Trang 1Faculty of Political Economy
Dr Dang Trung TuyenNguyen Linh Tam
QH-2019-E Economic 1High Quality
Ha Noi, May, 2023
Trang 2Faculty of Political Economy
Dr Dang Trung TuyenNguyen Linh Tam
QH-2019-E Economic 1High Quality
Ha Noi, May, 2023
Trang 3LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS - SH HH ng nh TH HT HH nghệ 1LIST OF FIGURES 00 coe eccecccsecesessecssecseceseceeesecseccsecaesseceseeseseseeseseseeseeeaeesseeaeenaes 2IBI09)0.)0.1 3INTRODUCTION 2 +
1 Urgency OfT€s€arCh - -. -c++c s13 1 HH HH HH 4
2 Objectives of the SfUy - - SG SH HH HH HH 6
3 Research SCOD€ Gv e 6
1.1 Overview of waste Sorting at SOUTC - - Ăn ng ng 8
1.1.1 U01 81.1.2 The concept of solid waste cÏaSSIÍICAfIOII - 5 c1 si eeerke 81.1.3 Classification of household waste of high school students 81.2 Necessity of waste Sorting at SOULCE - Gv ệp 101.3 Theory of planned behavior (TPB) - Ajzen (1991) «<<+<cx+sexeseess 11CHAPTER 2: RESEARCH METHODOLUOOY 6 6 + £+vE£vEeeEeeeeeeeeeske 13
2.1 Overview COCUMENE - 5 5 3 19111930 E911 91019019 ng 13
2.1.1 Document over View fOrei 0n 132.1.2 Document Overview COMESTIC - «<6 + 11 ng nh rệt 162.2 Research Methods ¿+ +11 E1 1E 1 1H nh TH nh TH TH ng 18
2.2.1 Basis for proposing research rmOeÌL - . «xxx E3 k9 re 182.2.2 Proposing research 1mOGÌL .- + «+ x +3 E1 E* 1191 121v ng ngư 21
2.2.4 Quantitative method << 222 11133122311 3111 2111111181111 188211111122 re 222.3 Constructing 2 QUESTIONNAITC 1 ễễoễoễ.Ầ 232.4 Sample and data collection - - 5 5 E113 E931 19911 E9 9911 9 nh ng kp 26
2.4.1 Cronbach’s Alpha & Exploratory Factor AnaÌyS1s « ««<-«+<s<++ 272.4.2 Exploratory factor analysis EPA cccescceeseeeseceseeeececeseceeeeeneceaeeeneeseneeeaeees 282.4.3 z0: 29
Trang 4CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH RESULUTTS - (6 << E11 9 vn ng rưệt 30
3.1 Current status of waste SOrting at SOUTC€ SG S9 re 30
3.1.1 Current status of waste separation at source in Hano1 - -«-+++ 303.1.2 Current status of waste separation at source of Hanoi high school students 34
3.2 Analysis results of factors affecting the intention to separate waste at source of highschool students in HanOI - - c6 E181 E11 1 11 11v nh nh nu ng ng 36
3.2.1 Demographic si 17 363.2.2 Measuring reliability using Cronbach's Alpha coeffIclIent - - 373.2.3 EFA discovery factor ĐØTAC© Gv TH HH nHgngy 403.2.4 Confirmatory factor analysis CFA -. s5 +S+ +2 k 3s Srrreeersrrerrrerrse 44E9 0n ố Ố 453.3 Overall TaKITIE - 5 1 TH HH 49
4.1 EXDTICIICC - cv TH HH HH hp 52
4.2.1 International €XD€TI€TIC€ - 5 + 2 E1 19111911 10191 1v ng rh 524.2.2 Experience in VI€fIATH - 5 s13 611911910 1 n9 ng ng rp 634.2 Orientation of Hanoi city in waste separation at SOUTC€ - -‹++-«<+<<<2 68
4.3 Proposing some solutions to improve the efficiency of waste separation at source71
4.3.1 Communication SOLUtIONS - - 5 5 11183301 91 E9 9 1 ng vn re 71
SN v70 000 in 724.3.3 Sanctions SỌUIOT -.- cà 1n TH TH Tu TH HH nh Hk 744.3.4 Another SOLUtiON - -.- 6 + + 1 E11 1T nh TH TT TH k 754.4 Puture research directions - - «5 1k E9 91 930 1 ng ng 76
35355) 0 78
Trang 5Municipal solid waste
Figure 2.1: Research model of the author's ðTOUDD - 6 5 + +3 ESskEsseeeseeesse 13Figure 2.2: Research model of the author ðTOUD - 5+ +5 5+2 **++£++eEeeeeeeeereerrse 14Figure 2.3: Research model of the author's ðTOUD 5 5 + £++E+sesseeeeeersse 15Figure 2.4: Research model of the author's Group - 55+ *£++*vk+sseeeeeeess 16Figure 2.5: Research model of the author's ðTOUD 555 + + £++kE+seseeeeeeerese 17Figure 2.6 Theory of planned behavior - TPB model - - - «+ +s s£++s£++se+se+sss 19Figure 2.7: Extended TPB model ceeceesccesseceseceseeeseeceseeeeecececeaeeeeeceaeeeseeseaeeeaeees 21Figure 3.1: SEM mOCGÌ - << 11930119111 111930191 HH gà 45Chart 3.2: Evaluation of propaganda and guidance on garbage classification 50Chart 3.3: Types of waste classified at HOME ccceessccesssceeseeeeseeceeeeceseeeeneeeeeees 51Figure 4.1: Solid waste volume and emission rate 1n Japan :cccceesseeeseeeseceseeeeneeees 56Figure 4.2: Recycled MSW volume and recycling rate in Japan -«« ««: 57Figure 4.3: Role of stakeholders in organic waste cÏass1ÍicafIOn - «-+-««+<s+ 71
Table 3 1: Demographic Statistics c1 319111 TH HH Hiệp 36Table 3 2: Reliability measurement results by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient 37Table 3 3: Results of measuring reliability by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient afterTEMOVING VATIADIES An 40Table 3 4: KMO and Bartlett’s “TT€Sí - -ó- G1 191v vn ng ng nàng 4ITable 3 5: Eigenvalues and extracted variances - 5 c6 +5 E*vEseeEeseeseeesee 41Table 3 6: Pattern Matrix óc 11T TH TH Tu TH TH HH Hệ 43Table 3 7: Regression Weights Results of SEM model - «+ +-««<+<++<s++es+ 46Table 3 8: Standardized Regression Weights Results of SEM model 48Table 3 9: Squared Multiple Correlations Results of SEM model - 48
