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Ci) TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NÔNG LÂM TP.HCM 2NLU KHOA KHOA HOC SINH HOC BIO-SCÌENCES THIẾT KẾ VÀ GIẢ ĐỊNH VAN HANH 1000 M2? MÔ HÌNH TRÔNG (RAU) KHÍ CANH (AEROPONICS) NHÀ MÀNG ỨNG DỤNG CÔNG NGHẸ loT GVHD: ThS Pham Van Binh Nhom 10 Võ Hoàng Minh 21126408 Phạm Quốc Hưng 21126356 Tran Văn Quốc Doan Nghi Thao 21126480 21126503 Đỗ Tấn Thành Nguyễn Mai Yến Quỳnh 21126190 Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo 21126486 21126507 Phan Thị Mai Trúc Bùi Đức Trung Quân 21126220 21126477 07/05/2024 1 NOI DUNG 1 MỌT SỐ NGHIÊN CỨU TRONG CANH TAC RAU SALAD TRONG NHA MANG 2 THIET KE VA GIA DINH VAN HANH 1000 M2 MO HINH TRONG (RAU) KHÍ CANH (AEROPONICS) NHÀ MÀNG ỨNG DỤNG CONG NGHE loT Đổi tượng canh tác Rau Salad TRUYEN ANH SANG ° Tu mot nghiên cứu của loannis Lycoskoufis và cộng sự năm 2022 Greenhouse Head Weight g Leaf Number per Plant UV-open 162.2 a 19.2a UV-block 217.6b 21.2b Means within the same column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly based on LSD test at œ« = 0.05 100 ! 1 ! \ ! 1 i ! 1 1 1! ! ! ! 1 ! i 1 300 320 340 360 380 400 UV-open polyethylene UV-open polyethylene Figure 1 Spectral transmission in UV-A radiation of the UV-open and UV-block polyethene 07/05/2024 Spectral transmission in UV-A radiation of the UV-open and UV-block polyethene Table 2 Effects of greenhouse cover transparency in UV-A radiation on growth parameters of red lettuce (Redino Lollo rosso) 42 and 49 days after transplanting Greenhouse Head Weight Root Weight ete -Treatments g g Weight g 42 days after UV-open 265.3 a 64.7 a 330.0 a transplanting UV-block 378.3 b 66.1 a 444.4b : oa aaa UV-open 333.9 a UV-block 454.5 ¢ P2"""Š UV-blocktoUV-open 4116b Means within the same column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly based on LSD test at œ =0.05 Table 4 Effects of greenhouse cover transparency in UV-A radiation on total phenols (TP), total flavonoids (TF), and antioxidant capacity (DPPH) of red lettuce (Redino Lollo rosso) 42 and 49 days after transplanting Greenhouse IP TF DPPH Treatments (mgg 1 FW) (mgg !IFW) (umol TEg~!) 42 days after UV-open 6.39 a 2.51a 38.15 a transplanting UV-block 3.50 b 1.33 b 17.86 b es UV-open 6.81a 2.46 a 42.92 a UV-block 3.27 ¢ 1.22¢ 16.20 c PS"“"Š UV-blocktoUV-open 4.25b 171b 28.78 b Means within the same column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly based on LSD test at œ = 0.05 Table 5 Concentrations (mmol g~! dry weight) of total N, K, Ca, and Mg leaves of red lettuce (Redino Lollo rosso) as influenced by the greenhouse cover 42 days after transplanting Macrontrients (mmol g~! D.W.) Greenhouse Treatments N K Ca Mg UV-open 3.74 a 1.73 a 0.19 a 0.10 a UV-block 3.65 a 1.49 a 0.20 a 0.10 a Means within the same column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly based on LSD test at a = 0.05 Lee, M và cộng sự năm 2021 trong một thí nghiệm khác, thấy hàm lượng calcium và magnesium cao hơn trong khi được chiếu sáng bổ sung tia cực tím Table 6 The effect of greenhouse cover transparency in UV-A radiation on head weight and leaf num- ber per plant in red lettuce (Redino Lollo rosso), 25 days after transplanting, in the second experiment Greenhouse Head Weight g Leaf Number per Plant UV-open 162.2 a 19.2a UV-block 217.6 b 21.2b Means within the same column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly based on LSD test at a = 0.05 Supplemental UV GD 26-36 TP TF DPPH ' sep2Tgspptrb KNEOHERDRSIRG (mg g~1 FW) (mg g~1 FW) (umol TE g—1) 0k]m~2 ä"1 210 kJ m~? d7! 366 a 116.6 a 3.69 a 1.27 a 24.60 a 265 kJ m~2 d7! 351 a 113.6 a 3.88 a 1.37 a 25.00 a 320 kJ m= d7! 380 a 111.6 a 3.97 a 1.49 a 26.40 a 425 kJ m d~* 319 ab 113.4 a 4.71b 1.84 b 28.80 b 530 kJm ˆ d' 298 b 104.9 b 5.80 c 2.28 c 37.25c 640 kJ m~? d7! 299b 103.6 b 6.03 cd 2.36 c 39.50 cd UV-open 279 b 94.8 ¢ 6.39 d 2.57 c 43.75 d 230 c 102.9 b 6.11 cd 2c 40.50 cd Means within the same column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly based on LSD test at œ = 0.05 07/05/2024 pT Max GT Min: RH_ Max RH Min Table 1 Treatments used in the experiment for the lettuce in [HN ĐpŠš=_ 8Í ` ⁄ V cào T an aeroponic system ,S,/min gg 8 Atomizers S;/min D,,/um 5 Z Ail; Air-assisted 15 5 11.24 ” Aol, Airless 15 ` 26.35 5 ẽ Aal Airless 15 5 17.38 =ƒ = x Aal Ultrasonic fogger 15 5 4.89 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 —— Anla Air-assisted 30 5 11.24 Experimental days Aol, Airless 30 5 26.35 Aal Airless 30 5 17.38 Aal› Ultrasonic fogger 30 5 4.89 Ail; Air-assisted 45 5 11.24 Aol; Airless 45 5 26.35 Aah Airless 45 ` 17.38 Agl, Ultrasonic fogger 45 5 4.89 Aih Air-assisted 60 5 11.24 Aol, Airless 60 5 26.35 Aa Airless 60 > 17.38 Agly Ultrasonic fogger 60 5 4.89 a ° Note: 7: treatments; S;: Spray interval; S,: Spray time, D,,: Average droplet size 07/05/2024 7 Table 2 Nutrient composition Composition Concentration Composition Concentration /mg-L”` /mg-L Ca(NO:)z*4HạO H;BO; KNO; 945 MnSO,*4H2O 2.86 NH,H>PO, 607 ZnSO4*7H2O 2.13 MgSO,*7H20 115 CuSO4*5H20 0.22 FeEDTA 493 (NH4)6Mo7024*4H2O 0.08 28 0.02 pH 5.8-6.0 EC/dS-m ` 1.6-2.2 Table 3 Droplet diameters (zm) of different atomizers Atomizers Kia SH Pat dio hy đụ ẩn don) avg Ai 02 4 329 573 987 1509 222 1124 Ay 02 1 641 13.74 21.72 374 525 26435 Ay 02 1 332 767 15.24 2498 358 1738 À4 02 | 021 149 308 615 1314 4.89 07/05/2024 ` e® Chiều d ài rễ trung binh, chiéu dai choi va diện tích lá MAI Gj A2 HA3 HA4 MAI A2 HA3 OA4 MAI _BA2 HA3 HA4 12/418u94 1001 '8AV Spraying interval/min Spraying interval/min Spraying interval/min a Average root length b Shoot length c Lear area 07/05/2024 MAI A2 HA3 GA4 Shoot wet weight/g:plant’ Root wet weight/g-plant' Spraying interval/min Spraying interval/min a Shoot fresh weight b Root fresh weight MAI GA2 Was OA4 MAI GA2 Bas OA4 Shoot dry weight/g:plant’ Root dry weight/g-plant’ 15 30 45 Spraying interval/min Spraying interval/min 07/05/2024 c Shoot dry weight d Root dry weight 10 Timer interval ( Pump ON ) TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY ¥ 28.600 95.000x Read temperature & Pe © humidity tem and hưm ATE AHMD 4W# 5= = >b ~ s Ю J8 5 Live th 6h 1d tw 1M 34 ow C2 SUTTON Fan switch OFF Fan switch ON ( ne ) C scala 3 Figure 2 Screenshot of Blynk application interface on smart phone during live monitoring of temperature and humidity Tre) ) DHT 11 Node MCU dew: Adapter ⁄ Internet gateway Adapter (router) Phone Computer _Relay module 07/05/2024 application (blynk) Cooling fan 14 —— Temperature at day 100 357 ~*- NCRz system 8.00 —©— pH 2.50| —— