E |lD.arlz Tap cni Gi6o duc (2022), 2(22J, l! -zr 1*25 ISSN:2354-0753 rruir Ncmrlr TRONG DAy HOC VAT Li e pnAr NnAu rRrnN NANc r.r;c v4N ufiNCrctN-rn?c vio iirirc irtN TO CHLIC HOAT DQNG CHOHQCSINH Duorg Thi Kim Oanhrr, NguySn Th! Hu0ng2 rTrudng Dal hoc Su pham K! thu^,it Thanh ptii HO C'tri uintr: 2Tnrong Ti6u hoc, THCS va THPT Ng6 Thoi NhiCr4 ph6 Thanh ph6 H6 Chi Minh + Tdrc gid lidn h€ o Email: oanhdtk@fcmute.edu.vn Article history ABSTRACT Received: 1018D022 Experiential activities are leaming activities that go hand in hand with practice, leaming by doing and leaming to solve practical problems Organizing experiential leaming in the subject Physics (grade 9) helps students connect theory with practice and develop the competency to apply knowledge in practice The research introduces the concept of experiential Acceptd:3019D022 Published: 20ll l/2022 Keyrvords Experiential activities, competency io apply knowledge inio practice, Tht Duc, activities and the competency to apply knowledge into practice, the process of organizing experiential activities in teaching Physics in order to develop the abovementioned competency, which is illustrated through teaching Physics at Ngo Thoi Nhiem Primary School - Secondary School - High School, Thu Duc City The sn-rdy used the Rubric assessment tool to measure studenE' competency to apply knowledge into practice $'hen the teachers organized experiential leaming activities in teaching this subject at the selected school The assessment results show that most students developed some levels of competency to apply knowledge into praclice when perlorming experiential activities organized by teachers inside and outside the Physics 9, students classroom M0diu Slr chuydn dich nr d4y hoc ttreo tlinh huong nQi dung sang ptxit triiin ning lyc cho HS ld xu thii tit y6u cua gi6o duc ii6 ki Xa1 Diy hqc phat kih nang luc tao co h6i cho HS ren luyQn vi ptr,it fiiln da dang c.irc nnng luc a6c ttrtr va nang 1rc chung, tl6 co nengigc vin dUng ki6n tirlc vio ttrUc ti6n D6 ttrUc hi-6n srr chuy,h d6i ttr day hqc theo tiiip 4n noi aung sang ptlir nien nang luc cho nguoi hpc, viep t5 chric clc hoat tlong tnii nghiQm (HDTN) hong tlay hoc c.lc mdn hQc o tnrcmg thdng nhim tao tli6u kien cho HS iluqc hqc 6p tlfng qua tim h sa, pnA*, cac rorN