ANOVA Analysis of VarianceE-commerce Electronic Commerce EFA Exploratory Factor Analysis KMO test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test PEU Perceived Ease of Use PR Perceived Risk PU Perceived Usefuln
commerce platforms in online shopping of UEB students
Hanoi, October 2023
commerce platforms in online shopping of UEB students
Hanoi, October 2023
Trang 3and supervision of Dr Nguyen Thuy Anh; and that the work contained and theresults in it are true by the author and have not violated research ethics The data and
figures presented in this thesis are for analysis, comments, and evaluations fromvarious resources by my own work and have been duly acknowledged in thereference part
In addition, other comments, reviews, and data used by other authors, and
organizations have been acknowledged, and explicitly cited
I will take full responsibility for any fraud detected in my thesis The
University of Economics and Business is unrelated to any copyright infringementcaused by my work (if any)
Ha Noi City, 6th October 2023
DatNguyễn Tiến Dat
Trang 4teaching staff of the University of Economics and Business for always creatingconditions to assist me, providing me with extensive knowledge and valuable skills that
laid the foundation for my research on this topic
In particular, I would like to extend my deep appreciation to Dr Nguyen Thuy
Anh for her dedicated guidance and support throughout this period She has imparted
invaluable knowledge, guiding and aiding me in orienting and completing this thesis
I also want to express my gratitude to my family, friends, and seniors who havealways been attentive, shared, and enthusiastically supported, creating the best
conditions for me to complete this research project
However, due to limitations in time and knowledge, the research paper is not
exempt from errors Therefore, I earnestly hope to receive feedback from the professors
so that my thesis can be further improved
Trang 51.1.2 Online shopping
1.1.3 Consumers decision DFOC€SS serererereresereressesseesssssssessssseeeessees LS
1.2 Theoretical model of consumer decision
1.2.1 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Trang 61.3.1 Foreign documents
1.3.2 Domestic documents
1.3.3 Research gaps
2.1 Research hypotheses and model
2.1.1 Hypotheses
2.1.2 Proposed research model
2.2 Measurement scales
2.3.2 Data analysis and processing method
3.1 Sample characteristics
3.2 Scales Reliability
3.3 Exploratory factor analysis (EFA)
3.3.1 Factor analysis for independent variables
3.3.2 Factor analysis for the dependent variable
3.4 Testing models and research hypotheses
3.4.1 Correlation analysis -<-5-5< 5< ssses<cseseseseeseseseeseseseeeresouÐ
Trang 7Part 1: General Information
Part 2: Main Survey
Appendix 2: Bang khảo sát (Tiếng Việt)
Phần 1: Thông tin chung.
Phần 2: Khảo sát chính
Trang 8Table 3.2: Scale Reliability Test ‹ :::-¿:::::2:5::c22:522222222222252322552222212122221250355523837 46
Table 3.3: KMO and Bartlett's Test ccssesssssesssesseessessessseesseeseesseesesseesessesses 49
Table 3.4: Rotated Component Mattix cccccescssecesessectesteseeseesesseetesteseeneensaneeee 49Table 3.5: KMO and Bartlett's Test c.cccccsceseeseeseesessestestesteseesessesesnesnsseeneanenee Sl
Table 3.6: Component Matrix
Table 3.7: Factors extracted and observed variables . -+ c-5-5++-++ 53Table 3.8: Pearson Correlation c.ssesccssesessessesseseessesesseeeseseeseesesseetesnesesseensaneeee 53
Table 3:9: Model SuifftimiarY co nen 2 0 g4” 55
TRDl6 3:10; ANOVA siccssccssesssccssssscosecasssssevssassevscesscssscosssssessecsscssscsseosssuseessesssesseess 56Table 3.11: Coefficients ssssssssssssssssassssssssssassossasssssasessasssssascasessessasssseasessansossoseos 56
Trang 9Figure 1.2: Technology Acceptance Model - ¿+ +++++++x+>zxe+ 17
Figure 1.3: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model 19
Figure 2.1: Proposed research model ¿- + 2s + +£+*+kexererxrkerrkrker 32Figure 3.1: Regression Standardized Residual - - ¿5-52 +5<+s+ces++x++ 58Figure 3.2: P-P plot
Trang 10ANOVA Analysis of Variance
E-commerce Electronic Commerce
EFA Exploratory Factor Analysis
KMO test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test
PEU Perceived Ease of Use
PR Perceived Risk
PU Perceived Usefulness
SN Subjective Norm
SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
TAM Technology Acceptance Model
TR Trust
UEB University of Economics and Business
UTAUT Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
VIF Variance Inflation Factor
Trang 11The e-commerce sector in Vietnam has shown remarkable stability and growth
recently, even in the face of global economic challenges In 2022, the market was valued
at approximately $13 billion, representing significant growth compared to previous
years, this trend can be attributed to increasing internet penetration, smartphoneadoption, and changing consumer behaviors, which have driven e-commerce
transactions even during challenging times of Covid (Vietnam Briefing, 2023)
According to Vietnam Briefing (2022), 2022, Social commerce has gained prominence
in Vietnam, with over 65% of the country's internet users engaged in social commerceactivities The e-commerce industry in Vietnam is expected to continue its upward
trajectory By 2025, the market is projected to exceed $20 billion, driven by increasedconsumer trust in online shopping, digital payment adoption, and the expansion of e-
commerce platforms and logistics services (Boxme Global, 2020)
It can be seen that Vietnam's e-commerce industry is not only experiencing
impressive growth but is also at the forefront of global digital commerce trends.However, it also faces several challenges besides the achievement The rapid growth of
e-commerce has strained logistics and transportation systems Limited infrastructure incertain areas hampers timely and cost-effective delivery, impacting customer satisfactionand operational efficiency (SGGP, 2022) Moreover, despite progress in digital
payments, cash-on-delivery remains popular in Vietnam This can lead to payment fraud
and delayed cash flow for e-commerce businesses Encouraging secure online payments
is an ongoing challenge (Secomm, 2023) The most important is that the e-commercemarket in Vietnam is highly competitive While this offers consumers choice, it poses
challenges for startups and smaller players trying to gain market share Differentiatingthemselves and building brand recognition can be difficult (Vietnamnet, 2023) Along
Trang 12with that, concerns about product quality, authenticity, and online scams can also deterpotential customers.
