mykhailova (2012) claimed that the main characteristics of LegalEnglish include 7 characteristics as follow:
Trang 19Firstly, sentences frequently exhibit seemingly unusual structures For
instance, provisions for subsequent termination might be presented herein or
shall be promptly adhered to by the borrower at their expense The impact ofFrench grammatical structures contributes to this aspect
Secondly, insufficient utilization of punctuation is noticeable Especially
in legal documents like conveyances and deeds, punctuation is notably absent
In the past, there was a prevalent belief among legal professionals that the
meaning of legal texts relied solely on the words used and their context In
contemporary legal drafting, punctuation is employed to enhance clarity of
Thirdly, foreign expressions are occasionally employed in lieu of theirEnglish counterparts (e.g inter alia instead of among others) Forthly, outdatedterminologies like hereof, thereof, and whereof (along with related forms like -
at, -in, -after, -before, -with, -by, -above, -on, -upon) are chiefly used in legal
English to prevent repetitive usage of names or phrases For instance, the
involved parties in this agreement rather than the parties to this contract
Next, the use of modifiers such as the same, the said, the aforementioned,etc., in legal content is intriguing, as they are frequently used as adjectives todescribe nouns rather than replacing them For example, the aforementionedJohn Smith
Moreover, legal English incorporates certain terms and designations likeemployer and employee; lessor and lessee, where the mutual and contrastingaspects of the relationship are denoted by the application of alternative endings:-er, -or, and -ee
Lastly, phrasal verbs are often employed in a somewhat technicalmanner For instance, parties establish contracts, submit deposits, deliver
documents to other parties, discharge debts, and so forth Therefore, it can be
Trang 20observed that legal English possesses numerous distinctive features that render
it more intricate and challenging compared to basic English This constitutesone of the reasons why students tend to experience diminished enthusiasm
when engaging in the study of legal English
1.3 Learning interest
1.3.1 Definition of interest
Interest is a multidimensional construct that has been widely studied inthe field of education and psychology Previous research studies offer variousdefinitions and conceptualizations of interest According to James (1890),
learning interest refers to the sense of actual or perceived enjoyment that arises
from any object or concept that arouses our curiosity or captures our attention
Dewey (1913) claimed that interest is an individual and dynamic dispositiontowards consciously pursued objects within a specific context As mentioned
in Csikszentmihalyi (1990), interest is the feeling of being mentally absorbedand engaged in a particular object or activity, leading to a sense of pleasure andinvolvement Berlyne (1960) defined interest as a psychological statecharacterized by curiosity, exploration, and a tendency to seek out andapproach novel or challenging stimull
1.3.2 Definition of learning interest
In the literature, various definitions of learning interest have been
introduced by researchers and educators Renninger and Hidi (2016) defined
learning interest as the motivational predisposition to find certain academictopics or learning activities enjoyable, interesting, and personally meaningful.Schiefele (1996) looks at learning interest from affective-cognitive perspective,stating that interest in learning represents an affective-cognitive state that ischaracterized by positive emotions and the cognitive inclination to approachand explore academic material In a similar vein, Harackiewicz et al (2008)
Trang 21argued that learning interest entails the experience of positive emotions andvaluing the task or domain, resulting in an intrinsic desire to engage in and learnfrom the learning experience These definitions highlight learning interest as a
motivational predisposition characterized by enjoyment, positive emotions,
personal meaning, cognitive inclination, and intrinsic desire to engage with andlearn from academic material or learning experiences
Based on these definitions and incorporating their insights, the definition
of learning interest can be described as follows: Learning interest is a
multifaceted motivational state that encompasses both emotional and cognitive
aspects It refers to an individual's positive emotional response, intrinsicinclination, and personal valuation of specific academic topics, learningactivities, or learning experiences It involves finding joy, curiosity, and a sense
of personal relevance in engaging with and exploring the subject matter
1.3.3 Expressions of learning interest Cognitive expressions
Cognitive expressions of learning interest involve the intellectual
engagement and cognitive processes that students exhibit during their learning
journey According to Hidi and Renninger (2006), learning interest is
manifested through active participation, questioning, and a thirst forchallenging tasks Additionally, Renninger and Hidi (2016) emphasized theimpact of personal relevance on cognitive interest, stating that students aremore likely to engage with subjects that align with their individual goals andinterests
Moreover, research by Sansone and Smith (2000) indicated that
interested learners tend to adopt adaptive learning strategies such as deep
processing, which involves elaboration and critical thinking This approach
helps them better comprehend complex subjects In a similar vein, Wigfield &
Trang 22Eccles (2002) found that interested students demonstrate higher levels of
self-regulation, effectively setting goals and monitoring their progress, leading toimproved academic outcomes Emotional expressions
Emotional expressions of learning interest encompass the affective andmotivational aspects of students' engagement with learning Keller (2012)
claimed that the significance of emotions in sustaining learning interest The
model posits that learners are more likely to remain interested when they findlearning materials personally relevant, build their confidence in mastering thecontent, and experience positive emotional responses
Furthermore, Fredricks et al (2004) conducted research on emotionalengagement in learning settings and found that interested students exhibithigher levels of positive emotions, such as enthusiasm, enjoyment, andcuriosity, during learning activities These positive emotions not only enhancestudents' immediate learning experiences but also contribute to long-termretention and motivation
In a study by Pekrun and Linnenbrink-Garcia (2014), specific emotionsassociated with academic interest were identified, including joy, pride, andfascination These emotions not only indicate the presence of interest but alsoinfluence the depth of cognitive engagement and subsequent learningoutcomes.
