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Giáo án anh văn lớp 6 tuần 4

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Tệp tài liệu Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 Tuần 4 bao gồm các nội dung chính trong UNIT 1: HOME AND PLACES, tập trung vào các bài học cụ thể: UNIT 1: HOME AND PLACES Lesson 2: 1A READING Bài học này tập trung vào kỹ năng đọc, giúp học sinh tiếp cận với văn bản liên quan đến đề tài HOME AND PLACES. Học sinh sẽ đọc văn bản và hiểu nội dung về nhà ở và các địa điểm khác nhau. Lesson 3: 1A READING (45) + ORDINAL NUMBERS Bài học này mở rộng từ bài học trước bằng việc kết hợp việc đọc với việc học về các số thứ tự (ordinal numbers). Học sinh sẽ học cách sử dụng các số thứ tự trong tiếng Anh và áp dụng chúng vào ngữ cảnh của đề tài nhà ở và địa điểm. Lesson 4: 1B GRAMMAR Bài học này tập trung vào phần ngữ pháp, giúp học sinh hiểu về một phần cụ thể trong đơn vị 1. Học sinh sẽ học về các quy tắc ngữ pháp hoặc cấu trúc ngữ pháp liên quan đến việc mô tả nhà và địa điểm. Tệp tài liệu này cung cấp nội dung phong phú về nhà ở và địa điểm, từ vựng và kỹ năng đọc, cũng như quy tắc ngữ pháp liên quan đến chủ đề này. Các bài học được thiết kế để phát triển kỹ năng đọc, từ vựng và kiến ​​thức ngữ pháp cần thiết cho việc giao tiếp tiếng Anh.

English lesson plan Week: 04 Period: 10 School year: 2022-2023 Date of preparation: 23/09/2023 Date of teaching: 25/09/2023 UNIT 1: HOME AND PLACES Lesson 2: 1A READING (123) I Objectives (learning outcomes): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: a Knowledge: - learn vocabulary related to a house boat - know more about types of houses b Core competence and language skills: - develop scanning and skimming skills - take notes and present their ideas - improve Ss’ communication, analytical and synthesizing skills c Personal qualities: - build their love and appreciate their home - be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork II Teaching aids: - Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV (if any) - Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks III Procedures: A Warm-up: a Objectives: to introduce the new lesson and set the scene for Ss to acquire new language; to get students' attention at the beginning of the class by means of enjoyable and short activities as well as to engage them in the steps that follow b Content: Describing a picture c Expected outcomes: Ss can think and brainstorm the topic of the lesson d Competence: communication, collaboration, analytical thinking skills e Organization: T’s Activities Ss’ Activities Content - Ask the Ss to look at - Work in pairs describing Suggested questions: What you the picture on their the picture see in the picture? And can you textbook on page 22 guess what it is? and describe it Suggested answers: - It looks like a boat It is on the river There is a flag and a picture on it… B New lesson: Activity 1: a Objectives: to improve Ss’ listening and reading skill Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan School year: 2022-2023 b Content: Listening and reading c Outcome: Ss can expand their knowledge about houses, practise reading for gist and for details d Competence: communication, collaboration, analytical and synthesizing skills e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content Task 1: Listen and read to find out - Have Ss read the - Listen and read what type of house it is instruction, underline the and find out what Answer key key words type of house it is The house is a canal boat - Have Ss read and listen Task 2: Read the text and complete - Give Ss time to read the - Read the the sentences text again and complete the questions Darren is from London, England sentences - Read the text and His house is a canal boat - Check Ss’ answers find the Canal boats are long and thin - Give Ss time to look up information and The name of Darren’s boat is the meanings of the words share with their “Paper Moon” in the box friends Darren’s bed is under the sofa (- Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.) Activity 2: a Objectives: To practise reading more about the topic and provide vocabulary b Content: Further reading c Outcome: Ss can learn more vocabulary about houses and furniture d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content - Allow Ss time to review - Read the text Task 3: Read the text again Find the text and find the items again and find two two pieces of furniture and one - Check Ss’ answers on the pieces of furniture appliance board and one appliance Answer key - Furniture: sofa, table - Appliance: cooker C Consolidation - Adjectives and their opposites - Vocabulary (ordinary, canal boat, long, cosy, shower, shower, quiet) D Homework