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Tệp tài liệu Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 Tuần 6 tập trung vào các nội dung sau: UNIT 1: HOME AND PLACES Lesson 7: 1E GRAMMAR (12) Bài học này tập trung vào một phần cụ thể của ngữ pháp liên quan đến đơn vị 1, có thể là về cấu trúc ngữ pháp hoặc quy tắc ngữ pháp đơn giản. Nó có thể liên quan đến việc mô tả nhà cửa, địa điểm hoặc thì hiện tại đơn. Lesson 8: 1E GRAMMAR (3456) Tiếp theo từ bài học trước, bài này mở rộng hoặc sâu hơn về ngữ pháp của đơn vị 1. Có thể tập trung vào các quy tắc ngữ pháp phức tạp hơn hoặc cung cấp nhiều ví dụ và bài tập thực hành hơn để học sinh có thể nắm vững hơn về ngữ pháp này. Lesson 9: 1F SKILLS (Reading 123) Bài học này liên quan đến kỹ năng đọc. Học sinh có thể được giới thiệu với các văn bản, đoạn văn hoặc bài đọc liên quan đến đề tài HOME AND PLACES. Nó có thể giúp học sinh phát triển khả năng hiểu biết và từ vựng thông qua việc đọc và hiểu nội dung. Tài liệu này cung cấp sự phong phú từ ngữ pháp đến kỹ năng đọc, giúp học sinh xây dựng nền tảng vững chắc trong việc mô tả nhà cửa, địa điểm và phát triển khả năng sử dụng ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh. 5 từ khóa chuẩn SEO cho tệp tài liệu này có thể là:

English lesson plan School year: 2023-2024 Week: 06 Period: 16 Date of preparation: 07/10/2023 Date of teaching: 09/10/2023 UNIT 1: HOME AND PLACES Lesson 7: 1E GRAMMAR (12) I./ Objectives (learning outcomes): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: a Knowledge: - learn about a/an – some – any - learn the structure: there is/isn’t and there are/aren’t - learn possessive case ('s/') b Core competence and language skills: - Describe a picture and their room - Improve their communication skill, self-evaluation skills - Improve their analytical skill, note-taking skills c Personal qualities: - Build their love and appreciate their home II./ Teaching aids: - Teacher’s aids: student book, workbook and teacher’s book, class CDs, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV (if any) - Students’ aids: Student books, workbooks and notebooks III./ Procedures: A Warm-up: a Objectives: to introduce the new lesson and set the scene for Ss to acquire new language; to get students' attention at the beginning of the class by means of enjoyable and short activities as well as to engage them in the steps that follow b Content: Arranging words into meaningful sentences c Outcome: Ss can remember and recognize the main points of the lesson d Competence: communication, collaboration, analytical thinking skills e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities - Write on the board words and ask Ss to arrange them into sentences (book closed) - When Ss finish, ask them to share with their friends and try to find out the rules - Close the book and complete the task Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Content Arrange these words into meaningful sentences: a/ there/ book/is books/ are/ some/ there is/ ?/ there/armchair/ an there/ any/ ?/ are/ armchairs -Suggested answer: There is a book Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan School year: 2023-2024 There are some books Is there an armchair? Are there any armchairs? B New lesson: Activity 1: a Objectives: To introduce and present the grammar points and let Ss practice doing the exercise and use them in the real situation b Content: A/An-some-any c Outcome: Ss can understand the rules of A/an-some-any and use them correctly d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills and creativity e Organization: T’s activities - Ss open their book to check their answer and their rule - Read out the Note! box and the theory and elicit/ explain that we use a/an for singular countable nouns and some for plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns Go through the cartoon with Ss Make sure that Ss understand the rule, teacher can explain it in Vietnamese - Ask Ss to look at the picture and then give them time to complete the sentences - Check Ss’ answers around the class Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Ss’ activities Content Note! - Read the rules - a/an + singular countable nouns and take notes - some + plural countable nouns in the affirmative - any + plural countable nouns in the negative and interrogative A/An- Some- Any - Look at the picture and then give them time to complete the sentences Task Look at the picture Complete the sentences (1-10) Use There is, There isn’t, There are, There aren’t, Is there, Are there and a/an, some or any There is a bed There aren’t any windows There isn’t a wardrobe Are there any pillows on the bed? There isn’t an armchair There are some books in the bookcase There aren’t any cupboards There is a lamp There aren’t any tables 10 Is there a desk? Extra activity: (workbook) ★ Circle the correct item Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan - For further practice, give (a) handout/handouts to Ss or ask Ss to open their workbook on page 16 to the exercise - Check Ss’ answers around the class School year: 2023-2024 - Complete the1 task individually and the share with their friends 4 There is a / an cooker in the kitchen There aren't some / any lamps in the bedroom There are some / any curtains in the living room There is a / an orange in the fridge ★★ Complete the sentences with a/an, some or any There are _books in the bookcase There is _ armchair in the living room There isn't _ sink in the bathroom There aren't _ chairs in the bedroom Activity 2: a Objectives: to introduce and present possessive case (‘s/’) b Content: Task c Outcome: Ss can understand possessive case (‘s/’) and use them correctly d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content Possessive case (‘s/’) - Read out the theory box - Listen and + singular countable nouns and then explain the task take notes + ’s e.g the boy’s guitar - Explain the rules and + plural countable nouns + ’ give some more examples e.g the boys’ bicycles if necessary + irregular plural nouns + - Give Ss time to complete - Complete the ’s the sentences task e.g the children’s room - Check Ss’ answers individually Task Use the words in around the class and share with brackets to complete the their friends gaps as in the example These are the boys’ watches (boys/ watches) This is the girls’ room (girls/ room) That is the men’s office (men/ office) Those are the women’s hats (women/ hats) Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan School year: 2023-2024 These are the children’s caps (children/ caps) Activity 3: a Objectives: To wrap up the lesson and help Ss use their language in the real situation b Content: Describing the classroom c Outcome: Ss can describe classroom d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, presentation skills and creativity e Organization: T’s activities - Ask Ss to work in pairs and in turn make sentences to describe the classroom - Check Ss’ answers around the class Ss’ activities - Work in group to describe their classroom and then present in front of class Content Describe the classroom using there is/isn’t or are/aren’t with a/an-some and any Eg: There are 25 desks in this classroom There are some pictures on the wall……… C Consolidation - a/an – some – any, - There is/isn’t and there are/aren’t - Possessive case ('s/') D Homework assigned - Learn grammar about plurals and this/ these- that/those - Do exercises in the workbook (page 16) Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan School year: 2023-2024 Week: 06 Period: 17 Date of preparation: 09/10/2023 Date of teaching: 11/10/2023 UNIT 1: HOME AND PLACES Lesson 8: 1E GRAMMAR (3456) I Objectives (learning outcomes): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: a Knowledge: - Learn prepositions of place - Learn the question word where b Core competence and language skills: - Describe a picture and their room - Improve their communication, critical thinking and analytical skills - Raise Ss’ awareness about the Internet safety - Write a description of an ideal bedroom c Personal qualities: - Build their love and appreciate their home/ their bedroom II Teaching aids: - Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV (if any) - Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks Procedures: A Warm-up: a Objectives: to introduce the new lesson and set the scene for Ss to acquire new language; to get students' attention at the beginning of the class by means of enjoyable and short activities as well as to engage them in the steps that follow b Content: Filling in the blanks with provided words c Outcome: Ss can review the previous lesson d Competence: communication, collaboration, analytical thinking skills e Organization: T’s activities - Ask Ss to the exercise individually and then share with their partner - Check the answer Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Ss’ activities - Complete the task individually and then share with their partners Content *Fill in the blanks with these words: is, are, some, any There a book on the table There _ many pens in the box There are shoes under the desk There aren’t _ students in the school yard Suggested answers: Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan School year: 2023-2024 is are some any B New lesson: Activity 1: a Objectives: to present prepositions of place b Content: Taking Notes and Task c Outcome: Ss can understand and use prepositions of place correctly d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills and creativity e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content Note! - Present prepositions of - Listen and We use prepositions of place to show place using your book take notes where someone or something is - Put your book on the desk, then ask - Where’s my book? It’s on the desk - Put your book in your - Where’s my book? It’s in my bag bag, then ask Task Look at the drawings and say - Present the rest of the prepositions of place in the same way - Read out the Note! box - Work in pairs to finish the Suggested answer key - Refer Ss to the task The green owl is in the box drawings and ask Ss to The blue owl is under the box say where the owl is The blue owl is in front of the box The blue owl is behind the box The blue owl is near/next to the green owl The blue owl is opposite the green owl The blue owl is below the box The blue owl is above the box Activity 2: a Objectives: To give Ss a chance to pratise the grammar point b Content: Task 4, task c Outcome: Ss can use prepositions of place correctly d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills and creativity e Organization: Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan School year: 2023-2024 T’s activities Ss’ activities - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and then read the text and choose the correct prepositions - Complete the task individually and then share with their friends - Check Ss’ answers - Read the ?Word box - Read the example and ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs following the example using prepositions of place and the question word - Monitor the activity around the class - Listen and take notes Content Task Look at the picture Read the text and choose the correct preposition This is my bedroom It has got brown curtains and a carpet 1) under/in front of the bed 2) in/on the floor There is a bedside cabinet 3) opposite/under the window 4) next to/below the bed There is a lamp 5) on /in the bedside cabinet There is a poster 6) above/ on the bed 7) on /below the wall and there is a box 8) in front of/under the bed My bedroom is great! Task Look at the picture in Exercise Ask and answer questions A: Where’s the bedside cabinet? - Do the task in B: It’s next to the bed pairs Suggested answer key A:Where is the poster? B:It’s above the bed on the wall A:Where is the box? B:It’s under the bed Etc Activity 3: a Objectives: To raise Ss’ awareness about internet safety b Content: Describing their house c Outcome: Ss can describe their bedroom (real or imaginary) d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, presentation skills and creativity e Organization: T’s activities - Read out the Warning box and ask Ss to explain and give some reasons - Ask Ss to complete the description of an ideal bedroom using their ideas Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Ss’ activities Content Warning: - Listen and Internet safety: take notes Do not give your personal information to people that you don’t know - Work in Task Post a description of your ideal groups of four bedroom (about 40-50 words) Use the to complete text in Exercise as a model Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan and using the text in the task Exercise as a model - Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss’ answers around the class - Ask Ss to work in pairs to share their ideas School year: 2023-2024 Suggested answer key Hello everyone! My ideal bedroom is big with blue curtains and a carpet on the floor There is a bed with some pillows on it There is a poster of my favourite singer on the wall above the bed It’s great! What’s your ideal bedroom like? C Consolidation - Prepositions of place - The question word where - A description of an ideal bedroom D Homework assigned - Learn prepositions of place - Do exercises in the workbook (page 16) Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan School year: 2023-2024 Week: 06 Period: 18 Date of preparation: 10/10/2023 Date of teaching: 12/10/2023 UNIT 1: HOME AND PLACES Lesson 9: 1F SKILLS (Reading 123) I Objectives (learning outcomes): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: a Knowledge: - Learn vocabulary: Nouns (countryside, suburb, driveway, floor, row) - Learn different types of British houses b Core competence & language skills: - Read for specific information - Raise Ss’s cross-culture awareness - Improve their scanning skill, problem solving skill, research skill, comparing and contrasting skills - Talk about British homes c Personal qualities: - Build their love and appreciate their home II Teaching aids: - Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV (if any) - Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks III./ Procedures: A Warm-up: a Objectives: to introduce the new lesson and set the scene for Ss to acquire new language; to get students' attention at the beginning of the class by means of enjoyable and short activities as well as to engage them in the steps that