This study aims to construct a model based on the technology acceptancemodel to identify other factors that influence online shopping intentions.. Therefore, I chose the topic "The trend
Lecturer : Mrs Ha Quynh Mai
Student name : Nguyen Thi Ha Phuong
Lecturer : Mrs Ha Quynh Mai
Student name : Nguyen Thi Ha Phuong
Trang 3I hereby declare that this is my own independent scientific research The data used
in the analysis in the thesis have clear origins and have been published in accordance withregulations The research results in the thesis are researched and analyzed by myself,honestly, objectively and in accordance with the reality of Vietnam These results have notbeen published in any other studies.
Trang 4Throughout my graduate thesis research and implementation, I have been fortunate
to receive enthusiastic and valuable support and encouragement With deep appreciationand respect, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the following individuals and
First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the teachers andexperts of the Faculty of Finance-Banking, as well as those from other faculties within theschool Their willingness to take the time to answer my questions and provide insightfulanalysis has been instrumental in building my confidence and enabling me to conduct thisresearch with greater ease
I would like to offer my sincere thanks to MSc Ha Thi Quynh Mai for her directguidance and unwavering dedication in providing me with appropriate advice and directionwhenever I faced difficulties during the research process Moreover, she has always been asource of encouragement and support to ensure that I am comfortable throughout theresearch As this is my first attempt at a graduate thesis, | am aware that there may beshortcomings and mistakes, and I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions that couldhelp enhance the quality of the research paper
Trang 5Table of Contents
LIST OF ABBREVIATION u0etnnnniinnininieninnis 6
LIST OF FIGURES aesssssssesesesscecessvsesesesesecnsensesesesesnseseniesesesneesesevssnesessnsesnsnenesesensnsecneinsesnsnseseninsesesnisennenninsinen 7
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION « s55 5eehkhsrknrrrssrskkeiisrarsrsrkririiirEsksksrsrrrrsrsrsflrire 9
1.1 The urgency Of topic sa sessEsEeEEkEkExEsExrrsrrrrkrkrkrkrxrsiirrsrrrxrrrrrrsrsrszse 9
1.3 Research ODjeCtiVES HH HH HH HH HH HH0 gE 11
1.4 Research qU€StÏOII « «+ xrrersrxrrrrrrrrsrxrrrrirriiireiirsrsrrriririrerrrsrsrsrrrirrirrririrsrx 12 1.5 Research SCOD «HH HH HRHRHSEESESEESEEEEEISESESESESEEEEEEESHSESESESESESESEEiSEE 12 1.6 Research method «- «cty HRHRHRHRRATTEEEEESEEESESESESDSEREEESESiSrsii 12
2.1 GOMETATION Z ch nh nh nh ng ghnHRTRTRTRTRRTEE5ET7E1S115E151118751811517515551015707877570111755 14
2.2 Generation Z and online sh0DDÏNE - series 15
2.3 ResearCh ØaDDS ««crereiekirirererererrrrrrrrrrersrkiirrirrrrrrrsrsrsrsrrirriririrrrsrsrsrxrririrrrrrrrrsrsrsrrrre 17 2.4 Theoretical MOE] , «set shsrxExEkkrrrakkksrrsrssisnnrrsrsrsrsinrtsrsrsrsirrse 19
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOG Y e.e-555555scseseseksrsEsrrrrrrrstsrsrsrierarsrsrsrsrisrisrar 23
3.1 Definition Of VariaÌÏ€S ssscscseessnsnnxkhhghghghghghnhnHRRR RE TRREEESTSESESESESESEEESESEESESEEk 24
3.2 Sample and data CỌÏ€CtÏOT -.‹ «+ skkekktEkEkEktxrsrrrrrrrrrkrkrsaiikrsrrsrrbsiesrsrsrsrsrsre 24
Abbreviation Meaning
ANOVA Analysis of Variance
EFA Exploratory factor analysis
SCT Social Cognitive Theory
TAM Technology Acceptance Model
TPB The Theory of Planned Behavior
TRA Theory of reasoned action
Figure 2 1 Proposed Research Model u cessssssssssssssesssesssescsescseessssesssteesseesseesseessueessntesssneesseessneeess 23
Table 3 1 Measurement Scale sssscssssssssssesssssssssesesssstessssstessssneeesssseesssnseenssneeessnseesssneesssnnesssanesseansess 25
Table 4 1 Descriptive Statistics eeessssssssessssessssssssstesessstessssseessssieeessssessssseesssaeesssstessssaeessnamesssaaiess 28Table 4 2 Reliability of Measurement Instrument -c cccsecccvvesesrvveeerrreeerrrrerree 29Table 4 3 KMO and Bartlett's Test sssssssssssssssessssstesessstescsnsesssssseesessseesssneesssnnesessnteesssnneessnneesseanness 31Table 4 4 Total variance expÌained -ce+-xrxeecrkriirtriirtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrirrr 32Table 4 5 Rotation matrix results table on sessssssssssesssssesssssssssssssessssseesssneesssseessssstesssnseesssaeenssnseees 33Table 4 6 Pearson's correlation analysis -cecccrrxierrkrirrrriiirrriirrrriiirriirrrrrrrii 34Table 4 7 Analysis of regression MOE] sssssssssssssesssssssessessssseesesssssseesssesssseeessesssseeesssssssteessessseees 36Table 4 8 Linear regression analySis -ceeccrrkeetrrtiirtrtiirtrriiiririiirrriiiiiirrrirrerrrrrrerri 36
