In their positions,responsibilities, and tasks, they are a shock force in the tasks ofteaching, scientific research, and participating in ideological andtheoretical struggles in cyberspa
Trang 11 Reason for choosing thesis topic
Political activism is a component of political quality, playing a veryimportant role, helping political subjects overcome inertia, passivity,indifference, and ineffectiveness in order to move towards reality.successfully implement the set political tasks and goals Therefore, anyparty or organization is interested in this issue In Vietnam, in carrying outtasks in general and in the ideological and theoretical struggle incyberspace in particular, political activism motivates the subjectsparticipating in the struggle to achieve high quality and efficiency This isalso the key point to create success in each political subject, contributing
to improving political qualities, moral qualities, and limitless loyalty tothe Party, the Fatherland and the people
In the current period, science and technology are developingstrongly, cyberspace is considered a favorable environment forhostile forces to take advantage of and carry out "peaceful evolution"plots against the Vietnamese revolution In fact, they used more than
"63 radio stations with Vietnamese programs, over 400 newspapersand magazines, 88 Vietnamese publishers, thousands of websites andblogs On those media, they posted thousands, even tens of thousands
of news and articles that distorted the Party's guidelines and policies,and the State's laws." That evidence shows that they attach greatimportance to the ideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace,
so this struggle is still long, difficult, complicated, and fierce Tosuccessfully carry out this task in the coming time, it is necessary toincrease the political activism of all subjects, in which the youngteaching staff of military schools is an important force
A large number of young military school instructors areofficers, professional soldiers, and defense officials with basic anddiverse training in academies and universities inside and outside themilitary team They are carefully selected for their political qualitiesand pedagogical abilities They are young party members, thegeneration born during the country's reform period, associated withthe trend of international integration and the scientific andtechnological revolution Modern They have sharp thinking,
Trang 2curiosity, the ability to access and master modern science andtechnology, fast information technology, along with the creativepotential and enthusiastic spirit of youth In their positions,responsibilities, and tasks, they are a shock force in the tasks ofteaching, scientific research, and participating in ideological andtheoretical struggles in cyberspace.
Clearly aware of the role of young lecturers and their politicalactivism in ideological and theoretical struggles in cyberspace, inrecent years, military schools have often paid attention to enhancingpolitical activism their role in carrying out this task
Therefore, basically, young lecturers were self-aware,proactive, and creative when participating in the struggle andachieved many important achievements that directly contributed tothe failure of the "peaceful evolution" plot of the enemy forces.enemy, protecting the Party's ideological foundation However, thereare still some young lecturers whose awareness and responsibility arenot high, lacking self-awareness, initiative, and creativity in fightingideas and theories in cyberspace That is shown through the content
of the young lecturers' struggle, which is not convincing, the formsand methods of struggle are not diverse, and the quality andeffectiveness of the struggle are not commensurate with theirpotential Those limitations directly affect the results of completingthe tasks of young instructors and military schools
Currently, in the context of hostile forces trying to takeadvantage of cyberspace to promote sabotage of the Vietnameserevolution, the Party's thinking on the task of protecting theFatherland has also had a new development, promoting the protection
of Vietnam Fatherland early, from afar Identifying the protection ofcyberspace sovereignty as a new form of warfare, in which theideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace is an importantcontent and continues to pose increasingly high requirements Tomeet the requirements of this task, young military school instructorsmust constantly improve their political activism Therefore, the study
of "Political activism of young military school lecturers in the current ideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace" is an
issue of urgent theoretical and practical significance
Trang 32 Aims and objectives of the study
The commentary clarifies basic theoretical issues about thepolitical activism of young military school lecturers in ideologicaland theoretical struggles in cyberspace; Assess the current situation,propose some basic requirements and key solutions to improve thepolitical activism of young military school lecturers in the currentideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace
Overview of the research situation related to the thesis topic.Explain and clarify basic theoretical issues about the politicalactivism of young military school lecturers in ideological andtheoretical struggles in cyberspace
Assess the current situation, specify the causes and some issuesraised about the political activism of young military school lecturers
in the current ideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace.Proposing basic requirements and key solutions to improve thepolitical activism of young military school lecturers in the currentideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace
3 Objects and scope of the study
Political activism of young military school lecturers inideological and theoretical struggles in cyberspace
Regarding content: Research on the political activism of young
lecturers (focusing on research and surveying young lecturers insocial sciences and humanities) at military schools in the ideologicaland theoretical struggle in space network (the thesis only researchesonline services in cyberspace)
About space: Actual survey of political activism of young
military school lecturers in ideological and theoretical struggles incyberspace at some academies and officer schools in the Northern region:Government Academy Administration Academy, Logistics Academy,Border Guard Academy, Military Technical Academy, Army OfficerSchool 1, Political Officer School, Artillery Officer School
Trang 4Regarding time: Materials and data used for thesis research are
mainly from 2018 to present (2018 is the year of promulgation ofResolution No 29-NQ/TW on "Strategy to protect the Fatherland incyberspace" and Resolution No 35-NQ/TW of the Politburo, on
"Strengthening the protection of the Party's ideological foundation,fighting against wrong and hostile views in the new situation")
4 Theoretical, practical basis and research methods
Theoretical basis
The thesis is based on the theoretical basis of Marxism-Leninism,
Ho Chi Minh's ideology, the views and guidelines of the CommunistParty of Vietnam on class and national struggles, ideological andtheoretical struggles in space network; about human resources,promoting human resources; about culture and socialist lifestyle
Practical basis
The thesis is based on the practical basis of political activism
of young military school lecturers in ideological and theoreticalstruggles in cyberspace over the past years (from 2018 to present)through documents and data , summary reports of a number ofacademies, officer schools, functional agencies of the Party, State,Ministry of Defense and results of direct investigations and surveys
in practice by the thesis author
Research Methods
The thesis applies the methodology of dialectical materialism, historical materialism and interdisciplinary scientific methods such as: analysis and synthesis, structural system, history and logic,
statistics, comparison and sociological investigation to carry outresearch goals and tasks The specific methods used are as follows:Methods of analysis, synthesis, structural system: usedthroughout the thesis research process
Historical and logical methods: used in researching many
contents, but mainly focusing on explaining the concepts, content ofexpression and factors determining the political activism of youngmilitary school lecturers in Fighting ideas and theories in cyberspace
Statistical, comparative, and sociological investigation methods: used to research and evaluate the current state of political
Trang 5activism of young military school lecturers in the current ideologicaland theoretical struggle in cyberspace now.
5 New contributions of the study
Building concepts and content expressing political activism ofyoung military school lecturers in ideological and theoreticalstruggles in cyberspace
Overview and explanation of some issues raised by the currentsituation of political activism of young military school lecturers inthe current ideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace
Proposing basic requirements and key solutions to improve thepolitical activism of young military school lecturers in the currentideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace
6 Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis
Theoretical meaning
The thesis contributes to clarifying theoretical issues about thepolitical activism of young military school lecturers in ideologicaland theoretical struggles in cyberspace
Practical significance
The thesis contributes to providing scientific arguments forparty committees, boards of directors, and school administrators;Leading and commanding military school teacher departments toenhance the political activism of young lecturers in the currentideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace
The research results of the thesis can be used as a reference inresearch, teaching and other practical activities related to the politicalactivism of young military school lecturers in the ideological andideological struggle discussion in cyberspace
7 Structure of the thesis
