Một phần của tài liệu 081 GIẢI PHÁP PHÒNG NGỪA và hạn CHẾ rủi RO TRONG THANH TOÁN tín DỤNG CHỨNG từ tại NGÂN HÀNG TMCP kỹ THƯƠNG,KHOÁ LUẬN tốt NGHIỆP (Trang 84 - 88)

1. Cam kết cho vay chưa giải ngân

2. Các hợp đồng mua bán ngoại tệ chưa đến hạn 8.760.283476

476 7.521.530


- Late shipment - Late presentation

- Ports of Loading dispatch/taking in charge not as per documentary credit - Ports of Discharge/ final destination not as per documentary credit

- Transport document shows as intended vessel/ intended port of loading but on board notation does not additionally evidence actual port of loading and actual vessel.

- Transshipment made when the documentary credit prohibits transshipment and also specifically excludes sub-articles

- Absence of on board notation on received for shipment bills of lading where the documentary calls for on board notation

- On board notation not dated

- Goods shipped on deck when prohibited by, or not stipulated by, documentary credit

- Claused bills of lading presented, showing defective condition of packages goods

- Transport documents do not identify carrier

- Not signed in accordance with documentary credit or UCP

- Bills of lading made out to order of shipper and not endorsed in blank - Data content in conflict with that shown on other documents

- Unauthenticated by more than one set of bills of lading - Incorrectly noted with regard to payment of freight charges - Notify party incorrectly shown

- The port of loading or place of taking in charge is not in accordance with the documentary credit

- Specific risks as stipulated in the documentary credit are not annoteated in or covered by the document

- Certificates are not countersigned where such countersignature is required - The insurance policy is not endorsed in terms of the documentary credit - The insurance document presented is not as stipulated by the documentary

credit or otherwise authorized by UCP 600

- All of the originals shown on the insurance document, as issued, are not presented


- Draft not signed by the benerficiary

- Not signed but no indication of the name of the benerficiary - Draft not endorsed as required

- Draft not drawn on the correct party

- Amount is in excess of the documentary credit - Words and figures do not agree

- Tenor or draft shown incorrectly, eg: + shown at sight instead of at 60 day’s sight

+ shown xxx days after bill of lading and does not stipulate the date of the bill of lading


- Not issed by benerficiary - Not signed

- Description of goods on the invoice does not correspond with the description of goods shown on the documentary credit

- Invoice not visaed or legalized as required by the documentary credit - Legalization not in the terms required by the documentary credit

- Breakdown of charges not shown as required by the documentary credit (the documentary credit require cost, insurance and freight charges to be shown seperatly)


this requirement

- Quantity of goods shipped exceeds the tolerance of 5 %

- Unit price not as stipulated in the documentary credit prohibits part-shipment - Shipping marks and numbers on the transport documents

Một phần của tài liệu 081 GIẢI PHÁP PHÒNG NGỪA và hạn CHẾ rủi RO TRONG THANH TOÁN tín DỤNG CHỨNG từ tại NGÂN HÀNG TMCP kỹ THƯƠNG,KHOÁ LUẬN tốt NGHIỆP (Trang 84 - 88)

Tải bản đầy đủ (DOCX)

(88 trang)