Trang 9Despite the rapid evolution of technology, its adoption into daily life has been relatively slow.The lack of customer acceptance towards new technology remains a major obstacle formarketers However, in Vietnam, a developing country, the trend of using online shoppingservices has been growing rapidly, especially among young people from Generation Z (aged18-25 years) This study aims to construct a model based on the technology acceptancemodel to identify other factors that influence online shopping intentions A survey wasconducted, with 122 respondents including experts from various fields and universitystudents The proposed model was evaluated using regression analysis The results indicatethat perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment have a significant impact on onlineshopping intentions Surprisingly, the effect of perceived usefulness was not significant,suggesting a need for greater awareness among the community about the benefits of onlineshopping Additionally, this paper found that perceived ease of use has a significant positiveeffect on perceived usefulness
Keywords: Perceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use, Perceived Enjoyment, TAM
1.1 The urgency oftopic
Generation Z has become an attractive prospect for retailers worldwide due to theirgrowing numbers and dominance in global markets Generation Z consumers show littleloyalty to specific brands and it is not easy to get and keep their attention According toresearchers and the media, Generation Z are young people born between the decade of 1995and 2012, they are the first to have access to technology from a very young age and have amonetary, technical and economic mindset, which can change the world in the future MostGen Z consumers are highly educated, creative and tech-savvy Generation Z are the oneswho create new trends, make an impact in the consumer segment, are the object of fastaccess to online shopping because of frequent use of online tools and easy to update trends.Therefore, Gen Z is a very important customer that needs to be studied
In Vietnam, according to the survey results on Internet use in Vietnam, up to 68.17million Vietnamese people use the Internet, accounting for 70% of the population and 24%
of the population buying products online (Vietnam Internet Statistics, 2021) They willcontinue to use this way of buying and selling in the future From the above statistics,Vietnamese people gradually prefer online shopping and trust more in online securitymeasures In which, up to 95% of Vietnamese internet users aged 15-25 belong toGeneration Z, and in this age group, most of them are students, students and publicemployees Gen Z is very active should adapt very quickly to new things, so this is a veryinteresting object Therefore, I chose the topic "The trend of online shopping of GenerationZin Vietnam: Impact of enjoyment in TAM model” to conduct a survey and research on theonline shopping behavior of Gen Z in Vietnam Thereby proposing a number of solutions tohelp businesses and retailers that provide online sales services make more appropriateadjustments to meet the expectations of Gen Z after buying online
1.2 Research overview
In the study "Determinants of Consumer’s Willingness to Purchase Online in Malaysia:The Role of GEN Z’s Attitude" of Mondol et al (2021), researchers have investigated therelationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and prior online purchaseexperience with online purchase intention The study looked at how attitudes affectedattitudes between perceived utility, perceived ease of use, and prior online buyingexperience with purchase intention The findings show a positive and significant correlation
Trang 11between perceived usefulness, perceived usability, and purchase intention In addition,there was no link between previous online purchase history and intention to make apurchase online.