The thesis includes: Introduction, 4 chapters (9 sections);Conclude; List of scientific works published by the author related tothe thesis topic; List of references and Appendices
RELATED TO THESIS TOPIC 1.1 Typical scientific works abroad related to the thesis topic
1.1.1 Research works on ideological and theoretical struggles and ideological and theoretical struggles in cyberspace
Ideological and theoretical struggles and ideological andtheoretical struggles in cyberspace are important contents of the classstruggle that many scholars are interested in researching with differentapproaches, including: Some notable works include: Chu Dong Lai(2015), "Analyzing the characteristics of ideological struggle incyberspace"; Jens David OhlinKevin Govern Claire Finkelstein (2015),Cyber War: Law and Ethics for Virtual Conflicts; Ly Than Minh (2017),Anticipating the risk - reflection after 20 years of the Soviet CommunistParty losing the Party; Ly Binh (2018), "Characteristics and measures ofideological struggle in cyberspace"; Sisomxay Keobounphanh (2019),
“Protecting the foreign policy of the Lao People's Revolutionary Partyand preventing false and hostile views on social networks during theperiod of international integration”; Luu Bang, Vuong Khon (2021),
"Actively promoting the construction and innovation of mainstreamideological discourse in cyberspace"
1.1.2 Research works on political activism and political activism in ideological and theoretical struggles
In recent years abroad, there have been no specialized worksresearching political activism in ideological and theoretical struggles
in cyberspace However, in a number of research works related topolitical activism and political activism in ideological and theoreticalstruggles, this issue has been mentioned, notably the followingworks: Inter - Parliamentary Union - Geneva (1999), Participation ofWomen in Political Life (Women's participation in political life); SaMan Vi Nha Ket (2009), "Increasing political activism in ideologicaland political work and education in a profound and comprehensiveway"; World Bank (2015), Overview report Vietnam 2035 - Towardsprosperity, creativity, fairness and democracy; Jonas Paul Schöne,Brian Parkinson & Amit Goldenberg (2021), “Negativity Spreads Morethan Positivity on Twitter After Both Positive and Negative Political
Trang 7Situations” negative); Somphanh Sivongxay (2022), Political activism inthe ideological and theoretical struggle of lecturers in police schools inthe Lao People's Democratic Republic today.
1.2 Typical scientific works in the country related to the thesis topic
1.2.1 Research works on ideological and theoretical struggles and ideological and theoretical struggles in cyberspace
In recent years in Vietnam, there have been many researchprojects on ideological and theoretical struggles and ideological andtheoretical struggles in cyberspace, typically: Tran Doan Tien (2010);Criticizing wrong views about political ideology on the Internetcontributes to protecting the socialist regime in our country today;Phan Trong Hao (2014), Improving the quality and effectiveness oftheoretical struggles in our country today; Nguyen Xuan Phuong(2016), "Ideological struggle in the current period"; Nguyen DinhTrang (2017), Political courage in the ideological and theoreticalstruggle of social science and humanities lecturers at the VietnamPeople's Army school today; Tran Thi Anh Dao, Nguyen Mau Hanh(2020), "Some solutions to protect the Party's ideological foundation,fight to prevent wrong and hostile views on social networks";Nguyen Minh Hoan - Nguyen Thi Thu Huong (2020), "China'sexperience in protecting the Party's ideological foundation, fighting
to prevent wrong views on the internet in general and social networks
in particular ”; Nguyen Thi Que (2020), "Awareness of the struggle
to protect the Party's ideological foundation in the current theoreticalfield"; Dinh Quoc Trieu (2020), Building awareness of protecting theFatherland in cyberspace for students of Vietnam People's Armyofficer schools; Bui Dinh Bon (2022), "Fighting to refute wrong andhostile views on social networks today"; Do Khac Can, NguyenKiem Vien (2022), Raising awareness of protecting the Fatherland incyberspace in the Vietnam People's Army
1.2.2 Research works on political activism and political activism in ideological and theoretical struggles
Nguyen Nhu Hoa (2007), Promoting social positivity oflecturers in current Vietnam People's Army officer schools; NguyenThi Kim Hoa (2009), Political activism of Vietnamese citizens in the
Trang 8current trend of international integration; Nguyen Van Tai (2010),Promoting the social positivity of our country's current cadres; DaoHuy Toan (2013), "Promoting political positivity of cadres and partymembers implementing Central Resolution 4 (term XI)"; Dao Huy Toan(2017), Political activism of farmers in the Northern coastal region ofVietnam today; Tran Be Ba, Nguyen Viet Trung (2022), “Somesolutions to improve political activism in the ideological and theoreticalstruggle of young lecturers at Ca Mau Provincial School of Politics tocontribute to protecting the foundation Party's ideology".
