Ý tưởng chính là con để của bộ não Ý tưởng sáng tạo không có gì hơn là sự sắp xếp những cái đã biết theo một cách thức mới... Đặc thù của ý tưởng sáng tạo trong quảng cáo... © Gevelop
Trang 2We are not selling
We are buying
people’ s time
Trang 4
Quy trinh sang tao trong cty quang cao
Agency Brief Idea Brief
Trang 5ldea Brief
Brainstorming Concepts / Ideas
CD ———» Creative Dept ————® CD
Trang 6Sang tao la gi?
Trang 7
Đại Tự Điển Tiếng Việt
Nguyễn Như Ý chủ biên
NXB Van Hoa - Thông Tin 1998
Sáng: Bắt đầu làm, làm lần đầu tiên
Sáng tạo: 1 Làm ra cái mới chưa ai làm
2 Tìm tòi làm cho tốt hơn mà không bị gò bó
Trang 8Ý tưởng chính là con để của bộ não
Ý tưởng sáng tạo không có gì hơn
là sự sắp xếp những cái đã biết
theo một cách thức mới
Trang 9
“Creativity is the ability to see
relationships where none exist."
Thomas Disch - American science fiction author
Trang 10
“Discovery consists of looking
at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different."
Albert Szent Gyorgi - Hungarian physiologist
Trang 11
Đặc thù của ý tưởng sáng tạo trong quảng cáo
Trang 12
Ý tưởng này
Trang 13Một mục cuối cùng: Bán Được Hàng|
Trang 14
Trang 21
ee Bee SR Ber
Trang 22Chu dé 4:Creative Advertising
Trang 24nom1SI
Trang 29Chu dé 4:Creative Advertising
Trang 30
Chu dé 4:Creative Advertising
Trang 31
Chu dé 4:Creative Advertising
Trang 33
Noi dung cua Brief
San pham/ Dich vu
Muc tiéu chién dich quang cao
Khách hàng mục tiêu
Thông điệp cô đọng
Giá trị cốt lõi của thương hiệu
Các định hướng sáng tạo
Các điều bắt buột
Trang 34
Chu dé 4:Creative Advertising
ius the cameras that are about more than just picture taking
© Gevelop a new Campaign featuring products from Kodak's one-time-use Camera line that establishes Kodak one-time-use Cameras
© distinguish Kodak one-time-use cameras as the cameras that can capture the reality of a teen's life
een gris aged 12-17, whh a creative bullseye of Influencers aged 14/15 Their ives are characterized by “first’s” and constant
attempts at figuring out who they are Their world is all about
Icommecting to themseives and others
These girts are “navigating” thelr way through 2 life journey in a
time that revolves heavily around the friends (best friends,
‘een girs, and particularly Influencers, are very active and lewolved and are best reached through a variety of communications vehicles, which “surround” them and infitrate their “multi-tasking” world
With teens, the medium is the message They use media as a wesource to help them on their journey through Me By
Seetth Kiem & Amoctyte (ba?)
Creative Brief
det: ore 107 Bean (CH/2A/%A
Home [Write : “om meecete” Deochere Pap: 1
Cheet: Beaton Che mrcnhy lược Bm=karec
Propect Paacnptiee (Wkat tr i)
Á i‡-mợc €colo comorste brochure for Bextos Clesicsz, 1sc, 4k goc key) to hold collateral from extting DEN projects ocd 3%; ews (laakel, Celekryte @meztv, 332 Ôolor vớ
Prwary The preveg etusty: pre pres: pofesnonak: wdepesdest grepiics conmuRaets: power wer whim comonte gmpbxs departments: indurtry mode [pewspapers Vode wagatiee jou’)
#@onđafy Ceviluwm been partners fractal aealew: Iediidiel Memon
gre mart the ahverticieg accom pick?)
boyfriends) Identifying themselves within the context of their group of friends plays an important role in ther search for sel, Pictures are very important to these girts - photos connect them to /Within the teen environment, it is also important to reach them display their most important pictures the one of the cute boy s L they met at camp or the one of their pet as badges for all to see TY: highly targeted - primarty WB, ¢.9., Dawson's Creek, (who they are)
‘The act of picture taking is also important for girts They feel a Radio: strategk use of summer radio permission with a camera, which acts as a tool and puts Qon:-
at case in social situations Having a camera can also make =| In-School: book covers, day planners, Channel One, mouse
the center of attention in group situations, letting them be pads
the “fun” one for a while Movies SreenVison While the one-time-use Camera category is highty commoditized, :
ithe inherent features of an OTUC (& a teen's Ife - they are | | i
honesty, “real"ness and connection with teens can bring a new relevance to the Kodak tine of OTUCS
¢ Nothing 6s ever posed with a Kodak one-time-use camera
° Kodak one-tine-use Cameras capture the real spontaneity of your lếc
Brand Equities for Youth:
Trusted « Honest, Quality « Authentic, Emotiona/ « Connection Ootimien = Positive Outlook &
¢ Kodak doesnt want to be the most popular, but rather the outgoing friend thet others are drawn to and wert to hang-out with
To make Kodak the photography brand of choice for Generation Y
© Increase brand preference among teen girts from 64% to 71%
L® Increase annual OTUC burn rate among teen girts from 4.4 to 5.1
re biochum & © provide information shout Renton Chemiceli, In sed, more mportantl, commusicate the
— 9 %s©Wior, fiswescial ý*Sab(E%, xe 2c mớứ3šty lược lJ® should communicate — 1o 30707106 3ƯýP9CS, 1n 3CO/OFIe 105% — ty ®estee Cho %XXG TC Y:
+ The market tender ® the pre pres and compomte grpiics + A @ading cource of inenvation for the edsuy + Hài 2 3033! track second of finaectal + Retr 2 broad meg of expected 63620 set + hovide superioe Cuttomer 4â fvÁce@ from eed-aeri, Grvelopes, comultaat:, aed the tade
Sk & Tome (het dhe we weet thee w thiek?) They should look Beatos Chewica at & capable, innovative ae Ít this printing Chemical peed The brochure choull srie
& be leece betevreen bip aed corporete mm that itcan apps! te oll target wadieeces Copy Poiets (What ae we trưng © avy?)
The <bent will provide copy, photogrephr aed oraphice thet Ducts:
* MT: *t%ory 1à the che wx3(1nsosSoos
* DTS warketing and sole œertxe (pvvvle M23 tre trugk U6 aed Canada) + Bpereeced management (teclute 3 group phot cute sew butktieg) + Miron Stytement | expect the bert’)
+ Peanct(sueegth [10 your of consitest growth’) + Mogrestie, cas-do corpomte cultem (xe cur ow Umer)
* TO 2000 certified Beectrts (Whet beactrs docs the prodect/compony offer? Whet makes a enrqec”)
* Chemitel insovetios (cite industry avard, pawot)
* Cxpericeced management (over s dares iedatry vete rear is leery moesage reset porition:)
* Subeteotial Rao
* Song corporete culture with inteapest committed rtatt
* GO M0 certtied Gall te Actios (het de we wort the wewer/frander @ 407) Pobat ewer to hen Wteecthe web ite wow bevtos<bewice_ com Legelflechascel Seoqrremcet: (Wheat 1nformetos w masdeatery to reclede’) Clear 24 Neaect| ietoemation with Lege tnt ~ wowed toward Oolgng statements
Trang 35Các phương pháp sáng tạo trong quảng cáo
Trang 36
“None of us are aS smart as all of us."
Japanese proverb
Trang 42The official sponsor of the Egyptian team in “eying 2008 cose
Trang 44The official sponsor of the Egyptian team in BSS ea ose
Trang 45
Phoeton Handmade perfection (4)
Trang 46
Phaeton Handmade perfection @®
Trang 47
Phaeton Handmade perfection (4)
Trang 48Y tuéng gay phan cam hay kho hiéu
Trang 49
Nguyén tac 1:
GAY CHU Y-be noticed
Vì người tiêu dùng có rất ít thdi gian !
Trang 50Nguyén tac 2:
Người tiêu dùng hiểu
Tất cả những gì bạn nói không chắc hiệu
quả, quan trọng người tiêu dùng “hiéu
bạn nói”
Trang 51Nguyén tac 3:
Quang cao la dau tu |
Tất cả những gì bạn nói không chắc hiệu
quả, quan trọng người tiêu dùng “hiéu
bạn nói”
Sáng tạo cần lòng dũng cảm cho cái mới
và CÓ rủi ro
Trang 53Nguyén tac 5:
ideas ideas ideas!
Sức mạnh của ý tưởng
Trang 54Nguyén tac 6:
Chia sẻ với người đam mẽ!
Sức mạnh của ý tưởng
Trang 55Nguyén tac 7: