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Tiêu đề Vocational Training In Line With Job Creation For Rural Labourers In Vinh Phuc
Tác giả Pham Thi Phuong Hang, Duong Thi Thuy, Bui Hong Nhat
Người hướng dẫn Prof. Dr. Lennart Wilkander, Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thang
Trường học Uppsala University
Chuyên ngành Master of Public Policy Management
Thể loại master thesis
Năm xuất bản 2012
Thành phố Vinh Phuc
Định dạng
Số trang 119
Dung lượng 29,04 MB

Nội dung

Title: “Vocational taining in line with job creation for rural labourers in Vinh- The aim of this investigation is to provide an insight into the relationship between vocational training

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Authors: Pham thi Phuong Hang

Duong Thi ThuyBui Hong Nhat

Supervisor: Prof Dr Lennart WilkanderLocal Supervisor: Dr Nguyen Ngoc Thang

Class MPPM INTAKE 4B - Group 3

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The views opinions and recommendations given in this Report are those of the Authors and do not necessarily represent those of Uppsala University or any of its staff

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Title: “Vocational taining in line with job creation for rural labourers in Vinh

- The aim of this investigation is to provide an insight into the relationship

between vocational training and employability;

b) the findings can be used in policy decision making and prioritisation,

to help maximise the achievement of the Government of Vietnam’s stated social and

poverty reduction objectives, including vocational training and job creation;

c) the findings may provide some recommendations to improve the efficiency

of vocational training institutions linked to employment for rural labourers in Vinh Phuc province.

Through survey/questionnaires

To better understand the status of the vocational training and job creation in VinhPhuc, the group have developed questionnaire to collect information for the thesis.Forms have been sent to 3 categories: Vocational training schools, Enterprises adHouseholds

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In depth interviews:

During December 2012 the research group had a number of meetings with (i) leadersfrom Vinh Phuc Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs regarding the

policies and orientation of the province on vocational training for rural labourers and

(ii) leaders from Viet Duc vocational training school to better understand the current

challenges and the school’s 2011-2015`s development plan

Fortunately the group also had a chance to attend some session at 2 trainingclasses for rural labourers in the province organised by Minh tien vocational training

centre and Vinh phuc technical economic college The focus of our group was to get

an overview of the contents of the training, the way it is delivered and the enrolment


Result & Conclusion: The authors based on the analysis, with the mostupdated information and data, discussion with stakeholders to pave the ground for

their argument on the on the problem — vocational training and job creation for rural

labourers in Vinh Phuc These includes a real status of the picture at present andrecommendations to tackle the problem in the province

Suggestions for future reseach: The scope of the research is limit within theinvestigation of the vocational training and job creation Proposals made to improve

the situation are at the macro level for the policy makers at the provincial government

to consider There need to have more sector based studies to translate the

recommendations into practice, so that the policy can be specifically made for each

target group This is also the matter of the coordination among the provincial bodies, how best to work with each other under the leadership of the provincial government.

Contribution of the thesis: The result of the research indicates the relationship

between vocational training and job creation The group had in depth assessment the

capacity of the vocational training institutions and job creation in the area through

data collected using descriptive and SWOT analysis The added value of the study is for the first time, directing the student upon their completion of lower and upper

secondary school is proposed for vocational training Other recommendations havereceived great attention from policy makers in the province in their planning for thesocio-development pan for Vinh Phuc, particularly in the period from 2011-2015

Key word:

- Vocational training

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job creation

Rural labourers

Vinh phục province

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21 The concept 8

2.2 Policy of central government Il2.3 Policies and strategies of local government 12

Chapter 3 Status quo of the vocational training and job creation for people in the

rural area of Vinh Phuc province 14

3.7 About Vinh Phuc H3.2 Requirements for labour restructuring, demand for vocational training 1

3.3 Capacity of vocational training centres in Vinh Phuc Nội

3.4 Vocational training results in the period of 2006-2010 17

3.5 Demand on vocational trained labourers in the province 18

3.6 The status of employment and job creation for rural labourer in Vinh Phuc 20Chapter 4 Research methodology 224.1 Data collection, analysis of secondary data 22

4.2 Through survey/questionnaires 22

4.3 In depth interviews 224.4 Presentation oƒ data collected from the survey 23Chapter 5 Analyzing current situation of vocational training and job creation for thepeople in the rural area of Vinh Phuc 245.1 Strengths 245.2 Weaknesses 255.3 Opportunities 275.4 Challenges 285.5 Findings 29Chapter 6 Recommendations to improve vocational training and job creation 326.1 Directing students upon their completion of lower and upper secondary school 32

6.2 Reorganizing the network of vocational training institutions and job creation 32

6.3 Fostering skills for management and vocational training staff — Improving the

contents of the vocational training programme and syllabus 326.4 Improve training facility and infrastructure including IT application 336.5 Socialization of vocational training job creation and poverty reduction 34

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We, hereby deciare that this Research: Report has not been submitted, either in thesame or different forms to this or any other university for a degree We also declare thatthis Research Report does not draw from any other work prepared under consultancy orothe: professional undertaking by ourselves or jointly with other authors in any way other

than that duly and explicitly acknowledged herewith.

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Many people have given us encouragement during our study and support during the

preparation of this research report

We would like to thank Dr Lennart Wikander, Dr Lars-Torsten Uppsala University

in Sweden Dr Nguyen Ngoc Thang of University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University for guiding us to do the research and all the lecturers for their

knowledge passing through during the study and the fulfilment of the research

We would also like to express our sincere thanks to the provincial departments such asPPC DOLISA, PGSO and other line agencies, particularly Mr Le Xuan Dang - Director ofDepartment of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs of Vinh Phuc, Mr Dao Xuan Hien —

Rector of Viet Duc Vocational College in Vinh Phuc for their support to provide information,

and acceptance to meet with us during our research

The research group

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Chapter 1 Introduction

In receat years the “Doi Moi” policy of the Vietnamese government has achievedgreat successes in both, the economic and the social sector: high economic growth,improved social security and stable politics A contribution to this achievement is thecontinuous development of the labour force in terms of quality and quantity During the last

ten years, the vocational training sector has recovered and has made considerable progress:

a country-wide vocational training provision could be established and the vocational curricula were revised and renewed based on the national frame curricula The vocational school teachers have reached a high level of qualification and their updated technical skills

include advanced technological know-how for the industrial production An accreditationsystem has been established, the national skills standards are about to be defined and they

will be the basis for training as well as for assessment The administration system functions

well from the central to the local level [1, page 38]

In the nearer future, one of the key duties will be the forging of linkages betweenvocational training and social demand Training should become driven by the demand ofcompanies for human resource development on the three qualification levels: primary,secondary and college level Linking the vocational training with job creation, how to run

the whole system more efficient and effective in a ever more transition and integrated

economy are the among the great challenges for the policy makers from the centraldownward to local level [2, page 10]

A well-trained labour force plays an important role in the Vietnamese labour

structure Vocational training is associated with real needs and practical labour use It helpscreate local jobs, contributes to economic structure transfer, and labour restructuring in ruralareas, thus contributing to poverty reduction In other words, vocational training is closelyconnected to production and business labour use [3, page 58]

1.1 The study

The purpose of this investigation is to review the current policies and strategies Vinh

Phuc regarding vocational training and job creation in the province This includes a review

of the capacity of vocational training sector and the progress in creating job for people in

the rural areas of the province

1.2 Objectives

It is hoped that:

a) this study can provide an insight into the relationship between vocational trainingand employability:

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b) the findings can be used in policy decision making and prioritisation tohelp maximise the achievement of the Government of Vietnam's stated social and povertyreduction objectives including vocational training and job creation:

c) the findings may provide some recommendations to improve the efficiency ofvocational training institutions linked to employment for rural labourers in Vinh Phuc


1.3 The approach

Vinh Phuc was chosen for this investigation given the province has young

population, and the majority of which are at the working age, rapid population growth rate

(2.4% per year), requiring 30.000 new jobs per annum Unemployment tigure 1s quite high198.965, 88.34% of which are in the rural area, 11.65% are in the urban area Ít is quitealarming that the rate young people having no job (aged 15-34) accounts for nearly 70%,and aged 15 - 24 accounts for 35.35% (Source: Vinh Phuc statistics office)

Currently, Vinh phuc has been developing its ‘Proposal for Vocational training for

people in the rural areas till 2020 in accordance with Decision 1959/QD-TTg of the Prime

Minister Previously, there have been several studies to investigate the vocational training

in Vinh Phuc, but these merely skimmed the surface of, the issue of how these impacts

affect job seeking, improvement of livelihood of people in the rural areas of Vinh Phuc

Consequently, there have not been detailed recommendation to the provincial policy makers

to help deal with the problem This investigation seeks to address this ‘gap’ in current

knowledge with the aim to provide additional information on the problem and how to translate them into practical solutions.

The scope and depth of the investigation has been determined by the information

and statistics readily available The study analyses nationwide statistics of province level

data to identify trends and relationships between population, labourer, and the trend of the transition in the labour structure A review of findings from case studies in the vocational

training schools in the province the secondary statistical analysis to help identifyperceived impacts and causal relationships between vocational training and job creation

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Chapter 2 Literature reviewPolicies at central and local level regarding vocational training and job creation

2.1 The concept

Vocational education or vocational education and training (VET) is an education that

prepares trainees for jobs at various levels from a craft or trade to a professional position inengineering, accounting, nursing, medicine and other heath practitioners, architecture,

pharmacy, law etc Craft vocations are usually based on manual or practical activities,

mic, related to a specific trade, «

sometimes referred to as technical education as the trainee directly develops expertise in a particular group of techniques.

Vocational education may be classified as teaching procedural knowledge This can becontrasted with declarative knowledge, as used in education in a usually broader scientificfield, which might concentrate on theory and abstract conceptual knowledge, characteristic

of tertiary education Vocational education can be at the secondary, post-secondary level,

further education level and can interact with the apprenticeship system Increasingly,

vocational education can be recognised in terms of recognition of prior learning and partialacademic credit towards tertiary education (e.g., at a university) as credit; however, it israrely considered in its own form to fall under the traditional definition of higher education

Employability refers to a person's capability for gaining and maintaining employment(Hillage and Pollard, 1998) For individuals, employability depends on the knowledge,skills and abilities (KSAs) they possess, the way they present those assets to employers, andthe context (e.g personal circumstances and labour market environment) within which theyseek work (Hind and Moss, 2011) As such employability is affected by both supply-sideand demand-side factors which are often outside of an individual's control

The concept of employability has been in the literature for many years Current interest hasbeen driven by:

« _ the changing nature of public employment policy, with increasing emphasis beinggiven to skills-based solutions to economic competition and work-based solutions tosocial deprivation

« the supposed end of ‘careers’ and lifetime job security, which have, of course, onlyever applied to a minority of the workforce, the greater uncertainty among

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employers as to the levels and types of jobs they may have in the future, and the

need to build new relationships with employees.

Traditional scholastic thinking has viewed training and learning as issues strictly within the remit of educational institutions This scenario is illustrated in figure 1:

⁄ Educational —_ “he student = Organization \




Figure 1: Traditional model on the relationship in vocational training, students, and organization, adapted

from Soren Willert et al.2011

Education-based training and learning involve a multitude of actors in multiplecontexts The concrete training program, the specific workplace, the actual student is

educationally motivated by its own specific logic To be educationally effective, the model need to revise as indicated in figure 2 Training and learning are joined in a continuous, circular process in which participants move back and forth between different situational contexts: the workplace, the classroom and personal reflection (Seren Willert et al.2011)

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The co-operation between educational institution and organization: experiences fromEurope:

In Germany the Dual System of vocational education has a long history, dating back

to medieval times This explains the positive and open attitude of industry and schools thatcooperate in the training system Furthermore, the Vocational Education Law as well as theTraining Directives provide a national regulatory framework, with the Federal Institute forVocational Education and Training as the governing body By school laws in each federalstate decentralisation and local partnerships on the one hand, and the participation of

enterprises of all sizes, especially small medium enterprises, in vocational training on the

local level, on the other hand, are secured

In France, traditional French vocational training is integrated into the generaleducation system In a cultural context, technical and vocational education and training isseen as less desirable than general secondary and tertiary education However, it can bestated that a trend towards a co-operative model of vocational education is in evidence,making vocational training more practical while conducting it outside the general educationsystem Furthermore, this co-operative, alternating model makes it easier for companies to

recruit students that are prepared for the world of work, since these students usually already have a training contract with companies.

In Great Britain, there is no national framework regulating the partnership between

industry and vocational training institutions Nevertheless, the output-oriented and

qualification-based approach of the Qualification and Curriculum Authority system intends

to produce skilled workers who meet the requirements of the labour market Vocational

education is conducted, in parts, by further education institutions, vocational educationproviders, or the employers Most further education institutions are polytechnics withdiversity in various vocational fields [

Currently, Vietnam has about 300 vocational training establishments in alleconomic sectors, nearly 600 vocational centres, more than 800 job promotion centre,centres for continuing education, vocational training centres and many vocational classes infirms, traditional handicraft villages and more than 200 colleages and secondary schools .Those establishments actively develop their own training programmes suitable to eachenterprise’s production and technological features In addition, these establishments also

take part in vocational training for outside labourers Annually, they train hundreds of thousand labourers in full-course and short-course training which have increasingly met the

demands for technical workers However, this type of training is still quite new and not

every enterprise can apply it In fact a vocational school training curriculum is not always

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able to keep up with state-of-the-art technology and thus employers have to retrain theiremployees

2.2 Policy of central government

Vocational training for rural people has been the priority of the Party the Government and all its bodies from the central to grass root level, serving the purpose of

improving the quality of rural labourer, adding value to the industrialisation, ruralmodernisation The government has allocated a big portion of public investment tovocational training for rural labourers Attending vocational training is the right andobligations of the rural labourers in order to raise their income, and improve their livingstandard Additionally, the State has shifted vocational training for people living in the ruralareas from training based on existing capacity of training establishments to trainingaccording to vocational-training demand of employees and the labour market; combinedvocational training with strategies, plans and the country socio-economic developmentplans; innovated and developed vocational training for people living in the rural areas ineach region, branch and locality towards promoting quality, training effectiveness andmaking favourable condition for rural labourers to learn profession suitable to theireducation levels, economic condition and vocational — training demand; boosted training,improving the staff, officers to make an impressive progress in terms of training quality and

efficiency; constructed a group of staff, officers having high qualification, well-leading and

managing capacity and mastering their professional skills regarding socio-economic aspects

in the commune to serve for agriculture - industrializing and modernizing process in the

tural areas [4, page 2]

