From the above reasons, it is affirmed that the research problem "Scientific critical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle of social science and humanities lecturers at m
Trang 11 Reason for choosing thesis topic
Social sciences and humanities lecturers at military officerschools play a very important role, directly teaching, propagating,researching, developing scientific theories and fighting to protect thefoundation the Party's ideology, refuting wrong and hostile views Tosuccessfully fulfill assigned responsibilities and tasks, lecturers musthave comprehensive capacity, especially scientific critical capacity in thestruggle of ideas and theories Scientific critical capacity helps lecturersdistinguish between truth and falsehood; science - anti-science; right -wrong; enemy - us; etc, thereby developing scientific and logical thinking,enhancing party spirit, fighting spirit, and creativity in effectivelycarrying out responsibilities and tasks
In recent times, the capacity of social sciences and humanitieslecturers has had many advantages in terms of knowledge, attitudes,skills, and methods of scientific criticism Therefore, lecturersconstantly accumulate knowledge, improve scientific criticismcapacity in teaching and scientific research, contributing to protectingMarxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology, and the views ofCommunist Party of Vietnam However, the scientific criticalcapacity of lecturers still has limitations that need to be overcome.Among them, some intellectual lecturers criticize science inideological and theoretical struggles that are not profound andcomprehensive; Scientific criticism attitude is not correct andpositive; Applying critical scientific knowledge to practice in thefight against ideas and theories that are not yet mature and fluent;The process of selecting and using scientific criticism methods is notappropriate and effective; The results of scientific criticism in thestruggle of ideas and theories are not high The General Department
of Politics said, "The skills of some comrades in writing news,articles, and comments are limited, they fall into theory, lackpersuasiveness, and use inappropriate language, so few people readand approach them." share” [132, p.7] The above situation originatesfrom objective conditions and subjective factors Currently, the need
to build a "lean, compact, and strong" Army, in which building a
Trang 2politically strong military is a cross-cutting issue, is the basic premise
to advance straight to modernity
Hostile forces are trying to "depoliticize" the army, seeing this
as a "breakthrough" The task of ideological and theoretical struggle
in the army is increasingly set Request to improve the quality ofteaching in general, and social sciences and humanities subjects inparticular The new situation requires lecturers of social sciences andhumanities to "firmly protect the Party's ideological foundation, fightand effectively refute wrong and hostile views" [6, p.2] To successfullyfulfill assigned responsibilities and tasks, lecturers are required tohave comprehensive qualities and abilities, especially scientificcritical ability in the struggle of ideas and theories
From the above reasons, it is affirmed that the research problem
"Scientific critical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle of social science and humanities lecturers at military officer schools today"
is urgent necessary both theoretically and practically
2 Research purposes and tasks
Research purpose
Clarifying some theoretical issues and the current state ofscientific critical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle
of social science and humanities lecturers at military officer schools;
On that basis, propose basic solutions to improve the scientificcritical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle of socialscience and humanities lecturers at military officer schools today
Research mission
Overview of the research situation related to the thesis topic.Analyze and clarify the basic concepts and factors thatdetermine the capacity for scientific criticism in the ideological andtheoretical struggle of social science and humanities lecturers atmilitary officer schools
Survey, evaluate the current situation and identify problemsarising from the current state of scientific critical capacity in theideological and theoretical struggle of social science and humanitieslecturers at military officer schools today
Proposing basic solutions to improve scientific critical capacity
in the ideological and theoretical struggle of social science andhumanities lecturers at military officer schools today
Trang 33 Subject and scope of research
Research object
Scientific critical capacity in ideological and theoretical struggles
of social science and humanities lecturers at military officer schools
Research scope
Regarding content: Research theoretical and practical issues related
to scientific critical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle ofsocial science and humanities lecturers at military officer schools today
About space: Survey and evaluate the current state of scientific
critical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle oflecturers directly participating in teaching in the social sciences andhumanities departments at the Political Officer School , Army OfficerSchool 1, Army Officer School 2, Information Officer School,Engineer Officer School, Armored Officer School, Artillery OfficerSchool, Air Force Officer School
