SongHong: The Song Hong Garment Joint Stock CompanyB/D: Bedding P/D: Padding Q/T: Quilting EPS: Earning per share ROA: Return on Assets ROE: Return on Equity ROS: Return on Sales HoSE: T
1.1 Significance of the research 1
1.2 Objective and scope of research 2
1.3 Purpose 2
1.4 Research method 2
1.5 Analysis method 2
1.6 Structure of the research 2
1.1 The concept of business strategy3
1.1.1 Definitions 3
1.1.2 Levels of strategy 4
1.2 Roles of Business strategy5
1.3.1 Mission and objectives 6
Trang 41.4 Strategies for “market leaders” 17
1.4.1 Expand total market demand 17
1.4.2 Defend market share 17
1.4.3 Expand market share 18
2.1 Overview on EVERPIA Viet Nam 20
2.2 External environment analysis 29
2.2.1 Macro environment (PEST model) 29
2.2.2 Analysis of industry 39
2.2.3 Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) 45
2.2.4 Opportunities and threats of Everpia 46
2.2.5 External Factor Evaluation matrix 47
2.3 Internal environment analysis 48
2.3.1 Resource based view 48
2.3.2 Synthesis of strengths and weaknesses 60
2.3.3 Internal Factors Evaluation (IFE) matrix 61
3.2 Business strategy selection 63
Trang 53.3 Solutions on expanding market to low-end segment and Southern Market 71
3.3.2 Solutions on financing and accounting 71
3.3.2 Solutions on marketing 71
3.3.3 Solution on human resources 75
3.3.4 Strategy implementation plan 76
Trang 6Everpia: The Everpia Vietnam Joint Stock Company
Hanvico: The Han Viet Co., Ltd
SongHong: The Song Hong Garment Joint Stock CompanyB/D: Bedding
P/D: Padding
Q/T: Quilting
EPS: Earning per share
ROA: Return on Assets
ROE: Return on Equity
ROS: Return on Sales
HoSE: The Hochiminh Stock Exchange
CPI: Consumer Price Index
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
AG: Exclusive agent in Hanoi and Hochiminh city
DB: Distributor in provinces
GDB: General Distributor in provinces
EFE: External Factor Evaluation
IFE: Internal Factor Evaluation
CPM: Competitive Profile Matrix
SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, ThreatsQSPM: The Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix
USDA: The United States Department of Agriculture
Trang 7SBV: The State Bank of Vietnam
Table 1.1: SWOT matrix 13
Table 2.1: Subsidiary 23
Table 2.2: Everpia shareholders structure, 06/08/2013 24
Table 2.3: Financial statement in brief of EVERPIA in the period 2009-2012 24
Table 2.4: Revenue structure of Everpia 25
Table 2.5: Unemployment rate in the first six months of 2012 38
Table 2.6: Main suppliers of Everpia 43
Table 2.7: Summary of Five competitive forces of Everpia 44
Table 2.8: CPM 45
Table 2.9: EEE matrix of Everpia 47
Table 2.10: Distribution network of Everpia 50
Table 2.11: Comparison on distribution channel 50
Table 2.12: Contracted Balance sheet of Everpia 51
Table 2.13: Main financial ratios of Everpia 53
Table 2.14: List of factories 55
Table 2.15: List of main equipments - 2012 56
Table 2.16: Labor structure in 2012 58
Table 2.17: IFE matrix 61
Table 3.1: SWOT matrix of Everpia 63
Table 3.2: Overview of world mattress market in 7 major industrial countries 66
Table 3.3: QSPM matrix for Everpia 69
Table 3.4: Targets for market development plan 76
Figure 2.1: Revenue structure of Everpia 26
Figure 2.2: Sales by geographical area in 2012 26
Figure 2.3: Bedding sales by brands 27
Figure 2.4: Padding sales 28
Figure 2.5: Padding sales structure 28
Figure 2.6: Industrial Production Index in same periods (%) 33
Figure 2.7: Industrial Inventory Index in same periods (%) 33
Figure 2.8: Exchange rate of USD/VND 34
Figure 2.9: Non-Performing loans rate 36
Figure 2.10: CPI growth rate 37
Figure 2.11: Vietnam’s employment growth in the period 2006-2011 38
Figure 2.12: High-end bedding market share 41
Figure 2.13: Middle-end bedding market share 41
Figure 2.14: Padding market share 41
Figure 2.15: Asset structure in 2011 52
Figure 2.16: Resources structure in 2011 52
Figure 2.17: Profitability ratios of Everpia 54
Figure 3.1: Annual growth of mattress and foundation shipments 65
Figure 3.2: Bedding market segment 68
Diagram 1.1: Process of strategy 4
Diagram 1.2: Strategic management process 6
Diagram 1.3: Porter's Five Forces model 8
Diagram 1.4: The Strategy-Formulation Analytical Framework 11
Diagram 2.1: Organization structure of EVERPIA Vietnam 23
Diagram 3.1: Distribution network in big cities 74
Diagram 3.2: Distribution network in rural area 75
Trang 10ABSTRACT1.1 Significance of the research
In the context of the global economy is growing strongly, the business must have agood strategy for their business in each stage Many companies have beensuccessful and have great performance thank to their right business strategyhowever many fail to do so
In Vietnam, the garment industry has many advantages for the development ofstrong exports to the world market For Vietnam's garment industry, thedevelopment of infrastructure investment, equipment and machinery modernization
is essential In recent years, Vietnam is an attractive destination for investors, thanks
to some strong point such as support from Government, low labor costs …
Since its establishment in 1993 as the first 100% Korean invested enterprise inVietnam, Everpia Vietnam JSC is currently the leading company in the Beddingbusiness field with three main brand names: EVERON, ARTEMIS and EDELIN;and Padding business field with well-known brands such as Thermolite andDEXFIL The company has factories in Hanoi, Hung Yen and Dong Nai
