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lesson plan 5- 26-27-28

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Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette.. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.[r]


Date of preparing: 16/3 /2018 WEEK 26 Period 99

UNIT 15:



I Aims:

1 Knowledge: By the end of this unit pupils can

- Say questions and answers with the correct intornation .- Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Phonetic: What would you like to be in the future? I’d like to be a nurse 2 Skills: -Develop Ss speaking and reading skills.

3.Attitude:-Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss

IV Procedures: Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Student

5A 5B 5C 5D 2.Warm up: 5’

Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by having the class play Pelmanism You may also give the class a dictation to write, using the questions and answers that they have learnt in Lesson and Lesson


Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

Activity 1

1 Listen and repeat (8’)

- Tell the class that they are going to practise saying questions and answers with falling intonation

- Play the recording all the way through for pupils

1 Listen and repeat (8’) 1.What would you like to be in the future? I’d like to be a nurse.


to listen and follow in their books Play it again for them to choral repetition until they feel confident

- Get some pairs of pupils to say the questions and answers Correct the pronunciation, if necessary Listen the CD and repeat the words & sentences in chorus( choral)

- Read in groups/ in pairs - Give out and check Check and corect Activity 2

2 Listen and mark the sentences intonation ( 7’).

Tell the class that they are going to listen to the recording and mark the intonation with arrows - Play the recording all the way through for them to listen Play it again for them to mark the intonation

- Have pupils swap and check their answers before checking as a class Then ask the class to read the sentences aloud

- Check and correct Activity 3

3 Let’s chant: (15’)

- Tell the class that they are going to say the chant What would you like to be in the future?

Follow the procedure in Teaching the unit components in Introduction.

- Have pupils read the chant and check their comprehension

- Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen and follow in their books Play it again for them to choral repetition Get them to practise chanting and doing actions in groups - Call two groups to the front of the class to chant and actions: one group chants the questions and the other chants the answers The rest of the class claps their hands along to the rhythm

Because I’d like to look after patients

.2 Listen and mark the sentences intonation ( 7’). 1.A: What would he like to be in the future?

B: He’d like to work in a school

2.A: Where would he like to work?

B: He’d like to work in a school

3 Let’s chant: (15’)

What would you like to be? In the future?

What would you like to be in the future? I’d like to be a nurse.

What would you like to do? I’d like to look after


V.Consolidation: 2’


- Have Ss prepare for new lesson at home VI Homework ( 1’)

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words - Prepare for the next lesson


……… ……… ………

Date of preparing: 16/3 /2018 WEEK 26 Period 100


LESSON 3– PERIOD 2(PART `4-5-6-7)

I Aims:

1 Knowledge: By the end of this unit pupils can

- Say questions and answers with the correct intornation .- Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves Sentence patterns: revision

- Vocabulary: revision

2 Skills: -Develop Ss speaking and reading skills.

3.Attitude:-Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss

IV Procedures: Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Student


Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by getting two groups of pupils to say the chant What would you like to be in the future? in Activity and actions Get the rest of the class to chant with them and clap their hands along to the rhythm 3.Newlesson

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

Activity 4

4 Read and tick True(T) or False (F): (10’) a Pre- reading:

- Ask Ps to look at the text and pictures , ask some questions

? What is this? What does this text talk about? - Get the class that they are going to read the text about Mai and complete the table

b While- reading:

- Tell the class that they are going to read about David’s future job and tick True (T) or False (F) - Get them to read the passage and check their comprehension Give the meanings of unfamiliar words

- Give pupils time to the task independently Go around offering help, if necessary

- Get them to compare their answers before checking as a class If time allows, get some pairs to ask and answer questions about David’s future job

Key: 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T

c Post- reading:

- Have Ps play the game: Bingo Activity 5

.5 Write about you: (10’) a Pre- writing

- Ask Ps to answer T’s questions

- Tell the class that they are going to write about themselves

- Have Ps works in pairs or in groups to discuss what they will next Sunday

b While-writing:

- Tell the class that they are going to write about what they would like to be and in the future - Have them work in pairs or groups to discuss

4 Read and tick True(T) or False (F): (10’)

1 Daid would like to be an astronaut

2 He would like to work with other people

3 He would like to trave qround the world

He would like to walk in space

He would like to visit other planets

Key: 1 T 2 T 3 F 4

T 5 T

5 Write about you: (10’) My name is _ I’m studying at _ I’d like to be

_ in the future


their ideas

- Give them time to the task independently Go around offering help, if necessary

- Get them to compare their answers before checking as a class If there is time, invite some pupils to read their writing aloud

Key: Answers vary c Post writing

- Role-play Activity 6 6 Project: (6’)

- Tell the class that they are going to make a poster about what they would like to be in the future and tell the class about it

- Ask pupils to discuss in groups of three They should draw pictures to represent the jobs and write sentences about them

- Set a time limit for them to the task

- Invite two or three groups to show their posters and talk about them (E.g Minh would like to be a pilot because he’d like to fly a plane Hung would like to be an architect because he’d like to design buildings Hanh would like to be a nurse because she’d like to look after patients.)


7 Colour the stars: (5’)

- Have the class read the statements and check their comprehension

- Give them time to colour the stars and invite a few pupils to read the statements aloud

- Give further support to pupils who find it difficult to achieve certain objectives

6 Project: (6’)

E.g Minh would like to be a pilot because he’d like to fly a plane Hung would like to be an architect because he’d like to design buildings. Hanh would like to be a nurse because she’d like to look after patients.)

7.Colour the stars: (5’)

V.Consolidation: 2’

- Consolidate the content of the lesson T tells the Home work - Have Ss prepare for new lesson at home

VI Homework ( 1’)

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words - Prepare for the next lesson



……… ……… ………

Date of preparing: 16/3 /2018 WEEK 26 Period 101


I Aims:

1 Knowledge:

2 Skills: -Develop Ss speaking and reading skills.

3.Attitude:-Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss

IV Procedures: Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Student

5A 5B 5C 5D 2.Warm up: 5’

Let’s chant:- Check some groups 3.Newlesson

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

Activity 1

1 Listen and tick: 9’

Tell ps that they are going to listen and tick the correct pictures Give them a few seconds to look at the pictures Ask them to identify each

character and what’s the matter with him/ her or what he/ she is doing

Get them to compare their answers before checking as a class Give explanations for the


answers which ps find difficult Play the recording again to confirm the answers

Listen to the recording twice and number the pictures Compare the answer with the partner before checking as a class

Activity 2

.2 Listen and number: 9’

-Tell ps that they are going to listen the picture in the order they hear them

-Ask Ss look at the pitures and indentify the charaters in the pictures

- ask Ss listen to four dailogues and number them - Listen to the recording twice and number the pictures Compare the answer with the partner before checking as a class

Correct Activity 3

3 Listen and write one word in the blank; 9’ Tell ps that they are going to listen and write one word in each gap

Give them a few seconds to read the gapped sentences and guess the answers based on the surrounding words

Play the recording the firsttime all the way through for ps to listen and write Play it again second time for them to check their answers - Monitor the activity & offer help, if necessary - Correct

2 Listen and number: 9’ a b

c d

3- Ss give the key: 2a; 1b; 4c; 3d

3 Listen and write one word in the blank; 8’ Trung wants to buildings

2 Mary likes in her free time

V.Consolidation: 2’

- Consolidate the content of the lesson T tells the Home work - Have Ss prepare for new lesson at home

VI Homework ( 1’)

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words - Prepare for the next lesson


……… ……… ………



I Aims:

1 Knowledge:

2 Skills: -Develop Ss speaking and reading skills.

3.Attitude:-Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss

IV Procedures: Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Student

5A 5B 5C 5D 2.Warm up: 5’

Let’s chant:- Check some groups 3.Newlesson

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

Activity 4

4 Read and complete: 13’

Tell ps that they are going to read the text and complete the table

Give them time to look at the table and think of the information needed to fill the gap.Ask ps to read the text in silence and complete the table

