Types of Teams Larson & LaFasto, 1989 Problem Solving Team: A type of team created for the purpose of focusing on the resolution of a particular problem or issue.. Types of Teams Lars
Trang 1Chapter 9: Teams and Teamwork
PSYC 352
Trang 2 Dyad: Two-person unit
Group vs Team
No real distinction
Team: A social aggregation in which a limited number
of individuals interact on a regular basis to accomplish a set of shared objectives for which they have mutual
Trang 3Origins of Work Teams
Factors that led to the use of teams:
Information age
Educated and trained population
Rate of change in work activities
Teams are not always better than individuals
Trang 4Level of Analysis
Individual vs Team vs Organization
Micro vs Meso vs Macro
Work Groups
Trang 5Types of Teams
(Larson & LaFasto, 1989)
Problem Solving Team: A type of team
created for the purpose of focusing on the resolution of a particular problem or issue
Creative Team: A type of team created for
the purpose of developing innovative
possibilities or solutions
Trang 6Types of Teams
(Larson & LaFasto, 1989)
Tactical Team: A type of team created for
the purpose of executing a well-defined plan
or objective
Ad Hoc Team: A type of team created for a
limited duration that is designed to address itself to resolving one particular problem
Trang 7Creative Autonomy Explore possibilities and
alternatives IBM PC Team
Tactical Clarity Directive, highly focused
tasks, role clarity, defined operational standards, accuracy
well-Cardiac Surgery Team
Trang 8Principles of Teamwork
1 Feedback provided and accepted
2 Backing up team members
3 Collective group
4 Within-team interdependence
5 Leadership makes a difference
Trang 11Team Structure: Roles
Leader Shaper
Worker Completer- Finisher Creator
Resource investigator
Team Facilitator Monitor- evaluator
Le ad
ers hip
W ork Pr odu
Diversity within a team is
reflected in the members
filling different roles
Effective teams are
composed of members
who serve different roles
on the team and their roles
are defined by possession
of selected mental abilities
and personality
Belbin, 1981
Trang 12Team Processes: Socialization
Socialization: process of mutual adjustment
that produces changes over time in the
relationship between a person and a team
How socialization works (Moreland & Levine, 2001):
Role transition and phases of membership
(investigation, socialization, maintenance,
resocialization, remembrance)
Trang 14Team Processes:
Shared Mental Models
Shared Mental Model:the cognitive
processes held in common by members of a team regarding how they acquire
information, analyze it, and respond to it
What is shared (Cannon-Bowers & Salas, 2001)?
Trang 15Team Processes:
Shared Mental Models
Groupthink:a phenomenon associated with
team decision making in which members feel threatened by forces external to the team,
resulting in a deterioration in the cognitive
processing of information
3 Causes:
High level of cohesion
Structural organizational flaw
Proactive situational context
Trang 16Groupthink Example
A board of directors of an international air
freight service must decide whether the
company should enter a cost-cutting war with their competitors The board begins its
decision-making meeting with the
chairperson’s loaded questions: “Should we enter into this foolish price war or just keep rates the way they are?”
Trang 17Team Processes:
Decision Making
Multi-level theory of team decision
making (Hollenbeck, LePine, & Ilgen, 1996):
Team informity
Staff validity
Dyadic sensitivity
Trang 18Improving Team Decision
Assign the devil’s advocate role
Be open to dissenting points of view
Seek outside opinions
Break up into smaller groups
Rethink issues before making final decision
Use brainstorming
Trang 19Virtual Teams
Virtual teams: Task-focused teams that meet
without being physically present or working
at the same time
Defining Characteristics (Avolio et al., 2001):
Communication takes place electronically
Team members are dispersed geographically
Members may interact synchronously or
Trang 20Virtual Teams
Development of shared mental models
Evaluation of team results
Achievement of team cohesion
Problems with leadership
Trang 22Intergroup Conflict
Conflict changes group members’ perceptions of each other
Group becomes more cohesive
Strained interaction between the two groups
Argumentative behavior
Attitudes passed on to new members
Goals focus inward, away from organization as a whole
Trang 23Overcoming Intergroup
Superordinate Goals: goals that both groups
endorse and that often require cooperative
intergroup behavior to be achieved
Getting 2 conflicting groups together by itself will not reduce conflict
Conflict can be reduced if members cooperate to achieve superordinate goals.
Trang 24Overcoming Intergroup
One problem occurs in conflicting groups is that they do not communicate
One strategy to overcome the conflict is to
plan a negotiation between the 2 groups
Negotiation:facilitates communication and is
usually seen a a fair method of dispute
Trang 25Overcoming Intergroup
Member exchanges: members of conflicting
groups role play each other
Intergroup team development: team
activities to improve relationships between groups
Trang 26Overcoming Intergroup
Reducing need for intergroup interaction:
Create conditions in which two groups have little
or no need to interact
Reduce interdependence among groups
The resource allocation process:
Ensure groups have similar resources
Allocate resources fairly
Trang 27Special Issues in Teams
Personnel Selection
Performance Appraisal
Trang 28Personnel Selection in Teams
Traditional individual personnel selection methods may not take the social context of teams into
Selection of team members requires best mix of
Establishing team requirements involves
identifying and assessing the congruence among members with regard to personality and values.
Trang 29Personnel Selection in Teams
Prieto (1993) asserts that 5 social skills are critical for an individual to enhance group
1 Gain group’s acceptance
2.Increase group solidarity
3.Be aware of group consciousness
4.Share group identification
5.Manage others’ impressions
Trang 30Team Training
Logic of team training is similar to
individual training, although mechanism is somewhat different
Team task analysis provides information
about knowledge, skills, and attitudes the
team members must possess to be successful
Trang 31Team Training
Team Performance
Trang 32Team Performance Appraisal
Major issue: extent to which individuals will
slacken their performance within the team
Social loafing: a phenomenon identified in
groups or teams in which certain individuals
withhold effort or contributions to the collective
Trang 33Team Performance Appraisal:
Share the same characteristics:
individual contributions on team performance.
individual effort-team success-individual outcome link
Trang 34Team Activity