Based on these challenges, it is crucial to comprehend the factors influencing
consumers, particularly university students, as they constitute a pivotal demographic inshaping the e-commerce landscape They represent a significant consumer base and are
becoming increasingly influential in determining which platforms thrive and which onesfalter University students, and in particular, those at prestigious institutions like the
University of Economics and Business (UEB), hold a unique position in this dynamicecosystem Their role as trendsetters and early adopters of new technologies isundeniable They are not only well-versed in the latest digital trends but also actively
participate in online commerce
UEB students, for instance, are known for their tech-savvy nature and their
inclination towards online shopping They utilize a wide range of e-commerce platforms
for various needs, from purchasing course materials to everyday consumer goods Theirchoices are driven by a myriad of factors, including convenience, pricing, user interface,and the overall shopping experience Understanding their preferences and decision-
making processes is vital for businesses and policymakers alike
By delving into the factors guiding their platform choices, such a study can provide
invaluable guidance for e-commerce businesses to tailor their strategies, enhance
customer satisfaction, and navigate the competitive landscape Furthermore, it caninform policymakers about the evolving needs of consumers and contribute to thedevelopment of regulations that promote a secure and efficient e-commerce
environment, fostering economic growth and innovation in Vietnam
For the above reasons, the topic “Research on factors affecting the behavior ofchoosing e-commerce platforms in online shopping of UEB students” is conducted
Trang 13To do that, the study needs to complete these specific missions:
First, identify the factors affecting the behavior of choosing e-commerce platforms
in online shopping of UEB students
Second, quantify the magnitude of the impact of these factors on the behavior ofchoosing e-commerce platforms in online shopping of UEB students
Third, provide proper recommendations and implications for the e-commerceplatforms in Vietnam to attract more student customers
3 Research questions
Corresponding to the proposed research objectives, this topic aims to answer the
following questions:
First, what are the factors affecting the behavior of choosing e-commerce platforms
in online shopping for UEB students?
Second, how do these factors impact the behavior of choosing e-commerce
platforms in the online shopping of UEB students?
Third, what are the recommendations and implications for the e-commerce
platforms in Vietnam to attract more student customers?
4 Research scope
Spatial scope: e-commerce platforms in Vietnam
Trang 14Time scope: September 2023 to October 2023
Content Scope: studying factors that impact on the behavior of choosing
e-commerce platforms in online shopping of UEB students; recommendations andimplications for the e-commerce platforms in Vietnam to attract more student customers
5 Structure of the topic
This research employs a quantitative method for the objectives First, the author
will review the literature and develop hypotheses and research models Based on theresearch model, the author will develop a research scale and design a correspondingsurvey Research data will be collected through a survey distributed to students at UEB
Research data will be synthesized, encrypted, and analyzed using SPSS software
and information in the digital domain They act as virtual marketplaces where consumerscan explore product offerings, compare prices, and make informed decisions while
enjoying the convenience of online shopping Furthermore, Chaffey & and Chadwick (2019) underscore the evolutionary nature of e-commerce platforms,highlighting their dynamic and adaptive structures E-commerce platforms continually
Ellis-evolve to meet the changing needs and preferences of consumers and businesses They
incorporate advanced technologies, data analytics, and personalized features to enhanceuser experiences, optimize processes, and foster sustainable growth in the ever-evolvingdigital landscape
Trang 16In summary, e-commerce platforms encompass integrated digital frameworks that
facilitate online transactions, interactions, and engagements between buyers and sellers.They act as comprehensive online ecosystems, connecting multiple stakeholders and
evolving dynamically to meet the changing needs of the digital marketplace Theseplatforms integrate various components to enable secure and efficient online shopping
experiences for consumers
1.1.2 Online shopping
According to Wolfinbarger & Gilly (2003), online shopping, often referred to aselectronic retailing or e-tailing, can be defined as the process through which consumersengage in browsing, selecting, and purchasing products or services over the Internet It
involves utilizing electronic devices, such as computers, smartphones, or tablets, toaccess virtual stores, view product catalogs, compare offerings, and ultimately make
purchase decisions Similarly, Li, et al (1999) emphasize that online shopping is a unique
consumer behavior characterized by the use of digital platforms for searching andevaluating products, interacting with sellers, and completing transactions Itencompasses a spectrum of activities, from pre-purchase information gathering to the
actual purchase, and may extend to post-purchase evaluations and feedback.Furthermore, Gefen, et al (2003) underscore the convenience and accessibility aspects
of online shopping They define online shopping as a mode of purchasing where
consumers can engage in buying activities anytime and anywhere through
internet-enabled devices It offers an unparalleled level of convenience, allowing consumers toshop without being restricted by geographical or temporal constraints, providing a 24/7shopping experience
All things considered, online shopping, or e-tailing entails the use of digitalplatforms to browse, select, and purchase products or services over the Internet It
encompasses the entire consumer journey, from pre-purchase research to the final
Trang 17transaction, and may extend to post-purchase interactions This mode of shopping is
characterized by its convenience, accessibility, and the use of electronic devices toengage with virtual stores and make informed purchase decisions
1.1.3 Consumers decision process
The consumer decision process is a comprehensive framework that elucidates the
series of steps individuals undertake when making purchase choices This processinvolves several stages, each influenced by various factors that guide and shape
consumer behavior According to Kotler & Armstrong (2018), there are five main stages
of the consumer decision process
Information Search
Evaluation of Alternatives
Purchase Decision
Post-Purchase Evaluati
Figure 1.1: Consumer decision-making process
Source: Kotler & Armstrong (2018)
Trang 18The initial stage in the consumer decision process is problem (need) recognition.This occurs when a consumer perceives a need or a problem that can be addressed
through a purchase The need can be triggered by internal stimuli (like hunger or desire
for a new smartphone) or external stimuli (such as advertisements or recommendations)
Following problem recognition, consumers engage in information search During
this stage, they seek information to address the identified need or problem Informationcan be obtained from various sources, including personal experiences, family and
friends, online reviews, advertisements, and expert opinions The extent of informationsearch often depends on the perceived risk associated with the purchase and the
consumer's level of involvement in the decision
The next stage is the evaluation of alternatives, where consumers assess theavailable options based on various criteria such as price, quality, features, brand
reputation, and personal preferences They weigh the pros and cons of each option and
assign importance to different attributes based on their needs and priorities
Following the evaluation, consumers make a purchase decision by choosing onealternative over others This choice is influenced by the consumer's evaluation of theoptions and may be affected by factors such as budget constraints, promotional offers,and the influence of others
After the purchase, consumers engage in post-purchase evaluation This stage
involves assessing whether the chosen product or service meets their expectations If itdoes, it reinforces their satisfaction and enhances brand loyalty If not, it may lead todissatisfaction and potentially influence future purchase decisions or even prompt
returns and negative reviews
It's important to note that these stages are not always followed in a strictly linear
fashion, and consumers might skip stages or revisit them based on the complexity of thepurchase, prior experiences, and other situational factors (Kotler & Armstrong, 2018)
Trang 19This study is most closely related to the stage of "Evaluation of Alternatives" within
the consumer decision process In the evaluation of alternatives stage, consumers, in thiscase UEB students, assess different e-commerce platforms available to them for onlineshopping They consider various criteria These factors significantly influence their
choice of a specific e-commerce platform
1.2 Theoretical model of consumer decision
1.2.1 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a widely recognized theoreticalframework used to analyze and predict user acceptance and adoption of information
technology Developed by Fred Davis in the late 1980s, TAM aims to provide insightsinto the psychological and behavioral aspects that influence an individual's decision toaccept and use a particular technology (Davis, 1989) It has since become a fundamental
tool in understanding user behaviors in various technological contexts
At its core, TAM posits that perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use(PEOU) significantly influence a person's intention to use and subsequently their actual
use of technology
Perceived Usefulness
Toward Using
System Use
Intention to Use
Source: Davis (1989)
Trang 20Perceived Usefulness (PU):
Perceived usefulness is the extent to which an individual believes that using aparticular technology will enhance their performance and productivity in achieving
specific goals If a person perceives technology as valuable and advantageous, they aremore likely to accept and use it For instance, in the context of e-commerce platforms, a
user may perceive a platform as useful if it provides convenient and secure transactions,
a wide range of product options, or personalized recommendations that enhance their
shopping experience (Marangunié & Granié, 2015)
Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU):
Perceived ease of use refers to the degree to which a person believes that using thetechnology will be effortless and straightforward If a technology is perceived as easy to
use, individuals are more likely to embrace it A user-friendly interface, intuitive design,
and straightforward processes in an e-commerce platform, for example, can positivelyinfluence the perceived ease of use, thereby encouraging adoption (Marangunié &
Granié, 2015)
TAM suggests that these two key factors, perceived usefulness and perceived ease
of use, directly impact an individual's attitude toward using the technology (Davis,1989) This, in turn, shapes their behavioral intention to use the technology, ultimately
influencing their actual usage behavior (Maranguni¢ & Granié, 2015)
Moreover, TAM emphasizes that external factors can indirectly influence theperceived ease of use and perceived usefulness External variables, such as social