1.3.4 The importance of learning interest
There are many studies showing the importance of interest in the learningprocess Renninger and Hidi (2016) claimed that interest is viewed as a crucialmotivational factor affecting learning outcomes, engagement, and cognitive
processes Their research suggests that it cultivates curiosity, attention, and
Trang 23intrinsic motivation, ultimately leading to enriched learning experiences and
knowledge acquisition Krapp (2002) defined that interest plays a vital role as
a catalyst for facilitating deep processing and meaningful learning According
to the author, when individuals find a topic interesting, they tend to actively
explore, reflect, and elaborate on it, leading to the integration and organization
of knowledge
Similarly, Hidi and Renninger (2006) described that interest plays acrucial role in the learning process as it fosters intrinsic motivation, sustained
engagement, and positive emotions They argued that interest contributes to
higher levels of self-regulation, self-efficacy, and perseverance, ultimatelyleading to improved learning outcomes and academic achievement
In general, researchers agreed that interest is a very important factor inlearning Interest is viewed as a key motivational factor that influences variousaspects of the learning process, including engagement, cognition, intrinsicmotivation, and knowledge acquisition It is considered essential for promotingmeaningful learning experiences, deep understanding, and academic success.Through interest, students can reduce fatigue, stress, increase attention,promote active inquiry, creativity in the learning process and easily succeed inlearning
1.3.5 The factors influencing learning interest
Prior research has highlighted various factors that influence learninginterest, which can be classified into internal and external categories Slameto(2018) outlined that internal factors originate from within an individual and
encompass both physical and non-physical aspects, whereas external factors
stem from external sources such as family, school, and peers These factors caneither enhance or diminish learning interest A positive and favorable influencetends to elevate learning interest levels
Trang Internal factors Physical factor
As noted by Maulani and Aryadie (2019), the physical aspect pertains to
the overall physical well-being of students, encompassing factors like eye
health, ear health, and stamina Maintaining excellent physical healthsignificantly contributes to successful learning and can positively impact
students' learning interests This notion aligns with Slameto's findings (2018),
where it is asserted that physical health can influence students' learningexperiences
Health-related issues among students, including fatigue, hearingimpairments, and visual problems, can significantly diminish their interest inlearning Mccracken et al (2017) emphasized that children facing hearingdifficulties may experience a rapid decline in their engagement with the topicstaught by the teacher during lessons As Hurlock (1978) claimed that goodhealth promotes the prevalence of positive emotions, while poor health leads tothe prevalence of negative emotions In simpler terms, a student in good health
is more likely to feel excited, while a student in poor health may frequently
experience discomfort and lack of interest Mental factor
a) Attention
According to Slameto (2018), students' interest in learning is influenced
by their level of attention, which refers to their focused and selectiveconcentration on the subject they are studying Divjak (2019) defined attention
as the process of selectively focusing on specific aspects of the environment
Meanwhile, Nur and Asep (2021) proposed that attention involves activelyfiltering information from sensory, memory, and cognitive processes, directingfocus only to essential information while disregarding irrelevant distractions
Trang 25They also suggested that attention can be seen as a form of readiness to
concentrate on what is interesting and captivating The key components ofattention encompass focalization, concentration, and awareness
Attention plays a vital role in influencing students' interest in the learning
process (Lanya, 2018) In the classroom, attention creates an environmentwhere students can absorb concepts or information conveyed by teachers or
others in their surroundings Dody (2014) posited in his study that when
students pay attention to a subject, they are more likely to concentrate on
learning, actively engage with the teacher's explanations, and complete
assigned tasks Giving full attention helps students comprehend the materialbetter and achieve improved learning outcomes
b) Readiness
As mentioned in the research conducted by Slameto (2018), readiness is
a factor that impacts students' interest in learning, referring to their willingness
to respond or react Readiness in learning refers to the state of being prepared
to provide an answer or response, aimed at helping students achieve specificlearning goals Additionally, student readiness encompasses their physical,mental, and emotional state of readiness to engage in the learning process and
respond to inquiries Being prepared in terms of physical, mental, and
emotional maturity enables active participation in learning and effective
responses to questions Moreover, the concept of learning readiness involves
student preparedness, such as maintaining study records, completing tasks andexercises, taking care of physical health and fitness, pre-reading studymaterials, making inquiries, and preparing for the learning materials
Vivi (2021) argued that readiness entails being open to accepting new
knowledge and seeking challenges or materials with varying levels ofdifficulty The study revealed that each student exhibits different levels of
Trang 26readiness, which influences their interest in learning English Students with a
higher level of readiness will find it easier to comprehend the knowledge beingtaught, while those who are less prepared may encounter difficulties inassimilating the taught material Cognitive factor
a) Intelligence
Intelligence, often measured by IQ tests, is considered a fundamentalcognitive trait that influences a student's ability to comprehend and assimilatenew information Research by Gardner (1983) on multiple intelligences theorysuggested that learners possess diverse intelligence profiles, and understandingthese profiles can enhance educators’ ability to cater to individual learningneeds Students with higher cognitive abilities tend to grasp concepts moreeasily, leading to a higher level of interest in academic topics due to the sense
of accomplishment and mastery
In reference to Slameto (2018), intelligence encompasses the ability toswiftly handle and adapt to situations, effectively use abstract concepts, andgrasp relationships and concepts rapidly Similarly, Purnomo (2019) positedthat intelligence involves the capacity to promptly and accurately comprehend
a Situation or solve a problem In other words, intelligence refers to the capacityfor quick and precise thinking, representing traits of intelligent action
In the context of teaching and learning, intelligence pertains to students'ability to comprehend the lessons Students with higher intelligence levels tend
to achieve greater success compared to those with lower intelligence levels Inthe study carried out by Hemayanti et al (2020), it was observed that studentsfaced challenges in comprehending and understanding chemistry materials,leading to a lack of interest in the subject Conversely, students tend to enjoy
Trang 27and be interested in the chemistry subject when they are able to receive, grasp,
and understand the material effectively
b) Awareness of the subject
The perception of relevance and utility of a subject plays a significant
role in learning motivation If students perceive a subject as relevant to theirpersonal interests, career goals, or daily life, they are more likely to feel
motivated to engage with the material and invest effort in learning it (Hidi &
Harackiewicz, 2000)
Perceiving a subject as interesting has been identified as a significantpredictor of learning interest and academic achievement Harter's (1981)research on the "Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom" highlighted thatstudents who found their subjects interesting were more likely to engageactively in class, participate in discussions, and demonstrate higher levels of
Furthermore, research by Deci and Ryan (1985) on self-determinationtheory further supported this notion Their findings suggest that when studentsperceive a subject as valuable and meaningful, they are more likely toexperience intrinsic motivation, which is the motivation that comes fromwithin, rather than being driven solely by external rewards or pressures
In a study conducted by Wigfield and Eccles (2000), students'
perceptions of the usefulness of a subject were positively associated with their
Trang 28intrinsic motivation to learn When students understood how a subject could
benefit their future careers or enhance their knowledge and skills, they
demonstrated higher levels of interest and enthusiasm in their studies
Ainley et al (2002) focused on mathematics education, students'awareness of the practical applications of mathematical concepts positivelycorrelated with their motivation to learn the subject This finding implies that
making students aware of the practical implications and real-life relevance of a
subject can enhance their learning motivation External factors Family
Slameto (2018) emphasized that family factors have a substantial impact
on students, encompassing parental educational approaches, family dynamics,
household environment, and economic conditions In contrast, Viviana &Suwarsito (2020) argued that the family plays a vital role in nurturing students'interest in learning, especially in subjects like English Parents can promotetheir children's enthusiasm for studying at home through various methods Thisincludes catering to their educational requirements, monitoring their learningprogress, understanding their learning challenges, and offering rewards as aform of parental encouragement to boost students' interest in learning
Effective communication within the family and emotional support arevital for nurturing academic motivation A study by Hill and Tyson (2009)revealed that open and constructive communication between parents andchildren can enhance a student's sense of belonging and academic identity,leading to increased motivation While parental involvement is generallybeneficial, excessive or overbearing parental control may have adverse effects
on academic motivation Research by Grolnick and Slowiaczek (1994)highlighted the importance of a balanced approach, where parents provide
Trang 29support and guidance without undermining a child's sense of autonomy and
intrinsic motivation School
a) Teacher
As an educator, guide, and facilitator, the teacher bears the responsibility
of fostering students' interest, as it is a crucial component in both life in general
and education and teaching in particular (Nurkancana, 1983) Raharja (2001)
emphasized that teachers act as creators of the learning process, providing a
conducive environment for students to explore their interests, express theirideas, and engage in activities within the boundaries of consistently upheld
Examining various instructional strategies, Smith and Jones (2018)
identified approaches such as project-based learning, collaborative activities,
and technology integration that positively impact student engagement Itemphasizes the role of teachers in implementing these strategies effectively.The teacher can enhance students' enthusiasm for learning through variousmeans, such as incorporating educational aids, making the most of availableresources, implementing innovative and enjoyable activities, and effectivelystructuring the learning process
In addition, the learning material should capture students’ interest and
encourage them to become independent and autonomous learners It is essential
that the material offers a variety of engaging and enjoyable learning activitiesfor the students Johnson (2015) highlighted the significance of positiveteacher-student relationships in promoting student engagement It emphasizesthe importance of building trust, rapport, and a sense of belonging in the
classroom environment
Trang 30b) Facilities
Numerous studies highlighted the direct correlation between facilities
and students' academic performance and overall engagement A well-equipped
and aesthetically pleasing learning environment can enhance students' interest
in learning and create a positive attitude towards education (Ryan, 2017).According to Stander and Rothmann (2019), favorable facilities contribute to a
sense of belongingness, which in turn fosters intrinsic motivation among
Rundle-Thiele and Kuhn (2019) shown that well-designed classroomsand open learning spaces positively impact students' motivation, concentration,and active participation in the learning process Moreover, ergonomic furnitureand adequate natural lighting have been found to contribute to students’physical comfort and overall well-being, leading to enhanced learningengagement.
The library is a vital space for students' self-directed learning and
research Studies by Simmons and Hernandez (2020) demonstrated that
well-organized and resource-rich libraries contribute to higher levels of studentengagement with academic materials Availability of study areas, quiet spaces,
and access to online resources further enhance students' motivation to engage
in their studies (Gomez et al., 2021)
In the digital era, technology has become an integral part of education.Studies by Smith et al (2020) emphasized that institutions with advancedtechnological facilities, such as smart classrooms, e-learning platforms, and
access to educational apps, foster active learning and adaptability among
students Technology-driven learning environments also cultivate 21st-centuryskills, preparing students for future challenges
Trang 311. Peer
Based on Rama et al.'s (2021) findings, the learning environment among
peers significantly impacts students' interest in education This influence is
particularly noteworthy since they study language lessons together and share
similar identities and ages Additionally, Lasekan's research highlights thepositive impact of peers in English learning, as interested students receive
substantial encouragement, companionship, support, and assistance from one
Research by Vygotsky (1978) highlighted the importance of peerinteraction in cognitive development Peer groups create a social context thatcan either foster or hinder learning interest A positive and supportive peerenvironment can enhance interest, while negative group dynamics might deterengagement Deci and Ryan's Self-Determination Theory (1985) suggested thatpeers can impact an individual's intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for learning.Positive peer encouragement and recognition can boost intrinsic motivation,while peer competition may drive extrinsic motivation
Festinger (1954) proposed that individuals evaluate themselves through
comparison with peers Positive comparisons can boost confidence and interest
in learning, while negative comparisons might lead to disinterest or reducedself-esteem Chen and Usher (2019) investigated the relationship between peerpressure and learning interest They found that peer pressure can eitherpositively or negatively influence an individual's engagement in learningactivities, depending on the nature of the peer influence
1.4 Review of some previous related research
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in exploring strategies
to promote interest and motivation in learning legal English among
English-majored students Researchers have conducted several studies to investigate
Trang 32various approaches and techniques aimed at enhancing student engagement and
enthusiasm in this specific language domain This section provides an overview
of relevant research conducted in the past, highlighting key findings andinsights
Smith and Johnson (2015) conducted a study investigating the use ofauthentic legal materials, such as court cases and legal documents, in the
classroom The findings revealed that incorporating real-world legal content
into instruction significantly increased students' interest and motivation to learnlegal English Smith and Johnson (2015) claimed that using authentic legalmaterials provided a meaningful context for learning, connecting theoreticalconcepts to practical applications, which enhanced students' engagement andinterest in legal English
Chen et al (2018) examined the impact of multimedia resources onstudents' interest in learning legal English Their study demonstrated that
integrating videos, online resources, and interactive multimedia tools into
classroom activities enhanced students' engagement and enjoyment of thesubject matter In the words of Chen et al (2018), the use of multimedia
resources facilitated a multisensory learning experience, capturing attention of
students and fostering their interest in legal English through visual and auditorystimuli."
Smith and Brown (2018) investigated the effectiveness of peercollaboration in promoting interest in learning legal English The study foundthat collaborative learning activities, such as group discussions and case
analyses, fostered active engagement and encouraged students to share
perspectives and insights This social interaction and exchange of ideas
enhanced students' interest and motivation, as they felt a sense of ownership
and contribution to the learning process
Trang 33Rodriguez and Ramirez (2019) explored the role of teacher feedback andguidance in promoting interest in learning legal English The study revealedthat personalized feedback, constructive suggestions, and individualized
support from teachers motivated students to strive for improvement and
develop a deeper interest in the subject The positive and supportive student relationship played a crucial role in fostering students' engagement and
Wang and Zhang (2020) investigated the effectiveness of gamification
techniques in enhancing students' interest in learning legal English Their study
indicated that incorporating game-based elements, such as quizzes, challenges,and rewards, into the instructional design promoted students' engagement andmotivation As Wang and Zhang (2020) pointed out, the implementation ofgamification strategies resulted in heightened intrinsic motivation amongstudents, leading to a more enjoyable and captivating learning experience andultimately enhancing their interest in legal English
In summary, previous research has highlighted several strategies topromote interest in learning legal English These strategies includeincorporating authentic legal materials, fostering peer collaboration, tilizingmultimedia resources, etc By building upon the findings of these studies, thepresent research aims to contribute further insights into effective strategies forpromoting interest in learning legal English at Hanoi Law University
1.5 Summary
In this chapter, the student researcher explored previous research onstrategies for promoting the interest of English-majored students in learninglegal English With the vast knowledge investigated, it helps the studentresearcher to determine the theoretical framework which greatly contributes tothe formation and basis of implementing research accurately In the first section
Trang 34of the chapter, the overview of perspectives on English for specific purpose wasinsightfully discussed in order to capture the general ideas about strategies forpromoting the interest of English-majored students in learning legal English.
The second section of the chapter addressed a variety of definitions of legal
English with the insight investigation of its nature The third section mentionsabout the various theories relative to learning interest The fourth part
overviews previous studies discussing strategies for promoting the interest of
English-majored students in learning legal English Conducting research into
this topic contributes to fill this research gap and provide valuable insights for
the academic and teaching community
This chapter presents the approach and procedures used to conduct thesurvey The chapter begins with research design which serves as the roadmap
of the research guiding the process of data collection Information about the
participants is also presented This is followed by the description of theinstrument used for data collection, the data collection procedures and data
analysis are clarified to get the results of the research By providing a clear and
detailed description of the research design, participant selection, data collection
methods, data analysis techniques, this chapter also ensures the validity and
reliability of the research findings
2.1 Research design
The research employed a quantitative method of data collection via the
use of a questionnaire A pilot study was conducted to design appropriate items
for the questionnaire Its purpose was to ensure the validity and reliability ofthe questionnaire items before the actual data collection The sample for the
pilot study consisted of a small group of senior students from the
English-majored students at Hanoi Law University The data collected during the pilotstudy were analyzed qualitatively to help in refining the questionnaire andensuring its appropriateness for the main data collection phase
2.2 Participants
The participants of the present study were 68 senior students from classes
4429 and 4430 in the Faculty of Foreign Legal Languages at Hanoi LawUniversity As shown in Figure /, 27 students are in class 4429 (39.7%), and
41 were in class 4430 (60.3%) Regarding the gender, the majority of theparticipants are female with 56 students accounting for 82.4%, and the minorityare male counterparts accounting for 17.6% (see Figure 2)