In the process of manufacturing and business operations in Vietnam, Everpia hascontinuously invested in design and technology in order to produce the high qualityproducts to meet the growing demand of the market This has confirmed on the rightstep in the business activities of the company, which reflected in the tremendousgrowth in recent years As a result, Everpia has grown as a representative in theBedding and Padding business filed in Vietnam
Recently, fierce market competition is rising by a wide range of other brands whichforces Everpia to take steps to ensure their business to avoid being adverselyaffected by the severity of the market
Everpia understand that: The competition is not just only the price of the product,
but also the designs, quality products, the promotion, after-sales service, andconsumer health issues
Trang 111.2 Objective and scope of research
Objective: All business activities of Everpia Vietnam JSC
Scope: All the products and services of Everpia Vietnam JSC
1.3 Purpose
To exploit business opportunities, and to improve competitive advantages, Everpia
Vietnam has to “Develop Business strategy for Everpia Vietnam Joint Stock Company in the period of 2014-2018”.
1.4 Research method
This research uses some tools for analysis such as External Factors Evaluationmatrix, PEST model, Porter’s five force model, Internal Factor Evaluation matrix.Our group also applies the SWOT matrix and QSPM matrix to select the beststrategy for Everpia Vietnam
1.5 Analysis method
This research mainly relays on the secondary data type Secondary data consists of company reports, books, journals, published articles The data that are used for analyze in this study are derived major from official website (refers to bibliography section)
1.6 Structure of the research
Chapter 1: Theoretical background for formulation of business strategy
Chapter 2: Analysis on Business situation and Business strategy of Everpia VietnamJoint Stock Company
Chapter 3: Strategy selection and Solutions to implement selected strategy for Everpia during the period of 2014-2018
There are a lot of definitions of "strategy" According to Fred R David, strategy isconsidered as means to achieve long-term goals Alfred Chadler defines strategy asdefining basic and long-term goals of enterprises and means outlining a course ofaction and allocation of necessary resources to carry out that goals In general,although there is difference in strategy definitions, they still covers the content of:being the study of current and future market, planning of business goals,establishing, implementing and supervising the implementation of decisions inorder to achieve that goals in current and future environment
Strategic management
Strategic management is a broader term than strategy and is a process that includestop management’s analysis of the environment in which the organization operatesprior to formulating a strategy, as well as the plan for implementation and control ofthe strategy The difference between a strategy and the strategic managementprocess is that the latter includes considering what must be done before a strategy isformulated through assessing the success of an implemented strategy
Trang 13Strategic management is the organized development of the resources of thefunctional areas: financial, manufacturing, marketing, technological, manpower etc.,
in the pursuit of its objectives
Diagram 1.1: Process of strategy
1.1.2 Levels of strategy
Most academics classify strategies into three levels:
Corporate-level strategy: what business(es) the firm should be in?
It is relates to the future formula and structure of the company, and affects therationale of the company and the business in which it intends to compete
Competitive or business-level strategy: how each business attempts to achieve itsmission within its chosen area of activity
This level of strategy is about which products or services should be developed andoffered to which markets and the extend to which the customer needs are met whilstachieving the objectives of the organization A term that is often used in relation tobusiness strategy is SBU, or strategic business unit, SBU means a unit within theoverall corporate entity for which there is an external market for its goods andservices, which is distinct from that of another SBU
Operational or functional-level strategies: how the different functions of thebusiness support the corporate and business strategies They are concerned withhow the various functions of the organization contribute to the achievement ofstrategy
It examines how the different functions of the business (marketing, production,finance, etc.) support the corporate and business strategies Such corporate planning
at the operational level is means oriented and most activities are concerned onlywith the ability to undertake directions
Strategy Deployment of resources Desired objectives
Trang 14However, the boundaries between the three categories are very indistinct and muchdepends upon the circumstances prevailing and the kind of organization Overall,coporate planning is concerned with the scope of an organization’s activities and thematching of these to the organization’s environment, its resource capabilities andthe values and expectations of its various stakeholders.
