Recognizing the position and role of capital for road traffic infrastructure development, in recent years,Vientiane province, Lao People''''s Democratic Republic has had manysolutions to mo
Trang 11 Reason for choosing thesis topic
Capital is one of the input factors that plays a particularly importantrole for investment, production and business activities in general, and forthe development of road traffic infrastructure in the Lao People'sDemocratic Republic in general private Recognizing the position and role
of capital for road traffic infrastructure development, in recent years,Vientiane province, Lao People's Democratic Republic has had manysolutions to mobilize capital for road infrastructure development Roadtraffic infrastructure Therefore, a large amount of domestic and foreigncapital is mobilized every year, initially partially meeting the capitalneeds for developing the province's road traffic infrastructure However, the process of mobilizing capital for road trafficinfrastructure development in Vientiane Province still has many limitationsand shortcomings that need to be overcome, especially; The amount ofcapital mobilized has not met the required objectives, leading to manyweaknesses in the province's road traffic infrastructure, hindering theprovince's socio-economic development; The structure of mobilized capital
is still unbalanced; Capital mobilization mechanisms and policies are notcomplete and synchronous; Some types of mobilized capital have not metthe planned targets; Sometimes, sometimes capital is used ineffectively,there is loss and waste How to mobilize and effectively use capital forroad traffic infrastructure development in Vieng province Blanket is a bigquestion that needs a satisfactory answer Meanwhile, currently, there aremany different opinions on the issue of capital mobilization for road trafficinfrastructure development, with no consensus From the perspective ofpolitical economic science, although there have been a number of researchprojects on capital mobilization in general and capital mobilization for roadtraffic infrastructure development in particular, there have not been anyresearch projects fully and systematically mention capital mobilization forroad traffic infrastructure development in Vientiane province, Lao People'sDemocratic Republic
The above situation raises the issue of studying to clarifytheory and practice, thereby proposing perspectives and solutions tomobilize capital for road traffic infrastructure development inVientiane province, Democratic Republic of Lao People With that
meaning, the author chose the topic: "Mobilizing capital for the development of road traffic infrastructure in Vientiane province, Lao People's Democratic Republic" as a doctoral thesis in
economics, specialized political economy
Trang 22 Research purposes and tasks
Research purpose
Analyze and clarify theory and practice, propose perspectivesand solutions to mobilize capital for road traffic infrastructuredevelopment in Vientiane province, Lao People's DemocraticRepublic until 2035
Research mission
- Overview of research works related to the thesis topic,overview of the value of the reviewed and pointed out works andissues the thesis continues to research
- Analyze and clarify tool concepts: road traffic infrastructure,capital for road traffic infrastructure development; building a centralconcept of mobilizing capital for road traffic infrastructure development inVientiane province, Lao People's Democratic Republic; Identify forms ofmobilization, evaluation criteria, and factors affecting capital mobilizationfor road traffic infrastructure development in Vientiane province, LaoPeople's Democratic Republic; Survey practical experiences in a number
of foreign and domestic localities and draw lessons that Vientianeprovince, Lao People's Democratic Republic can refer to
- Correctly assess the current situation; Analyze the causes ofadvantages and limitations; Point out conflicts that need to beresolved from the current situation of capital mobilization for roadtraffic infrastructure development in Vientiane province, LaoPeople's Democratic Republic
- Proposing perspectives and solutions to mobilize capital forroad traffic infrastructure development in Vientiane province, LaoPeople's Democratic Republic until 2035
3 Subject and scope of research
Research object
Mobilizing capital for road traffic infrastructure development
at the provincial level
Regarding content
The thesis researches capital mobilization for road trafficinfrastructure development through the following forms: Mobilizingcapital from the state budget
Mobilizing credit capital for state investment and development;Mobilize capital from businesses, through public-private partnership(PPP); Mobilizing capital from issuing government bonds and local
Trang 3bonds; Mobilizing capital from official development assistanceODA; Mobilizing capital from people's voluntary contributions andMobilizing capital from other forms (exchanging land forinfrastructure and contributions from overseas Vietnamese).
About space: Research in Vientiane province, Lao People's
Democratic Republic
Regarding time: Survey data evaluates the current situation
from 2019 to 2023; Propose perspectives and solutions until 2035
4 Theoretical basis, practice and research methods
Theoretical basis
The thesis is researched based on the basic viewpoints andprinciples of Marxism-Leninism, Kay Xon Phom Vi Han's ideology;The views and guidelines of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party arerelated to capital and capital mobilization for road trafficinfrastructure development
Practical basis
The thesis uses secondary data sources from summary andstatistical reports of Vientiane province, Lao People's DemocraticRepublic; At the same time, the author referred to documents ofrelevant published scientific works
Scientific abstraction method: This method is used mainly in
chapter 2 to analyze and clarify the concept of capital and capitalmobilization for road traffic infrastructure development in thePeople's Democratic Republic Laos Identify factors affecting types
of capital for road traffic infrastructure development; At the sametime, it is also used in surveying the process of capital mobilizationfor road traffic development in a number of localities at home andabroad to find experiences that Vientiane province can learn to
Trang 4mobilize capital effectively effective way to develop road trafficinfrastructure.
Statistical and comparative methods: Mainly used in chapter 3
of the thesis On the basis of collected data, the author analyzes thequantity, quality, and structure of capital types for road trafficinfrastructure development, on that basis to make correct assessments ofthe effectiveness of road traffic infrastructure performance of each type ofcapital for road traffic infrastructure development in Vientiane province
Analysis and synthesis method: This is the method used in all 4
chapters of the thesis For chapter 1, the thesis analyzes the researchworks of related authors to find the concepts of different schools ofresearch on capital and capital mobilization for transport infrastructuredevelopment road On that basis, the author synthesizes to buildconcepts and form the theoretical framework of chapter 2 For chapter 3,the author analyzes and synthesizes the collected data to makecomments, Closely evaluate the types of capital mobilized for roadtraffic infrastructure development in recent times, clearly pointing outthe advantages and limitations of each type of capital
For chapter 4, use analysis and synthesis methods to clarify thecontent of opinions and explain solutions to mobilize capital for roadtraffic infrastructure development in Vientiane province, DemocraticRepublic of Lao People
Method of combining logic with history: Used in chapter 1,
chapter 2 and chapter 3 of the thesis to understand the process offorming awareness about capital and mobilizing capital for roadtraffic infrastructure development; as well as the current status oftypes of capital for road traffic infrastructure development in eachspecific historical period This method is also used when analyzingthe characteristics and role of capital and the capital mobilizationexperience of some localities at home and abroad
5 New contributions of the thesis
Presenting concepts and pointing out forms of capitalmobilization for road traffic infrastructure development in Vientianeprovince, Lao People's Democratic Republic from the perspective ofMarxist-Leninist political economy approach
Clearly point out the conflicts that need to be resolved from thecurrent situation of capital mobilization for road traffic infrastructuredevelopment in Vientiane province, Lao People's DemocraticRepublic
Trang 5Proposing viewpoints and solutions to mobilize capital for roadtraffic infrastructure development in Vientiane province, LaoPeople's Democratic Republic until 2035
6 Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis
Regarding theory
The thesis contributes to clarifying the theory of capital andcapital mobilization for road traffic infrastructure development inVientiane province, Lao People's Democratic Republic
In practice: The thesis can be used as a reference for researchand teaching of Marxist-Leninist political economy at universitiesand colleges inside and outside the military in the DemocraticRepublic of the People's Republic of China Lao people; as areference for researchers and policy makers to mobilize capital forroad traffic infrastructure development in Vientiane province, LaoPeople's Democratic Republic in the near future
7 Structure of the thesis
The thesis includes: Introduction; 4 chapters (10 lessons); list
of author's published works; list of references and appendices
TO THE TOPIC 1.1 Foreign and domestic research projects related to the thesis topic
1.1.1 Foreign research projects related to the thesis topic projects on road traffic infrastructure
Tran Van Hung (2007), Improving the quality of bidding forconstruction of transportation projects in Vietnam, Doctoral thesis ineconomics Hanoi National Economics University, 2007; Tran MinhPhuong (2012), Developing transport infrastructure to meet therequirements of industrialization and modernization in Vietnam; DoDuc Tu (2012), Developing traffic infrastructure in the Red RiverDelta until 2030 in a modern direction; César Calderón and LuisServén (2018), The Effects of Infrastructure Development on Growthand Income Distribution, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,Singapore (Effect of infrastructure development on growth andincome distribution); Nguyen Van The (2019), "Create a mechanismfor rapid development of road traffic infrastructure, contributing tothe implementation of three strategic breakthroughs"; Nguyen Van