Trang 81 Urgency of research
Along with the strong economic development and the impact of urbanization, theamount of solid waste generated in Vietnam is increasing at a rate of about 10% per year.The People's Daily estimates that the country generates about 60,000 tons per day, butonly about 15% of the collected waste is recycled or reused; the rest is buried in landfills
or discharged into water sources or burned outdoors This creates a lot of pressure on theenvironment and public health - especially the pollution at the landfills is also causingfrustration to the society, especially the people in the vicinity
Currently, in Hanoi, in general, waste collection has been taking place in thetraditional way, where all waste is collected and then sent to a landfill or treatedaccording to each component of the waste The management of waste in urban areas inVietnam is taking place simply in the form of collection, transportation and landfilltreatment at centralized landfills In recent years, some localities have taken initial stepssuch as piloting the separation of waste at source with the aim of minimizing the amount
of waste brought to landfills and increasing the maximum amount of waste recycle and
The management of domestic solid waste has been mentioned by many legaldocuments of the State in recent times In particular, the Law on EnvironmentalProtection 2020 has added many new contents related to domestic solid wastemanagement Article 75 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 classifies MSW
at source according to the principle into 03 types which are recyclable, reusable, foodwaste and other common solid waste, in which other common solid waste can be furtherclassified or not depends on the locality On January 10, 2022, the Government issuedDecree No 08/2022/ND-CP detailing a number of articles of the Law on EnvironmentalProtection 2020; On January 10, 2022, the Ministry of Natural Resources andEnvironment issued Circular No 02/2022/TT-BTNMT detailing the implementation of
Trang 9a number of articles of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 The Ministry ofNatural Resources and Environment also implemented guidelines to localities, andassigned responsibility to localities to choose and decide on their own plans forcollection and detailed classification of solid waste into smaller groups On July 7, 2022,the Government issued Decree 45/2022/ND-CP stipulating penalties for administrativeviolations in the field of environmental protection The Decree prescribes sanctions andpenalties for acts of failing to classify solid waste as prescribed.
Thus, sorting waste at source is one of the most basic and simple actions to protectthe environment Complying with the provisions of the environmental protection law onclassification of solid waste both saves resources for the country and increases economicbenefits for the people However, to be able to fully implement the regulations on solidwaste management according to the law, localities need to be well prepared and ready interms of infrastructure and techniques to be able to effectively implement the regulations.into reality In addition, it is necessary to have a specific and detailed guideline process
so that the community and individuals can properly perform the classification of MSW
at source In order to be able to implement the classification of MSW at source and applyother regulations related to collection service charge based on the volume or volume ofthe classified waste as prescribed by the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 byDecember 31, 2024, it is necessary to research and guide the collection and classification
of MSW at source
In addition, the orientation and propaganda of waste classification at source forstudents also plays an extremely important role Because high school students haveformed a clear awareness of social issues and based on the experience of many countries,
it is necessary to spread out to society from school
From problems above Research on waste sorting at source of high school students
in Hanoi city is in line with the orientation of sustainable environmental development ofHanoi city At the same time, the study was carried out to evaluate the possibility of
Trang 10implementing domestic waste sorting at source, compared with the experience in largecountries that have succeeded in this program so as to have a basis for proposing newsolutions practical solutions to be effective in propagandizing and guiding individuals,especially high school students to sort waste at source in Hanoi city.
