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Tóm tắt luận án: Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.

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Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.Công tác xã hội đối với học sinh bị bạo lực học đường ở các trường trung học cơ sở tại thành phố Hà Nội.

VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE NGUYỄN THỊ MAI HƯƠNG SOCIAL WORK FOR STUDENTS WITH SCHOOL VIOLENCE AT SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN HANOI THESIS SUMMARY OF THE PHD PROGRAM IN SOCIAL WORK HANOI, 2022 This dissertation was completed at the GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Scientific advisor: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Duc Son Reviewer 1: Prof Dr Nguyen Huu Minh Reviewer 2: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Kim Hoa Reviewer 3: Dr Tieu Thi Minh Huong This work will be defended in front of the Academy-level Dissertation Grading Committee meeting at the Academy of Social Sciences at … The dissertation will be found at: - National Library of Vietnam - Library of the Academy of Social Sciences INTRODUCTION Reason for choosing the topic: Middle school-age plays an important role in the development of children At this age, children have obvious psychological, physiological and social changes to form their own identities Along with the impact of the social environment, they face more and more complex and unpredictable problems, in which the issue of school violence emerges as a crucial problem that needs to be solved School violence has been taking place across the country at all levels of education, with is increasing and causing extremely serious consequences The report of the Ministry of Education and Training in 2019 reported that from 2011 to 2018 had more than 18,000 cases of law violation and school violence, which involved school’s officials and teachers, staff, and students: more than 11,000 cases of physical violence, more than 200 cases of sexual abuse, more than 900 cases of psychological abuse Of these, 10,000 took place in schools School violence has taken place in many forms such as physical violence, emotional violence, sexual violence This is reflected in the research results of the Institute of Medicine and Social Affairs in 2014 on more than 3000 secondary school students in Hanoi Accordingly, more than 80% of students reported that they had experienced gender-based violence in school at least once, and 71% experienced any kind of violence within the past months In which, mental violence (slamming, threatening, arresting, placing things, insulting ) accounted for the highest rate 73%, physical violence (slaps, kicks, shoves, pulls hair, tarps ear, beating ) is 41% and sexual violence (messages with sexual content, touching, kissing, raping, requesting to touch genitals, spreading sexual rumors ) accounted for 19% Research at a secondary school in Hanoi in 2021 shows that physical violence occupies 81.99%, mental violence occupies 95.70% and sexual violence occupies 38.98% School violence not only negatively affects the school environment, degrades social morality, but it also seriously affects the students who experience violence and those involved Psychologists and educators show that school violence greatly affects the learning outcomes and psychological development of students Students who are victims of school violence often have very low self-esteem, being social isolation that leads to a high level of anxiety and depression In the worst cases when some children are severely hurt, some can have negative actions such as committing suicide because they can't stand the insults Regarding to problems that have been happening to students, which includes school violence, goverment have issued many documents guiding schools to create a safe and friendly school environment, to protect children from serious problems, such as: the Government issued Resolution 80/2017/ND - CP on July 17, 2017: "Regulations on a safe and healthy educational environment, friendliness, prevention and fight against school violence" Accordingly, in the educational environment, learners need to be protected, not physically and mentally harmed Learners are respected, treated fairly, equally and compassionately The State promotes democracy to create conditions for developing qualities and capacities; Plan 558/BGDĐT, July 10, 2019 on “Prevention and combat of school violence in preschool, general and continuing education institutions”; Directive 993/CT – BGDĐT on “Strengthening solutions to prevent and combat school violence in educational institutions”… Besides, the Ministry of Education and Training has issued Circular No 31/2017/TT- BGDD on "Guidelines for the implementation of psychological counseling for students in high schools" in December 2017 with the aim of: "Prevention, support and intervention, when necessary, for students who are experiencing difficulties in learning and life in order to find appropriate solutions and minimize possible negative impacts; contributing to building a safe, healthy, friendly educational environment and preventing and fighting against school violence” In December 2018, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Circular 33/2018/TT-BGDDT, guiding social work principles in schools The introduction of Circular 33 is an important guideline for implementing school social work activities in mobilizing and connecting resources to strengthen students' capacity in solving problems and protecting themselves Students face the risk of being abused, subjected to violence, social evils, are facing the problems of dropping out of school and many other related issues That is also the meaning of the social work profession in solving social problems, including in the field of education From the above reasons, the topic "Social work for students experiencing school violence in secondary schools in Hanoi" was chosen to research from the perspective of the social work professions and society in intervening with students at school, from which it is possible to offer solutions to further promote the role of the social work profession in schools nowaday Objectives and research tasks: 2.1 Objectives: Objective: Based on clarifying the theory of social work with students experiencing school violence, the thesis analyzes the status of students suffering from school violence, the status of social work activities for students, victims of school violence in secondary schools, and the needs of the students The thesis organizes experiments and evaluating activities to support students experiencing violences with the approach of social work, in order to improve the effectiveness of supporting students suffering from school violence Thereby promoting school social work activities in solving school violence in schools today Specific goals: - Analyzing, synthesizing and developing theories of social work with students suffering from school violence; - Describe the context of school violence and the status of social work activities with students experiencing school violence in secondary schools; - Assess the needs of students experiencing school violence; - Complete the experiment of social work process in supporting students experiencing school violence and evaluate the effectiveness of social work in preventing and supporting students experiencing school violence 2.3 Research mission: To achieve the above research objective, the study needs to perform the following research tasks: - Theoretical tasks include: (1) Overview of the research situation related to the research area of the topic, (2) Implemention of related concepts and (3) Selection of applied theory in research - Practical tasks include: (1) The actual situation of students suffering from school violence, ways to cope, the needs of students with domestic violence and the status of social work activities with students suffering from school violence (2) Experimenting and evaluating experimental results to support students with school violence from the perspective of social work approach Subject and scope of research: 3.1 Research subjects: Social work for students experiencing school violence in secondary schools in Hanoi From the research subjects, the topic develops research questions and research hypotheses as follows: * Research questions: 1/ On what basis is the theory of social work with students suffering from school violence being built? 2/ What is the current situation of students experiencing school violence and how to deal with violence among secondary school students in Hanoi nowaday? 3/ How is the status of social work activities in preventing and intervening with students experiencing school violence in secondary schools in Hanoi and what factors affect social work activities? 4/ How is the process of experimenting with individual social work approach with students experiencing school violence? 5/ What solutions should be taken to promote and improve the effectiveness of school social work to assist students with school violence and reduce violence at school? * Research hypothesisThe thesis is based on the approach of social work, school social work in preventing and supporting school problems, including the problem of school violence - At secondary schools in Hanoi, the situation of students suffering from school violence accounts for a high rate, under different forms, but students not have the knowledge and skills to actively respond to those violences - Intervention activities for students experiencing school violence in secondary schools are currently mainly preventive in nature, lacking and ineffective regarding to intervention activities toward groups and individuals The reason is that schools lack professional support resources and several other factors - Students suffering violences have a great need for professional supports Activities to help students with school violence following social work practice will improve the capacity of students in solving problems and improve the effectiveness of school social work activities 3.2 Research scope 3.2.1 The scope of research content: In this thesis, the author only focuses on studying violent acts between students and students The topic explores the intervention activities in schools, such as: prevention and intervention with students suffering from school violence These activities have the nature of social work, so they should be considered as school social work activities The topic organizes an experiment of individual social work methods with students suffering from school violence 3.2.3 The study area: The research area of the thesis is determined to be research at secondary schools in Hanoi, including: LQD - NTL Secondary School, NTT DD Secondary School, VC - HD Secondary School, LQD - HD Secondary School The study area was chosen because: Firstly, these schools represent the secondary schools in the system of Vietnamese public schools and private schools; schools in urban and suburban areas from which the thesis analyzes the picture of students suffering from school violence and social work activities Secondly, these schools were born in different periods: two schools have been established for a long time and sub-schools have just been established for more than 10 years Third, before the time of the research implementation, no research has been done at the secondary schools - Research period: years from 2017 to 2021 Methodology and research methods 4.1 Methodology Systemic approach: Studying social work with students experiencing school violence follows this approach to find out how individuals and environmental factors affect students experiencing school violence From there, analyzing social work activities not only intervenes with students who experience violence, but also needs to intervene with other subjects such as perpetrators of violence, families and schools in giving the answer to problems Practical approach: The thesis conducts research on the reality of students suffering from school violence and the reality of social work activities in intervention with students suffering from school violence Thereby, it is needed to propose and experiment the process of social work with individuals experiencing school violence to see the effectiveness of social work in solving students' problems 4.2 Specific research methods 4.2.1 Documentary research methods Systematic approach: Research on social work with students experiencing school violence follows this approach to explore the individual and environmental factors that affect students experiencing school violence Practical approach: The thesis conducts research on the reality of students suffering from school violence and the reality of