The others listen and give comments Activity 5

5 Write about you :13’

Tell ps that they are going to write sentences about themselves

Monitor the activity & offer help, if

4 Read and complete: 13’ Name Hobby Future



Tony (1) (2)

Mai (3) (4)

Lina (5)

5 Write about you :13’ What you in your fee time?

2 What would you like to be in the future? Why?


necessary - Correct

Key : answers vary


4 Who is the main character in your favourite story?

V.Consolidation: 2’

- Consolidate the content of the lesson T tells the Home work - Have Ss prepare for new lesson at home

VI Homework ( 1’)

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words - Prepare for the next lesson


……… ……… ………

Date of preparing: 22/3 /2018 WEEK 27 Period 103

Short story

I Aims:

1 Knowledge: By the end of this unit pupils can

- Listen and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my family - Read and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my family - - Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

- Studious and obedient students and love their friends Sentence patterns: revision

- Vocabulary: revision

2 Skills: -Develop Ss speaking and reading skills.

3.Attitude:-Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss

IV Procedures: Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance


5A 5B 5C 5D 2.Warm up: 5’

Let’s sing:- Check some groups 3.Newlesson

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

Activity 1

1 Read and listen to the story : 8’

a Vocabulary: -T recalls all the new words Sts follows T’s instructions

b Set the scene: Have Ss look at the pictures and introduce five characters Teacher describe the content of each picture

- This is the 3rd of four cartoons about Miu the Cat and Chit the Mouse To help Ss get the idea of the story, simply let them read and listen to this

episode In later episodes, the initial task will be more challenging

- Before Ss listen, ask them to look at the pics and ask them questions (e.g A part from the cat and mouse, what can you see? A chair, a door, a window, etc.)

- Play the tape and let the Ss read and listen Activity 2

2 Answer the questions.: 10’

1st:Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are looking the pictures in their books

- 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and number

- 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their answers

- Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction

- Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text

Activity 3

3: Unscramble these words from the story: 8’ - Monitor the activity and offer help when

1 Read and listen to the story : 8’

2 Answer the questions.: 10’


1 No, he isn’t

2 He has a headache, a stomachache and a fever

3 He’s going to the zoo with Maurice and Doris



- Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction

- Call on some Ss to report their answers Others listen and comment

- T gives feedback: a headache b terrible c speaking d because e matter

a.chadahee b bletierr c.skigpean

d.usecabe e ttream

V.Consolidation: 2’

- Consolidate the content of the lesson T tells the Home work - Have Ss prepare for new lesson at home

VI Homework ( 1’)

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words - Prepare for the next lesson


……… ……… ………

Date of preparing: 22/3 /2018 WEEK 27 Period 104

Short story

I Aims:

1 Knowledge: By the end of this unit, pupils can - practice all the knowledge they have learn

- Attitude: Fun, friendly

- Develop Ps speaking and listening skills

- Vocabulary and structures: review how to ask and answer about one’s friends 2 Skills: -Develop Ss speaking and reading skills.

3.Attitude:-Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss

IV Procedures: Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting


Class Date of teaching Absent Student 5A

5B 5C 5D 2.Warm up: 5’

Let’s sing:- Check some groups 3.Newlesson

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

Activity 4

4:Read and complete; 9’

-T tells the context and completes the sentences

- Give a few seconds for Ss to read and look at the pictures

- Check comprehension and elicit the words to fill the gaps

- Ask Ss the task - Check their answers

- Do choral and individual repetition

Activity 5

5:Work in pair Imagine you are sick Talk about how you feel: 9’

- T asks Ss the task for minutes T goes around for help, if necessary

- T calls some Ss go to the board and write down their answers The others give comment

- T gives feedback: Ss’s own answers Activity 6

.6 Read and match: 8’

Tell ps that they are going to read and match the questions with the answers

Give them a few seconds to read the sentences Set a time limit for pupils to the task

independently Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

Get ps to compare their answers in pairs before

Do choral and individual repetition

Answers: e , 2.a , 3.b, 4.c , 5.d

.4:Read and complete; 9’ A: How are you today? B: I’m not feeling very (1) A: What’s the (2)_ with you? B: I(3) a stomach ache A: You should (4) in bed Answers:1/well 2/matter

3/have 4/stay 5/not

5:Work in pair Imagine you are sick Talk about how you feel: 9’

6 Read and match: 8’

Answers: e , 2.a , 3.b, 4.c , 5.d

V.Consolidation: 2’


- Have Ss prepare for new lesson at home VI Homework ( 1’)

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words - Prepare for the next lesson


……… ……… ………

WEEK 27 Period 105 Date of preparing: 22/3/2018

THE MID - SECOND TERM EXAM Subject : English – grade

Time : 40 minutes


TRƯỜNG TIỂU HỌC ……… MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 5NĂM HỌC: 2016-2017 (Thời gian làm bài: 40 phút)


Giáo viên coi Giáo viên chấm

Mark Comment

Listening Reading and writing

Speaking Total

Kỹ năng Nhiệm vụ đánh giá/kiến thức cần đánh giá Mức/Điểm Tổng số câu, số điểm, tỷ lệ


Nghe M1 M2 M3 M4 10 câu

2,5 điểm 25%

Listen and match

0,5đ 0,25đ Listen and tick the box

0,25đ 0,25đ

1 0,25đ

1 0,25đ

Listen and number

0,25đ 0,25đ

1 0,25đ


descriptions 0,25đ 0, 5đ 2,5 điểm 25% Read the text and tick True or False


1 0,25đ

1 0,25đ Read the passage and write the correct word

0,5đ 0,25đ Viết Read and write ONE word in each gap for each


3 0,75đ

1 0,25đ

2 0,5đ

10 câu 2,5 điểm

25% Order the word to make sentences

0,25đ 0,25đ

2 0,5đ Nói Getting to know each other

0,25đ 0,5đ

10 câu 2,5 điểm

25% Talking about familiar object

0,75đ 0,25đ

Describing the picture 1

0,25đ 0,25đ

1 0,25đ

Tổng 12

30% 12– 30%

8 – 20%

8 – 20%

TRƯỜNG TIỂU HỌC …… MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 5 NĂM HỌC: 2017-2018 (Thời gian làm bài: 40 phút)


Giáo viên coi Giáo viên chấm

Mark Comment

Listening Reading and writing

Speaking Total







Question – : Listen and tick the box There is one example (1 point) Where did you yesterday ?


4 What’s the matter with him ?


5.What does Tom in his free time?


6 What shouldn’t he do?


7 What would Tony like tobe in the future?






Question 7- 10 Listen and Number There is one example (0,75 point)


Question 1-3:Look, read and write the correct words next to their descriptions.

There is one example. (0,75 point)

Zoo library summer

Aladdin and the magic lamp It’s the tittle of a story Aladdin and the magic lamp You can pay a visit and see many kinds of animals here You can read and borrow the book here but you can’t buy You have holiday and don’t go to school this season in VietNam

Question -7 Read the text carefully Tick () True or False.There is one example( 0,75point)


My name is Jane On Tet holidays, I went to Van Don and visited Cai Bau pogoda in Quang Ninh Province I got there by car with my family The pogoda is near the Bai Dai beach It’s bigger and more beautiful than I expected My sister liked the pogoda a lot She said that the visit helped her to learn more about the heroes of Tran dynasty and the history of Viet Namese people


