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unit 4 at school tiếng anh 7 sách cũ nguyễn văn liệt thư viện giáo án điện tử

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Teacher: - Lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, MP3 2.. Warm up (5’).[r]


Period: 22


1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, Ss talk about school subjects and schedules. - Grammar: - Present simple and present progressive tenses.

- Vocabulary: - Interesting, important, subject. b Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c Attitude: - Ss talk about school subjects and schedules; Ask and answer about the timetable 2 Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self-learning capability - Communicative competence - Cooperation capacity

II Preparation

1 Teacher: - Lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, MP3 2 Students: - Books, notebooks, pen, ruler …

III Students’ activities 1 Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

- T asks Ss some questions

- Ss listen and answer the questions - T corrects and gives marks if necessary - T introduces new lesson


What are you studying?

What time you have Math/ English? 2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

Ss to look at the pictures and ask - Ss look at the pictures and answer - T gives the model sentence - Ss listen and copy down

A4- Ask and answer questions.

* Ss ask and answer about the subjects and the times which they study.

* Model sentence: - What is Lan studying? - Lan is studying physics

- What time does Lan have her physics class? - She has her physics class at 8.40

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about the subject and time in each picture on page 43 - Ss work in pairs

- T calls on some Ss to give their answers before class

- Give feedback and correct - T introduces other structures - Ss listen carefully

* Keys:

S1: What is Binh studying? S2: Binh is studying Geography

S1: What time does Binh have his geography? S2: He has his Geography class at ten ten ……

Model sentence:

-When you have Math/ English/Music ? -What other classes you have on…? -What’s your favorite subject?

- T introduces the conversation - T asks Ss to listen to the tape - Ss listen to the tape

- T asks Ss to read the dialogue between Hoa and Thu (A5 / 44)

- Ss read the dialogue

- T gives some words and explains them - T reads model

- Ss listen and repeat

- T asks Ss to work in pairs and answer

A5- Listen and read.

* Ss understand the dialogue and write the schedule.

*New words: - interesting(adj): - subject(n): môn học - important(adj): quan trọng * Ask and answer:


- Ss practice asking and answering before class - SS practice

- Give feedback

2 Thu has math, geography, physical education and music on Thursday

3 History is Thu’s favorite subject Because it is interesting and important

3 Consolidation (4’)

- T asks Ss to practice asking and answering about the time.(talk about their subjects) - Ss work in pairs

- T calls on some to practice before class - Give feedback and correct

IV Experience:

……… ……… ………

Period: 23


1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, Ss ask and answer about the schedules and talk about the differences between schools in the USA and schools in Vietnam

- Grammar: Present simple tense.

- Vocabulary: Uniform, break, cafeteria, snack, popular, baseball. b Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c Attitude: - Ss ask and answer about the schedules and talk about the differences between schools in the USA and schools in Vietnam; Know about the American students’ life

2 Capacity is formed and developed for students - Self-learning capability

- Communicative competence - Cooperation capacity

II Preparation

1 Teacher: - Lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, MP3 2 Students: - Books, notebooks, pen, ruler …

III Students’ activities 1 Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

- T asks Ss to play the game “Lucky number” or asks the questions

- Ss play the game or answer - T remarks and gives marks

1 When you have English?

2 What time does your first English class start? Lucky number

4 Lucky number

5 What subjects you like? What time your classes start? Lucky number

8 What time they finish? 2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

*Pre teach vocabulary. - T introduces new lesson

- T elicits some new words in the text,

explain them by translation, explanation, mime … - T reads model

- Ss listen and repeat

6 Read.

* Ss talk about the differences between schools in the USA and schools in Vietnam.

* New words.


- T checks pronunciation

- Ss listen and copy down their notebooks *True / False statement predictions

- T gives a porter with statements on the board - T asks Ss to read all statements and predict which is true, which is false

- Give feedback

- 20 minute break: giờ giải lao 20’ - cafeteria(n) : quán tự phục vụ

- snack (n) : món ăn nhanh, món ăn nhe - popular (adj) : phổ biến

- baseball (n) : bóng chày - sell(v): bán

* True / False statements:

a Ss not usually wear school uniform b There are classes on Saturday morning c Ss don’t have a break in the afternoon d The school cafeteria sells food to students e The school cafeteria only opens at lunchtime f Basketball is an unpopular after-school activity

* Reading and checking.

- T asks Ss to listen to the text twice - T asks Ss to read the text silently - T asks Ss to check T or F

- T calls on some Ss to give their answers Then ask Ss to correct the false statements

- Give feedback and correct

* Keys: a True

b False (There are no lessons on Saturday) c False (Ss have a break in the afternoon) d True

e False ( It also opens at break)

f False (It is one of the most popular after-school activities)

- T asks Ss some questions

- T calls on some Ss to give their answers - T remarks and summarize again


- How is school in USA different from school in VN?

- What time classes start? - What time classes end? 3 Consolidation (4’)

- T asks: a What you wear to school? b What color is it?

c How you feel? - Ss answer:

IV Experience:

……… ……… ………

Period: 24

UNIT 4: AT SCHOOL B The library (1, 2) I OBJECTIVES

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, Ss ask and answer about the positions of shelves and racks in the library

- Grammar: - Wh - questions.

- Demonstratives: this/ these; that/ those

- Vocabulary: - Rack, shelf, science book, chemistry, biology, dictionary, reader, novel, reference book, at the back of

b Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c Attitude: - Ss ask and answer about the positions of shelves and racks in the library 2 Capacity is formed and developed for students


II Preparation

1 Teacher: - Lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, MP3 2 Students: - Books, notebooks, pen, ruler …

III Students’ activities 1 Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

- T writes the words with disordered letters on the board (or use the poster)

- T divides the class into two teams

- T asks Ss from each team to go to the board and write the correct words The team that is faster with more correct words will win the game

- l i o g o b y -> biology - t o r i s h y -> history

- p h y g r a g e o -> geography - s p a n w e e p r -> newspaper - z a g a m i n e -> magazine 2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

- T shows the picture in the text book on page 47 and introduces new lesson by asking some questions - Ss listen and answer the questions

- T elicits some new words in the dialogue

Explain them by picture, definition, realize, example, …

- T reads model

- Ss listen and repeat and copy down their book - Check pronunciation

- T gives Ss two questions and asks them to guess the answers

- Give feedback

B1 Listen and read

* Ss know some position of the things. * Questions:

1 What is it?

2 Where you usually see it? Does your school have a library? What time does it open / close? * New words:

- library (n) : thư viện

- science book (n) : sách khoa học - Chemistry (n) : môn hóa học - Biology (n) : môn sinh học - dictionary (n): từ điển - reader (n): sách đọc thêm - novel (n): tiểu thuyết

- Reference book (n): sách tham khảo - At the back of: phía sau

- In the middle of: * Questions:

1 When does the library open?

2 What kinds of books are there in the library? * Keys:

1 The library opens at am

2 There are newspapers, magazines, readers, novels, dictionaries, reference books and many kinds of science books …

- T asks Ss to read the dialogue B1 on page 47 and check their answers

- Give feedback

- T asks Ss to read the questions on page 48 and work in pairs to answer the questions

- T calls some Ss to practice before class - Give feedback

* Answers:

a The magazines are on the racks b The newspapers are on the racks

c The math and science books are on the shelves on the left

d The history and geography books, dictionaries and literature in Viet Nam are on the shelves on the right

e The books in English are at the back of the library

f It opens at am g It closes at 4.30 - T introduces the dialogue and turns on the tape



- Introduces prepositions of position and the structure

- Ss listen and write in their book - Ask Ss to practice the dialogue - Explain how to the exercise - Ss work in pairs

- Ss practice in front of class - T corrects

- Prepositions of position:

+ on the shelves, on the left, on the racks, in the corner, on the right

- Where can I find+ name of book, please? Ex: where can I find Math books, please? They are on the right

* Ask and answer the questions about the library plan in B1

* Ss act out the dialogue in front of the class 3 Consolidation (4’)

- Repeat names of many kinds of books in the library - Repeat preposition of position

IV Experience:

……… ……… ………

Signature Week 8:

Ngày đăng: 12/03/2021, 18:02



