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Behaviour Management Các giải pháp tạo động lực cho người lao động Công ty Cổ phần cho thuê Hàng không TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION A THEORETICAL BASIS I CONCEPTS, THE ROLE OF CREATING MOTIVATION FOR EMPLOYEES………………………………………………………………………2 II MOTIVATION CATEGORY Motivation from internal Motivation from internal 3 Motivation: internal and external III Theories of Motivation IV ANALYSIS TWO THEORY OF MOTIVATION Theory E.R.G (Theory of needs) Theory of equal B RELATION the real working I ABOUT BIDV II PATTERNS OF WORK MOTIVATION OF EMPLOYEES AT BIDV III SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION .9 CONCLUSION………………………………………… …………… … 10 REFERENCE………………….……………………………………………… 11 Behaviour Management INTRODUCTION As we all know the people who work in the organization is the most important resource in the organization, because the organization's objectives It is they decide to force the existence and development of the organization The question for managers is "How to encourage employees to work hard, creatively?" "How to motivate employees?" Here we will learn how to motivate employees, the theory of motivation and practical application of how? A THEORETICAL BASIS I CONCEPTS, THE ROLE OF CREATING MOTIVATION FOR EMPLOYEES As we all know the people who work for different reasons Some people want to work with high incomes, some people want to work in accordance with their preferences, some people like to have the power What each individual wants to work within the organization play an important role as determinants of their motivation Of employee motivation are factors within the human stimulus efforts work in conditions enabling productivity and efficiency Dynamic expression of willingness to attempt and passionately working to achieve the goals of the organization as well as employees Psychological factors affect each individual will decide to: • The behavior of individuals can be expected to take place - self-directed behavior on important goals • Work actively - on a personal level trying hard to • Maintaining a positive work rate - personal data will persist or not Motivation is understood as a system of policies, measures and management practices influence employees to make employees motivated at work Motivate employees are the responsibilities and objectives of management Once employees are motivated to work, then labor productivity will increase and increase work efficiency Behaviour Management In any organization the level of effort to perform the task of the workers is very different If a lack of interest in the work of employees working in the organization will generate some results as follows: Employees are not eager to demand overtime work Work in the company after a period of time, employees feel bored, move from left to look for another job Work environment strain not stimulate employees to contribute innovative and dynamic Failing to ensure a stable job and salary inconsistencies The company failed to make connection to the balance between work family of each employee II MOTIVATION CATEGORY Motivation from internal -Activities done by their own interests -Origin encouragement is really happening in the behavior stem from the implementation of the work itself: the feeling of complete and achieve success, job interesting and challenging Motivation from external - Acts done requires rewards material nature and society or to avoid punishment - The source of encouragement is the result of the behavior when they perform the behavior in the organization, not by itself Motivation from both: internal and external Applying for both type above Source of encouragement in the organization Whether the employee is motivated internally, externally or not or both, depends a variety of different factors: (1) the employee's personal qualities (eg, personality, abilities, values, attitudes and needs) (2) The nature of work (3) Structure (such as structure, culture, control systems, human resources management system and how the distribution of salaries and bonuses for staff) Behaviour Management III MOTIVATION THEORIES Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs Theory X and Theory Y Theory E.R.G (3 demand theory) Herzberg's two factor theory Expectations theory (Victor Vroom) Theory of justice Theory of goal setting IV ANALYSIS TWO THEORY OF MOTIVATION Theory E.R.G (Theory of needs) Clayton Alderfer professor at Yale University conducted research rearranging Maslow and his conclusions He said that people at the same time seek to meet three basic needs: survival needs, relationship needs, and developmental needs Survival needs, including physical requirements essential to human existence, this group needs content like physiological needs and safety needs of Maslow Relationship needs is required on the relationship and interaction between the individual, relational needs, including social needs and a need for self-esteem (respect) Development needs is required within every human being for personal development, it covers the needs of selfexpression and self-esteem needs (self-esteem and respect for others) High-level Demand Demands Development Describtion Personal Example Continuous needs development, improvement skills selfContact improvement others Personal needs Relationship and the relationships, positive