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Giáo án anh văn lớp 6 tuần 3

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Tệp tài liệu Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 Tuần 3 đề cập đến các nội dung quan trọng trong chương trình học gồm UNIT: HELLO và UNIT 1: HOME AND PLACES. UNIT: HELLO Lesson 7: NUMBERS AANTHE Bài học này tập trung vào số đếm và việc sử dụng các từ quan trọng như aanthe. Học sinh sẽ được học về cách sử dụng các từ chỉ số lượng và các quy tắc cơ bản về việc sử dụng các mạo từ trong tiếng Anh. Lesson 8: GREETINGS CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Bài học này giới thiệu về cách chào hỏi và ngôn ngữ sử dụng trong lớp học. Học sinh sẽ học cách giao tiếp cơ bản trong lớp học bằng tiếng Anh, từ việc chào hỏi đến việc yêu cầu, mô tả các đồ vật trong lớp. UNIT 1: HOME AND PLACES Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED + VOCABULARY 1A Bài học này mở đầu cho Unit 1 và tập trung vào từ vựng liên quan đến nhà cửa và địa điểm. Học sinh sẽ được giới thiệu với các từ vựng cơ bản về nhà ở và các địa điểm khác nhau. Trong tệp tài liệu này, học sinh sẽ được học về cách sử dụng số đếm, các từ aanthe, cách chào hỏi và ngôn ngữ sử dụng trong lớp học, cũng như từ vựng về nhà ở và địa điểm. Các bài học được thiết kế để phát triển kỹ năng ngôn ngữ, từ vựng và khả năng giao tiếp của học sinh.

English lesson plan Week: 03 Period: 07 School year: 2022-2023 Date of preparation: 16/09/2023 Date of teaching: 18/09/2023 UNIT: HELLO Lesson 7: NUMBERS & A/AN/THE(12346) I./ Objectives (learning outcomes): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: a./ Knowledge: - Remember vocabulary about numbers (1-100) - Apply structure have got (interrogative and short answers) in the real situation - Ask about telephone numbers - Understand the rules of articles (a/an- the) b./ Core competence & language skills: - Develop Ss’ language skills - Improve Ss’ collaboration, communication, critical thinking and other skills c./ Personal qualities: - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork - Love their countries and their communities II./ Teaching aids: - Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard /TV (if any) - Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks III./ Procedure A./ Warm-up: a./ Objectives: To present and practise numbers from to 20 b./ Content: Review numbers from to 20 c./ Expected outcomes: Ss can remember and practise numbers from to 20 d./ Competence: communication, analytical thinking skills e./ Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities - Play the recording Ss listen and repeat the - Listen and numbers repeat chorally - Ask Ss to count from 1-20 one after the other Content Numbers 1-20 Task Listen and repeat (1.7) B./ New lesson: 1./ Activity 1: a Objectives: to present and practise number 1-100” Nguyen Le Kim Nhan school Nam Nung Secondary English lesson plan School year: 2022-2023 b Content: number 1-200 c Expected outcomes: Ss can use numbers ask and answer about telephone numbers d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content Asking about telephone numbers - Read the Note! aloud - Read and take Note! - Choose two Ss to read notes In English, when we use (zero) in through the example telephone numbers, we say oh NOT dialogue zero - Allow Ss some time to - Practise asking Task Ask and answer as in the complete the task with the and answering example rest of the numbers in the telephone Eg: closed pairs numbers A: What’s your telephone number? - Monitor the activity B: It’s two-six-five-oh-eight-twoaround the class seven-eight - Ask some pairs to act out - Work in pairs 26508278 their dialogues 55243089 22943318 72098632 37025921 Answer Key B: It’s double five – two – four – three – oh – eight – nine B: It’s double two – nine – four – double three – one – eight B: It’s seven – two – oh – nine – eight – six – three – two B: It’s three – seven – oh – two – five – nine – two – one Note! - Read the Note! aloud - Read and take In English, when we write a compound - Play the recording Ss notes number (any number made up of two listen and repeat the - Listen and words), we use a hyphen in between numbers repeat chorally them e.g 46 forty-six Nguyen Le Kim Nhan school Nam Nung Secondary English lesson plan a b c d e School year: 2022-2023 - Play the recording - Complete the Task Listen and circle the numbers - Ss listen and circle the task individually you hear: correct number and then - Check Ss’ answers compare with Answer key - As an extension, T can their partners 20 100 50 42 13 prepare bingo cards with 80 various numbers from 1100, then play BINGO with their Ss Say numbers from 1-100 Ss in teams write the number on the board T: 26 Team A S1: twenty-six Activity 2: Objectives: to present the rules of ariticles and practise Content: Articles A, An-the Expected outcomes: Ss can understand the rules of articles and complete the task Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content - Read out the cartoon Read the theory box Elicit/Explain that the - Read and take a/an – the words in bold are used notes a/an when we talk about sb or sth in general Elicit when we use a (before singular nouns starting with a consonant sound) or an • We use a/an when we talk about a (before singular nouns that person, animal or thing in general begin with a vowel sound) • We use a before singular nouns that Go through the grammar begin with a consonant sound, e.g a rules book - Ask Ss to give other • We use an before singular examples of their own if countable nouns that begin with a possible vowel