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giáo án lớp 4 tuần 24

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- Ask them to listen again and repeat - Have Ss practice the chant in pairs - Call each group, then pairs to perform - Correct and comment.. - Play the tape once to reinforce their pron[r]


Date of teaching: 3/3/2018

Week : 24 Period : 91 UNIT 14: WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE?

Lesson (1, 2, 3) I Aims.

1 Knowledge:

- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to asking and answering questions about making comparion

New words: taller,shorter, bigger, smaller younger Structure: Who is taller?

My brother is taller

2 Skills: Develop Listening, speaking skill.

3 Attitude : Students feel confident to speak English. II Teaching aids.

1 Teacher’s: student's and teacher's book, pictures, computer, and projector, sách mềm, violet

2 Students': Books, notebooks, workbooks III Method.

P.P.P, MAT, TPA IV Procedure.

1 Organization (1’) - Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance

Date of teaching Class Student’s absent

5/3/2018 4D1

5/3/2018 4D2

5/3/2018 4D4

2 Warm up (4’) - Matching

- A B - small to - big nhỏ - short già - old thấp - slim mảnh mai New lesson

*Activity 1.( 10’) Using sách mềm.vn Set the scene

* Look , listen and repeat

- Have Ss open the book page 26 and identify the characters in the pictures - Set the scene: you are going to hear


conversations between Peter and Nam. - Play the recording all the way through for

Ss to listen while they are reading the dialogue

- Play the recording again for Ss to repeat each line of the dialogue a few times - Ask the groups to repeat the dialogue and


- Have Ss practice the dialogue in pairs - Call on some pairs to perform, others


- Correct the mistakes *Activity 2.( 10’)

Using sách mềm.vn Set the scene

* Point and say.

- use pictures elicit and model -*New words:

- taller: cao - shorter: thấp - bigger: to - smaller : nhỏ - younger: trẻ

- Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 20 and identify the characters

- set the scene and model sentences Model: T-S, S-S

Who is taller?

My brother is taller -Practice in pairs

+ run through all the pictures + practice

T-S S-T half-half Open pairs Close pairs

-Check the pronunciation( stress, assimilation of sound and intonation),offer help when necessary

Get feedback: Call on some pairs to perform in front of the class

-Make checking understanding questions (in Vietnamese)

Play chain game *Activity 3.( 7’) * Let's talk

- Asks Ss to look at the pictures on page 20


describe the situation

Guide Ss to practice asking and answering about someone

What does he/ she look like? Who is taller?

Ss to practice in pairs

- Call someone to perform at the front of the class

- Comment

4 Consolidation.(2')

- In this lesson, Ss have learned ask and answer about quantity of thing

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends 5 Home link.(1')

- Have Ss to further practice at home - Be ready Unit 14 – Lesson 2(4.5.6)

* Let's talk


Date of teaching: 3/3/2018

Week :24 Period :92 UNIT 14: WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE?

Lesson (4,5,6) I Aims and objectives I Aims.

1 Knowledge:

- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to asking and answering questions about making comparion

2 Skills: Develop Listening, speaking skill.

3 Attitude : Students feel confident to speak English. II Teaching aids.

1 Teacher’s: student's and teacher's book, pictures, computer, and projector, sách mềm, violet

2 Students': Books, notebooks, workbooks III Method.

P.P.P, MAT, TPA IV Procedure.

1 Organization (1’) - Greeting


Date of teaching Class Student’s absent

7/3/2018 4D1

6/3/2018 4D2

6/3/2018 4D4

2 Warm up.(4’)

- Ask Ss ask and answer about quantity of thing - Use pictures

- Comment 3 New lesson *Activity 1.( 10’) Using sách mềm.vn Set the scene

* Listen and number

- Have Ss look at pictures a, b, c and d and identify the house

- Set the scene: you are going to listen to the recording about situations and write the number correct pictures.

- 1st:Play the recording all the way through

for Ss to listen while they are looking the pictures in their books

- 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and

number the correct pictures

- Choose one or two Ss to share their answers with their classmates

- 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check

their answers

- Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction

- Comment and give feedback *Activity 2.( 10’)

Using sách mềm.vn Set the scene

* Look and write.

- Ask Ss to identify the text on page 27 - How many question are there?

- Run throught the pictures and question - Tell how to the task

- Give a question and example - check Ss’s understanding

- ask Ss to look at the pictures, read the sentences in silently and match the sentences individually

* Listen and number


- call Ss to say the answers and check the answers

- call some pairs to read aloud and correct pronunciation

- check understandthe content of the text Guess what they say?

*Activity 3.( 7’) *Let' sing.

