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giao an khoi 4 TUAN 25

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-Asks Ss to open their book on page 33 and tell them that they are going to listen and circle the correct picture.. - T asks some Ss to report their answers to the class.[r]


WEEK 25 - Period 97

Date of preparing: 09/03/2019


I Objectives:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will able to ask and answer questions about when a festival is

1 Language focus:

Sentence pattems: What you at…? I…….

Vocabulary: make banh chung, decorate the house,lucky money,watch firework displays, visit grandparents

2 Skill: listening, speaking , reading, writing Ps Tung 4D listen, reading

3 Attitude: Teach Ps reading II TEACHING AIDS:

1 Teacher: students' book, recording, pictures, posters, puppets. 2 Student: students' book


1 Organization (1’) - Greeting

- Check Ps’ attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4B Monday, March 11 th 2019

4D Tuesday, March 12 th 2019

2 Warm up 5’

- T asks Ss to practice ask and answer using: When’s…?

It’s on…

- T monitors and correct their mistake 3.New lesson: 30’

Teacher and Students’ activities Content Ps Tung 4D 1.Look, listen and repeat:7’

a presentation.

* Present the fisrt part of the dialogue - T uses puppets to introduce the dialogue

Puppet A: What are you doing, Mai? Puppet B: I’m decorating my house It’s

1.Look, listen and repeat.


Puppet A: What you at Tet? Puppet B: I wear nice clothes. Puppet A: What else?

Puppet B:I eat a lot of banh chung.I get lucky money from my parents.

Puppet A: Oh, I like Tet - T-S role play

- T asks Ss open their book on page 32 - T opens the cassette

- T opens he cassette again.Pausing after each line for Ss to repeat

- T checks to make sure that they can repeat and understand the dialogue 2 Point and say:8’

* Set the sence: T asks to look at the picture a, b, c ,d on their book on page 32 and tells them that theyare going to ask and a nswer question about time a Vocab:

make banh chung: gói bánh chưng decorate the house: trang trí nhà cửa lucky money: tiền mừng tuổi

watch firework display: xem pháo hoa visit grandparents: thăm ông bà

- T teachs the words and explains the meaning

b.Model sentences:

What you at…? I….…

- T model first:

Picture a: What you at Tet? I decorate the house. - Do picture b, c ,d the same with picture a

- T-S role play

- T-S, S-T, S-S, open pairs 3 Let’s talk:

a Presentation.

*Set the scence: Ask Ss to open their book on page 32 and Tells Ss that they are going to practise ask and answer about: What you at…?

2 Point and say a Vocab:

make banh chung: gói bánh chưng decorate the house: trang trí nhà cửa lucky money: tiền mừng tuổi

watch firework display: xem pháo hoa visit

grandparents: thăm ông bà

b.Model sentences: What you at…?

I….… - T model first: Picture a: What do you at Tet? I

decorate the house. 3 Let’s talk

What you at…?


Point and say



- Asks Ss to work in pairs, one student ask and answer Repeat the step when necessary

- T asks Ss to role play

- Asks some pairs to demostrate the task in front of the class

b Further practice:

* Activity: Step away Lines

Play game

4.Consolidation 2’

T asks Ss to step into lines and practice the chant in the part Point and say on page 32

- T monitors and corect their mistakes 5 Homework

- T asks Ss to write the name of classroom objects in their notebook *Evaluation

……… ………


WEEK 25 - Period 98

Date of preparing: 09/03/2019


I Objectives:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will able to ask and answer questions about what people at a festival

1 Language focus:

Sentence pattems: What you at…? I…….

Vocabulary: make banh chung, decorate the house,lucky money,watch firework displays, visit grandparents.

2 Skill: listening, speaking , reading, writing Ps Tung 4D listen, reading

3 Attitude: Teach Ps reading II TEACHING AIDS:

1 Teacher: students' book, recording, pictures, posters, puppets. 2 Student: students' book


- Greeting

- Check Ps’ attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4B Monday, March 11 th 2019

4D Tuesday, March 12 th 2019

2 Warm up 5’

T asks Ss to practice ask and answer using: What you at…?


- T monitors and correct their mistake. 3.New lesson: 30’

Teacher and Students’ activities Content Ps Tung 4D 4 Listen and circle:7’


-Asks Ss to open their book on page 33 and tell them that they are going to listen and circle the correct picture - T asks some Ss to report their answers to the class

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen - T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and tick the correct answer - T plays the recording again for Ss to check their answer

- Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class

- T asks Ss to read out the answer Answer key:

1 a 2.b 3.b a 5 Look and write:7’

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 33 and tell Ss to look and write

- T let’s Ss to work individual

- Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class

- T asks Ss to read out the answer Answer key:

1 go shopping.

4 Listen and circle

Answer key: 1 a 2.b 3.b 4 a

5 Look and write

Answer key: 1 go shopping. 2.go fishing. 3 make banh chung.

Listen and circle


Look and write


2.go fishing.

3 make banh chung. 4 visit grandparents. 6.Let’s play: 9’ Set the sence

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 33 and tell Ss to play “Physical line - up?” game.

- T explains how to play this game - T monitors and correct their mistake

4 visit

grandparents. 6.Let’s play

4.Consolidation: 2’

- In this lesson Ss have learnt : ask and answer questions about what people at a festival

5 Homelink

- T asks Ss to write sentences what they at a festival in their notebook *Evaluation

……… ………


-WEEK 25 - Period 99

Date of preparing: 09/03/2019


I Objectives:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronunce correctely the sound of the letters cl, fl and can listen and read for specific information

1 Language focus:

The sound of the letter: cl, fl( clothes,close, floor,flowers) 2 Skill: listening, speaking , reading, writing

Ps Tung 4D listen, reading 3 Attitude: Teach Ps reading II TEACHING AIDS:

1 Teacher: students' book, recording, pictures, posters, puppets. 2 Student: students' book



- Check Ps’ attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4B Wednesday, March 13 th 2019

4D Thursday, March 14 th 2019

2 Warm up 5’

- Asks Ss to tell the time of their daily routines - T monitors and pride the winer

3.New lesson: 30’

Teacher and Students’ activities Content Ps Tung 4D 1.Listen and repeat: 8’

* Pre-teach

- T asks Ss to open their book on page 34 Stick the large- sized sheet of paper with the chant on the board Draw Ss’attention to the sound of the letters cl, fl( clothes,close, floor,flowers) - T asks Ss to listen and pronounce these sounds correctly

- T asks Ss to look at the dialogues on the board Pronunce the focused sounds a few times as a model

- T play the recording for Ss to listen and repeat

- Asks some Ss to say the dialogues , paying particular attention to the

pronuciation of the sound of the letters cl, fl( clothes,close, floor,flowers) - T correct their mistakes

* Practice:5’

* Activity: Board Race

- T devides Ss in to teams (Blue – White)

- T explains how to play this game - T lets teams play together - T monitor and praise the winner 3.Listen and tick Then say aloud: 5’ - T asks Ss to open their book on page 34 and tell them that they’re going to listen and tick the correct word

- T calls Ss to on the board

- T monitors and correct their mistake

1.Listen and repeat

cl clothes close fl floor flowers

3.Listen and tick Then say aloud

Key: 1.flowers 2.close

Listen and repeat



Key: 1.flowers 2.close 3.clothes 4.floor

4.Let’s chant: 7’ *Set the sence.

- T asks Ss to look at picture the “What you at Tet?” chant on page 34 and tell them that they are going to read the chant and check the comprehension

- T plays the CD times for Ss to read in choral and individual

- T devides Ss in to group and asks Ss to face to face and practice chanting and doing the action and clap in to the rhythm of the chant

- T monitors and correct their mistake

3.clothes 4.floor

4.Let’s chant

4.Consolidation: 2’

Asks Ss to read aloud the chant on page 34 5 Homelink

- T asks Ss to write sentences what they at a festival in their notebook *Evaluation

……… ………


–––––––––––––––––––––––– WEEK 25 - Period 100

Date of preparing: 09/03/2019


I Objectives:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronunce correctely the sound of the letters cl, fl and can listen and read for specific information

II Language focus:

The sound of the letter: cl, fl( clothes,close, floor,flowers) 2 Skill: listening, speaking , reading, writing


1 Teacher: students' book, recording, pictures, posters, puppets. 2 Student: students' book


1 Organization (1’) - Greeting

- Check Ps’ attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4B Wednesday, March 13 th 2019

4D Thursday, March 14 th 2019

2 Warm up 5’

- Asks Ss to read aloud the chant on page 34 - T monitors and correct their mistake

3.New lesson: 30’

Teacher and Students’ activities

Content Ps Tung 4D 4 Read and write:10’

- T asks SS to open their book on page 35 and tell them that they are going to read and write

- T let’s Ss to individual - T calls Ss to on the board - T monitors and correct their mistake

Key: 1.Tet 2.flowers

3.house – banh chung 4.the firework display

5.grandparents, teachers and friends

5 Write about your Tet: 7’ *Pre-teach:

- T asks Ss to open their book on page 35 and tell them they are going to write Using sentences pattern and the picture cues

- Asks one student in the class as an example and write on the board with peoles help

- T monitors and correct their

4 Read and write

Key: 1.Tet 2.flowers

3.house – banh chung

4.the firework display

5.grandparents, teachers and friends 5 Write about your Tet

Read and write


mistake * Practice

* Activity: Board Race

- T devides Ss in to teams (Blue – White)

- T explains how to play this game - T lets teams play together - T monitor and praise the winner 6 Project: 7’

* Set the sence

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 35 and tells that they are going to make a greeting card for Tet

- T calls Ss to on the board - T monitors and correct their mistake

6 Project

4.Consolidation: 2’

- In this lesson Ss have learnt : Pronounce correctly the sound of the letter cl, fl( clothes,close, floor,flowers) and listen to and read for spefic imformation 5 Homelink


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Ngày đăng: 02/03/2021, 11:58
