Establish sales force performance standards.. Understand how to provide feedback and evaluation in order to improve sales force performance.. Apply twenty-first century sales force perf
Trang 2Digital Multimedia PowerPoint Lectures for
Sales Force Management
Prepared by:
Dr Rajiv Mehta Professor of Marketing New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, N.J.
Trang 3Chapter 14:
Sales Force Performance Evaluation
Trang 4Learning Objectives
When you finish this chapter, you should be able to:
1 Carry out the sales force performance evaluation
process using outcome-based, behavior-based, and professional development measures
2 Develop different types of sales goals and objectives
for preparing the sales plan
3 Establish sales force performance standards.
4 Allocate resources and efforts through sales quotas.
5 Describe sales dashboards and their importance to
sales force management decision-making
6 List the major steps in the sales force performance
evaluation monitoring system (PEMS).
7 Understand how to provide feedback and evaluation
in order to improve sales force performance
8 Apply twenty-first century sales force performance
appraisal methods.
Trang 55 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
How is performance appraisal conducted for individual salespersons? What factors should you include in the appraisal process?
What are the steps of a formal appraisal system?
What performance appraisal techniques would be appropriate?
What are the limitations of sales force evaluation systems?
How can feedback improve sales force performance?
Trang 6Sales Force Performance Appraisal
A performance appraisal enables
sales managers to:
1 Increase/decrease compensation and
awards to high/low performers
2 Identify training needs of
3 Revise sales performance and
evaluation process, and
4 Develop a top notch sales team
Trang 77 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Timing of Salesperson Performance Appraisals
Performance appraisals are usually
1 Once a year
2 Sometimes semiannually, and
3 Sometimes quarterly
Evaluations include both:
1 Objective (quantitative) criteria,
2 Subjective (qualitative) measures
Trang 8A Contemporary Approach To Sales Force
The steps to conduct a sales force
performance appraisal is as
1 Establish sales goals and objectives
2 Develop the sales plan
3 Set sales force performance standards
4 Allocate resources and sales force efforts
5 Measure sales force performance against
standards, and
6 Provide feedback
Trang 99 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Step 1: Establish Sales Goals and Objectives
In the first step, sales managers should establish sales goals that should
be congruent with the firm’s goals and objectives
Sales goals, such as the following, can be formulated:
§ Increasing sales by 5% each year over the next 5 years
§ Increasing market share by 4% by the next 5 years
§ Reducing customer defections by 12%, and
§ Increasing the new customer base by 10% each year
Trang 10Step 2: Develop the Sales Plan
Action Programs
Opportunities and Problems
Situation Analysis
Performance Evaluation Systems
Sales Plan
The sales plan provides the “road map” showing how to achieve
goals, which has four major parts:
Trang 11Sales Force Performance Evaluation Criteria
Trang 12Step 3: Set Sales Force Performance Standards
Combining Sales Performance Evaluation Criteria
4 BEST: Use a hybrid approach, combining all three to get a
complete picture of the salesperson’s performance
Sources of information for sales performance evaluations:
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Sales Dashboards
A sales dashboard is a diagnostic
tool or graphical interface that
quickly displays valuable metrics
and key information sales force
Sales dashboards include key
performance indicators (KPI)–a
numeric indicator of business
performance for any activity
important to a firm is considered
to be the “vital statistics” for a
sales organization
Trang 14Sales Dashboards
A sales dashboard should
display sales metrics, such as:
1 Individual salesperson performance
Trang 151
Strategic Dashboards
Types of Sales Dashboards
Trang 16Key Benefits of Sales Dashboards
Some key benefits of a digital sales
dashboard should include the ability to:
1 View instant graphic presentation of
important sales performance metrics
2 Spot early-on the developing positive
and negative sales trends in markets
3 Display sales analytics that reveal
performance efficiencies and
4 Be able to quickly generate detailed
reports for salespeople and
Trang 17Step 4: Allocate Resources and Sales Force Efforts
3 Combination Quotas
Types of Sales Quotas
• Expense Quotas
• Profit Quotas Gross Margin Contribution Margin Net Profit
• Number of current customers
or new prospects called on
• Number of product demonstrations made
• Number of new accounts established
• Number of service calls made
Trang 18Step 5: Measure Sales Force Performance
Against Standards
Performance evaluation monitoring system (PEMS) allows sales
managers to closely monitor each employee’s daily activities, which
comprises of three successive stages:
Performance Appraisal
Performance Evaluation Monitoring System Stages
Trang 19Traits of Performance Appraisal Techniques
Traits of Performance Appraisal Techniques
Job Relatedness
Comparabil ity
Discriminab ility
Trang 20Types of Performance Appraisal Techniques
Management By Objectives
Graphic Rating Scales
Descriptive Statements
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)
Types of Performance Appraisal Techniques
Trang 21Graphic Rating Scales
Semantic Differential Graphic Rating Scale
Trang 22Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales
Will always cooperate in any way with other sales force team members, even if such effort is personally inconvenient or requires self-sacrifice
Is generally antagonistic toward other team members and frequently undercuts group efforts
Will seldom help other team members and tends to resent contributing to group effort
Will occasionally help other team members with field sales problems
Is usually willing to help other team members on field sales problems
Can be expected to go out of his or her way to help other team members with any work-related problem
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10
Cooperation With Sales Team Members
Very high
Indicates strong willingness to
cooperate with other members
of the sales team
Indicates an average amount
of cooperation with other
team members
Very low
Indicates generally no team
effort, which often hurts group
Trang 23Limitations
Trang 24Providing Feedback on Salesperson Performance
Sales managers must provide
prompt, explicit, and meaningful
feedback to their salespeople if
they are to improve performance
Formal feedback enhances:
Trang 25Improving Sales Force Performance
When the sales manager and the
salesperson meet, they should:
1 Discuss and reconcile discrepancies in
b Formal retraining, and
c Field-related actions by the
salesperson’s immediate supervisor
Trang 26Emerging Perspectives In Twenty-first Century
Sales Force Performance Appraisals
Three emerging perspectives on
sales force performance
Trang 27360 Degree Performance Evaluation
An 360-degree performance appraisal
elicits information on a salesperson’s
skills, abilities, and behaviors from:
1 The sales manager
2 Sales team peers
3 Subordinates
4 Other departmental coworkers
5 Purchasing managers
Trang 28Sales Subordinates
Accounts Payable Managers
Self Appraisal
Sales Manager
Sales Team Peers
Purchasing Managers (Clients)
360 Degree Salesperson Performance Appraisal
360 Degree Performance Evaluation
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Performance Evaluations of Team Selling
Team performance evaluation starts with
selecting the relevant performance criteria
and appraisal methods by both sales
managers and team members, who should
be part of the process
Each team member rates all the other
Trang 30Performance Review Ranking System
Salespeople evaluated on performance using
a scale, such as:
The sales manager then ranks each
salesperson and places them in performance
§ Top 20 percent
§ Middle 70 percent, and
§ Bottom 10 percent
Different methods, but no best way to conduct
a salesperson performance assessment
Trang 3131 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
This Electronic Presentation To Be Used With:
Hair, Joe, Rolph Anderson, Rajiv Mehta, & Barry Babin (2020), “Sales
Force Management,” 2nd Ed Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons
(ISBN-13: 9781119702832)
Text/images may not be modified or reproduced in any way without
prior written permission of the publisher
Trang 32Copyright © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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