Negotiating sales resistance or buyer objections 6.. Step 2: Planning for the Sales Call— Seven Steps to Preapproach Success Prepare the prospect for the initial sales call... Step 2: P
Trang 2Digital Multimedia PowerPoint Lectures for
Sales Force Management
Prepared by:
Dr Rajiv Mehta Professor of Marketing New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, N.J.
Trang 3Chapter 4:
The Selling Process
Trang 43 Describe the seven stages of the selling process (SP).
4 Use various searching methods to find new prospects
5 Apply several sales presentation strategies
6 Overcome the prospect’s objections and resistance through
7 Demonstrate closing techniques from each of five closing
8 Explain how to empower salespeople for customer
relationship management roles
Trang 55 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
How do salespeople prospect and qualify potential customers?
How should salespeople approach potential customers?
How should salespeople present and demonstrate their products and services?
How should salespeople negotiate customer resistance and objections? How should salespeople close the sale and service accounts?
Trang 6Stages of the Selling Process (SP)
There are 7 interacting, overlapping
steps in the selling process:
1 Prospecting and qualifying
2 Planning the sales call (preapproach)
3 Approaching the prospect
4 Making the sales presentation and
5 Negotiating sales resistance or buyer
6 Confirming and closing the sale, and
7 Following up and servicing the account
Trang 77 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Step 1: Prospecting and Qualifying
The initial stage of the SP is
known as prospecting and
Prospects: Potential new
Prospecting requires salespeople
to first obtain leads.
A lead or potential buyer refers
to a person or organization that
may have a need for a product or
Trang 8Step 1: Prospecting and Qualifying
The initial stage of the SP is
known as prospecting and
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Step 2: Planning for the Sales Call—
Seven Steps to Preapproach Success
Prepare the prospect for the initial sales call
Trang 10Step 2: Planning for the Sales Call—
Seven Steps to Preapproach SuccessPrepare the prospect for the initial sales call
To prepare the prospect for the sales
call, salespersons can use “seeding,”
which refers to prospect-focused
activities carried out several weeks or
months before a sales call
Sell the sales call
Salespeople “sell the sales call” and ask
for an appointment to meet with
prospective buyers by using
pre-notification methods that include:
1 E-mail
2 Fax
3 Mail, and
4 Telephone
Trang 11Step 2: Planning for the Sales Call—
Seven Steps to Preapproach SuccessGather and Analyze Information
Salespersons should also gather
information about target firms,
such as:
1 Trade Associations
3 Credit Bureaus
4 Mailing List Companies
5 Government and Public
Libraries, and
6 Investment Firms
Trang 12Step 2: Planning for the Sales Call—
Seven Steps to Preapproach Success
Salespersons identify prospects problems by:
1 Products previously purchased
2 Production difficulties, and
3 Productivity inefficiencies
Salespersons should also identify prospects needs and goals, such as:
1 Increase market share, and
2 Lower the cost of production
Identify the prospect’s problems and needs
Salespersons can use the FAB approach to convince prospects into buying products of
their firm, which encompasses:
1 Identify F eatures: them
2 Enumerate A dvantages, and
3 Stress B enefits (discussed later in detail)
Identify the product features, advantages, and benefits (FAB)
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Step 2: Planning for the Sales Call—
Seven Steps to Preapproach Success
Customer-oriented salespeople identify and solve customer problems
by skillfully observing, listening, and asking probing questions
Choose the best sales presentation strategy
Finally, make it a point to rehearse, rehearse, and
rehearse until you have mastered your total sales
presentation and feel comfortable and confident about
Plan and rehearse your approach
Trang 14Step 3: Approaching the Prospect
The third stage of the SP entails
approaching the prospect.
Strategies that can be used for
approaching prospects include:
1 Non-product-related approaches
2 Piquing interest approaches
3 Consumer-directed approaches, and
4 Product-related approaches
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Non-Product Related Approaches
3 Free gift or sample, e.g., free
financial planning for a
prospect, and
4 Dramatic act, e.g., setting a
carpet on fire to show safety.
