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ĐỀ XUẤT CÁC GIẢI PHÁP TẠO ĐỘNG LỰC CHO NGƯỜI LAO ĐỘNG DỰA VÀO HỌC THUYẾT FREDERIC HERZBERG I Introduction Behavior Management is subject helps us to explain the attitudes and behavior of individuals in the organization that we are a member Through this course we can offer the right solution to solve the conflict, as well as offering ways to motivate employees, and will also build a culture for our organization Thus, the driving force comes from the body of every human being When people in different positions, with different psychological characteristics will have different desired goals Because of these characteristics should be the driving force of every human being is different, so managers need to have a different impact on each employee Some theory of work motivation: Maslow's needs theory, the theory of the nature of the MC Gregor, Herzberg two-factor theory, expectations theory, theory of fairness, intrinsic motivation theory of Hackman and Oldham Here are two theories of work motivation for employees: Maslow's needs theory and the theory of the nature of the MC Gregor Which will clarify the relationship between the two theories on Overview of Needs theory by Maslow Psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) is considered one of the pioneers in the school of humanistic psychology According to Abraham Maslow, human needs in accordance with the hierarchy from low demand to high demand When a group of needs is satisfied, this needs no motivation anymore Maslow arranged human needs according to five levels: - Basic needs (basic needs) - Safety requirements (safety needs) - Demand for society (social needs) - The need for esteem (esteem needs) - The need to express themselves (self-actualizing needs) * Physiological Demand (Material): Is the basic need to be able to sustain human life itself (food, clothing, drinking water, housing, etc.) A.Maslow the notion that the demand has not been satisfied to the extent necessary to maintain life, other needs will not push people The physiological needs are the most basic needs and most powerful man In the pyramid, we see that these needs are classified in the lowest level: the most basic level Maslow said that needs a higher level will not appear unless these basic needs are met and these basic needs will dominate, urge, urges an action when demand Basically this is not achieved * Demand for safety: Is the need to avoid physical danger and the threat of job loss, loss of property When people meet basic needs, ie needs no longer control the thoughts and actions of In addition, they will need to next? Meanwhile the demand for safety and security will begin to be activated Safety and security needs in both physical and mental People want protection for their survival from the danger This needs to become the engine operation in the event of an emergency, danger to life as war, natural disasters, having animals, etc This demand is often confirmed by the desire for stability in life, to live in the neighborhood security and social life in the law, with the door to this is the search for peace mentally * Social demand (links and acceptance): Man is a member of society, so they need to be accepted by others People are in need of love and attachment Level of demand shows that human communication needs to develop This demand is also known as the desired needs of a department, an organization, or emotional needs, love Needs expressed by the communication process as the search, make friends, find love, get married, join a community, work, picnic, join a club, the group This demand is a trace of the live herd nature of our species since the dawn of humanity Although, Maslow classified this demand after above needs, but he insisted that if this demand is not met, meet, it can cause severe emotional, mental Many recent studies also showed that single people often suffer from diseases of the digestive, nervous, respiratory distress than those who live with their families We also know that: loneliness can easily kill humans Many new age of selected major roads left this world on the grounds that: "The people around, no one understands me!" * Needs to be respected: According A.Maslow, when men began to meet to be accepted as members of society, they tend to self-esteem and want to be respected Demand leads to customer satisfaction, such as: power, prestige, status and confidence This is the human desire to receive the attention, care and respect from those around him and look forward to himself as a "chain" indispensable in the social division of labor system Therefore, people wish to have high status for many religious outlook and respect * The demand for self-improvement: A.Maslow see this is the highest demands of his assignment It is expected to reach the point where a person can reach Ie for a potential maximum reach and accomplish a certain goal It is the desire and effort to achieve the desired People found themselves need to some work on their interests and only when the job is done, they feel satisfied Arrangement needs theory human needs from low to high The higher-level needs will be satisfied when the lower-level needs are met Thus according to this theory, the first leaders to pay attention to the physical needs, on the basis that gradually increase to the higher demand The theory of two-factor system by Frederic Herzberg This is a motivational theory based on the elements that make up the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the people in the job According to the factors that were divided into two groups: A group of motivation elements: Includes factors create satisfaction of the work of the employees such as: achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility and advancement A Group of remainelements: Include the organization's policies, governance, monitoring of working conditions, human relations, safety and wages According to the maintenance factor is not the driving force, it is characterized by the condition factor If they exist in a work environment with a number of high quality and they not lead to satisfactory but does not have the effect of promoting or bring satisfaction However, without the existence of them will lead to dissatisfaction According to motivate your employees at work should emphasize the motivating factor Although still limited, Herzberg's theory is also important in motivating employees From this theory helps managers to pay more attention to both factors, a combination of two factors to motivate employees * The relationship between the two theories: From a theoretical basis we can find the relationship between the two theories (Theory and Motivation Maslow's Needs and two-factor theory of Herzberg) relationship that can be represented by the following diagram Motivation needs Behaviour Excitation Target Maslow pointed out in every human being has always been and it needs to be divided into five ladder from low to high Herzberg stressed two factors that promote and maintain When people have already satisfied this element in them will arise demand higher demand than before However, to satisfy the demand, then a question is still to maintain previous demand When that goal they set out to meet higher demand Their needs and motivations associated with goals that they set will constitute their behavior So if in a DN, policies that ensure good employees will stimulate workers eager to work Their behavior will have a positive impact on the operation of enterprises On the other hand, if the regime's policy without discussion enterprises meet the demand for workers will not be able to stimulate their enthusiasm to work Maslow's theory has been widely recognized, especially in management and administration It is accepted by the logic and the ease with which people can use intuition to understand this theory Maslow's hierarchy of needs system used by many managers as a guiding tool to motivate employees Maslow's theory however, there are still some limitations This theory is only true of the Western countries is for some countries due to the traditional view should be aware of the needs will change This requires managers need to know what needs to satisfy before, that satisfy the following needs and find ways to meet those needs appropriately As for Frederic Herzberg theory study showed that besides the physical benefits such as salaries, bonuses are also a variety of other factors motivate employees as a promotion, work itself, achievement , shall all have a direct impact on the labor force When employees feel their job, their responsibility for the organization and feel more respect they will be responsible for working with the enthusiastic fervor and more efficient II Correlation the real working at my company As advisory department to the City of the Party; Standing Committee direct the formulation and implementation of democracy Responsibilities: research, policy proposals, working solution; draft convention, resolutions, decisions, directives, rules and regulations, the city program Monitoring, guidance, inspection, monitoring, institutional guidelines, and resolutions of the Party, the laws of the State, to promote ownership of the people and the Party building, government building Shall coordinate and monitor the situation of political activities - society: research, testing, training and retraining; evaluation and verification schemes and projects in the field of economic, goods, social security, defense-related work national campaign; ownership of the people Advise and assist the City in implementation of external activities of the People's Party related to the city and perform other tasks as assigned by the organization Behavior and motivation as well as labor force * The goal of the organization: a) Job Requirements: - Qualification University; political middle; foreign language level C; office computerization level B As a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam - Have at least years work process (for party workers, unions) At least years of working (for staffs who work in businesses) b) Organization needs: - Experienced, understanding economic, cultural, social, and national security Ability to collect, research, specific directives and resolutions of the Party; capacity, community approach Life saving, friendly, honest Methods to mobilize and persuade cadres, party members, civil servants and the masses involved in the implementation of policies, guidelines and policies of the Party and State - Identify core values of the priority work done; dare to think, dare, dare to take responsibility Regularly learn advanced professional qualifications, professional, physical training and spiritual Loyalty to the organization and to accept, to sacrifice personal interests to achieve the overall objectives of the organization - Working on the principle of democratic centralism, implementing a regime leader, decided by a majority of the members of the organization agreed * Mode, encouraging individuals: Civil servants are paid according to grades; outstanding are considered wage increases ahead of time, according to current regulations Participate in social insurance, health and other modes of public officials (holidays, vacation, etc.) - To register the names emulation soldiers, workers and advanced to be considered for recognition of an annual bonus; based on votes of confidence - Outstanding years; worked years was promoted to the position: Deputy head; * Actual Contacts: Remuneration unsatisfactory: - First: The low-wage, non-salary no revenues, officials can hardly creative work wholeheartedly to achieve high results - Second: Title emulation, strict criteria; being considered quite inadequate - Third: the charge mode is not fully implemented Often have to work overtime, without remuneration as current regulations - Forth: wages and spending 60 million VND / person / year does not match; majority of staff with long working life, high average age, higher wages - Fifth: Looking for individuals high; many individuals not have the opportunity to be promoted to leadership; various leaders no longer sufficient basis for years (one term) not be reelected => transfer on ; they are holding leadership positions, => organizations consider the same position; some officials criticized discipline, no prestige in the former agency, there is a relationship move on, create gaps in personnel work Team building and management: Teamwork brings the organization's objectives This is a general power of everyone to achieve the highest efficiency As a leader, I noticed huge responsibility placed on the shoulders; to complete the work, they have encouraged the officials of the reservation made teamwork mode * The advantages of teamwork: - Public officials unanimously devoted to the general objectives of the group; uniform when they are together, identify and provide methods to achieve this goal - Teamwork, their self-control over their work better and not have to endure the tyranny of any leader in the agency - Work together to solve common problems; learn how to deal with problems from other members and leaders Promotion management, teamwork is the best way to promote intellectual and work capacity of civil servants => This is a form of training, direct training of skills and professional - Create opportunities for personal openness, friendliness between staff and leadership; promote wisdom, their own initiative and are shown all the potential for the organization - Through (management) group, the civil servants have more opportunities to work, learn and apply leadership style from the top It also creates consensus on how to manage the organization Group activities help promote interoperability, the creative thinking to make the right decision * A limited number of group work: - Team work at the new, yet to be disseminated Teamwork is highly effective, but also the initial results - Typically, the experts have to study and work independently; teamwork are just a few activities Some members passive, timid, lazy will be an opportunity to rely on the group and the individual does not complete the task - Officials of different ages; sharing, debate to find the optimal solution, in order to achieve the goal is not always achieved * Create incentives for management and leadership: Leaders of many jobs; each task, the meeting