social work activities in intervention with students suffering from school violence Thereby, propose and experiment the process of individual social work with the case of students experiencing school violence to see the effectiveness of social work in solving students' problems 4.2.2 Survey questionnaire method and data processing Collecting quantitative information on the reality of students experiencing school violence in secondary schools, the consequences of students experiencing school violence; Students' responses to street violence and their need for support when experiencing school violence; The reality of social work interventions with students suffering school violence in secondary schools and its influencing factors Research sample: The official survey sample looks at 700 students from grades to 9, in two public secondary schools in Vietnam and NTT, the surveyor has to choose random classes in each school (from grades to 9), the size of each class range from 40 to 50 students Particularly, for one private school, the LQD, the enumerator conducted a survey of classes (30 students in each class) 4.2.3 In-depth interview method Collect additional comments from secondary school students and teachers who act as school social workers after polling with a questionnaire to clarify information about the reality of violence, school capacities and the actual status of social work activities with students experiencing school violence 4.2.4 Focus group discussion method Collecting information on the reality of students experiencing school violence and how to respond to school violence of secondary school students, the current status of social work activities with students of the school policy and students' needs for social work activities at school 4.2.5 Experimental methods of social work An experimental method was conducted to examine the feasibility and effectiveness of social work with individuals in supporting students experiencing school violence Evaluate the factors affecting the performance of that activity How to it: Experiment with social work with individuals method + Subjects: 01 case of student suffering from BD + The process of social work with individual is carried out in steps + Time: 11 sessions + Location: School consultation room (ensure privacy and confidentiality when performing activities with students, parents and teachers) New scientific contributions of the thesis The thesis clarifies the theory of social work for students suffering from school violence The thesis has analyzed the situation of students suffering from school violence and the problems of students experiencing school violence, the needs of students for social work activities The thesis has researched and analyzed intervention activities with students suffering from school violence according to three intervention levels of school social work The thesis has experimentedsocial work with individuals method in supporting students suffering from school violence, thereby clarifying the effectiveness of social work methods in supporting students to solve problems of peer psychology; provide students with knowledge and skills to identify and respond to domestic violence, helping students have the ability to solve problems on their own when suffering from domestic violence Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis 6.1 Theoretical meaning The thesis contributes to systematizing and generalizing in a scientific way the theory of school violence, students suffering from school violence School social work activities in prevention and intervention that support students experiencing school violence and progress of social work in intervention with students experiencing school violence The thesis has also applied theories in intervention with students suffering from school violence 6.2 Practical significance For students experiencing school violence: Helping students to have knowledge and skills in identifying and dealing with school violence, especially students who need psychological support and problem solving when suffering from domestic violence, help them to integrate into the school environment The concept of violence and school violence is not a united and fixed concept, it depends not only on legal regulations but also on the norms of each culture Decree No 80/2017/ND-CP of the Prime Minister indicates "Regulating on a safe, healthy, friendly educational environment, prevention and combat of school violence", in Section 5, Article on solutions likes the term clearly stated: “school violence is an act of abuse, mistreatment, or beating; infringing upon the body and health; insults, insults honor and dignity; isolation, exclusion, and other intentional acts that cause physical or mental harm to learners that occur in educational settings or independent classrooms” [11] In this study, the thesis only focuses on the study of school violence between students and students, the author of the thesis introduces the concept of school violence for this research as follows: Student-to-student school violence is when one or a group of students intentionally uses language, gestures, or physical force to harm another student physically, mentally, or physically Classify acts of school violence, including physical violence, emotional violence, economic (physical) violence, and sexual violence including sexual harassment and sexual abuse 2.1.2 Secondary school students experiencing school violence In this section, the thesis has analyzed and clarified some contents such as: - The concept of students with school violence: Secondary school students who suffer from school violence (also known as victims of school violence) are one or a group of students who have been physically, mentally, sexually or materially harmed, resulting from the intentional actions of one or another group of students - Signs that identify students who are experiencing school violence through physical, psychological, academic, and social relationships - Consequences of school violence for students experiencing school violence, including physical health consequences; Mental and 11 psychological health; Learning outcomes; Ability to communicate and establish social relationships - Risk factors affecting students suffering from school violence, including factors from individual psychological characteristics and psychosocial characteristics of