Regarding time: Using documents and data for research mainly
from 2018 (The time of promulgation of Resolution No 35 of thePolitburo, "On strengthening the protection of the Party's ideologicalfoundation, fighting refute wrong and hostile views in the newsituation") up to now
4 Theoretical, political, legal and practical basis
Theoretical basis
Marxist-Leninist viewpoints, Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on people,consciousness, awareness, thinking, abilities, class struggle; theCommunist Party of Vietnam's views on ideological and theoreticalstruggles; Build a team of officers and lecturers in general, and socialscience and humanities lecturers in the army in particular
Political establishment
Documents, resolutions, and directives of the Communist Party
of Vietnam, the Central Military Commission, and the PartyCommittees of military officer schools related to scientific criticismcapacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle of facultylecturers studying social sciences and humanities at military officerschools Typical examples include:
Resolution No 37-NQ/TW, dated December 9, 2014 of thePolitburo on theoretical work and research orientation to 2030;
Trang 4Resolution No 35-NQ/TW, dated October 22, 2018 of the Politburo
on strengthening the protection of the Party's ideological foundation,fighting against wrong and hostile views in the new situation;Documents of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party ofVietnam, volumes I, II; Documents for researching, studying, andthoroughly grasping the Resolution of the 11th Military PartyCongress, term 2020 - 2025, of the General Department of Politics;Resolution No 1657 - NQ/QUTW, dated December 20, 2022 of theCentral Military Commission on innovating education and training tomeet the requirements of Army building tasks in the new situation
in the Army; Decision No 1651/QD-CT dated September 25, 2018
of the General Department of Politics promulgating the SocialSciences and Humanities program to train political officers atdetachment level and university level in the Vietnam People's Army;Education Law dated June 14, 2019; Law on Higher Education(amended and supplemented) dated November 19, 2018; Project onthe Army's participation in combating "Peaceful Evolution" in thefields of ideology and culture in the new situation in 2019 of theGeneral Department of Politics; Circular 08/2021/TT/BGDDT, datedMarch 18, 2021 promulgating Regulations on university leveltraining of the Minister of Education and Training; Circular No.07/2021/TT-BQP, dated January 14, 2021 of the Ministry of NationalDefense on Regulations on Standards for professional - technical -professional officer positions in the Vietnam People's Army; Circular
No 54/2022/TT-BQP, dated July 29, 2022 of the Ministry ofNational Defense on Regulations on the organization of teachingsocial sciences and humanities subjects in Military schools;
Trang 5Regulation No 1397/QD-CT, dated June 22, 2023 of the GeneralDepartment of Politics on Regulations on social sciences andhumanities education in Vietnam People's Army schools; Decision
No 3061/QD-BQP, dated July 11, 2023 of the Ministry of NationalDefense approving the Project "Innovating the process and trainingprogram for officers at all levels in the Army to meet therequirements and tasks in the current situation." new image”;Decision No 3525/QD-BQP, dated August 3, 2023 of the Ministry ofNational Defense on Approving the Project "Building teachers andeducational managers in the Army for the period 2023 - 2030 and thefollowing years" ; Decision No 3064/QD-BQP, dated July 16, 2024
on Approving the Project for Innovating Social Sciences andHumanities Education in Vietnam People's Army Schools
Practical basis
The thesis is based on the practical basis of scientific criticalcapacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle of social scienceand humanities lecturers at military officer schools today (from 2018
to present), through through documents, data, summary reports ofmilitary officer schools, functional agencies of the Party, State,Ministry of National Defense and results of direct field investigationsand surveys of graduate students
5 Research methods
The thesis uses the methodology of dialectical materialism andhistorical materialism In particular, focus on using a number ofspecialized and interdisciplinary research methods such as: Analysis andsynthesis, generalization and abstraction, history and logic, system andstructure, comparison, statistics, sociological investigation
6 New contributions of the thesis
The thesis analyzes and clarifies the basic concepts and factorsthat determine the capacity for scientific criticism in the ideologicaland theoretical struggle of social science and humanities lecturers atmilitary officer schools
Survey, evaluate the current situation and identify problemsarising from the current state of scientific critical capacity in theideological and theoretical struggle of social science and humanitieslecturers at military officer schools today
Trang 6Proposing basic solutions to improve the scientific criticalcapacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle of social scienceand humanities lecturers at military officer schools today.