1.2 Roles of Business strategy
Allows the enterprise to determine its own purposes and orientation in thefuture, as well as to plan its activities
Helps the enterprises to take opportunities, as well as to have sound plans tocounter risks and threats from the market
Helps the enterprises to make more efficient use of resources, to strengthen itsposition, and ensures the uninterrupted and sustainable growth of theenterprise
Provides sound bases for the enterprise to make decisions that take intoaccount changes in the market It is also the foundation for research anddevelopment activities, human resource training, market expansion and thedevelopment of new products
Strategic management Process
The Strategic management Process can be summarized as follow:
Trang 15Diagram 1.2: Strategic management process
(Source: Strategic management, Fred R David)
1.3.1 Mission and objectives
The first phase in strategic planning is to identify the organization’s mission andmajor objectives This is a crucial step in the process of strategic planning Majorobjectives determine the organization’s long and medium expectations
1.3.2 External analysis
The External analysis analyzes the opportunities and theats or constraints that exist
in the organization’s external environment
There are two parts or levels: Environmental analysis of the “far” or “macro”environment affecting the firms, and the industry analysis of the “near” or “micros”environment which is much more specific
Mission and Objectives
Internal Analysis (Identifying fundamental resources, capabilities, and potentials
Business Strategy Global Strategy Corporate Strategy
Altering Strategy
Harmonizing strategy, organizational design, and control system
Harmonizing strategy, organizational design, and control system
Functional Strategy
Trang 16The “far” or Macro-environment
The macro-environment represents forces that affect all firms across all industries.There are various suggestions as to how to define parts of an environment so as tounderstand them in depth There are common issues such as the Political,Economic, Social and Technologies influences, the PEST factors
Political: we refer to political factors we are including legislation arising frompolitical activity as a key influence Political factors act at three levels: (1)supranational (eg the EU, ASEAN), (2) National, (3) sub-national or local level
Government active areas include:
Policies on healthcare, unemployment, exchange rates, inflation, economicgrowth
Government employment and the public sector generally
Fiscal policies on taxation
Government agents regulating competition pollution and industrial relations
Law of various kinds such as those relating to protection of the environment
or the safety of employees in the work place or those relating to Customerprotection
Economic factors: refers to all the key economic variables oftern related to Political
action such as:
Central Bank lending rates
Currency exchange rates
Fiscal policy (tax on corporations and individuals)
Regional issues like land process and labour rates
Distribution of economic rewards in society
Freedom to move monies
Stock exchange and money markets
Social factors refer to:
Trang 17 Attitudes, values, and beliefs tastes of held by people including ethnicminorities
Culture: attiture to work, savings and investment, ethics, etc
Demography: size and structure of the workforce, population shifts, aging
Social structure: class ans segmentation of the market
Technological factors: these can be internal and external Organizations use
technology – not hardware but software too such as Quality control – and produceproducts and services of varying complexity They includes:
Goods and services
Production processes
Information and communications
Transport and distribution
Information technology, computing and associated implications forproduction
Biotechnology and new industries
The “near” environment
This is the “industry or competitive environment analysis” of Porter The Five Forces’ model of the competitive environment is as follows:
Diagram 1.3: Porter's Five Forces model
Trang 18(i) The threats of substitute products
Threat of substitute products means how easily your customer can switch to yourcompetitors products The threat of substitute is high when:
There are many substitute products available
Customer can easily find the product or service that you’re offering at thesame or less price
Quality of the competitors’product is better
Substitute product is by a company earning high profits so can reduce prices
to the lowest level
(ii) Threats of new entrants
The threat of new entry depends upon entry and exit barriers Threat of new entry ishigh when:
Capital requirements to start the business are less
Few economies of scale are in place
Customers can easily switch (low switching cost)
Your key technology is not hard to acquire or isn’t protected well
Your product is not differentiated
(iii) Industry rivalry
Industry rivalry means the intensity of competition among the existing competitors
in the market Intensity of rivalry depends on the number of competitors and theircapabilities Industry rivalry is high when:
There are number of small or equal competitors and less when there’s a clearmarket leader
Customers have low switching costs
Industry is growing
Exit barriers are high and rivals stay and compete
Fixed cost are high resulting hugh production and reduction in prices
(iiii) Bargaining power of suppliers
Trang 19Bargaining power of supplier means how strong is the position of a seller Howmuch your suppliers have control over increasing the Price of supplies Suppliersare more powerful when:
Suppliers are concentrated and well organized
A few substitutes available to supplies
Their product is more effective or unique
Switching cost, from one suppliers to another, is high
You are not an important customer to supplier
(iiiii) Bargaining power of buyers
Bargaining power of buyers means how much control the buyers have to drivedown your products price, can they work together in ordering large volumes.Buyers have more bargaining power when:
Few buyers chasing too many goods
Buyer purchases in bulk quantities
Product is not differentiated
Buyer’s cost of switching to a competitors’product is low
Shopping cost is low
Buyers are price sensitive
Credible threat of integration
1.3.3 Internal analysis
The internal analysis analyzes the organization’s strengths and weaknesses in itsinternal environment Consider the appropriateness of its mission There is a tool toanalyze the internal environment of the company by Resource-base View (RBV).The RBV emphasizes the internal capabilities of the organization in formulatingstrategy to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in its markets andindustries The internal capabilities determine the strategic choices it makes incompeting in its external environment
Trang 20The RBV of competition draws upon the resources and capabilities that residewithin an organization, or that an organization might want to develop, in order toachieve a sustainable competitive advantage
Resources can be thought of as inputs that enable organization to carry out itsactivities Where organizations in the same industry have similar resources butdiffering performance we might deduce that they vary in the extent to which theyutilize their resources Resources can be categorized as tangible and intangible
Tangible resources: refer to the physical assets that an organization possessesand can be categorized as physical resources, financial resources, and humanresources
Intangible resources: comprise intellectual/ technological resources andreputation Technological resources include an organization’s ability toinnovate and the speed with which innovation occurs Intellectual resourcesinclude patents and copyrights which themselves may derive from theorganization’s technological resources
1.3.4 Choosing and building strategy
External Factor
Evaluation (EFE) Matrix
Competitive ProfileMatrix (CPM)
Internal FactorEvaluation (IFE) Matrix
Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM)
Diagram 1.4: The Strategy-Formulation Analytical Framework
(Source: Strategic management, Fred R David)
The Input stage
The External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix
Trang 21EFE matrix method is a strategic-management tool often used for assessment ofcurrent business conditions The EFE matrix is a good tool to visualize andprioritize the opportunities and threats that a business is facing.
Developing an EFE matrix is an intuitive process which works conceptually verymuch the same way like creating the IFE matrix The EFE matrix process uses thesame five steps as the IFE matrix
List factors: The first step is to gather a list of external factors Divide factors into
two groups: opportunities and threats
Assign weights: Assign a weight to each factor The value of each weight should be
between 0 and 1 (or alternatively between 10 and 100 if you use the 10 to 100scale) Zero means the factor is not important One or hundred means that the factor
is the most influential and critical one The total value of all weights togethershould equal 1 or 100
Rate factors: Assign a rating to each factor Rating should be between 1 and 4.
Rating indicates how effective the firm’s current strategies respond to the factor 1 =the response is poor 2 = the response is below average 3 = above average 4 =superior Weights are industry-specific Ratings are company-specific
Multiply weights by ratings: Multiply each factor weight with its rating This
will calculate the weighted score for each factor
Total all weighted scores: Add all weighted scores for each factor This will calculate the total weighted score for the company.
The Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)
Competitive profile matrix is an essential strategic management tool to compare thefirm with the major players of the industry Competitive profile matrix shows theclear picture to the firm about their strong points and weak points relative to theircompetitors The CPM score is measured on basis of critical success factors, eachfactor is measured in same scale mean the weight remain same for every firm onlyrating varies The best thing about CPM that it includes your firm and alsofacilitates to add other competitors make easier the comparative analysis
Trang 22The Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) matrix
IFE matrix is a strategic management tool for auditing or evaluating major strengthsand weaknesses in functional areas of a business
The IFE matrix is very similar to the EFE matrix The major difference between theIFE matrix and the EFE matrix is the type of factors that are included in the model.While the EFE matrix deals with external factors, the IFE matrix is concernedsolely with internal factors
The matching stage
The SWOT matrix
Table 1.1: SWOT matrix
Lists the most significant
opportunities from the
EFE matrix
SO strategies
Using the company’sstrengths to make use ofopportunities from theexternal environment
WO strategies
Using the externalopportunities to address thecompany’s internalweaknesses
Threats (T)
Lists the most significant
threats from the EFE
ST strategies
Using the company’sstrengths to counter threatsfrom the externalenvironment
WT strategies
Strategies of defensivenature, aimed at addressinginternal weaknesses andreducing threats from theexternal environment
(Source: Strategic management, Fred R David)
A SWOT matrix can be used to measure an organization’s competencies andidentify pportunities to taken by business management in the future
The IE matrix
Trang 23The Internal-External (IE) matrix is another strategic management tool used to
analyze working conditions and strategic position of a business The IE matrix isbased on an analysis of internal and external business factors which are combinedinto one suggestive mode
The SPACE matrix
SPACE matrix is a management tool used to analyze a company It is used todetermine what type of a strategy a company should undertake The SPACE matrix
is broken down to four quadrants where each quadrant suggests a different type or anature of a strategy: Aggressive, Conservative, Defensive, or Competitive
The SPACE Matrix analysis functions upon two internal and two external strategicdimensions in order to determine the organization's strategic posture in theindustry The SPACE matrix is based on four areas of analysis Internal strategicdimensions: Financial strength (FS), Competitive advantage (CA; External strategicdimensions: Environmental stability (ES); Industry strength (IS)
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix
BCG suggests you look at two factors - market share and growth - to determinewhich products you should keep in your product portfolio and which you shoulddrop
The Grand Strategy matrix
The Grand Strategy matrix is based on two evaluative dimensions: competitiveposition and market (industry) growth
The decision stage
Other than ranking strategies to achieve the prioritized list, there is only oneanalytical technique in the literature designed to determine the relativeattractiveness of feasible alternative actions – the Quantitative Strategic PlanningMatrix (QSPM)
Trang 24QSPM is a high-level strategic management approach for evaluating possiblestrategies QSPM provides an analytical method for comparing feasible alternativeactions
1.3.5 Strategy implementation
Implementation is the fifth stage in strategic planning This is a crucial step as itdetermines the success of the whole process of strategic planning The Strategicimplementation process includes:
It is also the basis for identifying priorities in the strategic implementation processAdjusting organizational structure to implement the strategy
In implementing the strategy, the company often needs to reconsider itsorganizational structure and make adjustments, if necessary The success of theimplementation process depends on the way the organization is divided, organized,and coordinated Two main ways to adjust a company’s organizational structure are:developing a new organizational structure suitable with the strategy; or maintainingthe core of the current structure, with necessary adjustments to suit the chosenstrategy
Resource allocation
Resource allocation is one of the most important aspects in implementing thestrategy Sound resource allocation is one of the prerequisites to effectivelyimplement strategic goals The major bases for resource allocation include strategic
Trang 25goals and production plans and/or short-term plans Resources allocation is mainlyconcerned with resource assessment; resource adjustment and resource allocationDeveloping Business policy
Marketing policy: Including six major policies: product policy, price policy,
marketing and promotion policy, distribution policy, payment policy and customercare policy
Human resource policy: Including recruitment policy, training and skill
development policy; welfare policy; assessment and penalty monitoring policy
Research and Development policy: Is concerned with developing new products
following strategic market orientation; technological development; adjustingproducts so as to make them suit customer’s special requirements
Production and operation: Policy is concerned with the process of production and
services in order to implement the predefined goals
1.3.6 Strategy evaluation
Identifying the content of monitoring, assessment, and adjustment: The content
of monitoring business strategy and monitoring and assessing implementation planfor business strategy include:
Monitoring the business environment (external and internal environment),identifying changes, if any
Monitoring the goals of business strategy including general goals and thegoals of individual business units
Building criteria for monitoring and assessment:
Qualitative criteria: Are those not being measured physically or financially.Qualitative criteria must be built with consistency, suitability, and feasibility
Qualitative criteria: The factors, goals, and targets to be assessed can reflecteither quantity or quality The assessment of these factors requiresidentifying the margin of error allowed for each factor, goal, and target
1.4 Strategies for “market leaders”
Trang 26Leading companies must act according to three directions to get their target of beingleader in the market:
1.4.1 Expand total market demand
New users: Each type of products has potential of attracting customers who have
never known or never bought the product because of its price or lacking a certaincharacteristic Producers can find new consumers from three groups For example, acosmetics producer can try to convince women who do not use cosmetics to use it(market integration strategy) or convince men to use perfume (new market strategy)
or sell perfume to other countries (market expand strategy)
New uses: Discover and advertise new uses of the product can expand the market More usage: Convince consumers to use more products
1.4.2 Defend market share
While trying to expand market scale, the leading company must defense theirbusiness from competition of competitors
Position defense: The most basic idea of defence is building strong fort around our
own area However, position or product defense is simply short sighted form inmarketing The sort sight of Henry Ford about his Model-T brings a rich companywith the reservation of 1 billion USD in cash that whoever desire for become theedge of bankruptcy
Flanking defense: Market leaders must not only guard their own area but also build
outposts to protect vital front or to be springboard to attack However, flankingdefense need to be set seriously Mistakes of General and Ford when they designed
by halves Vega and Pinto style cars few years ago to overpower the car attackconducted by Japanese and European car manufacturers American cars aremanufactured badly and they can not stop the sale of foreign cars It is necessary toevaluate seriously all potential threats and if there is a good reason, it is a need toinvest in flanking defense
Trang 27Preventive defense: A defensive tactic which is more positive than organizing to
attack the competitors before they attack the company Preventive defense is apolicy of prevention which is better than cure Sometime, preventive defense iscarried out by psychology The market leader will send desuadative signal to theircompetitors A major pharmaceutical company in the United States is a leader in allcertain drugs Sometimes the company comes up with the information that it isconsidering cutting drug prices and building a factory which has deterrent effect onthe competitors who make decision to do business in this field Meanwhile theleader did not intend to cut their prices or build another factory Of course, this trickonly works a few times
