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Phương pháp dạy vần warin – up trong tiếng anh cho học sinh tiểu học trường tiểu học thị trấn nga sơn

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Cấu trúc

  • Conducted by: Mai Thi Hanh

  • Working place: Thi Tran Primary School

  • Matching

  • Find Someone Who


  • .The Alphabet Game:

  • What’s missing?

  • Pelmanism

  • Shark attack

  •’s game:

  • Pass the cards

  • Freeze

  • Where are the vowels?

  • rubber book

  • 3.2. Recommendations:

  • Reference documents:

Nội dung

THANH HOA EDUCATION AND TRAINING DEPARTMENT NGA SON EDUCATION AND TRAINING DEPARTMENT EXPERIENCE INITIATIVES IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ENGLISH LESSONS OF GRADE 3, THROUGH WARM UP SECTION AT THI TRAN PRIMARY SCHOOL Conducted by: Mai Thi Hanh Position: Teacher Working place: Thi Tran Primary School Experienced Initiative of subject: English THANH HOA 2019 CATEGORY Table of contents Content Opening 1.1.Reason for choosing the topic: 1.2.Research purposes: 1.3 Research subjects 1.4 Research methodology The content of the experience 2.1 Theoretical basis of the experience initiative 2.2.Problem situation before applying experience initiative 2.3 Innovative experiences or solutions used to solve problems 2.4 The effectiveness of the experience initiative for educational activities, with myself, my colleagues and the school Conclusions and recommendations 3.1 Conclusions 3.2 Recommendations Page 1 2 2 18 19 19 20 Opening 1.1.Reason for choosing the topic: In recent years, English has affirmed its position in schools, so improving the quality of teaching and learning is of primary concern Innovating teaching methods in general, the method of class promotion in particular is an important need To that, every teacher must always seek creativity in every teaching activity In which the activity leading into the lesson is an activity that plays a very important part in the success of a lesson In teaching English in Primary school, many teachers still keep traditional teaching methods: grammar - translation, teachers mainly rely on the method of explanation, spend a lot of time explaining the rules of language solutions and advice Students take notes and memorize passive knowledge and have few opportunities to practice to develop language skills In the process of teaching teachers only convey the language content taken in the textbook, not exploit or refer to the materials for the lesson Students listen and repeat passively Teacher's class hours are often monotonous and boring So how to inspire students for an hour of English right from the first minute? That is the question that is always in my mind when planing lessons, taking steps to class Through a period of teaching, through document research, passing time, learning experiences of colleagues inside and outside the school, I have found that inspiring and actively learning for school days The language largely depends on tricks, teaching methods as well as how to organize teachers' class activities In which "Warm up" plays an important role, although it only takes a very short time compared to the whole lesson This is often overlooked by teachers, deemed unimportant, unnecessary, or many teachers not know how to innovate the form of "Warm up" so attractive, attracting students to help students prepare Psychology, knowledge for new lessons From that reason, through the teaching process at Thi Tran Primary School, I learned about : “Improving the effectiveness of English lessons of grade 3, through Warm up section at Thi Tran Primary School” hoping to contribute and improve the quality of learning English for primary students 1.2.Research purposes: Selecting the methods to enter is one of the factors that helps the lesson be successful As a teacher who teaches English at Thi Tran Primary School, I always seek to create ways to enter the lesson gently and effectively Especially for primary school students, they will learn how to be attractive, creative, create interest in learning for students, to create a comfortable atmosphere and fun during the class is essential “Warm –up” activity aims to attract students to the new lesson full of excitement and has links to the main topic of the lesson, promoting positive activeness of students Proper use of some of the teaching techniques Warm-up during the English lesson in Primary school aims to: - Helping students become interested in learning activities and stimulating curiosity to explore knowledge in lessons - Arousing the desire to participate in students' exploration, discovery and testing activities - Helping students actively implement learning activities - Helping students focus attention during school hours - Helping children to reproduce, systematize their knowledge in the easiest way 1.3.Research subjects -The topic focuses on studying Warm-up teaching methods for Primary students - Research subjects are students of grades and 1.4.Research methodology Applying many research methods such as: - Experimental method - Methods of investigation and observation - Method of theoretical research - Researching methods of teaching through documents, networks, on television 2.The content of the experience 2.1.Theoretical basis of the experience initiative 2.1.1 Rationale English is a means of communication that helps us to have an open-minded look, so it is the leading task of the education industry Knowing foreign languages help us to be closer, understand each other and be more friendly In the process of teaching and learning English, to help students have a comfortable psychology, create