students - The concept of coping and coping expressions of students experiencing school violence: Responding with thoughts, responding with emotions and responding with actions These responses can be positive or negative 2.2 Social work for students experiencing school violence 2.2.1 The concept of social work for students experiencing school violence From the guidelines of Circular 33/2018 on School Social Work Guidelines, the thesis introduces the concept that “Social work with students experiencing school violence is supportive intervention activities of school social work staff with students experiencing school violence is intended to help students strengthen their capacity to deal with problems that arise when they suffer violence, to have positive responses to end the violence, and to prevent future episodes of violence " 2.2.2 Activities of social work for students experiencing school violence According to the multi-layered approach in school social work, the study found that social work activities with students with school violence include: Social work activities in preventing students from school violence at school, including developing rules to prevent violence at school; build school spaces that are safe for students; communicating to raise awareness of school violence among students and other school forces; implement life value and life skills education programs for students; activities to connect resources in preventing school violence in schools Social work activities in intervention with groups of students experiencing school violence, including screening, detecting students at risk or signs of school violence; plan and implement support activities for groups of students who experience or are at risk of school violence 12 Social work activities in support with individual students experiencing school violence, including the following steps: Reach out to students experiencing school violence and stop the violent behaviors to ensure student safety; Assess the student's vulnerability and provide emergency assistance if available (going to a medical center ); Collecting information and assessing the problem and need for support of students suffering violences; Plan and implement intervention activities with students experiencing school violence; Evaluate the process of supporting students experiencing school violence and follow-up after support 2.3 Factors affecting social work activities for students experiencing school violence at school The factors affecting social work activities with students experiencing school violence in schools are very diverse, each factor has different positive and negative effects on the implementation of activities The specific factors are as follows: Factors belonging to school social workers: Factors belonging to school social workers affect school social work activities; Factors belonging to the school; The student's element of school violence; Factors belonging to the student's parents; The factor belongs to the policy, legal mechanism related to social work activities, the coordination of educational forces outside the school 2.4 Theories applied in the practice of social work with students experiencing school violence Ecosystem theory: Based on the theory of ecological systems, social workers develop prevention activities for students suffering from violence, activities such as building school rules and regulations on prevention of violence, and activities to improve the family environment, classroom, school, community to have a safe space for students to avoid re-incarceration Cognitive-behavioral theory: Applying cognitive-behavioral theory in intervening with victims of violence as social workers towards intervention activities with students suffering violence by helping students strengthen their values and beliefs in themselves, put positive thoughts for students, so that students can be confident and cope with difficulties, step by step overcome and solve their own problems 13 Theoretical framework: Social work activities for students experiencing school violence Influence Factors affecting: - social workers - student's element - student's parents - school - factor belongs to the policy Social work activities in support with individual students … stude Social work activities in intervention with groups of students experiencing school Response s nts experi encing school violen ce Needs Social work activities in preventing students from school violence at school Chapter THE SITUATION OF SOCIAL WORK WITH STUDENTS EXPERIENCING SCHOOL VIOLATION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN HANOI 3.1 Characteristics of the study area and research object 3.2 The situation of students experiencing school violence at secondary schools in Hanoi 3.2.1 Characteristics of students experiencing school violence in secondary schools in Hanoi Through a survey of 700 students at three secondary schools in 14 Hanoi about the acts of violence that students have experienced in the last months from never to very often As a result, 59.57% of students have suffered from school violence; 31.57% of students said they had experienced physical violence; 52.43% of students reported having experienced emotional violence; 17.57% of students said they had experienced material violence; and 11.86% reported having experienced sexual violence The analysis results show that: The rate of students experiencing school violence is quite high, in many different forms, in which mental violence accounts for the highest rate These types of violence not only take place in the school space, but are also quite common in cyberspace, leading to heavy impacts on students School violence can happen to anyone, whether male or female, in public or private schools, in different grades and education levels 3.2.2 Responses and needs of students experiencing school violence in secondary schools in Hanoi Students' responses to school violence in secondary schools in Hanoi The results from the survey show that, when secondary school students experience school violence, students have more positive responses than negative ones However, some students still have signs of school violence Negative responses lead them to continue falling into the cycle of being the victim of violence or have more and more serious consequences Support needs of students experiencing school violence with