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  • 1. Reasons for evaluation the actual situation of labor:

  • 2. Actual situation of labor resources in Vietnamese enterprise at present:


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Phân tích Các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến giữ chân người lao động doanh nghiệp Việt Nam Factors affect the retention of employees in the Vietnamese enterprise TABLE OF CONTENTS B02 Group Organizational Behavior Management 1/ 17 Organizational Behavior Administration INTRODUCTION Today, in the context of integration and globalization trends, with the fierce competition of market economy, firms compete not only in capital, technology or scale but also in human resources An enterprise if desires to succeed, it must take advantage of all strengths, of all resources, all possible competitive advantages of the enterprise Human resources is a great advantage if the enterprise takes the proper care and takes the best effectiveness Human resources is a special, complicated and uneasy-to-control resources because each employee himself is the living element with thought, feelings, sense, and with own recognition and evaluation and having own personal demands or in other words, each employee has his own needs and motives on physical and mental aspect If you want to have successful management in factor of human resources and achieve the purpose, get maximum effectiveness for the enterprise, first of all, we have to deeply research the needs, motives, the desire of workers and gradually satisfy those needs in order to create motivation for workers to be assured, passionate in working, love their jobs and companies, long-term volunteer with the enterprise In the framework of this writing, let us go further investigation, analysis, research on factors affecting retention of employees in the enterprise I ACTUAL SITUATION OF LABOR RESOURCES IN VIETNAMESE ENTERPRISES Reasons for evaluation the actual situation of labor: The ongoing upheaval and competition in the market plus the personnel changes within the organization requires leaders to grasp the picture of the staff of the enterprise to make the appropriate adjustment and settlement The assessment of the actual situation of human resources of the enterprise, review the staff capacity in relation to the requirements of the job is very important On that basis, the enterprise could recognition the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise staff Since then offering appropriate solutions and policies to attract, recruit, train, develop, and treat the personnel to develop staff capacity and improve operational B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 2/ 17 Organizational Behavior Administration efficiency of organizations Actual situation of labor resources in Vietnamese enterprise at present: Vietnam is evaluated in the world to have the advantage of population with the abundant young labor force This is an extremely important resource for successful implementation of socio-economic development strategies of the country, however the quality of human resources of Vietnam is still low and needs to be improved Actual situation of Vietnam's labor force is expressed specifically by the following characteristics: 2.1 Qualification level : In recent years, in our country, in the implementation of the restructuring of the economy, human resources in enterprises is constantly changing to suit the requirements of improving technology level, management and international integration and development in high technology industries, high-level services, etc The intensity of labor migration on the labor market is growing and has close relationship with the trend of professional and technical personnel increase of enterprises and the development of our country's labor market However, in overall consideration, in the structure of the human resources of enterprise, technical-qualified labor is at low percentage, impossible to meet the requirements of raising the competitiveness of enterprises In particular, especially in enterprises of processing industries, trade, hotels, restaurants, tourism, agriculture, etc which have a great untrained employee Table 1: Labor structure of enterprise according to the specialized qualification in every sector (%) Sector PhD Maste r Bachelo r, Enginee r Colleg e level B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration Specialize Technica d school l worker Unskille d 3/ 17 Organizational Behavior Administration Industry and mining Processing industry Electricity, fuelk gas and water Construction Trade and vehicle repair Hotel and restaurant Yard transport and information Finance and credit Science and technology Trading in property and consultancy Education and training Source : 2.2 0.02 0.04 4.00 0.96 3.72 27.47 63.79 0.01 0.04 3.38 0.73 3.00 16.30 76.15 0.02 0.12 15.48 2.13 12.70 56.70 12.85 0.07 0.09 10.73 1.15 7.10 33.50 47.36 0.03 0.07 5.37 1.07 5.50 6.20 81.76 0.00 0.02 2.40 0.60 3.10 4.37 89.59 0.02 0.01 7.77 1.50 6.27 32.50 51.80 0.09 0.95 40.00 7.70 24.26 12.64 14.36 7.8 6.34 47.70 1.96 12.78 18.90 4.52 0.35 0.84 28.68 2.90 10.36 14.06 42.81 0.50 1.31 20.00 24.09 40.09 3.69 10.32 General Statistics Office Labor skill : In the enterprise generally, the rate of unskilled workers occupied a large percentage, lack of professional and technical and highly-qualified staff, currently about 60% of enterprise operating in field of manufacturing software, lack of professional and technical personnel of high qualification, the enterprises require highly-specialized skills such as shipbuilding enterprises, oil - mining, aviation, energy, finance, banking, engineering, construction, new