a fun and lively classroom atmosphere is the most important factor, so teachers need to choose teaching techniques Warm-up section is suitable and creative with each lesson's content Because Warm-up part plays the role of start-up, conditions form and develop the next activities This is also a part to help students think and focus on the lesson from the beginning, which can provide a part of vocabulary or background knowledge related to the lesson topic Warm-up section help teachers have the opportunity to classify and evaluate the ability of students, thereby adjusting measures in accordance with the reality of the class So if you want students to achieve high results in English lessons, you have to make students love that subject In order for students to love the subject, teachers must create an interest in learning for students through startups There are many methods, but it is important for teachers to use them in a flexible, creative, and rhythmic way to promote students' positive, self-conscious, proactive and creative learning 2.1.2 Practical basis In teaching and learning English, helping students start up before entering the lesson is an indispensable teaching activity in any lesson Starting is not just about helping students review old lessons but also helping them to be interested in learning in high-achieving learning activities From the above theoretical basis, combined with the actual teaching process I find that a language lesson will be dry and boring if we don't know how to soften that lesson Learners will feel tired, stressed, heavy, difficult to absorb if teachers not know how to organize school hours in a lively and flexible way Especially in Warm up section, right at the beginning of the lesson, students are excited,attractive, the next activities will achieve high results Therefore, Warm - up effectively I need to pay attention: Create a friendly environment between teachers and students, between students and students Teach Warm-up parts through the games Adopt English songs, short stories or videos Adopting visual appliances Method to provoke students' curiosity and curiosity 2.2.Problem situation before applying experience initiative 2.2.1 Current status a, On the teachers’ side -The fact of teaching in textbooks section "Warm up" is almost not available, has not been included in the lesson content as well as in the teaching plan of teachers Opening lesson is hardly concerned by teachers before the lesson is taught, teachers often check the numbers of students, check the old lesson - Through the time to visit the class of colleagues in Nga Son district, there are teachers who make the warm up part in the lesson very exciting, besides, many teachers have not done this part, the lesson is pale, passive and make students lazy b, On the students’side - Entering the lesson by checking the previous lesson and then leading it to the new lesson will make the students feel scared and passive because most students are afraid of being tested on the old lesson, so if you take the way to this lesson will inadvertently make students not interested in entering new lessons - Entering articles with such jobs often creates a boring, coping, boring atmosphere, does not create an effective environment for learning, and is the least effective way to stabilize classes 2.2.2 The cause of the situation -The students: Looking at the above results, there are still some children who have not met the requirements because they not have reasonable learning methods, are afraid of learning, shy, and unconfident Currently, the teaching and learning of English in schools takes place in the communication environment of teachers and students, there are many limitations: Teaching in a large group, cognitive level has many different levels, teaching support is not synchronized These distract students 'concentration, greatly impacting on skills training for students, slowing down the process of acquiring students' knowledge and the distribution of time for each piece of content learn The Teachers: Due to the reluctance to innovate, especially some older teachers, the concept is not correct about the new method, including the application of language games Or gift is limited, afraid of creativity, lack of flexibility More: - Many parents, especially parents in rural areas, have not seen the importance of studying foreign languages, so they are not interested in this subject Although it is difficult, we must realize that learning English at this time is the beginning of building a basic foundation of knowledge for students, a necessary condition for them to step forward to the higher education level Therefore, teaching and learning English in primary school is a very important issue To solve that problem, teachers need to create diverse and diverse forms of teaching In which, helping students to be interested in learning right from the beginning of class is one of the forms to attract many students to participate in learning and bring about high efficiency in learning At the beginning of the school year 2018-2019, I was assigned to teach English for grade 3, 4, through actual investigation, I obtained the following results: Survey results Grade Total of students Above Number Above % Number Under % Number % 135 30 22,2 78 57,8 27 20,0 93 16 17,2 57 61,3 20 21,5 2.3 Innovative experiences or solutions used to solve problems During the learning process, students will achieve high results if they determine their motivation for learning For Primary students, the motivation for learning will be effective when they feel happy, excited about the subject and see their progress