True False

0 Jane's family go on holiday in summmer vocation They went to Quang Ninh province

5 They visited Bai Dinh pogoda The pogoda is small

7 Jane's sister liked the pogoda a lot

Question - 10: Read and write the suitable words in the gaps as example (1 point)

life peaceful sometimes actractive spring

Hello My name’s Thien It is not easy to answer the question: “ Which one is more exciting, life in the city or (0) life in the countryside? ” but I enjoy living in the countryside very much because life is (1)………… and the people are friendly The villages are normaly small and quiet.The fields are green, windy and beautiful with flowers in the( 2)………… and the birds singing in the summer There are not many people, shops and traffic here , I (3) ……… go to the Hanoi with my parents I see a lot of people there so the streets are always so crowded and noisier, things are more expensive I think It’s more (4)……… and exciting to live in countryside


Question - 6: Fill in each gap with suitable words (1,5 point). Eg: Don’t ride your bike too fast! You may fall off your bike Your sister’s playing with a sharp knife She may herself


2 Giang has a toothache He should go to the Don’t touch stove! You may What the summer be………in your country ?

5.I’d like to be a ……….Because I’d like to sing the song It’s better to go slowly than quickly and………

Question 7-10 Reorder the words to make sentences as example (1 point)


0 did / What/ do/ people/ when/ there/ you/the/ were?

What did the people when you were there?

7 do/ What/ you/ did/ weekend/last.

8 visited/ Dalat/ with/ parents/my/ I.


9 / think/ What/ of/ you/ it/.

10 than/ peaceful/ I/ is/more/ and/expected/ The/ life/ in/countryside.


Part D SPEAKING (5 minutes)

Greeting & test taker’s name check

The examiner says “My name is…It’s nice to talk to you today.” Part 1: Getting to know each other

The examiner asks questions below: What’s your name?

2 How are you today? Which class are you in?

1 M2 M 3.M2

Part 2: Talking about a familiar topics

The test taker is given a carton box in which there is a set of questions with the picture about the topic that students have learnt The examiner tells the test taker to pick one strip into the box and answer the following questions (“Please open the box and take one strip.”)



4.What is his job ?

5 Tell me some jobs that you know 6.Where would you like to work?Why?

7 What would you like tobe in the future? Why?

4 M M3 M M4

Part 3: Describing the picture

The examiner says, “Now you have 30 seconds to look at this picture.”

The examiner asks questions below: What the people in the picture doing? Do you like these activities?

10 What you think of this place?

8 M M 10 M 4

Follow–up question: Which place would you like to go ? What your favourite activity in summer/ winter/ spring/auturm?


The End

Date of preparing: 22/3 /2018 WEEK 27 Period 106



I Aims:

1 Knowledge: By the end of this unit pupils can

- Use the words, phrases related to the topics Asking for and giving directions Ask, answer questions about directions, using Excuse me, where’s the ? It’s Sentence Pattners: Excuse me, where’s the ? It’s

- Vocabulary: bus stop, post office, theatre, museum, 2 Skills: -Develop Ss speaking and reading skills.

3.Attitude:-Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss

IV Procedures: Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Student

5A 5B 5C 5D 2.Warm up: 5’ Sing: a song 3.Newlesson

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

Activity 1

1 Look, listen and repeat: 9’ Introduce the dialogue

1 Look, listen and repeat: 9’


- Look at the pictures to identify the

characters(Akiko, a man and a woman) and the context in the book guess what the story is about and point at each picture to elicit their answers to these questions

Play the recording Check and corect

- Read in group/ pair: One repeats Phong’s part, the other repeats Linda’part

Activity 2

2 Point and say: 9’

- Teach vocabulary: bus stop, post office, theatre, museum,

Play game: What and where Say phrases under the pictures - Model sentence

Excuse me, where’s the ? It’s

Point the pictures and practise asking and answering question

- Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary Talking about directions, using:

Where’s the ? It’s - Check and correct Activity 3

.3 Let’s Talk; 10’ - Give tasks

- Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary - Correct their

pronunciation and mistake

characters that they have learnt in Tieng Anh 3,4

2 Point and say: 9’ a Vocabulary

- bus stop: trạm xe buýt - post office: bưu điện - theatre: rạp hát

- museum: bảo tàng b sentence pattern

Excuse me, where’s the ? It’s

- Model sentence

Excuse me, where’s the pos office ? It’s over there 3 Let’s Talk; 10’

