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- Let students listen the second time - Check their listening - Let students listen the third time and let them choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences - Obser[r]

(1)Period: 1st Date of preparation: August 19th, 2011 REVISION I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - Have an overview about the textbook & workbook - Know about the curriculum - Know how to the oral tests, the 15- minute tests, the 45- minute tests and the term examination tests Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: integrative skill II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Ss: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Guessing game: WHO AM I? - Divide the class into groups - Choose a student in the class, write his/her name on a piece of paper, don’t show it to the Ss - Have Ss to ask the YES/NO questions in turn to find out that student - Answer by saying YES/NO - The group finding out that student first will be the winner New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities INTRODUCTION A Textbook & curriculum(15’) - listen and take note - English 12 consists of 16 units – 105 periods - one unit includes periods: Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing & Language focus - themes: + You and me + Education + Community + Nature + Recreation + People & Places B Tests (10’) - Kinds of test: + Oral tests (Speaking) (2) + 15-minute tests (only one skill or grammatical point) + 45-minute tests (R, L, W, LF) + End-of-term tests (R, L, W, LF) - format of a test: Reading: 25%, Listening: 25%, Writing: 25%, Language focus: 25% REVISION (14’) Some important grammar points in - remind the use of each grammar point English 11:  Infinitive and Gerund  Reported speech with infinitives  Reported speech with gerund  Conditional sentence type 1, 2, and conditional in reported speech  Pronouns  Relative clause  Relative pronouns with preposition  Relative clauses replaced by participle and to infinitive  Omission of relative pronoun  Cleft sentence  Conjunctions  Tag questions IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Revise the knowledge in English 11 to the test - Prepare textbooks, workbooks & notebooks V COMMENTS: Period: 2nd Date of preparation: August 22nd, 2011 TEST I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to revise some knowledge that they learned in grade 11 Knowledge: - Vocabulary: (3) - Grammar/ Structures: past simple, past continuous, past perfect - Pronunciation: /tw/-/t/, /w/- /h/, /ju:/-/^/ Skills: doing a test II PREPARATION: Teacher: tests Ss: pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: (45’) TEST CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE UNDERLINED PART PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THAT OF THE OTHER WORDS A twin B twice C twinkle D two A white B whale C who D wheel A university B understand C unit D use GIVE THE CORRECT TENSES OF THE VERBS A Past simple or past continuous 1/ I (sit) in a bar when Mary (come) in 2/ When I (go) out, the sun (shine) 3/ The light (go) out while I (have) tea 4/ It (rain) much during yesterday B Past simple or past perfect 1/ They (go) home after they (finish) their work 2/ He (do) _ nothing before he (see) _ me 3/ He (thank) me for what I (do) for him 4/ I (be) sorry that I (hurt) him PUT THE VERBS IN BRACKETS INTO THE CORRECT FORM If it rains, he (stay) at home If I (be) Dam Vinh Hung, I would be famous now Last month, if she (have) enough money, she would have bought that house If my classmates _ (give) me gifts on my birthday, I will be very happy We (drive) to work if we had a car CHANGE THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONAL SENTENCES INTO REPORTED SPEECH “If I were you, I wouldn’t buy that book,” Mary said Mary said _ “If the weather is nice, we will go on a picnic with our friends,” they said They said _ (4) “If I had got good marks, my father would have given a new bicycle to me,” David said David said _ “We will come to see you if we have time,” my friends said to me My friends said to _ IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: - Prepare the next lesson- Unit 1: Reading V COMMENTS: Period: 3rd Date of preparation: August 24th, 2011 UNIT1: Home Life Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - Understand the passage about home life - Guess the meaning in context - Talk about their family Knowledge: - Vocabulary: biologist, household chore, join hands, shift - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalks (5) Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up:(5’) T write the following sentence on the blackboard and raise out the task: Complete the sentence by filling the gaps with the suitable words: “……build the house ……………make it home” - Ss work individually then exchange with their partners - T calls some Ss to answer, then calls another to comment - Ss work in pairs to complete the sentence Expected answer: “Men build the house and women make it home” - T lead Ss to new lesson New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities A Pre-reading (10’) - ask Ss to the following exercise Individual work *How you understand the sentence - read the sentence and choose the best above? answer Choose the best answer from a, b, or c: - give the answer in front of the class “Men build the house and women make Expected answer it home” means: c men’s responsibility is to work and a both men and women are good at support the family and women’s job is to building house look after the family b men and women have to live seperately c men’s responsibility is to work and support the family and women’s job is to look after the family - T sets up the circumstance “To have a happy family, husbands and wives should join hands to earn money and to the housework” * Pre-teach vocabulary: Whole class - work as …(v): làm nghề - repeat the words in chorus - work on a night shift (v):làm việc theo - read the words individually ca đêm - take down the words - join hands (v): work together - take the responsibility for (v): chịu trách nhiệm về… - give a hand with (v): help with - be under pressure of …(v): chịu áp lực - mischievous (adj): tinh nghịch - obedient (adj): nghe lời, ngoan ngoãn (6) - close-knit (adj): gắn bó - frank (adj): thẳng thắn B While-reading (18’) Activity: Multiple-choice - Ask Ss to read through the passage once - Ask Ss to read the exercise carefully and the task in pairs to find out the best answers for each word/ sentence - Call on some Ss to give the answers - Comments on Ss’ answers and give the feedback C Post-reading(10’) Activity: Make sentence - Ask Ss to work in groups of four to make sentence with the words: “until, join hands, mischivous, close-knit” - Walk around the class to help Ss when they need - Then call on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class - Give the corrections if necessary Pair work - Read the requiremet of Task in textbook carefully and the exercise in pairs - Give the answers in front of the class Keys B C A B A Group work - Discuss in groups to make sentences with the available words - Present the answers in front of the class - Another Ss listen and give comment IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare next period, unit 1- Reading V COMMENTS: (7) Period: 4th Date of preparation: August 25th, 2011 UNIT1: Home Life Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - Understand the passage about home life - Guess the meaning in context - Talk about their family Knowledge: - Vocabulary: secure, caring, trick, pressure - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalks Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) T write the following sentence on the blackboard and raise out the task: Complete the sentence by filling the gaps with the suitable words: “……build the house ……………make it home” - Ss work individually then exchange with their partners - T calls some Ss to answer, then calls another to comment - Ss work in pairs to complete the sentence Expected answer: “Men build the house and women make it home” - T lead Ss to new lesson New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities A Pre-reading (10’) (8) - ask Ss to the following exercise *How you understand the sentence above? Choose the best answer from a, b, or c: “Men build the house and women make it home” means: a both men and women are good at building house b men and women have to live seperately c men’s responsibility is to work and support the family and women’s job is to look after the family - T sets up the circumstance “To have a happy family, husbands and wives should join hands to earn money and to the housework” * Pre-teach vocabulary: - secure (a): safe - caring (a) - play trick on someone (v) - pressure (n) * Checking vocabulary: - Divide the class into groups: A & B - Each group chooses Ss to stand in a line in front of the board - Write the words which have taught on the board at random - Ask Ss to slap the correct words on the board once listening to the explanations or Vietnamese equivalents of the words With one correct word, the group receives one point The group with more points wins the game B While-reading (18’) Activity: Answering the questions - Ask Ss to read the text carefully and find out the answers - Call some representatives from some groups to give their answers on board - Give correction Individual work - read the sentence and choose the best answer - give the answer in front of the class Expected answer c men’s responsibility is to work and support the family and women’s job is to look after the family Whole class - repeat the words in chorus - read the words individually - take down the words Group work Slap the board - Make into groups: A & B - Each group chooses Ss to stand in a line in front of the board - Write the words which have taught on the board at random - Slap the correct words on the board once listening to the explanations or Vietnamese equivalents of the words With one correct word, the group receives one point The group with more points wins the game Group work - Read the requiremet of Task carefully and the exercise in groups of four - Read the text and the exercise - Give the answers on board Expected answers (9) They are very busy They have to work long hours and sometimes they have to work at night She is always the first one to get up in the morning to make sure that her children leave home for school having eaten breakfast and dressed in suitable clothes She always makes dinner ready before her husband comes home The daughter helps with household chores: she washes the dishes and takes out the garbage She also looks after her younger brother The father sometimes cooks some special dishes She attempts to win a place at university Because they are a very close-knit family and supportive of one another They often share their feelings and whenever problems come up, they discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly C Post-reading (10’) Comparison - Ask Ss to talk about their families - T ask Ss to work in groups to discuss the questions (compare the family described in the text with your family) - T walks around the class to help Ss when they need - Then call on some Ss to it in front of the class - T gives the corrections Group work - Talk about their families - Discuss in groups the questions then some present in front of the class - Another listen and give comment IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare next period, unit 1- speaking V COMMENTS: (10) Period: 5th Date of preparation: September 5th, 2011 UNIT1: Home Life Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about household chores - Express ideas about family life Knowledge: - Vocabulary: caring, share interest, make decision,… - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalks Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Chain game List some household chores: - to clean the floor - to cook meals - to the washing up - to wash clothes - to tidy the kitchen - to iron clothes - to hang / dry the clothes - to repair/ mend things - to take care of the baby/ to babysit - to take out the garbage - ……………… New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities A Prepare to speak (10’) Whole class Pre-teach the vocabulary - repeat after the teacher - Chore (n) : công việc - repeat the words in chorus - Responsibility (n): trách nhiệm - read the words individually + take the responsibility for … - make sentences with each word - Secret (n) : bí mật - copy down the words - Share (v) : chia sẻ - Personal (a): cá nhân, riêng tư - Original (a): thuộc nguồn gốc - Make a decision= decide (v):quyết (11) định - Work (v) = earn (v): kiếm tiền - Ask Ss to repeat the list of words in chorus - Call some Ss to read individually Reading and ticking the statements - guide Ss to the assignments: + put a stick + say these sentences to friends + speak to the class - call on some Ss to give the answers B While-speaking (19’) Making questions - guide Ss to make sentences with YesNo / Wh_questions - ask Ss to prepare a list of questions to ask another student to find out whether his / her family life is like yours Pair work - work in pairs in order to read and put a tick in to the statements which are true towards Ss Exercise r In my family, only my father works  Members of my family share the household chores  My responsibility in the family is to wash the dishes  In my family, the interest we share closely is watching football  I often share my personal secrets with my father  I always talk to my parents before making an important decision Individual work - make questions Keys: - Could you tell me who works in your family? - By the way who in your family does the washing up? - What about your brother? Does he share the household chores? - What’s your responsibility in the family? - What exactly you have to do? - How you share the household chores? - What interests your family members share together? (12) - Asking to collect information - ask Ss to work in pairs, one asks and notes down their partner’s answers in the table - call on some pairs to to act out their dialogue - comment on the Ss’ presentation What your family members often together in your free time? - Who you often share your secrets with? - Who you often talk to before making an important decision? Pair work - work in pairs and note down the answers in the table who works in the both parents family who does the ………… household chores your friend’s responsibility in the family the interest in the family members share closely the person your friend often shares his/ her secrets with the person your friend talks to before making an important decision - act out the interview in front of the class T does with a S as a model T: Hello, Minh Could you tell me who works in your family? T: Does he share the household chores ? T: And what about you? What ‘s your reponsibility ? T : What all members in your family often in your free time? T: Who you often share your secrets with? T : thanks a lot S: Only my father My mother stays at home and does the housework S: Yes, he does Sometinmes he’s willing to give a hand with cleaning the (13) house S: I often wash the dishes and washing up S: We all enjoy watching our favourite programme on TV S: My mother of course I think she understands my problem more clearly than my father C Production (15’) - ask Ss to work in pair with another student and tell the information collected to their partner - call on some Ss present their talk in front of the class - comment on Ss’ talk Pair-work - work with other partner and tell each other the information collected from the previous talk - present their talk in front of the class - other Ss comment Ss’s presentation Model I talk to Tam Both his parents work, but only his mother does the household chores Tam has a brother and a young sister Only his young sister helps his mother at home His father, his brother and Tam like football, but his mother and his young sister like cooking All the children in the family talk to the mother more often than to the father IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Write a paragraph about the family of the friend you have just talked about - Prepare the next period, unit 1- listening V COMMENTS: (14) Period: 6th Date of preparation: September 7th , 2011 UNIT1: Home Life Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - listen and pick up special details - listen and understand general ideas Knowledge: - Vocabulary: reserve, coach, spread out, leftover, flight - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, CD player, CD, chalks Ss: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) -T asks Ss to work in group of six and rearrange the jumpled letter to make a meaningful word + bsutcej subject + skat task (15) + imeeaf female + ctarfif traffic + evlo  love + tearfh father - Ss work in groups of six - Each group which finishes the task first with the most correct words will be winner New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities A Pre-listening (10’) - Look at the picture and describe it by - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answering T’s questions describe what is happening in it with Expected answers: some questions: - I see a big family in the picture - What you see in the picture? - Yes, I think they live in the same - who are they? house - Do you think they all live in a same They are gathering at the table house? and eating - What are they doing? - I think it is a special meal - Is this a usual or special meal? - ……… - Have they eaten up all the food on the - I think people home often have a table? family reunion at weekends, - On what occasions people home to holidays season, … have a family reunion? - By coach, plane, a flight… - How they come home? Practise reading some new words - ask Ss to pronounce words which appear in the questions appear in the questions gather: ['gæđə] - T gives meaning special meal: ['spe∫l mi:l] - Guide Ss to read the words will appear reunion: [,ri:'ju:niən] in the conversation: holidays season: reserved: [ri'zə:v] : dự trữ; vật dự coach: [kout∫] trữ leftovers: ['left'ouvəz] : thức ăn thừa Practise reading new words in chorus crowded: ['kraudid] : đông đúc spread out [spred aut ] trải B While-listening (18’) - Listen to teacher carefully - Give the sutuation and explain: you will hear Paul and Andrea talking about their family life Listen to the tape - Skim through the sentences in the and decide if the sentences given are Task True or False - Underline key words in ech sentence - Have Ss read the sentences in the task to make sure that they understand the task clearly and underline key words in (16) each sentence - Play the tape the first time - Ask Ss to the task individually - Play the tape the second time Ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner - Call on some Ss to check their answers - Play the tape the third time and stop in the right answers to check the last time * Task 2: - Ask Ss to read the situation and dicuss the way to the task in groups - Call on some to present in front of the class - Listen and explain the situation again - Have Ss read the questions to make sure that Ss understand the task clearly - Ask Ss whether they can answer the questions without listening again and guess the answers by remembering or not - Play the tape first time Call some Ss to check - Play the tape the second time Ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner - Call on some Ss to check their answers - Play the tape the third time and stop in the right answers to check the last time C Post-listening (10’) - Ask Ss to read the requirement carefully and explain it - Ask Ss some questions: Is family very important for you? Why you think so? - Suggest some idea to Ss + place to share the secrets and find solutions to problem arise + Enjoy true love and comforts + We are sure to be welcomed back when have disappointments or failures in life - Ask Ss work in pairs - Listen to the tape three times and the task individually and in pairs Keys T F F T T - Study the situation and discuss the way to the task - Some present the own opinion of the way to the task - Read the questions carefully - Guess the answers - Listen to the tape three times and the task in pairs and individually Keys Paul Andrea His family Hers is a very members are not close-knit family very close The family often The family often eat the meals the go out to eat mother cooks at when they get home together - Listen to teacher carefully - Take note some idea - Work in groups - Some present in front of the class Model For me, family is very important I think, It’s a place where we can share the secrets and find solutions to problem that arise Only in families can we enjoy true love and comforts We are sure to be welcomed back when we have disappointments or failures in life (17) - Call on some Ss to present in front of the class - Listen and comment IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) In not more than 100 words, write about your family reunion V COMMENTS: (18) Period: 7th Date of preparation: September 8th , 2011 UNIT1: Home Life Lesson: Writing I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter to tell about their family rules Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: + let sb sth + allow sb to sth + be allowed to sth + have to sth + permit sb to sth - (Pronunciation): Skill: Writing a letter II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - T gives Ss a handout and explain the way to it + in one minute, make as many sensible sentences as you can by joining the elements in the columns of the table My parents My mother My father I (not) let (not)be allowed (not ) permit Come home late Do the household chores Use the family motorbike Talk on the phone with friends + work in groups of to make sentences + note Ss the way to use of (let, permit, be allowed, ) “Let somebody something”, “allow/ permit someone to something”, “have to something” - T calls some representatives from some groups to write down the sentences on the board - Which group has many true sentences will be the winner Expected answers: - My parents don’t let me come home late (19) - My father permist me to use the family motorbike - I have to the houehold chores - My father doesn’t have to household chores - I am allowed to talk on the phone with my friends New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities A Pre- writing (10’) a Activity 1: What rules you have - add some more expressions about in your family? family rules - elicit the formation of some verbs * some more rules: - watering the plants and flowers * let sb + V - cleaning the house, tidying up the *allow sb + to V kitchen *have to + V (obligation) - looking after younger sisters and *permit sb + to V brothers - have Ss add some more expressions - act out some of their family rules in about family rules front of the class - ask Ss to use the verbs & expressions Expected answers: to make sentences talking about their - In my family, all members have to family rules household chores - call on some Ss to express some ones - I have to prepare meals when mother in front of the class is out b Activity 2: Outline and connectors - My parents don’t let me use the family - elicit the outline of the writing by motorbike answering the following questions - My parents permit me to go out with Outline my friends but they don’t allow me to + Were your parents strict with you come home late at nights when you were younger? - I am allowed to talk on the phone + What rules did you have about: - note down the conectors and the * homework? outline * household chores? * television and music? * clothes, jewellery and hairstyles? * bedtime/ staying out late? + What happened if you broke the rule? - provide Ss with some connectors to make their writing smooth Connectors first, second ,further more, next, finally B While-writing (15’) - tell each student to write a letter to a - listen to teacher carefully and take note some important keys (20) pen pal about family rules - go around to control and give help if necessary - practise writing individually Model writing Every family has its own rules Mine has a few First, I have to prepare meals because my mother is very busy with her work Next , I am permitted watch TV after I have finished my homework My mother also lets me talk on the phone with my friends provided that I don’t use it too long As a girl, I am not permitted to come home late except for some special reasons My parents don’t allow me use the family motorbike for fear that I may have accident Despite the rules, we all fell comfortable and safe because we know that our parents want to the best things for us C Post-writing (13’) - choose one writing and read it to the - compare the writing to anothers class - take the note of checking - then elecit corrective feedback from - observe to the corrections of some the the class and give final comments others' writing afterwards - draw Ss’ attention to the format of the - give commentations letter and the organisation of ideas and language use IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Write the letter about your family rules again - Prepare next lesson, unit 1- language focus V COMMENTS: Period: 8th Date of preparation: September 10th , 2011 UNIT1: Home Life Lesson: Language Focus I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - recognize the differences in pronunciation of –s ending sound - revise the use of some tenses: past simple, past progressive and present perfect Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: past simple, past progressive and present perfect - Pronunciation: /s/ & /z/ (21) Skills: II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Ss: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Write some sentences on the board and ask Ss to correct the mistakes in each sentence When I was a little girl, I often help my parents with household chores Unlike most men my father enjoyed cooking My brothers never worked long hours like this before - ask Ss to dicuss in groups to find out the mistake in each sentence - gather the idea and explain in front of the class - repeat the way to identify tenses with some special words or situations Then asks Ss to read loudly these sentences and asks anothers to comment the pronunciation Expected answers: When I was a little girl, I often help (helped)my… Unlike most men my father enjoyed (enjoys) cooking My brothers never worked (have never worked) long hours like this before New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities A Pronunciation (15’) a Presentation: Whole class - elicit the spelling rules from Ss - Listen to the teacher carefully to - Guide Ss to pronounce of /s/ - /z/ identify the way pronouncing /s/ and /z/ * Rule: - Then observe the words on the board to + When verbs end with “ p, k, f , t” find out the words which have ending “s” /s/ pronouncing /s/ and /z/ + When verbs end with “n, d, v, y, m, l, r, - Read these words loudly after teacher’s g, b” /z/ instructions - Write some words on the board and ask Ss to find the words which have ending /s/ /z/ “s” pronunce /s/ and /z/ Bats Bags Bats, beaks, cats, dates, bags, beds, cans, Kits Kids days Speaks Speeds - Ask Ss to read loudly Dates Days - Ask Ss to look the words in the book Photographs Halves and practise reading in pairs - Then ask them read loudly in front of the class - Ask anothers listen and comment - Ask Ss to read the sentences in silence (22) and find out the way to read of “s” in each word of each sentence - Call on some Ss read loudly in front of the class, and anothers listen and comment B Grammar (15’) I Presentation Pair work *Review the simple past, past - Work in pairs and discuss the forms progressive and present perfect and uses of the past simple, past tenses progressive and present perfect tenses - Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss - Some Ss stand up and answer T’s the forms and uses of the past simple, questions past progressive and present perfect Form: tenses *Simple past : - Ask Ss to answer some questions : S+ V2/eddo+we O use the past simple + When Stense? + didn’t + V1 + What Did + S +averbs V1? of frequecy does it goes *Past progressive : with? S + was / were (not ) + V-ing + When we use the past progressive Was / were + S + V-ing ? tense? + When we use the present perfect * Present perfect: tense? S + have / has (not ) + V3/ed + What averbs of frequecy does it goes Have / has + S + V3/ed ? with? Use: * Past simple : happened and finished with the definite time in the past ,not related to the present -Ex : He bought a car yesterday * Past progressive: * Present perfect : started in the past but related to present or future and give the result at present -Ex : She has learnt English since she was in the grade II Practice Exercise 1: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to the exercise - Ask Ss to choose their suitable verbs in the sentences - Call the leader of each group present Pair work - Work in pairs and the exercise - Give the answers in front of the class Expected answers Have you seen Did you enjoyed it? has been (23) their answers on the board - Ask the whole class to comment Exercise 2: - Ask Ss to work in groups of four to the exercise - Ask Ss to decide which answer is the most suitable ( A, B or C) - Call the leader of each group present their answers on the board - Ask the whole class to comment C Production (8’) - Give some adverbs: Yesterday, at 7:00 p.m last night, lately - Ask Ss work in groups of four and make sentences using those adverbs in minutes, which group have the correct answers first will be the winner - Call on the Ss to give the answers - Comment on Ss’ answers Did you give/saw didn’t listen Have you two met before ? Have you met ? Group work - Work in groups of four and the exercise - Give the answers in front of the class Expected answers B : haven’t written C : have been A : had A : haven’t done B : have stopped B : am waiting B : have changed C : live A : decided 10 B : becomes 11 B : told 12 C :moved 13 C : come 14 C : stay 15 B : am going Group work - Work in groups of four and make sentences using the adverbs - Give the answers in front of the class Feedback: I met Long at the school gate yesterday I was having dinner at 7:00 p.m last night She has finished her household chores lately IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn by heart the rules to pronounce the sounds /s/ - /z/ - Revise the form and the use of tenses – past simple, past progressive and present perfect V COMMENTS: (24) Period: 9th Date of preparation: September 12th , 2011 UNIT 2: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - understand the passage about cultural diversity - guess the meaning in context Knowledge: - Vocabulary: precede, confide, partnership, determine, sacrifice - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Game: Hot seats - Break the class into two groups, A & B - Choose two representatives from the two groups to sit in the “hot seat” in the front with their backs to the board - Write a word on a board and ask the groups to explain, describe or describe the word in any wys so that their team mates in the “hot seats” can speak out the word - Award one point to the fastest group to succeed in guessing the word - The group with more points is the winner These are the words to guess: house, love, money, job, health, fame Lead-in: In your opinion, which of the above factors is the most important for a happy life? Why? (25) In today’s lesson, we’ll focus on the different ideas about love and marriage of the Americans and Asians New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (10’) Group work - Ask students to work in groups of four - Work in groups to talk about the and guess what are happening in the activities in the pictures picture - Look at the questions and try to - Hang on the blackboard the table of answer them in groups to discuss the questions to help students to guess - One student speaks out his/her ideas in the activity in each picture: front of the class - Which of the following factors is the - Look at the board, note down most important for a happy life ?W hy ? - Love, money, parents’ approval, a nice house,a good job, good health etc - Ask the representatives of the groups to express their ideas in front of the class - Give the feedback * Pre-teach some new words - Maintain [mein'tein] (v) tri Whole class - Thought [θo:t] (n) : ý định; ý muốn - Read the new words in chorus twice - Appearance [ə'piərəns] (n) vẻ bề - Work in groups to guess meanings of ngoài; diện mạo; tướng mạo; phong the words thái - Listen to the teacher - unwise [,^n'waiz] (a) ngu xuẩn, khờ, - Write down the words dại dột - confide [kən'faid] (v) giãi bày tâm - sacrifice ['sækrifais] (v) hy sinh - be obliged [ə'blaidʒd] (a) biết ơn - Ask students to read up in chorus twice - Ask students to guess the meaning of the new words - Introduce the situation of the passage - Show students the tasks of the reading B While-reading (18’) - Have the class read the small talks, to - Read the passage in skim scan the details and the tasks Task : Finding out the meaning of Individual work the words - Show the meaning of the words - Ask students to read the passage in - Work in groups to fill in the blanks (26) skim to make sure the meaning of the words - Call some students to show the meanings - Ask students to read the passage again and the task in groups of four - Call on some students to read the answers in front of the class - Ask students to read the sentences with the words given Task 2: Answering the questions - Ask students to work in groups of to answer the questions given - Let Ss in groups and walk around to help them - Call on some students to show the class the right answers -Listen to the students and help them if neccesary C Post-reading (10’) - Ask students to work in groups to discuss about the question: + What are the differences between a traditional Vietnamese family and a morden Vietnamese family ? - Give some suggested words to talk about a family: number of children, the house they like to have, the head of the family , who works , who takes care of the housework and children , the income - Call on some representatives on the groups to talk about the differences - Read the italicized words/ phrases and explain in front of the class Expected answers precede : happen or exist determine : find out confide : tell somebody about something very private or secret sacrifice : willingly stop having something you want obliged : having a duty to something Group work - Work in groups and fill in the blanks - Give the answers in front of the class Expected answers 1.They are “Physical attractiveness, Confiding, Partnership of equals, Trust built on love” The young Americans A woman has to sacrifice more in a marriage than a man Because he loves her not because he has to Group work - Read the questions carefully and work in pairs to answer the questions - Work in groups to discuss to compare to other groups - Talk in front of the class about the class Expected answers I think a modern family has fewer children than a traditional one The heads of the family in a modern family are both the husband and the wife Tthey share the household chores and take care of their children -Listen to the teacher and take note IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn by heart the new words - Prepare next lesson, unit - speaking V COMMENTS: (27) Period: 10th Date of preparation: September 14th , 2011 UNIT 2: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - know about some typical features of different cultures - talk about differences and similarities between Vietnamese and American cultures (28) Knowledge: - Vocabulary: generation, nursing home, hold hands, income - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Game: Choose the best answers - Divide the class into groups - Each group is given cards A, B and C - Read the following questions one by one In Britain, what does a black cat mean? A good luck B bad luck C a feature weeding On the day of her wedding, what mustn’t a Chinese bride do? A have a bath B look into a mirror C clean her shoes In France, what creature brings you good luck? A a mouse B a spider C a fox - Tell Ss in each group to discuss and decide which they have to choose A, B or C, then hold up their cards - Write Ss’ answers on the board - Hang on a chart with the questions you have just read and check the answers with the class - The group with the most answers wins Expected answer A B C Lead-in You know, people of different cultures have different belief and concepts of happiness Today, we’ll get to talk about the differences among cultures of some countries in the world New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to speak (10’) - elicit some vocabulary Whole class - help Ss to read the words correctly - read the words after teacher’s * New Words instruction - nursing home (n): nhà an dưỡng - guess the meaning and the part of - feature (n): nét đặc biệt speech of the words - corresponding (a): tương ứng vớ - grocery (n) cửa hàng tạp phẩm - similarity (n) giống - give some useful expressions to (29) - elicit some useful expressions to express the points of view from Ss * Structures: + Agreement: I think / feel / believe … In my opinion, … For me … + Disagreement: I don’t agree … It’s not true … That’s wrong … B Practice (15’) Activity 1: What is your point of view? - ask Ss to read through the sentences in task and to pay attention to pronunciation and stressed syllables - analyse the example in textbook carefully - model with a S and ask Ss to practise in pairs - walk around the class and gives offer when necessary - call on some Ss to model in front of the class to check - ask Ss to work in pairs to create the same dialogues - go around for help and collect some common errors - invite the answers from some Ss in the class - comment on Ss’ answers Activity 2: Discussion - ask Ss to work in pairs to find out the corresponding features of Vietnamese culture - guide Ss to work with some special expressions like: - Do you know that……? - It is said that…… - It is said in the newspaper/on TV/radio that… - write columns on the board so that Ss give their ideas easily express the points of view Pair work - read requirement carefully and the task in pairs - act out the ideas in front of the classs Model A: I think a happy family should be based on love B: I quite agree with you Life will be terrible if there is no true love between a husband and a wife A: But in some Asian countries love is supposed to follow marriage not precede it B: For me, I don’t think it’s true (What will happen if there is no true love even after marriage?) How can two people who don’t love each other live happily in the same house? Pair work - read requirement carefully, observe the sentences in the table and find out new words - then, practise asking and answering about the corresponding features of Vietnamese culture - some pairs speak out their ideas in front of the class and another Ss listen and comment Suggested ideas - In Vietnamese, old- aged parents live (30) In American In Vietnamese with their children and grandchildren They want to be near their children so that they can give them some help and be taken care of by their own children when they are sick - It’s ok to ask about age, marriage and - elicit these sentences on the board and income It‘s just a way to show guide Ss to read in chorus concerns - work model with a S - When visiting some one’s house , - ask Ss to work in pairs and then call Vietnamese greet older people first and on some pairs to speak out in front of then the younger ones later the class - Vietnamese people tend to buy - ask another Ss to listen and give groceries everyday because there are comment on their bclassmates’ answers always markets near the place where they live Model A: Do you know that it’s not polite to ask question about age , marriage and income in American? B: Is that true? But it’s common to people in Viet nam A: Yes, it’s just a way to show concern B: So we shouldn’t so with foreigners or they may get upset Model C: It is said that in America, two generations live in a home Is it the same in Vietnam? D: Not completely, because we still find three or four generations living together in the same home, especially in the country or places in the big cities where accommodation is difficult to find C Production (13’) Group work Activity: Comparation - work in groups to talk about the - ask Ss to work in groups of four similarities and differences between - ask groups to talk about the Vietnamese and American cultures similarities and the differences between - present their ideas in front of the class the Vietnamese and American cultures Model - invite representatives from the groups There are differences between to report their ideas to the class Vietnamese and American cultures In - give feedback and make comments America two generations live in the (31) same home In Vietnam two, three or four generations live under on roof It’s traditinal for children to live near and take care of their parents so old people in Vietnam don’t live in nursing home as American Americans don’t want to be aske about age, marriage and income while it is common in Vietnam However, there are some similarities between Vietnamese and American cultures Both Vietnam and America are multi-culture countries Vietnamese and Americans are friendly, hospitable, and hard-working people who are always proud of their countries They hate war and love peace IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT:(2’) - Write a short paragraph about the differences and similarities between Vietnamese and American cultures - Prepare next period, unit 2- Listening V COMMENTS: (32) Period: 11th Date of preparation: September 19th , 2011 UNIT 2: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - listen for the understanding of the passage about a wedding in Vietnam - listen for specific details Knowledge: - Vocabulary: bride, groom, altar, banquet - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk, pictures, CD player Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: Game: (5’) Brainstorming - Ask Ss to work in groups of four and find out words related to “the wedding” Which group has the most words and finishes fastest will be winner Sugested answers Gifts photographs banquet ring relatives groom cake bride wedding (33) Lead in - Have you ever been to wedding ceremony? - What did you see there? Today, you will listen to two people talking about a wedding ceremony in Vietnam New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-listening (10’) Whole class - show a picture of a wedding ceremony - look at the picture and describe it by and ask what they see in the picture answering T’s questions - suggest Ss by asking some questions Suggested answers like: S1: They often stand in front of theater - What you see in the picture? praying and asking their ancestor’s - who are they? permission to be married - What are they doing? S2: They exchange their wedding rings - Have you ever joined it? S3: They get the presents from their - What are the things which the relative and their friends groom’s family have to bring to the - practise reading some new words bride family before they have wedding appearing in the listening dialogue ceremory? - practise reading new words in chorus - What they have to in Vocabulary engagement - bride (n) : cô dâu - ask Ss to pronounce words which - groom (n): chú rể appear in the questions T gives - wrap (v) : gói meaning - tray (n) : khay, mâm - guide Ss to read the words that will -Master of the ceremony: (MC) appear in the conversation -altar (n) : bàn thờ -pray (v) :cầu nguyện -ancestor : ông bà, tổ tiên -banquet (n) :big party -blessing (n): happiness -schedule (v): arange B While-listening (20’) Activity 1: Gap-filling Individual work - give the situation and explain: “you - listen to teacher carefully will hear Paul and Andrea talking - skim through the sentences in the Task about their family life Listen to the tape and decide if the sentences given are - underline the key words in each True or False” sentence - have Ss to read the sentences in the - listen to the tape three times and the task to make sure that they understand task individually the task clearly and underline the key Keys (34) words in each sentence - play the tape the first time - ask Ss to the task individually - play the tape the second time Ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner - call on some Ss to check their answers - ask students to compare the answers with a partner - call on some students to go the board to write their answers - ask students to explain their answers in front of the class - play the tape the third time and stop in the right answers to check the last time Activity 2: Answering the questions - ask Ss to read the situation and dicuss the way to the task in groups - have the Ss read the questions to make sure that they understand the task clearly - ask Ss whether they can answer the questions without listening again and guess the answers by remembering or not - play the first time, then call some Ss to check - play the tape the second time Ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner - call on some Ss to check their answers - play the tape the third time and stop in the right answers to check the last time C Post-listening (8’) Discussion - ask Ss to work in groups of four and dicuss the question: “What families often to prepare the groom’s parents red papers altar at the wedding banquet wedding cards/ money gifts Group work - study the situation and discuss the way to the task - some present their own opinion of the way to the task - read the questions carefully and guess the answers - listen to the tape three times and the task Keys The most important thing the groom’s family has to on the wedding day is to go to the bride’s house bringing a lot of gifts wrapped in red papers They would pray and ask their ancestor’s permission to be married After they pray and ask their ascentor’s permission to be married The wedding banquet is often scheduled at the groom and bride’s home or at a hotel or at a restaurant They stop by each table to thank their guests Group work - work in groups of four and give the answer for the questions Suggested answer + Clean the house (35) for a wedding ceremony?” - call on some representatives from some groups to give their ideas - give comments on Ss’ answers + Decorate house, altar, etc + Collect money + Book tables at a restaurant or rent a cook to prepare banquet + Send wedding cards to the guests, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc) IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn by heart the new words - Prepare next lesson, unit – language focus V COMMENTS: Period: 12th Date of preparation: September 21st , 2011 UNIT 2: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Lesson: Language Focus (36) I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - distinguish between the differences in pronunciation of the –ed ending sound - revise the use of some tenses Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: Tenses - (Pronunciation): /t/, /d/, /id/ Skills: Pronouncing & writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Game: Who is the best at English - Put the verbs in brackets in the sentences into the correct tenses and then try to speak out them as exactly as possible The police (arrest) …… an old man-beggar in front of the hotel yesterday I recently (miss) …… a number of interesting films – (You, receive) ………his package yet? - No, I ……… yet Expected answer arrested have…missed Have …received…? haven’t New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pronunciation (10’) Whole class - guide Ss to pronounce the words having - listen to teacher carefully and identify the ending /ed/ the way pronouncing /id/, /t/ and /d/ When verbs end with “t,d” /id/ - then observe the words on the board to When verbs end with “ p, k, f , s” find out the words which have ending in /t/ “ed” pronounce /id/, /t/ and /d/ When verbs end with “n d, v, y, m, l, r, g, - read these words loudly after teacher’s b /d/ instructions - write some words on the board and ask Ss to find the words which have the ending in “ed” pronounce /id/ and /t/, /d/ derived , cleaned, cancelled, guessed, promoted, added, pressed, /id/ /t/ /d/ founded Wanted Walked Explained - Ask Ss to read loudly Arrested Knocked Phoned - ask ss to look at the words in the book Started Jumped Rained (37) and practise reading in pairs - then ask them to read the words loudly in front of the class - ask another Ss to listen and comment - ask Ss to read the sentences in silence and find out the way to read of “ed” in each word of each sentence - call on some Ss to read the sentences loudly in front of the class, and another ones listen and comment B Grammar (15’) - give some sentences and ask Ss to name the tense from each sentence I went to Paris last summer I was doing my homework at 6p.m last Sunday My son had done his homework before he went to bed last night They had been playing cards for hours before I came The earth goes round the sun The students are learning English now She has finished her homework since 9:00 p.m He has been living in London since 1990 She will come back next week 10 I am going to fly to London this Friday C Production (13’) *Exercise 1: Asks sts to read the requirement and discuss the way to exercise Mended Decided Helped Missed Arrived Involved Pair work - name the tenses in English Past simple Ex:I went to Paris last summer Past progressive Ex:I was doing my homework at 6p.m last Sunday Past perfect Ex: My son had done his homework before he went to bed last night Past perfect progressive Ex: They had been playing cards for hours before I came Present simple Ex: The earth goes round the sun Present progressive Ex: The students are learning English now Present perfect Ex: She has finished her homework since 9:00 p.m Present perfect progressive Ex: He has been living in London since 1990 Future simple Ex: She will come back next week 10 Near future Ex: I am going to fly to London this Friday Pair work Read the requirement and discuss the way to exercise Then exercise in pairs (38) Then asks sts to work exercise in pairs Lets sts and Walk around the class and provide help when they need Call on some sts to present Listens and gives the correct answers Some presents in front of the class Key 1- Have you seen- saw- am going to see 2- Drank- haven’t drunk- drank 3- Has written- did she write- wrote 4- Have been cooking- cookedcooked *Exercise 2: Multiple choice Individual work Asks sts read the requirement and skim Read the requirement and skim the the passage passage Choose the best to fit space with A,B or Choose the best to fit space with A,B or C C Asks sts to underline the words which Underline the words which are used in are used in some tenses, and pay some tenses, and pay attention to the attention to the situation in some situation in some sentences sentences Do exercise individually and compare Asks sts exercise individually the answers with a partner Then asks them to compare their Then stand up and speak out in front of answers with a partner the class, anothers listen and give Walk around the class and provide help commenting when they need Key Call on some sts to present Listens and gives the correct answers C A C A C A C A *Exercise 3: Putting the correct form Group work of the verbs Read the requirement and discuss the Asks sts read the requirement and way to exercise in groups discuss the way to exercise in groups Do exercise individually and compare and then, calls on some sts to present with a partner their own opinions Some stand up and present Listens and guides sts to exercise Key Have sts moved moved have Walks around and gives help when asked have not stopped necessary study will fail could talk Calls on some present in front of the class Asks anothers listen and give comment IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Do the exercise in workbook, part language focus - Prepare new lesson, unit 3- reading V COMMENTS: (39) Period: 13th Date of preparation: September 22nd , 2011 UNIT 3: WAYS OF SOCIALISING Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Guess the meaning in context - Understand the passage about ways of socialising Knowledge: - Vocabulary: verbal, non-verbal, approach, nod, informal - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Game: Matching up - Ask Ss to match the meanings in the first column with the suitable gestures in the second column Meanings Gestures (40) Hello a Be quiet b We won c Come here d Expected answers: 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c Lead in - Do you often use these gestures to communicate? - Do other people understand you? When you want to attract someone’s attention, you might speak to them Speech is one of the most important ways of communicating, which is called verbal form of communication Or you can move your hands by waving, use gestures, which are called non-verbal form of communication - Today, you get to know about ways of socialising through reading passage New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (10’) Pre-teaching vocabulary Whole class - help Ss read the words - repeat after the teacher - elicit Ss to find out the meanings and - find out the meanings and the parts of the parts of speech of the words speech of the words + attract someone’s attention: draw - note down the words somebody’s attention + verbal (a): relating to words, spoken, (41) not written + non-verbal (a): relating to the expressions of the face, gesture, eye contact,etc + nod (v): move one’s head up and down to show agreement + approach (v): come here Checking - read the English words and have Ss say the Vietnamese meanings - say the Vietnamese meanings of the words and have Ss speak out the English words B While-reading (18’) Activity 1: What’s the title? - give the instructions to SS - tell Ss to read the passage and decide which option is the best title for the passage - ask Ss to compare the answers in pairs - give the feedback Exercise 2: Gap Sentences - give Ss the instruction - handout the copies with gapped sentences about the content of the reading passage * Handout We can use either verbal or _ Communication to attract someone’s attention and waving are considered to be big, obvious non-verbal signals If we want to _, we wait until he passes us, catch his eyes, and nod slightly to let him know we want him If you are _ the school-yard and see the teacher approaching, you can use a to attract his or her attention _ someone is usually Whole class - say the Vietnamese meanings of the words - speak out the English words Individual work - read the passage and decide which option is the best title for the passage - compare the answer with their partner - give the answer Expected answer A Attracting Attention: Non-verbal Cues Pair work - work in pairs and the exercise - compare the answers with other pairs - give the answers in front of the class Expected answers non-verbal jumping up and down attract the waiter’s attention walking across/ a small friendly wave pointing at (42) considered rude - get Ss to read the passage and then close their books - ask Ss to fill in each blank with suitable words/phrases then compare the answers with other pairs - call on some Ss to give the answers - check the answers with the class - give the feedback C Post-reading (10’) Discussion - break Ss into groups of four - tell Ss to discuss the different meanings of whistling and handclapping in Vietnamese culture - invite some groups’ opinions - make comments and give the feedback Group work - work into groups of four - give their group’s opinions Suggested ideas * Whistling: In Vietnam, people whistle when: - they are excited about something - they are happy/ feel relaxed - they want to draw someone’s attention in very informal situations * Hand-clapping: In Vietnam, people clap their hands when: - they want to encourage someone - they want to despise someone - they want to attract someone’s attention - they want to give the signal to tell someone to come near IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare next period, unit – speaking V COMMENT: Task 3(page 32) Change “Answering questions” into “Gap Sentences” (43) Period: 14th Date of preparation: September 26th , 2011 UNIT 3: WAYS OF SOCIALISING Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Practise giving compliments in different situations - Know how to respond to compliments Knowledge: - Vocabulary: terrific, decent, handle, kid, tune - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Scrambled Sentences - Divide class into groups (2 tables form a group) - Write sentences onto the cards, one sentence on each card Scramble the word order of each sentence - Give one scrambled sentence to each group Ask each group to unscramble the sentence as quickly as possible then stick their sentence on the board The fastest group with the correct sentence is the winner Expected answers: a I really enjoy your public speaking! b I thought your tennis game was excellent today c Your hair style is terrific, Mary! d That’s a nice pair of shoes you’re wearing e What a lovely baby you have! f You really have a beautiful jacket! Lead-in: - When you say these sentences? - How often you hear people complimenting each other in English? - Do you often give or receive compliments? Today, we will practise giving and responding to compliments in different situations (44) New lesson: Teacher’s activities A Preparing to speak (10’) Pre-teaching vocabulary - help Ss to read some new words + terrific (a): wonderful + decent (a): of a good enough standard or quality + handle (v): + kid (v): joke + to be in/ out of tune with sb/sth: to be/ not be in agreement with sb/sth - elicit the meanings and parts of speech of the words from Ss Checking - read the English words and have Ss say the Vietnamese meanings - say the Vietnamese meanings of the words and have Ss speak out the English words Useful expressions - provide Ss with some useful expressions * S + be/look + Adj Ex: Your blouse is really beautiful * I + really + like/love + O Ex: I really like your address * That’s + really + Adj + N Ex: That’s a really nice rug - ask Ss to read task 1(page 32, 33) and give the ways of giving compliments and the ways of responding to the compliments B Practice (20’) Activity 1: Giving compliments - let Ss work in pairs to practise giving compliments to suit the responds - go around to control and give help if needed Students’ activities Whole class - repeat the words after the teacher - give the meanings and parts of speech of the words from Ss - note down the words - say the Vietnamese meanings of the words - speak out the English words - note down the expressions - read the dialogues and and give the ways of giving compliments and the ways of responding to the compliments Expected answers: * Giving compliments: - You really have a beautiful blouse - Your hairstyle is terrific - I thought your tennis game was a lot better today * Responding to the compliments: - That’s a nice compliments - Thanks I think… - You’ve got to be kidding Pairwork - work in pairs to practise giving compliments to suit the responds - some pairs act out the dialogue in front of the class (45) - call on some pairs to act out the dialogues - give feedback and comments Activity 2: Responding to the compliments - let Ss work in pairs to practise responding to the compliments - go around to control and give help if needed - call on some pairs to act out the dialogues - give feedback and comments C Production (8’) Dialogue building - have Ss build dialogues to practise responding to the compliments in pairs - go around to control and give help if needed - call on some pairs to act out the dialogues - give feedback and comments Suggested answers: - What a beautiful dress you’re wearing - You have a decent motorbike - You played badminton very well today Pairwork - work in pairs to practise responding to the compliments - some pairs act out the dialogue in front of the class Suggested answers: - Thanks, Phil I think that’s because I have practised a lot with the help of my dancing teacher - I’m glad you like listening to me playing the guitar, Peter - That’s kind of you to say so, Tom Actually, my English is influenced by an American teacher Pair work - work in pairs to practise building dialogues of responding to the compliments - some pairs act out the dialogue in front of the class Model A: That’s a fashionable jacket! B: Oh, you like it? A: Yeah, that’s a nice color B: That’s very kind of you to say so IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn by heart the new words - Prepare next period, unit 3- listening V COMMENTS: Period: 15th Date of preparation: September 28th , 2011 UNIT 3: WAYS OF SOCIALISING Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: (46) - listen for general information - listen for specific ideas Knowledge: - Vocabulary: marvellous, argument, install, regulation, shank, apolectic, startatling - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask Ss to find out as many things as possible that are necessary in our daily life - Call Ss to write on the board - Correct and give comments Feedback lights bridge water TV necessary telephone bicycles motorcycles New lesson: Teacher’s activities A Pre-listening (10’) - Show students the pictures in the textbook and ask students to guess what they are doing ? - Ask students to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in the textbook - Call some students to answer the questions in front of the class Then explain their reasons Check the whole class * Pre-teaching some new words and phrases - Ask students to read the words aloud twice Students’ activities Whole class - look at the pictures and answer the question Pair work - listen the questions and give their own answers Whole class - read the words after T’s instruction - guess the meaning and part of speech of each word (47) - Ask Ss to guess the meaning and part of speech of each word - Explain some new words: + marvellous(a) + startling(a) + absolute(a):hoàn toàn + installed: lắp đặt + chitchat(v) B While-listening (20’) Activity: T/F statements + Introduction: You are going to listen to Linda Cupple, a social worker, advise young people on how to use the telephone in their family Listen and decideTrue or False statements - Ask students to read the statements carefully before playing the tape Ask students to work in groups to guess the answers - Play the tape (read the tapescript) once for students to listen and the task - Ask students to work in pairs to check the answers - Call some students to show their answers in front of the class - Comment on Ss’answers and give the correct answers C Post-listening (8’) Activity: Discussion Question What should we when using telephone at home? - Ask Ss to work in groups of four and dicuss the question - Go around the class and give help if needed - Call the representative from each group gives the ideas in front of the class - Comment on Ss’ answers Pair work - Read silently the sentences given before listening - Work in pairs, listen the first time and begin doing the task - Listen the second time decide the best answer - Listen the third time and work in groups to discuss the answers - Each group asks and explains why they choose by some information they’ve listened Expected answers T F (the most obvious problem) T F(if your parents not agree) F (is made mostly by young people) T Group work - work in groups of four to discuss the answers - the representative from each group gives the ideas in front of the class Suggested ideas: - Limit the length of time for each call - Reasonable time for calling - Not call late at night/ early in the morning (48) IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare next lesson, unit 3-listening: Task V COMMENTS: Period: 16th Date of preparation: September 29th , 2011 UNIT 3: WAYS OF SOCIALISING Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - listen for general information - listen for specific ideas Knowledge: - Vocabulary: marvellous, argument, install, regulation, shank, apolectic, startatling - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks (49) III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask Ss to find out as many things as possible that are necessary in our daily life - Call Ss to write on the board - Correct and give comments Feedback lights bridge water TV necessary telephone bicycles motorcycles New lesson: Teacher’s activities A Pre-listening (10’) - Show students the pictures in the textbook and ask students to guess what they are doing ? - Ask students to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in the textbook - Call some students to answer the questions in front of the class Then explain their reasons Check the whole class * Pre-teaching some new words and phrases - Ask students to read the words aloud twice - Ask Ss to guess the meaning and part of speech of each word - Explain some new words: - Instrument (n) ( example) - Duration (n) ( situation) - Startling(adj) ( explanation) - Apoplectic (adj) ( translation) - chitchat (n): B While-listening (20’) Activity: Gap-filling + Introduction: You are going to listen Students’ activities Whole class - look at the pictures and answer the question Pair work - listen the questions and give their own answers Whole class - read the words after T’s instruction - guess the meaning and part of speech of each word Pair work - Read silently the sentences given (50) to Linda Cupple, a social worker, advise young people on how to use the telephone in their family Listen and decideTrue or False statements - Ask students to read the passage carefully before playing the tape Ask students to work in groups to guess the part of speech from each blank - Play the tape (read the tapescript) once for students to listen and the task - Ask students to work in pairs to check the answers - Call some students to show their answers in front of the class - Comment on Ss’answers and give the correct answers C Post-listening (8’) Activity: Summerising Question What should we when using telephone at home? - Ask Ss to work in groups of four and summarise the listening passage - Go around the class and give help if needed - Call the representative from each group gives their summary in front of the class - Comment on Ss’ answers before listening - Read through the form to identify what the missing information for each gap is -Guess the words to fill in - Listen and fill in the missing information - Work in pairs, listen the first time and begin doing the task - Listen the second time decide the best answer - Listen the third time and work in groups to discuss the answers - Each group asks and explains why they choose by some information they’ve listened Expected answers 1.agreed 5.waking 2.to avoid 6.heart 3.particular 7.kindness 4.adults 8.to stick Group work - work in groups of four to summerise the listening passage - the representative from each group gives their summary in front of the class Sample summary : In this talk, Ms Linda Cupple gives us some pieces advice on how to use the family telephone The first thing we have to is to work out a reasonable length of time for a call Next, we shouldn’t make a phone call or talk on the phone during meals We should also avoid calling too early in the morning or too late at night It’s best if we try to stick to the family’s regulation even if you are allowed to used a separate phone IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare next lesson, unit 3- writing (51) V COMMENTS: Period: 17th Date of preparation: October 1st , 2011 UNIT 2: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Lesson: Writing I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - build sentences based on given words - re-order given sentences to make a complete paragraph Knowledge: - Vocabulary: apologize, abrupt, thoughtful, discourtesy, interruption - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Game: Brainstorming - Ask Ss to make as many words as possible beginning with APO - Call Ss to read aloud the words - Write on the board Expected words - apology [ə'polədʒi] lời tạ lỗi; lời xin lỗi - apologize [ə'polədʒaiz] - apologist [ə'polədʒist] người biện hộ, người biện giải cho tôn giáo - apoplectic [,æpə'plektik] đỏ mặt; dễ tức giận; dễ cáu - apologetic [ə,polə'dʒetik] - apologetical [ə,polə'dʒetikəl] cảm thấy biểu lộ hối tiếc; xin lỗi Lead in (52) Today we'll learn how to write an apology New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to write (10’) Pair work - Introduce some words/ phrases - work in pairs, then open books to read relating to the writing the given words * Vocabulary - listen and take notes some new words at hand : near, close by - practise reading these words in farewell [,feə'wel] : goodbye chorus departure [di'pa:t∫ə] : leaving - make sentences then give answers - Check Ss' answers - ask Ss to practise reading these words in chorus - ask Ss to make sentences then give answers - Correct mistakes if necessary B Practice (20’) Activity 1: Making sentences Pair work - Introduce some words/ phrases - work in pairs, make the sentences, relating to the writing then change the correct form of the - Give some clues in using tenses of verbs verbs: the simple present or present - give the answers in front of the class perfect Suggested answers - ask Ss to work in pairs and make the There are many ways to tell someone sentences, then change the correct form goodbye, and most of them depend on of the verbs the situation at hand - Move around to give help However, there is one rule that all - Check Ss' answers situation observe: We seldom say - Correct mistakes if necessary goodbye abruptly In English it is necessary to prepare a person for our departure We lead into the farewell by saying something pleasant and thoughtful like “I’ve really enjoyed talking to you We might also say something relating to the time like “Gosh, I can't believe how late it is! I really must be going” Activity 2: Re-ordering Individual work - Ask Ss to work individually and - Listen to T's requirement reorder the sentences so that they - Order sentences into paragraphs Then become the correct passages exchange the answers in pairs to correct - Move around to give help with new mistakes words - Read out finished passages (53) - Ask Ss to exchange their answers in pairs to correct mistakes - Ask some Ss to give their answers - Listen to Ss and collect their mistakes for indirect correction - Draw Ss’ attention to the format of the describing and the organisation of ideas and language use - Call some Ss to read out their orders then ask the whole class to give comment - Then elecit corrective feedback from the class and give final comments afterwards - The whole class give comment Suggested answers Paragraph1: 1.C , 2.E , 3.A , 4.B , 5.D It’s difficult to write rules that tell exactly when you should apologize but it is not difficult to learn how If we have done something to hurt someone’s feelings, we apologize An apology indicates that we realize we have made a mistake, and we are sorry for it It’s a way of expressing our regret or sorrow for something When we apologize ,we admit our wrong doing or discourtesy, usually offer a reason for it, and express regret Paragraph2: 1.C , 2.E , 3.B , 4.A , 5.D The simplest way to apologize is to say “ I am sorry” Let’s take a common situation Tom is late for class and enters the classroom What does he do? The most polite action is usually to take a seat as quietly as possible and apologize later But if the teacher stops and waits for him to say something, he could apologize simply “ I’m sorry I’m late.”, ask a permission to take his seat and sit down Naturally, more than this is needed , but it is not the time for it because it has already caused some interruption and doesn’t need to make it longer Whole class - Ss write paragraph and paragraph on the board - correct the mistakes if necessary C Production (8’) Correction - Ask Ss to write paragraph and paragraph on the board - Tell the class to correct the mistakes if necessary IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Answer the following question: In what ways people say goodbye to someone? - Prepare next lesson, unit 3- language focus V COMMENTS: Period: 18th Date of preparation: October 4th , 2011 (54) UNIT 2: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Lesson: Language Focus I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Get some rules of the stress in two syllable words - Revise reported speech Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: Reported speech - (Pronunciation): The stress in two syllable words Skills: II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Game: Odd one out - Hang on a flipchart with the words - Tell Ss to read the words and underline the word with a different stress pattern from the other a middle minute mission mistake b reason remove receive review c artist agree allow attract d common careful crazy complete - The first student who has the correct answers will be praised Expected answers: a mistake b reason c artist d complete Lead-in: - You are going to learn some rules of the stress in two syllable words New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pronunciation Presentation (10’) Whole class - Give some examples to Ss - Listen to the teacher and repeat - Give the rules of the stress in two Nouns & Adjectives Verbs syllable words Oo oO * Rules: - artist - remove - Most two-syllable nouns and - driver - dislike adjectives have the stress on the first - famous - rebuild syllable - friendly - become - Most two-syllable verbs have the - Ask Ss to give the rules of the stress stress on the second syllable in two syllable words - Give answers: (55) Principles for putting stress on twosyllable words: Stress may fall on the first or second syllable -For verbs, adjectives, adverbs or even prepositions that consist of long vowel or dipthong (except /əu/) in the second syllable, stress falls on the second syllable Ex: arrive, attract, correct, perfect, alone, inside… -But, if the second syllable consists of short vowel or dipthong /əu/ or ending with a consonant, stress falls on the first syllable Ex: open, borrow, lovely, sorry, rather -For nouns consisting of short vowel in the second syllable, stress is put on the first syllable Ex: money, product, larynx… -But, nouns consisting of long vowel or dipthong in the second syllable, stress is put on the second syllable Ex: balloon, design, estate… * Some special cases Abstract, conduct, contract, contrast, desert, escort, export, import, insult, object, perfect, permit, present, produce, protest, rebel, record, subject -For verbs, stress is put on the second syllable -For nouns or adjs, stress is put on the first Practice (10’) - Ask Ss to read the sentences, then arrange the two syllable words in the correct columns 1.Linda Cupple is a social worker in my village 2.Shakespeare was a famous English writer 3.David Warren is Linda’s teacher’s doctor Individual work - Read the sentences, then arrange the two syllable words in the correct columns Expected answers: First syllable - social - famous - writer - teacher - doctor Second syllable - across - return (56) 4.Janet is having a number of problems 5.Michael is sailing across the river Jenny is waiting for Michael to return B Grammar Presentation (8’) Poster: He says: “I like coffee” -> She says( that) she likes coffee 2.The farmer says: “ I hope it rain tomorrow” -> The farmer says he hopes it rain the next day “ I’m very tired”, she said -> She said she was very tired “ I will come to see her next week”, he said -> He said he would come to see her the week after Remarks: If the reporting verb is the present tense,the tenses of verb in the reported clause doesn’t change We only change personal pronouns, possessive adj., possessive pronouns, etc If the reporting verb is the past tense (e.g, said, told), *Tenses move “ one tense back” Present => past Present perfect => past perfect Past => past perfect * Time expressions now then (two days) ago two day before today that day tonight that night tomorrow the next/ following day last night the night before yesterday the day before * Place This -> that, These / those -> those Whole class - Pay attention to the examples and give the remarks about the reported speech - Take note the the remarks about the reported speech (57) Here -> there, Modal verb changes: can -> could will -> would may -> might Note: Other modal verbs don’t change should, might, must Practice (10’) Exercise 1: - Let students read the situation and change the sentences into the reported speech - Go around, listen and help them if neccessary - Let students practise doing exercise and each of them stands and speak out the sentences they’ve done - Give the feedback Exercise - Ask students to read the dialogue between Lan and Tuan , then they have to complete the conversation Tuan had with Tung by changing the sentences into reported speech - Let students work in pairs - Go around, listen and help them if neccessary - Let students practise doing exercise and each of them stands and speak out the sentences they’ve done - Give the feedback Individual work - Read the situation and change the sentences into the reported speech - Some Ss stand up and speak out the sentences they’ve done Expected answers: Thuan said he worked for a big company Thuan said he was their marketing manager Thuan said the company had opened an office in Ho Chi Minh City Thuan said it had been very successful Thuan said he had been chosen to run an office in District Thuan asked me how long I had been learning English Thuan said he didn’t have much time to enjoy himself Pair work - Read the dialogue and complete the conversation Tuan had with Tung by changing the sentences into reported speech - Some Ss stand up and speak out the sentences they’ve done Expected answers: was upset was not interested had promised to go to the cinema hadn’t turned up didn’t want to see you she didn’t believe you had tried she would talk to you later she had to go to otherwise she would be late for school (58) Production (5’) - Ask students to read the dialoge between Tung and Tuan by using reported speech to retell what Lan has told Tuan - Go around and listen to students or help the if they need IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn by heart the rules of the stress in two syllable words - Learn by heart the rules of changing the direct speech into reported speech - Prepare next period, Test yourself A V COMMENTS: Period: 19th Date of preparation: October 5th , 2011 TEST YOURSELF A I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Revise all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the three units: 1,2 and - Improve the techniques of doing the simple tests Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Listening (10’) Pair work (59) - Ask students to read all the sentences first - Ask students to listen to the tape once - Ask students to listen again and speak out the statements are true or false - Ask students to listen in the third time, then work in pairs to compare and discuss the answers with each others to find the correct answers II Reading (10’) - Present the task - Ask pupils to work in groups to compare the answers they have already done to find out the correct ones - Give the correct answers to the class: Expected answers: We can communicate not only through words but also through body laguage They are our posture, facial expression, gestures If your posture is slumped and your head is down , this could mean that you are sad or lack cofidence A person who doesn’t look away is expressinga chllenge A personwho doesn’t look at you is expressing lack of interestor is shy Because that person might be angry at you or feel superior to you III Grammar (10’) - Present the task - Practise circling the correct anwer (A,B,C or D) to complete the letter - Ask students to work in groups to give the correct form of verbs in the passage * Give the correct form of verbs 1, C: have been 2, D : will be 3,B : are having 4,A : could have put off 5,B : will have finished - Look at the exercise in textbook and listen to the task - Read the questions - Listen to the tape - Listen again and say the statements if they are true or false - Listen and discuss the answers in pairs to find out the correct answers Expected answers: 1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-T, 5-T Group work - Look at the textbook and listen to the teacher - Work in groups to discuss about the passage to finish the task - Compare their results with the other groups - Write the answers on the board - Listen to the teacher and correct the answers Group work - Work in groups and practise writing the sentences given in reported speech - Compare the results with the other groups - Show the answers in front of the class - Observe the keys and correct their answers Expected answers: 1, Lan asked John what he had done before working for that company 2,Bill promised to come to see me the (60) 6,D :have seen - Let students finish each of of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the original sentence IV Writing (13’) - Present the task to Ss - Call the students to read the suggested sentences in front of the class + Give the number of your family members, their names, ages and jobs + How they share the housework? + How they behave? +What are their hobbies? + What you like about each of them? + - Check their writings and help them correct the mistakes if they’ve made next Sunday 3, Tom apologized for not ringing me earlier 4,Miss White thanked Peter for giving her present Group work - Students work in groups and practise writing about their families - Two students go to the board to give the writings by writing down - Read the letter carefully - Compare the results with the other groups - Correct mistakes Expected answers: There are four people in my family, my father’s name is Tuan,he is fourty-five years old and he is a doctor My mother is Lan, she is fourty years old and she is a teacher , my sister is Huong and she is a student in Hanoi, I am Hoang, sixteen years old and I am a pupil of grade 12 We are a close- knite family, we often share the household IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Revise the unit 1, 2, V COMMENTS: (61) Period: 20th Date of preparation: October 6th , 2011 REVISION UNIT 1, 2,3 I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Revise the knowledge in unit 1, 2, Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Pronouncing, reading, integrative skill II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pronunciation (10’) I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others A B C D seats laughs drops bags reads banks brothers lives covered slipped snowed used decided tried interested reminded closed jumped walked placed B Vocabulary (10’) Fill in each gap with one word from the table, there are more words than needed: arguments formal Get-together chance Nursing-homes contractual banquets well-behaved hospital rude annoy responsibility My father is a doctor, he works on a times a week Individual work - Do the exercise - Give the answers in front of the class Expected answers: 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.B Individual work - Do the exercise - Give the answers in front of the class Expected answers: nightshift responsibility pressure rude (62) In my family, I take the to wash the dishes and take out the garbage Students in my school are under a lot of study The boy who are people are mischievous On Monday mornings, all teachers and students on the schoolyard Marriages that are decided by the parents are called marriages Old-aged parents in America live in Nowadays, wedding are usually held at restaurants or hotels It's considered to be when a student waves to his teacher to get attention 10 The telephone often causes between members of the family C Grammar (10’) I Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses: I ( buy) a new house last year but I (not sell) my old house yet so now I have two house A: You ( be ) the theater lately ? B: Yes, I (go) to see the Othello last week A: You (like) it ? B: Yes but I ( can not ) see very well, I sat at the back A: I (do) my housework all morning and I (notfinish) yet B: I ( do) mine, I (start) at a.m II Change the following sentences into reported speech beginning with given words: Helen said " I have been here for six months " Helen said Helen said " I will leave tomorrow ' Helen said Helen said to John " I will give you a ring when I arrive " Helen promise John said to Helen " Remember to keep in touch " John reminded Helen Helen said to John " Thank you for the good time we had together " Helen thanked gettogether contractual nursing homes banquets formal 10 arguments Individual work - Do the exercise - Give the answers in front of the class Expected answers: Exercise 1: bought-have not sold have… been? – went- Did…like?could not was doing-have not finished did – started Exercise 2: Helen said that he had been there for six months Helen said that he would leave the next day Helen promise to give John a ring when he arrived John reminded Helen to keep in touch Helen thanked (63) John for the good time they had had together D Reading (13’) Individual work Read the passage carefully and choose the correct - Do the exercise answer : - Give the answers In the past, both men and women were expected to in front of the class get married at young age Marriages were generally Expected answers: arranged by parents and family It was not surprising to B find that the groom and the bride had only just met on the B day of their engagement or marriage C B In modern Viet Nam , this has changed completely as C people choose their own marriage-partners based on love, and in consideration primarily to their own needs and wants Moreover, early marriage is quite illegal The traditional Vietnamese wedding is one of the most important occasions Regardless of westernization, many traditional customs continue to be celebrated in wedding ceremony by Vietnamese in both Vietnam and foreign countries, often combining both western and eastern elements Beside the wedding ceremony, there is also an engagement ceremony which usually takes place half a year before the wedding Due to the spiritual nature of the occasion, the date and time marriage ceremony are decided in advance by a fortune-teller The traditional Vietnamese wedding consists of the following steps; the first is the ceremony to ask permission to receive the bride, the second is procession to receive the bride along with the ancestor ceremony), the third is to bring the bride to the groom's house for another ancestor ceremony and to welcome her into the family then the last is the wedding banquet The number of guests at the banquet is large, usually in the hundred Several special dishes are served Guests are expected to bring gifts, money and the groom and the bride will go from table to table to thank their guests for their blessing and gifts In the past, A Vietnamese people were free to make a decision on the marriage B Vietnamese marriages were decided by parents and family C Getting married at early age was not allowed D Parents had no right to interfere their children's marriage (64) At that time, the fact that the bride and the groom had only first met on the day of their engagement or marriage was A surprising B popular C D strange uncommon Which sentence is true about Vietnamese modern marriage ? A Most young people don't have their marriage based on love B All marriages are arranged by parents and families C Marriage is quite westernization D Couples not get married at quite young age According to the passage, A Overseas Vietnamese people don't like to have a traditional wedding B There is an engagement ceremony before the wedding ceremony C Many traditional customs don't exist in a traditional wedding ceremony nowadays D Vietnamese people never ask a fortune-teller the date and time of the marriage ceremony Which does not exist in a Vietnamese wedding ceremony ? A guests B dishes C firecrackers D gifts IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Revise the knowledge in unit 1, 2, - Prepare the next period – 45-minute test No V COMMENTS: (65) Period: 21st Date of preparation: October 8th, 2011 45-MINUTE TEST No I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to evaluate what they have gained in unit 1, 2, Knowledge: - Vocabulary: non-verbal, join hands, make decision,… - Grammar/ Structures: Tenses, reported speech - (Pronunciation): Skills: Speaking, reading, writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, 45-minute tests No III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: (45’) A The test I CHOOSE THE WORD WHICH HAS THE UNDERLINED PART PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THE OTHERS.(1m) A kissed B stopped C phoned D looked A rained B needed C stayed D arrived A bats B stops C laughs D speeds A bats B kids C speaks D kits II CHOOSE THE WORD WHICH HAS THE STRESS DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHERS.(0.5m) A supposeB student C decide D arrive A famous B social C attract D friendly III CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWERS.(2.5ms) (66) My father takes responsibilities running the house A for B down C on D in I always talk to my mother before I an important decision A take B shake C make D lake Who looks _ the baby when you go to work? A up B down C after D before She always helps her parents with _ chores A school B home C street D household There are more children in Andrea’s family _ in Paul’s A then B them C than D thank Our parents join hands to give us a happy home A work together B say goodbye C talk together D eat together Christmas is the important holiday in America A best B better C most D less A happy marriage should be on love A base B based C basing D basic Young Asians are not as _ as their American counterparts A romance B romantic C romanticly D beauty 10 Waving hands is a form of communication A verbal B non-verbal C verb D verbs IV PUT THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERBS IN BRACKETS.(2ms) I’m sorry I (not, write) to you for so long She (move) to London two years ago What you _ (do) at p.m yesterday? He often (get) up early every morning V REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES.(3ms) Mary said: “I will see you tomorrow” Mary said………………………………… Peter said: “I came back from London four months ago” Peter said………………………………………………… They said: “We are watching TV now” They said…………………………………… David said: “I am not going out tonight” David said…………………………………… He said: “I was having dinner at 6:00 p.m yesterday” He said………………………………………………… B She says: “I left here in October” She says…………………………… VI CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWERS.(1m) It is difficult ……… (1) rules that tell exactly when we should apologize, but it is not difficult to learn how If we have ………… (2) something to hurt someone’s feeling, or if we have been impolite or rude, we should apologize An ……………(3) indicates that we realize we have made a mistake, and we are sorry (67) for it It is a way of expressing our regret for something When we apologize, we admit our wrongdoings, usually offer a reason ……… (4) it, and express regret A write B to write C writing D wrote A B did C done D does A sorrow B sorry C apologize D apology A for B in C on D at - THE END B The matrix of the test Application U nit Total Periods: Sentences: 11 Recognition MC Pronunciation: Vocabulary: Marks: Comprehension W MC W Grammar: Low MC Marks: 1,5 Marks: 3,5 Periods: Sentences: Pronunciation: Vocabulary: Marks: 1,25 Grammar: Marks: 0,5 Marks:1,75 Periods: Stress: Sentences: Vocabulary: 13 Marks: 0,75 Marks: 4,75 IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: - Prepare next period, unit 4-Reading V COMMENTS: Reading: Writing: Marks: Marks: H ig h W (68) Period: 22nd Date of preparation: October 10th , 2011 UNIT4: SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - guess the meaning in context - scan for specific information - know about school education system in England Knowledge: - Vocabulary: academic year, parallel, category, fee- paying, curriculum - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Game: Hang man SCHOOL SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM - ask Ss to close books - give instructions - divide class into groups - ask Ss to guess the word - choose the winner  Lead-in: (69) In our reading lesson today, we’ll focus on the school education system in England compared with the school education system in Vietnam New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (10’) Whole class Activity 1: Describing picture - Open the book - Ask Ss some questions about the - Listen to the teacher - Answer the questions picture: + Who are they? + What are they doing? + Do you think they are English students? Individual work Activity 2: Facts about school - Ask students to read the facts below - Listen to the teacher and open the and decide whether the statements about book – Unit 1, part A: reading schools in Vietnam are true (T) or false - Look at the book, listen to the teacher and (F) Then compare their results with work in pairs to decide whether the statements about schools in Vietnam are their partners’ true (T) or false (F) Then compare their Facts about schools Children start Grade when they are results with their partners’ Expected answer: years old Schooling is compulsory from the age of to 16 T F T F T The school year generally begins in September and ends in late May The students not have any examinations when they finish secondary school A school year consists of two terms Activity 3:Pre-teaching vocabulary Whole class Vocabulary: - academic year (n): năm học - ask Ss to repeat the list of new words - parallel (adj): song song in chorus - category (n): loại, nhóm - call some Ss to read individually - fee- paying (adj): đóng tiền # free - note down the words (adj): miễn phí - curriculum (n): chương trinh học  curricula - core subject (n): môn học chính - be made up of (v) = consist of (v): bao gồm *Checking vocabulary: ROR Individual work - Put each of the words which have been - Repeat the words including the (70) taught in each circle on the board - Rub out one of the words but not rub out the circles - Get Ss to repeat the words including the rubbed-out ones by pointing at the empty circles - Continue until all the circles are empty Ss now have to remember all the words - Get Ss to come to the board and fill the circles with the correct words B While-reading(20’) Activity 1: Finding words or phrases - Ask Ss work in pairs to find words or phrases in the reading passage which have the same meanings as the given sentences - Move around the class and help students if necessary - Ask Ss give the answers - Comment on Ss’ answers and give feedback Activity 2: Answering questions - Ask students to work in groups of four and answer the following questions - Ask students look through the passages then try to answer the questions in right way - Help students if necessary (the answers in the passage) - Walk round the classroom and correct mistakes rubbed-out ones - Come to the board and fill the circles with the correct words Pair work - Keep the book open - Listen to the teacher then task - Ask the teacher if necessary - give the answers in front of the class - Write down the answers in the notebook Expected answer: state schools primary education secondary education compulsory The General Certificate of Secondary Education curriculum (n) Group work - Listen to the teacher - Work in groups of four and try to answer the questions - Practice with a partner, then write them down in the notebooks - Ask the teacher if necessary - Listen to the teacher and make a brief note about school education system in England Expected answer: From the age of terms The state school and the “ independent” or “public” school systems (71) Yes There are core subjects ( English, Maths, Science) When the students finish the secondary school, they can take an examination called the General Certificate of Secondary Education C Post-reading (8’) Make a dialogue - Tell the others one of the most difficult school subjects you are studying and what you would like your friends and your teacher to to help you learn that subject more effectively * Mapped dialogue A May/ ask/ questions/? You /have/ difficulty/ your studying? Which school subjects/ you / think/ the most difficult? What/ you/ / improve /it ? I/ hope / your Maths / English…/be better/ some days B Yes Pair work - Tell the others one of the most difficult school subjects you are studying and what you would like your friends and your teacher to to help you learn that subject more effectively - Make a conversation based on the mapped dialogue - Some pairs act out the dialogue in front of the class Yes Maths/ English … ) ask/ teachers (friends) / help Thanks IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare next period, unit – Speaking V COMMENTS: Period: 23rd Date of preparation: October 12th, 2011 UNIT 3: SCHOOL EDUCATION -SYSTEM Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - get some knowledge of the education system in Vietnam - talk about the similarities and the differences between the education systems in Vietnam and in England Knowledge: (72) - Vocabulary: nursery school, kindergarten, primary school, lower secondery school, upper secondery school - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk, pictures, projector, computor Students: textbooks, workbooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) * Game: Ordering - Write on the board names of school education system in Vietnam: + upper secondary school, nursery school, primary school, kindergarten, lower secondary school - Then, ask Ss to put them in order * Key: nursery, kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school  Lead-in: - Today, you will practice talking about school education system in Vietnam New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to speak (10’) Activity 1: Pre-teaching vocabulary Whole class - Give Ss the list of the words - Listen to the T and repeat - Ask them to repeat the words in chorus - Note down the words - Call some Ss to read the words individually + nursery (n): nhà trẻ + kindergarten (n): mẫu giáo + primary school (n): tiểu học + secondary school (n): cấp 2, + lower secondary school (n): cấp + upper secondary school (n): cấp + optional (adj): tùy chọn + National examination for GCSE (n): ki thi tốt nghiệp *Checking vocabulary: ROR - Rub out these words gradually - Check if Ss remember the words Individual work - Pay attention to the words - Read the words and try to remember them after they have been rubbed out (73) Activity 2: Useful expression - Give some useful expressions + When children in Vietnam go to ? + How old are children when they first go to ….? + How long is the primary school? / How many years children attend primary school? + Which level children move to after they finish …….? + Do all children have to go to nursery? - Give Ss some connectors and linking words + Connectors: First,… Second, … Third,… + Linking words: However,… But,… On the other hand,… B Practice (18’) Activity: Questions & Answers - Give a mapped dialogue to Ss - Model the dialogue with a student - Call on a pair of Ss to model the dialogue * Mapped dialogue A B - When the children - When they in Vietnam go to …? are…years - How long does the… old education last? - … years - Ask Ss to work in pairs to study the table in textbook, then ask and answer the questions about the school education system in Vietnam - Move around the class to help Ss if they need - Call on some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class - Listen to students and correct mistakes if from the board gradually Whole class - Listen to the T’s instruction - Note down the useful expressions, connectors and linking words Pair work - Work in pairs - Practise asking and answering the questions about the school education system in Vietnam using the information in the table - Act out the dialogue in front of the class Model dialogue A: Hi! Are you a student of this school? B: Yes! You’re new here, right? Where are you from? A: I’m from America And I’m interested in the Vietnamese education system Girls look so nice in their “ao dai” B: Thank you We like it, too A: Can you give me some information about the education system in Vietnam? (74) necessary C Production (10’) Activity: Writing the similarities and differences - Let Ss work in six groups - Give each group a poster and a board marker - Assign three groups to write the similarities between the school system in Vietnam and in England, and the other three groups to write about differences - Walk round and help Ss if they need - Have Ss stick the posters on the board - Call on some groups to report their results to the class - Give feedback and comment B: It’s OK Go ahead A: When the children in Vietnam go to primary school? B: When they are years old A: How long does the primary education last? B: years A: Thank you for spending time with me B: You’re welcome Group work - Work in groups to write about the similarities and differences between the school system in Vietnam and in England - Stick the posters on the board - The representatives from some groups go to the board to report their results to the class Suggested answers Differences There are some differences between the school systems in Vietnam and England Children in Vietnam start primary school at the age of and finish this level at the age of 10 while those in England study at primary school from the age of to 10 Children in Vietnam start secondary education at the age of 11 and finish this level at the age of 17, but those in England study at secondary education from the age of 11 to 16 Schooling is compulsory for Vietnamese children until the age of 14 However, in England, compulsory education ends when children are 16 Similarities Vietnam and England school systems have some similarities First, students in both countries have to follow the national curriculum set by the government Second, the school (75) system is divided into levels of education like pre-school, primary education and secondary education Third, after finishing secondary schools, they all have to take the national examination known as GCSE IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn by heart the new words - Prepare next period, unit – Listening V COMMENTS: Pictures: (76) Period: 24th Date of preparation: October 18th , 2011 UNIT 4: SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Listen for the understanding of the passage - Know more about school education system in Vietnam Knowledge: - Vocabulary: tearaway, disruptive, methodical, well-behaved, struggle - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk, CD player, CD, handouts Students: textbooks, workbooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Game: Scrambled words - Deliver handouts with the following: a t h i s o y r b n f h c e r (77) c p i s s h y c d s m c i u - Tell Ss that here are some of the school subjects that English secondary school pupils usually have at school - Ask Ss to work in groups of four to work out what they are - The first group to have the most correct answers is the winner Expected answers: a history b French c physics d music Lead-in: - What school subjects are you good at? - What subjects you like to study most in your class? In today’s listening section, you will listen to the conversation between Jenny and Gavin talking about what they at school New lesson: Teacher’s activities A Pre-listening (10’) Pre-teaching vocabulary - tearaway (n): người bốc đồng - disruptive (a): gây rối E.g: A few disruptive students can easily ruin a class - methodical (a): có phương pháp - well-behaved (a): cư xử tốt - struggle (n): cuộc đấu tranh Checking: What and where - Put each of the words which have been taught in each circle on the board - Rub out one of the words but not rub out the circles - Get Ss to repeat the words including the rubbed-out ones by pointing at the empty circles - Continue until all the circles are empty Ss now have to remember all the words - Get Ss to come to the board and fill Students’ activities Whole class - Guess the meaning and parts of speech of the the words - Listen to the teacher, then repeat the words Individual work - Repeat the words including the rubbed-out ones - Come to the board and fill the circles with the correct words (78) the circles with the correct words B While-listening (20’) Activity 1: Listen & tick - Put Ss into pairs - Play the Cd player twice for Ss to listen - Ask them to listen and put a tick to the question to which the answer is “Yes” - Go over the answers with the class - Play the Cd one more time for Ss to check the answers Activity 2: Listen & answer the questions - Let Ss listen to the passage again if needed and ask them to answer the questions - Ask Ss to compare the answers in pairs - Call on Ss to write the answers on the boards - Check the answers with the whole class C Post-listening (8’) Chatting - Tell Ss to work in pairs to talk about their school Pair work - Listen and put a tick to the question to which the answer is “Yes” - Give answers in front of the class Expected answers: Questions Jenny    Gavin    Pair work - Listen to the passage again if needed and answer the questions - Write the answers on the boards Expected answers: When he enjoyed the subjects He found it very difficult Because they were difficult for him to it in a short time Because he went away to boarding school when he was quite young and he didn’t like that So schools weren’t the best days of the life Pair work - Work in pairs to talk about their school Using the following questions: + How you feel about your school? + What things you like and What things don’t you like? IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare next period, unit – Writing V COMMENTS: (79) Period: 25th Date of preparation: October 19th , 2011 UNIT 4: SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM Lesson: Writing I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Describe school education system in Vietnam - Write a passage about the formal school education system in Vietnam Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (8’) - Ask students some questions about school education systems in Vietnam How many levels of educations are there in your school system? How long does it take to complete each level? How many classes are there in each level? When children start Grade I? Expected answers Primary: years Lower secondary- years Upper secondary - years - Lead Ss to the new lesson: “Today, you will write a paragraph on the formal school education system in Vietnam” New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to write (10’) Individual work (80) - Teacher introduces the task In about 150 words, write a paragraph on the formal school education system in Vietnam, using the information given in Speaking Tasks on page 47 - Guide Ss to write Topic Sentence Supporting Details Closing Sentence - Walk round the class to give Ss assistance - Listen to teacher’s instruction - Give some cues to write the paragraph Cues: Topic Sentence The formal school system in Vietnam consists of two levels of education, primary and secondary education Supporting Details Closing Sentence B Practice writing (15’) - Ask Ss to write the paragraph about the formal school education system in Vietnam - Call on some Ss to read out their writing in front of the class Individual work - Use main ideas in the outline to write a paragraph on the formal school education system in Vietnam Suggested answer The formal school system in Vietnam consists of two levels of education, primary and secondary education The children start Grade/ Year at the age of and they normally complete the primary education at the age of 10 They move to lower secondary school to study in Grade when they are eleven years old They will finish nine-year compulsory education when they complete Grade at the age of 14 The children may go to upper secondary schools if they pass all the subjects tested at the end of Grade They will stay there until they complete Grade 12 at the age of 17 If they want to sit for the entrance exam to universities or colleges they have to take the national examination for GCSE which takes place at the end of Mayor beginning of June The academic year in Vietnam runs from September to May and is divided into two terms The first term ends in January with a week holiday (81) and the second term finishes in May before a long summer holiday comes C Production (10’) Peer corection - Ask Ss to exchange their writings for - Exchange their writings for peer peer correction correction - Correct mistakes - Copy down the correction IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Rewrite the paragraph based on teacher’s correction - Prepare next lesson, unit 4-Language focus V COMMENTS: Period: 26th Date of preparation: October 22nd , 2011 UNIT 4: SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM (82) Lesson: Language Focus I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Get some rules of the stress in three syllable words - Use the passive voice Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: The passive voice - Pronunciation: Rules of the stress in three syllable words Skill: Pronouncing, Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (8’) - Write some three-syllable words on the board, and then pronounce those words aloud - Pay attention to its stress - Ask Ss to read after algebra carefully politics physical computing compulsory September -How we pronounce these words? - Read again these words and lead to the lesson Lead-in: - Today, we learn how to pronounce three-syllable words New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pronunciation Whole class a Rules of word stress in three- - Listen and repeat from 2-3 times syllable words (5’) - Some of them stand and read words Give Ss some rules of word stress in aloud three-syllable words Group work - Help students how to pronounce those - Practise reading in groups words correctly by reading first as - Some groups compare with their results model and read the words in sentences aloud b Practice(5’) - Read the words first: clearly, correctly - Listen and correct their pronunciation (83) if it’s needed - Let students read the sentences and work in groups - Listen and remark each group B Grammar a) Presentation (5’) Passive voice S + to be + past participle - Give some examples E.g: The poor should be concerned more by the goverment - Ask Ss to make sentences with the structures b Practice * Exercise 1: (5’) Gap-filling - Introduce the task: Fill each blank with the simple present passive form of the verb in brackets - Guide Ss to - Ask Ss to fill each blank with the simple present passive form of the verb in brackets - Correct mistakes * Exercise 2: (5’) Rewriting the sentences - Introduce the task: Rewrite the following sentences using the passive voice - Guide Ss to - Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences using the passive voice - Correct mistakes Whole class - The answers may be various - Listen and give more sentences - Read the sentences in front of the class Individual work - Understand the task - Fill each blank with the simple present passive form of the verb in brackets Answers: is separated is set - must be followed is made up is paid are selected Individual work - Understand the task - Rewrite the following sentences using the passive voice Answers: this school was built in 1997 This dictionary was published in 1870 A surprise party is going to be organized by the students in my class tomorrow morning The kitchen is being painted now “Romeo and Juliet” was written by Shakespeare in 1605 Shakespeare’s tragedies have been translated into many languages A new primary school has just been built in my village (84) Exercise (5’) Gap-filling - Introduce the task: Fill in the spaces of the following passage with the correct tense in passive voice of the verbs in brackets - Guide Ss to - Ask Ss to fill in the spaces of the following passage with the correct tense in passive voice of the verbs in brackets - Correct mistakes C Production (5’) Activity 1: Brainstorming - Have Ss work in groups of four - Ask Ss to give words which have syllables - Call on some Ss to give the answers English will be spoken at the conference The floor hasn't been cleaned (by Jane) yet 10 The house will be repainted soon Individual work - Understand the task - Give the correct form of the verb in each sentences using the passive voice Answers: Was built were sold has been made can be bought are used can be used is stored are done must be told 10.can be done Group work - Work in groups of four - Give words which have syllables - Give the answers in front of the class IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (2’) - Do exercise ‘part E-language focus’ in work book - Prepare next lesson, 45-minute correction V COMMENTS: Period: 27th Date of preparation: October 25th , 2011 45-MINUTE TEST No.1 CORRECTION (85) I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to evaluate what they have gained in unit 1, 2, Knowledge: - Vocabulary: non-verbal, join hands, make decision,… - Grammar/ Structures: Tenses, reported speech - (Pronunciation): Skills: Speaking, reading, writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, 45-minute tests No III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: A Marking I CHOOSE THE WORD WHICH HAS THE UNDERLINED PART PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THE OTHERS.(1m) A kissed B stopped C phoned D looked A rained B needed C stayed D arrived A bats B stops C laughs D speeds A bats B kids C speaks D kits II CHOOSE THE WORD WHICH HAS THE STRESS DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHERS.(0.5m) A supposeB student C decide D arrive A famous B social C attract D friendly III CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWERS.(2.5ms) My father takes responsibilities running the house A for B down C on D in I always talk to my mother before I an important decision A take B shake C make D lake Who looks _ the baby when you go to work? A up B down C after D before She always helps her parents with _ chores A school B home C street D household There are more children in Andrea’s family _ in Paul’s A then B them C than D thank Our parents join hands to give us a happy home A work together B say goodbye C talk together D eat together Christmas is the important holiday in America A best B better C most D less A happy marriage should be on love A base B based C basing D basic Young Asians are not as _ as their American counterparts (86) A romance B romantic C romanticly D beauty 10 Waving hands is a form of communication A verbal B non-verbal C verb D verbs IV PUT THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERBS IN BRACKETS.(2ms) I’m sorry I have not written to you for so long She moved to London two years ago What were you doing at p.m yesterday? He often gets up early every morning V REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES.(3ms) Mary said: “I will see you tomorrow” Mary said that she would see me the next day Peter said: “I came back from London four months ago” Peter said that he had come back from London four months before They said: “We are watching TV now” They said that they were watching TV then David said: “I am not going out tonight” David said that he was not going out that night He said: “I was having dinner at 6:00 p.m yesterday” He said that he had been having dinner at 6:00 p.m the day before She says: “I left here in October” She says that she left there in October VI CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWERS.(1m) It is difficult ……… (1) rules that tell exactly when we should apologize, but it is not difficult to learn how If we have ………… (2) something to hurt someone’s feeling, or if we have been impolite or rude, we should apologize An ……………(3) indicates that we realize we have made a mistake, and we are sorry for it It is a way of expressing our regret for something When we apologize, we admit our wrongdoings, usually offer a reason ……… (4) it, and express regret A write B to write C writing D wrote A B did C done D does A sorrow B sorry C apologize D apology A for B in C on D at - THE END B The result & experience - The result: Class 0-<3 3-<5 - < 6.5 6.5 - < 8 - < 10 12B3 12B4 - The experiece: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… (87) ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: - Revise the results of the tests - Prepare for next lesson, unit 5-Reading V COMMENTS: Period 28th Date of preparation: October 26th, 2011 UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: o Develop reading skills: skimming and scanning o Get some new words about university life o Talk about plan for future (choose what university to apply when finishing secondary education) Knowledge: - Vocabulary: campus, blame, scary, challenge, amazing - Grammar/ Structures: (88) - (Pronunciation): Skill: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) QUIZ - What university is it? This is a very famous in the USA It begins with letter H This is the most well-known university in France In England there are most famous universities They begin with letters O and C - Answer key: Harvard Sorbonne Oxford and Cambridge + Lead-in: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (10’) Vocabulary: - Answer the eliciting questions - campus (n) (explanation) the buildings of a university or college and the land around them - Give Vietnamese equivalents - room-mate (n) (example) Ex: When I studied in Hue, I shared my room with a room-mate from Nghe An - daunting (adj) (expalnation) frightening in a way which makes a - Take notes person feel less confident - challenging (adj) (translation) - graduate (v) from : to complete a course in education (high school)/ to get a degree (from university/ college) Ex: Martha graduated from high school years ago She graduated from Harvard this year Checking vocabulary: ROR B While-reading (20’) Gap-fill: (Task 1) - Study the task carefully - Ask Ss to work in pairs, read the - Choose the right word to fill in the sentences and fill in the gaps with the blanks (89) right forms of the words in the box - Exchange their answers for peer - Call Ss to give the answers and correction explanations (parts of speech/ - Tell the class the answers meaning?) * Key: campus blamed scariest challenges amazing Find out who (Task 2) - Look at the task, read the text again - Ask Ss to work individually, read the to give the answers text and find out the appropriate person * Key: for each case Sarah : a / e - Call Ss to give the answers Ellen : b / c - Give feedback Brender : d / f C Post-reading (9’) Role-play - Pair work - Ask Ss to work in pairs, one plays the role interviewer, one plays the role: Sarah, Ellen or Brenden - Ask them to role play to ask and answer about university life - Play the role > ask and answer - Call some pairs to present their talk in front of the class - Give feedback IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart all the vocabulary - Prepare for the next lesson- unit 5-reading V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (90) Period 29th Date of preparation: October 29th , 2011 UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: o Develop reading skills: skimming and scanning o Get some new words about university life o Talk about plan for future (choose what university to apply when finishing secondary education) Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask Ss some questions: What are you going to after you finish high school? Which university would you like to attend? Where will you live if you study at a university far from your house? - Get feedback (91) - Lead Ss to the new lesson: higher education New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (10’) - Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and - Work in pairs, ask and answer the answer the following questions: questions How you say in English the names Hue University of these universities? Hanoi University of Architecture What university would you like to Hanoi University of Natural Science apply for and why? I would like to apply for Hanoi - Get feedback University of Natural Science - Give Ss suggested answers B While-reading (20’) - Ask students to look through the - Read the text in silence passage and read in silence - Find out new words - Help students read the passage - Understand the aim of the text - Explain pronunciation and meaning of Do the tasks that follow new words which appear in the passage Answering the questions: (Task 3) - Understand the task - Ask Ss to work in pairs, read the - Read the text again, answer the questions and underline the key words questions on the text - Ask them to read the text and find the *Key: information for each question She went out with her new friends, - Call Ss to give the answers walking around campus - Give feedback Because the people at the party were busy playing some game, and no one seemed to noticed her Her roommate blamed her for typing and having a light on while she was trying to sleep Brender thought his first year at the college was probably the best and most challenging year of his life The social calendars at the colleges provide him plenty of opportunities to meet non – engineering students as well as other engineers, many of whom have become his best friends C Post-reading (9’) Discussion - Work in groups of four - Ask Ss to discuss the questions: - Discuss the questions + How sts often feel when they leave - Give the answers in front of the class home for their first year study at a (92) university? +What problem will you have when you start your new life at a university How will you solve it? IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Revise the answers for the questions -Prepare next lesson- unit 5- SPEAKING V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period 30th Date of preparation: October 31st, 2011 UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - talk about the application process to tertiary institution in Vietnam - get some new words relating application process Knowledge: - Vocabulary: application form, entrance examination, to fill in, identity card - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) MIMING: What's my job? - Call on a S to go to the board and ask him/ her to choose a job that he/ she wants to in the future and mime a typical activity which it involves - Ask the whole class to look at their friend’s activity then ask him /her yes/ no question to guess his/ her job Possible questions: - Are you mending something? - Are you typing? - Do you work outside? - The S asks the others : - What is my job? - The others watch his/ her activities and make yes/no questions to guess the job - The S answers the questions using only yes or no The game is over if an S guess the job New lesson: (93) Teacher’s activities A Preparing to speak (10’) Vocabulary: - tertiary education (adj) = at university or college level - entrance university (n) (explanation) - application form (n) (realia) - fill in (v) (example) Task 1: Ticking - Ask Ss to work in groups of 4, read the task and tick those which are obligatory for someone to be admitted to a university in Vietnam - Call on some Ss to give answers and explanation (Vietnamese equivalents for each item) - Give feedback B While-speaking (20’) Task 2: Ask and answer - Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer the questions about the application process to tertiary study in Vietnam using the cues in page 55 - Go around to control and give help if necessary - Call Ss to present their talk in front of the class - Give feed back Task 3: - Ask Ss to work in group of four, discuss with their friends the process of applying to a tertiary institution in Vietnam - Go around to control and give help when necessary - Call the preventative of each group to present their ideas (POST-SPEAKING) - Give feedback C Production (9’) REPORT - Call the representative to present their talk in front of the class Students’ activities - Answer the eliciting questions - Give Vietnamese equivalents - Take notes - Group work - Expected answers: an application form an identify card a copy of the originals of school certificate a birth certificate a copy of records of your performance ay school scores of the required examination - Pair work - Group work - Discuss the process of applying to a tertiary institution in Vietnam - Act out the answer in front of the class (94) - Ask other Ss to give comments - Give feedback IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) o Prepare the next lesson: Unit - Listening V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period 31st Date of preparation: November 2nd, 2011 UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - get detailed information on some problems students may have when studying in a foreign country - express their opinions on where they prefer to an undergraduate course (abroad or in their own country), and explain their choice Knowledge: - Vocabulary: : international, available, majority, proportion - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, Cd player, Cd, chalk Students: textbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Interview - Ask students to work in pairs and give them instructions: Imagine that in each pair, one of you is a Vietnamese student studying in a foreign country; the other ask her/him problems facing students when studying in a foreign country - Call some pairs to report their interviews - Give remarks and leads to listening task Possible questions: S1: What problem you have to face when studying in America? S2: There are many problems such as: food, accommodation, living cost… New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-listening (10’) Vocabulary -Listen to T and guess the meanings of (95) proportion (n) (synonym) ratio these words available (adj) – (of things): that you - Practice reading the words in chorus can get buy or find – (of a person): free and individually to see or talk to people agriculture (n) (translation) > agricultural (adj) majority (n) (antonym) minority thoroughly (adv) (synonym) completely - Read these words aloud and ask students to read them in chorus and individually - pay attention to pronunciation and stress B While-listening (20’) Task1: Choose the best answer (3 questions) - Ask students to read carefully all the statements silently in minute - Explain some words if necessary - Ask students to predict the answer first - Play the record and ask students to listen for main ideas of the text - Play the record again and ask them to the task - Ask students to compare their answers with their friends -Call some students to give their answers - Listen to and correct or comment Task 2: Answer the questions What does David advise the international students to at the end of the course? What does David advise the international students to to deal with the long reading lists - Ask students to answer the question if - Read all the statements carefully in minute - Listen to the record for the main ideas of the text - Listen again and tick true or false in their books - Check their answers with their friends - Some students give their answers; others listen and give comments Expected answers: C A C - Read the questions - Listen to the record again and choose the best option - Work in pairs and exchange their answers - Some students read aloud their answers ; others listen and give comments Expected answers: He advises them to find out when (96) possible - Play the record once again and ask students to the task - Ask students to work in pairs to exchange their answers - Ask some students to read aloud their answers - Listen and give remarks T can play the record again if students cannot give correct answers C Post-listening (9’) Ask and answer the question: “Would you prefer to an undergraduate course aboard or in your country” - Ask students to read the request aloud - Ask them to work in pairs again ,asking and answering the questions of the task - Go around and help students if necessary - Call some pairs to perform their dialogues - Listen and give remarks or good marks if students well the tutor is available for tutorial appointments He advises them to read the most important items on the reading list - Work in group again and practice asking and answering the questions of the task - Some pairs stand up talking in front of the class; others listen and give comments Possible dialogue: S1: Would you like to an undergraduate course in Vietnam or abroad? S2: I’d like to an undergraduate course in Vietnam S1: Why so? S2: Because my English is not good enough and I cannot afford tuition fees and accommodation for studying overseas IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) o Ask Ss to learn by heart the vocabulary o Prepare the next lesson: Unit - Writing V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (97) Period 32nd Date of preparation: November 5th , 2011 UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION Lesson: Writing I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: o Write a letter of request o Correct mistakes in a piece of writing Knowledge: - Vocabulary: accommodation, tuition fee - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Hangman - Divide the class into groups, have Ss guess the word phrase corresponding to 13 cells 10 11 12 13 - Tell the Ss from each team to take turns to guess the letter of the phrase 10 - If the letter appears in the word The teacher will writes it in the cell - Each time they get wrong letter, a part of the body is drawn If the picture is complete, the Ss will lose the game - Answer key: 10 11 12 13 R E Q U E S T L E T T E R New lesson: Teacher’s activities A Preparing to write (10’) Students’ activities (98) Questions: - Set the situation: "Suppose you want to apply for undergraduate program in a university in England, what information you want to know?" - Ask Ss to give their own ideas - Call some Ss to give the answer + Lead-in: "How can you get this information?" > Write a letter of request - In our today's lesson, you will get to know how to write a letter of request to ask for some information Reordering: - Ask Ss to work in pairs, read the following and rearrange the sentences to make an appropriate letter of requests A I am looking forward to hearing from you soon B Dear Sir/ Madam, C Could you please send me some information about the admission requirements, tuition fees, accommodation, and details of the course? D I've read a lot about tertiary study in England and very impressed by the reputation of many famous universities there Now I am in the last year of the high school and will finish secondary education in months E Yours faithfully, F I am ready to supply any information about myself if necessary G Hoang Thanh Mai H I am very interested in an undergraduate course on economics in Birmingham University B While-writing (20’) Outline: (Formal letter of request) - Ask Ss to read the above letter and give the outline of a letter of request o Introduction: - Answer the questions - Give some ideas - Pair work - Read the task and the rearrange the sentences to make a suitable paragraph - Answer key: B D H C F A E G - Read the letter and give the outline (99) -Reasons for writing - Your interest in tertiary study in England (name of the program, the university, ) o Request: -Information (ask them to provide): tuition fee, exams, accommodation, o Further information: (happy to supply) - English proficiency - Record of performance at school, o Conclusion: (polite ending) o Signature Useful expressions: (request) - Would you be kind enough to let me know .? - I wonder whether you could give me some information about - I should be very grateful if you could let me have the following information - Would you be willing to supply .? - Could you please ? Write it yourself: - Ask Ss to work individually, write a letter of request to ask for admission requirements and some information about the course - Go around to control and give help if necessary - Jot down Ss' mistakes for later correction C Production (9’) Peer correction - Ask Ss to work in pairs, exchange their letter with a partner to correct mistakes if any - Go around to control and give help - Call Ss to write their letter on the board - Check with the whole class - Take note - Teacher - Students - Give some expressions - Take note - Individual work - Write a letter of request Pair work - Correct mistakes (100) IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Rewrite the paragraph in the notebook - Prepare for the next lesson: unit 5-Language focus V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period 33rd Date of preparation: November 10th, 2011 UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION Lesson: Language focus I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - get some rules of the stress in more than three syllable words - use conditional sentences Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: conditional sentences - Pronunciation: the stress in more than three syllable words Skills: speaking, writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, projector, computer, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) (101) Game: Arrangement - Hang on a poster with the following words: economics psychology philosophy engineering sociology mathematics geographical archeology - Ask Ss to pronounce the words and put the them in the right column in the table below, basing on their stress pattern oOoo ooOo ooOoo - Call Ss to give the answer - Check with the whole class Suggested answer: oOoo ooOo ooOoo psychology, philosophy economics, mathematics, engineering sociology, geographical , archeology + Lead-in: Ask Ss: "What's the same thing in these words?" > "In our lesson today you'll get some rules about stress pattern in more than 3syllable words." "They are all more than 3-syllable words" New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pronunciation (10’) Repetition: Whole class - Ask Ss to look at the words (textbook, - Read the words in chorus after the page 58), listen to the teacher and repeat teacher - Call Ss to read aloud the words again - Read the words individually - Correct Ss' mistakes if any, give feedback Rules: - Ask Ss to look at the words in the examples, and give some comment about stress pattern of them - Write down the rules of the stress Ex1: pattern of more than 3-syllable words graduate  undergraduate + We can build longer words by adding a prefix or a sufix to the require  requirement beginning or the end of the shorter engineer  engineering * Here is a list of beginnings and endings words Usually, this does not change (102) which not change the stress of the shorter word - able, -ably, - al, - ful, - in/-im,, - ish, , - ish, -less, - ly,- un- ness, - ise, - ment, ing, - hood, - er, - under Ex 2: Examine  examination enthusiast  enthusiastic Practice: - Read aloud the sentences (textbook, page 59) as a model, ask Ss to listen - Ask Ss to work in pairs, practise reading aloud the sentences - Call on some Ss to read aloud the sentences in front of the class - Give feedback B Grammar (20’) Warm up: - Diliver the handouts to the Ss Handout: Match the clauses in A with those in B to make up the correct sentences A B If you are lazy, if you came earlier They would wait I would have for you told you If I had known the You won’t pass answer, the exam - Ask Ss to work in pairs to match the clauses in column A with those in column B Presentation: - Give some examples and ask Ss to comment and give the forms and the usages of the conditional sentences  Type 1: Example: - If it rains, we will get wet - He will get there in time if he runs the stress: it stays the same syllable as the original words + When we add the endings: -ion, -ian, -ic, -ics, -ical, -ity, -logy, -nomy, -metry, -graphy, the stress always move to the syllable before these endings Pair work - Listen to the teacher - Work in pairs and practise reading the sentences Pair work - Work in pairs to match the clauses in column A with those in column B - Give the answers in front of the class + Suggested answers: If you are lazy, you won’t pass the exam They would wait for you if you came earlier If I had known the answers, I would have told you Type 1: Form: If clause Main clause Present simple Future simple If - S + Vs/es+ S + can/will + O V1+O Usage: This type of sentence implies that the action in the if-clause is quite probable Type 2: Form: (103) Type 2: Example: - If I had a car, I would lend it to you - I would tell it to you if I knew the answer Note: - In if-clause, Be  were with all pronouns If clause Past simple Main clause Present subjunctive S + would + V1 + O If-S + V2/ED + O Usage: -Type refers to the present and past tense in the if-clause is not a true past but a subjunctive, which indicates unreality or improbability Type 3: a Form: If clause Main clause Past perfect Past subjunctive could If- S + had + would V 3/ED + O S+ should +have + V3/ED + O b Usage: - It states that the action in the ifclause was unreal and didn’t happen in the past time Type 3: Example: - If I had had time, I could have seen the film - We would have got lost if we hadn’t bought a map Note : - If-clause can stand in front of / behind the main clause - Unless = If … not In a condition with should or were, we can invert the subject and verb and leave ou if Ex: - If you were ill, you could not go to school  Were you ill, you could not go to school - If I should be elected, I would my best to represent your interest  Should I be elected, I would my best to represent your interest In a condition type 3, we can invert the subject and had and leave ou if Ex: - If I hadn’t carried out the order, I would have lost my job Had I not carried out the order, I would Suggested answers have lost my job You will not be allowed to take (104) Practice the entrance exam to a university Exercise 1: Work in pairs and complete If you are 10 minutes late the sentences using conditional You will not be allowed to take sentence type the exam - Ask Ss to work in pairs You won’t be allowed to submit -Introduce the task: Complete the your application form sentences using conditional sentence type You won’t be able to get into the I exam room - Ask Ss to complete the sentences using Suggested answers conditional sentence type I G1 - If Sarah liked school, she - Correct mistakes would study hard G2 - I would/could the test if it Exercise 2: Express the situations using was/were not too difficult conditional sentence type G3 - Peter would read a lot if he - Ask students to work in pairs, rewrite found the time the sentences G4 - If I spoke Korean, I could - Call Ss to give the answers translate this - Give feedback G5 - If they won’t be afraid of flying, they would travel far a lot Suggested answers have called 2.had installed would have made 4.would have Exercise given - Ask students to this exercise would have given 6.had had individually - Call students to write sentences on the board - Correct C Production (9’) Game: Who is your partner? (Reviewing types of conditional sentences) - Group 1: main clauses - Group 2: If clauses - Guide students to play game - Match two clauses and reads - Comment Ss’ amswers - Work in groups and think of the main clauses or if clauses - Write the clauses on the board - Match the clauses together and give comment IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) o Prepare for the next lesson: unit 6- reading V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… (105) ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period 34th Date of preparation: November 12th , 2011 UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: o Develop reading skills: scanning and skimming o Guess meaning from context o Get some tactics for an interview o Talk about advices on the interview Knowledge: - Vocabulary: vacancy, re’sume’, keenness, jot down - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Guessing game - Divide the class into groups One representative from each groups comes to the board - Give each representative a piece of paper with a job on it - Ask other students from each group make Yes/ No questions to find out what the job is The representative just answers Yes or No + Lead-in: - What job would you like to in the future? - Why you choose that job > "You know if you want to get a job, you may have an interview What you think the most important factor that would help you succeed in a job interview?" New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (10’)  Vocabulary: - Answer the eliciting questions - interview (n) (v) (example) (106) Ex: He has an interview next week for the manager's job > interviewer (n) > interviewee (n) (explanation) - candidate (n) (synonym) applicant - qualification (n) (translation): lực, trình độ - keenness (n) (explanation) - create / make an impression on (v): - vacancy (n) - resume (n) - certificate (n) - jot down (v) - concentrate (v) (on sb/ sth) (example) Ex: You should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying * Checking : R & R B While-reading (20’) - Ask students to look through the passage and read in silence - Help students read the passage - Explain pronunciation and meaning of new words which appear in the passage Multiple choice: (Task 1/ Textbook) - Ask Ss to work in pairs, read the passage then find and underline the words in italic in task in the passage - Ask them to guess the meaning of these words in context - Call Ss to give the answers and explanations - Give feedback - Give Vietnamese equivalents and take notes - Do as T’s requirements - Read the text in silence Find out new words Understand the aim of the text Do the tasks that follow Task1: - Work in pairs - Study the task carefully - Choose the right option to finish the task - Exchange their answers for peer correction - Tell the class the answers B C A B C Post-reading (9’) Discussion - Work in groups of four to discuss the - Ask Ss to answer the following questions questions: - Give the answers in front of the class What you prepare for a job interview? What should we and shouldn’t before, during and (107) after an interview? IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) o Do the exercises in the workbook (unit 6-Reading) o Prepare for the next lesson: unit 6-reading V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period 35th Date of preparation: November 15th , 2011 UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS Lesson: Reading (108) I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: o Develop reading skills: scanning and skimming o Guess meaning from context o Get some tactics for an interview o Talk about advices on the interview Knowledge: - Vocabulary: reduce, information, recommendation - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask Ss some questions: Tell the class some jobs you know? Which job would you like to be in the future? Why? - Get feedback - Lead Ss to the new lesson: future jobs New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (10’) - Ask students to look through the - Read the text in silence passage and read in silence - Find out new words - Help students read the passage - Understand the aim of the text - Explain pronunciation and meaning of - Do the tasks that follow new words which appear in the passage B While-reading (20’) True/ False statements - Work individiually (Task 2/ Textbook) - Give the answers in front of the class - Ask Ss to work individually, read the - Answer key: statements and underline the key words F T in each statements T F - Tell Ss to read the text and find the F F information for each statements T T - Ask Ss to compare the answers with a partner - Call Ss to give the answers and explanations - Give feedback (109) C Production (9’) - Ask Ss to work in groups of 4, to - Work in groups of four discuss the following questions: - Discuss the questions + Which advice in the passage you - Give the answers in front of the class find the most useful and least useful? + Why? - Guide Ss to answer - Go round the class to help Ss if necessary - Call on some Ss to give their answers - Correct mistakes IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) o Prepare for the next lesson: unit 6-Speaking V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period 36th Date of preparation: November 16th , 2011 UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: o Develop speaking skill: talk about job descriptions, and the job they work like to do, the reasons why they choose the job o Get some new words relating jobs o Express their own opinion about their favorite job Knowledge: (110) - Vocabulary: tourist guide, irrigation system, hotel receptionist, farming technique - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) WHO AM I? - Divide the class into groups Call a representative from each group to the board - Give him a piece of paper with a name of a job on it - Ask the representative explain so that their group mates can guess what the word is + Lead-in: - What job would you like to in the future? - Why you choose that job? New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to speak (10’) Matching: (Task 1/ textbook) - Pair work - Put Ss into pairs Ask them to read - Match a job in A with the descriptions task and then match a job in A with at in B least two description in B - Call some students to give the answers and explanations - Give feedback New words: - tourist guide (n) (explanation) - irrigation system (n) (picture + explanation) - hotel receptionist (n) (explanation) - farming technique (n) (translation) B While-speaking (20’) Task 2: - Put students into pairs - Ask them to tell their partner with job in column A they would/ would not like to - Ask them to explain the reasons why - Answer the eliciting questions - Take notes - Pair work - Tell their friend the job they would (not) like to Explain the reasons why they like or don't like (111) they would like or would not like to the job - Tell Ss to use the cues given in column B if necessary - Go around to control and give help if necessary - Call on some students to share their opinion with the whole class - Give feedback Task 3: - Ask Ss to work in groups of - Ask Ss to tell their friends the job they may after they finish school/ would like to in the future + Cues: - where to work - who to work with - salary - working condition - Ask other Ss to listen and take notes for later report - Go around to control and give help C Production (9’) - Call some students to report what they have learnt from their friends to the class - Listen, jot down some mistakes for later correction - Give feedback - Group work - Talk about the job they may after finish school/ or they would like to in the future - Act out the report in front of the class Example: I've talked to Tuan He wants to be a doctor in the future He choose this job because he want to help the sick IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) o Do the exercises in the workbook (unit 6-Speaking) o Prepare for the next lesson: unit 6-Listening V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (112) Period 37th Date of preparation: November 19th , 2011 UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: o Develop listening skills: listen for gist and listen for detailed information o Get some new words relating jobs o Summarize the main ideas of a passage Knowledge: - Vocabulary: workforce, economy, retail, wholesale, category, manufacturing, service, goods - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) (113) Discussion: - Set the situation: "Below are the most popular jobs in the USA" - Ask students to work in pairs, look at the jobs in the textbook and then discuss the following question: "Which is the most popular job in Vietnam?" - Give the meanings of the words if necessary + Lead-in: "You know, America is a highly developed country The jobs above are the most popular in the country To know some more information about the workforce in the US, let's start our today's lesson." New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-listening (10’) Vocabulary: - Answer the eliciting questions - workforce (n) (explanation) all the - Give Vietnamese equivalents people in a country or in an area who - Take note are available for work - economy (n) (translation) - retail (n) >< wholesale (n) - category (n) (synonym) class - manufacturing (n) (explanation) the business or industry of producing goods in large quantities in factories - service (n) - goods (n) things that are produced to be sold B While-listening (20’) Task 1: Diagram completion - Individual work -> Pair work (to - Ask Ss to have a look at the diagram compare the answers) in the textbook - Explain some new words if necessary - Answer key: - Ask Ss to listen to the tape script and Manufacturing find the information to fill in the gaps Service (2 times) Transportation - Ask Ss to compare the answers with a Finance partner services - Call Ss to give the answers - Play the tape again and check the answers with the whole class - Individual work > Pair work Task 2: T/F statements - Answer key: - Ask Ss to read through the statements T and underline the key words in each T statement T (114) - Explain some new words and F expressions if necessary F - Have Ss listen to the tape scripts times, ask them to listen and decide if the statements are True or False - Ask Ss to compare the answers with a partner - Call Ss to give the answers and explanations - Have Ss listen again to check the answers C Post-listening (9’) Summary - Group work - Put Ss into groups of 4, ask them to take turn to summarize the passage, - Summarize the passage using the information in task and - Go around to control and give help if necessary - Call Ss to present their summary in front of the class - Give feedback IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart all the vocabulary - Write a paragraph about workforce in the USA - Prepare the new lesson: unit 6- writing V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (115) Period 38th Date of preparation: November 21st, 2011 UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS Lesson: Writing I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:  Understand the main information in job advertisement  Write a letter applying for the job in the advertisement  Correct mistakes in a writing piece Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Show students four pictures (about landscapes, and tour guides, ) - Ask Ss: "What job is closely related to these pictures?" + Lead-in: - Would you like to work as a tour guide? - Why/ Why not? - What qualifications should one have to become a tour guide? New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to write (10’) Brainstorming: Group work - Ask Ss to work in groups, supply - Give some ideas to the questions some ideas (116) Qualifications of a tour guide Fill in the notes: (Task 1) - Ask Ss to work in pairs, read the advertisement and find the information to fill in the notes + Vocabulary: - high school diploma (n) (realia) - manner (n) (synonym) behavior - accompany (v) (synonym) go with Format: - Elicit from the students the parts of a letter of application, and what information they should provide in each part, using the cues in the textbook heading greeting introduction body conclusion closing , Useful languages: - Provide Ss with some structures and expressions Ex: I am writing in reply to your advertisement in SAI GON times Pair work - Answer key: tour guide high school diploma have experience as a tour guide a good manner, willing to work for long hours Individual work - Give the names of each parts in a letter of application - Give the information for each part of the letter (textbook) - I should be very grateful if you would send me further details about …… - I should like to make an application for the post of……………… - I enclose a full curriculum vitae As you can see, I have had considerable experience as an………………… - I think I meet all the qualifications that you specify - If you consider that qualifications and experience are suitable, I should be available for interview at any time B While-writing (20’) - Ask Ss to work individually, write a Individual work letter of application - Write the letter - Go around to control the class and (117) give help if necessary C Production (9’) Peer correction Pair work - Ask Ss to work in pairs, exchange the - Exchange the letter with a partner and letter with a partner to correct mistakes correct mistakes if any IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Write the letter again in the notebook - Prepare the new lesson: unit 6-LANGUAGE FOCUS V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (118) Period 39th Date of preparation: November 23rd, 2011 UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS Lesson: Language Focus I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:  Practice pronouncing weak form and strong form of the following words: and, but, at, for, of, to, from  Practice reading aloud sentences with strong form and weak form of the above words  Review of relative clauses  Do exercises relating to the above point Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - Pronunciation: Strong forms or weak forms of some conjunctions & prepositions Skills: Reading, writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - stick the exercise on board - ask Ss to fill in each blank with a suitable prep Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition: and, but, at, for, from, of, to It is small _ very heavy Daisy her friend are eating ice-cream He was looking _ the children in the park They drove _ Glasgow last night He has a painting _ Rome The picture is a present _ you Where are you _? Suggested answers: but, 2.and, 3.at/for, 4.to, 5.of, 6.for, from - read these sentences as a model, asking sts to pay attention to strong form and weak form of these prepositions - lead Ss to the new lesson New lesson: Teacher’s activities A Pronunciation (10’) Students’ activities (119) Presentation: - ask Ss to listen to the tape/ teacher to distinguish the different sounds of prepositions and conjunctions a I’ll see you at lunch b What’s he looking at? c He phones me from overseas everyday d Where are you from? - elicit some rules to pronounce the weak and strong sounds from Ss, present Ss how to pronounce the weak/ strong forms of prepositions and conjunctions - listen to the tape/ teacher to distinguish the different sounds of prepositions and conjunctions - take notes Practice Activity 1: Listen and repeat - listen and repeat - play the tape, ask Ss to listen and repeat - call on some Ss to read aloud the sounds in front of the class - correct the mistakes if necessary Activity 2: Practice reading the sentences - read the sentences and ask Ss to underline the weak form or strong form of the prepositions and conjunctions - ask Ss to practice the sentences individually - ask some Ss to read the sentences and gives the feedback B Grammar (20’) Presentation: Review relative pronouns - ask Ss to recall the relative pronouns they have learnt and recall the uses of them ( group work) - divide the class into groups and ask them to recall the function, the uses of the relative pronouns Group 1: Subjective pronouns Group 2: Objective pronouns Group 3: Possessive pronouns Group 4: Adverbial pronouns - give comments and correct feedback Practice Exercise 1: Filling in the blanks ( pair work) - have Ss look through the statements and make sure that they know all the meaning of the words in the sentences - go around the class to check and offer help if necessary - underline the weak form or strong form of the prepositions and conjunctions - practice reading the sentences - give more examples - recall the relative pronouns they have learnt and recall the uses of them - pair work - exchange and share the answers (120) - ask Ss to exchange the answers with other pairs for peer – correction - give feedback and correct answers - individual work Exercise 2: Matching ( individually) - exchange the answers - gives Ss handouts and ask Ss to match the sentences with a partner for peer – in column A with the sentences in column B correction - go around the class to check and offer help if necessary - ask Ss to exchange the answers with a partner for peer – correction - call on some Ss to give their answers - give feedback and correct answers Column A Column B I read the book… a who were playing In the street, there football in the school were several yard people… b who had been wounded Britain imports by an arrow many cars… c that were written by a The cowboy……fell friend of mine of his horse d which were made in The children Japan …….were my e who was waiting for the students shop to open C Production: Sentence completion (9’) - give Ss handouts and ask Ss to complete the Pair work sentences with correct relative clauses - Give the answers in front - call on some Ss to give their answers of the class - give feedback a I admired the teacher… b The man……….is my brother c I’ve lost the new pen……… IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Do the exercises in the workbook - Prepare the new lesson: TEST YOURSELF B V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (121) Period 40th Date of preparation: November 26th , 2011 TEST YOURSELF B I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Revise all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the three units: 4, and - Improve their techniques of doing a simple tests - See how much students have achieved in their skills of reading, speaking, listening, writing Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Integrative skills II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, notebooks, pens (122) III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask students something about the test yourself B * Have you prepared it at home? * Have you got any difficulties? New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Listening: (10’) - Ask Ss to read through the sentences Individual work in the textbook - Have Ss listen to the tape script (2/3 - Key: times) all sorts of things - Ask them to listen the passage and learn at all information to fill in the bank things for themselves - Tell students to compare the answers make them go with a partner a certain age - Call some students to give the answers - Give feedback B Reading: (10’) - Ask Ss to work individually, read the Individual > Pair work passage and fill in each blank with a suitable from the box - Answer key: - Explain some new words or final expressions if necessary requirements - Tell Ss to compare their answers with when a partner courses - Call Ss to give the answers subjects - Ask the rest of the class to give qualification comments graded - Give feedback equivalent count 10 who C Grammar (19’) Exercise A: Pair work - Ask Ss to work in pairs, rewrite the - Rewrite the sentences, using the words sentences with the words given given - Elicit from students some structures Answer key: used in the exercise The windows have been cleaned (passive voice, reported speech, A supermarket is going to be built in conditional sentences) this area - Call Ss to write the answers on the Lan is said to have won a special board prize (123) - Ask other Ss to give their own comments - Give feedback If you listen carefully, you'll know what to If I had a car, I would give you a lift If we had brought a city map, we wouldn't have got lost Pair work Exercise B: - Rewrite the sentences, using the words - Ask Ss to work in pairs, read the given sentences then join them, using relative Answer key: clauses The windows have been cleaned - Call Ss to write the answers on the A supermarket is going to be built in board this area - Ask Ss to read the answers and give Lan is said to have won a special comments prize - Correct with the whole class If you listen carefully, you'll know + Answer key: what to The girl who answered the phone told If I had a car, I would give you a lift me you were out If we had brought a city map, we The chair that was broken two days wouldn't have got lost ago has now been repaired I saw some people whose car had broken down I recently went back to my hometown where I was born IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Review from unit 4, 5, to get ready for the coming 45-minute test No.2 - Do the writing task (textbook) V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 41st Date of preparation: November 28th, 2011 REVISION UNIT 4, & I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to revise the knowledge learnt in unit 4, & Knowledge: (124) - Vocabulary: vocabulary in unit 4, & - Grammar/ Structures: passive voice, conditional sentences, relative clauses - Pronunciation: stress in three-syllable words and more than three-syllable words Skills: reading, writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, handouts, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Recall Ss of the knowledge they have learnt in unit 4, & Lead-in: Today, you will revise the knowledge learnt in unit 4, &6 New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pronunciation (10’) - Have Ss recall the main points of - Give the main points of pronunciation pronunciation in unit 4, 5, in unit 4, 5, 6: - Deliver the handout + Stress in three-syllable words - Ask Ss to the exercise I + Stress in more than three-syllable - Ask Ss to give the answers in front of words the class + Weak/strong forms of some - Give the feedback conjunctions & prepositions Handout: - Work individually Which word has the different stress - Do the exercise from the rest? - Give the answers in front of the class a curriculum b compulsory Suggested answers: c application d accompany c a independent b interviewer b c institution d information b a agricultural b competitor d c similarity d international a geography b majority c identify d tertiary B Vocabulary (10’) - Have Ss recall the themes in unit 4, 5, - Give the themes: + School education system - Have Ss to the exercise II in + Higher education handout + Future jobs - Ask Ss to give the answers in front of - Work individually the class - Do the exercise - Give the feedback - Give the answers in front of the class Handout: Suggested answers: Choose the best answer : A In Viet nam, it is …… for all D (125) motorists to wear helmets A compulsory B dutiful C forceful D voluntary Mathematics and literature are the most important subjects in most schools in Vietnam A key B central C major D core The interviewer asked her some questions that … to her future jobs A joined B connected C related D associated … of the department, I would like to thank you all A On behalf B Instead C In place D In case Certain courses at this college are compulsory Others are … A choices B optional C selective D voluntary During the …., you should speak slowly and clearly A interview B.interviewing C interviewee D interviewer C Grammar (19’) - Have Ss recall the grammar points learnt in unit 4, 5, - Have Ss to the exercise II in handout - Ask Ss to give the answers in front of the class - Give the feedback Choose the best answer : 1.If Tan Son Nhat Airport….clear of fog, we will land there A is B was C will be D could be If I ten years younger, I would apply for the job A am B was C were D had been if a war happened ? A.What you would B.What would you C A B A - Give the grammar points: + Passive voice + Conditional sentences + Relative clauses - Work individually - Do the exercise - Give the answers in front of the class Suggested answers: A C B C B B B A B 10 D 11 C (126) C.What will you D.What you will 4.If she the train last night, she there on time A took / were B takes / will C had taken / would have been D had taken / would be His short stories,……… usually had unhappy endings, were collected and published A who B which C whom D that 6.Ms Linda, many of her students talk about, is living happily in Canada A.who B.whom C that D.whose People ……… can speak English can be understood in many countries A whose B who C whom D which I would like to know the reason he decided to quit the job A why B which C that D when His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone … family was poor A who B whose C which D whom 10 … you study harder, you will fail the final examination A As B If C When D Unless 11 Some people think that "Hamlet" …… by Shakespeare A wrote B has writte C was written D.had been written 12 Job vacancies ……in the Situation Vacant A are advertised B is advertised C are advertising D be advertised 13 The academic year in Vietnam … into two terms 12 A 13 C 14 D (127) A divides B divided C is divided D has divided 14 A new primary school … in my village recently A have been built B has been building C have been building D has been built IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Revise the exercises - Prepare for 45-minute test V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 42nd Date of preparation: November 30th, 2011 45-MINUTE TEST No I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to evaluate what they have gained in unit 4, unit and unit Knowledge: (128) - Vocabulary: birth certificate, job vacancy, job interview, nursery school, curriculum, education system - Grammar/ Structures: passive voice, conditional sentences, relative clauses - Pronunciation: stress in more than three-syllable words Skills: reading, writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, 45-minute tests No III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: (45’) A The test I Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer (2.5ms) "Where is the university?" is a question many visitors to Cambridge ask, but no one can give them a clear answer, for there is no wall to be found around the university The university is the city You can find the classroom buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the university all over the city And most of its members are the students and teachers or professors of the thirty-one colleges Cambridge was an already developing town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago It grew up by the river Granta, as the Cam was once called A bridge was built over the river as early as 875 In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings The town grew much faster in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845 Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has the population of over 100,000 Many young students want to study at Cambridge Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town It has become a famous place all around the world When did the university begin to appear? ………………………………………………………… When did the town really begin to develop ? ………………………………………………………… What most visitors come to Cambridge for? ………………………………………………………… Why did people name Cambridge the "city of Cambridge”? ………………………………………………………… How many people live in Cambridge? ………………………………………………………… II Which word has the different stress from the rest? (1m) A statistics B politics C physical D September (129) A cinema A mathematics A geography B algebra B psychology B philosophy C chemistry C engineering C psychology D computing D similarity D economics III Choose the best answers (4ms) 10 A birth gives the date and place of a person’s birth A paper B degree C certificate D diploma 11 Job _ are advertised in the Situation Vacant A places B vacancies C seats D positions 12 She applied the new post of training officer A on B in C for D with 13 I have just been called for a job _ I am so nervous A.interview B.interviewee C interviewer D interviewing 14 The academic year in Vietnam into two terms A divides B is divided C will be divided D has divided 15 People think that "Chi Pheo" _ by Nam Cao A wrote B has written C was written D.had been written 16 A new primary school in my village recently A has been built B has been building C have been building D have been built 17 Bicycles in this way A.must not leave B.must be leaving C.must not left D.must not be left 18 Schooling is for all English chilren from the age of to 16 A free B compulsory C optional D difficult 19 _ school helps children develop their intellectual and physical skills A Nurse B Nurses C Nursing D Nursery 20 His short stories, …… usually had unhappy endings, were collected and published A.who B.which C.whom D.that 21 My form teacher is the person _ advice I always ask for A who B whom C whose D that 22.There have been a lot of improvements in the state _ system in Vietnam recently A educate B education C educational D educator 23 The national _ is a programme of study in all the main subjects that children aged five to sixteen in state school must follow A syllabus B course C plan D curriculum 24 If I had gone to the party last night, I _ tired A am B were C would have been D would be 25 If Tuan to Australia, he will have a good opportunity to improve his English A comes B came C come D had come (130) IV Find an error in each sentence that needs correcting (1m) 26 My close friend, that has just got Sacombank's scholarship, is an excellent student A B C D 27 I don't know the reason which he refused such a good job A B C D 28 If he works more slowly, he wouldn't make so many mistakes A B C D 29 Computers are using in many fields such as business, medicine and education A B C D V Rewrite the following sentences so that their meanings stay the same as the root ones (1.5m) 30 If Tan Son Nhat Airport is clear of fog, we will land there Unless………………………………………………………… 31 Mary is an exellent student Her family is very poor Mary……………………………………………… 32 The interviewer asked me five questions yesterday I……………………………………………………………… B The matrix of the test Application U nit Total Periods: Sentences:13 Marks: 3,5 Recognition MC Stress: Vocabulary: Marks: 1,75 Periods: Stress: Sentences: 11 Vocabulary: Marks: 4,5 Periods: Sentences: Marks: Marks: 0,75 Vocabulary: Comprehension W MC Grammar: Marks: 1,25 Grammar: Marks: 0,75 Grammar: Marks: 0,75 W Grammar: H ig h Low MC Marks: 0,5 Reading: Grammar: Marks: Grammar: Marks: 0,5 Marks:0,75 IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: - Prepare next period, 45-minute test correction V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… W (131) ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… Period: 43rd Date of preparation: November 3rd, 2011 45-MINUTE TEST No.2 CORRECTION I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to evaluate what they have gained in unit 4, unit and unit Knowledge: - Vocabulary: birth certificate, job vacancy, job interview, nursery school, curriculum, education system - Grammar/ Structures: passive voice, conditional sentences, relative clauses - Pronunciation: stress in more than three-syllable words Skills: reading, writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, 45-minute tests No III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: (44’) A Marking I Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer (2.5ms) 800 years ago In 1845 To visit the university town Because there was a bridge over the river Cam Over 100,000 people II Which word has the different stress from the rest? (1m) C D B D III Choose the best answers (4ms) 10 C 11 B 12 C 13 A 14 B 15 C 16 A 17 D 18 B 19 D 20 B 21 C 22 B 23 D 24 C 25 A (132) IV Find an error in each sentence that needs correcting (1m) 26 B 27 B 28 A 29 A V Rewrite the following sentences so that their meanings stay the same as the root ones (1.5m) 30 Unless Tan Son Nhat Airport is clear of fog, we will not land there 31 Mary, whose family is very poor, is an exellent student 32 I was asked five questions by the interviewer yesterday B The result & experience - The result: Class 0-<3 3-<5 - < 6.5 6.5 - < 8 - < 10 12B3 12B4 - The experience: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Revise the results of the tests - Prepare for next lesson, unit - Reading V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… (133) Period: 44th Date of preparation: December 5th, 2011 UNIT 8: LIFE IN THE FUTURE Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Read for specific information to understand the passage - Know the life in the future Knowledge: - Vocabulary: pessimistic, optimistic, terrorism, labor-saving, depression, etc - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skill: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask Ss some questions What’s this? Do you have a robot at home? When you have a robot?  Lead-in: Our lesson today is about “Life in the Future” (134) New lesson: Teacher’s activities A Pre-reading (10’) - Ask students to look at the picture, page 80 and ask:  What are the people going to do?  Does it look like a normal airplane?  How is it different?  Do you think that life in the future will be like this? - Call on some Ss to give the answers * Discussion Do you think life will be better in the future? Why/ Why not? List three things that might happen in the future - Call a pair to report their discussion * New words - Corporation(n): a large business company - Chore(n): a job that is not interesting but that you must - Burden(n): something that is heavy and difficult to carry - Influence(v): to have an effect on or power over sb/sth so that he/she/it changes - Methane(n): a gas without color or smell, that burns easily and that we can use to produce heat B While-reading (20’) Task 1: Find words or phrases in the passage which have the following meanings - Ask students to read the passage in silence -Ask students to discuss the answers in pairs - Write down the answers on the board - Check students’ understanding of the Students’ activities - Listen to the questions and give the answers - Work in pairs and discuss the questions - Some pairs report their answers in front of the class - Read the words after the teacher - Give the meaning of the words after teacher’s eliciting - Note down the words - Read the passage in silence - Do the task individually - Discuss the answers in pairs - Give the answers Suggested answers Pessimists Optimists Economic depression Terrorism (135) words by asking them to give the Vietnamese equivalents - Let the whole class read the new words twice or three times Task 2: Answer the following questions - Go around to supervise students if necessary - Ask representatives of groups to answer the questions - Give comment Task 3: Scan the text to find information to complete the note - Ask Ss to work in pairs to the task - Call some Ss to give the answers - Give the feedback C Post-reading (9’) Discussion: What are the advantages of robots? What are the disadvantages of robots? (write the answers on the board) - Ask one group to report what they have discussed - Give feedback and correct some serious or common mistakes Wiped out Space shuttle - Do task in groups - Answer the questions Suggested answers Many large corporations will be wiped out and millions of jobs will be lost The security of the earth will be threatened by terrorism, as terrorist groups will become more powerful and more dangerous People will be living in much cleaner environment, breathing fresher air and eating healthier foods They will also be better looked after by a modern medical system Domestic chores will no longer be a burden thanks to the interventions of labor- saving devices They are developments in micro technology- computer and telecommunication - Do the Task in pairs Work: factories will be run by robots, offices will go electronic, many people will work from home Travel: travel by space shuttle very fast, at 15000 kms per hour; cars could run on electricity or methane gas and fitted with computers - Discuss the questions in groups - Report what they have discussed - Listen to the feedback and take note Suggested answers Advantages: save labor, difficult jobs so that men have more time to enjoy life or more creative work Disadvantages: replace human beings (136) in many fields, so many people will lose their jobs or go jobless IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare for next lesson, unit – Speaking V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 45th Date of preparation: December 7th , 2011 UNIT 8: LIFE IN THE FUTURE Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to : - ask and answer about changes of people and the world in the future - say the predictions that are likely or unlikely to happen by the end of the 21st century Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Have students look at the pictures and ask them:  What can you see in the picture?  Who is he? What is his job?  Predict what will have happened to John by the end of 2018? E.g By the end of 2018, he will have been a successful engineer (137) Suggested answers:  A man, two cars, a swimming pool, a building  He is John He has graduated from a university  By the end of 20018, he will have been very rich/ had two cars/ had a very large swimming pool Lead-in:Today we will say what will happen in the future New lesson: Teacher’s activities A Preparing to speak (10’) Vocabulary: - to be declared open: to be stated publicly and officially - holiday resort: a place where a lot of people go to on holiday - a cure for: a medicine or treatment that can cure an illness, etc - holiday maker: a person who goes on holiday - running on: the action or sport of running - cold war: the war against common cold - Let the whole class read the new words twice or three times - Call 2-3 students to read new words again - Give some examples and elicit the future perfect tense:  The Future Perfect Tense What will happen in 2099?  Chinese astronauts will land on Mars What will have happened by 2100?  Chinese astronauts will have landed land on Mars Set the scene: We are going to say what will have happened by the end of the 21st century B Practice speaking (20’) Task Look at these newspaper cuttings from Students’ activities - Give the meanings of the words - Read the new words - Take notes - Give the form and the use of the future perfect tense: Form: Ac : S + will + have + Ved/3 + … Pa : S + will + have + been + Ved/3 + … Use: a future action finishes before a point of time in the future - Work in pairs (138) the future They were written on 1st of April Say what will have happened and what people will be doing by the end of the 21st century - Ask Ss to work in pairs to say what will have happened and what people will be doing by the end of the 21st century Example: By the end of the 21st century, Chinese astronauts will have landed on Mars Task Which of these predictions are likely / unlikely to happen? Give one reason for each - Ask Ss to look at Task again and decide which predictions are likely or unlikely - Give some useful expressions: * Expressions:  It’s possible/ likely that  It’s impossible/ unlikely that  In my opinion/ I think, believe/ from my point of view  Because + clause  Because of + N/ N.P/ V-ing/ - Ask some good Ss the questions to give a model - Ask Ss to work in groups of to ask and answer about the predictions - Move around the class for help - Call on some groups to present their ideas in front of the class - Some Ss give their answers in front of the class Answer keys: - By the end of the 21st century, the third city on the moon will have been opened The new city will have had the population of over 200,000 people - By the end of the 21st century, scientists will have found a cure for the common cold - By the end of the 21st century, the oldest world citizen will have celebrated her 150th birthday - By the end of the 21st century, Vietnam tourism will have welcomed the fiftieth holiday-maker back from the Jupiter - By the end of the 21st century, the first car running on sea water will have finished - Work in groups of four to the task - Give the answers in front of the class Model: I think it is very unlikely that by the end of the 21st century, Chinese astronauts will have landed on Mars, because it is too far from the earth (139) - Give comment on Ss’ answers C Production (9’) Task Making some more predictions about what life will be like one hundred years from now - Ask Ss to work in groups of three to discuss the task - After about minutes of discussion, call some groups to report what they have done - Work in groups of three to make predictions - Some groups report what they have discussed Model: I think it is likely by the end of 2106, scientists will have found a cure for AIDS thanks to the developments of science and technology IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Write a paragraph about what life will be like 100 years from now - Prepare next lesson, unit – Listening V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (140) Period: 46th Date of preparation: December 8th , 2011 UNIT 8: LIFE IN THE FUTURE Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the passage about life expectancy Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Incredible, fatal, centenarian, eradicated, eternal life, life expectancy - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Game: Miming - Divide the class into groups Ask representative from each group to go to the board to mime the words or phrases given + Eating + Laughing + drinking + Doing exercise + Going to bed Lead-in: Today we will listen to the interview about people’s life expectancy in the future New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities (141) A Pre-listening (10’) * Discuss the question: Which of the following factors you - Work in pairs and discuss the think might help people have a long and questions healthy life? - Some Ss report in front of the class + No smoking? Why? + Laugh a lot? Why? - Ask one pair to report what they have discussed * Vocabulary:  Incredible (adj): impossible or very difficult to believe  centenarian(n ):a person who live to be 100 years  eradicate (v): to destroy or get rid of sth completely  life expectancy (n): the number of years that a person is likely to live  eternal life (n): life without ending; existing or continuing forever  mushroom (v):rise quickly  curable (adj.): (used about a disease) that can be made better - Let the whole class read the new words twice or three times - Call 2-3 students to read new words again B While-listening (20’) * Task 1: Listen to the interview about people’s life expectancy in the future and decide whether the following statements are true or false - Have students read through the statements and underline the key words - Give the meaning of some new words if necessary - Play the tape or read the passage twice - Ask some students to give their answers Ask them to give reason for their answers If their answers are right, repeat them; if not play the tape again - Give the meaning, then take notes - Repeat after the teacher - Read the statements in Task - Listen to the passage and answer the questions Suggested answers: F (Some scientists can predict) F (Because we look after ourselves, eat more healthily, cut down on things like butter, alcohol and cigarettes) F (80) T T (142) * Task 2: Listen again and answer the questions about the interview - Ask students to discuss the answers to the questions in pairs - Go around to supervise students if necessary - Play the tape again - Call some students to give the answers - If most students not catch the information for the questions, let them listen again to the passage once more - Discuss the answers to the questions in pairs - Answer the questions, and correct the wrong answers Suggested answers: Eating more healthily, cutting down on things like butter, alcohol and cigarettes The development in medical science In ten years’ time AIDS will also be brought under control / We’ll have been able to bring AIDS under control C Post-listening (9’) * Discussion: Discuss the advantages - Work in groups and disadvantages of having a very long * Advantages: life - Do many things they want to do/ - Put Ss into groups, ask them to discuss enjoy life more the advantages and disadvantages of a - See their children and very long life grandchildren grow up - Call on some representatives from - Help their children and some groups to give the answers grandchildren - Give the comments on Ss’ answers - Children and grandchildren are happy with them * Disadvantages: - Too weak to things and often ill - Feel lonely when children have grown up and busy with their own lives, and friends are dead - Report what they have discussed - Listen to the teacher and correct the mistakes IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart the new vocabulary - Prepare next lesson, unit 8- Writing V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… (143) ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 47th Date of preparation: November 10th , 2011 UNIT 8: LIFE IN THE FUTURE Lesson: Writing I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write about the ideal world in which they would like to live in the year 2020 Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Brain – storming (144) - Ask Ss to work in groups of - Have students think about problems we might face up to in the future For example: terrorism, pollution, natural disasters, etc… - Call on some students to present their ideas Suggested answers: Over population, pollution, shortage of food, racial discrimination, education Lead-in: Today you will write about the ideal world in which you would like to live in the year 2020 New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to write (10’) Task 1: Your school organizes a - Read the text and take notes some new competition for students to write about words the world in which i would like to live in the years 2020 Read the paragraph below and answer the question * New words and expressions  Under the threat of terrorism:  Live in harmony:  Live in clean healthy environment:  My main desire is …:  Materialistic (a): - Let the whole class read the new words twice or three times * Answer the questions - Go around to supervise students if necessary - Call some students to give the answers If their answers are right, repeat the answers, if they are wrong, give them the answers - Elicit the outline: What are your concerns about: - Answer the questions in pairs Suggested answers: World peace: peaceful world, no war, no conflicts, no threat of terrorism, people love in harmony - Employment: everyone has a job - Environment: clean and healthy, less noise, less pollution, larger parks, wildlife is protected - People: less materialistic, less selfish, less violent, and more loving Yes, they are Yes, I wish people can the job that they like, and they no longer suffer from fatal diseases - Write the main ideas based on the given outline (145) + World peace? + The environment? + The people? B Practice writing (20’) * Write about the ideal world in which you would like to live in the year 2020 using the ideas you have discussed in Task - Have students try to use the expression like: my main desire is to…, I would also wish… - Go around to supervise them Note down serious and common mistakes - Ask students to exchange their works to check - Correct some typical mistakes from Ss’ writing C Production (9’) - Ask students to use the writing work to make a conversation between two students about life in the future - Write the description individually - Exchange the writing - Listen to the teacher and correct the mistakes - Work in pairs to make a conversation about life in the future - Act out in front of the class Model: A: What you think about life in the future? B: It’s better than it is today A: What you think about world peace? B: Well, … IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart the new vocabulary - Prepare next lesson, unit 8- Language focus V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 48th Date of preparation: December 12th , 2011 UNIT 8: LIFE IN THE FUTURE Lesson: Language Focus I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Pronounce correctly the contracted forms of auxiliaries(have and has) - Know how to use articles and some preposition phrases (146) Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: Articles and some preposition phrases - (Pronunciation): Contracted forms of auxiliaries(have and has) Skills: II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Match the full forms of auxiliaries in column A with the contracted forms of auxiliaries in column B A B I have a it’s you have b she’s he has c I’ve she has d you’ve it has e he’s I have not f he hasn’t you have g it hasn’t not h I haven’t he has not i you haven’t she has not j she hasn’t 10 it has not Suggested answers: c d e b a h i f j 10 g Lead-in: Today you will learn how to pronoun the full and contracted forms of auxiliaries New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pronunciation: (15’) - Model the sounds of the full and - Listen and repeat after the teacher or contracted forms of auxiliaries.( with the tape the tape) - Ask Ss to repeat the sounds after the - Practice reading the sentences tape - Ask Ss to practise reading the sentences in pairs B Grammar (24’)  Presentation of prepositions - Give the prepositions that they know (Network) - Elicit the prepositions from Ss (147) In on prepositions Of - with Give the handout and ask Ss to give the suitable prepositions - Fill in the gaps with the suitable prepositions Verbs Prepositions Nouns / Adjs believe famous holiday time listen fond arrive  Practice  Exercise Choose the appropriate prepositions - Ask Ss to work in pairs to the exercise - Give the answers in front of the class - Give the Ss the handout so that they can learn by heart at home HANDOUT - on time: đúng giờ, không chậm trễ - in time (for something / to something): vừa đúng lúc (làm gì đó) - to die of : chết vì (bệnh) - to be / go on holiday / business … : nghỉ hè / công tác … - at the end of something ≠ at the beginning of something: (vào) cuối … ≠ (vào) đầu … - in the end # finally: cuối cùng, sau cùng - a friend of mine a friend to me - to believe in: tin tưởng vào - to warn someone about / against someone / something: cảnh báo đề - Work in pairs to discuss the answers together - Give the answers in front of the class Answer key in of on at to in about for between, opposite 10 to (148) phòng / cái gì - to be famous for: tiếng - among: (từ người trở lên) between … (and …): (2 người) - across: ngang qua, phía bên opposite: đối diện với - to be / get married to someone : kết hôn với  Presentation of articles - Elicit the articles from Ss -Give the handout and ask Ss to choose the suitable articles Handout: Choose the appropriate articles A How did you go to the bookstore yesterday? B I went there by a / an / the /  bus A What did you buy? B A / An / The /  book A How is a / an / the /  book? B It is interesting - Elicit the use of the articles - Give the Ss the handout so that they can learn by heart at home HANDOUT NOTES:  Ta dùng “a” trước các danh từ bắt đầu “u” “u” đọc phụ âm Ex: A uniform  Không dùng “a”, “an” trước danh từ số nhiều Ex: a books  Không dùng mạo từ các cụm từ như: - at college, at home, at lunch, at night, at school, at sea, at work, … - by accident, by air, by bus, by bicycle, by car, by chance, by - Do the exercise from the handout - Give the answers, then draw the use of the articles The Indefinite Article “A” & “AN” (Mạo từ không xác định “A” & “AN”) - Mạo từ không xác định dùng trước danh từ đếm số ít - Mạo từ “a” dùng trước các danh từ bắt đầu các phụ âm Ex: A car - Mạo từ “an” dùng trước các danh từ bắt đầu các nguyên âm: a, e, i, o, u h câm Exs: An umbrella An hour Mạo từ không xác định dùng trước danh từ nào mà trước đó chưa nói rõ Ex: I bought a book The Definite Article “THE” (Mạo từ xác định “THE”) Mạo từ xác định dùng trước danh từ đã nhắc đến trước đó Ex: The book is very interesting (149) mistake, by plane, by train, … - in bed, in class, in love, in need, in prison, … - on duty, on foot, on fire, on land, on purpose, on time, on vacation, …  Không dùng mạo từ trước danh từ riêng Ex: When I was in Japan, I met Susan and Tim  Không dùng mạo từ trước Christmas, church, school, market Ex: I go to market  Luôn dùng mạo từ The trước loại khí cụ âm nhạc đặc biệt Ex: John plays the piano  Dùng The trước tên riêng biển, vịnh, sông, núi, đảo như: The Atlantic, the bay of Biscay, the gulf of Mexico, the Mêkong, the Alps, …  Practise Exercise Put a / an / the or  in each space to complete the following sentences - Ask Ss to work in pairs to the exercise - Give the answers in front of the class - Work in pairs and the exercise - Give the answers in front of the class Answer key  , ,  , the, the the,  the,  the,  The,  an, the, the , the 10 A, a IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart the word phrase in the handouts - Prepare next lesson, Test yourself C - Do exercise: Fill the prepositions in the blanks: Don’t worry Everything is control Sorry, I seem to have taken the wrong umbrella mistake That wasn’t an accident You did it purpose We thought the two films were very similar a great extent Police officers don’t have to wear uniform when they are .duty (150) V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 49th Date of preparation: December 14th , 2011 TEST YOURSELF C I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading, speaking, listening, writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (4’) - Greeting - Ask students something about the test yourself C * Have you prepared it at home? * Have you got any difficulties? New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Listening(2.5 points) (10’) - Present the task: Listen and complete - Look at the book and listen to the task the table below - understand the task - Tell students the topic of the table - Listen to the tape carefully - Get students to look through the table - Fill in the blanks with the words - Explain the meaning of new words they’ve just heard - After that turn on the tape of the passage - Correct mistakes aloud twice Keys: (151) - Let students fill in the blanks with the words they have just heard - Go round the class to control the work - Then turn on the tape of the passage the last time for students to check their results - Correct mistakes B Reading (2.5 points) (10’) - Present the task: Read the passage and choose the statements are True or False - Get students to work in groups, discuss about the passage - Go round the class to control the discussion - State the best option - Correct mistakes 1.B, C, A, B, C - Look at the textbook and listen to the teacher then read the passage and choose the statements are True or False - Work in groups to discuss about the passage - Finish the task - Compare their results with the other groups, and correct Keys: F, F, T, T, F C Grammar(2.5 points) (10’) - Recall the grammar of articles - Listen to the teacher - Guide students how to - Work in groups to complete the - Give them some new words: sentences - Do the first as an example - Compare the results with the other - Ask students to the exercise groups - Call the to on board - Correct mistakes - Go round the class to control the set’s Keys: activities Part A - State the keys The, An, Ø The, A, Ø - Correct mistakes Part B Although Nam worked very hard, he didn't pass the exam Although I was very tired, I couldn't sleep Even though she had all the …… Although the traffic was bad, we arrived on time D Writing(2.5 points) (10’) - Guide students how to write - Listen to the teacher carefully - Give students some models and - Work in groups or in pairs then write structures to writes - Compare the results with the other - Ask students to write groups - Call the to on board - Go round the class to control the (152) students’ activities - Correct mistakes IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Prepare next lesson – Revision V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 50th Date of preparation: December 15th , 2011 REVISION Passive Voice and Conditional Sentences I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the correct passive sentence and conditional sentences Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (10’) - Ask Ss to answer some questions Do you know when was this school built at the first time? How many students have been taught since 1999? If you were the headmaster, what should be done to make our school better? - Call some Ss to answer orally (153) - Take note the answer on the board and feedback - Instroduce the revision grammar point New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Passive voice (15’) - Give examples and ask Ss to give remarks - Study the examples and give Ex1: This bike is made of plastic remarks on the form Ex2: Her book was read by thousand of students - Build the form last year Ex3: These rooms have been painted several times - Ask Ss to give remarks on the form 1- Form To be + Past participle (PII) 2- Rules of changing active to passive - Study the model 2.1) Subject, object, verb - Give explanation to the rules Ex1: VietNam exports rice - Write down -> Rice is exported by VietNam - Study the active - Give the equivalents to passive Active: Subject verb obiect - Write down Passive:Subject be + PII bobject 2.2) Tenses: Active tenses - simple present - simple past - present continuous - past continuous - present perfect - past perfect Passive tenses - S + is/am/are + PII - S + was/were + PII - S +is/am/are + being + PII - S +was/were+ being + PII - S + has/have + been + PII - S + had + been + PII - Study the structures of passive tenses - Give some examples 2.3) Modal verbs:( can, could, may, must, should…) S + modal verbs + be + PII Ex1: Our village may be flooded in the rain season - Study the structures of passive voice of modal verbs (154) - Give some examples B Conditional sentences (19’) 1.1) Conditional sentence type a- Form Ex1: If he visits us, I will tell him the truth If clause Main clause S + will + V(infinitive) S + V(simple present tense) b- Use b.1) Express an real condition that is in present or may happen in the future Ex1: If I have time, I'll visit you Ex2: He will get good marks if he studies harder b.2) Will" can be replaced by " can, may, must, should Ex1: If you feel tired, you can stay at home Ex2: We may finish our before noon if we start now Ex3: If you want a good job, you must work hard now 1.2) Conditional sentence type a- Form - Study the model - Give explanation to the form - Write down Ex1: If he lived next to us, we would ask him for help If clause Main clause S + V(simple past tense) S + would + V(infinitive) b- Use b.1) express an unreal condition that can't happen Ex1: If I were a millionaire, I would buy a luxury car Ex2: What would you if you won 100.000$? 1.3) Conditional sentence type3 a- Form - Study the model - Give explanation to the form - Write down Ex1: If he lived next to us, we would ask him for help If clause Main clause S + V(past perfect tense) S + would have + V(infinitive) b- Use b.1) express an unreal condition in the past that coundn't happen Ex1: If he had studied hard, he would have entered an university - Study the model - Give explanation to the form - Write down (155) Ex2: We wouldn't have missed the train if we had got up earlier * Notice: If…not = Unless (trõ phi) Ex1: If he doesn't call her, she will be unhappy -> Unless he call her, she will be unhappy IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Prepare next lesson – Revision V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 51st Date of preparation: December 17th , 2011 REVISION Relative Clauses, Prepositions and Articles I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to revise the use of Relative Clauses, Prepositions and Articles Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): (156) Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Relative clauses (15’) Defining and non-defining -Recall the use of defining and nonrelative clause defining relative clauses a Defining relative clause a Defining relative clause Ex: I saw the girl She helped us last Dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng week trước , ta không bỏ và không có b Non- Defining relative clause dấu phẩy - Ta dùng mệnh đề quan không xác định + I saw the girl who / that helped us : last week + Trước danh từ quan hệ có : this / b Non- Defining relative clause that / these / those / my / - Dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng her / his / …… trước , là phần giải thích thêm , ta có + Từ quan hệ là tên riêng thể bỏ và có dấu phẩy danh từ riêng Ex: Ex: My father is a doctor He is fifty My father, who is fifty years old , is a years old doctor Reduced forms: - Đối với câu chủ động - Recall the reduced forms of relative a V-ing: clauses Ex : The man who is standing + The man standing overthere is my overthere is my father father b V-ed/3 - Đối với câu bị động + The chair made in Japan is expensive Ex : The chair which is made in Japan is expensive B Articles (14’) Mạo từ không xác định “a / an “: - Recall the use of a/ an dùng trước danh từ đếm số ít Không dùng” a / an “: để diễn tả điều gì đó chưa rõ, chưa +Danh từ số nhiều apples, dishes, cụ thể, chung chung, đề cập lần đầu women, children … An + danh từ bắt đầu là 1nguyên âm ( a, +Danh từ không đếm gold, o, e, u,i ) và h câm ( an hour, an honest sugar, water, milk, time, money, (157) information, news, lunch, breakfast, man ) weather A + danh từ bắt đầu là phụ âm (hoac Mạo từ xác định “ the “: sử a unit , a university , a uniform… ) dụng : A / an còn dùng trước danh từ Trước danh từ nghề nghiệp( a doctor, an engineer) the earth, the moon, the world, the -A/ an còn dùng trước các từ số lượng a couple, a great deal of = a lot of, a few, a little, a half … - Recall the use of the - Danh từ đề cập cụ thể trước đó, sun, the universe, the president Trong cấu trúc : the N of ( the) N the major of London Trước các từ : The United Kingdom, The United States, the Atlantic / Pacific, , the guitar, the violin, the past, the future, the ground, the same, the next, the only, the previous, the following, the cinema, the radio The + Adj : the poor, the rich, the blind, the deaf, the Vietnamese, the Chinese người nói người nghe biết rõ Ex : Whose is the car outside ? Danh từ lặp lại Ex : She works for a computer company The company has sent her to work in different parts of the country Danh từ theo sau cụm từ mệnh đề Ex : The students who have just passed the tests can sit for the entrance exam -Trước so sánh ( the most + Adj the Adj – est ) sau số thứ tự the first, the second, the last Ex : He is the fastest runner in the race C Prepositions (15’) - Deliver the handouts: - Ask Ss to so the exercise individually Handout: Underline the correct answers: 1) Your father is very kind (with/for/to/in) David 2) Hurry or you will be late - Receive the handouts and listen to the teacher’s instructions - Do the exercise individually Suggested answers: to for at about (158) (for/at/on/from) school 3) Were they present (in/at/on/about) the meeting? 4) She was confused (with/on/about/in) the dates 5) His book is different (about/from/for/between) mine 6) Your plan is similar (with/to/of/for) his 7) The boy is afraid (of/on/in/about) snakes 8) She is accustomed (with/to/on/of) getting up early 9) He was successful (in/with/of/to) his job 10) That student is very quick (with/at/for/about) mathematics from to of to in 10 at IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Prepare next lesson, Revision V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (159) Period: 52nd Date of preparation: December 19th , 2011 REVISION I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to the exercises to revise the knowledge they have learned in units 4, 5, 6, Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Vocabulary in units 4, 5, 6, - Grammar/ Structures: + Passive voice + Conditional sentences + Relative clauses + Prepasitions and articles - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Presentation (2’) - Give the handouts to Ss and ask them - Receive the handouts and listen to the to the exercises in the handouts teacher’s guidances B Practice (30’) - Ask Ss to the exercises - Do the exercises individually Handout: Suggested answers: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your B answer sheet to indicate the word that C differs from the rest in the position of A the main stress in each of the D following questions D Question 1: A politics B statistics D C primary D chemistry C Question 2: A argument B maximum B C supportive D B vacancy 10 A Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your 11 C answer sheet to indicate the word 12 C whose underlined part is pronounced 13 A differently from that of the rest in each 14 C (160) of the following questions Question 3: A applicant B oblige C bride D confide Question 4: A believed B allowed C considered D attracted Question 5: A books B groups C parents D mid-terms Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one in each of the following questions Question 6: His parents made him study for his exams A He was made study for his exams by his parents B He is made studying for his exams by his parents C He is made to study for his exams by his parents D He was made to study for his exams by his parents Question 7: I didn't know his address so I didn't write to him A If I knew his address, I would write to him B If I know his address, I will write to him C If I had known his address, I would have written to him D Unless I didn't know his address, I would write to him Question 8: I haven't had a Chinese meal for ages A It was ages since I have had a Chinese meal B A Chinese meal hasn’t been had for ages C I don't have a Chinese meal very often D A Chinese meal has not been served 15 B 16 B 17 A 18 D 19 A 20 B 21 C 22 D 23 B 24 B 25 C 26 D 27 C 28 C 29 C 30 A (161) any longer Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 9: Children with .parents often better at school than those without A support B supportive C supported D supporting Question 10: I often share my personal secrets my father A with B on C for D at Question 11: She is very timid completely lacking in A confident B confide C confidence D confidently Question 12: The robbers as soon as they left the bank A arrested B had arrested C were arrested D have been arrested Question 13: There are times pointing at someone is perfectly acceptable A when B which C whose D how Question 14: Maria: "Thanks for the lovely evening." ~ Diana:" ." A No, it's not good B Yes, it's really great C I'm glad you enjoyed it D Oh, that's right Question 15: There are only few seats left for tonight's musical at university A the / the B a / the C the / a D the / Ø Question 16: Our parents join hands to give us nice house and happy home (162) A a / the B a / a C Ø / Ø D.the / a Question 17: I got the station just in time to see Jack getting the train A to / off B at / from C to / from D at / off Question 18: We must apologize our teacher our lateness A for / to B for / about C to / about D to / for Question 19: The success of a shared holiday depends on you share it with A whom B which C that D when Question 20: If students want a , they have to pass the final examination A credit B certificate C level D tip Question 21: I don't him for getting angry because she's behaving dreadfully A accuse B care C blame D approve Question 22: I take it as a(n) .when people say I look like my mother A wish B apology C greeting D compliment Question 23: If John had installed an alarm, the thieves into his house A wouldn't break B wouldn't have broken C will not break D not break Question 24: Monkeys belong to the group of animals as primates A know B known C knowing D to know Question 25: I hope you don't (163) mind to come and meet her A to be asked B be asked C being asked D to ask Question 26: We each other since we left university A don't meet B are meeting C will not meet D have not met Question 27: If I you, I him say such thing A am / will allow B were / wouldn't have made C were / wouldn't let D have been you / wouldn't have asked Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction Question 28: We bought the stereo who A B had been advertised at a reduced price C D Question 29: Peter was having his hair A B cutting when John called C D Question 30: The work performing by A these officers is not worth our paying them B C any longer D C Production (12’) - Elicit the answers from the Ss - Give the answers - Correct the mistakes if necessary - Correct the exercises and mark them to evaluate the test IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Prepare the next lesson, Revision V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (164) Period: 53rd Date of preparation: December 21st , 2011 REVISION I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to the exercises to revise the knowledge they have learned in units 4, 5, 6, Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Vocabulary in units 4, 5, 6, - Grammar/ Structures: + Passive voice + Conditional sentences + Relative clauses + Prepasitions and articles - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing (165) II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Presentation (2’) - Give the handouts to Ss and ask them - Receive the handouts and listen to the to the exercises in the handouts teacher’s guidances A Practice (30’) - Ask Ss to the exercise individually - Do the exercise individually Handout: Suggested answers: Choose the word whose stress is different from the others C Question 1: A summary B physical C decision D different C B Question 2: A labour B people C replace D future A D Choose the word with deferent B pronunciation of the underlined part Question 3: A talked B accepted A C stopped D liked D Question 4: A subject B accuse D C refuse D future 10 D 11 C Choose the words or phrases that best completes the sentences 12 A Question5: He is the man _ car was 13 D stolen last week 14 A A whom B that 15 B C which D whose Question 6: "What a lovely house you 16 C have!" - " ……._" 17 A A You're welcome B Thank you 18 B C Of course D I think so Question 7: "Thank you for the nice gift." - " ……… " A You're welcome B I'm glad you like it C But you know how much it costs? D In fact, I myself don't like it Question 8: What is….longest river in … world? A the/a B a/the B C a/a D the/the Question 9: A new year is often (166) devided_ two semesters A in B about C for D into Question 10: Gold … in California in the 19th century A discovered B discovering C was discovering D was discovered Question 11: If I were in your shoes, I the offer A accepted B will accept C would accept D accept Question 12: A: What you learn English _? B: _ get a good job A for/To B to/For C for/For D to/To Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one Question 13: Hung didn’t call Lan because it was too late A Hung will call Lan, if it is early B If it were not late, Hung would call Lan C Hung didn’t plan to call Lan, but he changed his mind at the last minute D If it hadn’t been so late, Hung would have called Lan Question 14: I have always wanted to visit Paris It is the capital of France A I have wanted to visit Paris, where is the capital of France B I have wanted to visit Paris, which is the capital of France C I have wanted to visit Paris, that is the capital of France D I have wanted to visit Paris where is the capital of France Mark letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction Question 15: Her last book was A publishing in 20 languages many years B C D ago Question 16: I'll send you my A (167) address as soon as I will find B C somewhere to live D Question 17: Because of the traffic was A heavy, we were late for work B C D Question 18: Food and supplies are A often carrying through desert by camels B C D C Production (12’) - Elicit the answers from the Ss - Give the answers - Correct the mistakes if necessary - Correct the exercises and mark them to evaluate the test IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Prepare for the first term test V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 55th Date of preparation: January 7th , 2012 UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know some endangered species which are plant and animal species Knowledge: (168) - Vocabulary: biologist, vulnerable, enact - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - T hangs out some pictures, then put them away and asks Ss to answer the questions What can you see in the pictures? Which of them are in danger of becoming extinct? Suggested answers: Tortoise, rhinoceos, monkey, elephant, leopard, parrot Elephant, leopard, rhinoceros are in danger Lead-in questions - Ask students to open their books, look at the pictures, and the tasks that follow + Which of the animals and insects below can be found in Vietnam? + Which of them are in danger of becoming extinct? New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (10’) Vocabulary - Read the words after the teacher + Biologist (n) - Write down the words into the + Urbanization (n) notebooks + Drive sth to the verge of … + Vulnerable (a) + Enact (v) - Elicit some vocabulary - Help Ss to read the vocabulary correctly B While-reading (20’) - Ask students to look through the - Read through the text and find the new passage and read in silence words, try to guess the meanings of - Help students read the passage those words in contexts: - Explain pronunciation and meaning of - Work individually to read the text and new words which appear in the passage task Task : Suggested answers - Ask students to read through the text 1.C once to find out some new words, guess 2.D the main idea 3.A (169) - Explain new words (give the Vietnamese equivalents), - Ask students to work individually in minutes to this task - Guide students to read through the passage , then focus on only the sentences surrounding the suggested words to the task effectively - Give students some more words that may be new/ unfamiliar to them - Guide the students to read the words in chorus and individually -Give correct answers Task 2: - Ask students to read the passage again and choose A,B,C,D to complete the following sentences about the reading passage - Ask them to work individually to the task and give the evidence to prove the keys - Move round to make sure that all students are working and to help them if necessary - Ask some students to report and give feedback C Post-reading (9’) Brainsrorming - Ask Ss to name some more endangered animals that they know - Call on some Ss to give the answers 4.B - Listen to the teacher - Write down the correct answers - Read through the text find the new words - Work in pairs to answer the questions Suggested answers 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.D - Work in groups of six and discuss the answers - Give the answers in front of the class IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare the rest exercise of the lesson – unit 10: Reading V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (170) Period: 56th Date of preparation: January 8th , 2011 UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know some endangered species which are plant and animal species Knowledge: - Vocabulary: extinction, diversity, endangered - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (7’) Vocabulary - Read the words after the teacher + Extinction (n) - Write down the words into the + Diversity (n) notebooks + Endangerd (a) - Elicit some vocabulary - Help Ss to read the vocabulary correctly B While-reading (25’) Task 3: - Ask students to read the passage again, - Read through the text and find the new then work in pairs to find evidence in words the passage to support these statements - Work in pairs to give evidence in the - Walk round the class to give help if passage to support these statements necessary Suggested answers - Give suggested words, phrases or The first sentence of the second useful suggestions passage - Correct the students’ work The third paragraph The fourth one C Post-reading (12’) - Ask students to work in group to scan - Work in group to summarize the (171) the text again - Ask them to work in small groups of three or four to summarize the reading passage by writing one sentence for each paragraph - Encourage them to summarize the reading passage - Ask one or two pairs to report reading passage Suggested answers Over 24 thousand plant and animal species all over the world are classified as endangered The main causes of extinction or endangerment are habitant destruction, commercial exploitation and population Biodiversity is important for humans as it provides food ,clean air, water, fertile soil and other products Different efforts have been made to conserve endangered species The task of conservation should be shared by international organization, governmental agencies ,industry and individuals IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare next period – unit 10: Speaking V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (172) Period: 57th Date of preparation: January 11th , 2012 UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about the information of some endangered animals Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Hang out the pictures of animals and ask Ss to give the name of them Suggested answers: 1.It is a tiger 2.It is a rhino 3.It is a panda 4.It is an elephant New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to speak (10’) - Ask students to work in pairs to - Work in pairs to discuss the three discuss the four questions and find the questions and find the answers answers Panda, rhino, tiger, elephant - Move round to make sure that all We can find these animals in the students are working and to help them if forests in Asia, Africa,etc necessary Rhino can be used for medicine - Ask some students to report and give All of them are in danger (173) feedback - Correct the students’ work and give remark B Practice speaking (20’) Activity : Ask and answer questions about endangered animals - Asks Ss to read the information about the giant panda, tiger, rhino, elephant - Explain how to task - Walk round from group to group to give help if necessary - Encourage students to speak out what they think even a phrase or a singular word - Check and give feedback C Production (9’) - Ask Ss divide into groups to give an oral report on the animals mentioned in task - Ask each group to a report on each animal - Walk round from group to group to give help if necessary - Encourage students to speak out what they think - Listen to the teacher - Work in pair to task Model dialogue: A: Where giant pandas live? B: They live in bamboo forests in the mountain in central and western China A: What is the population of pandas in the world? B: Only about 600 A: How are they? B: about 1.2 to 1.5m A How much they weigh? B: About 75 kg to 160 kg A: what they eat B: Bamboo A: Why are they in danger? B: People destroy their habitat and hurt them for trade - Work individually and make a report on the animals - Work in group to give an oral report - Present their report in front of the class Model report: Group 1: Giant pandas live in bamboo forests in the mountain in Western China only about 600 pandas are living there They attain a height of 1.2m to 1.5m and weigh from 75kg to 160 kg they are in danger because People destroy their habitat and hurt them for trade Group 2: Rhino Group 3:tiger Group elephant IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) (174) - Write a short paragraph about the rhino - Prepare next period, unit 10 – Listening V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 58th Date of preparation: January 14th , 2012 UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know about the life of gorillas Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk, Cd player Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Rearrange the letters to make a meaningful word: OLLARIG Suggested answer: GORILLA New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities (175) A Pre-listening (10’) - Ask students to work in pairs to discuss and choose the best answer A,B,C - Guide the students to answer if necessary - Give further information - Explain the words that will appear in the listening text - Ask students to read in chorus then individually B While-listening (20’) Task - Ask students to read the statement at least once first - Ask them to guess the answers - Play the tape once then check how many answers can students find - Play the tape again - Check and give remarks - Call some sts to say out their answers and the evidences they get to prove their answers Task - Ask them to guess the answers - Play the tape once then check how many answers can sts find - Play the tape again - Check and give remarks - Call some students to say out their answers and the evidences they get to prove their answers C Post-listening (9’) - Work in pairs to discuss and give correct answers - Listen and repeat the words after the teacher -Read the statement once to get the main contents - Listen to the tape and the task - Find evidences to each of the answers - Represent if being asked Keys: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C - Listen to the teacher’s explanation then correct the answers oneself - Read the questions once to get the main contents - Listen to the tape and the task - Find evidences to each of the answers - Represent if being asked 1.peaceful 2.plant – eating 3.a few females and their young 4.plants and a few insects 5.in trees 6.in grasses 7.civil war 8.forests being cut down (176) - Ask the Ss to summarise the main ideas of the passage ,using the information and the answers in task and - Move around to help if necessary - Give remarks -Work in group to summarise the main ideas of the passage - Give the answers in front of the class IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare next period, unit 10 – Writing V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 59th Date of preparation: January 17th, 2012 UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES Lesson: Writing I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write about measures to protect endangered species Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Words related to endangered species - Grammar/ Structures: + The tenses + Connectors (177) - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask Ss to the following exercise: Fill in the chart with some information about endangered species’ problems: Endangered species Causes Measure to save them Feedback: Endangered Causes Measure to save them species Tiger - habitat - build habitat reserves destruction - protect forest Rhino - pollution - Lead-in: Today, you are going to write a paragraph about measures to protect endangered species New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to write (10’) - Explain as clearly as possible the way - Listen to the teacher to write a paragraph: - Get the task + topic sentence - Work in pairs to the task + supporting idea - Listen to the teacher to correct + supporting idea oneself + Concluding sentence + connectors: first, second, third B Practice writing (20’) - Work in groups to the task Task Suggested answers - Ask students to look at Task 1.We should have different activities to - Ask Ss to work in groups and give the raise people ‘s awareness of the need to measures for the problems protect these animals - Move around to give help 2.Goverments should raise sufficient - Check and give remarks funds for projects to save endangered animals There should be programs to raise people’s awareness of the need to (178) protect rare and endangered animals 3.Humans must keep water ,air, and land clean to preserve natural habitats for wild animals 4.Goverments should have a good policy to improve the life of people who live in or near endangered animals’ habitats Conferences should be held with the participation of these countries to raise their awareness and supply them with some ideas other countries have taken There should be campaigns to ask people not to use these products Make them feel guilty to use them The Governments can ask other organizations to help Apart from that, in some countries, they make these places interesting enough for tourists to go there Task - Ask students to work in groups to write paragraph - Walk round to give help if necessary - Work in groups and write a paragraph about the measures to protect endangered species C Production (9’) - Ask some groups to represent their work, ask other to give remark - Choose some good writing to read in class and give remark - Represent the task on board if being asked - Read the writing to get others’ remarks - Do as the teacher asked IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Rewrite the paragraph at home - Prepare the next period – unit 10: Language Focus V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 60th I OBJECTIVES: Date of preparation: January 31st , 2012 UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES Lesson: Language Focus (179) Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know the modal verbs such as may, might, must, mustn’t, needn’t Knowledge: - Vocabulary: may, might, must, mustn’t, needn’t - Grammar/ Structures: - Pronunciation: Rhythm Skills: II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk, CD player Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pronunciation (15’) - Explain the way to stress syllables - Get the teacher’s explanation - Help students to know the 1.Tell me the time pronunciation Show me the way - Play the tape Some carrots and cabbages - Ask Ss to repeat 4.Come for a swim - Listen to Ss and check 5.The clock on the mantelpiece - Call some students to read aloud the I think he wants to go tomorrow sentences 7.It’s not the one I want - Give feedback 8.Most of them have arrived on the bus 9.Walk down the path to the end of the canal 10.I’m going home today for Christmas 11.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 12 If you don’t have the best ,make the best of what you have - Practice reading in chorus or individually B Grammar (29’) Presentation: Modal verbs - Give some examples about the Modal - Read the examples and infer the usage verbs (may, might, must, mustn't , of the modal verbs needn’t) Example:  There is a lot of cloud It may rain  I haven’t found my book I might have left it in my classroom I am not sure (180)  When you live in London You must drive on the left  You needn’t the exercise It is not necessary  She was still sleeping when I came She must have stayed up late Remarks: - May, might  possibility - Must  obligation - Need  necessity Practice Exercise 1: - Guide the students how to the exercise - Divide the class into groups, ask them to the exercise - Walk round to give help if necessary - Correct the students’ work if necessary Exercise 2: - Guide the students how to the exercise - Divide the class into groups, ask them to the exercise Exercise 3: - Guide Ss to exercise - Call Ss to complete the sentences - Correct the students’ work if necessary - Work in pairs and the exercises Suggested answers: Exercise1: might rain may/might wake may/might bite may/might need may/might slip may/might break Exercise 2: needn’t come needn’t walk needn’t ask needn’t tell needn’t explain Exercise 3: must mustn’t needn’t must musn’t needn’t needn’t must,mustn’t - Listen to the teacher and write down correct answers IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Do the exercises in unit 10, part Language Focus in Workbook - Prepare Test Yourself D V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (181) Period: 61st Date of preparation: January 29th, 2012 TEST YOURSELF D I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: Modal verbs - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading, Listening, Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: - Ask students something about the test yourself D * Have you prepared it at home? * Have you got any difficulties? New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Listening (12’) - Present the task: Listen and complete - Look at the book and listen to the task the table below - understand the task - Tell students the topic of the table - Listen to the tape carefully - Get students to look through the table - Fill in the blanks with the words - Explain the meaning of new words they’ve just heard - After that turn on the tape of the passage - Correct mistakes aloud twice Keys: - Let students fill in the blanks with the bamboo shoots, leaves, 12, 600, words they have just heard half, - Go round the class to control the work cloning (the panda) - Then turn on the tape of the passage the last time for students to check their results - Correct mistakes (182) B Reading (12’) - Recall the grammar of articles - Look at the textbook and listen to the - Guide students how to teacher then read the passage and - Give them some new words: choose the statements are True or False - Do the first as an example - Work in groups to discuss about the - Ask students to the exercise passage - Call the to on board - Finish the task - Go round the class to control the set’s - Compare their results with the other activities groups, and correct - State the keys Keys: - Correct mistakes F, N, T, T, T C Grammar (10’) - Recall the grammar of articles - Listen to the teacher - Guide students how to - Work in groups to complete the - Give them some new words: sentences - Do the first as an example - Compare the results with the other - Ask students to the exercise groups - Call the to on board - Correct mistakes - Go round the class to control the set’s Keys: activities needn’t, must, mustn’t, mustn’t, - State the keys needn’t, must, mustn’t, - Correct mistakes mustn’t, mustn’t, needn’t D Writing (10’) - Guide students how to write - Listen to the teacher carefully - Give students some models and - Work in groups or in pairs then write structures to writes - Compare the results with the other - Ask students to write groups - Call the to on board - Go round the class to control the - Correct mistakes students’ activities - Correct mistakes IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Do the exercises again - Prepare next period, unit 11 – Reading V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (183) Period: 62nd Date of preparation: February 1st , 2012 UNIT 11: BOOKS Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know about books Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Words related to reading books - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask Ss some questions: 1.What you in your free time? 2.Can you name some advantages of reading books? Suggested answers: Play sports, watch TV, read books, etc 2.Enrich knowledge and relax New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (10’) - Ask students (to work in pairs) to open - Work in pairs and discuss the the their books, look at the pictures, and questions the tasks that follow - Report the answers in front of the (184) Do you often read books? What kind of books you enjoy reading most/least? How you read books? - Ask them to work in minutes, meanwhile the teacher moves round to help if necessary - Ask some pairs to report B While-reading (20’) - Ask students to look through the passage and read in silence - Explain pronunciation and meaning of new words which appear in the passage Task 1: Finding Vietnamese equivalents - Ask students to read through the text once to find out some new words, guess the main idea - Explain new words (give the Vietnamese equivalents), guide the Ss to get the main contents of the reading text - Ask students to work individually in minutes to this task - Guide students to read through the passage , then focus on only the sentences surrounding the suggested words to the task effectively - Give students some more words that may be new/ unfamiliar to them - Guide the students to read the word in chorus and individually Task 2: T/ F/ NM Decide whether the statements given in task page 120 are true, false or not mentioned - Ask students to read through the text once to find out some new words, guess the main idea - Explain new words (give the Vietnamese equivalents), guide the Ss to get the main contents of the reading text class - Work individually to read the text then Task Suggested answers: swallow: đoc ngốn ngấu dip into: đọc qua loa taste: đọc qua hard-to-pick –up-again: không thể nhặt lên lại digest: đọc và suy ngẫm chew: nghiền ngẫm hard - to -put - down: khó đặt xuống Work in pair to give answers - Share the key with other Ss Suggested answers: NM F NM T F - Find in the text the evidence to prove the keys (185) - Ask students to work individually in minutes to this task - Ask Ss work in pairs to discuss the answers together - Guide students to read through the passage, then focus on only the sentences surrounding the suggested words to the task effectively - Call on some Ss to write the answers on the board - Check the answers and give the feedback C Post-reading (9’) Talking about your favourite books - Ask Ss to work in groups of six and talk about their favourite book Cues: + Title + Main Characters + Theme - Comment and correct pronunciation mistakes if necessary - Work in groups of six - Some representatives report their favourite books in front of the class in turns V HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart the new words - Read the passage again and prepare for the next tasks V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (186) Period: 63rd Date of preparation: February 2nd , 2012 UNIT 11: BOOKS Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know about books Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Kinds of books - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (15’) * Pre-teaching the vocabulary + information + entertainment + wonderful source + travel book - Help Ss to read the words correctly * Checking the vocabulary - Deliver the handouts and ask Ss to fill the suitable words into the gaps Handout: a If you love travelling, buy a _ b Books are a _ of knowledge c Video games is a kind of - Call on some Ss to give the answers - Comment on Ss’ answers and give the feeedback B While-reading (20’) - Listen to the teacher and repeat - Note down the words - Work in pairs and fill the words into the gaps - Give the answers in front of the class (187) Task: Answering questions - Ask students to read the passage again and answer the questions - Ask them to work in pais to the task and give the evidence to prove the keys - Move round to make sure that all students are working and to help them if necessary - Ask some students to report and give feedback C Post-reading (9’) - Ask students to work in group to scan the text again - Ask them to work in small groups of three or four to the task - Ask one or two pairs to report - Move round to make sure that all students are working and to help them if necessary - Ask some students to report and give feedback - Do the task in pairs - Give the answers for the questions Suggested answers: Three When you find a good story and have time to enjoy it Read a few pages to see if it’s the one you can easily read and understand Television can bring you all the information and stories with colour picture and action Books are still a cheap way to get information and entertainment; you can keep a book forever and read it many times - Listen to the teacher - Work in group to the task Suggested answers: a thriller b romance c novel d science e craft f fiction g comic h biography IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Prepare the next period – unit 11- Speaking V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (188) Period: 64th Date of preparation: February 4th , 2012 UNIT 11: BOOKS Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Ask and answer about reading habits - Talk about characters in a book Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask Ss to give name of some stories Suggested answers: 1.fairy story 2.historical story 3.detective story 4.war story 5.adventure story New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to speak (5’) - Complete the following conservation - Work in pairs to discuss the three and practise reading it questions - Explain how to the task - Give the answers in front of the class -Ask students to work in pairs to discus Suggested answers: the three questions and find the + What sort (kind) of books you like answers to read? - Correct the students’ work and give + How you often read books? remark + When you often read books? B Practice speaking (189) Task 2: (10’) - Explain the requirements - Ask Ss to work in pairs and the task - Guide the students how to speak by giving them useful suggestions - Walk round from group to group to give help if necessary - Encourage students to speak out what they think even a phrase or a singular word Task 3: (10’) - Complete the following conservation and practise reading it - Explain how to the task - Ask students to work in pairs to discuss the three questions and find the answers - Correct the students’ work and give remark Task 4: (10’) - Explain how to the task -Ask students to work in pairs to discus the three questions and find the answers -Practise the model consevation with one student -Ask Ss to task - Listen to the teacher - Work in pairs to ask and answer Model dialogue: A: What you often in your free time? B: Reading books A:What sort of books you often read? B:novels A:How you read them? B:When I find a good story A:When you often read books? B: Whenever I have free time - Work in pairs to discuss the three questions and find the answers Suggested answers: + What are you reading at the moment? + Who is the main character? + What is he/she like/ - Listen and work in pairs to task Model dialogue: A: What are you reading at the moment? B: I’m reading “happy life” A: Who is the main character? B:John A: What is he like? B: C Production Task 5: (4’) - Ask students to work individually to - Work individually and make a report make a report on the books their friend on the books their friend have read have read - Present the report in front of the class - Move round to check the activities and to make sure that students are working effectively - Ask one or two students to report in front of the whole class - Check and give remarks (190) IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Prepare next period, unit 11- Listening V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 65th Date of preparation: February 5th , 2012 UNIT 11: BOOKS Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to catch detail information from the listening passage Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and to answers the questions: "What are they doing?" What you know about books? Suggested answers: They are reading Author, title, main character, plot …  Lead in "Our lesson today will focus on a story that a woman has just read " New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-listening (7’) - Explain the words that will appear in - Listen and repeat: the listening text Incredible - Ask students to read in chorus then Wilderness (191) individually B While-listening Task (10’) - Ask students to read the statement at least once first - Ask them to guess the answers - Play the tape once then check how many answers can students find - Play the tape again - Check and give remarks - Call some sts to say out their answers and the evidences they get to prove their answers Task (14’) - Ask them to guess the answers - Play the tape once then check how many answers can sts find - Play the tape again - Check and give remarks - Call some students to say out their answers and the evidences they get to prove their answers Fascinating Unnoticed Journey Peronality Survive Renioned - Read the statement once to get the main contents - Listen to the tape and the task - Find evidences to each of the answers Keys: B, C, B, A, A - Listen to the teacher’s explanation then correct the answers onself - Read the questions once to get the main contents - Listen to the tape and the task Keys: family strength humans journey pet C Post-listening (8’) - In group, ask students to discus the - In groups, ask and answer the guided question, find the answer question - Move around to help if necessary S1: Do you like to read the book ? - Give remarks or even suggestions S2: Yes, I S1: Why? S2: Because I want to know about animal’s life - Listen to the teacher’s guide to correct (192) oneself IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart the new words - Prepare next period, unit 11 – Writing V COMMENTS: ………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… Period: 66th Date of preparation: January 8th , 2012 UNIT 11: BOOKS Lesson: Writing I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write a book report Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Discuss these questions Name some sorts of books you know What sort/kind of books would you like reading? Suggested answers: They are detective books, picture-books, science books, science fiction books I'd like reading … Lead-in: Today, you will write a book report New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to write (10’) Task 1: - Ss work in pairs and give the correct -Have Ss put these questions under the headings correct headings - Go to the board and write their answers 1.What was your opinion of the book? Expected answers: 2.Where is the book set? The correct headings 3.Would you recommend the book? headings Questions 4.Who is the author? General 5.What is the main theme of the story? 