agreed, assigned to the functional implementation of management and leadership guidance * Example: To assess the results of five years of implementation of the Ordinance 34/2007 of the National Assembly Standing Committee on the exercise of democracy in communes, wards and townships Planning professionals to hear the basis of leadership, leadership of the party committee, government, and mass fronts thoroughly, concretize Ordinance; revision, supplement, modify the rules and regulations issued; develop and promulgate new regulations in accordance with the real situation of the local => Leadership is the guidance and inspection, supervision of staff, implementation Teamwork: leaders and officials executed; summative assessment: reward, most leaders work more, for full care instructions for directing the implementation and completion of outstanding tasks services; => reward of management leadership If the problem is not correct, leading will criticize officials not interested to work This phenomenon has been widespread The motivation for leadership and management are essential; song, evaluation should compare the same level leadership assessment together: the head with each other, deal with each other and with other professionals , a new fairness literally Compare leadership assessment with staff management, e that are lame * Restrictions in creating motivation With these dynamics at work on the method, besides that there are still limitations in creating motivation for the staff members are: But that there was preferential treatment, commendation and encouragement for those who work well and have the initiative or at work But only the emotional incentives and in each case but no one specific process clear and timely Frustration and boredom in the work of many staff are on the rise For example, they not feel any of the managers have been listening to the concerns, their concerns, their suggestions and complaints; them feel that they are committed to the position that without any promotion prospects; their depressed because of too monotonous tasks and single, they are not motivated, encouraged to implement new projects or new responsibilities in the agency, they only all received negative feedback Negative feedback can cause extremely negative results if officials feel a lack of capacity or can not control Whether in the form of rivalry in the State between the civil servants to each other in terms of rights and obligations are not clearly expressed but always implicit envy detractors cause disunity, internal divisions Where agency prides completeness him out, but only use the technical staff, highly qualified managers will be detrimental to the body Since the positions corresponding to their technical level is very less, as many not have a reasonable position, they certainly will not be pleased So given the motivation to solve problems competing against each other seemed to improve job performance in terms of external III Solutions to improve these negative Arts of motivate employees is synonymous with the use of available resources and methods to persuade someone to work harder or maximize a knack for the work they are doing To motivate themselves can be carried out in every situation, with more flexible methods * Give employees a sense of responsibility Make specific policy guidelines clearly defined for individuals and closely examine the work to the individual officers in agencies understand their responsibilities and improve accountability increasingly their responsibilities for the job When employees are appreciated and respected for what they have contributed, they will be grateful and relentless dedication Agency leaders can directly or indirectly point out that through the recognition and response time, through various forms voted employee of the month Leadership belief is also a way of showing respect and contribute to improving the employee's sense of responsibility for the agency * Demonstrate respect The staff if l in each case but no one specific process clear and timely Frustration and boredom in the work of many employees is increasing For example, they not feel any of the managers have been listening to the concerns, their concerns, their suggestions and complaints; them feel that they are crashing into the position where without any promotion prospects; their depressed because of too monotonous tasks and single, they are not motivated, encouraged to implement new projects or new responsibilities in the agency, they only all received negative feedback Negative feedback can cause very negative results if which employees feel a lack of capacity or can not control They work in an environment filled with encouragement seems to arise more innovative ideas They will develop their dynamism to adapt to changes in the workplace;, and thereby make it more attractive and create more dynamic and motivated to strive for positive staff more work because they feel that they are respected * Accept all staff Create working conditions as well as the best time for the staff in the balance between work and family in a harmonious way, managers, leaders in the agencies try to accept concessions with cases such as staff leave the family with the necessary * Transparency promotion path for everyone Officer who also wishes to have progress in your career Therefore, leaders should set clear direction of advancement for all civil servants as to the qualified staff in planning leadership , it is an encouraging employees increasingly eager to chalk Fighting and dedication Within individual assignments; children without conditions a complete analysis on the contents, but that's what practice of agencies and individuals from participating, in order filled the lack of limitations and challenges of the agency that I fully agree; with honest opinion and construction; I look forward to receiving the comments of the teacher to the children to acquire, add, edit; application to the Administrative Behaviour of the organization to be more complete Contribute to the maintenance and development of the particular and to promote the development of the political system Haiphong general./ REFERENCE Lecture Behaviour Management Curriculum Organization of Associate Professor Dr Tran Van Binh Lecture Organization Behavior Management of the University of Economics Website: http://www.caohockinhte.vn, Management of organizational behavior 10 ... single, they are not motivated, encouraged to implement new projects or new responsibilities in the agency, they only all received negative feedback Negative feedback can cause extremely negative... some work on their interests and only when the job is done, they feel satisfied Arrangement needs theory human needs from low to high The higher-level needs will be satisfied when the lower-level... me!" * Needs to be respected: According A.Maslow, when men began to meet to be accepted as members of society, they tend to self-esteem and want to be respected Demand leads to customer satisfaction,

Ngày đăng: 17/12/2018, 15:46

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Mục lục

    * The relationship between the two theories:

    III. Solutions to improve these negative