Dramatic Act
Mutual Acquaintance
Or Reference
Free Gift Or Sample
Self-Non-product Related Approaches
Trang 16Piquing Interest Approaches
Piquing interest approaches include:
1 Customer-benefit, e.g., our computer will increase employee
2 Curiosity, e.g., Would you be interested in learning about our hi-tech
steel smelter which has a low carbon footprint?
Curiosity Approach
Customer-Benefit Approach
Piquing Interest Approaches
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Consumer-Directed Approaches
Three consumer-directed approaches are:
1 Compliment or praise approach, e.g., I read about the award you
recently received in the New York Times Congrats!!!
2 Survey approaches, e.g., a short study to ascertain, say, environmental
remediation costs based on amount of clean-up.
3 Question approaches, e.g., “I am aware your company buys a lot of
steel Would you be interested about our high-tensile steel products?”
Trang 18Product-Related Approaches
Product-related approaches include:
1 Product or ingredient approach, e.g., Demonstrate product or statistical software for CRM or Data Mining.
2 Product demonstration approach, e.g., Carry sample that shows how
product works, such as demonstrating a software package
Product demonstration Product-Related Approaches Product or Ingredient 2.
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Overall Sales Call Objectives
Sales calls should achieve one or
more of three overall objectives. 2
Develop the market
Protect the market
Generate sales
Overall Sales Call Objectives
Trang 20The fourth stage and “heart” of the SP is
the Sales Presentation and Demonstration
§ Critical center stage or “showtime”
Remember the following issues during the
1 Ask the customer qualifying questions to
uncover specific needs,
2 Present the products and services that will
best satisfy those needs,
3 Stimulate desire for the offerings with a
skillful demonstration, and
4 As using the F A B approach can be very
powerful during a presentation.
Step 4: The Sales Presentation and Demonstration
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Features Advantages and Benefits (FAB) Approach
Discuss products’ features, advantages, and
benefits :
1 F —Features are the obvious
characteristics of the product.
• Remember to highlight features !
2 A —Advantages are the performance
traits of the product that show how it
can be used to help the customer better
solve a problem than present products
• Don’t forget to enumerate advantages
relative to competitors’ products.
3 B —Benefits are what the customer
wants from the product
• And don’t fail to stress benefits of the
product to the prospect
Trang 22Sales Presentation Strategies
Need Satisfaction
Stimulus-Sales Presentation Strategies
Several sales presentations strategies,
but employ that will best “fit” the
1 Stimulus-response, in which the salesperson
asks a series of positive leading questions
2 Formula approach where the salesperson
leads the prospect through the mental states of
buying that include attention, interest, desire,
and action
3 Need satisfaction, in which the salesperson
tries to find dominant needs of the buyer
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Sales Presentation Strategies
4 Consultative problem solving is considered to be
the most successful sales presentation strategy
§ Focus on buyers problems, not seller's products
§ Emphasize partnership and "win-win"
5 Team selling presentations are made to a group
of decision makers from different functional areas,
e.g., when selling the new state-of-the art Boeing
B-787 Dreamliner, the sales group will consist of
various experts from avionics, jet engines, flight
training, and commercial managers, who work as
a sales team
6 Depth selling employs a combination of several
sales presentation methods discussed above
Need Satisfaction
Stimulus-Sales Presentation Strategies
Trang 24The fifth stage of the SP deals with negotiating
sales resistance or buyer objections
Objections are statements, questions, or actions by
the prospect that indicate resistance or an
unwillingness to sign a purchase agreement
Indeed, without sales resistance, there would not be
any need for salespeople What’s more, objections
should be seen as a sign of buyer interest
Step 5: Negotiating Sales Resistance
or Buyer Objections
Sincere concerns that the
prospect needs answered
before making the commitment
to buy
Used by prospects to stall the sales process
Irrelevant, untruthful, delaying, or latent reasons
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Different Forms of Valid Objections
Needs Objections
Source Objections
Capital Objections
Distribution Objections
Promotion Objections
Price Objections
Product Objections
Valid Objections
There are at least seven types of
valid objections