2 Objectives of the study
The overall objective of the study is to evaluate the ability and propose solutions
to apply waste separation at source (especially in households) for high school students
Primary data: Using questionnaires to investigate the current situation, therebyassessing the factors that affect the intention to separate waste at source of thetarget group and propose orientations and solutions for the period up to 2025
Secondary data: Analysis and assessment of the current situation of wastegeneration and management from 2016 to present (secondary data about 5 years);Location: Hanoi city
Research object: High school students
Trang 114 Research proposal
The research has 4 chapter, including:
Chapter 1: Introduces the literature review and theoretical basis, the need forwaste sorting at source
Chapter 2: Concerns document that the research references, researchmethodology, build questionnaires and collect data and analysis method
Chapter 3: Research results and data analysis
Chapter 4: Based on the findings of this research, discussion about the affect offactors, the recommendation and solutions for future studies and Hanoi city
Trang 12CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BASIS1.1 Overview of waste sorting at source
1.1.1 Solid waste concept
In Clauses 18.19, Article 3 of the Law on Environmental Protection [10]; waste,solid waste is defined as follows: Waste is matter in solid, liquid, gaseous or other formsdischarged from production, business, service, daily life or other activities Solid waste
is waste in solid form or sludge
1.1.2 The concept of solid waste classificationAccording to the Law on Environmental Protection 2020[10], the types of solidwaste listed are: domestic solid waste, ordinary industrial solid waste, medical solidwaste, and hazardous solid waste
1.1.3 Classification of household waste of high school students
In Clause 1, Article 75 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020[10], life solid waste generated from households and individuals is classified according to thefollowing principles:
daily Solid waste can be reused and recycled
- Food waste
- Other domestic solid waste
For households and individuals in different places, the classification of domesticsolid waste must comply with that place As follows:
- Classification of daily-life solid waste for households and individuals in urban
areas: Specifically according to Clause 3, Article 75 of the Law on EnvironmentalProtection 2020[10], households and individuals in urban areas must contain andcontain solid waste Daily-life solid waste after sorting according to regulationsinto packages for transfer as follows:
Trang 13e Solid waste capable of being reused or recycled shall be transferred to
organizations or individuals for reuse or recycling or to establishmentshaving the function of collecting and transporting daily-life solid wastes;
e Food waste and other daily-life solid wastes must be contained, packed in
packages according to regulations and transferred to establishments havingthe function of collecting and transporting daily-life solid wastes; Foodwaste can be used as organic fertilizer, as animal feed
- Classification of daily-life solid waste for households and individuals in rural
areas: Households and individuals in rural areas that generate daily-life solidwaste after classifying according to regulations must carry out propermanagement of domestic solid waste according to Clause 4, Article 75 of theLaw on Environmental Protection 2020[10] as follows:
e Encourage the maximum use of food waste to make organic fertilizer and
animal feed;
e Solid waste capable of being reused or recycled shall be transferred to
organizations or individuals for reuse or recycling or to establishmentshaving the function of collecting and transporting daily-life solid wastes;
e Food waste that fails to comply with the provisions of Point a, Clause 4,
Article 75 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 must betransferred to an establishment that has the function of collecting andtransporting daily-life solid waste;
e Other daily-life solid wastes must be contained, packed in packages
according to regulations and transferred to establishments having thefunction of collecting and transporting daily-life solid wastes
Decree 45/2022/ND-CP dated 07/07/2022 of the Government "stipulating onsanctioning of administrative violations in the field of environmental protection" takes
Trang 14effect from August 25 [1] There are regulations on fines for acts of failing to classifysolid waste in daily life as specified in Clause 1, Article 26: the above violations will besubject to a fine of between VND 500,000 and VND 1,000,000 for the act householdsand individuals do not classify domestic solid waste according to regulations; do not usepackaging containing domestic solid waste as prescribed However, after August 25,
2022, there was no such sanction
According to the provisions of Clause 7 Article 79 of the Law on EnvironmentalProtection 2020, no later than December 31, 2024, households and individuals mustclassify domestic solid waste according to Clause 1, Article 75 of the Law onEnvironmental Protection 2020 and implement service charges for collection,transportation and treatment of daily-life solid waste according to the provisions ofClause 1, Article 79 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020
From August 25, 2022 to December 31, 2024 is the time to help people realize theimportance of garbage classification, get used to the daily waste classification, considergarbage as a resource, benefiting themselves and the social community After December
31, 2024, households that do not classify their waste as prescribed will be fined and paythe cost of collection, transportation and treatment services according to regulations
1.2 Necessity of waste sorting at source
Currently, most of the recyclable materials such as organic waste, paper, metal,plastic, etc are also being buried with other types of waste Besides, according to theresearchers’ calculations, it takes hundreds of years for waste to decompose In addition,sorting recycling not only makes environmental sense, but also generates economicbenefits Especially, the amount of organic waste in domestic waste is estimated toaccount for 50-70% This is expected to be an abundant source of raw materials for theproduction of good microbial fertilizers for plants and the environment
Trang 15The sorting of garbage before disposal contributes to reducing environmental pollution,saving many other costs such as collection, transportation and treatment Separatingwaste at source also contributes to saving time on sorting and processing recyclablewaste, bringing great benefits from taking advantage of that waste source to recycle tocreate new products, serving daily life date and environmentally friendly
