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- T uses the pictures of the dialogue on page 12(Student book 2) to lead Ss in the conversation - Ask students to look at the 4 pictures in the book and check comprehension by elicitin[r]


Date of preparing:14/01/2021 WEEK 20- Period 77

UNIT 11: WHAT TIME IS IT? LESSON 3: Part 1, 2, 3 I Objectives

1 Knowledge

- After the lesson, students are able to: Pronounce correctly the sound of the letters / oo /

* Language focus: - Phonics: / oo / 2 Skills

- Develop listening, reading, writing skills 3 Attitude:

- Studious and obedient students and respect the time II Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, softbook, computer, speakers and projector (4A)

2 Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks. III Method

- Listening, speaking and spoken interaction - Techniques: + Chant

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups + Game

IV Procedure 1 Organization (1’)

- Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance

Date of teaching Class Absent students

19/01/2021 4A

18/01/2021 4B

2 Warm up (5’) - Say greetings


4 Consolidation (2’) - Summary the lesson 5 Homework (1’):

- Do exercises in workbook

**************************************************************** Date of preparing:14/01/2021 WEEK 20 - Period 78


Teacher and students’ activities Content Activity 1: Listen and repeat.(10’)

-Introduce the sounds / oo/ - Ps’ attention on the letters colored differently in the words book, cook, noon and school Ss learn to produce the sound of the letters “ oo” in these words

- Listen and repeat Read in groups in pairs - Ps practice the sounds carefully

- Some Ss reports the answer The rest of the class


I OBJECTIVES 1 Knowledge

- By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to use the language learnt in unit 11 Language focus:

- Vocabulary: Review. - Sentence pattern: Review. 2 Skills

- Develop listening, reading, writing skills 3 Attitude:

- Studious and obedient students and respect the time II TEACHING AIDS:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, computer, speaker, softbook, projector (4A)

2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. III METHODS

- Listening, speaking and spoken interaction - Techniques:

+ Pairs/ groups work + Question and answer IV PROCEDURES

1 Organization (1’) - Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance

Date of teaching Class Absent students

19/01/2021 4A

20/01/2021 4B

2 Warm up (5’) - Say greetings

- Spend a few minutes having the class say the chant What time you go to school?

3 New lesson:

Teacher and students’ activities Content

*Activity 1: Read and complete(10’) +Pre- reading

-Tell the class that they are going to read the text and complete the text about Phong

-Get them to identify the information given +While- reading

-Set a time limit for pupils to the task

1 Read and complete


independently Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

-Have them compare their answers before checking

+ Post- reading

- Ask ss some questions to check their comprehension about the text

-Ask some ss to read aloud the text *Activity 2: Let’s write

+Pre- writing

- Tell the class that they are going to write about the time of daily activitities

- Give them time to think about what to write ( T can help ss if necessary)

+While- writing

- Set a time limit for them to the task independently Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

- Remind them to write the first letter of each sentence and the name in capital letters, and put commas and full stops at the right places +Post- writing

- Get them to swap and read their writing in pairs before inviting two or three pupils to read their answers aloud

*Activity Project (10’): Complete your daily routine Then tell class about it.

- Run through the table for ss to identify the information given

- Explain how to the task:

- Call on some ss to show their work before class

2 Let’s write.

(Show the task in the screen)

3 Project

(Show some birthday card on the screen )

4 Consolidation (2’) - Summary the lesson

5 Homework (1’):

- Do exercise in the workbook


Date of preparing:14/01/2021 WEEK 20 - Period 79 UNIT 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO?

Lesson 1: Part 1, 2 I OBJECTIVES

1 Knowledge: After the lesson students will be able to asking and answering about someone’s job

* Language focus:

- Vocabulary: farmer, nurse, driver, factory worker,

- Sentence Pattern: What does your ………do?/ He’s/ She’s…… 2 Skills: - Develop Ss speaking, reading and listening skills

3 Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English with others, have good attitude about their job in the future


1 Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, computer, projector, softbook 2 Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Communicative approach Techniques: + Q &A

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups IV PROCEDURES

1 Organization(1’):

- Greetings: T – Ss greet each other

- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer

Date of teaching Class Absent students

21/01/2021 4A

20/01/2021 4B

2 Warm up: (5’) : Reiew the words of family member.

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content Act 1: Look, listen and repeat(8’)

* Set the scene:

- T uses the pictures of the dialogue on page 12(Student book 2) to lead Ss in the conversation - Ask students to look at the pictures in the book and check comprehension by eliciting the answers for these questions

Who’s this? Where are they? What are they doing?

- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to


listen and follow in their books - Play the recording again for Ss repeat the dialogue several times ( line by line in the bubbles)

- Point to the picture for Ss to read the dialogue again

- Have Ss to find out the new structure Act Point and say (12’)

Sentence Pattern:

* Presenting the new words: Farmer:

Nurse: Driver:

factory worker:

- Checking: Rub out and remember * Presenting model sentences.

- Point to the task for ss to identify the family member and their job Elicit the class to fill in the gap Put the sentence on the board:

What does your ………do? He’s/ She’s……

and have Ss repeat them several times - Check the form/ use/ meaning/ intonation * Practice.

- Tell Ss that they are going to practice asking and answering questions what is someone doing? - T model – Ss listen & repeat

- Ask ss to in choral and individual repetition, using the pictures in the book

- T asks Ss point and say - T and student model ( T S1,- T S2) +T- WC/ + Half/half

+ Pairs( Closed pairs, Open- pairs)

*Work in pairs Ask your partner about their jobs of family members

2 Point and say. (Show the task on the screen)

Newwords: Farmer: Nurse: Driver:

factory worker: Model sentences What does your ……… do?/ He’s/ She’s…… -Ask and answer about someone ‘s job

4 Consolidation (2’)


- Retell the content of the lesson 5 Homework (1’)

Learn by heart the new words and model sentence Prepare for the next lesson Date of preparing:14/01/2021 WEEK 20 - Period 80

UNIT 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO? Lesson 1: Part 3, 4, 5


1 Knowledge: After the lesson students will be able to asking and answering about someone’s job

* Language focus: - Vocabulary: Review - Sentence Pattern: Review

2 Skills: - Develop Ss speaking, reading and listening skills

3 Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English with others


1 Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, computer, softbook, projector 2 Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Listening, speaking and spoken interaction - Pairs/ groups work

- Question and answer IV PROCEDURES

1 Organization (1’) - Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance

Date of teaching Class Absent students

21/01/2021 4A

21/01/2021 4B

2 Warm up (5’) - Say greetings

- Warm up: Charades: Call on some ss to go to the board, act out a job and ask ss to guess what does he/ she do?

3 New lesson:

Teacher and students’ activities Contents *Activity Listen and tick.

+ Pre – listening (4’)

-Ask Ss to look at the pictures

1 Listen and tick.


-Elicit the subjects in the pictures for ss to identify the family members and their jobs - Explain the way to in this part

+ While – listening (5’)

- Play the recording through for Ss listen - Play the recording again for Ss to the task

- Play the recording once more and pause after each sentence to check

- Ask Ss to exchange their answers with their partners before reporting them to the class

+ Post-listening (3’)

- Provides the answers and check ss’ comprehension of the task

Activity Look and write (7’) + Pre- writing

- Run through the pictures for ss to identify the subjects

- Explain the task to Ss + While writing

- Get Ss to look at the table individual and complete the sentences

- Get Ss work in pairs then trade their answers within pairs for correction

- Ask some Ss to read their answers aloud to the class The rest of the class listen and give comment

+ Post writing

-Ask ss to practice reading the task Activity Let’s sing (10’)

- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the song - Play the recording again for Ss to repeat each line of rhyme Have Ss to point the corresponding while they are repeating - Call on a group of six to the front of the class, have three of them repeat each line answer the other action

2 Look and write. (Show the task on the screen)

Key: 1 family. farmer. is a nurse. 4 is a driver

5 is a factory worker 6 a pupil


- Get Ss to work in group to work as the model group

- Call on one group to perform the song at the front of the class the rest of the class sing along and clap the rhythm

- Have the class sing the song again to reinforce their pronunciation

4 Consolidation (2’)

- Summary the content of the lesson 5 Homework (1’):

Ngày đăng: 03/03/2021, 18:56
