Tương tác giữa PHP và jQuery - part 4 pps

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Tương tác giữa PHP và jQuery - part 4 pps

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CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 31 $("p.foo").next(); This generates the following output: >>> $("p.foo").next(); [ p ] A selector can be passed to .next() as well, which allows developers to determine which type of next sibling element should be matched: $("p.foo").next("#bar"); This returns an empty result set, since the next element does not have an ID of bar: >>> $("p.foo").next("#bar"); [ ] Because .next() returns only one element, a companion method was created that returns all next sibling elements, .nextAll(). To select all paragraphs after the paragraph with the class foo, use the following code: $(".foo").nextAll("p"); This returns the following result: >>> $(".foo").nextAll("p"); [ p, p#bar ] ■ Note The selector is optional in .nextAll(), as it is in .next(). The third method available for selecting next sibling elements is the .nextUntil() method. As its name suggests, this method will return all next elements until a selector is matched. It’s important to note that the element matched by the selector will not be included in the result set. To demonstrate this, select the paragraph with the class foo and use .nextUntil() with a selector of "#bar": $(".foo").nextUntil("#bar"); Only one paragraph is returned in the result set, and the paragraph with the ID of bar is not included: >>> $(".foo").nextUntil("#bar"); CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 32 [ p ] To include the paragraph with an ID of bar, you need to look at the element immediately following, which is the form element in this case. Try the selector again using this updated code: $(".foo").nextUntil("form"); Now, both following paragraphs are returned: >>> $(".foo").nextUntil("form"); [ p, p#bar ] .prev(), .prevAll(), and .prevUntil() The .prev(), .prevAll(), and .prevUntil() functions work exactly like .next(), .nextAll(), and .nextUntil(), except they look at previous sibling elements rather than next sibling elements: >>> $("#bar").prev(); [ p ] >>> $("#bar").prevAll(); [ p, p.foo, p ] >>> $("#bar").prevUntil(".foo"); [ p ] .siblings() To select sibling elements on both sides of an element, use the .siblings() method. This accepts a selector as an argument to limit what types of elements are returned. To match all sibling paragraph elements to the paragraph with ID bar, execute the following code: $("#bar").siblings("p"); The results will look as follows: >>> $("#bar").siblings("p"); CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 33 [ p, p.foo, p ] .parent() The .parent() method returns a set of the immediate parent elements of the current selection. For instance, to select all parent elements of any elements with the class foo, use the following: $(".foo").parent(); This returns the following: >>> $(".foo").parent(); [ body, p#bar ] To match only paragraph elements that are parents of elements with class foo, modify the code to the following: $(".foo").parent("p"); This narrows the result set: >>> $(".foo").parent("p"); [ p#bar ] .parents() and .parentsUntil() Unlike .parent(), .parents() will return all parent elements, with an optional selector passed to filter the results. To select all parent elements of the check box in the form on the example page, use the following code: $(":checkbox").parents(); This finds every parent element, all the way out to the html element: >>> $(":checkbox").parents(); [ label, fieldset, form #, body, html ] To filter the results so that only the parent form element is returned, modify the code as follows: $(":checkbox").parents("form"); This returns only the parent form element: >>> $(":checkbox").parents("form"); CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 34 [ form # ] Finally, to select a range of parents until a selector is matched, similar to .nextUntil() or .prevUntil(), use .parentsUntil(): $(":checkbox").parentsUntil("form"); This returns all parent elements until the form element is encountered: >>> $(":checkbox").parentsUntil("form"); [ label, fieldset ] .add() The .add() method is versatile and, therefore, a bit more complicated. Essentially, it allows you to add additional elements to the existing jQuery object using a selector or a string of HTML. To select all paragraphs and then add the span with class foo to the object, use the following: $("p").add("span.foo"); This outputs the following: >>> $("p").add("span.foo"); [ p, p.foo, p, p#bar, span.foo ] The .add() method also allows you to create elements on the fly, like so: $("p").add('<span id="bat">This is a new span</span>'); Executing the preceding code will output this: >>> $("p").add('<span id="bat">This is a new span</span>'); [ p, p.foo, p, p#bar, span#bat ] ■ Note Notice that the element span#bat is faded in the console output. This happens because, while the element exists in the jQuery object, it has not been appended to the DOM and, therefore, does not display on the page. You'll learn how to add new elements to the DOM in the next section, “Creating and Inserting DOM Elements.” CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 35 .andSelf() If you’re using a traversal method, you may want to keep the original matched set of elements as well. The .andSelf() method provides this ability by allowing the original set to be recalled and appended to the new set. For instance, to match all paragraph elements and then find child spans, use the following code: $("p").find("span"); This returns the spans in the document, but you’ve lost the paragraphs: >>> $("p").find("span"); [ span, span.foo ] To keep the paragraphs and match the spans, add a call to .andSelf() to the end of the code: $("p").find("span").andSelf(); This results in the desired output: >>> $("p").find("span").andSelf(); [ p, p.foo, p, span, p#bar, span.foo ] .contents() The .contents() method works similarly to the .children() method, except .contents() returns text nodes as well, which are simply the character data contained within an element (the actual text displayed by an element). 1 To find all contents of the span with class foo, use the following: $("span.foo").contents(); This results in the following output: >>> $("span.foo").contents(); [ <TextNode textContent="And this sentence is in a span."> ] 1 http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#ID-1312295772 CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 36 .end() At times in jQuery scripts, you will find it necessary to back up to the last set of elements stored in the jQuery object. The .end() method does exactly that: it reverts the jQuery object to the state immediately preceding the last filtering action in the current jQuery object chain. To select all paragraphs, then find all spans, the original set of paragraphs is no longer available: >>> $("p").find("span"); [ span, span.foo ] To revert back to the set of paragraphs, add .end() to the chain: >>> $("p").find("span").end(); [ p, p.foo, p, p#bar ] Creating and Inserting DOM Elements The first thing you’ll learn that actually changes the DOM, rather than simply selecting elements from it, is how to create new elements and insert them into the DOM. Since the release of jQuery 1.4, this is pretty straightforward. This section of the book starts using more involved code snippets, and will therefore require a minor adjustment to your Firebug console. At the bottom right of the console, there is a round button with an arrow pointing upward (see Figure 2-1). CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 37 Figure 2-1. The button to activate the multiline console test area Click this button to activate the multiline testing area, where you’ll be able to enter commands across multiple lines, making them easier to read and allowing for more advanced examples (see Figure 2-2). CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 38 Figure 2-2. The multiline testing area (shown at the right-hand side of the console) With the multiline testing area, you now need to click the Run button at the bottom to execute the code. Pressing Enter, as with the single-line test console, will now break to a new line. Creating New DOM Elements To create a new DOM element, jQuery only needs the tag to be created. For instance, to create a new paragraph element, you would use the following: $("<p>"); To add attributes and text to this element, you can simply write it out as plain HTML: $('<p class="bat">This is a new paragraph!</p>'); CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 39 ■ Note The preceding example uses single quotation marks to enclose the string of HTML rather than double ones. This has no effect on the jQuery function; it merely eliminates the need to escape the double quotes used in the class attribute (e.g., class=\"bat\"). As of jQuery 1.4, you can also add attributes to this new element by passing a second argument as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 2 : $("<p>", { "class":"bat", "text":"This is a new paragraph!" }); The result of the above code snippet is the following: >>> $("<p>", { "class":"bat", "text":"This is a new paragraph!" }); [ p.bat ] Because this is only creating the element, it hasn’t been attached to the DOM yet and, therefore, isn’t visible in the browser window. You’ll learn to insert new elements in the next section, “Inserting New Elements into the DOM.” ■ Note At its simplest, JSON is a key-value pairing where both the key and value are surrounded by quotation marks and all key-value pairs are comma-separated and enclosed in curly braces ({}). A sample of JSON data would be { "key":"value" } or { "key1":"value1", "key2":"value2" }. Inserting New Elements into the DOM Now that you have a basic understanding of how to create new elements, you can begin learning how to insert them into the DOM. jQuery provides several methods for handling this, which you’ll explore in this section. An important note to make here is that the modification of the DOM is temporary, meaning that any changes made will be reset back to the original HTML document once the page is refreshed. This happens because JavaScript is a client-side language, which means it isn’t modifying the actual files from the server, but the browser’s individual interpretation of the file. 2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Json CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 40 Changes made with JavaScript can be saved on the server through the use of AJAX (which you’ll learn about later in this chapter), which allows JavaScript to interface with server-side languages such as PHP. ■ Note After performing the examples in each of the following sections, refresh your page so each new example is starting with a fresh copy of the example HTML file. .append() and .prepend() The .append() and .prepend() functions will attach the elements passed as arguments to the jQuery object to which they are chained. The only difference is that .append() attaches the elements at the end, and .prepend() attaches at the beginning. The content will be appended or prepended inside the matched elements, meaning if you match all paragraphs on the page and append a new sentence, “This was added by jQuery”, it will be appended inside the closing paragraph tag (</p>). Try this out by entering the following code into your console: $("p").append(" This was added by jQuery."); Executing the code will add this sentence to the end of each paragraph inside the closing paragraph tag. This is evident because the text is not knocked to the next line, as it would be if it were outside the closing tag. . span."> ] 1 http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#ID-1312295772 CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 36 .end() At times in jQuery scripts, you will find it necessary. more advanced examples (see Figure 2-2 ). CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 38 Figure 2-2 . The multiline testing area (shown at the right-hand side of the console) With the. is a round button with an arrow pointing upward (see Figure 2-1 ). CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 37 Figure 2-1 . The button to activate the multiline console test area Click

Ngày đăng: 04/07/2014, 17:20

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