Compare the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of sales force compensation.. Be aware of developing trends in sales force compensation.. What are the advantages and disadv
Trang 1Joe F Hair
Rolph E Anderson
Rajiv Mehta
Barry J Babin
Trang 2Digital Multimedia PowerPoint Lectures for
Sales Force Management
Prepared by:
Dr Rajiv Mehta Professor of Marketing New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, N.J.
Trang 3Chapter 12:
Sales Force Compensation
Trang 44 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Learning Objectives
When you finish this chapter, you should be
able to:
1 Explain the reasons for regularly reviewing
sales force compensation plans
2 Describe the basic steps in developing
compensation plans
3 Compare the advantages and disadvantages
of different methods of sales force
4 Be aware of developing trends in sales force
5 Understand the efficient and effective use of
expense accounts and fringe benefits in
compensation planning
Trang 5What are sales force compensation plans?
How should sales force compensation plans be developed?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of different
compensation methods?
What are the trends in sales compensation?
What are expense accounts and fringe benefits?
Trang 66 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Sales Force Compensation Plans
Compensation is defined as “all monetary payments and benefits used to
remunerate employees for their performance.”
As extrinsic rewards, compensation plans and financial packages are
recognized as the greatest motivator of salespeople
Trang 7Types of Sales Compensation Plans
Nature of Reward
Non-Incentive Based
Incentive Based Benefits
Hourly wage Straight
Health insurance Straight salary Performance
Dental insurance Merit Pay Pension
plans Profit sharing Social
security Pay-for-
knowledge Stock options Flexible pay compensation Combination
Sales Force Compensation Plans
Another way of looking at
compensation plans is based on
the nature of the reward
Along with examples of each
that are shown in the table,
compensation plans are:
1 Incentive based
2 Non-incentive based, and
3 Benefit based
Trang 88 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Variable Pay Compensation Systems
The importance employees assign to
rewards and reward preferences are
known to differ due to:
1 Changing needs
2 Career stage, and
3 Organizational level
Trang 9Developing The Compensation Plan
The seven distinct stages in the process of developing a compensation plan include:
1 Prepare job descriptions
2 Establish specific objectives
3 Determine general levels of compensation
4 Develop the compensation mix
5 Pretest the plan
6 Administer the plan, and
7 Evaluate the plan
Determine General Levels of
Develop the Compensation
Evaluate the Plan
Administer the Plan
Pretest the Plan
Trang 1010 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Developing The Compensation Plan
1 Preparing Job Descriptions
Develop meaningful job descriptions before
they can develop a compensation plan
Systematically compare job descriptions—
including responsibilities and performance
criteria—to other sales positions in terms of their
importance to the organization
Determine General Levels of Compensation
Develop the Compensation Mix
Evaluate the Plan
Administer the Plan
Pretest the Plan
Trang 11Developing The Compensation Plan
2 Establish specific objectives
Compensation plans are designed to
achieve organizational objectives, such as:
a Larger market share
b Higher profit margins
c Introducing new products or services
Determine General Levels of
Develop the Compensation
Evaluate the Plan
Administer the Plan
Pretest the Plan
Trang 12Features of Good Compensation
Developing The Compensation Plan
To administer, explain, and flexible to adjust
For salespeople to increase effort
Balancing sales costs and sales results
Income Regularity
Standpoint of the Firm
Standpoint of Sales Representatives
Features of Good Compensation Plans
Trang 13Developing The Compensation Plan
3 Determining General Levels of Compensation
Compensation should be competitive to attract and retain competent salespeople
Basic pay level should be based on:
a Skills, experience, and education required for the job
b Income for comparable jobs in the company
c Income for comparable jobs in industry
Determine General Levels of
Develop the Compensation
Evaluate the Plan
Administer the Plan
Pretest the Plan
Trang 1414 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Developing The Compensation Plan
4 Developing the Compensation Mix
Six factors for developing the compensation mix:
a Costs for alternative compensation mixes
b Proportion for salary
c Proportion for incentives
d Fixed, progressive, or regressive incentives
e Splitting commissions, and
Determine General Levels of Compensation
Develop the Compensation Mix
Evaluate the Plan
Administer the Plan
Pretest the Plan
Trang 15Developing The Compensation Plan
a Costs for Alternative Compensation Mixes
§ Straight-commission plans are most efficient at
lower sales volume levels
§ Shift from commissions to salary at higher volumes
b Proportion for salary
§ Salaries should enable salespeople to meet living
c Proportion for Incentives
§ Commission and bonus are based on achieving a
Determine General Levels of
Develop the Compensation
Evaluate the Plan
Administer the Plan
Pretest the Plan
Trang 1616 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Developing the Compensation Mix
d Fixed, Progressive, or Regressive Incentives
§ Fixed commissions do not offer incentives for
higher sales
§ Progressive incentive rates step up the
percentage of commission or bonus awarded as
sales volume grows past designated levels
§ Regressive incentives decline as sales increase
(used if there are windfall sales and a propensity
to overload customer inventories)
Determine General Levels of Compensation
Develop the Compensation Mix
Evaluate the Plan
Administer the Plan
Pretest the Plan
Trang 17Developing the Compensation Mix
e Splitting Commissions
§ If two or more salespeople worked on closing
a sale, the commissions should be split
f Types of Incentives
§ Different incentives offered to salespeople
1 Supplemental life insurance
2 Supplemental medical insurance
3 Low- or no-interest loans
4 Business-class air travel
Determine General Levels of
Develop the Compensation
Evaluate the Plan
Administer the Plan
Pretest the Plan
Trang 1818 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Developing the Compensation Mix
5 Pretest the Plan
Managers must pretest and evaluate any
compensation plan before adopting it in one or
more sales divisions.