self-esteem comments feedback Behaviour Management Exists needs Food, clothing Low-level Demand water, Salary appropriate for and the needs shelter After low-level needs are satisfied, people will look to higher-level needs When you can not satisfy the high demand, the engine of the lower-level needs emerge in each The difference in this theory is that Alderfer said that people at the same time seek to satisfy all needs, not just a demand as the perspective of Maslow Moreover, this theory suggests that when a certain demand is hampered and not be satisfied, people tend to put their efforts to meet the demand That is, if the demand exists hampered people will put their efforts into the pursuit of relational needs and development needs This explains the difficult life people tend to stick together, their relationship better and they put effort to invest for the future more Theory of equal Focus on the perception of each person to the fair (or unfair) of the rewards of work compared with the effort they contributed in the organization - The rate of reward / effort than others (reference) is perceived as equivalent, is no different - Justice exists when each person realize that the rate of reward / effort equal to the rate of the others (selected for reference) - If others received numerous awards, they should contribute more effort to achieve fairness than people Injustice occurs when the rate of reward / effort of an employee is not equivalent to others (selected for reference) - The injustice by not deserve reward: their rate is lower than others • Are staff aware that they not receive proper that they should be entitled to based on the effort spent for the organization - The injustice caused by too much work deserves reward: their ratio is higher than others • Are staff aware that they get too much they should receive based on effort spent for the organization Behaviour Management Restore fairness: The injustice will create tension in each one of them trying to restore fairness - In the state of injustice due reward the unworthy, staff reduction of effort to adjust the equilibrium search rate or enhance the rewards of work - In the state of injustice due to excess work deserves reward, employees can change and adjust the reference cognitive thought their rates - If the injustice continues, employees will often choose to leave or stay B RELATION THE REAL WORKING I ABOUT BIDV Name: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam In short: BIDV Capital (as of 2012): 23 012 billion Ranked third after Agribank and Viettinbank Established on 26/04/1957, the Bank is the oldest commercial bank in Vietnam Business sector - Bank: is a leading banking experience providing a full range of products, modern banking services and facilities - Insurance: provides non-life insurance products are designed to suit the overall package products of BIDV to customers - Securities: provide a wide range of brokerage services, investment consulting and investment and the ability to rapidly growing network of dealers nationwide orders - Financial investment: to contribute capital to establish enterprises for investment projects, notably as the lead coordinator of the country's key projects such as: Aviation Leasing Corporation (VALC ) Highway Development Company (BEDC), Long Thanh International Airport Investment Human Resources - More than 16,000 officials and employees are financial consultants are trained, experienced accumulation and transfer in more than half a century, the Bank always brings customers the benefits and trust Network - Network Bank: The Bank has 118 branches and over 500 networks, thousands of ATM / POS in 63 provinces / cities across the country Behaviour Management - Nonbank Network: Includes Investment Securities Company (BSC), financial leasing companies, Insurance Investment Company (BIC) with 20 branches throughout the country - Commercial presence in foreign countries: Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Russia, Czech - The joint venture: Joint venture VID-Public Bank (Malaysia), LaosVietnam Joint Venture Bank of (with partner Laos) Vietnam-Russia Joint Venture Bank - VRB (with partner Russia), BIDV Tower Joint Venture (Singapore partner), joint venture investment management BIDV-Vietnam Partners (in the U.S.) BIDV brand - The choice of confidence of economic organizations, enterprises and individuals in accessing financial and banking services - Is the community in the country and internationally known and recognized as one of Vietnam's largest bank brand - It is the pride of generations of employees and of the banking and financial industry for 55 years with traditional professional development investment for the country II PATTERNS OF WORK MOTIVATION OF EMPLOYEES AT BIDV The positive side: -Ensure high employee costs Although very large number of employees 16,000 people, but the average wage in 2011 to 12 million / month, the head of the bank About times the per capita income in 2011 In addition to salary, bank officials and employees are rewarded on the occasion of holidays, the end of the quarter and the end of each year Bonus amount is equivalent to the salary they receive That was the motivation for staff assured work and dedication to the Bank - Staffing reasonable Depending on the ability and knack of that bank staff recruitment and training of employees in the proper position From which they develop their ability to complete the assigned work Thus the work efficiency of employees BIDV system is high - Set goals for employee job done Ensure that work is feasible BIDV has made much profit without creating pressure is too great for employees - The bank's motto is: With the staff and workers: the people are always decisive factor in any success with the motto "BIDV staff as a competitive advantage" in both professional ability and moral qualities Behaviour Management -For fair treatment of employees, creating a favorable environment for the employee is entitled to strive for, dedication to work hard Work environment in BIDV system is very good, comfortable, friendly, help employees work efficiently, with less work pressure dominates BIDV also held the traditional playground to learn about the industry, product and service, BIDV culture, the exchange program cultural activities, sports to promote their material and spiritual officials and employees, increased closeness and solidarity in the whole system The limited side: The organizational structure is not tight, not harmony and ability to perform tasks of employees - Not recommended, the right way to encourage creativity and dedication of the staff - Treatment regime is not reasonable, not evenly giữu more branches in the system Compensation regime also scratch with nature, by work, by rank coefficient leads to not attracted creativity and youthful enthusiasm The regime promoted promoted inadequate, real barriers to the capacity - Large work pressure also affect the psychology of employees -Salaries and bonuses for employees in 2012 (6 months) significantly reduced, due to domestic economic difficulties Per month, per employee income BIDV 8.4 million, down 33% compared to the same period last year Work efficiency of employees also decreased compared to 2011 Bank positions must pay cuts, even layoffs in the form of "voluntary resignation." Therefore negative impact on psychological and productivity of employees III SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION Compensation regime stability Help working employees peace of mind - There are practical solutions, convince ensure fairness for all employees - Create multiple playgrounds, workshops, cultural programs for their employees to reduce stress, to unite and work more efficiently - To arrange reasonable man for the job Determine the appropriate organizational structure, so that its full capacity of staff - Create favorable conditions for workers the job - Perform analysis and rating tasks and build the structure of wages, bonuses based on rank and level of work done Behaviour Management - Organization of the worship program staff Such workers are praised or awarded certificates of merit in the presence of all group employees When employees see their contributions be praised, they will continue to work more enthusiastically - Encourage new motivating factor to encourage the creativity of employees, creating internal competition between employees to create high performance, but does not put tremendous pressure on employees By the above measures, the Bank can overcome the limited presence in motivating employees Create psychological comfort, peace of mind and work effectively for all employees in the system BIDV CONCLUSION Motivate employees is a very necessary thing for every bank in particular and business in general.From understanding the concept and role of motivation for employees, the theory of motivation that we analyze, evaluate to see the positives as well as the presence is limited to fromthen take appropriate measures to improve the promotion of motivation for employees I look forward to the contribution of the teacher, her organizational skills to help us be more complete REFERENCE Syllabus: Psychology of Dr Tran Van Binh Syllabus: Organizational Behavior - University of National Economy Organizational behavior - Nguyen Huu Lam - Educational Publishers Behaviour Management Human Resource Management - Human Resource - Dr Tran Kim Dung publishers General-Ho Chi Minh City Human Resource Management - MSc Nguyen Van Dien and Dr Nguyen Ngoc Quan Publisher: University of National Economy Bank's internal documents ... the needs of selfexpression and self-esteem needs (self-esteem and respect for others) High-level Demand Demands Development Describtion Personal Example Continuous needs development, improvement... appropriate for and the needs shelter After low-level needs are satisfied, people will look to higher-level needs When you can not satisfy the high demand, the engine of the lower-level needs emerge... perceived as equivalent, is no different - Justice exists when each person realize that the rate of reward / effort equal to the rate of the others (selected for reference) - If others received

Ngày đăng: 17/12/2018, 15:46

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Mục lục

    As we all know the people who work in the organization is the most important resource in the organization, because the organization's objectives. It is they decide to force the existence and development of the organization. The question for managers is "How to encourage employees to work hard, creatively?" "How to motivate employees?"

       Here we will learn how to motivate employees, the theory of motivation and practical application of how?


