Kim Thuy Primary& Secondary school No.2 English lesson plan Week 17 Teaching date: Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 Period: 61 Morning- Period 3- Class: 5H UNIT 10: WHEN WILL SPORTS DAY BE? Lesson 1: Part 4-5-6 I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Review the vocabulary about school event - Listen and read about school event - Express their interest in English by singing a song II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Pictures, laptop, speakers Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks III Procedures: A Warm up: Act out - Give instruction - Act out the conversation in activity ** Praise and share: good job, well done , B New lesson Act 4: Listen and match Step 1: - Discover the picture Step 2: - Listen to the tape carefully and match Step 3: - Listen to the tape again and share the answer with partner Step 4: - Trade the answer on the board Answers: 1.c 2.a 3.b ** Feedback with the teacher Activity 5: Read and match Step 1: - Give instruction Step 2: - Identify the text and what are you doing, Read and get information to the task ** peer correction :spelling, vocabulary, structure Step 3: - One student reads the answers aloud to the groups The others listen and give comments Answers: b c e a d Activity 6: Let’s sing Teacher: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen Page Kim Thuy Primary& Secondary school No.2 English lesson plan Step 1: - Give instruction Step 2: - Read the lyrics - Listen to the tape - Sing sentence by sentence after the tape pause - Sing the whole song - Practise in groups ** Observation: quick notes: attitude, lyrics, rhythm Step 3: - Perform in groups ** Oral: lyrics, rhythm, voice and performance C Home-link: - Ask Ss to talk about their favourite school event -Week 17 Teaching date: Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 Period: 62 Morning- Period 4- Class: 5H UNIT 10 WHEN WILL SPORTS DAY BE? Lesson 2: Part 1-2-3 I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Identify vocabulary about sports - Ask and answer question about what someone is going to do/ play on Sport Day, using What are you going to on Sports Day? I’m going to … - Express their concern about school event II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Pictures, laptop, speakers Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks III Procedures: A Warm up: Miming (football, volleyball, ) ** Oral comment and praise (vocabulary, pronunciation) B New lesson Act 1: Look, listen and repeat Step 1: - Look at book and listen the dialogue carefully - Underline the new words and the structure in the book - Elicit the word and compare with the partner to feedback Step 2: - Repeat the sentences after the tape Teacher: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen Page Kim Thuy Primary& Secondary school No.2 English lesson plan - Call on a pair to repeat each line - Practice speaking with the partner Step 3: - The leader controls and calls classmate in groups to role play ** Oral feedback: pronunciation and voice Activity 2: Point and say Step 1: - Look the model in the book - Elicit the word - check vocab: slap the board ** Oral comment: speed and accuracy - Run through all the words and practice the form invididually Step 2: - Elicit the new structure: What are you going to on Sports Day? I’m going to … Step 3: - Practice speaking with the partner Step 4: - The leader controls and calls classmate in groups to role play ** Oral comments: pronunciation, voice and intonation and interaction Activity 3: Let’s talk Step 1: - Look the model in the book Step 2: - Make a dialogue about school event - Guide question: + When will Sport Day be? + What are you going to do? - Practice speaking with the partner Step 3: - Play game "Pass the ball" to practice ** Oral comments and feedback: pronunciation and interaction C Home-link - Draw a picture of their favourite school event Teacher: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen Page Kim Thuy Primary& Secondary school No.2 English lesson plan Week 17 Teaching date: Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 Period: 63 Morning- Period 3- Class: 5H UNIT 10 WHEN WILL SPORTS DAY BE? Lesson 2: Part 4-5-6 I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Revise the vocabulary - Listen and the task about zoo animals - Express their concern to learn English by playing game “Pass the secret” II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Pictures, laptop, speakers Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks III Procedure: A Warm up - Sing a song B New lesson Activity Listen and number Step 1: - Discover the pictures Step 2: - Listen and number Step 3: - Share ideas - Some Ss report their answers Answers: a b c d ** Oral:Observation: attitude when working in groups, spelling Give Feedback and Q-A to check understanding about the text in listening task Activity Write about you Step 1: - Discover the sentences Step 2: - Answer the questions - Based on the answers to make a short paragraph Step 3: - Share ideas Step 4: - Some Ss go to the board and report the answers Teacher: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen Page Kim Thuy Primary& Secondary school No.2 English lesson plan ** Written: focus on spelling, content, grammar structure Activity Let’s play Step 1: - Give instruction: Play game Pass the secret Step 2: - Play game ** Observation: quick notes: attitude, pronunciation C Home-link: - Share the game with family members Week 17 Period: 64 -Teaching date: Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 Morning-Period 4-Class 5H UNIT 10 WHEN WILL SPORTS DAY BE? Lesson 3: Part 1-2-3 I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Identify the stress of the sentences - Practice the stress of sentences Listen and the task - Express their interests to English through the chant II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Pictures, laptop, speakers Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks III Procedure: A Warm up: Play game “Bingo” - Introduce how to play the game - Play in groups * Observation and giving feedback (T and Ss): attitude, spelling B New lesson Activity Listen and repeat Step 1: - Look at the sentences with the stress marks T guides Ss how to recognize the difference between the stresses of each sentence Teacher: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen Page Kim Thuy Primary& Secondary school No.2 English lesson plan Step 2: - Listen to the CD and repeat Step 3: - Some Ss to read aloud the sentences ** Oral: Give comments: (T and Ss): pronunciation, intonation Acttivity Listen and underline the stressed words Then say the sentences aloud Step 1: - Give instruction ** Q-A: ask some questions to check understanding about the task Step 2: - Listen and underline the stress words Step 3: - Give the answers, check ** Oral: T and Ss ( give feedback) Step 4: - Say aloud the sentences in class and group Activity 3: Let’s chant Step 1: - Introduce the chant - Read aloud sentence by sentence - Listen and chant one by one, whole Step 2: - Practice in group, chant in front of the class **Oral (T and Ss) checklist: lyrics, rhythm, clapping and performance C Home link - Practice the chant at home and introduce to your family Teacher: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen Page ... Week 17 Teaching date: Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 Period: 63 Morning- Period 3- Class: 5H UNIT 10 WHEN WILL SPORTS DAY BE? Lesson 2: Part 4 -5- 6 I Objectives: By the... talk about their favourite school event -Week 17 Teaching date: Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 Period: 62 Morning- Period 4- Class: 5H UNIT 10 WHEN WILL SPORTS DAY BE? Lesson 2: Part... Home-link: - Share the game with family members Week 17 Period: 64 -Teaching date: Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 Morning-Period 4-Class 5H UNIT 10 WHEN WILL SPORTS DAY BE? Lesson 3: Part