assigned - Learn adjectives and their opposites and furniture & appliances - Do exercises in the workbook (page 12) Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan School year: 2022-2023 Week: 04 Period: 11 Date of preparation: 25/09/2023 Date of teaching: 27/09/2023 UNIT 1: HOME AND PLACES Lesson 3: 1A READING (45)+ ORDINAL NUMBERS I./ Objectives (learning outcomes): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: a./ Knowledge: - learn vocabulary about house features and ordinal numbers b./ Core competence and language skills: - develop speaking and writing skills - take notes and present their ideas - improve Ss’ communication, public speaking, creativity, organizing skills c./ Personal qualities: - build their love and appreciate their home - be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork II./ Teaching aids: - Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV (if any) - Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks III./ Procedures: A./ Warm-up: a./ Objectives: to introduce the new lesson and set the scene for Ss to acquire new language; to get students' attention at the beginning of the class by means of enjoyable and short activities as well as to engage them in the steps that follow b./ Content: Watching a video about Darren’s house c./ Expected outcomes: Ss can recall the information about houses d./ Competence: communication, collaboration, presentation e./ Organization: T’s Activities - Have Ss watch the video about Darren’s house and take note as much information about it as possible - Have them work in pairs to share what they have taken notes - Have some Ss share what their notes Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Ss’ Activities - Watch the video, take notes -Work in pairs Content Watch video about Darren’s house and take notes (Videos Section in IWB) Suggested answers Canal boat, long, thin, red, green, cosy, rooms (parent’s bedroom, living room, bathroom, toilet… -Share notes/ Listen/ Observe Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan School year: 2022-2023 B./ New lesson: Activity 1: a./ Objectives: to enrich Ss’ vocabulary about houses b./ Content: House features c./ Outcome: Ss can learn more vocabulary about houses d./ Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills f./ Organization: T’s Activities - Read out the Study Skills box - Read out the adjectives in the list and explain/ elicit their meanings - Give Ss time to find the opposites in the text - Check Ss’ answers - Have Ss work in pairs using the adjectives in the lesson to talk about their house - Walk around to give support if necessary Have some Ss share their answers - Have Ss look at the picture (page 23) - Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat chorally and/or individually - Give Ss time to complete the gaps in sentences 1-6 - Check Ss’ answers Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Ss’ Activities - Read and take notes - Work in pair to find out the opposites to the adjectives -Work in pairs talking about their houses Content Task 4: Find the adjectives in the text that are opposites to the adjectives below Suggested answer key unusual home >< long boats big sofa >< small sofa noisy house >< quiet house ugly house >< beautiful house -Share their answers to the whole class -Look at picture - Work in pairs to identify the house features -Listen and repeat - Complete the task - Check answers with the whole class Task 5: Listen and repeat Then complete the gaps with the words in the picture The walls are white The door is blue The roof is yellow with a chimney on it There are beautiful flowers in the garden There are four windows with a great view of the garden There’s a big balcony upstairs outside the bedroom Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan School year: 2022-2023 Activity 2: a./ Objectives: to enrich Ss’ vocabulary about ordinal numbers b./ Content: Ordinal numbers c./ Outcome: Ss can practice more about ordinal numbers d./ Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills f./ Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content - Go through the list of numbers with Ss Focus Ss’ attention on how we write ordinal numbers -Have practise saying all the numbers -Look, listen and repeat - Ss the task Check on the board -Write the numbers given in words Ordinal numbers -Practise saying them numbers with a partner Answer keys 27th twenty-seventh 30th thirtieth 42nd forty-second 56th fifty-sixth 64th sixty-fourth C Consolidation - Vocabulary about house features - Ordinal numbers D Homework assigned - Learn vocabulary presented in the class - Do exercises in the workbook Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan Week: 04 Period: 12 School year: 2022-2023 Date of preparation: 26/09/2023 Date of teaching: 28/09/2023 UNIT 1: HOME AND PLACES Lesson 4: 1B GRAMMAR (12) I Objectives (learning outcomes): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: a Knowledge: - learn grammar about plurals - learn grammar about this/ these and that/ those - remember the rules and use them in real situations b Core competence and language skills: - collaborate and develop conversation skills - improve Ss’ critical thinking, analytical thinking and presentation skills - express grammatical relationships in spoken utterances - be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork c Personal qualities: - have a reflection of their background (context) from that they can appreciate what they have II Teaching aids: - Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV (if any) - Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks III Procedures: A Warm-up: a Objectives: To introduce the new lesson and set the scene for Ss to acquire new language; to get students' attention at the beginning of the class by means of enjoyable and short activities as well as to engage them in the steps that follow b Content: A Game using plural nouns c Outcome: Ss review plural nouns d Competence: communication, collaboration, analytical thinking skills e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content Pictures - Show the pictures and - Work in group ask Ss to say the words and try to say the (books closed) correct words - Check Ss’ answers Suggested answer Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan School year: 2022-2023 Hat Dress Butterfly hats dresses butterflies B New lesson: Activity 1: a Objectives: to present the rules of plural nouns and the usage of this/ that, these, those b Content: task 1- Plurals- this/these- that/those c Outcome: Ss can know and remember the rules of plural and use this, that, these, those correctly d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, analytical thinking skills e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content Task 1: - Direct Ss’ attention to - Listen and the theory box and ask take notes various Ss to read the - Complete cartoon and the examples the task in aloud pairs - Read the theory aloud and make sure Ss Suggested answer understand how to form plural nouns - Give Ss time to write the plurals - Check Ss’ answers Activity 2: a Objectives: To give Ss a chance to practise their language in a real situation b Content: task 2- Describing a picture c Outcome: Ss can express grammatical relationships in spoken utterances d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills and creativity e Organization: T’s activities - Point to a thing near you and say This is a pen Explain that we use this for sth/sb near us Point to sth far from you and say: That is a desk Explain that Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Ss’ activities - Look at the picture and read out the example Content Task 2: Look at the picture Write what Mary says: Answer key - Complete the task in These are my keys Nam Nung Secondary school English lesson plan we use that for sth/sb far from us - Ask Ss to look at the picture and read out the example - Give Ss time to complete the task - Check Ss’ answers - Ask Ss to look at the teacher and make sentences based on what he points - Encourage Ss to take part in the activity and check Ss’ answers School year: 2022-2023 pairs This is my watch Those are my posters Those are my boxes That is my guitar That is my dress - Look at the teacher and make sentences based on what he points Further practice: Look at the teacher and make sentences: Suggested answer This is a ruler Those are fans These are books That is a door Activity 3: a Objectives: to help Ss to apply their language in the real situation b Content: Describing their house c Outcome: Ss can apply plurals and this/these- that/those in the real life d Competence: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, presentation skills and creativity e Organization: T’s activities Ss’ activities Content - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Work in groups - Make sentences that are true and make their sentences to complete the about you; with this/ these/ that/those task Example: - Each student must make at This is my school bag These are least sentences my pens That is my book Those - Call some Ss to present in are your notebooks front of the class C Consolidation - Grammar about plurals - Grammar about this/ these and that/ those D Homework assigned - Learn grammar about plurals and this/ these- that/those - Do exercises in the workbook (page 13) Nguyen Le Kim Nhan Nam Nung Secondary school

Ngày đăng: 02/01/2024, 20:48