Separating waste at source also contributes to saving resources; bring benefits tothe waste source owners from using recycled scraps and self-processed organicfertilizers Garbage classification also contributes to raising awareness of environmentalprotection, recycling waste for the daily life of each individual In addition, keepinggarbage in the right place and sorting garbage helps to reduce a large amount of solidwaste and odor discharged into the environment, bringing great economic benefits fromrecyclable waste The promotion of waste separation at source also promotes theactivities of industries and recycling companies and can change the development ofwaste treatment technology
1.3 Theory of planned behavior (TPB) - Ajzen (1991)
Theory of planned behavior is known as the theoretical framework for assessing,supporting and informing the effectiveness of public perception of an issue TPB wasdeveloped by Ajzen (1991) based on the rational action theory of Fishbein and Ajzen(1975) by adding the factor "perceived behavioral control" This factor reflects the ease
or difficulty of performing the behavior, which depends on the availability of resources
and opportunities to perform the behavior According to TPB, “behavioral intention” is
affected by “attitude”, “subjective norm” and “perceived behavioral control”
First, the attitude factor of the theory is understood as a positive or negativeevaluation of the behavior that individuals perform The second factor is the subjectivenorm, which can be understood as social influence, this factor refers to the pressure ofsociety on the individual's feelings to perform or not to perform that behavior Finally,the factor added by Ajzen when building TPB is the cognitive factor controlling
Trang 16behavior This factor reflects the ease or difficulty of performing the behavior This willdepend on the availability of resources and the opportunity to perform the behavior.Ajzen also suggested that the perceived behavioral control factors directly affect thetendency to perform the behavior If the individual has an accurate sense of his or herlevel of control, behavioral control can also predict behavior
TPB is considered to be more optimal than TRA because TPB has overcome thedisadvantages of TRA by adding cognitive factors to control behavior
Trang 17CHAPTER 2: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY2.1 Overview document
2.1.1 Document over view foreign
In the study by Saripah Abdul Latif et al (2012) [25], the authors used 3 mainvariables: Situation affects behavior Situation affects intention and intention affectsbehavior
Figure 2.1: Research model of the author's group
Source: Saripah Abdul Latif and associatesThe results of this study have shown that situational factors have a significantinfluence on recycling behavior and even affect the recycling intention of individuals Inaddition, this study has shown that the intention factor is a partial mediator for therelationship between the situational factor and the behavioral factor The limitation ofthis study is that the factor of intention to recycle waste is a partial mediator, so instead
of just studying and evaluating this factor alone, it is not enough, but in addition, moreresearch should be conducted study Other factors are likely to influence
Research by Shanyoung Wang et al (2020) [26], in addition to the 3 factors based
on Ajzen's behavioral intention theory, the authors have added to the research model 7
Trang 18Figure 2.2: Research model of the author group
Source: Shanyoung Wang and associatesAfter researching, the authors found that the knowledge factor has a verysignificant impact on the intention of people to separate waste at source This mayindicate that when they are not equipped with knowledge or in other words, people donot know how to properly classify their waste, they will feel shy and do not want toseparate waste at the source The limitation of the study is that it has only been studied
in one region of China, so it cannot be generalized and applied to other regions due todifferences in geography, perception and culture, etc
The two factors of concern for the environment and personal ethical obligationsare two factors added in the study by Lin Shen et al (2019) [21]
Trang 19Subjective Norms
Perceived Behavioral Control
Behaviral Intention
Personal Moral
Figure 2.3: Research model of the author's group
Source: Lin Shen and associates
Of the five factors studied by the authors, there are three factors that are assessed
to have a significant impact on the intention to separate waste at source: Perceivedbehavioral control, subjective standards and personal ethical obligations core Especiallythis study shows that young people feel social pressure has less influence than theinfluence from their own internal perception of the problem of waste separation atsource This is slightly different from similar studies in the past, possibly due to the timethe research was conducted, young people today are more independent in their thinkingthan previous generations
Finally, research by Pavinee Pongpunpurt et al (2022) [24], similar to the study
of Lin Shen et al., in this study, the attitude factor also did not affect the intention toseparate waste at source The authors explain that because there is not enough time,knowledge and rewards, people do not recognize the need to separate waste at source Inaddition, just like the research conclusions of Shanyoung Wang et al., the authors alsoshow that the knowledge factor has a great influence on the intention to classify garbage.The subjective norm factor has a great influence, especially in the family, which shows
Trang 20In addition, the above studies all have households and focus mainly in Asian countries.Most of the studies have the limitation that they only study in a certain area, so theycannot generalize and represent all.
2.1.2 Document overview domestic
Similar to foreign studies and documents, studies in Vietnam on the topic of wasteseparation at source also use the theory of behavioral intention - TPB of Ajzen (1991)and use the SEM model to evaluate influencing factors
In the study by Dinh Tran Viet Hoang, Tran Nho Quyet, Nguyen Thi Thanh Hien(2020) [5] have selected 2 other factors besides the 3 commonly seen factors when usingthe theory of behavioral intentions: Government policy and obligations morality
5 ol Government policy
Figure 2.4: Research model of the author's group
Source: Dinh Tran Viet Hoang et al
Trang 21The research results show that the government policy factor has the strongestimpact on people's solid waste classification behavior among the factors included in thestudy The subjective norm factor also gave similar results to the study of Lin Shen et al.(2019) when it found that social factors such as the impact from family and friends arenot strong and the cause can also be due to the thinking of young people today becomemore independent However, according to the authors, the low impact of the subjectivenorm factor is not only because young people are independent in their way of life butalso in the way they think and decide The study found that young people in urban areasare more likely to have a behavior affected by SN, which shows that young people orpeople in urban areas are active people, have social relationships wide exposure,knowledge and high level, so they will be more strongly influenced by friends andcommunity
In the study by Truong Dinh Thai and Nguyen Van Thich (2022) [13] used fourother factors to complete the research model: Environmental concerns, facilities, andtime pressure
The results show that the time pressure factor does not affect the intention to sortplastic waste of students in Ho Chi Minh City The reason may be that students are notunder as much time pressure as subjects in other studies, so this factor does not
Trang 22negatively affect the intention to sort plastic waste The study also shows thatEnvironmental action is only possible when the right infrastructure is in place (nearbyrecycling facilities, convenient waste collection services, etc.), and lack of infrastructure
is an obstacle In addition, according to the research of the authors, the factor of concernabout the environment has the largest impact among the factors included in the
In general, both studies have the same limitation, that is the research scope issmall, the age group is also limited, and both focus on the group of subjects witheducation level from high school and above cannot be generalized or representative ofall the general population or students of the city where the study took place
2.2 Research Methods
2.2.1 Basis for proposing research model
In Ajzen's study [19], attitude was defined as an individual's favorable orunfavorable assessment of a particular behavior Attitudes are based on beliefs aboutpeople's behavior and emotional state Therefore, the action of a behavior tends to bedone according to what one finds beneficial On the other hand, the act of a behaviortends to be rejected if people find the behavior harmful Several researchers have shownthe significant impact of attitudes on pro-environmental behaviors Furthermore, apositive attitude towards recycling has been found to be a potential predictor of anindividual's recycling intention and behavior
HI: Attitude has a positive influence on intention to separate waste at sourceSubjective norms are understood as social pressures and constraints that influence
an individual to choose whether to perform a planned behavior or not It is guided bynormative beliefs regarding the primary referential approval or disapproval of a person'sbehavior or groups such as the community, family, friends, and co-workers [19].Previous studies have illustrated that the subjective norm is viewed in terms of perceived
Trang 23H3: Perceived behavioral control has a positive effect on the intention to separate
waste at source
According to the TPB model, behavioral intentions are predicted through asystematic investigation of various constructs, i.e., attitudes, subjective norms, andperceived behavioral control
Trang 24Source: Ajzen, I99]Besides the three factors mentioned above belonging to the theory of plannedbehavior, according to previous studies, situational factors and knowledge factors areone of the factors that affect the intention to classify garbage at source These two factorsare recognized as one of the main reasons why individuals decide on an incentive toseparate waste at source Stemming from the above problem, this study combines thevariables "situation" and "knowledge" into TPB to study the applicability of wasteseparation at source of high school students:
Situational factors are defined as certain situations related to the behavioralcontext and characteristics of the individual Situational factors can be used as adeterminant in predicting the intentions of individuals In the field of waste management,situational variables significantly increase waste recycling behavior Furthermore, thesituational factor of consumers' perceptions of the lack of amenities (e.g., waste storagefacilities and sorting time) significantly influenced recycling intentions and behaviorsaccording to Saripah Abdul Latif et al.[25]
HẠ: Situation has a positive influence on the intention to separate waste at sourceKnowledge is an important additional factor regarding people's intentions towardsenvironmentally responsible behaviors such as waste sorting and _ recycling.Environmental knowledge has been shown to be an indirect influence on environmentalbehaviors in terms of environmental perceptions, values and attitudes according toShanyong Wang et al [26] The lack of environmental information regarding wastesegregation and management can hinder individuals who wish to correctly classify theirwaste Therefore, knowledge regarding waste should be taken into account wheninvestigating waste segregation and recycling practices
H5: Knowledge has a positive effect on intention to separate waste at sourceDependent variable: Intent to perform the behavior
Trang 252.2.2 Proposing research modelThe study uses an extended TPB model to predict people's behavioral intentionstowards waste segregation According to the model of the study, behavioral intention ispredicted through a systematic investigation of variables including attitude, subjectivenorm, perceived behavioral control, situational factors, and knowledge Extended TPBmodel:
Figure 2.7: Extended TPB model
Source: Author's compilationFrom the research model, there are 5 hypotheses:
e Hypothesis HI (H1): Attitude has a positive impact on the intention to implement
waste classification of high school students
e Hypothesis H2 (H2): Subjective norm has a positive impact on the intention to
perform waste classification of high school students
e Hypothesis H3 (H3): Perceived behavioral control has a positive impact on the
intention to perform waste classification of high school students
Trang 26e Hypothesis H4 (H4): Situational factors have a positive impact on the intention
to implement waste classification of high school students
e Hypothesis H5 (H5): Knowledge has a positive impact on the intention to
implement waste classification of high school students
2.2.3 Qualitative methodTheoretical research method: is a method of collecting information throughreading books, newspapers, research, documents in order to find out basic concepts andideas that are the basis for the theory of the topic, form into scientific hypotheses,predicting the properties of research objects, building initial theoretical or experimentalmodels
Theoretical analysis method is a method of studying different documents andtheories by analyzing those documents and theories to apply to the research object Thesynthesis method is to link the analyzed information to create a complete and profoundnew theoretical system about the object Analysis and synthesis are two methods that areclosely related to each other to form an inseparable unity: analysis is conducted in thedirection of synthesis, while synthesis is performed based on the results of analysis
2.2.4 Quantitative methodData collection method through questionnaire: Data collection, in which eachonline survey participant will be asked to answer pre-designed questions in a certainsequence with answer options word At that time, the respondent will choose one ormore different answer options that best suit their opinion The questions in the surveyform are built in the form of a question with a 5-level Likert scale to make it easy forrespondents to answer and easy to synthesize and statistics on survey results becauserespondents can only choose one option pre-designed responses
The study applies the model of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) toinvestigate the important predictors of the intention to sort waste at source of high school
Trang 27students The survey table includes the following contents; demographic data; based onthe TPB model: Attitudes towards the behavior of waste classification at source,subjective norms (social norms affect the choice of waste classification at source of highschool students), awareness behavioral control (perceived ability to achieve results ofwaste separation at source), intentions of high school students in the issue of wasteseparation at source; The topic adds more content: the respondents' knowledge of wasteseparation at source and waste separation situations at source
Methods of data analysis: Statistical data were analyzed using SPSS software 23
Cronbach's coefficient « was used to analyze the reliability between observed variables
in each scale for research concepts (according to the standard œ > 0.7) ExploratoryFactor Analysis (EFA) was used to test the convergent and discriminant validity of the
2.3 Constructing a questionnaire
This study used questionnaires to collect relevant data for the research process
First, the questions included in the questionnaire were selected from similar studies orprevious research topics to build observed variables and ensure validity The items andquestions included in the questionnaire have all been referenced and improved to becomemore suitable for the target group to be surveyed based on previous studies
Before publishing the questionnaire to the target group of high school students,the author sent the questionnaire to the instructors and 2 undergraduate students, 2 younggraduates who are active in the environmental field field to fill in the form in the table
as well as give suggestions to edit and complete the questionnaire accordingly
For the questions to be measured, the 5-point Likert scale is consideredappropriate and used in the questionnaire of this study The 5-point Likert scale is alsosaid that the use of the Likert scale provides a more diverse choice, thereby increasingthe ability to respond to the objective reality of the survey participants In the
Trang 28questionnaire, level 1 represents “Strongly disagree” and level 5 represents “Strongly
agree” The specific scale of variables is shown in Table 2.1
Trang 29that I should sort household waste
S Actors or celebrities make me think that I
should sort household waste
Government agencies make me think that Ishould separate household waste (media,law )
Perceived PBCI I think sorting waste at source is easy
the I think that sorting household waste is a
time consuming activity
Trang 30source
I know that sorting household waste will [24]
help reduce the cost of waste treatment,collection and transportation
Intent (IN) Iam willing to participate in the local waste | This study
separation program at source
I am ready to spread waste separation at} This study
source to everyone
I am willing to share information about} This studywaste sorting at source
2.4 Sample and data collection
The data included in the analysis were collected as primary data through an onlinequestionnaire survey to the target group of the study The author checks the data for thefirst time and discards those that come from the invalid questionnaire The original data,
Trang 31after removing invalid data, will be imported into Excel for storage before transferring
to SPSS software to generate descriptive statistics and run the model
In this study, a random sampling method is used Random sampling is a samplingmethod in which the probability of being selected into the sample population is the samefor all units of the population Random sampling method is said to be the best method toselect a sample that is likely to represent the population because the error due to samplingcan be calculated, from which the estimation methods can be applied statistics, statisticalhypothesis testing in data processing to generalize the results on the sample to the generalpopulation This study selects the whole block sample, because the target group is highschool students in Hanoi city, so the author does not have a specific list, so this method
is used to select the sample
Because the study used EFA exploratory factor analysis, the study alsodetermined the sample size according to EFA According to Hair et al (2014), theminimum sample size to use EFA is 50 and preferably 100 or more The ratio ofobservations on an analytic variable is 5:1 or 10:1, but some researchers suggest that theratio should be 20:1 Because the study uses a 5-level Likert scale and has 20 questions(corresponding to 20 observed variables belonging to different factors) Using the ratio5:1, the minimum sample size of the study is 22 x 5 = 110 and if using the ratio 10:1, theminimum sample size will be 220 So the study needs a minimum sample size to be able
to perform exploratory factor analysis EFA is 110 and 220 depending on the selectionrate based on the survivability of the author
2.4.1 Cronbach’s Alpha & Exploratory Factor Analysis
In research papers, it is not enough just through the author's removal of invaliddata and the reliability of the data is not proven through that method Therefore, it isnecessary to use the reliability test of the scale by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient This is
a common measure and is often used when there are Likert survey questions (consistentwith the survey that the author gives) Cronbach's Alpha will support research to identify
Trang 32Because Cronbach's Alpha coefficient helps to evaluate the relationship betweenvariables in the same group or the same factor, EFA is a coefficient that helps to examinethe relationships of variables in all different groups to detect and control investigate andevaluate variables that appear in many groups or that are wrongly observed at thebeginning.