The government of Vietnam has set a target to increase the skilled and trainedworkers from 26% in 2010 to 50% in 2020 (Strategy - MOLISA) The promulgation of theLaw on Education and the Law on Vocational training in 2006 has paved the way for thecontinuation of the development of regulation and improved the execution function of the

government in the fields of technical education and vocational training as well as the role of

the economy

The National Socio-Economic Plan 2010-2015 (the Plan) recently promulgated by theNational Assembly also indicates the need to: ‘Review the planning of network of college,university and vocational training school in the whole country Expand of vocationaltraining network [5, page 53]

Accelerate vocational training, especially the sector based and high technologicalfocus to shift the labour structure from low to high quality Embedded vocational training

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institutions in enterprises To diversify forms of vocational training in accordance with thevocational subjects and production requirements of which focus on developing other forms

of vocational training for people in rural area to labor restructuring to meet currentrequirements of agriculturalal modernization and new village programme Renovation anddevelopment of vocational training curricular [2, page 8]

In order to implement these goals, in the phase of accelerating industrializationand modernization, the quality of vocational training in particularly has to be improved.Vocational training should be linked with market demand in the economic structure transferand labour structure in terms of quantity, quality, level and occupational structure ofindustrial zones, export processing zones, rural areas, spearhead economic sectors, andlabour exports Consequently, vocational training should focus on developing short-coursevocational training and highly-skilled technical worker training [2, page 30]

2.3 Policies and strategies of local government

The provincial Resolution XV set out the direction for development: ‘by 2015, to become an industrialized province 2, and upgrade from province to city status in the 2020s.

[7 page 18] To achieve these targets, the need for improving the quality of vocationaltraining and job creation has become increasingly ever important

In recent years, Vinh Phuc has had a number of important guidelines and policies

paving the uniform development in all sectors and ensure social security In 2006, the

provincial party committee issued Resolution 03 on agriculture rural development andimprove farmer’s lives Resolution 06 on provincial human resources development wasissued in 2008, focusing on 3 important areas: Early childhood and primary education,vocational training and improve the quality of public service delivery Accordingly, many

papers at lower levels guiding the implementation have been issued such as Resolution 16/2007/NQ-HĐND on Poverty Reduction Programme, job creation for the period 2007-

2010, Resolution 34/NQ-HDND dated 25/12/2008 on a number of policies to support poor

households, poor people and extremely disadvantaged sub-villages within difficult areas for

the period 2009-2010 :

After 5 years of implementation, in general, those guidelines and policies has come tolife, creating a great consensus and positive response of the people Early childhood andprimary education has made some achievement Vocational training centres have beenexpanded with good public investment Similarly like job promotion centres and short term

training courses have been introduced to people living the rural area of the province Up to

the end of 2010, the rate of skilled labour in the province has reached 51.2%, of which

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technically trained is 37.45% and about 18-10.000 new jobs have been created The overallprovincial poverty reduction rate is about 2-2.5% per year [9, page 6]

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Chapter 3 Status quo of the vocational training and job creation for people in the

rural area of Vinh Phuc province3.1 About Vinh Phuc

Vinh Phuc is located in the northern key economic areas, the Red River Delta and Hanoi Geographical location play a role geopolitical and geo-economic There have been positive changes in the socio-economic development of the province since its re- establishment (in 1997) Specifically, during 2001-2010, the economic growth rate of the

province is 17.4% per annum; provincial budget revenue is quite high The general image

of the province and its infrastructure has impressiveiy improved in parallel with positive changes on culture, security and social welfare [10, page 6]

Result from 2009 census in Vinh phuc indicated that the total population of the province is 1,008,337, of which urban people is 231,380 accounting for 23% (in 2005 was

17%) Labour resource include 694.930, in which, the number aged 15 and above is 657,540,

accounting for 91.3% of the provincial labour force; the number of people outside the working age actually engage in the labour market is 40,960, making 7%; and the below working age figure actually engage in the labour market is 1.100; The number of people working in

economic sectors is 611.140, equivalent to 86,7% of the labour force [10, page 16]

Average annual employment during 2006-2010 was 20,140 people However, the

number of people working agriculture sector is till high: 314,000 (or 55.9% of the whole labour workforce) Meanwhile, the number of people working in industrialised zones is only about 37,000, immigrant labourer is about 60,000 and exported labour is more than 5,700; In general, the quality of the labour force is quite low and weak in all aspects The actual income of majority of laborers is still very low; it is difficult for employees in the agricultural regions to find jobs to increase their income; in 2011, the proportion of poor households (under new standard) is 11.05% per 27,612 households; that of nearly-poor

households is 7.06% per 17.651 households [9, page 18]

3.2 Requirements for labour restructuring, demand for vocational training

Labour structure in Vinh Phuc (2005)

015-60 years old

above 60 years old

Obelow 15 years od

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Source: Statistics office of Vinh Phuc province

The province’s economic structure targets until 2015 as follows: Industry —Construction, Services, Agriculture - Forestry make up 61-62%, 31-32%, 6,5- 7%respectively; structure of labour force in such sectors as industry, services, handicraftincreases from 44.07% in 2010 up to 77.5% in 2020 [11, page 3]

Trends of labour structure (economic sectors) 2005-2010

2000 2005 2010 2015

Source: People’s Committee of Vinh Phuc province

Accordingly, the need of trained labourers to satisfy the human demand and to be suitable to the province’s socio-economic targets until 2020 is very clear In which, it is

necessary for the agricultural employees to be trained a lot regarding industry - construction,tourism and services Therefore, it is needed to decrease the proportion of agricultural labourers

and increase the rate of labourers working in such sectors as industry - construction and services Additionally, it is also necessary to ensure the workers in the province be taught and trained the professions in connection with employment As a result, they can earn money, raise

their income, reduce poverty and ensure sustainable development

3.3 Capacity of vocational traii ing centres in Vinh Phuc

3.3.1 System, a network of vocational training institutions

Currently, there have been 55 vocational training institutions province-wide (11 onescontrolled by the Central and other 44 ones managed by the Province), including 04vocational training colleges, 03 vocational training schools, 10 vocational colleges andupper-secondary schools (02 private schools); 10 public vocational training centres and 14

private vocational training centres; 07 centres for continuing education including vocational

training; 06 other institutions including vocational training and 01 overseas-invested

establishment [12, page 2]

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There are different forms of training: vocational college level full time vocationalintermediate level: basic vocational level: connection from vocational intermediate level tovocational college: centres for continuing education including vocational training:Retraining: Short-term training Short-term improvement, Vocational training.