Show the chart of the sing What they look like? - Play the tape a few times

- Ask Ss to read aloud each line in the song and clap their hands

- Ask them to listen again and repeat - Have Ss practice the sing in pairs - Call each group, then pairs to perform - Correct and comment

Play the tape once to 4 Consolidation.(2')

- - In this lesson, Ss have learned asking and answering questions about making compảrion

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends 5 Home link.(1')

- Have Ss to further practice at home - Be ready Unit 14 – Lesson 3(1.2.3)

*Let' sing


Date of teaching: 3/3/2018

Week :24 Period :93 UNIT 14: WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE?

Lesson (1,2,3) I Aims.

1 Knowledge:

- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to practice sounds / th/ and practice listening, writing, reading skills

2 Skills: Develop Listening, speaking skill.


II Teaching aids.

1 Teacher’s: student's and teacher's book, pictures, computer, and projector, sách mềm, violet

2 Students': Books, notebooks, workbooks III Method.

P.P.P, MAT, TPA IV Procedure.

1 Organization (1’) - Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance

Date of teaching Class Student’s absent

8/3/2018 4D1

7/3/2018 4D2

8/3/2018 4D4

2 Warm up.(4’)

Ask Ss sing a song answer What they look like? 3 New lesson

*Activity 1.( 10’) Using sách mềm.vn Set the scene

* Listen and repeat

- Have Ss open the book page 28 draw their attention to the letters colored differently in the words this , that, thin thick

- Produce the sound of the letter th.

- Have Ss repeat the focused sounds a few times

- Play the recording twice and ask Ss to repeat

+ This is my mother. + That is my father. + The book is thin.

+ The dictionary is thick.

- Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors

- Call on someone to pronounce

- Have the whole class recite the chant to reinforce their pronunciation

*Activity 2.( 10’) Using sách mềm.vn Set the scene

* Listen and repeat

+ This is my mother. + That is my father. + The book is thin.


* Listen and tick.

- Have Ss look at the table on page 28 - Ask Ss what they have to in this task - Play the tape twice

- Ask them to listen and write the answers - Call someone to write on the board,

check Ss’ notebook

- Check and correct mistakes - Ask Ss to read aloud sentences *Activity 3.( 7’)

* Let's chant

- Show the chart of the chant This is my family ?

- Play the tape a few times

- Ask Ss to read aloud each line in the chant and clap their hands

- Ask them to listen again and repeat - Have Ss practice the chant in pairs - Call each group, then pairs to perform - Correct and comment

- Play the tape once to reinforce their pronunciation

4 Consodilation.(2')

- In this lesson, Ss have learned how to pronounce sounds /th/

5 Home link.(1')

- Have Ss to further practice at home - Be ready Unit 14 – Lesson 3(4.5.6)

* Listen and tick.

* Let's chant


Date of teaching: 3/3/2018

Week :24 Period :94 UNIT 14: WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE?

Lesson (4, 5, 6) I Aims.

1 Knowledge:

- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to asking and answering questions about making comparion

2 Skills: Develop Listening, speaking skill.


1 Teacher’s: student's and teacher's book, pictures, computer, and projector, sách mềm, violet

2 Students': Books, notebooks, workbooks III Method.

P.P.P, MAT, TPA IV Procedure.

1 Organization (1’) - Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance

Date of teaching Class Student’s absent

9/3/2018 4D1

8/3/2018 4D2

9/3/2018 4D4

2 Warm up.(4’)

- Call Ss to the board and practice the chant on page 34 - Comment

3 New lesson *Activity 1.( 10’) Using sách mềm.vn Set the scene

* Read and write

- Show the chart and ask Ss to look

- introduces the sentences “you are going to read the text and question to get the

information in order

- 1st reading: Ss read the sentences

individually and check their prediction - 2nd reading: Ss the task (.)

- Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary

- Have Ss trade the answers individually for correction

- Call on some Ss to report their answers Others listen and comment

*Activity 2.( 10’) Using sách mềm.vn Set the scene

* Write

Open the books page 29

- Run through the card and sentences Give a sentence and example - check Ss’s understanding

- ask Ss to look at the dialogue in silently and write the words individually

Read and write


- call Ss to say the answers and check the answers

- call some pairs to read aloud and correct pronunciation

- check understand the content of the sentences.Guess what they say? * Writing game

Look at the pictures and write words in the gaps Which group is the fastest, it is a winner *Activity 3.( 7’)

* Project:

Ss look at the picture of your family Describe your family members to the class

- Ask them to interview your friends and complete the table

- After finishing ask Ss tell your classmates about it The others listen and comment 4 Consodilation.(2')

- In this lesson, Ss have reviewed about asking and answer question about making comparion

- Develop reading and writing skills 5 Home link.(1')

Have Ss to further practice at home and be ready next lesson: Unit 15 lesson ( 1,2,3)

* Project:


Ngày đăng: 08/04/2021, 17:56

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