A committee of key employees should help
develop, approve, and implement any proposed
Determine General Levels of Compensation
Develop the Compensation Mix
Evaluate the Plan
Administer the Plan
Pretest the Plan
Trang 19Developing the Compensation Mix
6 Administer the Plan
A compensation plan should be fair, easy
to understand, simple to calculate, and
As market conditions and organizational
objectives change, the plan may need to
Determine General Levels of
Develop the Compensation
Evaluate the Plan
Administer the Plan
Pretest the Plan
Trang 2020 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Developing the Compensation Mix
7 Evaluating the Plan
Sales managers should continually evaluate the
plan’s potential for:
a Attracting desirable people
Determine General Levels of Compensation
Develop the Compensation Mix
Evaluate the Plan
Administer the Plan
Pretest the Plan
Trang 21When is Straight Salary Best?
Straight salary is best suited for:
1 Team selling
2 If there are long negotiating
3 During periods where a salesperson
is learning the job
4 For missionary selling
Trang 2222 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
When is Straight Commission Best?
Straight commission is best suited when:
1 Strong incentives are needed to increase
2 Selling costs need close control
3 Service is less important
Trang 23When Combination Compensation Plans Should Be
Salary plus commissions is best suited when:
§ New salespeople are hired since it provides more
security than straight commission
Salary plus bonus is best suited for:
§ Achieving long-run objectives, such as selling large
Commission plus bonus is best suited for:
§ Team based efforts, in which some salespeople call
on buying committees
Salary plus commission plus bonus is best when:
§ There are seasonal sales and frequent inventory
Trang 2424 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Straight Salary Advantages and Disadvantages
Straight salary has the advantages of:
1 Providing security
2 Developing a sense of loyalty
3 Providing more control over
salespeople, and
4 Being simple to administer
The disadvantages straight salary are:
1 It may cause a lack of incentive
2 Increase selling costs, and
3 Lead to adequate but not superior
Trang 25Straight Commission Advantages and
Straight commission has the advantages of:
1 Relating income directly to sales
2 Basing income strictly on accomplishments
with no ceiling, and
3 Ensuring that costs are proportional to sales
The disadvantages of straight
commission include:
1 An overemphasis on sales
2 Neglect of non-selling activities
3 Erratic earnings, and
4 Loss of control by sales managers
Trang 2626 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Combination Plan Advantages and Disadvantages
Combination plans advantages of are
that they offer:
1 Greatest flexibility and control
2 Provide security plus incentive, and
3 Frequent, immediate reinforcement of
desired behaviors
Combination plans disadvantages are:
1 Be complex and difficult to understand
2 Be expensive to administer, and
3 Fail if not carefully developed
Trang 27Expense Accounts and Fringe Benefits
Expense accounts enable sales
representatives to carry out necessary
selling activities,
Fringe benefits help provide them with
personal security and job satisfaction
The costs associated with supporting
salespeople in the field include:
1 Meals
2 Travel (air, train, auto)
3 Auto Rental, and
4 Lodging
Trang 28A well-designed expense plan requires the following building blocks:
Trang 29Controlling Expenses Through Reimbursement
For controlling expenses through reimbursement, sales managers can use three basic reimbursement plans that include:
Trang 3030 Copyright ©2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
This Electronic Presentation To Be Used With:
Hair, Joe, Rolph Anderson, Rajiv Mehta, & Barry Babin (2020), “Sales
Force Management,” 2nd Ed Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons
(ISBN-13: 9781119702832)
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prior written permission of the publisher
Trang 31Copyright © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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