through the lessons Therefore the following measures partly meet that requirement This is one of the most important solutions in demanding teaching hours in enthusiastic teachers, always seeking creative learning, spending a lot of time researching and teaching 2.3.1 Create a friendly environment between teachers and students, between students and students In order to have effective teaching hours, help students become enthusiastic and excited when studying, teachers need to establish a positive and positive cooperative relationship between teachers and students, between students and students creating inspiration interesting for students The form of attractive teaching and the friendly and open atmosphere during class will create the learning motivation of both teachers and students The communication attitude of the teacher must be in harmony with the students, happy, friendly, observing encouragement, timely praise, promoting the activeness and initiative of the students, creating opportunities for them to be closer The teacher always encourages them to be confident, proactive, comfortable in communication as well as in learning activities Always create the atmosphere of a happy, friendly class, students are comfortable, confident and active At the same time teachers should use the environment with English elements in the classroom 2.3.2 Teaching warm up method through games A few notes when giving students a game in the ‘Warm-up’ section: + Depending on the subject and the level of the students, the teachers must choose the game accordingly + Time for the "Warm up" section should not be too long, only about to minutes, not stressful for students Teaching children is relatively difficult and complicated work because children are not really aware of learning like adults and most are still very giddy In order for children to focus on the lesson, the students also take lessons as well as review the lesson most effectively, the teacher knows how to use the games in English teaching, giving students the interest in learning for the subject Help students get involved in the lesson Applying games in the lessons for students to "learn and play, play and learn", teachers create diverse and colorful playgrounds in English for students, guide students to master the playground and each additional steps to other activities However, depending on the specific lesson, the teacher may choose the game that is appropriate for the purpose of the lesson This game helps students have a natural habit of communicating, brave when performing in front of a crowd and improving their acting ability by acting, and through the application process I see that they are very excited and participate very actively and happily, helping students actively participate in learning activities For example: When teaching Unit - Grade we can use Miming game to reinforce words and sentence patterns just learned Students are describing actions Apply this game in unit 5: Can you swim - English to introduce action verbs Students look at their classmates acting and guessing words that make them remember the verbs longer and more clearly They are very excited to participate and state the verbs very well Bingo: Use this game to enhance students' ability to memorize and understand This game is suitable to reinforce topics such as: Counting (Number), Alphabet,career reference (Occupation), Colors, fruits, animals, costumes (clothes), careers (jobs), family Apply this game in English class 3-unit 8: This is my pen Students will be taught skills to memorize school things vocabulary Matching This is also a very popular activity in helping students review vocabulary, students have to match words with their meaning and vice versa, or it can be a pair of antonyms, singular with plural… depending on the content of the lesson Apply to English unit 19: What animal you want to see? Students will remember and practice more about the vocabulary group that they have learned and learned Example 1: Connect English words with the names of animals Example 2: Connect English words with Vietnamese meanings (Apply to unit 12- English 4) teacher công nhân doctor giáo viên nurse bác sỹ worker y tá Crossword To test their vocabulary as well as make them curious to discover, I also often give them a crossword puzzle: through the suggested image, they guess the words, if the team guessing the correct crossword will win This exercise can be applied to all lessons in the production section to reinforce the knowledge for the students Applying in the lessons, I see that the students are very excited and achieve high efficiency the board Apply this game in checking vocabularies to create excitement for students and help them remember the word right in the classroom Example of the game I have applied for grade - unit 10: What you at break time? Find Someone Who The teacher gives out the questionnaire to the students with questions related to the lesson content Students stand up and walk around the classroom to ask their classmates and fill out the form The students then report to the teacher that they have found out who does what the weekend does Example: Unit 3: Lesson - Grade Activities Lam Hoa Go to the zoo v Help parents v Watch TV Hoa goes to the zoo at the weekend Lam helps her parents at the weekend Tuan watches TV at the weekend Tuan v This game helps children know how to use gestures to describe the meaning of words The teacher placed the vote from face down A student picked up the top vote, used gestures to describe the meaning of the word, the whole class guessed the word, wrote it on the board This activity is suitable for career and animal words, words that work only to help students remember the learned words words - Teacher writes some words with mixed letters on the board - Ask students to rearrange the letters into meaningful words The Alphabet Game: + Divide the class into three teams + The teacher says one letter Students find words that begin with that letter and write it on paper + Any group that gets more words is scored For example: T: It starts with C /si/ Ss: cat, chicken, city… T: It starts with B /bi/ Ss: boy, bike, book… I myself have applied this game and found it highly effective in every learning tiewets, helping them expand their vocabulary What’s missing? In this game all students participate independently and write the answer to their board The teacher showed a few words, then disappeared a word, the students discovered the word disappeared and recorded the board, the time to think for each word was 20 seconds, the contestant raised the board simultaneously, The teacher turns to other words that appear and disappear, students discover and write on the board Pelmanism - Divide the class into teams - Each team in turn sends team member to flip cards If two cards match, then points are counted (point 10) If it does not match, turn the card upside down and continue the game until all the cards are flipped The team that gets more points wins Example: English 4-unit 11: What time is it? Shark attack Apply for students to memorize vocabulary through each lesson’s game: (Teachers can use pictures with different topics for students to play.) - Divide the class into teams - Observe pictures in turn - Teams remember and record the names of the pictures in English for minute Recording each picture correctly the team will get 10 points For example: 10 Pass the cards This game facilitates all students to speak the words learned + Divide the class into teams, allowing students to form three rows + Assign three children to surrender some magnetic cards + These three children read the words one by one and pass the words to them right behind them + Every student who receives the word must read it out loud + The team that finishes first is the winning team Freeze Ask students to stand on the spot Supervisor, Ex Dancing, skipping, hoping Students use gestures to describe activities When the teacher read Freeze! Students must stop and stand still in the position that describes the activity Students who stop at the latest must be disqualified and have to sit down Continue the game until a team wins 11 Example: Unit 5- English Where are the vowels? The teacher wrote the word but the vowel was left blank Representatives of the groups rewrite the words correctly on the board Ex F–sh fish m t meat, meet t - - c h – r teacher y – l l – w yellow In the process of teaching I have applied some of the above games to help you to engrave words or phrases learned and create interest for students to study for the subject and Where The purpose of this game helps students remember the meaning and reading of words This game applies to all words in the lesson, usually long and difficult to read The teacher wrote some words on the board that did not follow any order and rounded them up After each reading, the teacher deleted a word but did not delete the circle Have students repeat the words including deleted words When you delete all the words, the teacher lets the students rewrite the words in the right place Example: teach farme er r nurs e stude nt says This game is intended to help students remember words and is often applied to short commands Students only follow the teacher's orders if the teacher reads the command starting with “Simon says” The teacher reads the command, without the sentence "Simon says" the student cannot execute that command If a student performs, he / she will be removed from the game This game applies to the whole class Example: Unit - English If the teacher says "Simon says' '"Stand up', or “raise your hand up” Through lessons, students memorize phrases that are very good commands 12 Group the words The aim is to help students remember the meaning of words and understand the properties of words The teacher writes some words on the board Students work in groups to arrange words according to each topic that the teacher requires In a certain period of time, the team that is fast and the best will be the winner Example: Put the words in the frame to the right column round, jump, rabbit, flower, catch, short, puddle, read, little, square, cloud, throw Adjective Verbs Nouns Cloud ………… Read ………… Rabbit ………… Circle the words The purpose of this game is to help students review words and words of words Each horizontal row can be 3.4 words (one word is different from the other words) The teacher asks the students to circle It is possible to organize this game in groups, using a side table to play the game Ask the class to reread all the words For example: Underline words are different from the other words Fish pizza milk bread Rabbit car kite doll What they where how Your he it she Net works This game is designed to help students re-design vocabulary or sentence patterns, in addition to placing words in different lessons in a context that helps students review vocabulary 13 Teachers give the topic and ask students to write the word that corresponds to the topic The game is done in groups In a period of time, if the team is able to write a lot of correct words, the team is the winner Example: pen school bag School ruler things rubber book Symnonym and antonym Besides the purpose of remembering words, this activity also helps students expand their vocabulary