bai giang dien tu lets go 1a unit 4 lets talk

Bài soạn Lets go 1A : Unit 2 :Lets learn

Bài soạn Lets go 1A : Unit 2 :Lets learn

... chỗ trống: 1. owH 2.F ne i 1 2 3 4 5 6 What color is this? It is red What color is this? It is yellow Homework: Viết câu hỏi và trả lời với 4 tính từ chỉ màu sắc đã học. Học thuộc ... this? What color is this? It is yellow. It is blue. It is red.It is pink. Monday, November 8 th 2010 3 2 4 Chọn một số bất kỳ mà em thích, sau đó xem tranh để trả lời câu hỏi. Em sẽ nhận được một...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 19:11

17 2K 21
Bài giảng Điện tử công suất _ Chương 4 doc

Bài giảng Điện tử công suất _ Chương 4 doc

... T L + - I d Z C Z B Z A T 1 Đ 1 Đ 4 T 4 T 3 Đ 3 T 5 Đ 5 Đ 6 T 6 Đ 2 T 2 C 4 C 2 C 6 C 5 C 1 C 3 A B C U d O i A i B i C Điện tử công suất của nguồn qua T 3 → qua Đ 3 → qua Z B → qua Z A → qua Đ 4 → qua T 4 → về cực ... dòng điện i G4 để điều khiển mở tiristo T 4 . Khi T 4 mở ra tiristo T 2 bị khóa lại, nên T 3 và T 4 cùng mở dẫn điện. Ta có: i A = -I d ; i B = I d ; i C = 0 + Tại thời điểm 4 θ cho xung ... Z A → qua Đ 4 → qua T 4 → về cực âm nguồn; dòng điện i C tăng từ trị số 0 đến I d i A = -I d ; i B = 0; i C = I d - Tương tự cho xung điều khiển mở T 6 thì T 4 bị khoá lại nên trong khoảng 4 /3 <...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 11:21

15 822 10
Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: (1) Week: 25 LET’S TALK pdf

Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: (1) Week: 25 LET’S TALK pdf

... characters Listen and repeat 5 2 9 I. WARM UP: Sing a song: Get students review the song: “This is my friend” II. PRESENTATION: Act. 1: Present the first ... nice, meet, too. Sentences: Have Ss sing in chorus - Model the dialogue with 2 students Hi, Mom! I’m home. This is my friend, (Andy). Sing in chorus Practise ... some pairs to practise the dialogue - Use puppets to introduce the dialogue - Ask a student to be Sarah repeat the dialogue several times Write - Nice, meet, too....

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

6 1,1K 6
Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: (2) Week: 26 LET’S TALK pptx

Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: (2) Week: 26 LET’S TALK pptx

... the words Draw, trace and write: Draw all people in students’ family. 10 4 5 I. WARM UP: Walk and Talk: Ss walk around the class in pairs, introducing to ... to come before the class and act it out. - Call a student in random and ask act it out. point to another student and introduce: “This is my friend,… ” Speak in ... and Act. 2: Work book him/ her to stand up - Ask him/ her to point to another student and introduce: “This is my friend, …” - Ask the whole class to speak in to meet...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

7 1,2K 11
Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: SING (1) Week: 26 LET’S pps

Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: SING (1) Week: 26 LET’S pps

... to sing the song in 4 Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S SING (1) Week: 26 Date : March 3 rd , 2011 Period: 52 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able ... you. Nice to meet you, too. G3: This is my sister. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. G4: This is my brother. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. - Play the tape - Ask Ss to ... nice to meet you. All: Let’s play! - Ask Ss open the book - Ask questions about the picture in the book: What color are the trees? the house? listen and point to the characters...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

6 804 7
Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: SING (2) Week: 27 LET’S ppsx

Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: SING (2) Week: 27 LET’S ppsx

... Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S SING (2) Week: 27 Date : March 9 th , 2011 Period: 53 I, Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Introduce ... sister. 3.This is my brother. FB: 1-2-3 -4- 2-3-5-2- 3-6-2-3 write the name of the song. The last have to sing the song. - Ask Ss to sit in 4 groups and give each group 6 sentences ... to the music and sing listen to the music and sing perform the song pictures of their friends, then write the names in the blanks. - Ask them to sing the song...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