7 Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis
Theoretical meaning
The research results of the thesis contribute to clarifyingtheoretical issues about scientific critical capacity in the ideologicaland theoretical struggle of social science and humanities lecturers atmilitary officer schools
Practical significance
The thesis contributes to providing scientific arguments to helpthe Party Committee and Board of Directors of military officer schoolsidentify basic solutions to improve scientific critical capacity in theideological and theoretical struggle of science lecturers social andhumanistic The research results of the thesis can be used as a reference
in teaching, scientific research, ideological and theoretical struggles andthe work of building a team of teachers in military schools today
8 Structure of the thesis
The thesis includes: Introduction, 04 chapters (09 sections),conclusion, list of scientific works published by the author related tothe thesis topic, list of references and appendices
RELATED TO THESIS TOPIC 1.1 Typical scientific works related to the thesis topic
1.1.1 Typical scientific works related to the theory of scientific critical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle of social science and humanities lecturers at military officer schools
Phan Trong Hao (Editor, 2014) Improving the quality andeffectiveness of theoretical struggles in our country today; Vu VanBan (2015), Improving theoretical thinking capacity of younglecturers in academies and officer schools of the Vietnam People'sArmy; Vu Tra Giang (2018), Developing scientific critical thinking
of current political theory lecturers; Nguyen Thanh Hai (2018),
Trang 7"Scientific critical capacity of lecturers in military schools"; PhamThanh Giang (2019), Developing high-quality humanities and socialsciences lecturer resources in current military academies; Luu DinhTrang (2019), Political bravery in the ideological and theoreticalstruggle of social science and humanities lecturers at the VietnamPeople's Army school today; Bui Xuan Quynh (2020), "The role ofpolitical theory lecturers in the fight against false and hostile rhetoric incyberspace in our country today"; Dinh Xuan Hanh (2021), Developingthe teaching staff of military academies according to the competencyapproach; Bui Ngoc Quan (2022), Critical thinking of young socialsciences and humanities lecturers in the Army today; Nguyen VanCuong, Doan Duc Khanh (Co-Editor, 2022), Fostering ideological andtheoretical fighting capacity for social science and humanities lecturers
at military schools today; Pham Cong Thuong (2022), "Principles ofideological and theoretical struggle in Vietnam today"; Nguyen VanGau (2024), "Promoting the fight against wrong, hostile views, against
"peaceful evolution" in the field of ideology and culture in theVietnamese people's army through the work "One Some theoretical andpractical issues about socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam" byGeneral Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong"
1.1.2 Typical scientific works related to the current state of scientific critical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle
of social science and humanities lecturers at military officer schools today
Duong Quoc Dung (Editor, 2015), The army struggles on thecurrent ideological and theoretical front; Le Anh Tho, Nguyen SiHoa (Co-Editor, 2016), Promoting the role of social science andhumanities lecturers of military schools in the current ideological andtheoretical struggle; Nguyen Van Bao (2016), Promoting the role ofsocial science and humanities lecturers at the Academy of Politics inthe fight against "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" in themilitary; Nguyen Dinh Bac (Editor, 2017), Promoting the role ofpolitical theory lecturers at military schools in the current ideologicaland theoretical struggle; Cao Van Trong (2017), Improving theideological struggle capacity of political theory lecturers in militaryschools today; Nguyen Ba Duong (Editor, 2018), Research and
Trang 8develop the theory of fighting against "peaceful evolution" in thefield of ideology and culture of the Vietnam People's Army; Phan SyThanh (Editor, 2018), Improving the ability to fight on the ideologicaland theoretical front of lecturers at current military academies andschools; Nguyen Van Truong (Editor, 2020), Improving the quality ofcombat activities in cyberspace of force 47 in academies and militaryofficer schools today; Trinh Xuan Ngoc (2021), Promoting the role ofsocial science and humanities lecturers at academies and military officerschools in protecting the Party's ideological foundation today; NguyenThe Tien (2023), "Promoting the role of military social sciences andhumanities lecturers in the fight against "peaceful evolution" in the field
of current theoretical ideology"
1.1.3 Typical scientific works related to solutions to improve scientific critical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle of social science and humanities lecturers at military officer schools today
Tran Van Phong (2015), "Promoting the role of research andteaching staff in social sciences and humanities in the current theoreticalstruggle"; Nguyen Vinh Thang (Editor, 2016), Q&A on preventing andcombating "depoliticization" of the military; Dang Sy Loc (2017),Building a team of young lecturers in social sciences and humanities intoday's military schools; Bui Van Huan (2018), Criticizing wrong viewsthrough teaching political economy at universities in Hanoi today; NguyenVan Thuy (2018), “Improving the scientific critical capacity of socialscience and humanities lecturers at the Academy of Politics; Le Thi Hanh(2020), "Applying the objective principles of Marxist-Leninist philosophy
to fight against wrong and hostile views"; Nguyen Van The (2022),
"Building sharp theories to effectively fight and refute wrong and hostileviews"; Pham Thanh Trung (2023), "Improving the ability to fightideology and theory for lecturers through teaching social sciences andhumanities at current military officer schools"; Tran Hau Tan (2023),
"Improving combativeness in teaching Marxist - Leninist theoreticalsubjects and Ho Chi Minh's ideology in military schools today"
1.2 The value of the scientific works reviewed and the issues the thesis focuses on
Trang 91.2.1 The value of scientific works has been summarized for the thesis topic
Firstly, the scientific works have overviewed a number of
contents related to the theory of scientific critical capacity in theideological and theoretical struggle of social science and humanitieslecturers in different countries military officer school
Through many different approaches, the works haveresearched, analyzed and deepened general theoretical issues aboutthe concept: Criticism; scientific criticism; capacity; scientific criticalcapacity; ability to fight ideas and theories; scientific criticalthinking, etc The research results of the projects help graduatestudents become more fully aware of scientific critical capacity.Through the research results of the works, it affirms the objectivity,comprehensiveness, and dialectical unity between theory andpractice From the content and research methods of the works, itserves as a basis for graduate students to build a worldview andcorrect scientific thinking method in researching the thesis topic Atthe same time, the research results of the projects are a valuablesource of documents to help graduate students inherit, select, suggestand pose many theoretical issues that need to continue to beresearched and answered, especially about scientific critical capacity
in the struggle of ideas and theories
Second, the scientific works have overviewed a number of
contents related to the current state of scientific critical capacity inthe ideological and theoretical struggle of social science andhumanities lecturers at schools current military officer
The works have clearly shown the influencing and influencingfactors, serving as a basis for in-depth interpretation of the causes leading
to the current state of scientific critical capacity in the ideological andtheoretical struggle of social science and science lecturers humanities Atthe same time, through research projects, many practical issues have beensuggested that need to continue to be researched and resolved to improvethe scientific critical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle ofsocial science lecturers and humanities are enhanced
The research results of the projects provide a number ofdocuments and suggest many practical issues to deepen the data and
Trang 10evidence for the interpretation and evaluation of the thesis topic Atthe same time, through studying and absorbing research results ofscientific works, it helps graduate students have an approach andmethod to comprehensively review and evaluate the current situation,analyze causes, and identify problems the problem, the influencingfactors On that basis, propose basic solutions to improve the scientificcritical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle of socialscience and humanities lecturers at military officer schools today.