influence, facilitating conditions, and individual characteristics, can shape a person'sperception of a technology (King & He, 2006) For instance, positive feedback frompeers or the availability of support and resources can enhance perceived ease of use,
ultimately impacting the overall acceptance of the technology Researchers haveregularly extended the TAM over time to incorporate additional variables to enhance its
Trang 21explanatory power These extensions provide a more comprehensive understanding of
the factors influencing technology adoption
1.2.2 Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) is acomprehensive and widely acknowledged theoretical framework that synthesizes
various established models to provide a unified understanding of factors influencingtechnology adoption and use (Venkatesh, et al., 2003) UTAUT aims to offer a more
encompassing model by integrating constructs from various theoretical models UTAUTincorporates four core determinants and moderators that influence user acceptance and
Trang 22Performance Expectancy (PE):
Performance expectancy refers to the degree to which an individual believes thatusing a specific technology will enhance their job performance or facilitate achievingcertain goals It is analogous to perceived usefulness in TAM If a person perceives that
using technology will improve their productivity, efficiency, or effectiveness, they aremore likely to accept and use it (Chang, 2012; Williams, et al., 2015)
Effort Expectancy (EE):
Effort expectancy is akin to perceived ease of use in TAM It signifies the degree
of ease associated with using a particular technology If a person perceives a technology
as effortless and straightforward to use, they are more likely to accept and integrate it
into their routines (Chang, 2012; Williams, et al., 2015)
Social Influence (SI):
Social influence emphasizes the impact of social factors on an individual's decision
to use a technology It encompasses subjective norms from the Theory of PlannedBehavior and signifies the influence of important individuals or groups, like peers,superiors, or key stakeholders, in shaping the person's technology adoption (Williams,
et al., 2015)
Facilitating Conditions (FC):
Facilitating conditions are the perceived support and resources available to an
individual to facilitate the use of technology This factor encompasses elements such astechnical support, training, and infrastructure If a person perceives that sufficient
resources and support are available, they are more likely to adopt and use the technology(Davis, 1989; Dwivedi, et al., 2011)
Trang 23Additionally, UTAUT considers some key moderators that influence therelationships between the core determinants and behavioral intention: Gender, Age,
Experience, and Voluntariness
1.3 Literature review
1.3.1 Foreign documents
Sahel, et al (2018) made an effort to look into the variables that affect the websites
that consumers choose while making purchases online As a result, 11 consumer related e-tailers were polled, and the following characteristics were determined:simplicity of use, privacy and security, prior experience, brand image, product diversity,
goods-and customer service The important criteria have been prioritized using the analyticalhierarchical process According to the study, simplicity of use receives 45% of the
weight given to the elements, followed by privacy and security, prior performance,customer service, product variety, and brand image The analytical hierarchical process
synthesis gave an inconsistency level of 7%, which was used in this judgment and isbelow the threshold value of 10%, indicating that the outcome is likely to be valid For
the benefit of e-tailers, the conclusions and consequences have been presented so theymay decide as soon as possible on the functions and features of e-commerce websites
The study of Komalasari, et al (2021) tries to pinpoint the variables that impact
e-commerce customers’ choice to purchase in Greater Jakarta 300 Greater Jakarta
residents between the ages of 19 and 39 who participated in this survey were chosenusing the purposive snowball sampling approach Structural Equation Model (SEM) wasused to examine the gathered data According to this study, perceived risk has a negative
effect on purchase intention, but perceived benefit, trust, and brand image have favorableeffects buy intention, meanwhile, influences e-commerce shoppers’ choice to make a
buy favorably It is significant to highlight that perceived advantage, trust, and brandimage are key influences on purchase intention, which in turn influences buying
Trang 24behavior By controlling such characteristics, e-commerce businesses may design tactics
to boost client purchase decisions
The study by Zhou & Tong (2022) builds a model of the customer influencing
factors in live streaming e-commerce using the technological acceptance model and themediating influence of emotion Through the use of SPSS and linear multiple regression
models, the study model and associated hypotheses are validated In livestreaming commerce, the study discovered that emotional trust and perceived emotional value may
e-be seen as mediating variables to boost users' buying intentions They have a fullmediating effect on the product and atmosphere and a partial mediating effect on
homogeneity and promotion, identifying the homogeneity of online celebrities Salespromotion may influence consumers’ purchase intentions through the partial mediatingrole of emotional trust and perceived emotional value, while product and atmosphere
brought about by emotional contagion may do so through a full mediating effect
The goal of Ru, et al (2021) is to look at the variables affecting online purchaseintent on a Malaysian e-commerce platform in Johor Bahru In this study, ShopeeMalaysia was chosen as the target e-commerce site, and a few variables from the