7, 4, introduction 6.Who are the main characters? 7.What is the title of the book? Summary of the 2, 5, 6, (193) 8.What is the plot of the story? 9.What type of book is it? -Go over the answers to the class * Elicit structures: + Tenses: Simple present * Explain as clearly as possible the way to write a passage B Practice writing (20’) Task 2: Ask and answer the above questions about a book you have just read - Ask student to read the request of task one and translate - Give students the structures and some new words book’s content Conclusion 1, - Work in groups to find out some dialogues like this Suggested dialogue S1- What is the title of the book? S2: The Old Man and the Sea S1- Who is the author? S2- Ernest Hemingway S1- What type of book is it? - Walk around and help them S2- A story about an aging Cuban - Call some to stand up and answer the fisherman questions S1- Where is the book set? - Correct the mistakes if necessary S2- In Cuba S1- What is the main theme of the book? S2- The story centers upon Santiago, an aging Cuban fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream The fish is so huge that it pulls his boat S1- 6.Who are the main characters? S2- Frankenstein S1- What is the plot of the story? S2- Two days and nights’ pass in this manner, during which the old man bears the tension of the line with his body When he reaches the coast, there is only the skeleton of the fish left because a pack of sharks follow the trail to Santiago's boat and each shark takes an enormous bite out of the marlin The Old Man and the Sea is noteworthy in twentieth century fiction, reaffirming Hemingway's worldwide literary prominence as well as being a (194) significant factor in his selection for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954 …… S1- What was your opinion of the book? S2- Interesting S1- Would you recommend the book? S2- Yes C Production (9’) Task 3: Write a report on the book you have read recently based on the results of Tasks and - Explain the requirements: Writing a paragraph - Ask students to work in groups to write paragraph - Walk round to give help if necessary - Ask some groups to represent their work, ask other to give remark - Choose some good writing to read in class and give remark - Work in groups of five to write the paragraph - Present their work in front of the class Suggested beginning: "Recently I have read an interesting book, it is … IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Rewrite the report on the book you have read - Prepare next period, unit 11 – Writing V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (195) Period: 67th Date of preparation: February 11th , 2012 UNIT 11: BOOKS Lesson: Language Focus I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to : - know how to make rhythm in a sentence - know the uses of the passive voice with modal verbs Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing, reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pronunciation (10’) - Explain the rhythm - Get the teacher’s explanation -Help students to know the pronunciation - Practice reading in chorus or - Help Ss practice reading the sentences: individually Why did you behave like that ? Come for a swim I think it will be find She’s gone for a walk in the park I wonder if he’ll ever come back -Let Ss to listen to the tape B Grammar (15’) Modals in passive voice - Give the some some sentences in - Change the sentences into the passive active voice and ask Ss to change them voice into passive voice a  This exercise can be done by me (196) Example a I can this exercise b My mother must have left the wallet in the shop - Elicit the form of modals in passive voice Form: * S + Modals + be + past participle + (by O) C Practice (19’) Exercise1: Rewrite the sentences in the passive - Guide the students how to the exercises - Ask Ss to work in pairs and the exercise - Walk round to give help if necessary - Correct the students’ work if necessary Exercise2: Complete the conservation with the suitable passive form of the verbs in brackets - Guide the students how to the exercises - Divide the class into groups of four, ask them to the exercises - Walk round to give help if necessary - Correct the students’ work if necessary b  The wallet must have been left in the shop by my mother - Give the form of the modals in passive voice Exercise1: - Work in pairs and the exercise - Give the answers in front of the class Suggested answers: This machine mustn’t be used after 5.30 p.m This machine must cleaned every tine you use it The flowers should be kept in a warm sunny place 10 Your bill should be paid before you leave the hotel 11 we should be given the information now 12 Toothpaste can be bought at the drugstore 13 The children should be warned not to speak to strangers 14 The mystery can’t be solved 15 Travelers’ cheques can be exchanged at most banks 16 She shouldn’t be told the news It might kill her Exercise 2: - Work in groups of four and the exercise - Give the answers in front of the class Suggested answers: 1.will be prepared Is food going to be cooked? will be pre-packaged can be warmed (197) should food be chosen has to be offered could be selected ought to be made IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Do exercise 3, and (page 74 and 75) in the student’s work book V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (198) Period: 68th Date of preparation: February 12th , 2012 REVISION UNIT 10, 11 I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to revise the knowledge learnt in unit 10 and unit 11 Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Vocabulary in unit 10 and 11 - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Presentation (5’) - Ask Ss to recall the themes learnt in - Listen to the teacher and recall the unit 10 and 11 themes in unit 10, 11 - Give the answers Unit 10: Endangered species Unit 11: Books B Practice (30’) - Give the exerice and ask Ss to - Do the exercises individually individually Suggested answers I Choose the word that is Exercise pronounced or stressed differently B from the others A A rhinoceros B conservation D C environment D extinction D A derive B species C tortoise D threaten A disappearance B generation C conservation D vulnerable A industry B different (199) C habitat D introduce II Change the following sentences into passive voice People can eat most of food at the party My sister should make the dress They couldn’t decide the exact time of the match We should all the homework at home Nobody could steal your car I can’t these exercises quickly A French architect must design the palace No one could open that box for the past hundred years III Fill in the blank with the suitable modal verbs: must, mustn’t, needn’t, may, can, could 1.You _ touch that switch, whatever you 2.I can manage to go shopping alone You _ go with me 3.My father has just given me a letter to post I _ remember to post it 4. _ I seat here, sir? – Yes, of course Exercise Most of food at the party van be aeten The dress should ve made by my sister The exact time of the match couldn’t be decided All the homework should be done at home Your car couldn’t be stolen These exercises can’t be done quickly by me The palace must be designed by a French architect That box couldn’t be opened for the past hundred years Exercise mustn’t needn’t must may/ can IV Choose the best option to complete the following sentences Exercise 1. _ is the existence of a wide B variety of plant and animal species A living in their natural environment C A Extinction B Biodiversity A C Conservation D Generation B 2.The sad fact is that the cheetah is now A one of the _ species A A endangered B danger B C dangerous D dangerously B 3.Toxic chemicals are one of the serious 10 B factors that drive wildlife to the _ of 11 D extinction 12 A (200) A fence B wall C verge D bridge It is a top secret You _ tell anyone about it A mustn't B needn't C mightn't D won't You _ forget to pay the rent tomorrow The landlord is very strict about paying on time A not have to B mustn't C needn't D may not Peter has been working for 10 hours He _ be very tired now A must B has to C needn't D should I am not deaf You _ shout A needn’t B mustn't C need D must He only had time to into the report He couldn’t read it thoroughly A see B dip C break D read A is a book or a movie with an exciting story about crime or spy 10 comic B thriller C romance D biography 11 A is a book or movie that tells a story about a love affair A horror B nonfiction C thriller D romance 12 His lecture was interesting, but too much to all at once A digest B process C manufacture D convert C Production (9’) - Elicit the answers from SS - Correct the mistake if necessary - Give the answers - Check their exercises and take note the correct answers (201) IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Revise the exercises in unit 10, 11 - Prepare for the next lesson, 45-minute test V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 69th Date of preparation: February 15th , 2012 45-MINUTE TEST No I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to recall the knowledge they have learnt in unit 10 and unit 11 Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Words in unit 10 and unit 11 - Grammar/ Structures: Modal verbs and Modals in the passive voice - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing, reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: Textbook, workbook, tests, chalk Students: Pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: (45’) A The test I Choose the word which has the stress different from the others (1.5m) A elephant B mosquito C habitat D animal A parrot B tortoise C leopard D reserve A vulnerable B rhinoceros C environment D tomorrow A survive B swallow C novel D comic A slowly B thriller C fiction D extinct A digest B panda C rhino D tiger II Choose the best answers (2ms) Toxic chemicals have many species to the verge of extinction since 2000 A written B eaten C driven D spoken The Red List has been introduced to _ people’s awareness of conservation needs A high B raise C rise D low A book tells stories through pictures A biography B craft C comic D science fiction I don’t have much time So, I just into the story (202) A swallow B chew C digest D dip A: How high is a rhino? B: It’s from A 65 to 70 kg B to years C 1,2 to 1,8 m D 400 to 500 USD She hasn't eaten anything since yesterday She _ be really hungry A might B will C must D can You _ throw litter on the streets A mustn't B couldn't C needn't D won't A: What _ she like? B: She’s intelligent and humorous A is B was C does D.did III Put the correct modal verbs in into brackets: must, mustn’t, may or needn’t (1m) You ring the bell I have a key We _ drive fast There is a speed limit here A: I come in? B: Sure, please come in My teacher asked me to this homework I _ remember to it IV Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs correcting (0.5m) This exerxise might be write with a pencil during the examination A B C D You must make noise, or you will wake the baby A B C D V Put the correct form of the words in brackets (1.5m) The number of animals has been reduced ……………… (destroy) because of habitat If you enjoy reading stories about love affairs, ……………… (romantic) a is a right book for you Books are wonderful source of _ ……………… (know) and pleasure VI Rewrite the following sentences.(2ms) Can you decide the exact time of the match? ……………………………………………………………………… 10 Nobody could steal your bicycle ……………………………………………………………………… 11 A French architect must design the palace …………………………………………………………………… 12 You needn’t these exercises quickly …………………………………………………………………… VII Answers the questions (1.5m) (203) Alice Walker has written book of poetry and short stories, a biography, and several novels She is probably best known for her novel The Color Purple, published in 1982 The book vividly narrates the richness and complexity of black people – especially black women – in Georgia in the 1920s and 1930s Although the novel came under bitter attack by certain critics and readers, it was applauded by others and won both the American Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for fiction It became a bestseller, selling over million copies, and it was made into a successful film by noted director Steven Spielberg Telling a story through letters was a narrative structure commonly used by eighteen-century novelists, but it is not often used in contemporary fiction Unlike most epistolary novels, which have the effect of distancing the reader from the events described by the letter writer, The Colour Purple used the letter form to draw the reader into absolute intimacy with the poor, uneducated, but wonderfully observant Celia, like William Faulkner’ character Dilsey, does not simply survive, but prevails What kind of books did Alice Walker write? ……………………………………………………………………… Is The Colour Purple is a book of fiction? …………………………………………………………………… How many copies of The Color Purple were sold at that time? …………………………………………………………………… - THE END B The Matrix of the test Application U nit Total Recognition MC - Periods: - Sentences: Pronunciatio n: 10 sentences +Vocabulary : 11 :2 - Marks:1,25 - Marks:3 11 - Periods: - Sentences: + Pronunciatio Sentences n: : 19 + Vocabulary: W +Voc: Marks:0 ,5 Comprehension MC W Sentences: + Grammar: - Marks: +Voc: + Grammar: Marks:1 - Marks: Low MC - Sentences: + Speaking: - Marks:0,25 - Sentence: + Grammar: + Reading: - Marks: 3,5 H ig h - Sentences: + Speaking: - Marks: 0,25 W (204) - Marks: - Marks: 1,25 IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: - Prepare next period, unit 12 - Reading V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Period: 70th Date of preparation: February 18th , 2012 UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know about the water polo Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Words related to water polo - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Give two words: water sport and football - Asks some questions: Where can people play these sports? Which sport you think is more popular? Do you know anything about Water sports? - Leads in new lesson: Water sports New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (10’) - Look at the picture and answer the - Ask students to look at the picture and questions: answer the questions: - Can you name the sport in the picture? Yes, it is Water Polo - Where is it played ? - How people play it ? - Ask students to look at the questions It is played in a pool in Before you read, page 119, working in pairs to discuss the question in part People play it with a ball, which is (205) Before you read: - Call a pair to report their discussion - Teach some new words: ask students whether they know the words, if they not know them, explain in English then ask them to give Vietnamese equivalents to check their understanding - Tie (n) (explanation) - Foul (n) : - Opponent (n) (synonym) rival - Penalty (n) : Hinh phaït - Eject (v) : (example) Ex: Ronaldo got a red card and was ejeceted - Goalie (n) : - Let the whole class read the new words twice or three times - Call 2-3 students to read new words again B While-reading (20’) - Ask students to read the passage in silence Task 1- Ask students to Task 1: Find the words in the passage that can match with the definition on the right column -Ask students to discuss the answers in pairs - Ask individuals to the Task - Write down the answers on the board Task 2: Complete the sentences - Asks students to the task in pairs and read scan the passage to find information in the text to fill words in the blanks - Goes round to give help - Checks answers and give feedback passed each other by hand or advanced with the head over the water between player’s arms Task 3: Answer the questions - Ask students to find answers for all questions in the passage individually first, then compare in pairs - Do independently first then work in pairs - Present answers in front of the class and correct in notebook - Give Vietnamese equivalents - Read the words - Read the passage in silence - Do the task - Discuss the answers in pairs - Give the answers - Write down the answers e c 3.a 4.b 5.d - Work in pairs and the task Key: 18 ; 30 meters; 20 meters White caps; blue caps; red caps with the number in white Their own goal lines Holding or punching the ball Five to eighty minutes (206) - Calls some students to present their answers in front of the class - Listens to the students and corrects mistakes - Calls on some students to write answers on the board - Corrects mistakes again C Post-reading (9’) Compare water polo with football - Ask students to After you read in groups (write the answers on the board) - Go around to supervise them Note down serious and common mistakes - Ask one group to report what they have discussed - Give feedback and correct some serious or common mistakes Key: People can play it in a pool It is in the centre of the pool 3.The ball can be advanced by passing with one hand or swimming with the head above the water and the ball between the arm so it rides on the wave create by the swimmer’s head Only the goalie can hold/ is allowed to hold the ball with both hands The player is ejected after committing five personal fouls Suggested answers: + Football: * On a pitch or play ground * 11 players * Rules: - the ball is advanced with a foot - only the goalie can hold the ball with hands - a touch of the ball on the arm or hand is awarded with a shot from the spot of the foul - major foul in the penalty area is awarded a penalty from a penalty spot - a player is ejected when he receives a red card * Time: - Two halves, 45 minutes each + Water polo: * In a pool * players * Rules: - Minor foul, such as holding or punching the ball, is awarded with a free throw from the spot of the foul - major foul ia penalized by one minute in the penalty box - a player commits five personal fouls is ejected * Time: - into quarters from to minutes in (207) length IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart the new words - Prepare next lesson, unit 12 – Speaking V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 71st Date of preparation: January 19th , 2012 UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know some essential information about water sports Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (1’) - Ask ss some questions about water sports What did we learn last period? Where can people play water polo? How many players are there in a team? Where is the ball when the game starts? Do you know another water sports? Suggested answers: We learn about water sports: Water polo They play it in a pool There are players: swimmers and a goalie It is in the centre of the pool Yes.Lead-in: Today, we are going to learn about another water sports and how they are played New lesson: Teacher’s activities A Preparing to speak (10’) Students’ activities (208) Task Work in pairs - Ask students to look at Task - Ask students to Task 1: Ask sts to work in pairs : Look at the pictures and match the names with the appropriate water sports - Walk around the class to guide or supervise them and give them help if necessary Suggested questions: - What is the sport in … ? - What you call the sport… ? - What is the name of the sport….? - Ask some pairs to report what they have talked - Give comments; correct the common mistakes after they finish B Practice speaking (20’) Task Work in pair - Ask students to Task in pairs, look at the table and talk about each of water sports + Take an example by asking some questions Where they play water polo? … in a pool Do they play it with the ball? ……Ball Do they pay in a team? ……in a team Example ; Water polo is played in a pool It is played with a ball and people play it in a team - Go around to supervise them Note down serious and common mistakes - Look at Task - Do Task Work in pairs Ask and answer Suggested answers: A What is the name of the sport in the upper left picture? B It is swimming A What you call the sport in the upper center picture? B It is water polo A What is the name of the sport in the upper right picture? B It is synchronized swimming A What is the name of the sport in the lower left picture? B It is windsurfing A What is the name of the sport in the upper centre picture? B It is scuba-diving A What is the name of the sport in the upper right picture? B It is rowing - Do Task in pairs - Report what they have talked Suggested answers: Rowing is played in a lake or on a river or in the sea It is played with a boat and people in a team( a player can play it individually) use oars to push the boat to go forwards Windsurfing is played in the sea or a lake, especially when there is a strong wind It is played with a board and a sail People can play it individually Scuba-diving is played in the sea People who play it must have required equipment: an air stank, a regulator, a pair of fins and a mask People usually play it in pair or a team - Listen to the teacher and correct the mistakes (209) C Production (9’) Discuss the question + Ask Sts some question: Do you prefer scuba diving to water polo? Why?  I prefer…….to ……., because it is……… + Give some adjectives: Interesting Dangerous Adventurous Healthy Good health Good shape Cheap Safe Popular - After about minutes of discussion, call some groups to report what they have done - After students finish, give them comments: correct some pronunciation mistakes they have made - Read aloud the words and ask the whole class to repeat - Read the example - Do Task in pairs - Report what they have talked Model: I prefer swimming to scuba diving because it is an easy, healthy and good shape IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Practice talking about the water sports, - Prepare next lesson, unit 12 – Listening V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (210) Period: 72nd Date of preparation: February 22nd, 2012 UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to learn more about synchronized swimming Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Words related to synchronized swimming - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, Cd player, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Game: BINGO - Ask Ss to write five water sports they enjoy doing most If Ss have all the five words ticked first, they will win the game Then say out “BINGO” *Suggested words: Swimming – Water polo – Windsurfing – Rowing – Synchronized swimming – Sailing – Body boarding - Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 132 in textbook and answer the questions: + Do you any water sports? + Are you good at swimming? + What is the water sport in the picture? + Is it played in a swimming pool or in the sea? + Is it played with or without equipment? + Is it played individually or in a team?  Lead in: "Today you are going to listen for synchronized swimming" New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-listening (10’) Pre-teaching vocabulary (211) - Ask Ss to listen and repeat chorally and individually + Synchronized swimming + Annette Kellerman + Katherine Curtis + Chicago Teacher’s College + Wright Junior College + Amateur Athlete Union - Explains unfamiliar words to students B While-listening (20’) Task1: Listen the passage and Choose the best answer A, B, or C - Ask Ss to read the statement at least once first - Ask them to guess the answers - Play the tape once then check how many answers can Ss find - Play the tape again - Check and give remarks - Call on some Ss to say out their answers and the evidences they get to prove their answers - Checks and gives feedback * Task2: Listen again and answer the questions - Ask Ss to work in pairs again Read the questions aloud then ask Ss to listen and answer the questions - Play the recording twice - Check their answers together - Call on some Ss to say out their answers - Check and give remarks - Ask Ss to ask and answer above questions in pairs - Listen and repeat chorally and individually - Read through the statements and underline key words - Listen to the tape - Do the task individually and compare the answers - Say out their answers B - in a glass tank C - both national and international publicity A – gymnastic and diving B – 1939 A – March 1, 1940 - Work in pairs again Read the questions aloud, listen and answer the questions - Listen - Say out their answers The great Australian swimmer, Annette Kellerman She founded a water ballet club in 1923 Cutis did It received major publicity when AAU was founded on March 1, 1940 (212) In 1986 at Los Angeles Games in 1984 -Ask and answer above questions in pairs C Post-listening (9’) Guessing the game - Divide the class into groups of five or six - Choose one of the sports to talk about Try to give as much information on the game as possible + It is the most popular sport in the world + People often play it in a field + The game is played by two teams of ten players and a goalkeeper, using a round ball that must not be handled during the game except by the goalkeeper The ball can be advanced by kicking up and down the playing field Teams try to kick the ball into the other team’s goal - Ask S to guess the name of the sport - Comment and give feedback - Work in group - Listen carefully - Guess the name of the sport Answer: * Football IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart the new words - Prepare next lesson, unit 12-Writing V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (213) Period: 73rd Date of preparation: February 23rd, 2012 UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS Lesson: Writing I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write instruction on how to play a game Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (1’) Game: Hot Seat - Divide the class into two groups: Tom and Jerry - Choose two representatives from the two groups to sit in the “hot seat” in the front with their backs to the board - Write the word on the board and ask the groups to explain, describe or define the word in any ways so that their team mates in the “hot seat” can speak out the word - Award one point to the fastest group to succeed in guessing the word - The group with more points is the winner - These are the words to guess: + Swimming – Water polo – Windsurfing – Rowing – Skiing – Synchronized swimming – Sailing * Lead in: Today, we’ll learn how to write instructions for an activities New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to write (10’) Chatting - Listen and answer: + Do you like swimming? + Yes, I + Where you often go swimming? + In a swimming / a lake / a river (214) + How long can you swim? + Do you warming up exercise before swimming? + What exercise you often do? How you it? Pre-teaching vocabulary: + fingertips (n): + apart (adv): separately, not together + bend (v): to lean in a particular direction Checking: Vietnamese – English - T says out Vietnamese words, Ss say out the English words Grammar focus: Using positive commands to give instructions For example: Stand with your feet apart B Practice writing (20’) Activity 1: TASK 1: - Ask Ss to work in pairs Read the sentences carefully and match an appropriate action with a sentence - Ask Ss to compare their answers together then say them out - Walk around and help them - Call on some Ss to stand up and answer the questions - Let Ss look at the pictures then say out the instructions Activity 2: TASK 2: - Ask Ss to work in groups of four Tell them to look at the pictures and the cues then give the instructions on each action - Ask Ss to write their instructions on individually - Ask Ss to exchange their writings Tell Ss in each group to read and make corrections if needed and choose the best one C Production (9’) Making a poster - Divide the class into two groups + About an hour + Yes, I + - Listen and take notes + đầu ngón tay + cách xa + cúi xuống, khom lưng xuống - Listen and say out the English words answer: - Listen and take notes - Work in pairs Read the sentences carefully and match an appropriate action with a sentence - Compare their answers together then say them out - Stand up and answer the questions 1–B 2–D 3–A 4–C - Look at the pictures then say out the instructions - Work in groups of four, look at the pictures and the cues then give the instructions on each action - Write their instructions on individually Suggested answer: Stand with your feet apart, Raise your hands above your head Bend forward, fingertips touch the ground Then bend again, fingertips touch the ground between the feet Finally push each arm back to the first position - Exchange their writings - Listen and take notes - Work in groups (215) - Give each group a poster and a marker - Choose a representative from each - Write instructions on how to daily group to be a secretary morning exercise - Each group writes instructions on how to daily morning exercise - Walk round the class to control and give help if necessary - Listen and take notes - Stick their posters on the board - Give feedback and make comments IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Write the instructions on how to play a game you know very well - Learn by heart the new words - Prepare next lesson, unit 12 - Language Focus V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (216) Period: 74th Date of preparation: February 25th, 2012 UNIT 12: WATER SPORTS Lesson: Language Focus I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - pronounce the words that have deaf sounds - review grammar point: transitive and intransitive verbs Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: Transitive and intransitive verbs - Pronunciation: Elision Skills: Speaking and Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Name the pictures - Show some pictures and ask Ss to name them Suggested answers: castle family New lesson: postman garden (217) Teacher’s activities A Pronunciation (10’) - Ask students to read words following the tape *Listen and repeat : - Read loudly then ask students to repeat - Introduce : elision - Correct pronunciation for the students * Practise these sentences - Read the sentences loudly - Ask students to repeat - Correct pronunciation for students B Grammar (29’) - Introduce exercises to the students - Let students see all sentences in part Pronunciation and give comments of verbs - Give explaination: verbs + obj = transitive verbs verbs + not obj = intransitive verbs - Ask students to make questions with “who/ whom/ what” in pairs - Calls some students to give their answers - Corrects mistakes Exercise - Introduce how to it - Let them work individually then compare with partner - Walk round, check and give feedback Exercise - Ask students to put the verbs into the right column “transitive or intransitive verbs” - Ask students to it in pairs - Check the answers and ask students to make sentences with those verbs - Correct mistakes * Remarks: - Most transitive verbs can be used in the passive - Intransitive verbs can never be used in passive Students’ activities - Read after the tape - Read in chorus then individually - Listen to the tape and practise speaking - Listen to the teacher - Read the sentences and underline verbs - Give comments: the verbs “do, like, climb, deliver” + Obj the verbs “sleep” + no Obj - Listen to the teacher and write down - Make questions in pairs - Do individually then in pairs Key: Intransitive verbs: sleep, lie, occur, arrive, rain, exist - Do the task in pairs - Make sentences: I help my friend to homework My father has grown many kinds of flowers - Listen to the teacher and copy down (218) Exercise - Introduce Exercise to students and explain how to it - Ask students to it - Let them work in groups to find sentences that have transitive verbs, then turn them into passive - Walk round and help them - Check, correct mistakes - Listen to the teacher - Do the task in groups Key: The bill will be paid by An Towels are supplied by the hotel My mistakes were noticed by everyone I wasn’t surprised by the news The story was told by an old man IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Do exercises 1, 2, (page 80, 81 - workbook) V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 75th Date of preparation: February 26th , 2012 45-MINUTE TEST No.3 CORRECTION I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to evaluate what they have gained in unit 10 and unit 11 Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: Modal verbs and modals in the passive voice - (Pronunciation): Skills: Speaking, reading, writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, 45-minute tests No III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: (44’) A Marking (44’) I Choose the word which has the stress different from the others (1.5m) 0.25 mark/ correct answer B D A A D A II Choose the best answers (2ms) 0.25 mark/ correct answer C B C D C C A A III Put the correct modal verbs in into brackets: must, mustn’t, may or needn’t (1m) 0.25 mark/ correct answer (219) needn’t mustn’t May must IV Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs correcting (0.5m) 0.25 mark/ correct answer C A V Put the correct form of the words in brackets (1.5m) 0.5 mark/ correct answer Destruction Romance Knowledge VI Rewrite the following sentences.(2ms) 0.5 mark/ correct answer 13 Can the exact time of the match be decided by you? 14 Your bicycle couldn’t be stolen 15 The palace must be designed by a French architect 16 These exercises needn’t be done quickly by you VII Answers the questions (1.5m) 0.5 mark/ correct answer Book of poetry and short stories, a biography, and several novels Yes, it is Over million copies B The result & experience - The result: Class 0-<3 3-<5 - < 6.5 6.5 - < 8 - < 10 12B3 12B4 - The experiece: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Revise the result of the tests - Prepare for next lesson, unit 13-Reading V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… (220) Period: 76th Date of preparation: February 29th, 2012 UNIT 13: THE 22ND SEA GAMES Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know more information about the 22nd Sea Games Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Words related to Sea Games - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Let students to listen to a song “For the world tomorrow” and ask Ss to answer some questions: In what event was it first sung? When and where was this event held? Answers The 22nd Sea Games In Vietnam – in 2003 - Leads in new lesson: The 22nd Sea Games New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (10’) (221) - Asks students to work in pairs to look at picture and answer the questions Where event was it? Where you think the event took place? - Goes round to listen to students - Calls some pairs to answer - Leads in new lesson B While-reading (20’) - Asks students to open the books and read the passage silently - Lets students task Task : - Asks students to the task invidually then compare answers with partner - Asks students try to guess meanings through the passage or look up dictionary - Checks answers with the whole class and gives feedback Task 2: - Asks students to scan the passage and find information to complete the sentences - Asks students to individually first then compare with partner - Goes round to give help - Checks answers and give feedback - Calls some students to read loudly completed sentences Task 3: - Asks students to find answers for all questions in the passage in pairs - Goes round to provide help - Calls some students to present their answers in front of the class - Listens to the students and corrects mistakes - Calls on some students to write answers on the board - Corrects mistakes again - Look at picture and answer the question In 2003 In Ha Noi - Do the task independently Key: người say mê thể thao đoàn kết danh hiệu môn thể dục thể hình tinh thần cao đồng bào - Read individually then compare their answers with partners Key: the 5th to 13th December, 2003 90 golds the Swimming and Shooting Events some point in the future - Work in pairs to answer the question - Listen to their friends and the teacher - Correct answers Key: It was solidarity, co-operation for peace and development 444 gold medals were won at the Sea Games The Vietnamese Women’s Football team successfully defended the Sea (222) Games title The Thai Men’s Football team won the gold medal It was because firstly, to prepare for the 22nd Sea Games, Vietnam carried out an intensive programme for its athletes, which included training in facilities, both home and abroad; secondly, with the strong support of their countrymen, the Vietnamese athletes competed in high spirits C Post-reading (9’) - Asks students to work in groups and talk about names of some of the Vietnamese athletes they love and say what they are famous for, and what aspects of sportsmanship they admire - Goes round to help students - Calls some students to present in front of the class - Listens to students and correct mistakes, gives marks - Work in groups to the task - Some students practise talking in front of the class - Listen to their friends’ talking and give comment IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart the new words - Prepare next lesson – Unit 13- Speaking V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (223) Period: 77th Date of preparation: March 3rd , 2012 UNIT 13: THE 22ND SEA GAMES Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to report some of the records at the 22nd SEA Games and the sports result of the match Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Vocabulary related to the Sea Games - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Game: Miming - Divide the class into groups, each group tells and presents some of the sports The group gives more names will be the winner - Lead-in: "In today’s speaking section, you will practice talking about some names of sports" New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to speak (10’) Task - Asks students to look at symbols and names Task of sports football (soccer) tennis (224) - Calls some students to speak - Corrects pronunciation and gives answers B Practice speaking (20’) - Asks students to look at the books and talk about some of the records at the 22nd SEA Games, using the information in the table - Asks students to pronounce some words (names of athletes and sports) - Lets students work in pairs - Goes round to check their activities - Calls some students to practise speaking Task 2: Talk about each of water sports Records of the 22nd SEA Games Athletics (Men's Bloonthung (Thailand) 200m) 20.14 seconds Women's Marathon Erni (Indonesia) hours (42m) 52 minutes 28 seconds Men's Long Jump Amri (Malaysia) 7.76 m Women's High Ruphai (Thailand) 1.86 Jump m Swimming Yurita (Indonesia) 13 (men's1500m) minutes 19.26 seconds Cycling (Women's Maria (Philippines) 25km cross-country hour 29 minutes 35 seconds Tennis (Men's Dannal (Thailand) Singles) defeated Febi (Indonesia) – 2, - Ex: Boonthung, the Thai, won the Men's 200 metres He ran 200 metres in 20.14 seconds C Production (9’) Task 3: Make a report on the sports results, using information in the scoreboard - Goes round to provide help - Calls some students to speak loudly in front of the class - Corrects pronunciation and gives comments - Gives marks swimming cycling basketball (running)athletics Task : - Look at the book - Work in pairs - Listen to their friends Suggested answer: A: Hi Nhien What are you doing? B: Well, I’m searching for sport records at the 22nd SEA Games A: It’s great Could you tell me about the record of the Men’s 200 meters? B: A man coming from Thailand won the game A: What’s his name? B: He’s Boonthung A: What was his record? B: He ran 200 meters in 20,14 seconds A: Wow! How excellent he was! He ran very fast -Students divide in pairs -Students express their opinions Task : - work in pairs to task Suggested answer - Thailand and Malaysia played in the Women’s Football ThirdPlace Playoff The Thai team won the bronze medal The results (score) was 6-1 - Thailand and Vietnam played in (225) the Men’s Football Final The Thai team won the gold medal The score was 2-1 - Thailand and Vietnam played in the Women’s Volleyball Final The Thai team won the gold medal The score was 3-0 - Discuss in groups of four Ss - Asks Ss to discuss and practice in groups - Present the modal in front of the class - Take notes and the exercise at home IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Write a paragraph about the sports results - Prepare next lesson, unit 13 – Listening V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (226) Period: 78th Date of preparation: March 4th , 2012 UNIT 13: THE 22ND SEA GAMES Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know more about the athletes’ records in the 22nd Southeast Asian Games as well as their jobs when the Games are over Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, CD player, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Guessing words - divide the class into groups - tell Ss that the teacher is thinking about a word - give Ss some clues about the word and tell Ss they have two chances to guess the word What’s this? This word is a name of a sport This sport can be done alone This sport needs to have a pole to with To this, you have to be very good at jumping (227) Who are they? They play together in a team They successfully defended the SEA Games title in the 22nd SEA Games They were all girls or women, no men in their team - go around the class to help - give correct answers Answers - Pole Vaulting - The Vietnamese Women’s Football Team New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-listening (10’) I Look at the picture on page 142 and - Work in pairs to look at the picture answer the questions: and answer the questions - ask Ss to work in pairs to look at the - Some pairs speak out picture and answer the questions - go round to listen to Ss - call some pairs to speak out II Vocabulary: - odd (n) - to clear (v) [kliə] - podium (n) ['poudiəm] : - milkmaid (n) ['milkmeid] : - proposal (n) [prə'pouzl] : - deal (n) [di:l] : - tempting (adj) ['temptiη] : III Checking vocabulary: - Listen carefully Corrects pronunciation - Repeat after the teacher in chorus and - Read word by word individual and write down - Ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individual and write them on the blackboard - Rub out some words and ask Ss to remember B While-listening (20’) I Task1: I Task1: - Ask Ss read questions first to -Read questions first to understand the understand the contents contents st - Play the tape the time - Listen carefully nd - Play the tape time and ask Ss only Answers: give short answers one 4.8m - Call on some Ss to answer in front of Thailand No, he didn’t the class - some Ss answer in front of the class (228) - Call on Ss to write answers on the board - Correct mistakes and give correct answers II Task 2: - Ask Ss to listen to the nd newspaper article about the players of Vietnam’s Women’s Football team and decide whether the statements are T or F - Play the tapes times - Check answers and ask Ss to give their evidences - Correct the answers C Post-listening (9’) - Ask Ss to work in groups, choosing one of their favourite football players or athletes to talk about but not say out his or her name Try to give as much information about him/ her as possible The other groups guess who he/ she is - Ss write answers on the board II Task 2: - Listen to the 2nd newspaper article about the players of Vietnam’s Women’s Football team and decide whether the statements are T or F - Listen carefully - Give answers in front of the class Answers: T F T T F - Work in groups of four and discuss the task - Act out in front of class Suggested ideas: - Male or female - Where he/ she from - What he/ she looks like - What sport he/ she plays - What he/ she is good at - Which team he/ she belongs to - he/ she has ever won a gold medal IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Write a short paragraph about your favourite football player/ athlete on their notebooks - Prepare next lesson, unit 13 – Writing V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (229) Period: 79th Date of preparation: March 7th , 2012 UNIT 13: THE 22ND SEA GAMES Lesson: Writing I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to describe a sporting event (a football match) Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Game: Miming game - divide the class into groups - have each group nominate one representative - write activities on a piece of paper Activities: - Swimming - Volleyball - Mountain- climbing - Playing computer games - Basketball - Badminton (230) - Football - ask each representative to mime the activities, and the members of his/ her groups will have to guess what the activity is The representatives take turn to the miming times The group which has more correct answers will win the game - declare the winner New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to write (10’) I Task - ask Ss to work in groups and go - work in groups and go through the list through the list of questions and put the of questions and put the questions in the questions in the suitable sections: suitable sections: Introduction, Details Introduction, Details of the match and of the match and Conclusion Conclusion - walk round to help - call on some Ss to give answers in front of the class - comment and give correct answers - some Ss give answers in front of the II Task 2: class - ask Ss to work in pairs, asking and answering the above questions about a - work in pairs, asking and answering football match they have watched the above questions about a football recently match they have watched recently - go around to help and give some - take notes of the main information useful languages and special expressions Useful language - a friendly football match between… - in the first half/ second half/ extra time - keep the ball way from the goal - by combination of passing and dribbling - save a shot struck at close range - give a kick (short) straight into the goal - make a goal against/ score a goal - jump up and cheer B Practice Writing (20’) Task3: - ask Ss to write a description of the - write a description of the football football match mentioned above by match mentioned above by using (231) using suggested above words - ask Ss to work individually - go around to provide help C Production (9’) suggested above words - work individually Sample writing To celebrate the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union’s Foundation Day, our school sport club recently played a friendly football match with Thang Long High school’s Football team The match was held at 2.30 p.m on 25th of march on our school’s playground The match took place in cool weather, which was good for both teams From the beginning, two teams played very excitingly In the first half, we always kept the ball away from our goal and led the ball toward our neighboring team However, after 30 minutes, the opponents scored a goal The goal was so fine that all of the audiences jumped up and cheered From then on, the match became more exciting In the second half, our team played in greater determination One of our excellent defenders, Hung, took a ball and passed it skillfully to our striker, Lam, who gave a final kick into the goal The stadium was “broken” again in the shouts and whistles of the spectators It was one against one The atmosphere at the stadium made the match became tenser and tenser Both teams tried to win Many good chances to make more score were missed Everyone had tried their best but no more score was given The match ended in a drawn but all of us were very happy I felt very proud of my school’s football team They had shown a wonderful way of playing, a sportsmanlike style – young, fair and impartial (232) - call on some Ss to read loudly their - some Ss read loudly their writing writing - give comments on their friends’ - correct mistakes and give marks writing IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Rewrite their writing at home - Prepare for the next lesson, unit 13 – Language focus V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 80th Date of preparation: March 8th , 2012 UNIT 13: THE 22ND SEA GAMES Lesson: Language Focus I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - practise reading linking - use the double comparison Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: Double comparison - (Pronunciation): Linking Skills: Reading, Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Miming the actions Stand up, take off your coat, put on your hat, look at the board, turn off the lights, turn on the fan, … - divide the class into two groups Each group chooses a representative - write each action on a piece of paper - ask each representative to mime these actions, and the members his/ her groups will have to guess and say out what the action is The two representatives take turns to the miming The group which has more correct answers will win the game New lesson: (233) Teacher’s activities A Pronunciation (10’) I Linking: - explain the linking: “The act of linking sound between an ending consonant and a beginning vowel” Example: look at, take off II Listen and repeat: - help students to know the pronunciation - play the tape and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individual - listen to Ss and check III Practice these sentences: - play the tape and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individual - listen to Ss and check B Grammar (29’) I Presentation: Double comparison Structure 1: Students’ activities - listen to the teacher’s explanation carefully and copy down - listen carefully and repeat in chorus and individual - listen carefully and repeat in chorus and individual - listen to the teacher carefully Comparative + and + Comparative - Take note of the main information * Short adjectives: harder and harder, - Give their own examples bigger and bigger, better and better…… * Long adjectives: more and more difficult, more and more expensive Use: We repeat comparatives to say that something is changing continuously Example: - It’s becoming harder and harder to find a job - It’s becoming more and more difficult to find a job - Your English is improving It is getting better and better Structure 2: the + comparative comparative, the + (234) * Short adjectives: The sooner……, the better…… The younger……, the easier…… * Long adjectives: The more expensive.…, the more… Use: We use the……….the……… (with two comparatives) to say that one thing depends on another thing Example: - The earlier we leave, the sooner we will arrive - The younger you are, the easier it is to learn - The more expensive the hotel, the better the service II Practice: Exercise 1: - ask Ss to Exercise - introduce how to it - let them work in pairs to matching with the instruction: comparative + and + comparative - walk round, checks and gives feedback Exercise - introduce Exercise to Ss and explain how to it - ask Ss to work individually and complete the sentences using comparative structure: comparative + and + comparative - remind Ss to remember shortadjectives and long adjectives comparison - call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class - correct the answers - work in pairs to exercise 1 Exercise 1: Answers e a b d g f Exercise - listen to the teacher carefully - work individually and complete the sentences using comparative structure: comparative + and + comparative - some Ss give their answers in front of the class Answers shorter and shorter more and more expensive worse and worse more and more complicated better and better more and more active more and more difficult closer and closer (235) Exercise - introduce Exercise to Ss and explains how to it - ask Ss to complete the sentences, using the structure “the + comparative, the + comparative” - ask Ss to the task individually first then compare with partners - go round to observe - call on some Ss to present their answers - correct mistakes and give feedbacks Exercise - listen to the teacher carefully - complete the sentences, using the structure “the + comparative, the + comparative” individually first then compare with partners - some Ss give their answers in front of the class Answers: The warmer the weather, the better I feel The more you practise your English, the faster you will learn The longer he waited, the more impatient he became The more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be The more expensive the hotel, the better the service The more I got to know him, the more I liked him The more you have, the more you want IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Revise the exercises - Prepare next lesson, Test yourself E V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (236) Period: 81st Date of preparation: March 10th , 2012 TEST YOURSELF E I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening and writing - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, CD player, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Chatting - Ask students something about the test yourself E * Have you prepared it at home? * Have you got any difficulties? New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Listening (10’) - read thetext careffully before listening - ask Ss to read the text carefully before - listen to the text and write down the listening missing words or number - ask Ss to listen to the text and write - some Ss answer in front of the class down the missing words or number Answers: (237) - call on some Ss to answer in front of the class - give feedback and correct answers B Reading (10’) - present the task: Read the text and decide which type of sport (A - E) corresponds with each description - get students to work in groups and the task - go round the class to control - state the best option - correct mistakes illustrations preserve bamboo 868 knowledge - work in groups: Read the text and decide which type of sport (A - E) corresponds with each description Work in groups & after finish the task then share their answers with the other groups Answers: B: Synchronized swimming D: Snorkelling A: Swimming C: Water polo 5.E: Scuba diving C Grammar: (10’) - recall the grammar of transitive and Read the orders of the task intransitive verbs Work individually & then share their - guide Ss how to answers with their partner - ask students to the exercise Give their answers to the class - call on Ss to on -listen the board to the teacher - Answers: - go around the class to control the set’s I, T T,I T,I activities I, T T, I I, T - give the keys I, T I, T I, T 10 T, I - correct mistakes D Writing (9’) - guide Ss how to write - write individually - give Ss some models and structures to - give their writings to each other to self write correct - ask students to write - go round the class to control the students’ activities - correct mistakes IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Prepare next lesson, unit 14 – Reading V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (238) Period: 82nd Date of preparation: March 10th , 2012 UNIT 14: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know about International Red Cross Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Some international organizations - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Matching game: divide the class into groups - stick the symbols/ logos of the International Organizations to the board - distribute the cards of the name of the International Organizations to the Ss: WWF, UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO, UN, FIFA - call out the symbols in any order and the representatives of each group should run to the blackboard and tick the names under the symbols - check Ss’ understanding of the instructions - declare the winner New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities (239) A Pre-reading (10’) I Look at the picture and answer the questions - ask Ss to work in pairs to look at picture and answer the questions - go round to listen to Ss - call some pairs to answer II Vocabulary: + to dedicate (v) ['dedikeit] : + to appal (v) [ə'po:l]: + to result (v) [ri'z^lt] : + disaster- stricken (adj + epidemic (n) [,epi'demik] : + tsunami (n) [tsu'na:mi] : + to wash away - read word by word - ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individual and write them on the blackboard III Check vocabulary - say some words in English and ask Ss to speak them out in Vietnamese B While-reading (20’) I Task 1: - ask Ss to open the books and read the passage silently - ask Ss to the task individually then compare answers with a partner - check answers with the whole class and give feedback II Task 2: -ask Ss to go through the reading text and decide whether the statements are true or false -walk round the classroom and correct mistakes - ask some Ss to give their answers in front of the class - comment and give correct answers - look at picture and answer the questions - some pairs answer Suggested answers 1.giving medical aids-taking care of victims of poverty Yes - listen carefully - repeat after the teacher in chorus and individual and write down I Task 1: - the task individually -read the passage - the task individually then compare answers with a partner Answers: dedicated appealed initiated appalled resulted II Task 2: - go through the reading text and decide whether the statements are true or false some Ss give their answers in front of the class Answers: T T T F T (240) III Task 3: Answer the question - ask Ss to find answers for all questions in the passage in pairs - go round to provide help - call some Ss to present their answers in front of the class - listen to Ss and correct mistake - call on some Ss to write answers on the board - correct mistake again C Post-reading (9’) - ask Ss to read the passage again and fill a suitable word for the following paragraph - listen to Ss and correct mistakes III Task 3: Answer the question - find answers for all questions in the passage in pairs - some Ss present their answers in front of the class Answers: The Red Cross Federation’s mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people 186 countries People in the country can get quick help and supports when they are in difficulty - read the passage again and fill a suitable word for the following paragraph Answers: appalled lack of in - learn new words by heart - prepare for the next lesson IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Learn by heart the new words - Prepare next lesson, unit 14 – Speaking V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (241) Period: 83rd Date of preparation: March 11th, 2012 UNIT 14: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - talk about international organizations and their roles in the world - report on discussion results and use it in the real life Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Divide the class into groups: Each group tells and presents some of the international organizations The group gives more names will be the winner - Call groups to present their results on the board - Correct pronunciation and mistakes - Declare the winner Answers: WHO, UN, TWO, UNICEF …  Introduce the new lesson "In today’s speaking section, you will practice talking about some international organizations" New lesson: (242) Teacher’s activities A Preparing to speak (10’) Pre-speaking:  New words: establish (v) - (to) build attainment (n): accomplishment & achievement carry out (v): advocate (v): to recommend or support sth endanger (v): to cause danger to sb/sth  Checking: ROR * Discuss the questions (page 155) What does WHO stand for? When was WHO established? What is its major objective? What are its main activities? B Practice speaking (20’) Task 1: Asks students to read the passage answer the questions - Calls some students to speak - Corrects pronunciation and gives answers - Lets students work in pairs - Goes round to check their activities - Calls some students to practise speaking Students’ activities - Listen to teacher and repeat - Note down the words - Work in pairs to discuss the questions, then give the answers Task 1 Who stands for the World Health Organization It was established on April 1948 Its major objective is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health Its main activities are carrying out research on medical Task 2: Ask and answer about the International development and improving organizations.(UNICEF & WWF) international health care Task : - Look at the book - Work in pairs: Ask and answer - Listen to their friends Suggested answer: A: Hi Nhien Could I ask you some questions, please? B: Yes, of course A: What does UNICEF stand for? B: It stands for United Nations Children's Fund A: When was UNICEF founded ? B: 1948 (243) UNICEF WWF A: Where is it located? B: New York A: What are its main aids? B: To advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and help them reach their full potential A: What are its major/main activities? B: They are: + Provide supports and funds for the most disadvantaged children – victims of war, disasters and extreme poverty +Carry out education development programmes for children Task : Task 3: Tell a partner what you know about - Work in pairs to task one of the above mentioned international - Students express their opinions organization Use the information from Task The report begins: and UNICEF is an organization that was founded in 1948 … C Production (9’) - Ask Ss to discuss and practice in groups and - Discuss in groups of four Ss report to the class - Report in front of the class - Go round to provide help - Take notes - Call some students to speak loudly in front of the class - Correct pronunciation and gives comments - Give marks IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Write a short paragraph about your favourite organisation - Prepare next lesson, unit 14 – Listening V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (244) Period: 84th Date of preparation: March 14th, 2012 UNIT 14: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to get information about the United Nation Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Guessing game - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answers the questions: 1/Where is building? 2/ Do you know how many nations United Nations has ? Expected answers (245) 1/ It is in New York, The United States 2/ 51 at the beginning and now 207  Lead in: "Our lesson today will focus on THE UNITED NATIONS " New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-listening (10’) - Explain the words that will appear in - Pay attention to the teacher’s the listening text explanation New words - Note down the words - leader (n) - goals and purposes (n) - to work together for - be at war - Ask students to read in chorus then individually - Listen to the teacher and repeat Listen and repeat -Ask Ss to listen to the T’s pronunciation and repeat destruction organization independence international colonies United Nation - Explains unfamiliar words to students B While-listening (20’) - Listen to the tape and the exercise * Task1: Listen and circle the best - Give the answers answer (A, B, C / D) - Ask students to read the statement at Answers In 1945 least once first Many people became homeless - Ask them to guess the answers - Play the tape once then check how (four) many answers can students find - Read through the statements - Play the tape again - Listen to the tape and then the task - Check and give remarks - Call on some Ss to say out their individually & compare the answers answers and the evidences they get to prove their answers - Check and gives feedback * Task2: Listen again & fill in the - Listen to the tape and the exercise missing words - Give the answers - Ask Ss read the passage carefully and Answers guess the answers if they can solve international problems (246) - Play the tape once then check how many correct answers Ss can find Then play the tape again - Check and gives remarks C Post-listening (9’) - List as many as possible the names of the international organizations - Ask students to work in groups and summarise the main ideas of the passage - Move around to help if necessary - Give remarks or even suggestions the UN in its goals at war independence - Work in groups and discuss to give the answers Suggested answers * UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization * NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization * APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation * ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations * FIFA: International Football Association Federation (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) * VAT: value added tax * IMF: International Monetary Fund * FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization * G-7: America, Japan, German, France, Italia, England, Canada * Interpol: International Criminal Police Organization * ISO: International Organization for Standardization * ILO: International Labor Organization IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Write a short paragraph about the UN - Prepare next lesson, unit 14 – Writing V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (247) Period: 85th Date of preparation: March 17th, 2012 UNIT 14: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Lesson: Writing I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write a short description of an international organization Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Game: “Hat magic” * Matching - Divide the class into groups and play the game - Ask the groups to choose the sentences in turn to give the answers - Declare the winner with more correct answers Organizations WWF WHO UN UNICEF International CROSS Year founded a 1.3.1947 b 1948 c 7.1948 d 1945 RED e 1864 f 8.8.1967 (248) IMF 7.ASEM-Asia-Europe Meeting g 1961 Answers g c d b e a f Introduction: Write a description of international organization New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to write (10’) * Vocabulary: Task 1: Discuss the question ( p 158) - have an opportunities (v.ph): có hội - Ss work in pairs and discuss the - research on (v.ph) : nghiên cứu question - be good at (v.ph) : giỏi - Go to the board and write their - charity (n) : hội từ thiện answers Task 1: Discuss the question ( p 158) Model : - Have Ss put these questions under the S1: Which international organizations correct headings would you like to work for , WWF, - Go over the answers to the class WHO, UN ? S2: I like to work for WHO * Elicit structures: S3: Why you choose to work for + Tenses: past simple WHO ? + Connectors: firstly, secondly, … S2: Because I like biology and I’m very finally, good at it If I work for WHO, I will * Explain as clearly as possible the way have a chance to much medical to write a passage research and help improve international health care I will meet people from difference countries in the world and I will speak English at work B Practice Writing (20’) Task 2: Task 2: - Ask students to use the ideas they have - Write a paragraph about the discussed above to write a paragraph international organizations about the reasons why they choose to Model : work for one of the above international I like to work for the WHO for the organizations number of reasons Firstly, I really like - Ask students to work in groups of biology and I’m very good at it If I three - - Go around for helping work for WHO , I will have a chance to much medical research and help improve international health care (249) Secondly, I will meet people from difference countries in the world and I will speak English at work Thirdly, ……………… C Production (9’) - Ask some groups to represent their work, ask other to give remark - Choose some good writing to read in class and give remark - Some Ss read their writings in front of the class - Listen and comment their friends’ writing IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Rewrite the paragraph again at home - Prepare next lesson, unit 14 – Language Focus V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 86th Date of preparation: March 18th, 2012 UNIT 14: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Lesson: Language Focus I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - pronounce the sentences that have the falling tune - use some phrasal verbs Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): The falling tune Skills: Reading, Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Listening the questions - Read some questions and ask Ss to recognize their intonation (250) - What you think of it ? - What does ASEAN stand for ? Answer: The sentences have the falling tune at the end New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Intonation (10’) - Explain the way to read THE - Ss pay attention to teacher and repeat FALLING TUNE in each sentence - Give some examples related to the * Some cases to fall tune : Narrative intonation and reading them as the sentences; Imperative ; Wh-questions samples, then anwer the question “What - Read the sentences loudly intonation can be used in the sentences? - Ask students to repeat Answer - Correct pronunciation for students The falling tune or the rising tune * Practice reading the sentences - Liten to the tape and repeat - Play the tape and ask Ss to read after the tapes (Reads aloud the sentences) - Call some Ss to read and correct mistakes B Grammar (29’) I Presentation - Listen to the teacher and give some - Let students get their attention to focus examples on phrasal verbs Examples: call for, come cross, get _ Phrasal Verbs : a phrasal verbs over, take after, followed by an special preposition to have another meaning (learn by heart) - Give some examples related to the PHRASAL VERBS Eg : after for look into out at down up II Practice Exercises 1: Complete the sentences below, using the words from the box Some words can be used more than - Work individually and the exercises - Give the answers in front of the class Answers (251) once (page 159) Exercise : - Asks students to Exercise 1 give up look up - Introduce how to it fill in Turn off - Lets them work individually then turn on fill in compare with partner take off go on - Walks round, checks and gives wash up 10 Put on feedback- Explains examples Exercise 2: The door opened and I went in Exercise2: Complete the sentences up below, using the words from the box out down Some words can be used more than around away once (page 160) on down - Introduces Exercise to students and up 10 on explain how to it - Asks students to put the verbs into the - Listen to the teacher and write down right column “transitive or intransitive correct answers verbs” - Asks students to it in pairs - Checks the answers and asks students Exercise3: to make sentences with those verbs The trouble with Frank is that he - Corrects mistakes never turns up on time for a meeting Exercise3: Complete the sentences (arrives) below, using the words from the box look after Some words can be used more than takes after try out once (page 160-161) got over went off - Introduces Exercise to students and held up explain how to it - Asks students to it - Lets them work in groups to find sentences that have transitive verbs, then turn them into passive - Walks round and help them - Checks, corrects mistakes IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Revise the exercises and learn by heart the phrasal verbs - Prepare next lesson – Revision 12, 13 and 14 V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (252) Period: 87th Date of preparation: March 21st, 2012 REVISION UNIT 12, 13, 14 I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to revise the knowledge they have learnt in unit 12, 13 and 14 Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: (253) Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pronunciation (10’) I/ Pick out the word whose - Do the exercises individually underlined part is pronounced - Give the answers in front of the class differently Answers a taste b tie I d c crest d digestion a a scuba- diving b hummock d c fund d punishment II a a enact b eject d c penalty d expedition II/ Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words a bamboo b leopard c panda d parrot a fascinating b biology c priority d endangerment B Grammar and vocabulary (15’) III/ Choose the best answer - Do the exercise individually If the phone rings, it ……….be for - Give the answers in front of the class me Answers a can b will III a c would d shall d Although he tried he …… not make c it c a would b should 10 d c might d could 11 d I prefer scuba- diving…… 12 b a to windsurf b than windsurf 13 d c to windsurfing d than 14 c windsurfing 15 c Mary, you are ….to take part in the 16 a game 17 a a supposed b supported 18 b c exposed d indicated 19 c 10 Neither Mary nor her 20 b sister………….to join the water polo 21 b (254) a go b are going c have gone d is going 11 Tell me ……… you want, and I’ll try to get it for you a that b what c that if d what 12 When people are driving, they … keep their eyes on the road a wouldn’t b should c would d shouldn’t 13 What’s the name of the man……… car you borrowed? a who b which c that d whose 14.Anyone … must pay before next Friday a who are interested in the job b who are interesting in the job c who is interested in the job d whose job is interested 15 “ Would you like to come on a picnic with us?” He….us to come on a picnic with them a advised b ordered c invited d begged 16 My bicycle …………last night a was stolen b stolen c was stealing d stole 17 I can’t find my books I……… it in the restaurant last night a must have left b had left c left d might leave 18 I wish everything ……… so expensive a would be b wouldn’t be c won’t be d could be 19 We should plant trees along the streets to ……… Our city a beautiful b beautifully c beautify d beauty 20 We had an ……… trip to Nam’s native village last Sunday a enjoyed b enjoyable 22 d 23 c 24 b 25 c 26 a 27 A 28 C 29 B 30 B (255) c enjoying d enjoyment 21 Life in the countryside is very…., isn’t it? a peace b peaceful c peacefully d peacefulness 22 You can select what you want; it’s your……… a choose b chose c chosen d choice 23.The telephone went………., everyone wake up at one a in b on c off d with 24 I was born in New York but I grew………….in England a at b up c about d of 25 He ran too quickly so I can’t catch up ……….him a off b on c with d after 26.I wish you can see and hear all sort of A B C people speaking here D 27 The man told me don’t wander alone in A B the streets at night C D 28 Would you give up playing football if A B you break you leg? C D 29 This is the place which I was born and A B C grew up D 30 I spoke very slowly in order the man A B (256) could understand what I said C D C Reading (19’) IV/ Complete the passage, using the -correct Do the exercise individually words - Give the answers in front of the class Many kinds of animals are Answers endangered by human beings The a United State government list of c endangered species (1) b ……….alligators, tigers, grizzly bears, c some kinds of whales And over three a dozen species of butterflies What has(2)……… to the scarcity of these animals, which many become extinct(3) ……… Vital protection? One important factor is that (4) ………animals have been widely hunted and killed for food or for their beautiful skins (5)…………accordance with the Endangered Species Act , it is illegal in the United State to hunt, sell, or to collect endangered species a includes b consist c comprise d cover a gone b brought c led d given a with b without c beyond d out of a few b much c many d a lot a on b with c from d in IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Revise the exercises again - Prepare for next lesson, 45 – minute test No V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (257) Period: 88th U nit Date of preparation: March 22nd, 2012 45-MINUTE TEST No I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to recall the knowledge they have learnt in unit 12, 13 and 14 Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Words in unit 12, 12 and 14 - Grammar/ Structures: + Transitive verbs and Intransitive verbs + Double comparision + Phrasal verbs - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing, reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: Textbook, workbook, tests, chalk Students: Pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: (45’) A The Matrix of the test Application Total Recognition Comprehension High Low MC - Periods: - Sentences: Pronunciatio n: 12 sentences Vocabulary: : 10 Marks: - Marks:1 3,25 13 - Periods: - Sentences: + Pronunciatio Sentences n: : 11 Vocabulary: W MC W - Sentence: Sentences: + Writing: + Grammar: - Marks: - Marks: 1,5 0,5 +Voc: - Sentence: Sentences: + Reading: + Grammar: Marks:0 MC - Sentences: + Speaking: - Marks:0,25 W (258) - Marks: ,5 - Marks: - Marks: 0,5 - Marks: - Periods: - Sentences: +Voc: + - Sentences: Pronunciatio Grammar: + 14 Sentences n: 2 Speaking: :9 Vocabulary: - Marks: Marks:1 Marks:0,5 - Marks: 2,75 - Marks:1 0,25 B The test (44’) Choose the word which has the stress different from the others (0.75 m) A defend B podium C rival D scoreboard A eject B opponent C penalty D disaster A initiate B epidemic C overwhelming D hesitation Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced different from the others (0.75 m) A milkmaid B podium C precision D title A appal B appeal C advocate D away A rubbish B tsunami C struggle D vulnerable Choose the best answers (3 ms) In water polo, both teams sprint _ the ball from their goal lines A at B of C for D with Bill is A lazier and lazier B more and more lazy C lazier and more lazy D more lazy and lazier Water polo is played in a A field B yard C school D pool WWF’s aim is to protect endangered animals and their habitat A goal B event C headquarter D office I prefer scuba-diving _ rowing because it is adventurous A up B off C to D in A: What was the result? B: It was 2-0 A number B score C winner D goal A: When was UNICEF founded? B: In 1948 A built B born C established D grown Peter never arrives on time for class A turns on B turns off C turns up D turn round The baby resembles his mother, doesn’t he? A take off B take after C put on D look afer 10 The faster we walk, _ we will get there A the soonest B the soon C the more soon D the sooner 11 Hurry _! The bus is coming (259) A of B off C for D up 12 John put his best clothes for the interview A on B in C out D off Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs correcting (0.5m) The WHO stands for the World Health October A B C D This man has dedicated his whole life with helping children A B C D Put the correct form of the words in brackets (1.5m) Erni, the , won the Women’s Marathon (Indonesia) Thailand was _ second with 90 gold medals (rank) The will work as milkmaids when they stop playing football (play) Rewrite the following sentences, using passive voice (1.5m) The news doesn’t surprise me ……………………………………………………………………… Did the army surround the enemy? ……………………………………………………………………… The chef will prepare the food ……………………………………………………………………… Answers the questions (2 ms) The Asian Games takes place every four years The spirit of the Asian Games has been built up over a long period of time, spreading the message of unity, warmth, and friendship through competitive sports It helps to establish the relationship among individual athletes, coaches, trainers, officials, volunteers and spectators who come together from many different backgrounds and cultures Just 11 countries and regions with 489 athletes participated in the first Asian Games in New Delhi in 1951, with only six sports The 15 th Asian Games took place from December 1st through December15th, 2006, in Doha, the capital of Qatar More than 10,000 athletes, who represented 45 countries and regions, took part in 39 sports and 424 events of the games Some new events such as chess and triathlon were also included in the Games The 15th Asian Games Doha 2006 truly have been the Games of Your Life for all What message the Asian Games spread? ……………………………………………………………………………… When did the first Asian Games take place? ……………………………………………………………………………… How many countries took part in the first Asian Games? ……………………………………………………………………………… How many games and events were organized at the 15th Asian Games? ……………………………………………………………………………… -THE END - (260) IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Prepare next period, unit 15 - Reading V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Period: 89th Date of preparation: March 25th , 2012 UNIT 15: WOMEN IN SOCIETY Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know the role of women in society in the old days and nowadays Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Words related to the topic( society, women ) - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) Picture describing - Ask Ss to look at the picture in the textbook (page 162) - Put Ss into pairs, ask and answer the following questions: a What is the woman doing in each picture? b How many roles does this woman have? c Is her life typical of a Vietnamese woman's life? Why/Why not? Lead-in: a Do you think that women were respected in the past? b What about nowadays? Do they play an important role in society? "In our lesson today we will get some information about the women roles in society" New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (10’) Vocabulary: - Answer eliciting questions - chilbearing: (n) (translation) - homemaking (n) (explanation) taking care of the family - struggle: (n) (synonym) fight - Give Vietnamese equivalents - discriminate (v) (translation) (261) > discrimination (n) - right (n) (translation) - equal (adj) (explanation) - Take note - status (n) (explanation) position in society Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember - Pair work B While-reading (20’) Word meaning: (Task 1/ Textbook) - Answer Key: - Ask Ss to read through the task văn minh nhân loại - Have Ss read the text individually and việc sinh guess the meaning of the words in task tham gia Thời đại khai sáng - Ask Ss to compare their answer with a niềm tin ăn sâu vào tiềm thức partner việc săn sóc gai đình - Call some Ss to give the answers, lực trí tuệ explanations hội làm việc bình đẳng - Give feedback Multiple choice: (Task 2/ textbook) - Put Ss into pairs Ask them to read the - Pair work questions and underline the key words in each question - Answer key: - Have Ss read the text and choose the C D C 4.B A best answers - Call some pairs to ask and answer the questions - Give feed back C Post-reading (9’) - Ask Ss to work in group of to - Group work discuss the differences in women's roles in the past and at present (Ex: what jobs did women use to in - Discuss the differences in women's the past? How about nowadays?) roles through time - Go around to control and give help if necessary - Call Ss to report their discussion to the class - Give feedback IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) o Learn by heart all the vocabulary o Prepare for the next lesson, unit 15 – Reading V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… (262) ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 90th Date of preparation: March 25th , 2012 UNIT 15: WOMEN IN SOCIETY Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know the role of women in society in the old days and nowadays Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (7’) - Ask students to list out the jobs that men and women often in one minute - Ask students question: Did women these jobs in the old days? Why? - Lead in: Today, we’ll study a new lesson Anout the women in society New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (12’) - Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the questions - Work in pairs to discuss the questions + What rights have women gained in - Give the answers in front of the class most parts of the world today? + What were the main roles of women in the old days? - Call on some Ss to give the answers B While-reading (15’) Titling: (task 3/textbook) - Individual work - Ask Ss to work individually, read the option in Task 3, then read the text again and choose the best title for the - Answer key: C passage (263) - Call Ss to give answer and explanation - Give feedback C Post-reading (10’) - Let students work in groups to summarise the reading passage by writing one sentence for each paragraph - Has students work in groups and answer the questions - Walk around the class, listen to student’s discussions and offer suggestions when necessary - Give comments - Ask students to tell the content of the small talks - Ask to tell themselves - Have discussion then present ideas in front of the class - Present the content of the small talks again Keys Paraghraph1 : Women in the old societies Paraghraph2 :The struggle for women’s rights Paraghraph3: The statue of women in society todays Cues In the past, women were restricted to the role of mothers and wives due to the widespread doubt about their intellectual ability The struggle for the women’s rights began in the 18th century as European political philosophers believed that women should be treated equally Women now enjoy important legal rights such as equal work opportunities and equal pay, the right to vote and to gain education -Listen to the teacher and take note IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Prepare next lesson, unit 12 – Speaking V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (264) Period: 91st Date of preparation: March 26th , 2012 UNIT 15: WOMEN IN SOCIETY Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know how to express opinions and express degrees of agreement Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the question: Do you think what the boy and the girl are going to do? Suggested answers: + I think the boy is going to fall down and the girl is going to score a goal + I think the boy can hold the ball New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to speak (10’) - Teach Vocabulary through matching - Orally in turn Keys: 1.-e 2.-f –a A B 4.-b –c -d rubbish a organize or to be (265) charged of Sth 2.sympathetic b the way you’re feeling at a particular time run c to give too little or no attention or care to Sb/ Sth 4.temper d to look after or to educate children neglect e anything that is thrown away or worthless rear f showing that you understand other’s people’s feeling, especially their problem - Check by asking Ss to give Vietnamese equivalents - These expressions are commonly used when people are expressed the agreement or disagreement Place them under the appropriate heading then practice with a partner - Give instruction - Introduce some expressions that we can use to agree and disagree about something - Ask student to work individually then work in groups 2.Model  Giving point of view: In my opinion, I think, from my point of view, ……  Giving agreement: I agree with you, I quite agree with you, I think so, Giving disagreement: I’m sorry, I can’t; I don’t agree with you; I think you shouldn’t… B Practice speaking (20’) - Do the task -Work in pairs and practice aloud saying (266) - Ask Ss to work in groups One states his or her point of view and others give their agreeing or disagreeing based on task - Work with some Ss to give a model T : I think men are usually stronger than women S1: I agree with you completely S2: I’m afraid, I disagree - Read and respond to these statements, using useful expression in task and then practise it with a partner - Ask students to work individually then in pairs - Walk around the class to help student when necessary - Check and give suggestions - Ask student to practise it with a partner - Corrects students’ pronunciation if necessary - Ask Ss to work in groups of to discuss the statement: “Married women should not to go to work” - Encourage Ss to give explanations - Work with some Ss to give a model T : I think married women shouldn’t go to work S1: I quite agree I think if they stay at home they have time to look after their children and husbands S2: I don’t agree It’s too boring to be housewives all their lives C Production (9’) - Work in groups to discuss whether you agree or disagree with the statement “ WOMEN ARE THE SECOND-CLASS CITIZENS” - Do the task - Practise with partners A :Men are usually stronger than women I think so (That’s the reason why men often hard work ,such as building ,carrying things ) B : Women are usually more sympathetic than men I don’t think so because there are fathers who are gentle and understand their children better than theirs wives - Work in groups - Practise the conversation Answer: -A: Hi,what you think about the statement “Married women should not to go to work”? B: Hi, I don’t agree with it A: why? B: In my opinion ,it’s unfair for women If they don’t go to work ,they have to stay at home all the time It’s too boring to be housewives all their lives FOR: 1.It’s nonsense to claim that men and women are equal and have the same abilities 2.There are too many jobs that women can’t 3.Top-levelpolitical negoation between countries are almosr controlled by men They are impossible to be both wives, mothers and successful career women The employers can’t trust them because they often leave job to get married and have children - Work in groups - Practise the conversation Answer: FOR: (267) Make small talks on the following topics, using the starting and ending of a conversation - Divide the class into groups - Ask each group to discuss one topic and make a small conversation - Walk around the class and help all students when necessary - Ask students to present the conversations - Give comments 1.It’s nonsense to claim that men and women are equal and have the same abilities 2.There are too many jobs that women can’t 3.Top-levelpolitical negoation between countries are almosr controlled by men They are impossible to be both wives, mothers and successful career women The employers can’t trust them because they often leave job to get married and have children AGAINST: 1.Women won their dependence years ago Model dialogue: -A: Hi,what you think about the statement “Married women should not to go to work”? B: Hi, I don’t agree with it A: why? B: In my opinion ,it’s unfair for women If they don’t go to work ,they have to stay at home all the time It’s too boring to be housewives all their lives IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - In not more than 80 words write about your opinion about the statements: + “Married women should not go to work” + “ Women are the second-class citizens” -Prepare the next lesson V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (268) Period: 92nd Date of preparation: March 28th , 2012 UNIT 15: WOMEN IN SOCIETY Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to give some information about women and the role of them in society Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Words related to society, women - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, CD player, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask students look at the pictures and have a comparison - Let students look at the picture and describe and answer some questions: 1, Where does the woman come from? 2, What is she doing? 