7 627 2
Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LEARN (1) Week: 27 LET’S Date : March pot

Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LEARN (1) Week: 27 LET’S Date : March pot

... Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN (1) Week: 27 Date : March 10 th , 2011. Period: 54 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - ... Teaching aids: - Teacher cards ( 1 – 16, 33 - 34 classroom objects ), wall chart, tape recorder. III. Procedures: Tim Stages and Teacher’s Student’s PRACTICE: Act. 1: Listen ... activities WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Act. 1: Singing: Act. 2: Review the old sentences in Unit 1. PRESENTATIO N: Act. 1: Introduce - Play the music (Let‘s chant, let’s sing) -...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

7 670 2
Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LEARN (2) Week: 28 LET’S ppsx

Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LEARN (2) Week: 28 LET’S ppsx

... whole class Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN (2) Week: 28 Date : March 14 th , 2011. Period: 55 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - ... Teaching aids: - Teacher cards ( 1 – 16, 33 - 34 classroom objects ), wall chart, tape recorder. III. Procedures: Tim Stages and Teacher’s Student’s e Contents activities activities WARM-UP ... activities WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Act. 1: Singing: Act. 2: Review the old sentences in Unit 1. PRESENTATIO N: Act. 1: Introduce - Play the music (Let‘s chant, let’s sing) -...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

7 561 2
Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LEARN (3) Week: 28 LET’S potx

Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LEARN (3) Week: 28 LET’S potx

... mother(s), Ask and aswer the questions Study newwords Read in chorus and then silent Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN (3) Week: 28 Date : March 15 th , 2011. ... By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Identify objects (plural) and ask about objects (plural) II. Teaching aids: - Teacher cards ( 1 – 16, 33 - 34 classroom objects ), wall ... Act. 1: Listen, repeat and point: Act. 2: Ask and answer: - S1:(point to picture 1 in the book): Who is he? change the role - Divide the class into 2 groups, practise...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

9 709 2
Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LEARN (4) Week: 29 LET’S pot

Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LEARN (4) Week: 29 LET’S pot

... in pairs. Then in turn, ask and answer about people in the pix. Play a game Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN (4) Week: 29 Date : March 24 th , 2011. Period: ... Time Stages and Contents Teacher’s Student’s - Ask one student to choose one card (but not showing it to the class)& ask: Who is he? The student who has the correct answer ... By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Identify objects (plural) and ask about objects (plural) II.Teaching aids: - Teacher cards ( 1 – 16, 33 - 34 classroom objects ), wall...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

9 575 1
Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (1) Week: 29 pptx

Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (1) Week: 29 pptx

... she is. Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (1) Week: 29 Date : March 25 th , 2011. Period: 58 I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: ... look at the book pictures. Read and write play a game to describe a friend and describe each person in the pictures. - Ask Ss to look at the picture, read the sentences ... Introduce the new words by asking students to look at the pictures - Check if Ss can Listen and repeat remember vocabulary Study the sentences ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

7 633 1
Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (2) Week: 30 potx

Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (2) Week: 30 potx

... the picture, read the sentences and then write a suitable word they can guess. Ask Ss to describe a friend in class and guess who he/ she is. Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S ... asking students to look at the pictures - Check if Ss can Listen and repeat remember vocabulary Study the sentences and describe each person in the pictures. ... 59 I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - describe another person II.Teaching aids: - Teacher cards ( 1 – 16, 33 - 34 classroom objects ), real objects, wall...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

7 751 3
Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (3) Week: 30 pdf

Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (3) Week: 30 pdf

... write it to the sentence bellow. -Ask students to circle the beginnin g letter of the word which names speaking Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (3) Week: 30 ... III.Procedures: Tim e Stages and Contents Teacher’ s Student’ s the thing in the pix. -Ask students to complete the words. Ask students to describe some people in their family. ... 60 I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - describe another person II.Teaching aids: - Teacher cards ( 1 – 16, 33 - 34 classroom objects ), real objects, wall...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

8 798 6

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