Trang 6The (2020), "Developing transportation infrastructure "one stepahead" in a synchronous and modern direction"; Nguyen Khac Huy(2024), "Current status of development of logistics transportinfrastructure system in Vietnam". Research projects on capital and capital mobilization
Dinh Van Phuong (2000), "Attracting and using investmentcapital to develop the economy in the northern mountainous regions
of our country today"; Nguyen Van Hien (2003), "Effective exploitationand use of ODA capital in the process of industrialization andmodernization of the economy in our country"; Nguyen Tuan Thanh(2006), Vietnam's capital market in the process of industrialization andmodernization; Asian Development Bank (2008), Public - Private -Partnership Hand book (Public-private partnership handbook); AsianDevelopment Bank (2012), Assessment of Public-Private Partnerships inVietnam Constraints and Opportunities (Assessment of public-privatepartnerships in Vietnam, limitations and opportunities); Thanh Tung(2021), "Hanoi prioritizes attracting foreign investment in hightechnology applications" Research projects on capital mobilization for road traffic infrastructure development
Pham Van Lien (2005), Solutions for mobilizing and usinginvestment capital to develop road traffic infrastructure in Vietnam;Pham Thi Tuy (2006), Attracting and using ODA capital ininfrastructure development in Vietnam; Jon Valentine, Intern (2008),Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure: Best-Practices from theInternational Experience and Applications for Thailand, NationalEconomic and Social Development Board (NESDB), Thailand,August 2008 (Public-private partnerships in infrastructure: Bestpractices from international experience and applications forThailand); ADBI Working Paper Series (2010), “Financing Asia’sInfrastructure: Modes of DevelopmentandIntegration of AsianFinancial Markets” (Finance of infrastructure in Asia: Modes ofdevelopment and integration of Asian financial markets); Tran ThanhCuong (2010), Experience in mobilizing investment capital to buildurban infrastructure of some Northeast Asian and ASEAN countries;Bui Van Khanh (2010), Mobilizing financial resources to build roadtraffic infrastructure in Hoa Binh province; Bui Hoang Lan (2010),Applying the public-private partnership (PPP) model in developingroad traffic infrastructure in Vietnam; Huynh Thi Thuy Giang (2012),
Trang 7"PPP (public Private Partnership) form to develop Vietnam'sroad traffic infrastructure"; Vu Duc Bao (2013), "Hanoi attractsinvestment capital in infrastructure: Breakthrough from public-private partnership"; Phan Thi Bich Nguyet (2013), “PPP - Solution
to the capital problem to develop urban transport infrastructure in HoChi Minh City”; Ngo Anh Tin (2013), "Municipal bonds, amobilization channel to invest in infrastructure development indifficult times of investment capital from the Can Tho City budget";Nguyen Luong Thanh (2013), Enhancing the mobilization ofinvestment capital to build socio-economic infrastructure projects inBac Ninh province during the innovation period - Current status,experience and solutions; Trinh Manh Linh (2013), "Finding capitalfor infrastructure development"; Pham Quoc Truong (2014), “PPP inbuilding road traffic infrastructure in Vietnam”; Duong Van Thai(2015), Mobilize investment capital to develop road trafficinfrastructure in Bac Giang province; Than Thanh Son (2015),Research on risk allocation in the form of public-private partnership
to develop Vietnam's road traffic infrastructure; Vu Duc Bao, DaoPhuong Lien (2020), "Mechanisms and policies on diversifyingfinancial resources for transport infrastructure development in HanoiCity"; Nguyen Tuan Thanh (2023), "Mobilizing capital forinvestment in developing road traffic infrastructure"
1.1.2 Domestic research projects related to the thesis topic Research projects on road traffic infrastructure
Spicy Phom Vi Han (1988), Policy on economic infrastructure ininnovation"; Bun Nuong Khu Kham (1991), Transportation in the cause
of socio-economic development of the Lao People's DemocraticRepublic"; Kong Keo Xay Song Kham (2001 “Provincial management
of road traffic in the market mechanism in the Lao People's DemocraticRepublic”; Kong Keo Xay Song Kham (2002), “Management policymechanism for development Current road traffic in the Lao People'sDemocratic Republic"; Suc Ni Lan Kham Phi La Vong (2012),
"Strategy for economic infrastructure development in Laos"),
“Development of economic infrastructure in Vientiane province” Research projects related to capital and capital mobilization
Xom Xa At Un Sida (2005) "Completing financial solutions
in attracting foreign direct investment in the Lao People's Democratic
Trang 8Republic until 2010"; Kham Rang Nan Tha Vong (2008), “Attractingforeign direct investment in economic development in Laos”; SouliyaPouangpadith (2008), “Measures to encourage and protect foreigndirect investment in Lao PDR”; In Thi Lat (2009), “Encouragingprivate investment in national development”; Phon Xay Vi Lay Suc(2009), “Attracting foreign direct investment into the Lao People'sDemocratic Republic”; Xay Nan Tha Vong (2009), “Attracting foreigndirect investment in economic development in the Lao People'sDemocratic Republic”; Phonesay Vilaysach (2010), “Attracting foreigndirect investment into the Lao People's Democratic Republic”; SomSeng Seng Sac Da (2010), “Foreign direct investment in Champa Sacprovince, Lao People's Democratic Republic”; Alounny Manipakone(2011), “Measures to attract foreign direct investment into the capitalVieng and Lao PDR”; Bun Song VaSayGì (2011), “Managing domesticand foreign direct investment in the agricultural sector in Luong NamTha province”; Vi La Vong But Da Kham (2011), “Attracting foreigndirect investment for socio-economic development of the Lao People'sDemocratic Republic”; Van Xay Sen Nhot (2013), “To attract more FDI