social work activities in secondary schools The study surveyed 417 students who reported experiencing violence about their needs for help, including: “Recognizing self-worth, self-confidence"; “Relieve your emotions (anxiety, fear, anger…); “Educating basic life skills to cope with domestic violence (emotional control skills, help-seeking skills, conflict-resolution skills…) on school violence (behavior, causes and consequences of domestic violence) (meaning average = 4.33) Regarding the form of implementation, students want to participate in personal support when suffering from domestic 15 violence (DDTB = 4.08) 3.3 Current status of social work activities for students experiencing school violence in secondary schools in Hanoi 3.3.1 Current status of social work activities in preventing students from school violence in secondary schools in Hanoi According to the assessment of students, the level of implementation of preventive activities for students with OSH at schools is "quite often" with the general average = 3.14 The social work activities in the general prevention of domestic violence have been actively implemented by secondary schools in Hanoi, contributing to raising students' awareness and skills about acts of violence and active response to violence However, these activities are still carried out, or have not been carried out regularly, but are in response to an incident in the school, only to carry out preventive activities that make the school environment not actually safe 3.3.2 Current status of social work activities in intervention to support students experiencing school violence in junior high schools in Hanoi According to a report of 417 students experiencing violence, 65.69% of students received support when experiencing school violence by those around them and 34.05% of students did not receive any support The study explores intervention activities with groups of students receiving support through social work activities with groups and individual students who are victims of violence, the results are as follows: Regarding social work activities in the intervention with the group of students experiencing school violence is still very limited in schools The establishment of groups of students with the same problems and the organization of group activities, as well as planning and interventions to improve coping skills, and support for students facing school violence, according to the group model, most schools have not perform Regarding social work activities in intervening with individual students experiencing school violence secondary schools in Hanoi city has been implemented in helping students Some steps in the process of 16 supporting individual students have been implemented such as “receiving to ensure safety and stopping abusive behavior” “Collecting information about individual bullying issues and other Related news" However, the remaining steps of this process are mostly undone, such as: “Assessment of vulnerability and provides emergency assistance; “Discuss solutions and make plans to deal with each of your difficulties or problems when you suffer from school violence”… Social work activities in the intervention are carried out mainly based on the experiences of teachers and staff part-time psychological counseling unit without following the process, principles of support or the knowledge and skills of social work or psychological counseling Many of the steps, principles, and supporting skills in the process are never known and used by teachers, and even negatively affect students 3.4 Factors affecting social work activities for students experiencing school violence in junior high schools in Hanoi Through quantitative and qualitative research, it is found that the factors affecting social work activities with students with OSH include: Factors belonging to social workers: This is the factor with the greatest influence, with (r = 245**, sig = 0.000) The factors belonging to the school and the student's parents through the correlation results show that: the weak correlation between school factors and the student's parents with the change of students is shown in (r = 0.134*, sig = 0.024) and (Sig = 0.024) However, the results of the in-depth interviews show that these two factors have a role and influence in the process of helping students with school violence Factors belonging to students suffering from school violence and factors belonging to mechanisms and policies that affect the process of helping students In addition, guiding documents such as the employment position of school social workers; Support process; Assessment tools, case files, etc are factors that promote effective student interventions and bring positive changes to students 17 Chapter PRACTICE SOCIAL WORK IN HELPING INDIVIDUALS WITH SCHOOL VIOLATION AND PROPOSED MEASURES 4.1 Practice social work with individuals in helping students with school violence 4.1.1 Experimental basis for individual social work progress in helping students with school violence Stemming from the legal, theoretical and practical standpoints, the thesis experimentally conducts the process of social work with individuals experiencing school violence to contribute to solving problems and the difficulties of students, improve coping skills for students suffering from school violence 4.1.2 Experimental results of social work process in helping students with school violence a) Purpose of experimental intervention The experimental process was conducted to test the effectiveness of social work, including individual social work methods, in intervening with students with school violence b) Experimental process of individual social work intervention - Step 1: Choose the experimental sample From the cases of students with domestic violence supported, the thesis selects 01 typical case of students with school violence supported by the process of individual social work to include in the experimental content of the thesis project, specifically information on experimental intervention students: - Step 2: Implement the intervention through individual social work progress and assessment of intervention results + Time: Working directly with students from February 23, 2021 to April 2021 + Location: School psychology counseling room + Method: According to the process of individual social work method 18

Ngày đăng: 15/11/2022, 20:17