materials, biotechnology, administrative, medical pharmacy, hotel management, etc are a lack of human resources with high technical qualification According to the statistics in 2010 of the Ministry of Social Labor, in 20.1 million workers who have been trained, of a total of 48.8 million workers are working, only 8.4 B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 4/ 17 Organizational Behavior Administration million people with qualifications and certificates issued by the domestic and overseas training institutions, the number of people aged 15 and older will receive vocational training and technical qualification is very low, occupied about 40% The training structure is unreasonable as shown by the ratio: University and post-university is 1, specialized school is 1.3 and technical worker is 0.92, while in the world, this rate is 1-410 According to the World Bank (WB), Vietnam is in shortage of qualified skilled workers and high-technical workers and the quality of human resources in Vietnam is lower than many other countries 2.3 Working experience: "Willing to work" or "work experience" is a common difficulty of the work force of the Vietnamese enterprise today because the training program between the education and training programs are primarily heavy in theory, not appropriate or deviate from the requirements of the skills that the labor market which led to the labor force has been trained in the school but most are trained when to work in enterprises 2.4 Discipline sense, labor behavior: Due to the young and common labor occupied a large proportion, labor in Vietnamese enterprises often not have a high sense of labor discipline, together this reason, because of working in subjective liking of each individual and not set up the spirit on teamwork as priority, the work habit with small production scale, fragmented, outdated has affected a lot the discipline and working style of the employees, in recent times, the modern sense and working style has been focused by the enterprise and set out in the elements of corporate culture, so the sense and working style of the employees have gradually increased with a modern and closely direction 2.5 Employee’s income The current average income of Vietnamese worker is generally low due to the percentage of unskilled workers account for a large proportion of which cannot creat in high added value in products and services, effective business of enterprises is not high and most businesses are unable to be competitive enough to join the world trade, in addition, the income are significant differences between sectors and fields, some key areas of key B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 5/ 17 Organizational Behavior Administration groups and state corporations with proprietary advantage (Electricity, Bank, Oil & Gas, Aviation, Telecom, etc.), the labor income is larger, while the sectors of common labor in Vietnam and a large proportion of employees (Textiles, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries ) is usually relatively low income, workers' lives in general are not assured 2.6 Labor moving in the market: Due to many economic factors, the structure of the labor market in Vietnam now has tendentiously moved workers from industries with low labor productivity and laborintensive uses (Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries) to other sectors or to industries and services of higher added value and invested more in technology and finance (Banking, Insurance, Telecommunications, Tourism ) Forecast of the Ministry of shows that employment in Agricualtural, Forestry and Aquiculture Sector tends to decrease and wil be at 21.1 million Employees in 2020 Such transition along with more skilled and qualified workforce will bring about success to the country's economy but will cause disruption and lack of manpower in some sectors 2.1 The system of labor market information: In Vietnam, the local computer network along with high-speed Internet connection has been installed at provincial level; the network is located in the job centers and observation stations Information in the labor market after being collected at the observation stations is added directly to the local database or indirectly via the internet Department of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs, Job Education Centre regularly update the collected data for the National Centre of Labour Market Information and Forecasting via the Internet All Labour Market Information has been equipped with LAN and high speed internet connection (ADSL) To make the system work efficiently, meet requirmens of storage, processing, analysis and dissemination of Labour Market Information, MOLISA has actively built many software systems such as electronic portal on jobs, the business Operating System, database on Labour Market Information but not complete due to limited funding The system of labor market information is done through specialized agencies like Job Center, the system of vocational training centers located in the localities and national centers of labor market forecasts and information B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 6/ 17 Organizational Behavior Administration has contributeed significantly to regulating the labor market in Vietnam II FACTORS AFFECTING KEEPING EMPLOYEES: / Factors due to the individual employee 1.1 The needs of the employees People, at each given time, always have many different needs, in which the needs that are already ripe will be the biggest motivation for decision of their behavior and as such needs are met, they will no longer motivates people to work anymore, but new needs will play this role For example, a normal worker desires to become a foreman and he'll