follow b Content: Matching exercise c Outcome: Ss can know more types of houses in Britain d Competence: communication, collaboration, analytical thinking skills e Organization: T’s activities - Show the pictures and words and ask Ss to match the pictures with appropriate types of houses Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Ss’ activities - Complete the task individually and share with their Content Match the pictures with the appropriate types of houses in Britain: Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan School year: 2023-2024 friends - Check Ss’ answers Answer key detached cottage terraced Semi-detached Block of flats bungalow B New lesson: Activity 1: a Objectives: To introduce many types of houses in Britain and practise listening b Content: Task c Outcome: Ss can learn more vocabulary about houses d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills and creativity e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content Task Look at the pictures Which of - Ask Ss to look at the - Complete these houses are in big cities in the pictures Explain that they the task UK? Read and listen to find out show types of houses in the individually Answer key UK Elicit which of the and then share There are terraced houses and blocks of houses are in big cities in with their flats in big cities in the UK the UK friends Vocabulary - Play the recording Ss -Driveway listen and read to find out -Suburb - Explain the vocabulary -Floor Teacher can translate into - Listen and -Row Vietnamese to make sure take notes -Countryside that Ss can understand them clearly Activity 2: a Objectives: To help Ss understand the text clearly and improve reading skill b Content: Task 2, task c Outcome: Ss can improve their reading skill and learn more about houses in Britain d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills and creativity Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Nam Nung Secondary school 10 English lesson plan e Organization: T’s activities - Ask Ss to read the text again and then mark the statements according to what they read - Check Ss’ answers - Ask Ss to look up the meanings of the words in the box - Play the video and elicit Ss’ comments - Ask Ss to read the text again and answer the questions - Check Ss’ answers School year: 2023-2024 Ss’ activities - Read the text again and then mark the statements according to what they read Content Task Read the text again and decide if the sentences are R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn’t say) Bungalows have got two floors W Terraced houses have always got a garden in the back W Cottages are expensive houses DS - Watch and take Blocks of flats are in city centres R notes Task Answer the questions What - Complete the types of houses … task individually are there in city centres? and then share There are terraced houses and blocks with their of flats in city centres friends have got a garden? Detached houses, cottages and some terraced houses have got a garden are expensive? Detached houses are expensive are in the countryside? Cottages are in the countryside Activity 3: a Objectives: To help Ss improve Ss’ comparing and contrast skill b Content: Different types of British homes c Outcome: Ss can describe their house (real or imaginary) d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, solving- problem, presentation skills and creativity e Organization: T’s activities - Read out the example and then ask various Ss around the class to present other types of British houses to the class Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Ss’ activities - Listen and take notes Content Present one of the different types of British homes to the class Eg: Detached houses are big They’re usually in the suburbs They’ve got gardens and driveways They are expensive Answer key Nam Nung Secondary school 11 English lesson plan - Ask Ss to read the information about the Presidential Palace in Hanoi School year: 2023-2024 Bungalows are small They’re in small towns and the suburbs They’ve only got one floor Culture Spot - Research for The Presidential Palace in Hanoi is the the place where office of the President of Vietnam It is a the UK’s Prime big yellow building with a beautiful Minister works garden and present it Where is the office of the Prime Minister to the class of the UK? Suggested answer key Number 10 Downing Street in London is where the Prime Minister of the UK works It is a brick building with a black front door C Consolidation - Vocabulary: Nouns (countryside, suburb, driveway, floor, row) - Different types of British houses D Homework assigned - Learn vocabulary about places in the town - Do exercises in the workbook (page 17) Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Nam Nung Secondary school 12

Ngày đăng: 02/01/2024, 21:10