Preemptive defense: Most of the market leaders will counter attack The leaders
can not maintain a passive attitude before cutting price, promotions, productimprovement or market invasion of the competitors The leader can choose face-to-face or rib attack strategy
Counter-offensive defense: is more used for the leaders who pursue active
strategies to protect their territory In counter-offensive defense, the leaders mustextend their field into new territories that later may become defensive and offensivecenter The market expand strategy must not degenerate or violate two basicprinciples: (1) The principle of goals (pursue a clear goal and can be achieved); (2)the principle of concentration (focus power on enemy's weaknesses)
Contraction defense: Sometimes, big companies find that they can not protect all
their territory Their forces have been stretched and the competitors are graduallyencroaching on a number of routes Meanwhile, it seems that the best course ofaction is planned contraction (strategic withdrawal) The planned contraction is notabandoning market, but eliminating weak areas and move resources to strongerareas Planed contraction is a move to strengthen the competitiveness in the marketand focus forces on key positions
1.4.3 Expand market share
Trang 28Many companies pursue expanding market share and take it as a goal because it notonly creates more interest, but also generates greater profitability (return oninvestment) However, it is not every expanding market share, the default willincrease profitability This also depends on your strategy to increase market share.The cost of creating a larger market share may far exceed its income value.Companies need to consider three factors before pursuing blindly expanding marketshare.
Ability to cause antitrust actions: the indignant competitors will likely use monopoly" law Therefore, the increase in risk may reduce the attractiveness of theexcessive gain market share
"anti-Economic efficiency: Profitability can be declined when market share exceeds acertain level In this case, the optimal market share of the company is 50% and ifthe company is pursuing a larger market share, this can lead to expensive costs forprofitability Basically, the cost to gain more market share may exceed its value.The companies may pursue wrong marketing strategy when trying to increasemarket share and thus they cannot increase profit Greater market share will tend togenerate more profit with two conditions:
The cost of the unit down when the market share increases: Unit cost reduces as theleader can save cost due to operating larger factories
The companies offer superior quality products and higher pricing to cover the cost
of creating higher quality
2.1 Overview on EVERPIA Viet Nam
2.1.1 General information
English name : Everpia Vietnam Joint Stock Company
Abbreviation : Everpia VN
Chartered capital : 280 billion VND
Address : Duong Xa, Gia Lam, Ha Noi
Website :
2.1.2 History of establishment and development
Everpia Vietnam was established in 1993, and specialized in producing materialsfor garment export companies After nearly 20 years of operation, the Company hassuccessfully built its own nationwide brand and distribution networks
1993 : Establishment
2005 : Established Ho Chi Minh City Branch
2007 : Converted to a joint stock Company
2010 : Established Hung Yen Branch
2010 : Listed on HOSE (Stock code: EVE)
2011 : Established Dong Nai Branch
Trang 30 Consult and transfer technology in the non-weaved fabric, boling fabric,woolen, bedding, mattress, sleeping-bag, rucksack, bag, underwear and othergarments production and business
Major business activities of Everpia Vietnam from its establishment (1993-2013)are padding and other products of bedding – mattress production and distribution.The Company own Everon brand – one of the most famous brands of bedding–mattress in Vietnam with more than 600 franchisees nationwide
2.1.4 Vision and mission
Vision: To become the world’s leading Company
Mission: Optimize customers’needs, create values, and develop markets
Management policy: Transparency, creative thinking, maintain core value
Trang 31General Assembly of Shareholders has the highest authority, holding annual meetingonce a year to approve the most important decisions of the company such as: annualaudited financial statements, report of audit committee, report of the board ofmanagement, profit distribution plan, financial plan, annual production, list of board
of management’s members, audit committee, etc
Board of management guides to implement business activities and other jobs of theCompany; implements fully authorities on behalf of the Company, except authoritiesbelonging to General Assembly of Shareholders such as: monitoring CEO, managers
of the Company; decides business and production development plan and annualbudget; defines operating targets based on strategic target approved by GeneralAssembly of Shareholders; decides organization structure of the Company, etc
Board of management is responsible for and appoints CEO CEO of the Company hasrights and tasks as: implementing decisions of Board of Management and GeneralAssembly of Shareholders, production plan, investment plan approved by Board ofManagement and General Assembly of Shareholders; on behalf of the Company tosign in financial and commercial contracts; organizing and operating daily businessactivities of the Company, etc
Directors, managers of factories and mangers of functional departments will directlydeal with production and out coming problems at factories of the company
Organization structure of the Company is shown in detail in the following diagram:
Trang 32Diagram 2.1: Organization structure of EVERPIA Vietnam
Address Rate of owning of
Everpia until 30/06/2013
Joint Stock
Commune, VanLam, Hung Yen
Hochiminh Branch
Dong Nai Branch
Hung Yen Branch
Trang 33After being listed on stock market in Vietnam, with quite modest trading volume,the total current number of shareholders of the Company is just 296 shareholders.
Of thoses, institutional investors hold 33.23 % of the total shares, with most of thembeing foreign organizations such as Red River Holding, Vietnam-Japan Fund, andFrontaura Global; the others are domestic professional investment companies such
as FPT Cap, Bao Viet Securities Company BVSC), and EVN Finance
Table 2.2: Everpia shareholders structure, 06/08/2013
Local investors 9,977,989 42.6% 1,914,727 8.2% 11,892,716 50.8%Foreign
investors 5,647,885 24.1% 5,861,385 25.1% 11,509,270 49.2%
Total 15,625,874 66.8% 7,776,112 33.2% 23,401,986 100.0%
(Source: Everpia)
2.1.6 Business performance of Everpia in the period 2009-2012
Financial statement in brief of Everpia in the period 2009-2012
Table 2.3: Financial statement in brief of EVERPIA in the period 2009-2012
5 Net profit from business activities 98,479 190,950 127,685 109,587
6 Total profit before tax 107,965 191,126 129,803 109,259
7 Consolidated net profit after tax 82,967 150,773 102,219 85,594
(Source: Everpia)
Total consolidated net revenue of Everpia Vietnam reduced 117.4 billion VND in
2012, decreased by 14.7% While, cost of goods sold only reduced by 8.27% which
is lower than the decreasing rate of revenue that makes gross profit of the Companydecrease by 24.4% from 317.6 billion (FY2011) to 240.0 billion (FY2012) Themain reason for this reduction is increasing pressure from material price
Trang 34Business performance analysis
Table 2.4: Revenue structure of Everpia
Value (Millio
n VND)
Value (Billion VND)
2 Padding 146.356 33.10% 213,11
26.66% 137,19
563,52 4
Trang 35Figure 2.1: Revenue structure of Everpia
(Source: Everpia)
Bedding business
In general, the bedding business had positive result (VND 485.6 bil of sales).However, during the first half of 2012, growth in bedding revenue decreased 19.3%,which, in the first quarter was affected by the absence of winter weather conditions.Aiming at expansion of Artemis and Edelin products, Everpia Vietnam built upstrategy to prepare for the high season Driven by these strong strategy andpromotion, Artemis and Edelin ended 2012 with a more than 143.4% increase(VND 55.3 bil.) in revenue as compared to last year.The Company’s direct marketing call center and E-Commerce website providenational sales coverage, including markets not yet served by one of the Companyagents, and accounted for 7.9% (VND 53.6 bil.) of the total net sales in 2012
Figure 2.2: Sales by geographical area in 2012
(Source Everpia)
Trang 36Although Artemis (high-end market) and Edelin (low-end market) has beenestablished recently, they contributed to company’s total revenue by 16.2 billionVND and 7.4 billion VND respectively in 2012
Figure 2.3: Bedding sales by brands
(Source: Everpia)
Padding business
The Padding business started in March, reaches its peak in June, and ends at the end
of August Revenue from Padding business of Everpia Vietnam during its season wasVND 157.0 bil., occupied 74.4% of the total padding sales of the year 2012
In term of product structure, Dexil (Low Denier) and Normal Padding kept steadydemand by customers and accounted high sales in the Padding revenue structure The increase of competition in the padding sector, coupled with demand reducingand economic crisis as 70% of Ho Chi Minh enterprise are operating with loss, hurtsales in South Everpia Vietnam therefore would take steps to cut costs.Trends weremuch more positive in the North, where, customer confidence remained relativelyhigh Combination with selling price increase (in average of 18.6% highercompared to price in 2011) and effect of USD/VND exchange rate, revenue fromPadding Business of Everpia Vietnam in 2012 was VND 195.2 bil., achieved103.3% target, a slight decrease of 26.4% as compared to 2011
Trang 37Figure 2.4: Padding sales
(Source: Everpia)
Although Korean customers still accounted for the majority of sales, the growth rate
of sales to other foreign customers reached 69% compared to 34% for Korean andVietnamese customers
In terms of product structure, Dexfil (Low Denier) and Thermolite (Invista) werekept steady demand by customers, but Normal padding at lower production cost wasincreased steeply in 2011
Figure 2.5: Padding sales structure
(Source: Everpia)
Trang 382.2 External environment analysis
2.2.1 Macro environment (PEST model)
Politic, legal environment
In 2008, Minister of Finance Ministry issued Decision No 21/2008/QD-BTC dated
on 05/05/2008 promulgating special preferential import tariff of Vietnam toimplement ASEAN-Korea free trade area Accordingly, the import tax for raw fiberfrom Korea decreased from 5% to 0%, the raw fabric reduced from 40% to 12%.Ministry of Finance released for public comment, in parallel with the process thatGovernment considered the draft of enterprise income tax law amendments toreduce from current proportion of 25% to 23% The reduction of enterprise incometax is consistent with the general trend of the countries in the region as well as tomeet investment needs After falling by 23%, the tax rate in Vietnam will becompetitive compared with that of other economies (go level with Thailand, lowerthan China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, etc.)
On 20/11/2012, 100% of the present delegates voted for approval, the NationalAssembly adopted the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles ofTax Administration Law This Law takes effect from the date of 1/7/2013.Accordingly, at Article 1, paragraph 11 of the Law on amendment and supplement,Article 42 of the current Tax Administration Law keeps the regulation of 275 daysdeadline for goods which are raw materials, imported materials to produce exportgoods Any enterprise wants to apply this regulation must meet four conditions:
Have export goods production factories in Vietnam
Have import and export activities at least two consecutive years up to theregistering date of customs declaration without commercial fraud, taxevasion, overdue tax debt, late payment, fine
Comply with accounting and statistic law
Pay via bank under the provisions of law
In case of not meet the above conditions but being guaranteed by credit institutions
on the amount of payable tax, the deadline for tax payment under the guarantee
Trang 39period will not exceed 275 days from the date of registration of the customsdeclaration and not pay for late payment in the guarantee period In case of not meetthe above conditions or not being guaranteed by credit institutions, tax must be paidbefore clearance or release of goods.
Monetary policy
State Bank of Vietnam issued Circular 19/2012/TT-NHNN dated on 06/08/2012,took effect from 11/06/2012, in which the maximum interest rate applied for lessthan one month deposit and non-term deposit is 2% per year; the maximum interestrates applied for one month to 12 months term deposit is 9% per year
The new interest rate policy with reducing adjustment of interest rate has broughtabout some following major positive effects:
Help most of enterprises to reduce capital cost to improve production andbusiness in the circumstance of lacking investment capital
Support for restructuring financial market to help the enterprises to mobilizecapital on stock market that will reduce liability for banking system ( whenmobilizing interest rate is 9% per year, the enterprises who have profit ratio
of about 13% can mobilize capital by issuing bonds and stocks)
Promote state owned enterprises restructuring process, promote equitization
Reducing interest rate may affect on inflation due to loosing of monetarypolicy However, moderate level of monetary policy and lower interest rateswill not put strong pressure on inflation
Trang 40Economic Environment
Environment of global economy
Trade relation with South Korea
In 2011, South Korea is the 4th largest trading partner of Vietnam and Vietnam isthe 8th largest export market of South Korea Feature of trade relation betweenVietnam and South Korea is supplementary and directly uncompetitive structure ofimport and export Goods from Korea are mainly raw material as input forinvestment and production, which partially serve export production enterprise ofVietnam Vietnam emerges as an important destination for Korean investors As ofthe end of October 2012, Korea is the second biggest foreign investors in Vietnamwith 3134 projects, registered capital of more than 24.5 billion USD, andimplemented capital of over 8.4 billion USD Direct investment activities of Koreaninvestors perform in 18 different areas; mainly in the processing, manufacturing andreal estate business More than 2,500 South Korean companies in Vietnam employabout 400,000 employees in large-scale production facilities, such as electronicsand steel field
On August 6th 2012, Minister of Industry and Trade, Vu Huy Hoang and Minister ofTrade, Foreign Affairs and Trade of Korea, Bark Tae-ho has announced officiallythe launch of free trade agreement negotiations between Vietnam and Korea tomake commitment of two countries’ senior leaders It is expected that thisAgreement will play an important role in promoting the political, economic, trade,industry and investment relation between two countries
European Union (EU):
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) for developing countries, includingVietnam was announced by European Union on October 31st 2012 and takes effectfrom January 1st 2014 European Parliament and European Council by generalconsent approved of adjusted GSP program with special tariff preferences in order
to reduce or set import duties to 0% and with favorable import standards fordeveloping countries Vietnamese goods will enjoy more benefit in export activities