1.2.3 Research projects on young lecturers and lecturers at military schools in the ideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace
Le Van Dung (2015), "Fostering ideological and theoreticalstruggle capacity for young lecturers in military universities today"; CaoVan Trong (2016), Improving the ideological struggle capacity ofpolitical theory lecturers in military schools today; Nguyen Van Bao(2016), Promoting the role of social science and humanities lecturers atthe Academy of Politics in the fight against "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" in the military today; Le Anh Tho and Nguyen Sy Hoa(2016), Promoting the role of social science and humanities lecturers ofmilitary schools in the current ideological and theoretical struggle; BuiNgoc Quan (2017), "Improving critical thinking skills in the fight toprevent and combat "peaceful evolution" on social networks of younglecturers at military schools"; Le Van Phuc (2020), "Promoting the role
of political theory lecturers in the fight against false and hostile rhetoric
in today's cyberspace"; Pham Thanh Giang (2022), Promoting themotivation of young lecturers in military schools today
1.3 The value of the scientific works reviewed and the issues the thesis focuses on
1.3.1 The value of scientific works has been summarized for the thesis topic
Through research, it is possible to generalize the value ofpublished scientific works on the following contents:
Theoretical value
Scientific works have deeply analyzed, interpreted, andclarified basic issues of ideological and theoretical struggles in
Trang 9cyberspace A number of works have proposed concepts and clearlyindicated the content and nature of the ideological and theoreticalstruggle in cyberspace in our country today Many scientific workshave researched young military school instructors, giving conceptsand analyzing the quantity, quality, structure, and characteristics ofthis team A number of structural conceptual research projects havepointed out the connotation of political activism, the expression ofpolitical activism in ideological and theoretical struggles.
Practical value
Domestic and foreign scientific works from certain angles haveanalyzed and evaluated the current situation and causes in carrying outthe task of ideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace At thesame time, scientific works have proposed many requirements andsynchronous solutions to improve the effectiveness of this struggle Inparticular, a number of research projects on political activism andpolitical activism in ideological and theoretical struggles have beenbased on the manifestations of political activism to evaluate the currentsituation and causes of each situation different research objects
On that basis, propose requirements and solutions to promote orenhance political activism for the subjects researched by the author.Thus, there have been many scientific works related to the thesistopic Through the overview, the overall picture of the research problemhas been clarified, helping the author find unique colors for his thesistopic It can be seen that up to now there has been no work that directlyand systematically addresses the political activism of young militaryschool lecturers in the ideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspacewith their personalities is an independent scientific work Therefore, thethesis topic that the author chose to research is a direction, a slice thatdoes not overlap with published research works
1.3.2 Thesis research issues focus on
Firstly, research the characteristics of ideological and
theoretical struggles in cyberspace in Vietnam
Second, research, propose concepts, and clearly analyze the
content of manifestations and factors determining the politicalactivism of young military school lecturers in ideological andtheoretical struggles in cyberspace
Trang 10Third, evaluate the current situation and clearly point out the
reasons for the political activism of young military school lecturers inthe current ideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace
Fourth, explain and clearly point out the issues raised by the
political activism of young military school lecturers in the currentideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace
Fifth, research and propose a number of basic requirements and key
solutions to improve the political activism of young military schoollecturers in the current ideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace
Conclusion of chapter 1
Ideological and theoretical struggles in cyberspace are veryimportant issues, directly related to protecting ideological foundations,class, national, and ethnic interests, taking place in all areas of life.society, especially in a society where class antagonism is even hotter,fiercer and uncompromising This issue has a wide and very importantresearch scope, so many scientists at home and abroad are interested inresearching from many different scientific angles The research results ofthose typical scientific works have contributed scientific values in theoryand practice, providing many important and necessary documents anddirectly orienting the author on how to proceed Approach andimplementation of the research tasks of the thesis topic
The overview shows a multi-faceted perspective on the overallpicture of the issue that the thesis researches Through an overview,the author finds that the political activism of young lecturers atmilitary schools in ideological and theoretical struggles in cyberspace
is an issue that no scientific work has yet approached to researchthoroughly systematic, comprehensive and in-depth manner This is
a gap, one of the factors motivating the author to conduct research onthe thesis topic On that basis, the author identifies a number of issues
that need to be researched: Firstly, research the characteristics of
ideological and theoretical struggles in cyberspace in Vietnam
Second, present the concept and clearly analyze the content of
expression and the rules that form the political activism of youngmilitary school lecturers in the ideological and theoretical struggle in
cyberspace Third, evaluate the current situation, clearly point out the
Trang 11causes and some issues raised by the political activism of youngmilitary school lecturers in the current ideological and theoretical
struggle in cyberspace Fourth, research and propose a number of
basic requirements and key solutions to improve the politicalactivism of young military school lecturers in the current ideologicaland theoretical struggle in cyberspace
STRUGGLE IN CYBERSPACE 2.1 Ideological and theoretical struggles and ideological and theoretical struggles of young military school lecturers in cyberspace
2.1.1 Ideological and theoretical struggles and ideological and theoretical struggles in Vietnam
From a socio-political perspective, it can be understood:Ideological and theoretical struggle is a form of class struggle andnational struggle that takes place in the field of social consciousness,including all activities There is a purpose and organization betweensubjects with opposing views and positions to criticize and refuteopposing ideas, views, and wrong perceptions; protect, consolidate,spread and develop the views, ideas and interests of their class insociety
From the above analysis, it can be conceived that: Ideological andtheoretical struggle in Vietnam is the totality of purposeful and organizedactivities of the entire Party, the entire army and the entire people under theleadership of the Communist Party Vietnam aims to criticize and refutebourgeois ideas, viewpoints and wrong and misleading perceptions, protectand develop the Party's ideological foundation
2.1.2 Ideological and theoretical struggles of young military school lecturers in cyberspace
* Fighting ideas and theories in cyberspace in Vietnam
Ideological and theoretical struggle in cyberspace in Vietnam is anew form of class struggle in the field of social consciousness, includingthe overall purposeful and organized activities of the entire Party and theentire community The army, the entire population, and the entire political
Trang 12system under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam throughthe use of information technology equipment and the internet, to detect,criticize, and refute ideas and opinions Opposing points, wrongperceptions in cyberspace, protecting the Party's ideological foundation
* Young lecturers at military schools, characteristics of ideological and theoretical struggles of young lecturers at military schools in cyberspace
Young lecturers of the Vietnam People's Army are officers,professional soldiers, and defense officials with basic training atacademies and universities inside and outside the military (a few trained inforeign countries) outside), recruited, staffed, and performing duties inteaching faculties with no more than 10 years of professional experience,military rank from second lieutenant to major; age not more than 35
2.2 Concepts, content, and factors determining the political activism of young military school lecturers in ideological and theoretical struggles in cyberspace
2.2.1 The concept of political activism and political activism of young military school lecturers in ideological and theoretical struggles in cyberspace
* Positivity
Positivity is an inherent human quality expressed in awareness, initiative, and creativity in awareness and action to createchange towards development
self-* Political activism
Political activism is a constitutive part of the political qualities
of each political subject, expressed in self-awareness, initiative, andcreativity in perception and action when participating in the politicalprocess each specific historical period, in order to successfullyrealize the set political goals
* Political activism of young military school lecturers in ideological and theoretical struggles in cyberspace
From the above analysis, according to the author: The politicalactivism of young military school lecturers in ideological and theoreticalstruggles in cyberspace is a component of the political qualities of younglecturers expressed by self-awareness, initiative, and creativity inawareness and action of discovering, criticizing, and refuting opposing