Teachers can give words, ask students to find antonyms or synonyms Students work in pairs or groups to find words Example: Unit - Grade Request for synonyms or antonyms for the following words: 1.old young tall short pretty ugly 4.thin fat Organizing games section, Warm up helps students get an exciting, comfortable and fun learning atmosphere The game is capable of stimulating children's excitement and imagination, stimulating their intellectual development Teachers make reasonable games to create a fun and lively classroom atmosphere that helps students have a comfortable psychology to review their learning However, in any form, teachers need to organize for all students in the class to follow up and comment so that they can work together 2.3.3 Teaching sections Warm-up through English songs, short video clips, or Chant songs Before school hours, teachers let students listen and sing, move on to fun English songs related to the lesson, which is the best tool in the classroom to create wit, humor, and laughter for students The songs that start before school English for children are varied and rich A self-composed teacher creates a strong, easy-to-remember melody for most structures or words, as long as it is guaranteed to correctly accentuate, singing short phrases, or even simple questions and answers, will stimulate students to pronounce and save the language into memory Example 1: Unit 4- English 3- Lesson Teach the students to listen to the song about the alphabet After listening to the song, the teacher asks the students to tell them what they have just heard, ask them to come up with the two-letter sign that the teacher reads, then introduce the lesson to them Today we are going to practice the sound with the two letters "f, s'" Example 2: Before teaching Unit 4- English 14 Teachers sing songs and chanting the song "How are you?" The whole class sing the song and acts after her We have just learned the question and answered "How are you" Today we will learn another question with "How" That's "How old are you?", To ask about age Then she went to the new lesson In addition for students to learn English songs that are easy to understand, short, vivid in the gym hours between hours, or hours of greeting Like “Head, shoulder, knee and toes’ ’,“Hockey, pockey ’’, “Chicken dance”, “How is the weather’ ’… Or teachers let students listen to stories, watch different video clips with vivid images and interesting conversations related to the topic of the lesson along with short, specific, easy-to-hear stories and easy to understand Usually when giving students the opportunity to listen and simulate like the movements in the Video, it will help them to be excited and happy before going to class as well as to remove the embarrassments and shyness, and more self-help, believe more when speaking, performing in public For example: When studying the "Daily activities' topic - English The teacher asks students to watch the video clip of daily activities, illustrated with pictures on a background of a gentle song, asking students to write the activities seen on the screen Then the teacher plays the video clip again, and checks the answers with the class In this way, the teacher not only attracts the students' attention from the beginning but also gives the learners some structure to talk about daily activities in English From there, students can imitate and practice more easily In addition, let students review vocabulary knowledge or sentence patterns through the "Chant" lessons “Chant’ ’lessons with gentle rhythm, combined with lively body movements to create a lively and comfortable atmosphere during class 2.3.4 Teaching Warm up part through intuitive utensils The use and good exploitation of teaching facilities in Warm up section is especially intuitive devices such as pictures, real objects It is essential to help students become interested in learning With topics closely related to the everyday life of English books block 3,4,5, teachers can introduce new words or situations through visual means such as images, or objects and real things Use visuals: real objects in class, pictures, sketch pictures (sticks), collages from magazines, gestures, etc Teacher has a strong effect on students' interest in learning and stimulates their curious curiosity 15 + Use real objects to review the topic of school supplies (School things), costumes (clothes) * School things, Clothes, Food However, real objects are not always available at school, so teachers can use pictures instead In the new set of English textbooks, images are given to introduce very well, lively and similar images in real life So while teaching, teachers must not only know how to exploit and use them to the maximum but also to use them flexibly and creatively This is the most gentle, easy to understand way but the results are very high and very suitable for primary school students + Sketch simple images to help students review vocabulary about shapes, numbers + Use color palette to review the topic of color + Use pictures or objects to teach toys to help them have a passion for learning and high concentration because the objects that teachers recommend are objects that are very close and easy to guess for them Example: English + Using room pictures (rooms), interior (funiture), weather, emotions (fellings), sports * House With a curious and curious nature, along with the ability to perceive the world from visually vivid to abstract thinking, all students share the same idea that they really like the teachers using the teaching tools In English lessons Since this is a very active age, the children love to explore objects with their eyes and ears, so the visual aids have a great influence on learning English * Funiture * Feelings + Use activities to clarify the meaning of activity verbs (actions) + Imitate the movements, gestures, facial expressions: teachers and students themselves are a lively visual source that is skillful and effective a happy – sad b cold – hot c stand – sit 16 2.3.5 The method provokes the curiosity of students For primary school age children, their curiosity and curiosity are very large, so they are easily attracted to the issues they care about So when teaching the part Warm -up teachers should focus on topics which are close to students, in accordance with the level, psychology of ages, needs, interests as well as their living capital Example: When I want to introduce the theme "How you feel '' (Unit 8English 4) In order to engage students in the lesson, the teacher acts (drinking water) and says "I am thirsty" –“ she is thirsty” The teacher then asks the student "How you feel" - How you feel? Students answer, "I'm hot." So teachers can introduce them to the lesson Thus students will quickly understand the teacher's requirements and easily practice Student 1: I’m hot Student 2: I'm tired Thus provoking the curiosity and curiosity of students is extremely important, helping students see the interest and closeness of teachers with students Helping students and teachers no longer have a strange distance, but students see the friendliness and openness of teachers Teaching illustration: Grade Unit 5: Can you swim ? - Lesson (3,4,5) I.OBJECTIVES: Knowlege: - To help ss use the words and phrases related to the topic things they can - By the end of the lesson, the ss will be able to tell about things they can and things they can’t Skill: -Developing speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills Education: -Help students be stronger and confident in communication II LANGUAGE FOCUS : - Sentence patterns : What can you ? - I can _ - Voc: sing, dance, can, can not , skip, skate, cook, swim, ride a bike, III RESOURCES : Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters, cues, projector, computer Steps Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1/ Warm up: 5’ Let’s play “ Freeze’’ game - whole class -Ask students to stand on the spot - Stand Instructor: Dancing, skipping, - Listen hoping Students use actions to describe activities - Listen and -Teachers play music when students action hear Freeze! Students must stop and 17 stand still in the position that describes the activity - Individually -Students who stop at the latest must be disqualified and have to sit down Continue the game until a team wins 2/ Listen and tick: - Tell ss that they are going to listen 10’ to dia about someone’s abilities Listen and tick the correct pictures - play the recording more than once Whole class if necessary 3/ Look and write: Ask them to focus on the dates Listen carefully 10’ Tell ss to complete the sentences to Takenotes express ability with different Key: a c a pictures Whole class - Give them time to the task - Key: dance skate swim Copy down 4/ Let’s play cycle Tell them to play guessing game Whole class 5/ Reinforcement: Play in groups of 5’ Ask ss to in front of the class Work in groups 6/Home link: 5’ - Call some ss to tell the qs and the other guess in front of the class Do at home Rewiew the lesson individually 2.4 The effectiveness of experience initiatives for educational activities, with themselves, colleagues and schools During my time at the school, I investigated and applied experience initiatives into practice, supported by teachers and achieved relatively good results Compare experimental results * Early in the school year Survey results Total of Above Above Under Grade students Number % Number % Number % 135 30 22,2 78 57,8 27 20,0 93 16 17,2 57 61,3 20 21,5 * End of school year: Grade Total of students 135 93 Above Number 70 52 Survey results Above % Number 51,9 63 55,9 40 % 46,7 43,0 Above Number % 1,4 1,1 18 After applying the above techniques, the students are mostly excited about the lesson They can, show their confidence and dynamism when participating in games, moreover, the coordination with each other while playing helps them to be more united and help each other more in learning and solidarity Especially, they like to use simple English sentence patterns to communicate 2.Provide assessment of research results Looking at the above results compared to the survey results at the beginning of the year, the students have made significant progress, partly because of the effective methods of teaching Warm - up I always ask the teacher what to to improve the efficiency of school hours for primary students? Conclusions and recommendations 3.1 Conclusions After a period of using the topic to help them actively participate in learning, I realize that students are more confident in communication activities, contributing to improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching Thus, the application of such tricks not only creates a happy and exciting atmosphere for students to study I believe that if you continue to take this experience seriously, throughout the teaching process, the quality of learning English in the school will get better results Teaching is an art, a process that changes from communicating teacher knowledge, comprehension and receptive students into their knowledge, thereby applying to each lesson and life Therefore, if we not love the profession, we will not be able to perform this art well The above are a few tips to guide students into the lesson that themselves have tried and