1 Product objections usually concern the
features, advantages, and benefits
associated with a product or service
When prospects use this form of
resistance to purchasing, salespeople
should provide additional information
to reassure them
2 Price objections are the most
frequently raised form of initial
resistance To counter price resistance,
salespeople must show that their
product or service offers the prospect
higher value per dollar spent than
competitive offerings
Trang 26Different Forms of Valid Objections
3 Promotion objections are commonly
used as a resistance tactic when the
seller is known not to promote products
4 Distribution objections typically
involve the physical movement of
products through the channels of
distribution These forms of buyer
resistance include concerns about long
delivery time, high delivery costs, and
large-quantity stocking requirements
5 Capital objections generally revolve
around budgetary issues that
prospects give as an excuse for not
purchasing products now This
resistance tends to increase with the
price of the product or service
Needs Objections
Source Objections
Capital Objections
Distribution Objections
Promotion Objections
Price Objections
Product Objections
Valid Objections
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Different Forms of Valid Objections
6 Source objections may result from
negative publicity about unethical,
illegal, or inefficient business practices
by the seller
7 Needs objections are raised by
prospects who feel they simply do not
currently need or have use for the
products or services being offered
Needs Objections
Source Objections
Capital Objections
Distribution Objections
Promotion Objections
Price Objections
Product Objections
Valid Objections
Trang 28Different Forms of Invalid Objections
Unethical Objections
Time Objections
Stalling Objections
Latent Objections
Invalid Objections
Latent objections are hidden
and sometimes too personal
or embarrassing for the
prospect to reveal, so they
remain unspoken.
Stalling objections are usually delaying tactics articulated by such comments as “Around here, all decisions are shared, so just leave your product literature for us to look over, and we’ll get back to you if we’re interested.”
Time objections are delaying tactics that usually surface in prospect statements such as
“I’ve got to prepare for a meeting in ten minutes, so I don’t have time to talk now,”
or “I’m just too busy for the next several weeks with a special project to meet with
Unethical objections are
actions or attitudes that
seem unprincipled or
immoral, such as resistance
to buying include excuses
about soliciting bribes or
Trang 2929 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Specific Techniques for Negotiating Buyer Objections
Provide Proof
Buyer Objections Techniques
• “I’m coming to that”
Trang 30The sixth step of the SP concerns
Confirming and Closing the Sale,
where the salesperson tries to obtain a
purchase order from the prospect.
The close is that stage in the selling
process where the salesperson tries to
obtain a purchase order from the
The more closing strategies the
salesperson knows and can effectively
apply, the greater the chances for
closing the sale
Step 6: Confirming and Closing the Sale
Trang 31Step 6: Confirming and Closing the Sale
Lost Sale Closes
Concession Closes
Straightforward Closes
Psychologically Oriented Closes
Clarification Closes
Closing Categories
• Suggestion close • Stimulus-response close
• Minor points close
• Ask for the order close
• Order form close
Trang 32The seventh and final step of the SP concerns
Following Up and Servicing the Account, which
will help you retain your customers
After making the sale, top salespeople don’t
disappear, instead they maintain close contact
with the customer to handle any complaints
Recall, CRM—it’s less costly to keep present
customers satisfied than to search out and
acquire new customers
Frequent and comprehensive follow-up is a
primary means of retaining long-run, satisfied,
loyal, and profitable customers
Step 7: Following Up and Servicing the Account
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Applying CRM to the Selling Process:
Empowering Salespeople for CRM
Empower salespeople to:
1 Accept returns of unsatisfactory
2 Negotiate price discounts
3 Provide purchase incentives, and
4 Resolve customer complaints
Trang 34This Electronic Presentation To Be Used With:
Hair, Joe, Rolph Anderson, Rajiv Mehta, & Barry Babin (2020), “Sales
Force Management,” 2nd Ed Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons
(ISBN-13: 9781119702832)
Text/images may not be modified or reproduced in any way without
prior written permission of the publisher
Trang 3535 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
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