sound, e.g an egg BUT an hour the - Go through the use of Nguyen Le Kim Nhan school We use the when we talk about something specific or something mentioned before Nam Nung Secondary English lesson plan School year: 2022-2023 ‘the’ in the theory table The pen on the desk is Mary’s This is a smartphone The smartphone is black Task 6: Fill in the gaps with a/an or - Allow some time for Ss to - Complete the the, then circle the correct colour complete the exercise Ss task Which of the words in bold contain can work in closed pairs individually blended consonants? green, purple, - Check Ss’ answers and then share black, blue, grey with their This is an anorak The anorak is partners pink/white This is a purse The purse is green/purple This is an alarm clock The alarm clock is yellow/black This is a watch The watch is purple/ blue This is an umbrella The umbrella is red/black This is an e-reader The e-reader is grey/brown This is a sharpener The sharpener is orange/yellow This is a schoolbag The schoolbag is pink/green C./ Consolidation - Vocabulary about numbers (1-100) - Structure have got (interrogative and short answers) - Asking about telephone numbers - Articles (a/an- the) D./ Homework assigned - Learn Vocabulary about numbers (1-100) and articles (a/an- the) - Do exercises in the workbook (page 7) Week: 03 Nguyen Le Kim Nhan school Date of preparation: 18/09/2023 Nam Nung Secondary English lesson plan Period: 08 School year: 2022-2023 Date of teaching: 20/09/2023 UNIT: HELLO Lesson 8: GREETINGS & CLASSROOM LANGUAGE (123) I Objectives (learning outcomes): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: a Knowledge: - learn/review how to introduce yourself and others - learn/review classroom language and imperative c Core competence & language skills: - develop Ss’ language skills - improve Ss’ communication, critical thinking and other skills c Personal qualities: - be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork - love their countries and their communities II Teaching aids: - Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard /TV (if any) - Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks Procedures: A Warm-up: a Objectives: to introduce the ways people greet and set the scene for Ss to acquire new language; to get students' attention at the beginning of the class by means of enjoyable and short activities as well as to engage them in the steps that follow b Content: Greetings c Expected outcomes: Ss can learn how to greet people d Competence: communication, collaboration, analytical thinking skills e Organization: Content Activities Rationale/ competence - Explain that the sentences Greetings: in Exercise are typical - Ss repeat Task Listen and repeat ones the British use to greet chorally or people individually - Play the recording You - Take notes can ask Ss to provide their native language equivalents Nguyen Le Kim Nhan school Nam Nung Secondary English lesson plan School year: 2022-2023 A a b c New lesson: Activity 1: Objectives: to review the ways of greetings and introducing yourself/ others Content: greeting and introducing yourself and others Expected outcomes: Ss can greet people in different ways and introduce themselves/ others d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content Greetings – Introducing - Read out the Note! - Listen and take yourself/others box notes Note! - Read out the phrases In English-speaking countries, people and give Ss time to use use Mr/ Mrs/ Ms + a surname to address them to complete the their teacher e.g Hello, Ms.Green dialogue (NOT: Hello Kate or Hello teacher.) Task - Ask Ss to read and - Read the a Complete the dialogue with the fill in the blanks with dialogue and fill phrases below the words given in the blanks with • Goodbye • Hello • This is • Nice to words given and meet you then share with Mrs.White: 1) Hello, I’m Mrs White their friends What’s your name? Nat: Hello, Mrs White My name’s Nat 2) This is Barry - Play the recording Mrs.White: 3) Nice to meet you, Barry Ss listen and check Barry: Nice to meet you, too 4) their answers to - Listen and check Goodbye! Exercise 2a the answer Mrs.White: Bye - Divide the class into - Work in groups b Listen and check Then read the groups of three and to read the dialogue aloud ask them to take roles dialogue aloud and read the dialogue aloud Activity 2: a Objectives: to present and practise using classroom language Nguyen Le Kim Nhan school Nam Nung Secondary English lesson plan School year: 2022-2023 b Content: Classroom language c Expected outcomes: Ss can use classroom language and understand basic imperative of their teacher d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content Classroom language - Play the recording - Listen and Task Listen and repeat with pauses for Ss to repeat chorally - Listen repeat chorally and individually - Read and/or individually - Take notes - Don’t talk, please - Pay attention to Ss’ - Close your books pronunciation and - Open your books intonation - Sit down, please - Come to the board, please - Write in your notebooks - Stand up, please Note! - Read out the Note! - Read and take - We use the imperative to give: an order box and go through notes e.g Stand up.; instructions e.g Open your the table Elicit how book on p 25 we form the - Imperative imperative Point out + base form of the verb that we can use affirmative please to sound more - Work in pairs Eg: Open your books polite + negative Don’t + base form of - Ask a pair of Ss to - Act out the the verb model the activity situation Eg: Don’t open your books using the example B Consolidation - Greetings and introducing - Classroom language and imperative D Homework assigned - Learn classroom language and imperative - Do exercises in the workbook (page 8-9) Nguyen Le Kim Nhan school Nam Nung Secondary English lesson plan Week: 03 Period: 09 School year: 2022-2023 Date of preparation: 19/09/2023 Date of teaching: 21/09/2023 UNIT 1: HOME AND PLACES Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED + VOCABULARY 1A (1234) I Objectives (learning outcomes): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: a Knowledge: - learn vocabulary about rooms/places of a house and furniture & appliances - ask and answer about the furniture in the house a Core competence & language skills: - build their language skills - develop generalization, critical thinking, communication, creativity and other skills b Personal qualities: - be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork - build their love for their home II Teaching aids: - Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard /TV (if any) - Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks Procedures: A Warm-up: a Objectives: to introduce the new lesson and set the scene for Ss to acquire new language; to get students' attention at the beginning of the class by means of enjoyable and short activities as well as to engage them in the steps that follow b Content: A guessing game c Expected Outcomes: Ss can review some vocabulary about rooms and furniture d Competence: communication, collaboration, analytical thinking skills e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content Guessing game: - Divide class into groups - Work in sofa, TV, couch, pictures, coffee - Ask Ss to close their books groups table => living room and listen to the teacher - Guess what pillow, blanket, bed, dressing table, about the furniture types of mirror => bedroom rooms are cooker, knife, fridge, oven => mentioned kitchen A New lesson: Nguyen Le Kim Nhan school Nam Nung Secondary English lesson plan School year: 2022-2023 Activity 1: a Objectives: To review vocabulary and introduce new language about rooms and furniture and improve Ss’ pronunciation b Content: Vocabulary learning c Expected Outcomes: Ss can use the vocabulary presented in real life communication d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills and creativity e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content Task 1: Match the rooms (1-5) to the - Ask Ss to look at the - Look at the pictures (A-E) Listen and check, then pictures and then read out pictures and repeat (1.14) the rooms in the list then read out - Give Ss time to match the the rooms in Suggested answer: rooms to the pictures the list - Play the recording for Ss C to check their answers - Listen and D - Play the recording again check their B with pauses for Ss to repeat answer A chorally and/or - Listen and E individually repeat (- Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments) Task 2: Listen, point and say What - Tell Ss to point to the - Listen and are these words in your language? numbered items complete the curtains pillows - Play the recording with task bed toilet pauses for Ss to repeat - Listen and bath washbasin chorally and/or repeat chorally desk wardrobe individually and single bed 10 bedside cabinet -Check Ss’ pronunciation individually 11 carpet 12 sink and intonation 13 cupboards 14 cooker - Elicit the students’ native 15 fridge 16 table language equivalents 17 chairs 18 sofa (Ss’ answers) 19 coffee table 20 armchair 21 lamp 22 painting 23 fireplace - Ss: work in pairs, one - Work in *Checking understanding: student will say the pairs, one Example: numbers and the other says student says - Student one: number 15 the words the number of - Student two: fridge Nguyen Le Kim Nhan school Nam Nung Secondary English lesson plan School year: 2022-2023 the picture and the other will say the word Activity 2: a Objectives: to introduce vocabulary and give Ss a chance to practise the language they have learnt b Content: categorizing and speaking c Expected outcomes: Ss can categorize stuff in the house and describe their house (real or imaginary) d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills and creativity e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content - Explain the task Ask Ss - Write the Task 3: Complete the table with the to write the headings into headings into number of the words in exercise 2: their notebooks their notebooks - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Work in pairs Suggested answers: and write all the words in and write all the Furniture: Exercise under the words in Exercise 3-7-8-9-10-13-16-17-18-19-20 correct headings under the Appliances: 14-15-21 - Check Ss’ answers correct headings Others: 1-2-4-5-6-11-12-22-23 - Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer questions following the example - Monitor the activity around the class - Work in pairs and ask and answer questions following the example Task 4: Ask and answer as in the example: A: Where’s the single bed? B: It’s in the child’s bedroom Suggested answers: A:Where are the curtains? B:They are in the parents’ bedroom A:Where’s the toilet? B:It’s in the bathroom A:Where’s the coffee table? B:It’s in the living room, etc… C Consolidation - Learn vocabulary about rooms/places of a house and furniture & appliances - Ask and answer about the furniture in the house D Homework assigned - Learn vocabulary about rooms/places of a house and furniture & appliances - Do exercises in the workbook (page 12) Nguyen Le Kim Nhan school Nam Nung Secondary 10

Ngày đăng: 02/01/2024, 20:40