Third, the scientific works have overviewed a number of
contents related to solutions to improve scientific critical capacity inthe ideological and theoretical struggle of social science andhumanities lecturers in Vietnam current military officer schools.The research results of the projects are important suggestionsfor graduate students to build a synchronous, comprehensive solutionsystem, suitable to the research direction of the thesis topic At thesame time, it suggests many new problems arising in awareness andpractical solution Continue to research practical and specificsolutions suitable for social science and humanities lecturers atmilitary officer schools today, especially ideological and theoreticalstruggles This is a rich source of documents for graduate students toinherit and identify scientifically valuable solutions in their thesis Inparticular, we focus on proposing solutions to improve the scientificcritical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle of socialscience and humanities lecturers at military officer schools today.Especially focusing on three basic solutions: improving the quality oftraining, fostering and training lecturers; build an environment ofideological and theoretical struggle favorable for improvement;promote the political qualities of lecturers in self-improvement
In summary, with many different research approaches,
scientific works have overviewed a number of issues on "Scientific critical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle of social science lecturers" and humanities in today's military officer schools" This is a very important source of documents for graduate
students to refer to and inherit during the process of implementingtheir thesis topic However, up to now there has not been anyscientific work that has conducted direct, basic, systematic, and in-
Trang 11depth research on the capacity for scientific criticism in theideological and theoretical struggle of social science and humanitieslecturers Literature in military officer schools today is from aphilosophical perspective Overview of the relevant research situationconfirms that the thesis topic is an independent research direction,not overlapping with any published scientific works.
1.2.2 Thesis research issues focus on
Firstly, the thesis focuses on analyzing and explaining the
basic concepts and factors that determine the capacity for scientificcriticism in the ideological and theoretical struggle of social scienceand humanities lecturers at officer schools military from aphilosophical perspective
Second, the thesis focuses on surveying and evaluating the
current state of scientific critical capacity in the ideological andtheoretical struggle of social science and humanities lecturers atmilitary officer schools today and determining The problem arisesfrom the current situation
Third, the thesis focuses on proposing a system of basic
solutions to improve scientific critical capacity in the ideological andtheoretical struggle of social science and humanities lecturers atmilitary officer schools today
Conclusion of chapter 1
The thesis has reviewed scientific works related to the thesistopic in three groups of works related to theory, current situation, andbasic solutions to improve scientific critical capacity in ideologicalstruggle theories of social sciences and humanities lecturers atmilitary officer schools today The overview of the thesis topicensures full exploitation of all aspects of the approach according tothe thesis framework implemented
The results of the overview of typical scientific works related
to the thesis topic are a profound theoretical and practical basis,helping graduate students supplement, inherit and perfect their thesistopic Based on the general value of the reviewed scientific works,
the thesis identifies issues to focus on research Firstly, from the
philosophical approach perspective, the thesis focuses on analyzing,explaining, and clarifying the concepts and basic factors that regulate
Trang 12scientific critical capacity in the ideological and theoretical struggle
of faculty members studying social sciences and humanities at
military officer schools Second, the thesis focuses on surveying and
evaluating the current state of scientific critical capacity in theideological and theoretical struggle of social science and humanitieslecturers at military officer schools today and the issue of comes
from this capacity situation Third, the thesis focuses on proposing a
system of basic solutions to improve scientific critical capacity in theideological and theoretical struggle of social science and humanitieslecturers at military officer schools today
Overview of the research situation related to the thesis topicaffirms, the thesis topic "Scientific critical capacity in the ideologicaland theoretical struggle of social science and humanities lecturers atofficer schools Army today" is an independent scientific researchwork, not overlapping with published scientific works
SCHOOLS 2.1 The concept of scientific critical capacity in the struggle of ideas and theory and the capacity of scientific criticism in the struggle
of ideology and theory of social science and humanities lecturers at military officer schools
2.1.1 The concept of scientific critical capacity in the struggle
of ideas and theories
On the basis of analyzing and clarifying the tool concepts ofcriticism, science, scientific criticism, capacity, scientific criticism capacity;the essence of ideological and theoretical struggle in Vietnam The thesisproposes the concept of scientific critical capacity in the struggle of ideasand theories as the ability and capacity to mobilize the knowledge system,attitudes, skills, and methods of scientific criticism of organizations, forces
to analyze, compare, and evaluate in order to refute wrong and hostileideologies and theories, and at the same time protect and develop Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology, platform, and viewpoints, the policy ofthe Communist Party of Vietnam