3, Does she have a happy life? why you know? Answers 1.from a village in Vietnam/ America 2.She is working / making a speech 3, New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities (269) A Pre-listening (10’) - Have Ss say out some women’s daily activities at random then decide which ones belong to the village woman and which belong to city woman Let students answer the following question + Is the life of a city women easier than that of a village woman nowadays ?What is your point of view? Why? * Vocabulary: - to hold up: nâng lên, đưa lên - domestic(a): thuộc gia đình - three-fourths: 3/4 - to respect : ngưỡng mộ, tôn trọng *Checking : Rub out and remember B While-listening (20’) a Task 1: You will hear a passage abut women and their roles in society Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each sentences - Ask Ss to guess the answers in silence individually - Listen to the CD in pairs - Let students read some sentences given and explain some new words if necessary - Read or let students listen first - Give more information if students wonder or not clear - Let students listen the second time - Check their listening - Let students listen the third time and let them choose the best answers - Observe the class and listen to each group’s feedbacks b Task 2: Ask students to listen again and answer the questions - Let students read the questions first and quickly- work in pairs to find out the key words - Let students listen again and ask them to discuss in groups to answer the - Work in pairs -Answer the question * Village woman: + get up early + work with animals + work on the farm + have low living-standard + live in the country * City woman: + work in an office + go to the cinema at weekend + dress well + play sports +have higher living-standard - Note down the words - After three times of listening, each group gives their answers - Read quickly and discuss in pairs or groups to find the answers which can be listened before - Can guess what will be heard again - Work in groups and give answers: 1B ,2C ,3C,4A,5B - Listen again (1-2 times) - Discuss to give correct answers: 1.40% 2.they earn nothing for doing their domestic work 3.they produce more than half of the food (270) questions - Listen to each group and remark C Post-reading (9’) - Ask Ss to pair work - Ask some pairs to act aloud * Suggested ideas: o What time/ get up? o What time/ leave for work? o What time / finish work? o How long/ domestic work? o How much/ earn? o enjoy/ weekend? Why? Why not? o enjoy/ life? Why/ Why not? - Listen and remark 4.80% 5.at 4.45 am 6.at 9.30 pm - Work in pairs, one plays the role of a city woman and the other is an interviewer - Interview her about her daily activities - Other groups listen and write down some information and then report to the class - Listen and copy in their notebooks - One answers orally, others listen then report to the class IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Write about 100- 150 words what your sister or your mother’s daily activities - Prepare next lesson, unit 15 – Writing V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (271) Period: 93rd Date of preparation: March 29th , 2012 UNIT 15: WOMEN IN SOCIETY Lesson: Writing I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write a report to describe information from a statistics of the activities and the time that women every week Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask students to name the activities and the time that women often every day - Let students work in groups Activities Father Mother Time cleaning the floor √ washing clothes √ tidying the kitchen √ mending things √ TOTAL Remark and lead in New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to write (10’) * Vocabulary - Listen and explain some new words - Continue working in pairs and useful expressions if they not - Each pair ask and answer know - Listen and write down +the chart shows/presents/illustrates - give more examples (272) +As can be seen from the chart +According to the chart +In general/generally speaking +when-however-but-whereas +approximatelyinterestinglysurprisingly + respectively + to reduce ‡ to increase + distribution(n) * Explaining the chart: - Ask Ss some questions: What does the chart illustrate? What does the vertical axis show? What does the horizontal axis show? - Let students go through the questions give in the book ‘Look at the chart and answer the questions - Go around and help if necessary - Go over the answers with the whole class In general, married women more housework than men They have more housework when they have more children Married men have to less housework when they have more children Married men and women without children spend 20 or 30 hours on their housework per week respectively It takes men and women with one or two children 15 and 50 hours respectively to their housework every week They are 10 and 50 Married men should spend more time sharing the housework with their wives - Listen and remark B Practice Writing (20’) b Task - Ask students to certain things - It means we use short information but it’s real -Expected answers: The evarage hours of housework per week Nunber of hours of housework Three groups of family( without children- family of 1-2 children- family of or more children - Listen to the teacher - Read quickly themselves - Read the form quickly and find some new words if it has - Listen and repeat, then write down in notebooks - Check among groups - Change among groups - Write a report individually (273) - Ask students to read the model of chart first - Ask students to describe some information in a chart C Production (9’) - Ask or students who may be good at English to write on the board - Let students change their report and practice speaking about the person they’ve written about - One student of one group reads aloud a report - Discuss and correct mistakes themselves IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Rewrite the report again at home - Prepare next lesson, unit 15 – Language Focus V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (274) Period: 94th Date of preparation: March 30th , 2012 UNIT 15: WOMEN IN SOCIETY Lesson: Language Focus I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - show the rising tune in a sentence - learn the use of phrasal verbs Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - Intonation: The rising tune Skills: Reading, writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (7’) -Ask Ss to join the game “ Ring the gold bell” -Ask Ss to set up questions for the given situations S1: You are waiting for a letter from a friend When you see the postman, what will you ask? S2: Your friend has just come back from a long journey What will you ask him/her? S3: You want to invite your close friend, Ann, to go to the cinema with you, what will you say? -Call some Ss to read the questions aloud Answers +Do you have any letters for me? +Have you got any letters for me? +Did you have a good holiday? + Did you have a good time? +Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight? +Can you go with me to the cinema tonight? - Lead in: Now, you will learn the rising tune New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities (275) A Intonation (13’) The rising tune a Presentation - Help students how to read correctly with the rising tune : - Ask Ss to find out when they say a sentence or phrase with the rising +In a “yes-no question” +In a “tag question”( a real question) +In a phrase to express surprise b Practice - Read the sentences first: clearly, correctly - Listen and correct their pronunciation if it’s needed -Explain to read the rising tune in YesNo questions and sentence stress - Let students read the sentences and work in groups - Listen and remark each group B Grammar (24’) Phrasal verbs I Presentation - Ask students to list out as many phrasal verbs they have learnt as possible just in one minutes -Let students work in pairs -Ask Ss some questions: What should we when we leave the room? Do you look after your parents when they are ill? Do you look after them? - Check, correct mistakes , give reasons and mark Elicit the use: * Some phrasal verbs have an object ●The particle can come before or after the object ●If the object is a pronoun, it must come before the particle Read aloud - Listen and repeat from 2-3 times - Some of them stand and read words aloud -Listen to the teacher or the CD - Read the sentences in chorus aloud -Practise in pairs - Listen and copy down -Practice in pairs -List some phrasal verbs : fill in ; turn on; go over ; look at ; make up; look after -Answer in turn: We should turn off the lights We should turn the lights off We should turn them off Yes, of course we -Give more examples - Listen and copy (276) Eg : bring up find out give away put aside pick up carry out give up put on/off/up clear up knock out make up leave out take up wear out look up work out ●Some phrasal verbs have an object, but the particle cannot move without come across see to live on go over stand for pick on come into count on run into make for ask after deal with look round get at call for see about join in II Practice * Exercise 1: Let students read all the answers and work in groups to choose tone of the following verbs(in the correct form)+ the correct preposition to complete the sentences -Go around and help if necessary - Listen and remark *Exercise 2: -Introduce Exercise to students and explain how to it - Ask students to it -Ask students to fill each of the blanks with an appropriate preposition if necessary -Let them work individually - Walk round and help them - Read and the exercise - Work in their own and compare each other - One or two students give the correct form of phrasal verbs on the board Keys: 1,glanced at 2,invited to 3,listen to 4,throw at 5,staring at 6,speaking to 7,wrote to 8,point at - Work themselves and each student reads sentences - Other students listen and remark each other - Keys: 1, for 2, for 3, to 4, for 5, about 6, x 7, about 8, x 9, for 10, for (277) III Production - Give Ss the handouts: - Work in pairs to discuss the answers Why don’t you let me show - Give the answers in front of the class you London? Key: Jane is going to pick us after work 1.around Have you found what time the 2.up plane took ? 3.out/off Harry was brought by his 4.up grandparents - Ask Ss to put one word in each space - Give the answers in front of the class IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Remind of phrasal verbs - Prepare next lesson, 45-minute test number correction V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (278) Period: 95th Date of preparation: March 31st , 2012 45-MINUTE TEST No CORRECTION I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to evaluate what they have gained in unit 12, 13 and 14 Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Vocabulary in unit12, 13 and 14 - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, 45-minute tests No III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: A Marking (44’) I Choose the word which has the stress different from the others (0.75 m) 0.25 mark / correct answer A C A II Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced different from the others (0.75 m) 0.25 mark / correct answer D C B III Choose the best answers (3 ms) 0.25 mark / correct answer C A A D C B (279) C C B 10 D 11 D 12 A IV Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs correcting (0.5m) 0.25 mark / correct answer D C V Put the correct form of the words in brackets (1.5m) 0.5 mark / correct answer Indonesian ranked players VI Rewrite the following sentences, using passive voice (1.5m) 0.5 mark / correct answer I am not surprised by the news Was the enemy surrounded by the army? The food will be prepared by the chef VII Answers the questions (2 ms) 0.5 mark / correct answer Unity, warmth, and friendship through competitive sports In 1951 11 countries 39 sports and 424 events of the games -THE END B The result & experience - The result: Class 0-<3 3-<5 - < 6.5 6.5 - < 8 - < 10 12B3 12B4 - The experiece: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Prepare next lesson, unit 16 - Reading (280) V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period: 96th Date of preparation: April 1st, 2012 UNIT 16: THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH EAST ASIAN NATIONS Lesson: Reading I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know about ASEAN Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills:Reading II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Give the following logo and ask students to guess the name this organization - Recheck and introduce the new lesson: The Association Of Southeast Asian Nations New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-reading (9’) - Ask some questions about some -Discuss and give correct answer questions Answer: What does ASEAN stands for? ASEAN stands for the Association of When did Vietnam join this Southeast Asian Nations association? In 1995 - Let students write some information (281) about ASEAN - Let each student stand up and speak their opinions - Go around and help them if necessary B While-reading (20’) - Let students open the book and read silently while teacher reads aloud and correctly - Ask students to read themselves and write down some information - Let students work in pairs to the task Task - Let students fill each blank with a suitable work - Ask students to work individually then in pairs - Walk around the class to help students when necessary -Correct students’ pronunciation if necessary - Check and give suggestions Task - Let students read all sentences and explain some new words if necessary - Listen and correct if needed Task Answering questions - Put Ss in pairs - Ask them to answer the questions - Call Ss to give the answers - Give the feedback - Work in pairs suitable words Answers: justice diverse accelerate to discuss and fill with GDP integration enterprises - Work in pairs to the exercise - Give the answers in front of the class Answers: 1T 2F 3F 4T 5F 6F - Discuss the answers in pairs - Give the answers in front of the class Answers: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philipines, Singapore and Thailand They are to accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development and to promote peace and stability through respect for justice, and the rule of law, in the relationship between countries in region US$ 1405 billion In 1998 Trade, investment, industry, services, finance, agriculture, rural development, forestry, energy, transportation and (282) communication, science and technology, small and medium enterprises and tourism C Post-reading (10’) Discussion “If you were a Vietnamese leader, what would you expect ASEAN for your country?” - Ask Ss to work in groups of four to discuss the question - Go around to give help if necessary - Call some representatives to report their groups’ ideas - Give comments - Work in groups of four to discuss the question - Give the answer in front of the class Suggested answers: + To train human-resources + To solve the unemployment in Vietnam + To consume goods of Vietnam + … IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Write a short summary about the ASEAN - Prepare the next period, unit 16 – Speaking V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (283) Period: 97th Date of preparation: April 3rd, 2012 UNIT 16: THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH EAST ASIAN NATIONS Lesson: Speaking I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about the names and the capitals of ASEAN countries and the main characteristics of each nation Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Words to speak about ASEAN - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Speaking II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (7’) Brain storming - Ask Ss to name the members of ASEAN Answers + Vietnam, The Philipines, Laos, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Brunei New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to speak (7’) - Ask students to open the book and - Work in pairs look at the flags and match with their - Look at the picture and name them countries and mentioned, then give the - Give the answers in front of the class names of the capital of each nation - Go around and listen to them B Practice speaking (15’) - Let students open the books and - Work in pairs to ask and answer about discuss and use the information in task the nations given and the fact below to talk about some - Some pairs act out their dialogue in of the ASEAN countries front of the class - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and Model (284) answer the information about the nations given - Listen and correct C Production (15’) - Ask students to work in pairs and discuss to talk about some of the ASEAN countries - Ask one group to the task as a model - Go around listening to some groups and help them if needed - Ask some pairs to stand in front of the class and practise speaking - Some groups go on speaking each other - Listen to each group and correct or give mark if they it well A: What is the area of Malaysia? B: 330,252 sq km A: What is the population of Malaysia? B: 27,174,000 people … -Work in pairs and talk about some of the ASEAN countries Key Malaysia has a total area of 330,252 square kilometers Its capital is Kuala Lumpur The population in Malaysia is 27,174,000.People speak Malay, English and Tamil in every day conversations The Malaysians are religious They follow Islam and Buddhism Their currency is Ringgit IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Write a paragraph about one of the nation in ASEAN - Prepare next lesson, unit 16 – Listening V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……… (285) Period: 98th Date of preparation: April 5th , 2012 UNIT 16: THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH EAST ASIAN NATIONS Lesson: Listening I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know about the country speaking English and main religions in the ASEAN countries Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Listening II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, CD player, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask students to close the book - Ask students to list the name of ASEAN countries using the English Answers Some ASEAN countries such as the Philippines, Brunei, Singapore, and Malaysia use English as second language New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pre-listening (10’) Preteaching vocabulary - Listen and repeat after the teacher - Elicit some words from Ss - Note down the words + Buddhist + Muslim + Catholic + God + Geo-political entity + Predominantly - Help Ss to read the words correctly B While-listening (20’) (286) Task - Let students read some sentences given and explain some new words if necessary - Read or let students listen first Have you got anything from the dialogue between Mr Hung and his daughter Nga? - Let students listen the second time - Check their listening - Let students listen the third time and let them choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences - Observe the class and listen to each group’s feedbacks - Give more information if students wonder or not clear Task - Before listening, let students read quickly some questions in the task - Let students listen the first time: Who can guess some words? - Let students listen the second time - Let student listen the last time and let them work in groups to speak out - Listen and correct their listening C Post-listening (9’) - Ask students to summarize the content of the conversation between Nga and her father-Mr Hung - Ask students to write a short passage to guess what Nga’s essay will be about - Listen to each group and correct mistakes if they’ve done - Read silently the sentences given before listening - Listen the first time - No, we haven’t - Listen the second time and begin doing the task - Listen the third time and work in groups to decide the best answer - Each group asks and explains why they choose by some information they’ve listened -Keys : 1C , 2A , 3C, 4A, 5B - Work in groups and guess - Listen and the task - Speak out their listening - Try to write down the answers Key: Tomorrow(the next day) The US Around 50 million In the Philippines Three-Islam,Buddhism Catholicism and - Work in groups and each group has one person who says about it - May answer in different ways - Write in groups and ask someone to speak out their writing - Other groups listen and copy some information and give some questions IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Write a short passage about the content of the listening text( 70 words) - Prepare next lesson, unit 16 – Writing (287) V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………….…… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Period: 99th Date of preparation: April 7th , 2012 UNIT 16: THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH EAST ASIAN NATIONS Lesson: Writing I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write a letter of recommendation Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Show the picture: - Ask Ss to answer the question: “Where is it?” Answer Ha Long Bay New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Preparing to write (10’) Task - Work in pairs and the task (288) - Ask students to open their books - Introduce the students the task -Let them work in groups and complete the letter with the missing sentences in the box -Go around and help -Explain some new words if necessary -Give correct answers -Give form of a recommendation letter Outline +Date +Salutation +Body location natural features places to visit food people +Closing +Signature B Practice writing (20’) - Introduce to task - Let students read quickly the task David ,your pen pal ,is going to spend his summer vacation in one of the ASEAN countries You want him to visit Vietnam Write a letter to him recommending a significant place you are familiar with - Explain some new words if necessary - Ask some other groups to write down a paragraph using some cues below and then each student on be half of his group read aloud C Production (9’) - Ask students to read another’s letter - Ask some students to read loudly their letter - Listen and correct if needed Key 1,I would like to recommend a wellknow place in Vietnam to you 2,It is about 170 km from Hanoi 3,The beach is an ideal place for swimmers 4,People here are very friendly and hospitable 5,I am sure you will have a wonderful time here in Ha long bay - Work in groups of four and write a letter of recommendation - Practise writing in groups - Each member of groups reads aloud his/ her writing - Other group appreciate and correct mistakes each other - Each group does the writing and read (289) aloud IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Rewrite the letter - Prepare next lesson, unit 16 – Language focus V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………….…… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Period: 100th Date of preparation: April 8th , 2012 UNIT 16: THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH EAST ASIAN NATIONS Lesson: Language focus I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Pronunciate the rising –falling tune correctly - Use of adverbial clause of time Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading, Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Intonation (15’) - Close the books - Read these sentences a Introduce the rising-falling tune - Let students practise pronunciating these sentences - Listen and repeat following the teacher - Listen and correct the syllables - Read in silent first students read - Some of each groups read aloud b Let students open the books and read aloud the words given and try to pronunciate these sentences with the rising –tune - Listen and check for pronunciation - Ask students to listen and read after these sentences (290) B Grammar (29’) Adverbial clause of time -Introduce the way of using adverbial clause of time through some example - Ask students to give some examples - Listen and remark b Let students practise doing exercises Exercise - Ask students to exercise themselves - Do the exercise themselves then discuss in groups Keys She will phone you as soon as she arrives in Ho Chi Minh City After the war was over we started rebuilding the country They met a lot of people while they were on holiday Before you leave don’t forgot to turn off the lights I will stay till you get back We’ll come to see you whenever we are in hanoi There is a danger of war as long as imperialism exits Tom sang a merry song as he walked away Exercise - Ask students to supply the correct - Work in groups and give the correct form of the verbs in brackets tense of verb and explain why they did - Listen and remark it - Each group answer and give reasons Keys arrives arrives are playing got have finished 6.(had) graduated 7.am have read Exercise - Let students combine two sentences, - Read silently and discuss in pairs, using one as an adverbial clause of time groups with the given conjunction Keys -Go around and help if necessary Let’s go out before it starts raining -Give correct answers I’ll give you my address when I have (291) found somewhere to live After he had done his homework ,he went to bed We’ll let you know as soon as we have made our decision I haven’t met them since I left school Robert suddenly began to feel ill while he was doing the exams Kate will come back home after she has finished the last semester IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Do the exercises again - Prepare next lesson – Test yourself F V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………….…… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… (292) Period: 101st Date of preparation: April 8th, 2012 TEST YOURSELF F I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Reading, speaking, listening, writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: (5’) - Ask students something about the test yourself F * Have you prepared it at home? * Have you got any difficulties? New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Listening (10’)  Teacher asks Sts to read and find - Students work in pairs: reading and new words Teacher explains: decide to choose the answer  Asks Sts to read the statements Expected answers carefully and underline key words 16 November 1945 before listening the first 193  Asks Sts to finish the exercise after 60 listening the second teacher-training  Asks Sts to listen to the tape (the heritage third time) and then discuss in pairs about the final answer  Goes around the class, helps Sts (293) discuss about the answers if necessary  Asks some Sts to give the answers, others give feedback  Teacher gives Sts to listen once more - Correct mistakes B Reading (10’)  Teacher explains new words/ phrases: Labor-intensive : (adj) cần nhiều nhân công Propotion (n) tỉ lệ Exclude (v) ngăn chặn Reserve (v) : dành riêng  Asks Ss to read the passage and then answer the questions  Goes around the class to get the fettle of Sts and helps them with vocabularies, the way to express if necessary  Teacher asks a representative in some pairs to present the result in front of the class Other pairs gives feedback  Teacher corrects in general and tells the point of marks so that Sts remark themselves C Grammar (10’) - Recall the grammar of articals - Giude students how to - Give them some newwords: - Do the first as an example - Ask students to to the exercise  Teacher asks Sts to discuss about the answer in pairs/ groups  Teacher asks a representative in each group to present the result in front of the class Other group gives feedback Teacher corrects in general and tells the - Students work in pairs: read and decide to choose the answer Suggested answering Arab countries In textile, toy, shoe and electronic sectors 70% They depend on their husbands or fathers The access to education and change in economic status Suggested answers: grow up stay on wait up give in catch up speak up Watch out cool off keep up 10 fall behind (294) point of marks so that Sts remark themselves - Call the to to on board - Go round the class to control the set’s activities - Correct mistakes D Writing (9’) - Guide students how to write - Give students some models and structures to writes In about 120 words, write about the changes in women’s role in the family in comparison with that 50 years ago The following cues might be useful to you  Education  Social activities  Work  Economic dependence  Number of children Domestic chores - Ask students to write - Call the to to on board - Go round the class to control the students’ activities - Correct mistakes - Listen to the teacher carefully - Discuss in groups to get the information and write the outline - Each person use the outline to write a short paragraph - Peer correction - Underline the mistakes - Assess on the content: mark, use correct / exact words / sentence structure : mark, coherence : 0.5 mark - Compare the results with the other groups - Correct mistakes + to study all the lessons again + to prepare to review all the knowledge of grade 12 IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Prepare next lesson – Revision V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (295) Period: 102nd Date of preparation: April 10th , 2012 REVISION I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to revise some knowledge learnt in unit 10, 11, 12 Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pronunciation (10’) I Choose the word whose underlined - Work individually part is pronounced differently from - Give the answers in front of the class the others in the same line Answers a habitat b nature a c danger d race b a- moon b- book d c- root d- choose d a- board b- above b c- handball d- climbing c a- chemist b- conservation c c- canoeing d- century II Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest a eject b crossbar c except d commit a decline b award (296) c.picture d advice 7- a- rhinoceros b- extinction c- industry d- identify B Grammar and Vocabulary (20’) III Choose the best answers (marked A, B, C or D) to complete the following sentences My father gave me a letter to post I ……….forget to post it a don’t have to b mightn’t c mustn’t d needn’t The flowers …………… in a warm sunny place a should keep b should be kept c should be keep d should have kept 10- Government should have solution to protect endangered species of animals a- surely b-effective c- wonderful d- sensitive 11- Many plants and animals around the globe are now threatened extinction a- in b- on c- of d- with 12- Habitat destruction is having a bad influence…………rare species a- to b- with c- on d- for 13- Bus number 06 ………….pass Cat Dang T- junction But maybe you’d better ask the driver a- must b- should c- ought d- might 14- Wildlife habitat reserves are being established to endangered species from extinction a- prevent b- distinguish c- preserve d- survive 15The factory was fined for chemicals into the river - Work individually - Give the answers in front of the class Answers c b 10 b 11 d 12 c 13 d 14 a 15 a 16 b 17 d 18 d 19 c 20 c 21 a 22 d (297) a- discharging b- dumping c- producing d- exposing 16-Many Asian people like hunting elephants for ivory and tigers for bones and hides a- particular b- particularly c- particularity d- particularize 17- I phoned him late yesterday but he didn’t answer He ………… then a must sleep b must be slept c must be sleeping d must have been sleeping IV Choose the underlined part among A,B,C,D that needs correcting 18- Don’t worry! The train will be arrived a b c d soon 19- John succeeded in his work because of a b c he had worked hard d 20- I find it wonderfully to travel abroad by a b c d ship in summer 21- Species become extinct or endangerment for a number of reasons, but a b the primary cause is the destruction of c habitat by human activities d 22- The environment where wild animals a (298) are living is now badly destroying b c d C Reading (14’) V Choose the best answer by circling the letter A,B,C or D to complete the passage The relationship between teachers and students is less formal in the US (23) in many other countries, especially at college level American college students not stand up (24) their teachers enter or leave the classroom Students are generally encouraged to give (25) during class, to stop by professors' offices (26) extra help, and even to phone if they are absent Most teachers allow students to enter the class late or leave (27) 23 a as c than 24 a when c if 25 a money c out 26 a by c for 27 a on time c late - Work individually - Give the answers in front of the class Answers 23 c 24 a 25 d 26 a 27 d b so d more b which d because b decision d questions b on d about b in time d early IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Revise the lesson again - Prepare next lesson – Revision V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (299) Period: 103rd Date of preparation: April 11th , 2012 REVISION I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to able to revise some knowledge learnt in unit 13, 14, 15 Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pronunciation (10’) I Choose the word whose main - Work individually stress is put syllable from that of - Give the answers in front of the class Answers the others in the group B A commit B movement B C eject D depend C A opponent B personal B C continue D decision C A referee B engineer C reference D interfere II Choose the word whose underlined part differently from that of the others in the group A penalty B penalize C petrol D pencil A foul B found (300) C fought D fowl B Grammar and Vocabulary (20’) III Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence In recent years, fouls have been severely in football matches A forgiven B ejected C penalized D scored 'The match ended in a tie' The word 'a tie' in this sentence closely means A a draw B.a necktie C a rope D a knot Unemployment is a(n) cause of poverty A minor B major C unneeded D useless He was lucky to escape from the accident with only injuries A important B serious C minor D major 10 More fouls were _in the final match than expected A done B committed C achieved D completed 11 Emotional problems can seriously _ with a student's work A involve B affect C interfere D influence 12 It's only problem Don't worry! A major B minor C serious D severe 13.The rescuers - Work individually - Give the answers in front of the class Answers C A B C 10 B 11 C 12 B 13 B 14 B 15 C 16 C 17 C 18 D 19 A 20 C 21 C 22 B 23 A 24 C 25 A (301) for their bravery and fortitude in locating the lost mountain climbers A were praising B were praised C praised D have praised 14 Many strange things _ last night A happening B happened C were happened D have happened 15 The exam results are being on Thursday A announce B announces C announced D to announce 16 What the weather like during your holidays there? A does B did C was D are 17 She finally finished the room at 8:30 p.m A clean up B to clean up C cleaning up D cleaned up 18 The policeman me not to park there A said B suggested C made D told 19 how to use this vacuum cleaner and I'll help you clean the house A If you show me B When you show me C Unless you show me D Show me 20 “You don’t work at weekends, you?” “ ” A Yes, I don't B No problem C Of course not (302) D Never mind 21 Many inventions in technology _ in the past forty years A are made B were made C have been made D are being made 22 In order to avoid infection, A it's necessary to drink boiled or bottled water B you should always drink boiled or bottled water C drinking boiled or bottled water is a necessity D to drink boiled or bottled water is necessary 23 Let's it anymore! A not mention B not to mention C not mentioning D don't mention 24 _, America depends on Africa for 40% of its oil imports A Interesting B Interest C Interestingly D Interested 25 I'd rather send her an e-mail _ A than telephone her B by to telephone her C to telephoning her D from telephoning her C Reading (14’) IV/ Read the passage and choose the - Work individually best answer - Give the answers in front of the class The World Trade Organization Answers (303) ( WTO) , founded on January 1, 1995, aims to encourage international trade to flow as freely as possible., making sure that trade agreements are respected and that any disputes can be settled In the five years since it founding, the WTO has become well- known as one of the world’s most powerful economic organizations, taking its place alongside the World Bank and International Monetary Fund The system of globe rules for international trade, however, dates back haft a century to 1948 when the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT) was founded after World War II As time went by, it became clear that the GATT had two major drawbacks the limited areas of trade it covered, and lack of an effective system to settle disputes After seven years of trade talks ending in 1994, the so-called Uruguay Round finally gave birth to the WTO, complete with effective system to settle disputes and to form new rules covering trade in services and intellectual property Even after seven years of talks and with 22,500 pages of agreements reached, problems remained, especially in the difficult –to-deal-with areas of agriculture and services 26 What is the purpose of the WTO? a to encourage international trade to flow freely b to make sure that trade agreements are respected c to settle any disputes d all of the above 27 The writer think that the WTO has become a more powerful than any other economic organizations b the world’s most powerful 26 d 27 c 28 b 29 a 30 c (304) economic organizations c one of the world’s powerful economic organizations d less powerful than World Bank and International Monetary Fund 28 According to the passage, the GATT stopped working a in 1948 b in 1994 c after World War end d during the seven years of the Uruguay round talk 29 The word “ it “ in bold refers to…………… a the WTO c The GATT b the World Bank d the International Monetary Fund 30 The word “ went by” could best placed by…………… a flew b flowed c passed d past IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Revise the exercises again - Prepare next lesson – Revision V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (305) Period: 104th Date of preparation: April 12th , 2012 REVISION I OBJECTIVES: Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to revise some important knowledge learnt in the second semester Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): Skills: Writing II PREPARATION: Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens III PROCEDURE: Warm-up: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Phonectic (10’) — Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounce differently from that of - Work individually the other words - Give the answers in front of the class 1.A.browse B.tow Answers C blow D.close 2.A dangerous B patient 1.A 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.A C nature D damage 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.B 3.A secret B season C serious D.sugar 4.A write B work C would D.way 5.A whole B when C which D.why — 10 Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the (306) other words 6.A hospital B careful C balance D describe 7.A heritage B improvement C disturbing D establish 8.A terminal B convenient C digital D camera 9.A information B appropriate C documentary D entertainment 10.A education B activity C opposition D demonstration B Grammar and vocabulary (20’) 11 — 25 Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes cad sentence 11 Let’s check our hotel room _ before we pay for it A.out B away C up D.off 12 He lost the tennis match, so we will try to cheer him A.off B away C on D.up 13 Clean all the countertops _ before you leave the kitchen A out B off C away D about 14 Did you clear your desk drawers before you moved to your new office? A.up B.off C out D.at 15 She cleaned _ all the food she spilled onto the floor A.up B out C of D away 16 He will cross _ each item as it is depleted A away B off C up D with - Work individually - Give the answers in front of the class Answers 11.A 16.B 21.A 12.D 17.C 22.B 13.B 14.C 15.A 18.C 19.A 20.D 23.D 24.C 25.C (307) 17 He asked her _, but she didn’t have time to visit him just then A out B about C in D on 18 We could see an appalled _on her face when she knew that he had killed someone A signal B mark C expression D sign 19 Vaccine supplies started to run dry as the flu outbreak reached proportions A epidemic B disaster C deadly D falling 20 I _ no hesitation in recornmending her for the job A.put B give C.pay D.have 21 HCR is one of the biggest international aid caring for refugees A agencies B groups C societies D federations 22 It is _ that all candidates must submit three copies of their dissertation A stated B laid down C requested D asked 23 The cyclone has many thousands of deaths A resulted in B led to C caused D All are correct 24 The sudden resignation of the financial director, put the company in a very _position A weak B unsteady C vulnerable D collapsed 25 The mechanic broke the engine _its many components A up into B into C.down into D.off into 26— 30 Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs (308) correcting 26 Since learning that cigarettes cause A B C cancer, many people have stopped to smoke 26.D 27.D 28.D 29.D 30.D D 27 Do you think the film that is on Horizon A B Cinema is exciting enough to watch for? C D 28 Everyone said that they would attend his A B birthday party, but nobody turned on C D 29 If you are going on holiday, don’t forget to A B C take me back a souvenir D 30 As time went by, the poor girl grew more A B C and more beautifully D 31 — 35 Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one 31 The game ended up in a tie A The players were all wearing ties B The teams ended with the same score C The players regularly became confused about the end of the game D The referees stopped the game early 32 The lady informed me that tickets are sold out A The tickets have just gone on sale 31.B 32.B 33.C 34.D 35.D (309) B All the tickets have been sold C The concert has been cancelled D The lady still has a few tickets for sale 33 Jim came down with flu and had to stay in A Jim came down and then had to stay home with flu B Jim had to stay home in case he caught flu C Jim had to stay home because he had flu D Jim came down to stay with flu V 34 Don’t believe in him A You shouldn’t count on him B You shouldn’t trust him C You shouldn’t believe what he says D A and B are correct 35 Tom couldn’t figure out what was the matter with Carol A Carol told Tom she couldn’t solve the math problem B It seemed that Carol was angry with Tom C Carol had nothing to say to Torn D It wasn’t clear to Tom what Carol’s problem was C Reading (14’) 36—45 Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or B that best fits the space in the following passage: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) organization was (36) by the United Nations in 1946 ‘to provide food, clothing and rehabilitative programs (37) European children brutalized by War II (1939-1945) In 1950 the United Nations made UNICEF (38) _ for improving the welfare of all children worldwide The organization’s miss threefold: (1) to ensure that basic nutrition, health, and education needs of - Work individually - Give the answers in front of the class Answers 36.D 41.C 37.A 38.A 42.B 43.A 39.D 40.C 44.D 45.D (310) children are (39) _, (2) to give children the opportunity to (40) _their potential, and (3) to create an international ethical standard of behavior toward children Since 1950 UNICEF has focused primarily (41) _promoting “sustainable development” in more than 150 (42) _nations By providing community-based services to teach community leaders to build wells and sewage-disposal systems, UNICEF has helped (43) _ millions of children with clean drinking water and sanitary living conditions By training educators to develop effective school programs, the (44) _has enabled children around the world to benefit (45) _a primary school education In recognition of its efforts, UNICEF received the 1965 Noble Peace Prize 36 A set up C founded correct 37 A to C.of 38 A responsible C.responsibility 39 A left C invite 40 A increase C expand 41 A at C.on 42 A developed C development 43 A provide C bring 44 A agency C body 45 A with C under B established D All are B for D.about B responsibly D responded B lived D met B enlarge D rise B in D to B developing D All are correct B offer D give B organization D All are correct B of D from (311) IV HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: (1’) - Revise the exercises again - Prepare next lesson – The 2nd semester test V COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… (312)

Ngày đăng: 04/06/2021, 09:11