In EFA exploratory factor analysis there are different criteria First, it is the KMO(Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) coefficient This is the coefficient used to consider the adequacy
of factor analysis A sufficient condition for suitable factor analysis is that the value ofKMO must reach a value of 0.5 or higher If KMO < 0.5, then factor analysis is likely to
be inappropriate for the data set under study
Bartlett test is used to consider and evaluate whether the observed factors arecorrelated with each other or not If the test shows no statistical significance, then factoranalysis should not be applied to the variables under consideration Bartlett's test hasstatistical significance when sig Bartlett's test < 0.05, which proves that the observedvariables are correlated with each other
Trang 33In EFA analysis, Eigenvalue is used quite commonly For variables withEigenvalue> l are retained in the analytical model In addition, to show that the EFAmodel is appropriate, total variance explained is required > 50%
Finally, when analyzing, we need a loading factor of 0.5 to be a good qualityobservation factor, at least 0.3 according to Hair et al (2010), Multivariate DataAnalysis This value will represent the correlation relationship between the observedvariable and the factor
2.4.3 SEM modelSEM is a powerful statistical research technique and is very good at analyzingrelationships between multiple item structures (Iacobucci, 2009) There are two mainstatistical methods for testing WHICH, which is the covariance-based SEM and thevariance-based partial least squares (PLS) method WHICH based on covariance issuitable for theory verification or comparison, while PLS can be applied to complexstructural equation models with a large number of structures Furthermore, PLS issuitable for developing a theory that has many relationships to test and does not requirenormally distributed input data (Reinartz et al., 2009; Hair et al., 2011) Considering theadvantages of PLS mentioned above, this article chooses to use PLS to conduct empiricalresearch
Linear Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to determine and measure therelationship between ATT, SN, PBC, SF and KN Structural model can integrate factorand path analysis methods, effectively handle the relationship between many variables,and also consider the impact of some demographic characteristics to the coefficientsmeasured by the multi-group structural model
3.1 Current status of waste sorting at source
3.1.1 Current status of waste separation at source in Hanoi
According to a report by the Hanoi Department of Construction in 2022, everyday Hanoi is generating between 6,000 and 7,000 tons of garbage According to currentobservations, garbage cans in residential areas or garbage collection points all have acommon condition that is garbage mixed with each other when people throw it away It
is easy to see that organic waste such as leftovers, fruit peels are mixed with other wastesuch as plastic bags, glass, foam boxes, etc all types of garbage are thrown together in 1garbage bag first when placed in public trash cans or garbage collection places Not onlythat, because of the situation of mixing different types of garbage together, it is very easy
to see the sprinkled water on the street, causing pollution and stench
In general, at present, the classification of waste at source in Hanoi city is stillvery poor, most of which have not been done thoroughly inefficient source:
e At the gathering and collection points in residential areas, there is no garbage bin
system so that people can sort their waste into different bins, but at these locations,there is only one large trash can to collect collect This also causes manydifficulties for garbage classification because people feel bewildered and do notfind it meaningful when individuals have to sort their own garbage at home, butwhen they collect them, they collect all kinds of garbage together with them.together
e Collection work for residential areas frequency of collection in the inner city is
daily, in some places twice a day and 365 days/year excluding holidays Thecommon form of collection is dumping all generated waste into the same bin,including recyclable wastes, batteries, etc In suburbs and rural areas, thefrequency of collection is every 2-3 days with the figure door-to-door collection.After that, waste is usually collected at temporary dumps in districts and
Trang 35transported to concentrated landfills 1-2 times/week Temporary garbage dumpsare often planned in fields to avoid pollution to residential areas, but they are stillopen-air dumps, without leachate collection systems
Not only is the infrastructure at the garbage collection point weak, but thetransportation of waste also faces certain difficulties, causing pollution and affectingpeople's lives Leading to situations where people protested, blocking the way forgarbage trucks to enter the city's landfill
In urban areas, waste after being collected from waste sources by handcarts orsmall trucks under 2 tons is gathered at DSW collection points for compaction to largetrucks and transported directly to incinerator or landfill The gathering points are notequipped with technical infrastructure, do not have a sewage treatment system, so theyoften cause odors and loss of urban beauty Due to the characteristics of the city in thecentral districts, there are many alleys and alleys with narrow roadways and highpopulation density, the collection needs to combine both manual and mechanized forms
In rural areas, waste is collected by handcarts or homemade trailers to the commune'scollection point (garbage station) and then transported by truck to the treatment area
Regarding DSW transfer stations, by 2022, there will be two transfer stationsequipped with technical infrastructure, namely Lam Du (Long Bien) and Phu Minh (PhuXuyen) with a corresponding capacity of about 300 and 120 tons/day built to transferwaste collected in 4 central districts and to Phu Xuyen district before being transported
to incinerators and landfills There are 02 small-scale transshipment stations that are notyet equipped with technical infrastructure in operation in Thanh Oai and Dong Dadistricts Sanitation companies in the districts and towns are investing and managing anumber of small-scale transshipment points, which can be utilized to serve theclassification and preliminary processing before being transported to the treatmentstation the final centralized management of the city (incinerators, landfills) Thesetransfer stations have not fully promoted their functions when only compacting waste
Trang 36from small trucks to large trucks; technology has not yet been applied to collect waste
so that it can be recycled, minimizing the volume of waste to be buried
Regarding the transportation of solid waste, because the two main landfills andthe incineration plants are located in the North and Northwest of the city, the averagedistance from the central districts where there is a large amount of daily waste generation
to the waste disposal sites treatment facilities are about 50km, from districts in the southsuch as Ung Hoa, Phu Xuyen about 90km The daily volume of compactors circulating
on the route to 2 landfills at such a distance causes many environmental problems such
as emissions CO2 dust and odor for pedestrians, affecting people's health In addition,the frequency of transportation causes serious road deterioration in the area in and aroundthe landfill, and the maintenance costs of equipment and vehicles as well as fuel costsare very expensive
In addition, in the city, there are about 1000 waste collection facilities The entiresystem currently has more than 85,000 people participating in the informal recyclingchain [6, p79] This number includes junkyard practitioners (more than 10,000 people)[5,tr82], people picking up trash in the streets, landfills and people working in craftvillages In fact, this figure may be higher because shipping activities and purchasingowners are not taken into account
The materials being purchased by this system include mainly plastic, paper, metaland some other materials such as cloth, leather, hair and are transported to recyclingvillages in Hanoi (plastic recycling in Xa Cau, Trung Van, Trieu Khuc ) or neighboringprovinces such as Hung Yen (plastic recycling) Bac Ninh (paper, metal recycling ).Recycling craft villages are generally specialized According to each type of recycledmaterial, there are villages specializing in recycling: metal (metal and non-metal), textile,paper/cardboard, glass, plastic Features and also exists in craft villages are outdatedtechnology, negatively affecting the environment and workers' health [13]
Trang 37In general, it can be seen that most of the wastes are currently being mixedtogether and collected together, leading to wet waste, low calorific value, reducing thevalue of recyclable waste, and wasting resources
Hanoi is lacking garbage transfer stations with full functions of gathering, sorting,minimizing the volume of landfilled waste, minimizing transportation distance andenvironmental pollution, saving costs and labor
The operating landfills have long been overloaded in receiving waste and treatingleachate works The expansion has faced many difficulties in land clearance, theincinerators have not operated stably while the waste volume is increasing and there havenot been widely implemented segregation activities at source, waste reductionregulations, recycling to reduce the volume of landfilled waste
Informal forces (rubbers, bottles, scrap facilities) play an important role incollecting, sorting, and disposing of recyclable waste Recycled waste has been and isbeing operated by the informal system and the collection rate is quite high, bringing asignificant source of income for those who buy and sell bottles and scraps, reducing alarge amount of waste to be buried and treated However, working conditions and toolsare still outdated, rudimentary, small-scale and often do not meet environmental andoccupational safety standards Therefore, if creating opportunities for buyers and sellers
to operate more efficiently or collect more different waste streams, it will both achievethe goal of reducing the rate of waste landfill and ensure objectives of inclusive economicdevelopment, environmental protection and social security of the city
The city has some points to organize the collection of hazardous wastes atsupermarkets and some agencies and schools, but the quantity is still very small and notwidely available Localities and households are still confused in collecting and treatingthis type of waste because there are not enough receiving sites and high treatment costs
Trang 38In some districts, there have initially been solutions for cumbersome wastecollection but not widely available The dumping of waste still takes place, making itdifficult and expensive to treat bulky waste and cause unsightly urban beauty
3.1.2 Current status of waste separation at source of Hanoi high school students
Currently, in Vietnam, there are quite a few studies related to the intention orbehavior of waste separation at source with high school students, so the author hasobserved and interviewed a few high school students to summarize the current situation.First of all, according to observation, high school students in Hanoi currently only havethe sense of throwing garbage in the right place, but not many individuals are aware of
or implement the classification of waste at the source In the author's survey sent to thetarget group, there was a survey and it was found that out of 113 people surveyed, 61.9%said that they had sorted waste at their place of residence But most of it is to separaterecyclables and inorganic waste, the main reason is that recyclables such as plasticbottles are high-value waste that can be beneficial when they collect and resell to others.collection place or can be reused for the next time As for inorganic waste such asbatteries, it is often recycled because these are types of waste that are not thrown together
in public trash but must be collected separately Combined with interviews with somehigh school students, it shows that the classification of recyclables is due to the elderly'sfamily, so they often sort or keep plastic bottles to sell for junk must be graded by theindividual student who intends to classify Ha Phuong - a 12th grader at Viet Duc HighSchool: "Because my family lives with my grandmother, it's usually my grandmotherwho tells everyone in the family to keep plastic bottles and water cans to sell tocollectors." Therefore, it can be seen that students do not have the sense of garbageclassification, but only because other groups do and call to do it, they participate, buthave not actively participated in the classification of waste at source Similarly atschools, students are only encouraged to collect recyclables, but not yet encouraged tocollect other types of waste (just happened in some schools in Hanoi)
Trang 39Although, at some high schools in Hanoi, there are environmental clubs topropagate and organize garbage exchange for gifts on a school scale, these are onlyactivities in a short time that cannot be ignored help participants or students at the schoolcreate lasting habits
In the process of observing and interviewing, it was found that high schoolstudents do not have the awareness or intention to classify waste at source because:
e It has not been properly propagated and guided Currently, Hanoi city does not
have any documents or regulations related to how and types of waste to beclassified and classified, leading to a situation where groups and individuals want
to do this Garbage classification is simply done according to the individual'sthoughts and feels that the classification is appropriate, in many cases it is learninghow to classify the countries that have done it (most schools or clubs) whenpropagating, classifying is being done according to 3R method)
e Similar to the general situation in Hanoi city, it is that in localities, schools do not
have enough facilities for students to classify waste At the common trash cans,only one large trash can is used to collect all kinds of garbage, so it leads toinefficient sorting, even making the implementers feel meaningless because aftersorting, they must be dumped in a large trash bin for the collection company topick up
When interviewing students from Viet Duc High School, they said that allstudents have the desire to implement and intend to separate waste at source This is alsoreflected in the survey sent to the target group, students are ready to participate if thelocality or school organizes and implements waste sorting at the school At the presenttime, there are a number of students who know and do garbage classification but havenot thoroughly and actively implemented it due to the reasons mentioned above
Trang 403.2 Analysis results of factors affecting the intention to separate waste at source
of high school students in Hanoi 3.2.1 Demographic Profile
After sending the survey to a group of high school students in Hanoi, the authorobtained 114 votes During the review and elimination process, the author removed 1invalid vote because the answers were not uniform Therefore, in this study, there are
113 valid questionnaires to be considered and evaluated
Table 3 1: Demographic Statistics
Source: Author
(unit: person) (in %)