According to research by Hidvégi and KelemenErdos (2016), authors drew onprimary and secondary data from a 1,055-person online poll According to research,Generation Z youth focus significantly on personal experience and consider quality andaffordability when making purchasing decisions, with little respect for the opinions ofothers Despite the fact that the internet is their primary source of information, individualsstill seek feedback from others in the majority of cases before making purchasing decisions.According to research, Generation Z depends largely on personal experience and considersquality and affordability when making purchasing decisions, and cares little about otherpeople's opinions
Wood (2013) indicates that Generation Z is thought to be at ease with technology andthe global world Because of their age during the economic collapse, they will most certainlyexhibit some significant consumer-driven distinctions from Millennials According to theauthor, Gen Y and Gen Z are frequently blended and share many traits, most notably theirtechnical expertise and comfort level in the global world However, due to their age duringthe economic downturn, Generation Z is likely to exhibit significant differences inconsumption orientation when compared to Generation Y The authors identify four trendsthat may characterize Generation Z as consumers: Innovation, Convenience, Security and
Priporas, Stylos, and Fotiadis (2017) use a series of semi-structured in-depthinterviews with 38 university students-consumers in the UK market The findings suggestthat smart technology has a significant impact on the experiences of Generation Z customers.Furthermore, this consumer group anticipates the widespread availability of a plethora ofnew devices and electronic processes substantially, giving customers more control andfaster transactions They also believe that technology will allow them to make moreinformed purchasing decisions Interviewees also emphasized the importance of educatingconsumers on how to use new smart retail applications
When searching about “Teen Generation Z is being called millennials on steroids andthat could be terrifying for retailers’, Schlossberg (2016) investigated Generation Zcustomers’ present perceptions, expectations, and recommendations regarding their futureinteractions in the smart retail landscape The authors employed a qualitative technique,
Trang 12the UK market The findings indicate that smart technology has a substantial impact on theexperience of Gen Z consumers Interviewees also underlined the significance of educatingcustomers on how to use retail applications Furthermore, some participants expressedreservations about the impact of further promoting smart retail on a segment of the jobmarket This demonstrates that Generation Z has higher expectations, is less loyal to brands,and is more concerned with the experience.
Generation Z is a unique cohort that has grown up with technology and a globalworldview Research conducted by Mondol et al (2021), Hidvégi and Kelemen Erdés (2016),and Wood (2013) suggest that Generation Z has a positive attitude towards technology and
is more accepting of diversity and cultural differences Moreover, these studies have alsoshown that Generation Z is more independent in their purchasing decisions and lessinfluenced by the opinions of others However, Schlossberg's (2016) article indicates thatthe buying behavior of Generation Z is more focused on the shopping experience rather thanthe brand they purchase from This finding suggests that Generation Z values personalizedshopping experiences that cater to their individual preferences and interests
Based on previous studies, this study will aim to identify the factors that influenceGeneration Z's online purchasing decisions, such as product quality, price, convenience, andthe shopping experience Additionally, the study will explore the impact of social media andother digital marketing strategies on the purchasing behavior of Generation Z The results ofthis study will provide useful insights for businesses looking to target Generation Zconsumers in the Vietnamese market
In conclusion, while previous studies have shed light on the general attitudes andbehaviors of Generation Z, this study will provide a more comprehensive understanding oftheir online shopping trends By analyzing the data collected from the survey and authenticdocuments, this study will provide valuable insights that can help businesses tailor theirmarketing strategies to effectively target Generation Z consumers
1.3 Research objectives
- Rationale for the online shopping behavior of Generation Z
- Identify and evaluate the impact of factors affecting the online shopping intention of
Generation Z consumers
- Propose some solutions to improve the quality of online shopping services for
Generation Z
Trang 13Research space: Internet environment in VietnamResearch period: 2019-2022