Training structure is quite diversify ranging from construction, to handicraft

Training for tourism and services industry has not yet developed

3.3.2 Physical equipment and facilities of vocational training centre:

Total land area for vocational training institutions is 138.7 ha including 69.6 ha of thevocational training institutions controlled by the Central, at average of 11.6 ha/ institution;70.8 ha of the vocational training institutions controlled by the Province, at average of 3.4ha/institution (shortage of 0.6 ha/ institution); 11.4 ha of private vocational training

institutions, at average of 0.7 ha/ institution (shortage of 1.3 ha/ institution) There have

been not vocational training institutions of Departments, Divisions and Branches

All the vocational training institutions have classes, practicing workshops suitable tothe professions, scales and training levels

Over the past few years, the province has invested in buying equipments for teaching,learning, and practising better From 2007 until the end of 2010, thanks to the budget of thenational target program and the province’s budget, vocational training institutions were

facilitated with vocational — training equipments of more than 165.873 million dongs (The

provincial public managed institutions -are 99.934 million dongs and private ones are45.475 million dongs) Budget for vocational training in the province in 2010-2011 is 300.8

million dong [12, page 4]

3.3.3 Contents of the program and curriculum:

There have been the training program structure and several curricula for vocationaltraining colleges and upper-secondary schools; however, there has not been the trainingprogram structure for elementary level Some contents and curricula are self-compiled byvocational training institutions under the stipulated structure Particularly, the program onvocational improving and training regarding agriculture, forestry, aquaculture andhandicraft is composed by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development andDepartment of Industry and Commerce

3.3.4 Management and teaching staff

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Total number of staff, teachers of the province`s vocational training institutions in

2010 is 1,881 people (full time: 1,341 people, part-time: 540 people), on average of 23.2students/ teacher, in which, vocational colleges and upper-secondary schools have 841people; professional colleges and upper-secondary schools have 547 people; vocationaltraining centres and other institutions have 493 people

Qualification: 335 people of post-university level, making up 17.8%; 1,078 people ofuniversity, college level, presenting 57.3%; 468 people of other qualifications, making up24.9% 1,558 teachers having standard qualification represent 82.8% and the number ofunder-standard teachers is 17.2% [12, page 3]

3.4 Vocational training results in the period of 2006-2010:

Vocational training results (2005-2010)

[1AgricuRure industry

O Services

Source: Internal reports on vocational training 2005-2010, Vinh Phuc Department of

Labour, Invalids and Social affairs

According to the report on the implementation of Resolution 03-NQ/TU dated 17December 2006 on the agriculture and rural development for the period from 2006-2010,the province have opened 1,910 knowledge — improving and enhancing classes for more

than 180,000 people Vocational training institutions in the province have trained147,768 people, on average of 29.554 people/ year In which, 3.771 people of college level ( 3%); 37.615 people of upper-intermediate level (25%); 106.382 people of elementary level (72%) In details, 21,183 people work in agricultural sector (11%); 15,959 people work in

service sector (14%); 110,990 people work in industrial sector (75%)

Quality: Generally, students after graduation have basic knowledge of their major, achieve the knowledge targets in terms of training qualification and have the basic career skills.

- The proportion of employed students after having been trained is 80%; especially, 100% of students graduating from colleges find suitable jobs.

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In the period of 2006 - 2010 the province made an important progress regarding therate of trained labourers making up 51.5% (in comparison with 32% in 2005 and 40%country-wide); capacity of satisfying both quantity and quality of labour market has beengradually improved.

3.5 Demand on vocational trained labourers in the province

3.5.1 Developing industrial zones

Pursuant to Decision No 1107/QĐ-TTg dated August 21, 2006 on ratifyingdeveloping planning of industrial zones in Vietnam until 2015 and vision to 2020, 03industrial zones are proposed to establish in Vinh Phuc until 2015, (including, (i) KhaiQuang industrial park with land area of 262 ha; (ii) Chan Hung industrial zone with landarea of 80 ha; (iii) Ba Thien industrial park with land area of 400 ha;) and Quang Minhindustrial park proposed to expand 362 ha more (Currently, Quang Minh industrial parkbelongs to Hanoi City) Total area of existing industrial zones and proposed ones underDecision No 1107/QĐ-TTg of Prime Minister is 1425,4 ha It can be said that the abovedevelopment scale of industrial zones has not ensured to develop the province’s economyquickly and sustainably, has not seized opportunities in the context of new development forindustrial development in particular and the province’s economy in general

So far, Vinh Phuc has had 06 industrial zones operating and constructing basicallywith total area of 1650.73 ha Such industrial zones as Khai Quang, Binh Xuyen, Kim Hoahave come into operation and the rest ones have just been established currently and beendeployed construction investment Total industrial land area of industrial zones is 1650.7 ha(equivalent to 65.5% of natural area), including 714.2 ha for rent, making up over 67.8%.Khai Quang industrial park is located in Vinh Yen town; Binh Xuyen and Ba Thienindustrial parks are located in Binh Xuyen District; Kim Hoa industrial park belongs toPhuc Yen Town The province’s industrial parks have created many opportunities to betrained and solved employment issues for farmers The industrial parks have recruited about

30 thousand of labourers, created a lot of jobs Actually, this is basement for shiftingstructure of labour force in the province

Accordingly, we can see that the currently-existing industrial parks are mainly located

in Vinh Yen City (Khai Quang industrial park), Phuc Yen Town (Kim Hoa industrial park)

and Binh Xuyen District (Ba Thien I and Ba Thien II, Binh Xuyen I and Binh Xuyen II

industrial parks),etc This distribution is relatively appropriate As the result, this enables

the province in vocational training and creating jobs for agricultural employeessynchronously in the context of industrialized and modernized country

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Annually industrial zones and industrial complexes in the province attract about

150,000 - 160,000 labourers (include employees from other provinces); This increases thenumber of labourers directly-working in industrial zones up to more than 220,000 people by

2020 [11 page 9]

3.5.2 Exporting labourers

Vinh Phuc has young labour force, the number of employees at working agerepresents 63% out of the province population With abundant labour resources and asystem of 53 training institutions, many employees have chosen to work abroad with thedesire of having higher income, gaining experience in foreign countries and starting to runbusiness after ending the contract period Therefore, the annual number of labourers havedemand on vocational training to work overseas is also an important resource of theprovince Only in 6 months of early 2011, the province created new jobs for 12.500labourers, achieving 59.5% of the yearly plan, in which, there are 420 exporting workers

Job promotion centres have consulted labour policies as well as jobs for 11.300 people, find

jobs for 2.951 people, supplied workers for 2.117 people; 1.760 people have found jobs; and

315 people have been consulted and exported to work abroad [12, page 6]

3.5.3 Developing traditional vocational villages

In recent years, Vinh Phuc has not only concentrated on industrial development, butalso paid much attention on restoring and developing handicraft villages — a great potential

to solve employment problems for agricultural labourers Currently, the province has hadproposals on restoring and supporting development of handicraft villages; planning ofindustrial complexes and handicraft villages has brought back encouraging results With thesupporting form for training skilful labourers, teaching profession and shifting producingitems from manufacturing products serving domestic consumption to exporting ones, etc.some traditionally-vocational villages have been developing such as stone village Hai Luu(Lap Thach), carpentry village Thanh Lang, portery village Huong Canh (Binh Xuyen);

knitting village Trieu De (Lap Thach) Some new vocational villages have been encouraged

to develop such as rattan and bamboo knitting, rattan knitting, silk-worm raising, etc

Through out the province, there are over 50 vocational villages, including many

famous villages such as Ly Nhan forging, Huong Canh portery, Hai Luu stone, Thanh Langand Bich Chu carpentry, Trieu De knitting, etc In order to help vocational villages developmanvfacture, the province invested more than 219 billion dong to construct 8 complexes ofhandicraft villages with more than 81ha, attracted investment of over 100 manufacturinginstitations and hundreds of households A typical example - Ly Nhan forging village (VinhTuong District) having planning area of 10.6 ha with the proposed investment capital of

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13.44 billion dong took 26 manufacturing households of the village into the complex: thecomplex of Vinh Son snake village (Vinh Tuong) with area of 20.6 ha and investmentcapital of 17.65 billion dong has served for 75 typical snake-raising households and createdjobs for 300 labours in the commune: the group of handicraft villages of Yen Lac Town(Yen Lae District) has area of 6.3 ha and investment capital of approximately 14.6 billiondong: the group of Te Lo vocational villages (Yen Lac District) recycling scap-iron was

constructed on an area of lha with total investment capital of 47 billion dong, firstly, 523 households were participated in the group and solving the polluted situation in residential area; The group of Thanh Lang carpentry village (Binh Xuyen) with planning area of 17.7 ha and

construction capital of 34 billion dong, currently, manufacturing households are about to betaken into a new working place Three other complexes including An Tuong carpentry village(Vinh Tuong), Huong Canh portery village (Binh Xuyen) and Xuan Hoa mineral-processingvillage (Lap Thach) have boosted land clearance with total investment capital of 60 billiondong on an area of nearly 40 ha and are proposed to construct in the end of 2009

Vinh Phuc proposes to construct 24 groups of handicraft villages until 2015 throughout the province to attract small and medium enterprises as well as handicraft-

manufacturing households Along with restoration of traditional vocational villages, it is

necessary to construct and spread some new professions in the agricultural area such asrattan and bamboo knitting, exporting fancy, farm product and food - processing, carpentry

In which, it is needed to focus on some professions using a number of labourers at different ages and levels These people can work in connection with learn profession This can raise the workers’ income, contributes to eliminate hunger, reduce poverty and generate foundation for sustainable development Currently, Vinh Phuc has had 367 cooperatives and

vocational villages using 331,960 labourers [10, page 27]

Hence, to develop quickly and strongly traditional vocational villages and satisfy the

province’s socio-economic requirements in the current period, it is necessary to trainprofession for employees, especially agricultural labourers in the context of industrializationand modernization in Vinh Phuc

3.6 The status of employment and job creation for rural labourer in Vinh Phuc

In recent years, jobs in the rural area have mainly depended on farm land area.Shortage of farm land, to a certain extent, also means shortage of jobs for labourers,especially the people in the rural area Many households have done side work or shifted tonon-agricultural activities meanwhile they have still kept their assigned farm land andregistered as farmers

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Job shortage or unemployment, semi-unemployment is a feature of the people in therural area of Vinh Phuc There are nearly 70% of labour force working in the rural area, inwhich, 30% of these are not employed regularly Job shortage is mostly shown in low

working time among households Annually, most of the agricultural employees are taken

about 81.79% of their working time

Due to unemployment and poor productivity, the average income of the people in therural area is not high For example, in 2005, agricultural employees’ average income was

495.000 dong/month, in which, workers in agriculture — forestry - fishery sectors had the

lowest income of 392.000 dong/month, workers in industry — construction sectors gained

770.000 dong/month, workers in service sector earned 797.000 dong/month Therefore, theaverage income of the people in the rural area is three times lower than that of urban citizens

As a result, living standard in the rural area is lower than that in the urban one [13, page 5]

Generally, agricultural activities depend a lot on natural conditions and have seasonalfeatures Due to seasonal characteristics, high risks and instability are outstanding features

of agricultural activities In leisure time, a part of skilled workers usually move into other

provinces to work with the aim of increasing income (they often do such professions ascarpentry, mill-making, tile-producing ), and when the harvest comes they come back to

their paddy fields.

In recent years, having a lot of leisure time has become more and more common in thesociety and this makes farmers move into other regions to find new jobs and increase income

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Chapter 4 Research methodology:

4.1 Data collection, analysis of secondary data:

The group has collected information regarding population, labourers vocationaltraining, job creation in Vinh Phuc from the provincial Statistics, thematic and technicalreports from concerned department, disclosed information and data from vocational trainingschools and provincial management bodies on vocational training and job creation Wethen use these data and information to analyse and compare in order to serve the purpose ofthe thesis

4.2 Through survey/questionnaires

To better understand the status of the vocational training and job creation in VinhPhuc, the group have developed questionnaire to collect information for the thesis Formshave been sent to 3 categories:

- Vocational training schools: in order to collect information regarding criteria forvocational training, mode of training, sector, time for training for rural labourers Thequestionnaire focussed on the status of vocational training with such criteria as teacher foreach type of training, number of teachers needed, plan for future training and the demandfor trainers The questionnaire has been sent to Viet Duc vocational training school,Technical economic college, Phuc Yen industrial college, Vinh phuc pedagogical college

- Enterprises: the questionnaire was designed to target information on the status andthe demand for vocational training with such criteria as total number of worker, their skills

type of training, trained, untrained) and the need to have technical skill workers and their plan to train labourers (coaching, formal training, linking with vocational training schools)

and the estimated demand for trained workers, based on the company’s vision

- Households: to collect information on the demand for training at household level.Specifically, the questionnaire focussed on criteria such as gender, age, education,employment status (employed, unemployed and looking for a job) Additionally, thequestionnaire also to collect other information on the need to attend vocational training

(short course, primary, secondary, college) and the mode of training (full time, part time)

4.3 In depth interviews:

During December 2012, the research group had a number of meetings with (i)leaders from Vinh Phuc Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs regarding thepolicies and orientation of the province on vocational training for rural labourers and (ii)leaders from Viet Duc vocational training school to better understand the current challengesand the school’s 2011-2015`s development plan

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Fortunately, the group also had a chance to attend some session at 2 training classesfor rural labourers in the province organised by Minh tien vocational training centre andVinh phục technical economic college The focus of our group was to get an overview ofthe contents of the training, the way it is delivered and the enrolment process.

4.4 Presentation of data collected from the survey

- Table 6: Summary of Capacity of Vocational training establishments

- Table 7: Summary of Demand for Vocational training

- Table 8: Summary of Demand for Labour 2012-2015

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Chapter 5 Analyzing current situation of vocational training and job creation

for the people in the rural area of Vinh Phuc

SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment It is the first stage

of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues SWOT stands for strengths,weaknesses opportunities, and threats Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors.Opportunities and threats are external factors

Based on the data collected, the research group analysed the current situation of vocationaltraining and job creation for the people in the rural area of Vinh Phuc as follows:

province to join training courses in order to be able to work in factories, workshops; tooperate the production lines; to access to manufacturing technology of investors On theother hand, when farmers work for enterprises, they are trained and practise; As the result,they can improve their skill, gain experience in producing, doing and managing business inVinh Phuc Thanks to this, the people in the rural area of Vinh Phuc not only understand

theory, but also apply to the reality for enhancing their skill and working more effectively Finally, they can find a new job which is better and more suitable than the current one.

Currently, Vinh Phuc has continued developing and complete the system of policies,

detail, transparent and strong-enough law stipulations to boost vocational training inconnection with job creation for the farmers It is a decisive factor to understand deeplyhuman element in the development process On February 25, 2008, the People’s Committee

of Vinh Phuc introduced Resolution No 06-NQ/TU on developing human resources servingfor industrialisation and modernization until 2015, orientation to 2020 The Decisiondefined that human resource is the most important resource for quick and sustainable socio-economic development, plays function as a factor deciding success of the process of

innovation, industrialisation, modernization and integration into global economy Thus,

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be cooperated closely with the socio-economic development target in which, improving

quality of high school education is considered as foundation: vocational training and

training high-quality technical labourers is a break through step: enhancing quality ofleaders, managers officers and public servants in the political system is a decisive factor forthe success of industrialisation and modernization [13, page 3] This Decision is also a

lesson learnt from actual development of the country in general and of Vinh Phuc in

particular, is a base for issuing and implementing policies in localities for strong promotion

of human resource development in the province

Besides, Vinh Phuc has advantage of geographical location - in the Northern keyeconomic zone, being one of provinces with the highest economic growth, quicklytransferring the economic structure, make impressive progress in industrial development,strong increase in investment in the province’s industrial zones Planning and developingindustrial zones and complexes through out the province have been deployed quickly andstrongly; moreover, rural industry has developed more and more deeply The province hashad policies investing in effective development of many traditional vocational villages.Basically, the training institutions have satisfied the current training demand and are alwayspaid much attention and invested at the appropriate level The province’s labour force isquite abundant and general knowledge of the people in the rural area of Vinh Phuc is quithigher than that of other provinces

5.2, Weaknesses

According to the provincial statistics office, during 2002-2007, the number ofvocational training school has increased by 8% and the trainer’s increased by 62%.Meanwhile, the number of trainees has increased more than 200% Most of the trainingcentres at district level do not have full time staff Officers in charge of the areas are notwell qualified and they lack of management experience in the sector From this fact, weargued that the schools and teachers have not met the practical demand

To cross check this argument, we have interviewed the Deputy Head of Management

Department of vocational-training - Vinh Phuc Department of Labour- Invalids and Social affairs about criterias to evaluate vocational-training capacity of the currently-managing

staff, teachers and lecturers He stated that in order to have good results in

vocational-training activities, besides such criteria as political quality, ethical lifestyle, the

currently-managing staff, teachers and lecturers are also needed to achieve standards on professionalqualification, practical skills and pedagogic capacity as well Moreover, he said thatcurrently, the staff specializing in vocational-educating management have just been incharge of provincial level

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Additionally, there are not the staffs specializing in management of training activities in communes and districts Regarding quality, in the current context ofindustrialization and modernization and towards the set targets that until 2020 Vinh Phucwill become an industrial province the number of vocational teachers has not met thevocational-training demand of the province's workers as well as not been equivalent to theprovince's vocational-training potential yet.

vocational-On interviewing the Vice President of Viet Duc Vocational College, he shared thatrecently, the College has not had curriculum structure of primary vocational-training.Contents and curricula of several subjects are compiled by the College's lecturers according

to the stipulated structure And when talking with the Rector of Vinh Phuc Technology

-Economic College, we learnt that the College was appointed to compile the training programs on Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery and Handicraft by Department ofAgriculture and Rural Development and Department of Department of Industry and Trade

Interestingly, when the researching group discussed with students of

vocational-training institutions, most of them said that the curriculum structure and curricula of their

school basically ensured their studying conditions However, a number of subjects do have

curricula, the contents have not been updated the real developing requirements of science —

technology and manufacturing-trading conditions of enterprises Hence, it is difficult for

students, especially graduates to apply for a suitable job and create labor productivity after

graduating from the school.

To the employees, although they have completed the training course, they still do not

have much living experiences Hence, they are not confident do not dare to come to

enterprises to find their jobs We have interviewed 50 learners, from the power-water class and 50 students of mechanical class who are studying at Viet Duc Vocational College (total

100 students), 82 of them answered that they did not know where they would find job and which company they would work for They also said that they would apply for a job or ask help from their relatives’ to find jobs after graduating.

On the other hand, capacity of vocational training in connection with job creation ofeducational institutions is also poor The group of teachers, lecturers teaching rurallabourers lacks both quantity and quality Most of vocational centres in districts do not havefull time teachers Officers managing vocational training in some vocational educatinginstitutions have not met the standard of specified qualification and lacked managingexperiences At district level, there have not officers specifying in vocational education Some

vocational educating institutions have not had land (vocational training centres ofDepartments, Boards Branches and private ones) or had enough land area as stipulated

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Morcover, equipments for vocational education have been in shortage and out of date: costs for

equipments and materials for learning and practising have been still low Currently therehave not been any policies linking between schools and enterprises in practising professionfor students Furthermore scale of some vocational training institutions has been still small

structure of training branch of work has not been appropriate; some establishments have not defined the important trained branch of work [12 page 15]

At present, vocational training schools have just mainly focused on 3 district and towns like Vinh Yen, Phuc Yen, Binh Xuyen; hence, it is difficult for people to learn profession Vocational teaching quality for rural labourers has not kept up with the demand of the labour market In

reality, a majority of rural employees are often over schooling age: thus, they feeluncomfortable to participate in vocational training programs and classes

Policies on attracting skilled teachers, encouraging vocational education, vocationallearning and job creation are still slow and lack attraction; some stipulations are not

amended timely.

The support for vocational training and job creation for people in the rural area ofVinh Phuc are still limited, controversial and ineffective Information disclosure to citizens

in the rural regions is still slow limited

The leader from Vinh Phuc Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs

admitted that ‘the system for the state-managing apparatus regarding vocational training,job creation and poverty reduction is still patchy and not able to conduct the task ofmanaging vocational education, implementing policies of workers in enterprises and

manufacturing institutions Vocational training institutions have not actively trained according to the social demand, especially linking suitable vocational training with job

creation Personnel in job promotion centres mostly are contracted labourers with budging resource; they have limited qualification, causing inefficiency in training capacity’

self-5.3 Opportunities

Policies and plans of the Party and State on vocational training, job creation for rural

employees are good chance for provinces in general and Vine Puck in particular Specifically, Decision 1956 by the Prime Minister regarding his approval on the Proposal for vocational training for rural labourers till 2020 (Proposal 1956) is the foundation to enhance quality, and to invest in vocational education cooperating with job creation for

rural employees in Vine Phuc

In the context of the country’s industrializion and modernazation as well asindustrialization-required rural areas through out the province, various modern equipmentsare invested to help workers get accessed to and trained The economic structure are

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changed towards the direction of increasing industry-construction and commerce, services

as well as decreasing structure of labour force in agricultural activities Agriculturegradually shifts to greatly-producing and goods-making agriculture This is a greatopportunity for vocational education in connection with job creation for rural workers in

Vinh Phuc

Vinh Phuc as well as other provinces nation wide is boosting global integration inevery aspect including education This is a chance for the people in the province’s rural area

to participate in vocational training courses organized by international institutions As

shared by the Director of Department of Labour — Invalids and Social Affairs of Vinh Phuc

and the Rector of Viet Duc Vocational College in Vinh Phuc, the province has increasinglygot the attention from many international organizations in terms of vocational training Eachyear, the province sends a number of students and labourers to study tour overseas Aftertraining time, the workers will have better skills serving for socio-economic activities

5.4 Challenges

The State management on vocational training and job creation for the people in therural area of Vinh Phuc is quite weak The province has yet had specific organizations incharge of teaching profession for labourers in general and the people in the rural area inparticular; the managing activities of vocational education are overlapped because there aretoo many Departments and Branches; there is no personnel at district and communes level to be

in charge of managing and teaching vocational training activities Moreover, examining and

supervising vocational activities have not been paid much attention in terms of examine curriculum, training plans, the group of teachers, training quality, financial management, and the issuance of degree and certificate There have been some mistakes during the management, public expenditure re equipment investment etc This creates great

challenges for implementing consistently, quickly and effectively viewpoints and policies ofthe Party and State on vocational training, job creation for rural employees

Rapid urbanisation, expanding of the market economy, deep, wide and integratingleaving vocational training institutions and labourers behind Job promotion centres havenot performed to the level that satisfy labour market, information system on the labour

market from the province to the communes yet available The updating of information and reporting on labour status and employment have not carried out regularly Thus, this affects prediction on the labour market Moreover, the coordination between job promotion centres

and vocational training institutions, business enterprises still an issue

The economic low starting point of the people in Vinh Phuc has undermined theprovince great resource for poverty reduction

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Small and medium enterprises in the province have developed slowly and have not

created many jobs for the workers Many enterprises invest in entertainment and tourism

sectors using a large area of land but still not gained much profits and labour-using

efficiency are very slow

Some investors, enterprises and employers have not paid much attention to salary

increase, life and other benefits of the workers Additionally, several enterprises have had technology and equipments at medium or low level, labour-using has not required high

technique; therefore, they have paid little salary and not attracted the young labourers in the


Labourers still have little knowledge and awareness on vocational training, jobcreation, and this is an obstacle for the province's overall poverty reduction They have keptthe thoughts of waiting for the State support Some of them have enough condition to go offthe list of the poor to be supported, but still want to remain in the list [13, page 12]

While the content of the program and curricula must conform with the generalprogram frame, institutions do not concentrate on training Under the various labour —usingdemand of enterprises; however, the educating institutions are not consistent in dividing andcomposing the curricula; the programs and curricula are still out of date, not suitable to thenew technological techniques and integrating requirement; the basic vocational trainingprograms in some institutions are self-composed documents which do not ensure quality

For example, with the same profession, there are differences in studying time among

vocational training institutions

Trainers are still lack of specific technical skills; training structure and procedure are

not synchronous; the need of vocational training does not satisfy the social demand; the

qualification of foreign languages and information technology is still limited Some teachersare out dated with the practising requirements

The training quality of some professions has been limited, not coordinated closely

between education and the enterprises’ recruiting demand; a majority of labourers have been trained but not met the requirements of employers The public awareness is still limited; the workers have not had industrially-working attitude and intention of working

long-term with the enterprises

5.5 Findings

To sum up, through the analytical work of the primary and secondary data and in

depth interviews with stakeholders in the sector, the research group has come up with thefollowing conclusions:

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Firstly regarding the system of vocational-educating establishments and job creation:The number of job-introducing centers has been still little, efficiency of job-introducingactivities has been still poor, lacked pro! ssional characteristics not met demands of the labourmarket The number of employed workers found out jobs via job-introducing centers incomparision with total number of employed labourers is small, not equivalent to the province'slabour potential Updating information and informing the situation of labour and jobs havenot been regular: thus, this has put great impacts on prediction of the labour market.Generally, the network of vocational-educating establishments has developed but mainly

gathered in the urban area

Secondly, regarding problems arising through the actual status of vocational-training:

So far, the proportion of rural employees who have been experienced vocational-training

course is about 18.7% [10, page 18], this rate is still low in comparison with the average

proportion nationwide (25%); The number of laborers who have not taken part in

vocational-training class to shift profession is still large, especially in mountainous districtswhere ethnic groups live Structure of qualification and training professions has not beensuitable; programs and curricula for short-term vocational education have not been paid

much attention to invest and construct Quality of vocational -training for people living in

the rural areas have not satisfied demand of the labor market

Thirdly, the quantity of vocational teachers has still lacked and the quality ofvocational training has been limited Most vocational - training centers in districts do not

have full-time teachers The managing staffs of vocational — training activities in some vocational — educating institutions have not achieved standards on professional qualification and lacked experiences of managing vocational - training At district level, there have not officers specializing in vocational — training The State administration on vocational — training has been weak in terms of managing the system, organizing and carrying out the

tasks There have not agencies specializing in vocational — training management; vocational

— training management has been overlapped due to the fact that too many Departments andbranches have taken over; People’s Committees in Districts and Communes have not hadofficers specializing in vocational - training management Examination and supervision ofvocational — training activities have not attached great importance to examining

implementation of program contents, training plans, teachers, training quality, financial management and issuing degrees and certificates There have been a number of mistakes in

quality management, investment in infrastructure, paying for prioritizing objects regarding

primary vocational - training Additionally, there have not been consistence in classifying,compiling programs, curricula; the programs, curricula have not been updated and amended

Trang 34

to suitable to the new technology and integrating requirement: the programs of primaryvocational - training which were self- composed in some institutions have not ensured

quality for example there is difference in studying duration among vocational - traininginstitutions with the same profession As a result it affects the vocational - training quality

Fourthly, propagandizing activities have still had many limitations: granting regimes.policies attracting skillful teachers, encouraging enterprises, vocational education and jobcreation have been still low and less attractive; some stipulations have not been adjusted andadded timely Operation of job - introducing centers has not met demand of the labormarket; the system of synchronous information about the labor market from the province tocommunes has not been established Moreover, updating information and informing thesituation of labour and jobs have not been regular; thus, this has put great impacts onpridiction of the labour market Furthermore, the State managing agencies, vocational —training institutions and manufacturing — trading establishments employing laborers have notcooperated closely; therefore, the job- introducing results are still low

Finally, regarding job creation for workers after being trained: the number of

enterprises using laborers stably and paying salary of 2.5 million dong or above

/month/capita is very little; the enterprises have mostly used manual workers and paid low

salary; many bussiness have not complied strictly with requirements of insurance as stipulated; thus, the employees often hesitate to stay long in the enterprise Moreover, it is

very difficult to create and shift jobs for unemployed workers and over 40 — year old ones(due to transference of land using purposes, the enterprise’s bankruptcy) The system of job

— introducing centers is small, job — introducing efficiency is low; these centers still lackprofessional characteristics and do not meet the demand of the labor market The number of

employed workers found out jobs via job-introducing centers in comparision with total number

of employed labourers is small, not equivalent to the province’s labour potential Updating

information and informing the situation of labour and jobs have not been regular; thus, this has put great impacts on prediction of the labour market A part of human resources has not satisfied requirements of enterprises, agencies and other organizations Additionally, there

have been lackage of skillful laborers The workers have not complied strictly with laws, theirindustrial working style, capacity of finding jobs by themselves and shifting jobs have stilllimited They still have thoughts of choosing some easy jobs with high pay

Trang 35

Chapter 6 Recommendations to improve vocational training and job creation

6.1 Directing students upon their completion of lower and upper secondary school

«© In school year 2012-2013 the 10" grade enrolment accounts for 75% out of total

secondary school-graduating students and 70% in the next academic years Propagandizing.encouraging 30-35% high school-graduating students go to vocational educating classes andabout 40-50% in the following academic years

® Improving career-orientation activities in schools; recruiting full time teachers forcareer-orientation; Organising workshops for career-orientation with the presents fromvocational training institutions and enterprises

e Provide adequate information, consulting secondary school and high school

students on vocational training addresses, branches of work, prioritised policies for

vocational training and job promotion.

¢ Improving the teaching and learning of foreign languages and computer skills for students as well as boosting moral education, behaviour, lifestyle, discipline; improving physical strength ; forming the personality of a new labourer.

6.2 Reorganizing the network of vocational training institutions and job creation

e Reviewing and reorganizing vocational training institutions and job-promotion

centres in the province following:

e Merging vocational training centres and centres for continuing education at

district level into centres for continuing education with vocational training under toDepartment of Education and Training; playing the function of continuing education,teaching basic short-term profession, and connecting with vocational college and vocationalupper-secondary school Upgrading into a vocational upper-secondary school;

Either close poorly performed vocational training centres of Departments, Boards, Branches, and Unions or merge them with vocational training school in the province.

Accordingly, full-time staff and teachers will teach in agencies or the province’s vocationaltraining schools, the contracted people are treated according to Labour Law

6.3 Fostering skills for management and vocational training staff - Improving the

contents of the vocational training programme and syllabus

6.3.1 Combined the rrecruitment and training of sufficient number of vocational teachers as

required There are policies to attract good teachers, artisans, skilled workers

6.3.2 Combined recruitment, training and fostering to:

© By 2015 80% of staff, teacher in training colleges, 60% of teachers of vocational

secondary school meet the standards as prescribed

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¢ By 2020 90% of staff teacher in training colleges 70% teachers of vocational

secondary school and 50% of teachers of the public vocational training centers meet thestandards as prescribed

6.3.3 Every year, teachers in public vocational training are trained and retrained to improve theskills and knowledge in the training institutions and enterprises with advanced production

technology at home and abroad with the number of 5 managers, and 15-20 teachers.

6.3.4 Strictly manage the content, training programs

Strictly implement the program framework at all level which is issued by the

e Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Implementing the unifiedmanagement of the primary curriculum training, short-term job for job training in province area

© Mandatory training requirements associated with practice, apprenticeship (studentcan practice on equipment, and be trained in production and business facilities with right

level of skilled training) Implementing the inspectation of skills following the training qualification.

6.3.5 Renewing methods of vocational training, job transfering according to the requirement of study and practice together, maximum using of training equipment and boosting the application of information technology in teaching (teaching theory, simulation

equipment, process production )

6.4 Improve training facility and infrastructure including IT application

Allocate adequate expenditure for standardizing vocational training facilities:

- Increase the land for building facilities, classrooms, workshops for vocational trainingcemters of province according to the construction standards promulgated by the Ministry of


- Standardising vocational training schools as required by the Ministry of Labour,

Invalids and Social Affairs.

- Each facility is well-equipped to train 5 jobs;

Investment focus on 03 key vocational training schools: Vietnamese-German Colllege, Vinh Phuc Engineering Economic College, Vinh Phuc College to meet the

requirements of training with high quality in human resources for the province

- Set up vocational training and job promotion department under the management

of Vinh Phuc DOLISA with enough personnel to effectively handle the matter

- At district level, it is proposed to have 2 staff, in charge of vocational training andjob promotion

- Popularise the use of internet and computer to ensure information made availablefrom the province to lower levels and vice versa

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- Develop leaflets on vocational training activities and job demand to be madeavailable on quarterly basis to communes; update these information onto the province'swebsite.

6.5 Socialization of vocational training, job creation and poverty reduction

- Better coordination and utilisation of national vocational training institutions

located in the province, serving the purpose of training local people There is nodiscrimination between these institutions and local ones For example, they should beprovided more land for these institutions to meet the standard Also, they are entitled tohave the same financial support if finding jobs for local people Those, who attend thetraining courses in these institutions will receive the same support as the province's schools

Better promotion for job training and coaching within villages communities Those,who transfer job are eligible for the same support like vocational training institutions.Encourage the establishment of private managed training institutions and attract theconstruction of a regional vocational schools in Vinh Phuc

Enterprises, which can handle the vocational training and offer job for trainees for at

least 12 months will also be eligible to the provincial support scheme Moreover, they are

appealed to join the fund raising campaign to support vocational training activities andcreate jobs for people, who have contributed their land for production expansion projects

Continue to comply with the campaign "Day for the Poor" and "Building the GreatUnity." Encourage enterprises, public and private organizations and individuals to helpsome poor household and near poor ones to be out of poverty

Commend, reward and honor the collective organization and individuals who makenany contributions to vocational training, employment settlement and poverty reduction

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Conclusions and RecommendationsThe findings of this study show that, of the key i igated vocational

training schools in Vinh Phuc have not met the needs for highly skilled workers in some

advanced technical and technological jobs The syllabi and training methods are too

general, inflexible, and not adaptable to specific requirements Conditionals for ensuring

training quality remain limited Some policies on training are not in synch, which prevententerprises from setting up vocational institutions Regulations on the responsibilities ofenterprises for vocational training were not well defined Vocational schools and enterprisesare not very well networked with each other In fact, enterprises are not allowed to take part

in some stages of vocational training (except the ones specifically designed for enterprises),

such as identifying the right job for training, designing curriculum, coordinating practicesfor trainees

Among other things, some measures to improve the current status of vocational

training and job creation in Vinh Phuc are as follows:

- directing students upon their completion of lower and upper secondary school;

- reorganizing the network of vocational training institutions and job creation;

- fostering skills for management and vocational training staff — improving the

contents of the vocational training programme and syllabus;

- improve training facility and infrastructure including IT application;

- socialization of vocational training, job creation and poverty reduction

Trang 39

of vocational training till 2010

Mac Van Tien (2009) The Situation of Vocational training and the linkage betweenVocational training and Enterprises in Vietnam

The Prime Minister, Decision 1956 on the Proposal of *Vocational training for rurallabourers till 2020

The Socio-Economic Development Plan 2010-2015

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (2011) Report on the

implementation of Vocational training, job creation and labour export during 2010

2007-Vu Thi Kim Mao (2008), Realities and solutions to create jobs in agriculture, ruralareas of Vietnam, Ministry level, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Hanoi

Vinh Phuc Party Resolution XV

Resolution 06/2007-ND/TU by Vinh Phuc People’s Committee on human

development plan for the province

Vinh Phuc People’s Committee, Report on socio-economic development in 2011 andplan for 2012

Vinh Phuc People’s Committee, Socio-development plan till 2020 and vision 2030

Prime Minister, Decision 113/QD-ttg on his approval for Vinh phuc socio-economic development master plan till 2020

Vinh Phuc department of Labour, Invalids and Social affairs, Report

68/BC-LDTBXH dated 21 Oct 2011 on the implementation result of vocational training

2010-2011 and the plan for 2011-2012

Vinh Phuc people’s council, Resolution 16.2007/NQ-HDND dated 4 July 2012 on thepoverty reduction and job creation during 2007-2010

Willert, S, Keller, H, D and Stegeager, N.”Academic Vocational Training: Bridgingthe gap Between Educational Space and Work Space “The Electronic Journal of

Knowledge Management Volume 9 Issue 2 (pp168-180), available online at



Trang 40

Annex A:

Table 1: Statistics of the population, labour force and labour structure 2000- 2010

Source: Vinh Phuc General Statistic Office2000, 2005, 2010

" oo — | Annual average growth |

‘Table 2: Labour structure by economic sector 2000-2010 period

Source: General Stastics Book 2010

Labour 2000 2005 2010

‘Total number of employees (persons) 492,459 559,000 611,140

Agriculture, Forestry — Fishery 425,662 380,928 341,460

Industry - Construction 31,109 92,794 139,690

savices 35,688 85,278 129,990

‘The structure of labour between sectors (%) | 100 100 100

Agriculture, Forestry - Fishery 86.44 68.14 55.93

Industry - Construction 6.32 16.60 22.87

savices 7.24 15.26 21.20

Ngày đăng: 01/12/2024, 02:51

Nguồn tham khảo

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