in the northern mountainous provinces of Laos”; Van Xay Sen Nhot(2015), “Attracting foreign direct investment into the northernmountainous provinces in the Lao People's Democratic Republic”; Si SaVat King Da La (2017), "Policy for mobilizing foreign capital sourcesfor socio-economic development" Research projects on capital mobilization for road traffic infrastructure development
Kong Keo Xay Song Kham (2000), Mobilizing capital for roadtraffic development in the Lao People's Democratic Republic"; BunThom Phom Ma Vong Si (2008), "Province's investment capital in thedevelopment of economic infrastructure in Sa La Van province"; BunThom Phom Ma Vong Si (2011), Provincial investment capital in thedevelopment of economic infrastructure in the Lao People's DemocraticRepublic; Bun Thom Phom Ma Vong Sy (2012), “Provincial investment
in the development of architectural infrastructure in Sa La Vanprovince”; Chom Ma Ly Lit Da Thong (2015), “Mobilizing capital foreconomic infrastructure development in the Lao People's DemocraticRepublic”; Chom Ma Ly Lit Da Thong (2016), “Mobilizing capital foreconomic infrastructure development in Hua Phan province, LaoPeople's Democratic Republic”
Trang 91.2 The value of the course work has been overviewed and the thesis issues continue to be researched
1.2.1 The value of scientific works has been summarized for the thesis topic
Through an overview of scientific works related to the topic, itshows that the value of the above research works for the thesis can begeneralized into the following basic issues:
Firstly, a number of general scientific works have studied the
theory of capital, the role of capital in socio-economic development
in general, and traffic development in particular
Second, a number of works have researched the current
situation of capital mobilization for road traffic infrastructuredevelopment, with rich and diverse data providing graduate studentswith an overview of capital mobilization Mobilizing capital for thedevelopment of road traffic infrastructure in some countries andlocalities in the country, analyzing the causes of advantages andlimitations This is a valuable source of documents for graduatestudents to distill and inherit in the process of researching capitalmobilization for road traffic infrastructure development in Vientianeprovince, Lao People's Democratic Republic
Third, a number of scientific works have proposed perspectives
and solutions to mobilize capital for road traffic infrastructuredevelopment However, there have been no studies to proposeperspectives and solutions to mobilize capital for road trafficinfrastructure development in Vientiane province, Lao People'sDemocratic Republic Therefore, the research results of PhD students
on perspectives and solutions to mobilize capital for road trafficinfrastructure development in Vientiane province, Lao People'sDemocratic Republic will be a new point of the project
Through an overview of published scientific works, the authorfinds that the above works only mention basic aspects of capitalmobilization, but have not been studied systematically andcomprehensively present, to raise theoretical and practical issues andpropose solutions to mobilize capital for road traffic infrastructuredevelopment in Vientiane Province, Lao People's DemocraticRepublic Therefore, the thesis topic "Mobilizing capital for roadtraffic infrastructure development in Vientiane province, LaoPeople's Democratic Republic" chosen by the PhD student is anurgent and meaningful issue both theoretical and practical, and at thesame time not duplicated by any published scientific work
Trang 101.2.2 Thesis issues continue to be researched
From summarizing the value of the scientific works reviewed,the graduate student identifies the issues that the thesis raises forfurther research:
Firstly, what is the concept of road traffic infrastructure, itscharacteristics and role? From a political economic perspective, how
is capital for the development of road traffic infrastructure inVientiane province, Lao People's Democratic Republic conceived?What is capital mobilization for road transport infrastructuredevelopment in the Lao People's Democratic Republic? What are theforms of mobilization, and what are the criteria for evaluating types
of mobilized capital? What factors affect capital mobilization forroad traffic infrastructure development in Vientiane province, LaoPeople's Democratic Republic? Vientiane Province, Which localitiesdoes the Lao People's Democratic Republic need to refer to theexperiences of? To answer the above questions, the thesis must:Building a concept of road traffic infrastructure; capital andcapital for road transport infrastructure development; present theconcept and analyze the connotation of the concept of capitalmobilization for road traffic infrastructure development in Vientianeprovince, Lao People's Democratic Republic; Determine forms ofcapital mobilization and criteria for evaluating types of capitalmobilized for road traffic infrastructure development in Vientianeprovince, Lao People's Democratic Republic; Analyze factorsaffecting capital mobilization for road traffic infrastructuredevelopment in Vientiane province, Lao People's DemocraticRepublic; Research experiences in mobilizing capital for road trafficinfrastructure development in a number of localities at home andabroad, thereby drawing lessons for Vientiane province, Lao People'sDemocratic Republic
Second, what is the current situation of mobilizing capital
sources for the development of road traffic infrastructure in Vientianeprovince, Lao People's Democratic Republic recently, what are theadvantages and limitations; What are the reasons for the advantagesand limitations? What causes the advantages and limitations? Whatare the conflicts that need to be resolved to mobilize capital for roadtraffic infrastructure development in Vientiane province, LaoPeople's Democratic Republic until 2035?
Trang 11To answer the above questions, the thesis must be based onforms of capital mobilization and criteria for evaluating types ofcapital mobilized for road traffic infrastructure development inVientiane province, Democratic Republic of The Lao people havebeen identified in the theoretical part to conduct a survey andproperly evaluate the current situation of mobilizing various types ofcapital for road traffic infrastructure development in Vientianeprovince, Lao People's Democratic Republic period 2019-2023;Analyze the causes of advantages and limitations; At the same time,points out the conflicts that need to be resolved to continuemobilizing capital for road traffic infrastructure development inVientiane province, Lao People's Democratic Republic until 2035.
To answer the above questions, the thesis must be based onforms of capital mobilization and criteria for evaluating types ofcapital mobilized for road traffic infrastructure development inVientiane province, Democratic Republic of The Lao people havebeen identified in the theoretical part to conduct a survey andproperly evaluate the current situation of mobilizing various types ofcapital for road traffic infrastructure development in Vientianeprovince, Lao People's Democratic Republic period 2019-2023;Analyze the causes of advantages and limitations; At the same time,points out the conflicts that need to be resolved to continuemobilizing capital for road traffic infrastructure development inVientiane province, Lao People's Democratic Republic until 2035
Conclusion of chapter 1
Capital plays a particularly important role in the development
of road traffic infrastructure in general, in Vientiane province, Lao
People's Democratic Republic in particular Therefore, there have
been many scientific works at different levels by domestic andforeign authors referring to capital for road traffic infrastructuredevelopment The thesis has reviewed foreign and domestic projectsrelated to the thesis topic on the following contents: road trafficinfrastructure; capital and its role; Mobilize capital for road trafficinfrastructure development Through the overview, the thesis hasshown the value of the reviewed works related to the thesis on the
following contents: Firstly, a number of works have discussed the
concept and classification of transport infrastructure road Second, anumber of works have discussed capital issues in general such as the
Trang 12concept, characteristics, and role of capital in socio-economicdevelopment; methods of mobilizing capital for a number of specificindustries and sectors of the economy Third, a number of projectshave discussed capital mobilization for road traffic infrastructuredevelopment in some localities at home and abroad.
2.1 Some general issues about road traffic infrastructure and capital for road traffic infrastructure development
2.1.1 Road traffic infrastructure Concept of road traffic infrastructure
Transport infrastructure is the fundamental physical and technical facilities, including roads, bridges, airports, ports built by humans to ensure movement, pick-up and drop-off Customers and loading and unloading of goods take place quickly, conveniently and safely. Classification of road traffic infrastructure
- Based on management level: People divide the road trafficinfrastructure system into road traffic infrastructure managed by theCentral Government and road traffic infrastructure managed by localgovernments at all levels management method
- Based on the nature and characteristics of using road trafficinfrastructure works, people divide road traffic infrastructure into:Road system, bridge and culvert system, wharf system and system ofother auxiliary works This classification helps managers have anoverall view of the relationship between works of road trafficinfrastructure to have a reasonable development planning orientation
to promote efficiency exploitation of various types of road trafficinfrastructure works Characteristics of road traffic infrastructure
Firstly, road traffic infrastructure is systematic and continuous Second, road traffic infrastructure is a fixed asset whose
depreciation period is difficult to determine and is subject to strongimpacts of nature