1.6 Research methods
Qualitative research method: The author applies qualitative research method byconducting through two steps including collecting information and analyzing data.Information to be collected includes primary and secondary information Secondaryinformation is collected through previous research papers, articles in scientificjournals, reputable websites, etc Primary information is collected through groupdiscussion to adjust model and scale, mock interviews to check the questionnaire andobserved variables to suit the spatial scope of the research After that, the authorsynthesizes and analyzes data to determine preliminary factors that affect theresearch object, adjusts and adds observed variables and makes a proposed model.Quantitative research method: The author applies a quantitative method, which iscarried out by taking the actual survey using a questionnaire that has been developedand edited in the preliminary research phase Then, the author processes thecollected data through the following steps: describe the survey sample, use the TAMmodel (Davis, 1989) to understand the variables which affect online shopping.Through Cronbach's Alpha coefficient analysis method, EFA exploratory factoranalysis, Pearson correlation test, model regression analysis and using t-test andANOVA to test the influence of variable demographic factors The tool used for dataanalysis is SPSS 22 software.
Trang 141.7 Structure of the topic
The rest of this paper proceeds as follows Section 2 provides the literature review.Section 3 describes the data and our methodology Section 4 presents the empirical results.Finally, section 5 concludes
2.1 Generation Z
Generation Z is the generation born between 1995 - 2012 (Brown, 2017) Generation
Z is a generation of highly educated, tech-savvy, innovative and creative young people(Basiouni and Hackley, 2014) Their entire life has been influenced by technology since birth
As a result, people in this age find it relatively easy to understand information, usetechnology, and participate in social networks All members of Generation Z can quickly andeasily master information tools Gen Z's preferred gadget for learning and entertainment isthe smartphone It is the first generation born into the digital world that lives online andvirtually integrates and interacts with its favorite brands (Bernstein, 2015) This generationwas born in the age of technology and uses, depends and depends on it in every aspect oftheir lives ( Van den Bergh & Behrer, 2016 ) The ability to think financially and assesscircumstances grows as a result of extensive exposure to technology Gen Z is a brightgeneration that has the potential to become the country's future owners Gen Z is not scared
to communicate their thoughts and opinions They fearlessly step out of their comfort zone,reject preconceptions, take a different path, and are always willing to voice what they thinkwithout fear of being overshadowed by the crowd Generation Z is the first truly globalgeneration to influence consumer culture: food, fashion, culture, communication,networking, entrepreneurship and economics Generation Z favors using images andgraphics over reading, messages built on symbols and images instead of verbosity, and usesInternet search instead of books (Mccrindle, Wolfinger & Salt, 2018)
According to Tuyen et al (2019), Generation Z in Vietnam also tends to consumeproducts and services that are convenient and reasonably priced They also love to discovernew products and services, especially the latest technology products and services.Generation Z in Vietnam has a creative mindset and loves to discover new things They tend
to innovate and come up with new ideas in daily life (Thao, 2019) Generation Z in Vietnamalso has an interest in social and environmental issues They like to participate in charityactivities and support environmental protection activities (Ngoc and Tu, 2020) The abovestudies are true for Generation Z but not entirely accurate, because Gen Z uses technologyflexibly but still tends to be based on traditional methods They do not completely applytechnology to their lives, but only use technology as a tool to make things faster and moreconvenient This will be remedied and supplemented in this research paper
Trang 162.2 Generation Z and online shopping
The emergence of Generation Z, also known as the digital native generation, hastransformed the landscape of consumer behavior This generation, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, has grown up with technology and has a high level of proficiency inusing digital devices and platforms As a result, they are more inclined to investigate andassess products before making a purchase decision One of the key factors that contribute toGen Z's ability to assess products is their familiarity with social media platforms (Roman,Riquelme and Iacobucci, 2019) Social media influencers, who are individuals with a largefollowing on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, have a significant impact
on Gen Z's purchasing decisions Yadav and Rai (2017) found that Gen Z frequentlyencounters genuine reviews of products from these influencers, which helps them to makeinformed decisions
Another factor that has enabled Gen Z to be more discerning in their purchases is theease of access to online shopping platforms With the proliferation of e-commerce websites,mobile apps, and other digital platforms, consumers can carefully examine their needs andassess whether a product is appropriate for them They can also read reviews from otherusers of the product, which provides valuable information about the product's quality,usability, and reliability However, it is worth noting that Gen Z does not exclusively shoponline According to Baykal (2020), they still enjoy shopping in physical stores, particularlyfor clothing, shoes, and makeup In-store shopping provides them with the opportunity tosee and feel the product before making a purchase, which is important for items such as clothing and makeup, where fit and color are crucial factors In terms of definition, onlineshopping is the process of purchasing products and services via the internet or mobiledevices, including online sales websites, shopping applications, online auction sites, onlineshopping sites, and community shopping websites and other shopping websites (Jin, Park
& Kim, 2018) According to Venkatesh et al (2017)., the characteristics of online shoppinginclude convenience, speed, flexible product search and easy price comparison Consumertrust in an online sales website is also considered an important factor to increase onlinereach and shopping In addition, studies also show that, depending on consumer needs andintent, online shopping can be driven by emotional or utility factors Compared withtraditional shopping, online shopping can provide many benefits to consumers such assaving time, increasing flexibility and diversifying products However, traditional shopping
is still popular, especially for items such as clothing, shoes and cosmetics, as consumers candirectly inspect and try on products before purchasing (Liu et al.,2019; Nguyen et al., 2019)
Trang 17According to Kim et al (2020), traditional shopping is a form of traditional shopping bygoing to stores, supermarkets or shopping malls to buy goods directly from retailers In thisprocess, customers can directly see and touch the products before deciding to buy, caninteract directly with sales staff to ask and get advice and talk with friends , family duringshopping (Ko et al., 2021) However, traditional shopping can cost more time and energythan online shopping and can be influenced by factors such as location, store opening hours,weather, crowd, and searchability to get the desired product.
Growing up in the modern environment, Generation Z has a significant edge overprior generations in terms of understanding information and making full use of thatinformation for optimum profit This generation values online opinions, ranking high insearch and reviews is part of the influence Gen Z has on purchasing (Gutierrez, 2021) E-commerce services are more appealing to Generation Z than to the rest of the population.Generation Z has also immediately embraced new payment methods, and their purchasinghabits appear to be impacted by their lifestyle (Jilkova and Kralova, 2020) According toZekavica (2022), Generation Z's motivation for online buying stems from their everydayactivities of entertainment, relaxation, and shopping, as well as food and drink, products,entertainment, media, and opinions on social issues, products, the future, culture, Gen Zbuying is mostly about expressing and asserting oneself, as well as shaping one's lifestyle inrelation to society They consider this temporary pleasure as their primary purpose (Francisand Hoefel, 2018)
In Vietnam, Generation Z has shown a strong inclination towards frequent and activeonline shopping They are drawn to the convenience and flexibility that online shoppingprovides (Tuyen et al, 2019) When it comes to making purchases, Generation Z in Vietnamdemonstrates a keen interest in exploring and learning about products and servicesbeforehand (Thao, 2019) They often rely on reviews and comments from other users andactively seek out detailed product information on various platforms such as websites,forums, social networks, and blogs It is common for them to rate products, write reviews,and share pictures of their purchased items Furthermore, Generation Z in Vietnam places ahigh value on honesty and transparency in business and shopping relationships They expectfair treatment and demand respect from brands Establishing a sense of trust andauthenticity is crucial in capturing their loyalty and maintaining a positive brand perception(Minh and Cho, 2021).
Trang 182.3 Research gaps
Although the studies mentioned (Brown, 2017; Basiouni and Hackley, 2014;Bernstein, 2015; Van den Bergh & Behrer, 2016; and Mccrindle, Wolfinger & Salt, 2018)provide valuable insights into the characteristics and behaviors of Generation Z, they tend
to generalize the entire population of this generation In reality, there are significantdifferences in behavior and attitudes among individuals within this generation due todifferences in upbringing, culture, and socioeconomic status Additionally, while Generation
Z is often portrayed as a tech-dependent generation, not all members are equally tech-savvy,and some may even have a preference for more traditional communication and learningmethods Therefore, it is important to avoid making sweeping generalizations aboutGeneration Z and to recognize the diversity within this population Future studies shouldaim to capture a more nuanced understanding of Generation Z by considering individualdifferences and exploring the complex interplay between technology and other factors thatshape their behaviors and attitudes
As above studies, researches of Brown (2017), Basiouni and Hackley (2014) and Van
den Bergh & Behrer (2016) along with McCrindle (2018) all determine that Generation Z is
a young generation who is tech-savvy and applies technology into all aspects of life, includingonline shopping However, these studies may not be entirely accurate because ignoring Gen
Z still tends to rely on traditional methods of shopping They do not use technologycompletely in life, but only use technology as a tool to make things faster and moreconvenient Another shortcoming of these studies is that they do not address the impact ofissues such as security, information quality and product damage when shopping online onGeneration Z In addition, the studies also did not really address other factors such as onlineshopping experience and the influence of product reviews from other consumers on thepurchasing decision of Generation Z
For a developing country like Vietnam, consumers tend to shop more online due tothe convenience, variety of products and services, along with the ability to compare pricesand reviews from other users Besides, fintech services such as e-wallets, mobile paymentsand online loans are more popular among users Therefore, I want to define the factorsaffecting Vietnam to support businesses, policy makers to help them better understand theshopping and consumption trends of today's youth, specifically Generation Z in Viet Nam
The limitations of the studies on Generation Z's shopping behavior (Roman, Riquelmeand Iacobucci, 2019; Yadav and Rai 2017; Jin, Park & Kim, 2018; Venkatesh et al., 2017)highlight the need for further research to fully understand the complexities of consumer
Trang 19behavior While the studies provide valuable insights into the preferences and habits ofGeneration Z, they also demonstrate the need for comparative research across different agegroups to determine whether the behavior of Generation Z is unique or reflects broadertrends Additionally, research that explores the potential drawbacks of online shopping,including the impact on impulse buying and physical activity, can provide a morecomprehensive understanding of its effects on consumer behavior Studies on theauthenticity and effectiveness of social media influencers can also provide valuable insightsinto the role they play in shaping purchasing decisions Finally, research that examines theenvironmental impact of online shopping can help inform efforts to make e-commerce moresustainable and align with the values of Generation Z, who are known for their concern forthe environment.
While the studies (Gutierrez, 2021; Jilkova and Kralova, 2020; Zekavica, 2022;Francis and Hoefel, 2018; Baykal, 2020) provide valuable insights into the behavior ofGeneration Z, there are some limitations and potential areas for improvement in futureresearch One major limitation is the lack of diversity in the samples used in many of thesestudies Often, studies only focus on specific regions or countries, making it difficult togeneralize the findings to a broader population Additionally, there is a lack of research onthe impact of cultural differences on Gen Z's shopping behavior, which could significantlyaffect their purchasing habits Furthermore, while studies of Gutierrez (2021), Jilkova vaKralova, (2020) and Zekavica (2022 highlight the importance of online shopping and e-commerce for Gen Z, they do not fully examine the impact of technology on their overall well-being Excessive use of technology can have negative effects on mental health, such asanxiety and depression, which could potentially affect their shopping behavior Finally,although Francis and Hoefel (2018), and Zekavica (2022), emphasize the importance of self-expression and shaping one's lifestyle in relation to society, they do not fully explore thepotential impact of peer pressure and societal norms on Gen Z's purchasing decisions.Future research could explore the influence of social norms and expectations on Gen Z'sshopping behavior
Although most studies suggest that factors such as convenience, product quality,price and social responsibility, entertainment, self-affirmation, etc play a role in purchasingdecisions their products (Huang and Kuo, 2019; Turban et al., 2018) However, not allstudies recognize these factors, which highlights the need for further investigation intoGeneration Z shopping intentions (Huang and Kuo, 2019) In conclusion, while the existing
Trang 20there are limitations to these studies that underscore the need for further research Byaddressing these limitations, researchers can gain a more nuanced understanding ofconsumer behavior and inform efforts to make e-commerce more sustainable andresponsive to consumer needs Based on these research gaps and the achievements ofprevious studies, I will develop and apply them in my research paper.