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) wereutilized to examine Shopee users' intentions to make online purchases An individual'sdesire to make an online purchase of a certain commodity or service is known as an
online buy circumstance Therefore, it is critical to examine how the four characteristics
typically affect overall online buying intention in the e-commerce sector E-commerce
is steadily growing in Malaysia, thus online merchants need to know exactly what factorswill make them stand out from the competition and raise online buying intent A sample
of 90 visitors who reside in Johor Bahru and have made purchases through ShopeeMalaysia served as the source of the study's data Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM) using
SmartPLS version 3 and the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23.0
Trang 25were used to evaluate the data gathered The results showed that perceived utility and
subjective norm, two factors, positively influence online purchase intention, butperceived ease of use and trust, two other aspects, had no significant influence.Therefore, it is advised that Shopee Malaysia properly use pertinent particular strategies
to improve both those factors and online purchasing intention
Gunawan, et al (2019) tried to determine the variables that affected consumers’
choices when shopping online Brand image, pricing, and trust were the criteria that wereconsidered; they were taken from earlier studies Accidental sampling was used in thequantitative design of the study 117 of the 200 surveys that were distributed torespondents who had made online transactions near Jakarta and Tangerang were
returned SPSS was used to examine the data The outcome demonstrates that brandimage positively impacts consumers’ choice to buy Price and trust, on the other hand,
have no bearing on it The secondary consideration when choosing a product is price
Therefore, a cheaper price does not ensure that internet buying is more convenient.Meanwhile, excellent products on the market and a strong brand image are the
foundation for building trust when making decisions online Target samples and studydisciplines have an impact on such factors
1.3.2 Domestic documents
The major goal of Pham (2020) is to identify the variables that influence
Vietnamese consumers' decisions when shopping for items on e-commerce websites Inthis work, four hypotheses are tested and the theoretical research model is examinedutilizing the quantitative technique The population of Vietnamese e-commerce sites,which included roughly 1,000 respondents, served as the sample To gather primary data
to test the hypotheses, this study employed the questionnaire approach SPSS was used
to analyze the questionnaire's data The findings indicate a relationship between
consumers’ individual preferences for colors and brands and the products they ultimately
Trang 26choose to purchase on Vietnamese e-commerce websites The brand of the online store
is the most significant element influencing consumer goods purchasers' decisions inVietnam, followed by color and position Respondents with a Master's degree give thesite's color attribute the most attention across all educational groupings, while those with
a Bachelor's degree give the brand attribute more weight Women, respondents with a
PhD over those with a Bachelor's or Master's degree, and foreigners over Vietnamesecustomers all pay significantly more attention to the placement of the objects on thescreen than do males
Tran Hoang Long and partners (2023) tried to identify the variables influencingstudents at Dong Thap University's choice to make an online purchase on Shopee The
authors created a questionnaire and distributed it to 300 Dong Thap University studentswho had made an online purchase on Shopee based on a review of prior studies
Descriptive statistics, Cronbach's Alpha Reliability Test, exploratory factor analysis(EFA), correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were utilized in the
research, which was supported by the SPSS22 program The study's findings indicatethat Dong Thap University students’ decisions to make online purchases on Shopee were
influenced by four factors: (1) usability, (2) utility, (3) personal experience, and (4)service quality The Dong Thap University students' decision to shop online on Shopeewas most strongly influenced by the utility in particular
In the research of Nguyén Minh Tuấn and Nguyễn Văn Anh Vũ (2020), theyinvestigate the variables influencing customers' online purchasing decisions Inparticular, the authors employ scales and data obtained to validate Cronbach alphareliability, Exploratory Factor Analysis, and testing multivariate regression models with
SPSS 20.0 software The author also uses qualitative approaches in conjunction withquantitative research to address difficulties Six elements are proposed by the study
model: The following factors impact customers' online shopping behavior at
Trang 27Awareness of ease of use; Awareness of utility; Trust; Social influence; Benefit; and
Risks The findings of the study indicate that five independent variables have an impact
on how clients at Tiki vn purchase online They are as follows: Awareness of simplicity;
Awareness of utility; Trust; Social influence; and (5) Benefit
The aim of Tạ Van Thanh and Đặng Xuân On (2021) is to find out and assess the
significance of the major variables influencing Generation Z customers' inclination topurchase online To assess the level of online buying, quantitative research was carried
out that included regression analysis, discovery factor, scale reliability testing, and modelfit testing The study's findings indicated that four variables, including cognitive
usefulness, trust, perceived danger, and psychological safety, influence Generation Z'sinclination to purchase online Conclusions and suggestions that might help e-commerce
enterprises improve their business operations
In addition to highlighting the distinctions between Generation Y and Generation
Z, Nguyễn Hồng Quân and Lý Thị Thu Trang (2023) attempted to identify the elements
influencing customers' decisions to select an e-commerce platform when they purchase
in Hanoi Both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies were employed in
the study 434 responses were obtained from the main data, which was gathered usingthe sociological survey technique and analyzed using SPSS 22 Seven elements werediscovered as a result: perceived utility, perceived usability, trust, subjective standards,
website design, perceived risk, and attitude Only the perceived danger component has a
negative effect, and the impression of utility is the most powerful aspect The findingsalso demonstrate that Gen Y and Gen Z differ from one another The authors have alsosuggested a few ways to encourage customers in Hanoi to buy items through an online
Trang 28disparities among various e-commerce platforms This disparity impedes the formulation
of comprehensive recommendations or policies regarding customers' choices of
e-commerce platforms
Secondly, concerning the research subject, most studies do not specifically target
a particular demographic Students constitute a vital link in the current trend of online
shopping They represent a significant portion of consumers and wield an increasinginfluence in shaping the success or failure of different platforms They play a distinctive
role in this perpetually changing environment, serving as pioneers and trendsetters inemerging technologies Their importance must be recognized
Considering the aforementioned reasons, conducting “Research on factors
affecting the behavior of choosing E-commerce platforms in online shopping of UEB
Students” is imperative This research aims to provide fresh data and novel perspectives
on the selection behavior of students, particularly those from the University ofEconomics and Business (UEB), concerning electronic commerce platforms Thisendeavor is essential to inform policy-makers and stakeholders, enabling them to
formulate effective policies and recommendations Such initiatives are vital for fostering
a secure and efficient online commercial environment Additionally, this researchendeavor strives to stimulate economic growth and innovation in Vietnam These
Trang 29objectives underscore the significance of this study, providing the rationale for itsexecution.
2.1 Research hypotheses and model
they need in a shorter amount of time, they might be more inclined to use it (Moslehpour,
et al., 2018) E-commerce platforms that align with the specific needs and preferences
of students (e.g., offering academic books, tech gadgets, or student discounts) can be
perceived as more useful (Lim, et al., 2016) Furthermore, a platform that integrates wellwith other services (e.g., fast shipping, easy returns, or integration with payment
methods) can be perceived as more useful because it offers a more seamless shoppingexperience, which ultimately increases the probability of students using that platform
The studies of Tran Hoang Long and partners (2023); Nguyén Minh Tuan and Nguyén Van Anh Vũ (2020); Tạ Van Thanh and Dang Xuân Ơn (2021); Nguyễn Hồng Quân and
Lý Thị Thu Trang (2023) also demonstrated a positive relationship between perceivedusefulness and decision to choose an e-commerce platform in the context of Vietnam Perceived Ease of UsePerceived Ease of Use refers to the extent to which individuals believe that using a
particular technology or system will be free from effort and complications (Davis, 1989).When students perceive an e-commerce platform as user-friendly, intuitive, and
Trang 31effortless to navigate, it reduces the cognitive and logistical barriers associated withonline shopping, making it a more attractive and accessible option Students are more
likely to opt for e-commerce platforms that offer a seamless and hassle-free shopping
experience, as it aligns with their preferences for convenience and efficiency (Arora &Aggarwal, 2018) Perceived ease of use will exhibit a positive impact on consumers’
choices of e-commerce platforms, as it represents their assessment of howstraightforward and accessible these platforms are, ultimately influencing their behaviorand decisions in the realm of online shopping In essence, a user-friendly interface and
ease of navigation are expected to enhance the perceived value and attractiveness of commerce platforms for customers, prompting them to select these platforms as their
e-preferred online shopping destinations (Ashraf, et al., 2016) The research results of
Nguyễn Minh Tuấn and Nguyễn Van Anh Vũ (2020); Tạ Văn Thanh and Đặng Xuân On
(2021); Nguyễn Hồng Quân and Lý Thị Thu Trang (2023) have corroborated the positiveimpact of Perceived Ease of Use Trust
Trust is a fundamental concept in e-commerce, representing the belief that a
particular platform or seller can be relied upon to fulfill promises, deliver qualityproducts, and safeguard sensitive information (Hidayat, et al., 2016) For onlineconsumers, who often have limited prior interactions with online retailers, establishing
trust is paramount in their platform selection process (Choi & Mai, 2018) Trust in
e-commerce is cultivated through various factors, including the platform's reputation,security measures, customer reviews, and transparent policies, (Liew, et al., 2017).When consumers perceive a platform as trustworthy, they are more likely to engage in
transactions, as it mitigates the perceived risks associated with online shopping Thissense of trust instills confidence, reduces uncertainty, and provides assurance that their
online shopping experience will be secure and reliable (Halim & Karami, 2020)
Trang 32Consequently, Trust will indeed have a positive impact on consumers' choices of
e-commerce platforms, as it reflects their confidence in the platform's integrity, therebysignificantly influencing their online shopping behavior and decisions (Wei, et al., 2019)
In essence, trust acts as a linchpin in the decision-making process, as customers gravitatetowards e-commerce platforms that foster a sense of security and reliability, factors thatare essential in the online shopping landscape where trust is the bridge between
consumers and digital merchants The studies of Tran Hoang Long and partner (2023);
Nguyễn Minh Tuấn and Nguyễn Văn Anh Vũ (2020); Tạ Văn Thành and Đặng Xuân On(2021) also confirmed the positive correlation between Trust and decision to choose ane-commerce platform Subjective Norm
Subjective Norm, in the context of this study, refers to the extent to which
consumers believe that their peers, friends, or social circles endorse or support a
particular e-commerce platform for online shopping (Halim & Karami, 2020) Forconsumers, who are likely to engage in frequent discussions and information sharingabout their online shopping experiences with peers, the opinions and recommendations
of their social network carry significant weight in their decision-making process(Kaushik, et al., 2018) Positive subjective norms can create a bandwagon effect, wherestudents are motivated to align their choices with those of their peers to gain socialapproval and conformity (Yulianita, 2018) Moreover, recommendations from trustedpeers can serve as valuable endorsements, reducing uncertainty and perceived riskassociated with choosing an e-commerce platform Therefore, Subjective Norm plays apivotal role in influencing consumer choices of e-commerce platforms, as it reflects the
power of social influence and peer recommendations in shaping their online shoppingbehavior and decisions Students are likely to favor e-commerce platforms that are well-
regarded within their social circles, as the subjective norm acts as a persuasive force,
Trang 33driving them to select platforms endorsed by peers and fostering a sense of belongingand conformity in online shopping The research of Nguyén Minh Tuan and Nguyén Van
Anh Vũ (2020); Ta Van Thanh and Dang Xuân On (2021) have also proved this. Perceived RiskPerceived risk encompasses the apprehensions and concerns that consumers may
have regarding potential pitfalls associated with a specific e-commerce platform, such
as concerns about product quality, security of financial transactions, privacy of personal
information, or delivery reliability (Wei, et al., 2018) The level of perceived riskassociated with an e-commerce platform significantly influences consumers’ decision-
making process High perceived risks can act as deterrents, causing consumers to hesitate
or opt for alternative platforms that appear safer and more trustworthy (ALraja & Aref,2015) Reducing perceived risks is essential for e-commerce platforms seeking to attract
customers, as mitigating these concerns is crucial in positively shaping their online
shopping behavior and decisions Ultimately, in the competitive landscape of commerce, minimizing perceived risks is a key strategy for platforms to gain the trustand confidence of consumers, fostering a safer and more appealing environment for their
e-online shopping endeavors (Tzavlopoulos, et al., 2019)
The hypotheses are presented as followed:
HI: Perceived usefulness has a positive impact on UEB students' decision to
choose an e-commerce platform
H2: Perceived ease of use has a positive impact on UEB students' decision tochoose an e-commerce platform
H3: Trust has a positive impact on UEB students' decision to choose an commerce platform
Trang 34e-H4: Subjective Norm has a positive impact on UEB students' decision to choose ane-commerce platform.
H5: Perceived Risk has a negative impact on UEB students' decision to choose an
e-commerce platform
2.1.2 Proposed research model
To test the aforementioned hypotheses, the research model is proposed as followed:
Based on the related theoretical model and the reviewed literatures, measurement
scales are developed as followed:
Trang 35Perceived Usefulness
The e-commerce platform provides a lot ofPUI
useful information
Tran Hoang Long and
PU2 The e-commerce platform is always | partners (2023); Nguyễn
available for ordering Minh Tuan and Nguyén
Van Anh Vũ (2020); TạThe e-commerce platform is designed to be
PU3 Van Thanh and Dang
convenient for ordering
-Xuân Ơn (2021); Nguyễn PU4 The e-commerce platform helps compare Hồng Quân and Lý Thị
products more easily Thu Trang (2023)
PUS | The e-commerce offers many promotions
Perceived Ease of Use
Using the e-commerce platform to order is
simple and easy to do Trần Hoàng Long and
I can easily find the necessary information partners (2023); Nguyen PEU2 |on the interface of the e-commerce | Minh Tuan and Nguyen
platform Van Anh Vii (2020); Ta
Van Thanh and DangPEU3 Ican easily use the services available on the Xuân Ơn (2021); Nguyễn
e-commerce platform Hồng Quân and Lý Thi
It is easy to access the e-commerce Thu Trang (2023)
Trang 36The functions of the e-commerce platform
Trân Hoàng Long and
TR2_ | The e-commerce platform is trustworthy partners (2023); Nguyén
Minh Tuan and NguyễnThe e-commerce platform implements the
TR3 Van Anh Vii (2020); Ta
commitment terms
Van Thanh and Dang
TRA Information and product reviews on e- | Xuân Ơn (2021); Nguyễn
commerce platforms are reliable Hồng Quân and Lý Thi
SNI My acquaintances think I should shop at the | Trần Hoàng Long and
e-commerce platform partners (2023); Nguyén
Minh Tuan and Nguyén
My friends think I should shop on the SN2 Van Anh Vii (2020); Ta
e-commerce platform
‘Van Thanh and Dang
Online community reviews influence my | Xuân Ơn (2021); Nguyễn SN3 online purchases on the e-commerce Hồng Quân and Lý Thi
platform Thu Trang (2023)
Trang 37A lot of information suggests buying at SN4
e-commerce platforms
SNS I see advertisement suggesting to buy at
e-commerce platforms
Perceived Risk
PRI My personal information could be stolen
when shopping online Tran Hoang Long and
l l l partners (2023); NguyễnPR2 Processing and delivery take a lot of time '
Minh Tuan and NguyénPR3 It is difficult to evaluate product quality | Văn Anh Vũ (2020); Tạ
when shopping online Van Thanh and Dang
Xuân Ơn (2021); NguyễnPR4 | Products may not be as good as advertised R :
Hong Quân and Lý Thị
on the website
Thu Trang (2023)
PRS Issues that arise are handled very slowly
Choose e-commerce platform
gp! I decided to use e-commerce platform in the
future Tran Hoang Long and
partners (2023); Nguyén
Qp2 I will use the e-commerce platform in my |_ Minh Tuấn and Nguyễn
daily life Van Anh Vũ (2020); Tạ
l l Văn Thành and Đặng
I decided to continue using the ecommerce QD3 Xuân Ơn (2021); Nguyễn
-platform regularly
Trang 38I will introduce the e-commerce platform to Hong Quân and Lý Thị
aps people around me Thu Trang (2023)
aps I will gradually switch from traditional
shopping to e-commerce platforms
Source: Author
2.3 Methodology
2.3.1 Data collection method Secondary data collection
Secondary data in this article includes information sources from online newspapers,
research companies, and scientific journals These data sources are collected to supportthe process of establishing research problems and building the theoretical basis of thestudy Primary data collection
Online Survey Method:
For the online survey method, the author will employ an online questionnaire
format hosted on the Google Forms platform The survey questionnaire is administered
in both English and Vietnamese, as the target participants of the survey include bothVietnamese and international students at the UEB This ensures that the survey is easily
comprehensible, accessible, and quick to respond to for all participants, regardless oftheir language background This approach offers several advantages, including easy
accessibility and convenience for respondents The author will distribute the survey linkelectronically, primarily via email or through various social media channels, to the
intended participants
Trang 39Before administering the online survey, the author will provide a comprehensiveintroduction to the study, clearly explaining the survey's objectives and assuring
respondents of the confidentiality of their data This introduction will help participantsunderstand the context and purpose of the survey, fostering their cooperation
The online survey method offers participants the flexibility to complete the
questionnaire at their convenience, reducing potential disruptions to their daily routines
and work commitments This method is particularly advantageous for reaching savvy and digitally connected individuals
tech-Face-to-Face Survey Method:
Recognizing the diverse preferences among potential participants, the author willalso integrate a face-to-face survey distribution method This method will cater to
individuals who may not have easy access to digital platforms or who prefer a morepersonal interaction
The printed survey forms will be meticulously designed to mirror the content andstructure of the online questionnaire, ensuring consistency in data collection These
paper surveys will be distributed directly to the subjects, allowing them to complete thesurvey in a more traditional, physical format
This dual approach, combining both online and face-to-face survey methods, aims
to maximize the inclusivity of the study, ensuring that a wide range of potential
participants can engage in the research, regardless of their technological preferences orconstraints Sample design and sampling methods
This study chose a non-probability convenience sampling method To ensure the
research has statistical significance, it is necessary to ensure the survey sample isrepresentative of the population Previous studies such as that of author Hair, et al (1998)
Trang 40have stated that to conduct a successful EFA exploratory factor analysis, it is necessary
to ensure that the number of samples will be exponentially proportional to the number
of questions Survey questions at a ratio of 5:1 This means that for every 1 surveyquestion asked, at least 5 research samples are needed Sampling is also done using many
different methods such as using the online Google form tool, sending questionnairesthrough the email system, and conducting surveys directly to respondents The survey is
conducted based on the principle of obtaining the maximum number of samples possible.The study has proposed an analytical framework with 5 factors, with these 5 factors the
project used a total of 30 survey questions Thus, according to the principles of Hair et
al (1988), the minimum number of survey samples must be 5*30 = 150 samples to
ensure the representativeness of the whole
In addition to conducting exploratory factor analysis, the project also conducted a
regression analysis to find the impact of factors on businesses’ digital transformation.According to author Tabachnick (1996), the number of samples must be guaranteed
according to the principle of sample size n > 50 + 8p with 8 being the number of concepts
of the model So it can be seen that, according to Tabachinick (1996), the number of
samples for the project must also be guaranteed to be equal to 50 + 8*5 = 90 samples.Author Roger (2006) also pointed out that for experimental studies, the minimumnumber of samples that need to be used ranges from 150 to 200 samples
To minimize errors in the survey sample selection process, it is optimal to collect
as many surveyed results as possible within allowable conditions to increase therepresentativeness of the population Therefore, the survey topic is 250 votes