Using: Where’s the ? It’s next to / opposite It’s between and _. It’s on the corner of _ Turn right/ left V.Consolidation: 2’

- Consolidate the content of the lesson T tells the Home work - Have Ss prepare for new lesson at home

VI Homework ( 1’)

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words - Prepare for the next lesson



Date of preparing: 28/3 /2018 WEEK 28 Period 107



I Aims:

1 Knowledge: By the end of this unit pupils can

- Use the words, phrases related to the topics Asking for and giving directions Ask, answer questions about directions, using Excuse me, where’s the ? It’s - Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Sentence Pattners: Excuse me, where’s the ? It’s - Vocabulary: bus stop, post office, theatre, museum, 2 Skills: -Develop Ss speaking and reading skills.

3.Attitude:-Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss

IV Procedures: Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Student

5A 5B 5C 5D 2.Warm up: 5’

Spending a few minutes revising the previous lesson by inviting one or two pairs to act out the story in activity


Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

Activity 4

4 Listen and tick: 8’

- Introduce the task.identify the places on page 41 and the directions

- Listen to the CD and tick - Play the recording


- Check and correct Key:

The museum: Next to the stadium - Read the answers aloud

The supermarket: Go along the street and turn left

The bus stop: Opposite the pharmacy

The post office: Between the supermarket and the cinema

Activity 5

5 Look, read and complete Use one of the words/ phrases :10’

- Tell the class that they are going to look at the map and fill the gapped sentences

Remind them to focus on the places on the map and help the to identify their names

- Monitor the activity and offer help if necessary - Check and correct


1 opposite between on the corner opposite next to

Activity 6 Let’s sing

- Tell the class that they are going to sing “Where’s the bus stop?”

- Check their comprehension - Play the recording

- Correct their pronunciation and mistakes

5 Look, read and complete. Use one of the words/ phrases: 10’

1 The theatre is _ the stadium

2 The cinema is _ the theatre and the supermarket The stadium is of the street

4 Bus stop is of bus stop

Let’s sing

Where’s the bus stop?

Excuse me, Where’s the bus stop?

Where’s the bus stop?

V.Consolidation: 2’

- Consolidate the content of the lesson T tells the Home work - Have Ss prepare for new lesson at home

VI Homework ( 1’)

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words - Prepare for the next lesson


……… ……… ………


Period 108



I Aims:

1 Knowledge: By the end of this unit pupils can- Use the words & phrases related to the topics Asking for and giving directions Ask and answer questions about means of transport, using How can I get to ? You can

- Develop Ss speaking skills

-.Sentence Pattners: How can I get to ? You can - Vocabulary: walk, take a bus, take a boat/coach 2 Skills: -Develop Ss speaking skills.

3.Attitude:-Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss

IV Procedures: Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Student

5A 5B 5C 5D 2.Warm up: 5’

Bingo game: using the words for School lessons learnt At the end of the game, ps ask & answer questions in the game


Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

Activity 1

1 Look, listen and repeat: 9’ Introduce the dialogue

- Look at the pictures to identify the

characters(Akiko and Tony) and the context in the book guess what the story is about and point at each picture to elicit their answers to these

1 Look, listen and repeat: 9’



Play the recording Check and corect

- Read in group/ pair: Akiko’s part, one repeat Tony’s part, the other repeats Nam’s part

Activity 2

2 Point and say: 10’

- Teach vocabulary: Note write down new words and read after T

Play game: What and where Elicits the new sentence

How can I get to ? You can - Model sentence

- Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary - Check and correct

Activity 3

3 Let’s Talk:10’ - Give tasks

Talking about directions, using How can I get to ? You can

- Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary - Correct their pronunciation and mistake

2 Point and say: 10’ a Vocabulary:

- walk:

- take a bus: đón xe buýt - take a boat/coach.: dón tàu/ đón xe khách

b Sentence pattern:

How can I get to ? You can

Model :

How can I get to the zoo? You can take a bus

3 Let’s Talk:10’ Using:

How can I get to ? You can

V.Consolidation: 2’

- Consolidate the content of the lesson T tells the Home work - Have Ss prepare for new lesson at home

VI Homework ( 1’)

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words - Prepare for the next lesson


……… ……… ………




I Aims:

1 Knowledge: By the end of this unit pupils can- Use the words & phrases related to the topics Asking for and giving directions Ask and answer questions about means of transport, using How can I get to ? You can

- Develop Ss speaking skills

-.Sentence Pattners: How can I get to ? You can - Vocabulary: walk, take a bus, take a boat/coach 2 Skills: -Develop Ss speaking skills.

3.Attitude:-Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss

IV Procedures: Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Student

5A 5B 5C 5D 2.Warm up: 5’

Spend a few minutes revising the story in Activity 3.Newlesson

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

Activity 4

4 Listen and write only one word in each box;10’

- Tell the class that they are going to listen and write one word in each box

- Ask them to look at the pictures and identify the means of transport

- Play the recording for three times

- Play the recording again to confirm the answers

4.Listen and write only one word in each box;10’

How can they get there?

By Akiko


Correct the work

Key: 1.Akiko: boat 2.Tony: taxi

Activity 5

5 Read and complete Then say aloud; 10’ - Tell the class that they are going to read the text and fill the gapped sentences

- Check Ss’ understanding

- Set a limit for them to the task independently Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary - Correct mistakes

Key: 1.trip 2.zoo 3.foot

4.How 5.Have welcome Activity 6

.6 Let’s play: 10’

- Tell the class that they are going to play Giving Directions

- Divide into small groups One player asks direction to a place on the map Other gives directions

- Set a time limit for Ss to play the game

Key: 1.Akiko: boat 2.Tony: taxi

5 Read and complete Then say aloud; 10’ Key: 1.trip 2.zoo 3.foot 4.How 5.Have welcome

.6 Let’s play: 10’ Giving Directions

V.Consolidation: 2’

- Consolidate the content of the lesson T tells the Home work - Have Ss prepare for new lesson at home

VI Homework ( 1’)

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words - Prepare for the next lesson


……… ……… ………

Date of preparing: 28/3 /2018 WEEK 28 Period 110



I Aims:

1 Knowledge:: By the end of this unit pupils can


.- Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Phonetic: Where’s the post office? - It’s opposite the stadium. 2 Skills: -Develop Ss speaking skills.

3.Attitude:-Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves

Studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss

IV Procedures: Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Student

5A 5B 5C 5D 2.Warm up: 5’ Chatting with ps 3.Newlesson

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

Activity 1

1 Look, listen and repeat ;10’

Introduce the sentences with falling intornation - Guide Ss produce the sound of the sentences Listen the CD and repeat the words & sentences in chorus

- Check and corect Activity 2

2 Listen and circle a or b Then ask and answer: 10’

- Give tasks.Tell the class that they are going to the recording

- Play the recording

Compare the answers each other before checking as a class

1 Look, listen and repeat ; 10’

1.Where’s the post office? - It’s opposite the stadium. 2 Where’s the cinema?

It’s next to the post office?


- Check and correct 1.a 2.a b Activity 3

3 Let’s chant : 7’

Tell the class that they are going to say the chat How can we get there? Have them read the chant in silence and check their comprehension

- Introduce the Chant : How can we get there?

-Teacher reinforce their pronunciation

Ps practise chanting: one chants the questions and the other chants the answers

The rest of the class claps along to the rhythm

b it’s next to the stadium.

3 Let’s chant : 7’

How can we get there? Where’s the park?

It’s not very far How can we get there? We can go on foot

V.Consolidation: 2’

- Consolidate the content of the lesson T tells the Home work - Have Ss prepare for new lesson at home

VI Homework ( 1’)

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words - Prepare for the next lesson


Ngày đăng: 25/05/2021, 08:57