try to work hard to become a foreman, but when he became foreman then this demand will not promote his to work anymore, but the desire to become the head will motivate him harder So people in different social positions, different economic conditions, will engender different needs In the opinion of Behavior Management Organization, the managers are always looking for the appropriate management measures to stimulate, motivate employees, to encourage them to make efforts to work for the organization That is the secret of success 1.2 Personal values Personal values here can be interpreted as level, the image of that person in the organization or the society Depending on the different value opinion of individuals, they will have different behaviors, when employees work in different positions within the organization, the scale of their personal values also changes more or less For example, when we consider determied, ambitious and high self-esteem people, building for themselves a good image is very important because they want to assert themselves by work 1.3 Personality traits Personality is a combination of basic and sustainable psychological attributes of B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 7/ 17 Organizational Behavior Administration human It is expressed in attitudes and behavior of man to himsels, family, friends, colleagues and the society in general Therefore, personality is not inherited, but it is the impact of education and training of onesel and the indirect effects of the environment which they live and work in learning The identity of each employee in their business by administrators will be the basis for them to find ways to treat and use better Personality consists of two basic characteristics including morality and will: - On morality: It is about the same kind, altruism or selfishness, truthfulness or deception, carefulness or carelessness, labouriousness or laziness - On will: It is the determination or weakness, dareness to taking responsibility or shirking responsibility, independence or dependence Personality is fundamental factor impacting on the action or the behavior of someone For example, if facing difficulties or obstacles in the work, those who have independence and who dare to take responsibility will see it as a motivation to better, and thoses who not dare to face the responsibility, and live dependently on others, will tremble at this difficult and they can leave the work unfinished or find another who dare to be responsible for them 1.4 The ability and capacity of each person Ability, also known as a gift, is individual property helping people acquire a job a skill or a knowledge easily and when they work in such fields, their ability will be promoted maximumly with higher resuts than that of others Capacity is both genetic factors and the result of the practice Capacity is the basis for creating the human capacity The capacity is made and matured mainly in practice In For types of human capacity, the most important one is the organizational capacity and professional capability The employee may be well qualified but if they are just arranged to the existing job with the current level of capacity, they will not promoted as their best because employees are human who desires to explore and learn to enhance their knowledge So in fact, the administrators must design work, arrange personnel so that the B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 8/ 17 Organizational Behavior Administration employees can maintain and develop their professional capabilities Also during the work, if possible, administrators should set up a space for Employees to organize their work so that it is reasonable to them most Proper assessment of capacity of officers is the basis for the best use of employees in the business by managers Employees will be more comfortable when they are assigned the work in accordance with their capabilities and their ability because they know for sure that they will complete the job at best Conversely, when they undertake the job beyond their ability, or that they know certainly that they can not complete it although they try their best, leads to dissatisfaction of Employees with the institutions and enterprises / The external factors 2.1 Factors of the work 1.1.1 The attractiveness of the job How the employees will feel when getting a unexpected job, or a job matching your skills, strengths will impact significantly on labor productivity, work efficiency of employees, so managers need to consider the needs, the ability of employees to promote their ability and create satisfaction for employees Employees in enterprises will feel more satisfied, comfortable if the business’s policies such as salary, bonuses, allowances, benefits are in accordance with their needs For example, when considering the income distribution system, it is required to pay attention to job demands, skill level of the individuals and the standard distribution in the community, which will create fairness in the work and in the business Administrators should be based on individual psychological characteristics, the personality of the employees to arrange works which fit for them The challenging work is a good motivation for employees All of these issues will motivate employees during the work 1.1.2 Ability to promote: Promotion is the process an employee is transferred to a higher position in the enterprise, which is often associated with the higher material interests and sublimateed B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 9/ 17 10 Organizational Behavior Administration egos of employees Such promotion is a practical need of employees because promotion will give opportunities for personal development, growth of status, and prestige as well as rights of employees Promotion policy plays an important role in the completion of individual employees and for businesses, it is fundamental to maintain and promote good employees and attract other ones to the businesses In the world, today a lot of behavioral scientists are interested in expanding or diversifying the work Enrichment of the work means gradually improvement work accountability, scope and requirements The purpose of this program is to make employees more versatile; when necessary they can different jobs Also this program is to expand opportunities for those who are able to keep the administration position because promotion is sometimes also considered as a process of probation, if the employees not meet work requirements, they will be transferred to other jobs 1.1.3 Relations at work, working environment: This is the social needs of employees in the working process Working environment in the enterprise has always been cared by individuals because the working environment is the factors helping the employee complete their tasks Working environment includes the physical and technical conditions and the employees surrounding the environment Material and technical conditions include factors such as working conditions, organizational problems of the workplace, machinery and technical equipment in the business and the employees are those inside and outside the enterprise, The relationship between these people also influence implementation of employees In humans, social feature is very high, so employees in the organization want to get a good relationship with everyone in the same organization Relationship needs often include a part of self-esteem needs which are met from outside by the administrators and they are only expressed clearest when the employees exist in a organization, so they would like to be a member of a certain social group, formally or informally 10 B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 10/ 17 11 Organizational Behavior Administration 2.2 The factors of the organization 2.2.1 Management policies of the enterprise Human Resource Management is both a science and an art The scientific feature is shown in that the scientific managers must know to master the inherent characteristics of human beings to build up the proper management policies based on the use of objective rules Human Resource Management is an art because the managers must select and combine the appropriate management methods because individuals are different in the needs, attitudes, knowledge, psychological and physical characteristics Thus, human resource management policies of the business must include many different measures because a management policy of the enterprise will impact significantly on attitude and behavior of employees To some extent, the employees in the business are very much influenced by management policies, behaviors of leaders in the business For example, no job transfer policy will cause boredom at work for employees; is there is no policy on training and development, the employee will not have opportunities for advancement, then motivation for working; n accomplishment achieved without a reward or praise will reduce the effort of the employees… Many issues are set to see the impact of the policy on employees The administration will be most effective when managers know the right smooth and flexible combination of methods of management That is the art of administration or ability of administrators in particular and leaders in general 2.2.2 Remuneration system in the enterprise Most employees in the enterprise are interested in what they will get when performing their tasks and duties Therefore, administrators must find that the performance of duties and satisfaction of employees can be fulfilled by building a reasonable salary and bonus regime Salary and benefits are one of the driving forces to stimulate people to work more enthusiastically however it is also one of the factors causing stagnation, discontent or even resignation from the job All depend on management capacity and level of management levels 11 B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 11/ 17 12 Organizational Behavior Administration 2.2.3 Working conditions Different manufacturing environments generate varied conditions affecting the employees Thus, the working conditions of each employee are rich and varied and each working environment and working condition impacts significantly many workers in many varied aspects - Psycho-physical conditions of workers: That is the problem of mental concentration, speed and monotony of employment which affect the health and interests of workers - Conditions of Aesthetics: The layout and decoration of space in the working place may affect comfort or discomfort psychology of workers - Psychosocial Condition: the condition is not only related to the atmosphere of the group or the whole enterprise, but also affects the promotion of initiatives and movements in the enterprise Leadership style and manners of business administrators also impact a lot on this condition - Conditions on working and rest regime Development of proper working and rest regime will ensure a reasonable reproduction of workers is a condition to reduce occupational accidents and increase productivity and working quality II ATTRACTIVE MEASURES TO WORKERS: Many of the young want to seek new challenges by changing jobs meanwhile Board of Directors are tired with uninterrupted Letters of Resignation It wastes time and money to train a new staff but the result may be as not as desired To solve this problem, companies need to develop strategies to attract and retain staff Here are solutions to retain staff 3.1 Personnel attraction and recruitment: Corporate reputation is an important factor to attract a talent from other companies and to keep excellent internal staff Therefore, enterprises need to create a good image to attract talents On the other hand, the prerequisite condition to get a qualified team of staff is that staffs and management officers must be recruited and developed according to 12 B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 12/ 17 13 Organizational Behavior Administration the set feasible criteria that are to be associated with the overall long-term strategy of the company 3.2 Assignment and use of personnel: Most companies just find ways to “maintain” staff as they submit letters of resignation meanwhile it should be done since staff “start” to work for the company The leader should instruct new staff to prompt integrate into the organization In the collaborative process, companies are always transparent and consistent in personnel policies, equal in capacity assessment to create equal opportunities for development, by positive attraction methods and working relationships To use human resources effectively, managers need to appreciate the actual capabilities of each employee to make proper policies on assignment 3.3 Personnel training and development: Any employee who is recruited by a company, raises the question is that "Whether I can promote my employment in this company or not?" Currently, most small and medium sized enterprises only use personnel without a training policy to their employees So after hiring good employees, it is necessary to use a training policy to help them develop their ability in future with proper training policies, in this case, no one may give away from the companies To retain staff, you have to show them that the company would like to make their lives better, open up their new knowledge by creating opportunities for learning Anyone is interested in guiding and teaching others Please build a team of teachers on some important topics and assign them to convey the knowledge and experience to the company’s staff If the training result is as good as desire, it is advised to compliment and reward lecturers If there is no available rewards, gifts, compliments or letters of thanks may make them pleasant 3.4 Personnel stimulation and retaining, raise of bonus and extra-working payment; It is necessary to build a proper regulation of wages, bonuses, and extra-working payment to all subjects Never let your staff feel that there is inequity among employees 13 B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 13/ 17 14 Organizational Behavior Administration or the remuneration is not suitable to their efforts and contributions to the company In addition, companies need to classify two key human resources: main personnel and temporary alternates so that proper policies on development and retaining the main personnel are raised 3.5 Construction of a healthy competitive environment To achieve good results in business requires the efforts of the whole organization No one would be able to make everything perfect even if it is his or her own part, so it is important to build team spirit and sense of competition in the company Managers need to know to create a healthy competitive environment by: - Establishing specific responsibilities for each job and those completed assigned works will be rewarded - Creating a work environment in which, personnel in groups may be rewarded for good joint assignments instead of assessing individual performance The second way is more difficult to apply, but the competitiveness is healthier than the first 3.6 Design of flexible working time Young workers often prefer to be active in their jobs instead of obligation to work in eight hours on all days of the week Surveys show that if being working freely, it takes half of the time for young staff to complete assigned duties Please make a poll in the Company If majority of employees agree to get the opportunity to actively work in flexible hours to achieve high effectiveness in performance, let they 3.7 Never saving compliments Many directors only criticize employees for their mistakes but forget the praise them for good result in their work Because they believe it is the responsibility of staff Please improve close relation between the director and staff, and encourage them to continue to work with efforts and enthusiasms by public and material rewards and compliments If the financial situation cannot afford, a card, or written letter, or mail of thanks and 14 B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 14/ 17 15 Organizational Behavior Administration encouragement may work well Sometimes it is a compliment, or conversations between two people or a small gift also makes your employees more associated with the company 3.8 Never criticism in random When errors occur, every employee is worried on claims for responsibilities at once Wise actions rather than claims for responsibilities are that the Board of Directors and concerned staff have to discuss directly to find out reasons of the faults, and necessary solutions to avoid similar mistake being repeated 3.9 Creation of Pleasants People spend most of their day time at the office So turn the company is the place where everyone is happy and comfortable to work every day Some companies have granted funds to each group to carry out activities to increase understanding among members such as a dinner with the group members, a day in spa, or time for karaoke singing You can also create similarly special days, and activities, such as family day, fun competitions among departments, organizations for viewing football matches In general, you should generate a happy space, comfort and pleasant in the company 3.10 Reorganization of personnel contributions Please compliment and recognize all outstanding result of individual or groups, in the meeting room or on the notice board of the Company This may be the most important step to retain employees and make them feel satisfied to their work Compliment is not only at work; each employee should be recognized or promoted as individuals Please spend time to learn about staff and their lives You can organize their birthday or celebrate them in important occasions Please make employees feel they are important to companies and the reorganization is for their people but not simply because of what they 3.11 Development of good relations with staff The more respect employees to their boss, the more association to the Company So try to become a boss being appreciated and beloved by staff A good boss should act for 15 B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 15/ 17 16 Organizational Behavior Administration their employees If an employee wants to share their worries with the boss, you should pay attention to listen and help them improve their situation Managers have to have honest feedback to employees If they not well, please lightly analyze so that they enable to understand the problem instead of shouting at them You should pay attention to staff with good performance and consider that they should not sleep on the victory 3.12 Corporate culture This is the vital solutions to ensure the survival and long-term development of companies, especially Vietnamese styled firms It is advised to turn companies to be the place where members can share their thoughts, aspirations and difficulties It is necessary to raise certain solution as follows - Development of communication channels: The Vietnamese people’s traditions focus on sentiment It is sentiment to associate people and people, staff and the company Most of them think that they are employed and paid in the end of month but the fate of one company is dependent on the head They just try to fulfill their roles and missions They see leadership as employers People shall take any job with high salary and legality It is very normal when they are ready to move to other organizations when bonuses are paid higher; even they are their own competitors It is the time when enterprises need to develop channels of communication, especially communication at management level with staff The leader should spend more time for direct dialogue with their subordinates The leader needs to break down all barriers to show that he or she is a true friend or a brother A friendly family like- atmosphere that is developed through development of communication channels does not only help businesses retain employees but also a method to motivate and encourage their employees to contribute more to them - Consistent vision and purpose: The thought is not awarded, you cannot anything, even the easiest duty There are many people leave companies because there is no agreement on opinion and vision in the organization between staff and 16 B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 16/ 17 17 Organizational Behavior Administration the leader And sometimes the disagreements arise from different awareness on an issue To help their employees continue to believe in his chosen path, the leader should enhance exchanges, talks and meetings with staff Please, let your employees have the opportunity to participate in settlement of difficulties of the enterprise - Ready to rejection in case of no choice: only challenges evaluate people The difficulty is an opportunity for the heads of company to select the most suitable staff A company only develops and survival with dedicated employees toward its joint direction purposes and missions Once you know that it is impossible to retain employees who no longer keep passion for working for the company, the leader has to be bravery to let them leave A tree only grows, sprouts, buds and thrives when it is cared properly - Training, stimulation and reward: A good leader always creates conditions and opportunities for his or her employees to continuously improve the capabilities, skills and knowledge to serve for the company and he or she has to encourage and reward right person at the right time It is necessary to invest in training, even in difficult times Conclusion In the current period, human resources of an organization plays a crucial role, it should be the factor determining success or failure in business of the organization When performing above stages well, with the support and unanimity of the staff at all levels towards the common goal, in harmonious relationship between staff and board of directors of the company, the personnel problem is mostly resolved reasonably: productivity increases, completions of all given targets, the timely and reasonably trained necessary skills, adequately reward and encouragement to the staff’s enthusiasm, loyalty, etc to help the company overcome challenges of fierce competition and integration 17 B02 Group Organizational Behavior Administration 17/ 17 ... Factors due to the individual employee 1.1 The needs of the employees People, at each given time, always have many different needs, in which the needs that are already ripe will be the biggest motivation... resources is a great advantage if the enterprise takes the proper care and takes the best effectiveness Human resources is a special, complicated and uneasy-to-control resources because each employee... so the sense and working style of the employees have gradually increased with a modern and closely direction 2.5 Employee’s income The current average income of Vietnamese worker is generally

Ngày đăng: 17/11/2018, 10:25


