Chapter 1: Introduction to Sales Force Management and its Evolving Roles... Summarize the basic responsibilities and evolving roles of sales force management.. Describe how sales mana
Trang 2Digital Multimedia PowerPoint Lectures for
Sales Force Management
Prepared by:
Dr Rajiv Mehta Professor of Marketing New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, N.J.
Trang 33 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Some suggestions to master the course material are:
1 Read the chapter in the text for the week in question
2 Watch the digital multimedia PowerPoint lectures with voice over recordings for
additional flavor.
3 If the multimedia lecture is too fast paced for you, pause it or even rewind it.
4 If you are asked thought provoking questions during the lecture, pause the
video and attempt to answer the question before forging ahead
5 Answer the chapter review questions and case assignments applying concepts
from the text and videos
6 Most importantly, “speak the language of sales force management.”
7 Do NOT study for EXAMS from the lectures; let text be your primary source of
8 With confidence, the text, digital video lectures and other ancillaries will
provide a fruitful learning platform for you.
9 Happy learning!!!
Trang 4Chapter 1:
Introduction to Sales Force Management and its
Evolving Roles
Trang 55 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Learning Objectives
When you finish this chapter, you should
be able to:
1 Summarize the basic responsibilities and evolving
roles of sales force management.
2 Describe how sales managers can better integrate
their roles with marketing management.
3 Identify and prepare for megatrends that will
affect your future in sales force management
4 Evaluate the selection criteria for sales force
management and compare them with your present
and potential qualifications.
5 Analyze how the sales manager’s job is expanding
and what it might mean for your career.
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What exactly does a sales manager’s job entail?
What are the responsibilities and duties of sales managers?
How is the role of sales managers expanding?
What are the types, titles, and hierarchical levels of sales managers?
What qualities are needed to be a successful sales manager in the
new millennium?
What role does a sales manager play in the management of a firm’s sales department?
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What is Sales Force Management?
Sales managers oversee the sales force—
the direct income producers of their
Unless the sales force is successful, the
entire company is in jeopardy
Taken together, Sales Force Management
focuses on the administration of all the
ancillary tasks and attendant functions
overseeing the critically important role of
generating sales revenues—widely
recognized as the life blood of
Trang 8Zone, Division, Or Regional Sales Manager
District, Branch or Field Sales Manager
Sales Supervisor
Sales managers are also known to
have other titles, such as:
1 National Account Manager
2 Key Account Manager (KAM),
3 Senior Account Executive,
4 Account Manager, and
5 Assistant Sales Manager
As subordinates, these individuals who report to sales managers include, but are not limited to:
Trang 99 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Responsibilities and Duties of Sales Managers:
A Conceptual Framework
Part I 21st Century Sales Force Management
Sales Force Management Decision Making
Introduction to Sales Force Management and Its Evolving Roles (Chapter 1)
Managing Ethics
in Sales Force Management (Chapter 2)
CRM and Building Partnerships (Chapter 3)
The Personal Selling Process (Chapter 4)
Sales Forecasting and Budgeting (Chapter 5)
Sales Force Planning and Organizing (Chapter 6)
Time and Territory Management (Chapter 7)
Sales Force Recruitment and Selection (Chapter 8)
Sales Force Training (Chapter 9)
Sales Force Leadership (Chapter 10)
Sales Force Motivation (Chapter 11)
Sales Force Compensation (Chapter 12)
Sales Organization Audit and Sales Analytics (Chapter 13)
Sales Force Performance Evaluation (Chapter 14)
Part III Managing and Directing Sales Force Efforts
Part IV Controlling and Evaluating Sales Force Performance
Part II Organizing and Developing the Sales Force
The ‘building blocks”
or tasks and functions
Trang 1010 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Responsibilities and Duties of Sales Managers:
A Conceptual Framework
Part I 21st Century Sales Force Management
Sales Force Management Decision Making
Introduction to Sales Force Management and Its Evolving Roles (Chapter 1)
Managing Ethics
in Sales Force Management (Chapter 2)
CRM and Building Partnerships (Chapter 3)
The Personal Selling Process (Chapter 4)
Sales Forecasting and Budgeting (Chapter 5)
Sales Force Planning and Organizing (Chapter 6)
Time and Territory Management (Chapter 7)
Sales Force Recruitment and Selection (Chapter 8)
Sales Force Training (Chapter 9)
Sales Force Leadership (Chapter 10)
Sales Force Motivation (Chapter 11)
Sales Force Compensation (Chapter 12)
Sales Organization Audit and Sales Analytics (Chapter 13)
Sales Force Performance Evaluation (Chapter 14)
Part III Managing and Directing Sales Force Efforts
Part IV Controlling and Evaluating Sales Force Performance
Part II Organizing and Developing the Sales Force
Sales managers
organize, manage, and
control the selling
activities of their firm.
In making decisions,
sales managers also
consider the interests of
the firm’s stakeholders,
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Manage Customer Relationships
Sales Managers Must:
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What Qualities Are Needed To Be A Sales Manager?
• Successful sales managers today need to have some important qualities, such as:
Improving sales force productivity and profitability
Creative problem solvers
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Megatrends Affecting Sales Force Management
Sales-related megatrends fall into
three major categories These
Trang 1414 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Behavioral Megatrends Affecting Sales Force Management
Some behavioral forces that impact sales force
management are:
service and quality of products and services.
to multicultural and multilingual buyers.
dictate terms including lower prices from their
suppliers in the value chain.
intensification of competition, so new ways to
attaining a competitive advantage needed.
Trang 1515 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Mobile Virtual Sales Offices
• Portable
Computers (notebook, handheld, and pocket PCs)
Sales Force Automation
• Internet
Blogs Podcasting Screen Sharing WebEx Zoom
• Extranets
• Intranets
Electronic Commerce
Technological Megatrends Affecting Sales Management
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Managerial Megatrends Affecting Sales Force Management
Developments in Information Management
Selling Cost Reduction Efforts
Few B2B Salespeople
Professional Certification
of Salespeople
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Information Management Tools
Database marketing warehousing Data
Data mining
Push technology
Information Management Trends
The four key trends in the management of information are:
Trang 18Int er
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De ve lop ing
Le ad
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ip Ab ilit y
Sales Supervisor
District Sales Manager
Regional Sales Manager
National Sales Manager
Vice President
of Sales
Sales Management Hierarchy:
Skill and Ability Requirements
Skill-set required of a
sales manager is quite
different than that of a
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Developing Sales Managers For The New
Sales managers will need to focus on:
1 Developing closer relationships with
2 Treating salespeople as newly empowered
3 Learning marketing and financial skills in
order to recommend competitive strategies
Trang 2020 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
This Electronic Presentation To Be Used With:
Hair, Joe, Rolph Anderson, Rajiv Mehta, & Barry Babin (2020), “Sales
Force Management,” 2nd Ed Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons
(ISBN-13: 9781119702832)
Text/images may not be modified or reproduced in any way without
prior written permission of the publisher
Trang 2121 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Copyright © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
All rights reserved Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted in Section 117 of the 1976 United States Act without the
express written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful Request for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc The purchaser may make back-up copies for
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