Listening is the most commonly used skill in daily communication, accounting for over forty percent of our communication time, as noted by Burley-Allen (1995) In contrast, speaking takes up thirty-five percent, reading sixteen percent, and writing only nine percent (Miller, 2003) This vital skill not only aids students in building vocabulary and enhancing language proficiency but also improves pronunciation and speaking abilities (Bacon, 1998) Consequently, effective listening is crucial for successful communication.
Listening is a crucial yet often overlooked skill in English Language Teaching (ELT), particularly in Vietnam, where many students struggle to understand spoken English despite years of study, leading to communication breakdowns This challenge is exacerbated by students' anxiety when faced with fast-paced spoken English in media, stemming from insufficient exposure to authentic listening experiences To address this issue, there is a growing need to incorporate authentic materials, such as movies, into listening lessons, as they have been shown to enhance learners' communicative proficiency in English Authentic materials, which include resources not specifically designed for language teaching, can significantly improve students' listening skills and confidence in real-life communication.
Garcia (2011) highlights that watching movies is an effective method for learning English, as it enhances listening skills and expands vocabulary and expressions Additionally, films contribute to better pronunciation for learners.
At Hanoi Law University, a researcher observes that first-year Law students majoring in English face significant listening challenges due to limited exposure to the language during high school This lack of practice has hindered their listening skills, resulting in frustration and anxiety regarding listening examinations However, engaging with real English through movies offers a natural and effective learning method, akin to how they acquired their native language This approach not only enhances their listening abilities but also fosters a greater interest in learning English as a form of entertainment rather than just a mandatory subject.
Aims of the Study
As mentioned above, using movies in lessons may assist the student’s listening comprehension Therefore, the study aimed to improve the students’ listening skills by using movies in listening lessons.
Objectives of the study
The study aimed to achieve two primary objectives: first, to examine the impact of using movies on enhancing students' listening skills, and second, to assess students' attitudes towards utilizing films as a tool for improving their listening abilities in the classroom.
Research questions
This survey aims at addressing the two following questions:
1 To what extent does using movies in teaching listening improve the students’ listening skills?
2 What are the students’ attitudes towards learning listening with movies?
Action research was selected as the main research method to effectively achieve the study's aims and objectives This approach provides substantial advantages for the researcher, who is simultaneously an EFL teacher.
The target population of this study was from one class K39B with 30 first- year students majoring in English in Law at English Department, Hanoi Law University
To attain the aim of the study, two data collection instruments were used: tests, questionnaires.
Scope of the study
This study aims to enhance listening skills among first-year English majors in Law at Hanoi Law University, specifically targeting class K39B The researcher, responsible for teaching this group, will focus on intermediate-level students to effectively assess the impact of using movies as a learning tool.
Significance of the study
This study aims to enhance the teaching and learning of listening skills by utilizing movies, offering valuable insights for EFL teachers in developing their listening syllabi, teaching methods, and assessment strategies Its significance lies in providing practical implications for educators and serving as a reference for those interested in the topic, while also complementing existing research on the use of films in English language instruction.
Structure of the study
The study is composed of three main parts: Introduction, Development, and Conclusion
Part 1 includes Chapter 1 which states the rationale, aims, objectives, research questions, scope and significance of the study as well as its methodology
Part 2 consists of two chapters, namely theoretical background and method
Chapter 1 offers a comprehensive background on the study, highlighting the significance of listening skills and the role of movies in teaching and learning It also summarizes previous research on the effectiveness of using films as educational tools, emphasizing their potential to enhance language acquisition and engagement in the learning process.
Chapter 2 outlines the research methods utilized in the study, detailing the rationale behind their implementation It also describes the procedures for data collection and the techniques used for data analysis, providing a comprehensive overview of the methodological framework.
- Chapter 3 presents data analysis, the results and discussions
Part 3 encapsulates the key issues discussed in the paper, outlines the study's limitations, and offers recommendations for future research in the field This chapter is succeeded by the References and Appendices, providing comprehensive support for the entire study.
Researchers and linguists have offered various definitions of listening, highlighting its complexity Rankin (1952) defines listening as “the ability to understand spoken language,” while Underwood (1989) describes it as a process of “paying attention to and trying to get meaning from something we hear.” Expanding on this, listening involves attending to speech sounds and comprehending the conveyed message Field (1998) notes that listening is an invisible mental process, which adds to the challenge of its description.
Listening, as defined by Purdy (1997), is an active and dynamic process that encompasses attending, perceiving, interpreting, remembering, and responding to the verbal and nonverbal needs and information communicated by others This comprehensive definition highlights that listening is a complex interplay between speakers and listeners, emphasizing that it is not a one-sided activity The manner in which speakers convey their messages significantly influences the listener's ability to engage effectively.
Rost (2002) outlines listening as a four-stage process that includes receptive orientation, where the listener receives the speaker's message; constructive orientation, which involves constructing and representing meaning; collaborative orientation, where meaning is negotiated with the speaker and responses are given; and transformative orientation, which emphasizes creating meaning through involvement, imagination, and empathy.
Listening is a broad term that encompasses listening comprehension, which is not a standalone process but rather a crucial stage within the multi-stage listening process Throughout this thesis, listening comprehension is treated as an integral part of the overall listening experience.
In conclusion, listening transcends mere hearing; it is a complex, multi-stage process where listeners engage actively with the speaker's words, tone, and the contextual background of the message.
Listening is a fundamental component of foreign language education, encompassing one of the four key skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing While traditionally viewed as a passive activity, modern theorists now recognize it as an active process of meaning-making from auditory input According to Byrnes, listening comprehension is a complex, problem-solving skill that involves various sub-skills, such as forming hypotheses and drawing inferences based on context and language Effective listening goes beyond merely hearing sounds; it necessitates a deep understanding of the speaker's intended message.
Listening comprehension is an interactive process that involves the dynamic construction of meaning through various types of knowledge, including linguistic and background knowledge Effective listening is facilitated by background knowledge, discourse competence, and the ability to make educated guesses According to Thanajaro (2000) and Shrum and Glisan (1999), these elements play a crucial role in enhancing the listener's understanding and engagement.
Listening is a cognitive process that involves four key competencies essential for understanding a message: grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence.
Vandergrift (1997) further stresses on the active character of listening by relating it to a mental activity in which
Effective listening requires the ability to differentiate between various sounds, comprehend vocabulary and grammatical structures, and interpret stress and intonation Additionally, listeners must retain the information gathered and analyze it within both the immediate context and the broader sociocultural framework of the conversation.
Listening is a real-time processing activity that requires immediate comprehension of spoken language, as highlighted by Edwards & McDonald (1993) Unlike reading, listeners cannot pause to consult a dictionary or revisit previous messages, necessitating constant attention to grasp the content Flowerdew (1994) emphasizes that listening occurs in time rather than space, meaning that listeners must understand the message as it is delivered McDough (1993) further notes that this involves focusing on a continuous stream of speech that is beyond the listener's control Similarly, Schwartz (1998) characterizes listening as a dynamic exchange between a sender and receiver, where the receiver faces the challenge of processing fleeting messages without the ability to influence the flow of information.
Listening comprehension is a complex real-time process that challenges listeners with a lack of timing control To achieve understanding, individuals must effectively utilize various linguistic and non-linguistic cues.
According to Underwood (1989, p.90), there are at least four common methods of teaching second or foreign language listening: grammar translation, grammar method, audio lingual method and task based method
The grammar translation method involves students receiving explanations of second language rules in their native language Consequently, when engaging with the second language, their listening primarily concentrates on translating vocabulary and grammatical structures.
The grammar method encourages students to engage with a written text while listening to a recording, promoting essential skills such as identifying word positions in sentences, understanding the relationships between words and phrases, utilizing both forward and backward inference cues, and making informed guesses based on textual hints.
The audio-lingual method prioritizes listening to pronunciation and grammar before students imitate these forms through drills and exercises Classroom practice revolves around dialogues and drills, where students attentively listen to recordings or the teacher's reading They then record their versions or respond to cues by repeating parts of the dialogue This repetition reinforces their memory of the language structures, enhancing their proficiency.
The task-based method emphasizes the importance of engaging learners in activities that enhance their communicative competence To effectively implement this approach, a task-based syllabus must be designed to align with the varying difficulty levels of tasks appropriate for learners at different stages of their educational journey.
Within the recent decades, there have been many researches on using movies in teaching English worldwide, in which many have shown the positive results
Smith (2006) investigated the effectiveness of using film as a teaching tool for high school literature in a rural Southeast Ohio middle school, involving a diverse group of forty eighth-grade students The study highlighted that both high-performing and low-performing students benefited from film integration in their literature lessons Results indicated a strong positive response from students, as evidenced by their enjoyment and appreciation of the film-based approach, which was confirmed through questionnaires Overall, the research demonstrated the significant impact of film on enhancing student engagement and learning in literature.
A study by Eken (2003) at Bilkent University's School of Applied Language explored the use of feature films in English classrooms Students engaged in deconstructing and analyzing films assigned by their teacher, which led to significant improvements in their four English skills The findings revealed that feature films not only enhanced students' language abilities but also boosted their confidence in public speaking and improved their presentation skills.
Fiorito and Torrie (2009) investigated the impact of using subtitled foreign films in second language classrooms Their study employed lesson plans focused on reading fluency, vocabulary acquisition, and grammar The findings revealed that watching films with subtitles significantly enhances students' reading skills, facilitates the learning of new vocabulary, and improves sentence comprehension.
In 2010, Thi Lan Anh conducted a study on the effectiveness of using movies and videos to enhance English vocabulary learning among tenth-grade students The research utilized questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, revealing that students held positive attitudes towards vocabulary acquisition Additionally, the findings indicated significant improvements in students' pronunciation and the acquisition of new vocabulary through the use of films.
Duangemanee (2003) conducted a study on the use of video techniques to improve English listening skills among freshman higher certificate vocational students and to assess their attitudes towards learning English through video The findings revealed a significant enhancement in both the students' listening abilities and their overall attitudes towards studying English following the experimental intervention.
Numerous global studies have explored the effectiveness of using movies as a method for teaching English These films serve as authentic materials that enhance the teaching of various language aspects and skills Research consistently indicates that integrating movies into the curriculum positively impacts students' language proficiency.
The research is conducted to address the following two research questions:
1 To what extent does using movies in teaching listening improve the students’ listening skills?
2 What are the students’ attitudes towards learning listening with movies?
The study aimed to enhance the listening skills of first-year Law students by incorporating movies into the teaching process A total of 30 first-year students from class K39B at Hanoi Law University participated, with the researcher overseeing the project.
In their first year at university, students focused on developing four key English skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening, with a solid foundation in grammar and vocabulary from high school Despite limited practice in listening skills during high school, they improved significantly over six months at university, achieving an intermediate level that surpasses their peers in the Law program without an English major The course aims to prepare them for university listening tests and ultimately to achieve a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 after two years of similar training.
This study aims to enhance students' listening skills through the integration of movies in the teaching process To accomplish this objective, a quantitative approach was employed, utilizing data gathered from questionnaires as well as pre-test and post-test assessments.
Action research serves as the chosen methodology to effectively address the research questions and fulfill the study's objectives This approach allows for a detailed analysis of real-world applications and the impact of interventions Additionally, it offers substantial benefits for researchers who are also educators According to Johnson (1995), action research promotes personal and professional development, enhances teaching practices to boost student learning, and contributes to the advancement of the teaching profession.
In order to conduct an action research, Nunan (1992) suggests seven steps:
These general steps were used in this action research
The data to be analyzed principally came from two main sources, namely listening tests and questionnaires
2.5.1 Pre- test and Post- test
The pre-test and post-test for listening skills were sourced from the Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS 5 (Vanessa & Clare, 2002), selected to align with the students' goal of obtaining an IELTS certificate The syllabus aimed to enhance students' listening abilities, with tasks structured similarly to the IELTS format Each test consisted of two sections focused on social situations: Section 1 featured 10 note/sentence completion questions, while Section 2 included 5 multiple-choice questions Students listened to both sections twice, with the entire test lasting 20 minutes and graded on a 10-point scale Both the pre-test and post-test were designed to maintain equal difficulty in terms of question quantity, types, text length, structure, and vocabulary.
Two questionnaires were delivered to students after they had finished the pre test and posttest
Prior to the experimental teaching phase, students completed a survey to gather valuable insights into their previous experiences with learning through movies and their attitudes towards using films in listening lessons The questionnaire consisted of six questions: the first two aimed to explore students' personal listening experiences and the materials they had utilized in class, while the next two focused on their experiences studying English through movies The final two questions assessed students' expectations regarding the use of movies by their teacher to enhance their listening skills.
After the intervention, the students were asked to complete another six-question survey questionnaire to express their attitudes towards movies –using lessons and give suggestions for improvement
The questionnaires were crafted to gather factual, behavioral, and attitudinal data, utilizing a variety of question types, including yes-no questions, multiple-choice items, open-ended questions, and Likert-scale questions Predominantly, the questions fall into two main categories: multiple-choice and Likert scale For further reference, the survey questionnaires can be found in Appendix I and II.
The research findings were derived from data collected across three key phases: pre-intervention, during intervention, and post-intervention Each phase employed distinct data collection instruments to ensure the validity and reliability of the information gathered The timeline below illustrates the application of these instruments throughout the data collection process.
The initial phase of the pre-intervention aims to assess students' attitudes toward learning listening skills through movies and evaluate their listening abilities To gather data for this stage, a survey questionnaire and a listening comprehension test were utilized.
The procedure of data collection for the two instruments was carried out through three stages including piloting, delivering and collecting
To evaluate the reliability of the listening test and survey questionnaire, a pre-test was conducted with a sample of 30 students After analyzing the collected data, ineffective items were eliminated and some were revised to enhance the overall quality of the test.
Ten volunteer students were randomly selected from the sample group to complete the questionnaires, with encouragement to identify any items they found unnecessary, unclear, or unsuitable Their suggestions for improvement were welcomed and valued After reviewing and finalizing the initial versions, printed handouts were prepared for the research participants.
Before the intervention, a pre-test was conducted for all students, emphasizing that the results would contribute to their final learning assessment This motivation encouraged every student to perform to the best of their ability on the test.
During class break, the survey questionnaire was distributed to students, facilitating an interactive exchange between them and the researcher This dialogue aimed to enhance understanding of the questions and ensure the accuracy of the data collected.
The researcher meticulously gathered and verified all questionnaire papers and tests to ensure completeness Following this, participants received feedback from the researcher regarding their inquiries related to the questionnaires and tests.
For the second semester, first-year students utilized the textbook "Skillful Listening and Speaking 3" by Mike Boyle and Ellen Kisslinger (2013) as their primary resource for listening and speaking skills This textbook includes a syllabus tailored for effective teaching and learning at HLU To enhance the listening curriculum, the researcher selected 10 films—encompassing sitcoms, dramas, and documentaries—that align with the syllabus topics Sitcoms engage students with humor, helping them overcome language barriers and concentrate on lessons, while documentaries provide valuable academic vocabulary and relevant subject matter.
Prior to the intervention, the initial questionnaire results indicated that a majority of students expressed dissatisfaction with their listening materials, as they found the listening textbook to be uninteresting.
Figure 2: The students’ evaluation of listening materials used in the previous semester
The textbook primarily featured minimal illustrations and focused on testing students through listening tasks, which many found unengaging Over half of the participants noted a lack of interesting activities that could enhance their understanding of the subject matter, teach effective strategies, or expand their vocabulary While pronunciation is crucial for developing listening skills, there were insufficient tasks to practice this aspect prior to listening exercises Additionally, the limited visual content related to the topics contributed to a lack of engagement, with some students reporting that they often fell asleep during the course recordings One student expressed that the materials failed to capture their interest or motivate them to improve their listening skills, leading them to attend class merely for testing rather than genuine learning.
Question 3: Have you ever done any listening tasks that were designed from the movies?
Experience of using movies in studying English ever done never done
Figure 3: Experience of using movies in studying English
A recent questionnaire revealed that most participants had not engaged in listening tasks related to movies for learning English The scarcity of movie-based learning resources and the time-consuming nature of creating new tasks contributed to this issue Consequently, many students admitted to rarely or never watching the same films more than twice for educational purposes, indicating a lack of effective use of this media in their language studies.
Question 4: Do you often watch the same English movies more than twice to study English?
Table 3: Student’s experience of using movies in studying English
To effectively acquire a new language, students should watch the same movie at least three times The initial viewing typically focuses on the storyline rather than the language, making repeated viewings essential for language comprehension Research indicates that implementing a new method with teacher guidance is crucial to address this challenge and enhance language learning outcomes.
The significant enhancement in listening performance was clearly demonstrated by the contrast between the pre-test and post-test results To assess the impact of using movies as a teaching tool for listening skills, the analysis utilized SPSS software, specifically employing Paired Sample T tests to compare student outcomes The findings from this analytical process are presented below.
Mean N Std Deviation Std Error Mean
Table 4: Descriptive Statistics for the group’s performance in the pre-test and post-test
The average score of students showed a notable increase, rising from a mean of 6.00 in the pre-test to 7.07 after five weeks of training, indicating significant overall improvement in their performance.
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Pair
Table 5: Results of the Pair Sample T-tests
The results indicated a significant improvement in the students' listening ability during the experimental teaching phase, with a p-value smaller than 0.05 This demonstrates that the intervention positively benefited the students.
The posttest questionnaire results revealed that the majority of students found the experimental teaching phase beneficial for their learning, with ten students rating it as "effective" and fifteen students considering it "quite effective."
Figure 4: Effectiveness level of the experimental teaching course
The significant improvement in students' listening abilities highlights the necessity and effectiveness of using movies as a learning tool Many students reported gaining valuable vocabulary and pronunciation skills from the course, while visual aids facilitated their understanding and retention of new words and concepts Additionally, students noted that the enjoyable nature of the lessons helped them concentrate better during listening tasks, making the learning experience both fun and effective.
3.1.2 The students’ attitudes towards learning listening with movies
A survey revealed that all students recognized the effectiveness of using movies to enhance their English listening skills However, few students watched the same films more than twice for study purposes, and there were limited listening tasks associated with movies This suggests that teacher guidance is essential to help students effectively leverage this medium for their English language improvement.
Question 5: Would you like the teacher to use English movies to teach listening skills?
Figure 5: The students’ attitudes towards studying with movies at class
Students showed a strong enthusiasm for learning English through movies in class, with 27 expressing a desire to watch films under the teacher's guidance This indicates their motivation and excitement to discover new concepts through cinematic experiences Only 3 students remained undecided While the initial questionnaire did not conclusively demonstrate progress from movie-based lessons, the responses suggested that students felt more motivated to engage in listening activities With this newfound inspiration, they were likely to concentrate better during lessons, reducing the likelihood of losing focus.
The last question was to help the researcher find suitable movies for the students’preferences
Table 6: The students’ preferences in movies
Many students prefer comedy and romantic movies, with science fiction and drama as their secondary choices, as these genres provide ample dialogue and relatable real-life situations that aid in language learning Documentary films are also beneficial, featuring more academic vocabulary that is helpful for preparing for tests like IELTS and TOEFL While action movies are entertaining, they often have fewer spoken words and numerous visual scenes, making them less effective for language study.
Following the intervention, participants reported a positive impact of watching movies on their listening skills, expressing excitement about the lessons and increased concentration in class Most students were satisfied with the five-week learning session, appreciating the new approach to enhancing their listening abilities, while only one student expressed dissatisfaction with the course.
Figure 6: The students’ satisfaction with the course after the intervention
A recent questionnaire revealed that 23 students found it easier to understand and engage with content through movie scenes Most students reported increased focus on listening while watching films, highlighting that overcoming language barriers was essential for enjoying movie entertainment This engagement motivated them to participate actively in class, rather than feeling bored All students acknowledged that they enjoyed watching movies, which kept them awake and captivated Additionally, they gained valuable insights into pronunciation, accents, and vocabulary used in real-life contexts Overall, watching movies emerged as an effective method for enhancing English language skills in the classroom.
Some students expressed that their listening skills did not significantly improve, as many tests included more academic vocabulary than what is typically found in movies Additionally, a few students mentioned struggling to keep up with the speed of the speakers and finding certain accents in films unfamiliar.