attempted to research, study and learn from the experience of their peers in finding effective teaching methods For many years of teaching, I have tried hard in renewing the teaching methods, which has interesting tricks for students through the "Warm up" section mentioned above with the subject of students of grade 3,4 at Thi Tran Primary Schools Although there are many shortcomings, but with this method will help students create excitement, learn, and apply the knowledge learned in practice Thus, the use of "Warm up" not only creates a happy atmosphere, stimulates the passion for learning and research in each student but also a scientific, creative trick of teachers, knowing integrate so as to match the lesson topic We need to look at "Warm up" as a rewarding job for students Although it took a lot of time for teachers to prepare "Warm up" for lessons But anyway, because of the future young generation, for the future country, we try to our best to invest a certain foreign language knowledge for each student The issues presented above are just a small, subjective opinion of my own in using "Warm up" in the lessons, but showed a positive result, overcoming the limitations The above situation, positively contribute to improving the quality of English subjects I did this topic only as part of the lesson, but it played a very important role in teaching and learning English 19 With this experience, I hope to make a small contribution to helping my teachers and students in particular, colleagues and students in general overcome difficulties, implement English teaching and learning Better efficiency 3.2 Recommendations: 3.2.1 For teachers: Encourage students to learn and use English vocabulary in communication - Give children a love and passion for English as well as realize the importance of English in life - Regularly check and evaluate students' learning results as well as praise and encourage prompt reminders - Do not stop investing, expanding knowledge and innovating teaching methods - In addition, teachers should regularly attend each other's time on that basis to provide feedback and experience - Provide more tapes with rich content on customs, practices and culture of English-speaking countries 3.2.2 For students: Actively participate in the activities of classroom teachers, boldly communicate in classroom situations - Learn and record fully, always unite to help each other in group and group activities - Actively participate in group activities that teachers organize 3.2.3 For managers: Taking care of and facilitating facilities for qualified teachers, investing in a private audiovisual room for teaching English is very effective Here are some methods of teaching Warm –up in English lessons I have applied at Thi Tran Primary School with the desire to help students achieve high results in English lessons, contributing to improving the quality of learning English in elementary school In the course of the research, it is inevitable that I have many shortcomings, I look forward to receiving many useful comments for the topic so that I can have more effective methods to help students achieve the highest results episodes I sincerely thank! Receipts from: Nga Son, April, 5th,2019 I assure that this is my experience, does not copy the content of others (Sign and write full name) Mai Thị Hạnh 20 Reference documents: [1] Handbook of English-Tu Anh, Phan Ha, May Vi Phuong, Ho TanEducation Publishers 2002 [2] Find out information on the Internet [3] Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary [4] Teaching English to children [5] How to use games in language teaching Rixon, S (1984), HongKong: Macmillan Publishers Ltd [6] Teaching method of vocabulary 21 DANH MỤC SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM ĐÃ ĐƯỢC HỘI ĐỒNG SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM NGÀNH GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HUYỆN, TỈNH VÀ CÁC CẤP CAO HƠN XẾP LOẠI TỪ C TRỞ LÊN Họ tên tác giả: Mai Thị Hạnh Chức vụ đơn vị công tác: Giáo viên, trường Tiểu học Thị Trấn, Nga Sơn, Thanh Hóa Cấp Kết đánh Năm học TT Tên đề tài SKKN giá đánh đánh giá xếp giá xếp xếp loại loại loại Phương pháp vận dụng trò chơi Năm học Huyện B tiết học Tiếng Anh 2006 – 2007 Một số kinh nghiệm bồi dưỡng học sinh Năm học Huyện A giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 2008 – 2009 Một số kinh nghiệm phụ đạo học sinh yếu Năm học Huyện B môn Tiếng Anh THCS 2009 – 2010 Một số kinh nghiệm giúp học sinh thích Năm học Huyện B học Tiếng Anh trường THCS Nga Thành 2010 – 2011 Nâng cao hiệu phụ đạo học sinh yếu môn tiếng Anh trường THCS Nga Năm học Huyện B Thành thơng qua hình thức tổ chức cặp2013 – 2014 nhóm lớp nhà Một số phương pháp giúp học sinh lớp Năm học ghi nhớ vận dụng tốt kiến thức câu Huyện B 2015 – 2016 hỏi đuôi trường THCS Nga Thành Nâng cao hiệu phụ đạo học sinh yếu môn tiếng Anh trường THCS Nga Năm học Huyện B Thành thơng qua hình thức tổ chức cặp2017– 2018 nhóm lớp nhà 22 ... Một số kinh nghiệm giúp học sinh thích Năm học Huyện B học Tiếng Anh trường THCS Nga Thành 2010 – 2011 Nâng cao hiệu phụ đạo học sinh yếu môn tiếng Anh trường THCS Nga Năm học Huyện B Thành thơng... Tiếng Anh 2006 – 2007 Một số kinh nghiệm bồi dưỡng học sinh Năm học Huyện A giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 2008 – 2009 Một số kinh nghiệm phụ đạo học sinh yếu Năm học Huyện B môn Tiếng Anh THCS 2009 – 2010... viên, trường Tiểu học Thị Trấn, Nga Sơn, Thanh Hóa Cấp Kết đánh Năm học TT Tên đề tài SKKN giá đánh đánh giá xếp giá xếp xếp loại loại loại Phương pháp vận dụng trò chơi Năm học Huyện B tiết học Tiếng

Ngày đăng: 08/08/2019, 14:11