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is an expanded version of TRA that explains onlinebuying behavior through factors such as relatives' views, knowledge, experience, andcontrol TPB was also developed by Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) Kim and Chung (2011), forexample, employed the TPB model to analyze the factors impacting online shoppingbehavior in Korea The findings suggest that customers’ views toward online purchases, aswell as control assumptions, have a beneficial impact on online purchasing behavior Thakurand Srivastava (2014) apply the TPB model in their research in India to identify the factorsinfluencing online shopping behavior
Bandura's (1986) Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) explains online purchase behaviorusing characteristics such as self-knowledge, motivation, and the influence of others Someresearch by Park et al., 2018 and Chung et al., 2016, employ the SCT model to explainconsumer online purchase behavior According to the study's findings, psychological andsocial factors such as knowledge, trust, motivation, attitude, perceived utility, and theinfluence of relatives and friends all have an effect on online purchase behavior According
to research, the online buying experience is also an important factor in shaping consumerattitudes toward online purchasing.
This study employs the extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, 1989)
to analyze the factors that influence online shopping The TAM serves as a basis for
Trang 21investigating customers’ acceptance of online shopping, with perceived ease of use andperceived usefulness as its two external variables (Davis, 1989) This study expands the TAM
by adding perceived enjoyment as a third external variable that impacts the intention toshop online This model was developed by Fred Davis in 1989 and has been widely used instudies of technology use behavior, including studies of consumer online purchasingbehavior According to the TAM model, the behavior of using technology is determined bytwo main factors: the convenience and usefulness of that technology (Venkatesh and Morris,2000; Hsu and Lu, 2004) The TAM model has also been extended to include other factorssuch as reliability, accuracy, trustworthiness, ease of learning, and the influence of culturaland social factors (Teo and Liu) , 2007; Gefen and Straub, 2004; Kim and Song, 2010) Thismodel provides a useful theoretical framework to explain technology use behavior and hasbeen widely used in studies of consumers’ online purchases.
Online shopping Intentions
Online shopping, also known as e-commerce, has become increasingly popular inrecent years due to the convenience and accessibility it offers With online shopping,consumers can purchase goods and services directly from a seller at a specified time throughthe internet without the need for intermediary services This means that consumers canshop from the comfort of their own homes and have their purchases delivered right to theirdoorstep In addition to being a convenient way to shop, online shopping also offers a widerange of products and services that can be accessed from anywhere in the world Onlineretailers can display their products and services with accompanying images that aredisplayed remotely via electronic means, making it easier for consumers to browse andcompare different options This is particularly helpful for consumers who may not haveaccess to certain products or services in their local area When a product or service isselected, the transaction is typically made automatically through either online payment orcash payment Online payment methods such as credit cards, PayPal, and other digitalpayment platforms have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and security.According to Monsuwe et al (2004), online shopping is a behavior exhibited by consumerswhen they shop through online stores or websites using online purchases This refers topurchases of goods and services made by consumers through a computer-based interface,through which computers interact with the retailer's digitized stores via a computernetwork connected to the consumer's computer While online shopping offers manybenefits, it also poses risks such as fraud and identity theft Therefore, it is important for
Trang 22scams Overall, online shopping has revolutionized the way we shop and will continue toplay a significant role in the retail industry in the years to come Despite its many benefits,online shopping is not without its shortcomings, particularly in developing countries whereissues such as online scams, security, information quality, and delivery damage are stillprevalent (Arumugam et al., 2021) Therefore, it is important for both consumers andretailers to take steps to address these issues in order to improve the online shoppingexperience for everyone involved.
One group of consumers that has been particularly drawn to online shopping isGeneration Y This demographic enjoys completing activities on the internet and iscomfortable with browsing product information on websites (Gennaro, 2006) As this groupcontinues to age and become more financially stable, they are likely to play an even largerrole in the online shopping market However, there are still many factors that can influence
a consumer's decision to buy a product online For example, there is always a risk that theconsumer will have problems with the quality of items, product performance, damageduring shipment, or online fraud These risks can make consumers hesitant to shop online,particularly if they have had a negative experience in the past
Despite these risks, many people still prefer shopping online because of theconvenience and accessibility that technology, specifically the Internet, provides(Moslehpour et al., 2018) With the ability to shop from anywhere at any time, onlineshopping has become a popular option for busy individuals who may not have the time orinclination to visit physical stores In order for online shopping to continue to grow andthrive, it is important for retailers to address the shortcomings of the industry and ensurethat consumers feel confident in their online purchasing decisions This may involveinvesting in better security measures, improving delivery and return policies, and providinghigh-quality product information and customer service Ultimately, the success of onlineshopping will depend on the ability of retailers to meet the evolving needs and expectations
of consumers in a rapidly changing digital landscape
These variables are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceivedenjoyment These variables and their influence on online shopping are explained as follows:
e Perceived Usefulness
Perceived Usefulness is an independent component of the Technology AcceptanceModel (TAM) It is defined as "the extent to which a person would improve his/her jobperformance by using a specific system" (Davis, 1989) E-commerce's perceived utilityincludes convenience, product and service selection, and extensive information According
Trang 23to the majority of research, the key reasons why people shop online are convenience andtime savings Finding items and services on the Internet in general, and e-commerce sites inparticular, has proven to be rapid, efficient, and cost-effective At the same time, unliketraditional shopping, it is possible to explore many different sorts of items and brands.
H1: Perceived usefulness has a positive influence on online shopping intention
e Perceived Ease of Use
Perceived ease of use is the degree to which an individual believes that using aparticular system will be effortless (Davis, 1989) Innovative technology systems that areperceived as easier to use and less complex are more likely to be accepted and used bypotential users Ease of use is perceived when consumers feel that an electronic paymentsystem is not difficult to understand, learn and use For this reason, ease of use is considered
as one of the important factors influencing the acceptance and use of new technologies by
in how people utilize technology (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000) The perception of enjoymentinfluences whether utilizing e-commerce websites for shopping is acceptable
H3: Perceived enjoyment has a positive influence on online shopping intention
The research topic on the online shopping trend of Generation Z is an interesting andrelevant area of study, particularly given the significant impact that this generation has onthe consumer market In this regard, it is similar to the research direction taken by manyresearchers in recent years who have sought to explore the behavior and preferences ofGeneration Z in relation to various aspects of modern life, including technology, social media,and shopping habits In developing its research model, the study has drawn on the work ofCheema et al (2013), who examined the role of social media in shaping consumer behavior.Specifically, the study has adopted and adapted the research model used by Cheema et al toexplore the influence of social media on Generation Z's online shopping behavior
This research model provides a useful framework for examining the factors that driveGeneration Z's online shopping behavior, including the role of social media influencers, theease of access to online shopping platforms, and the appeal of new payment methods Byinheriting this model, the study is able to identify key drivers of Gen Z's online shoppingbehavior and to provide valuable insights into how companies can best market theirproducts to this demographic
Figure 2 1 Proposed Research Model
Perceived Usefulness
Perceived Ease of
Perceived Enjoyment
Online Shopping
Source: Cheema et al, (2013)
Figure 2.1 is a model used by Cheema et al., (2013) to study consumer buying trends
in the 21st century The model shows that perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment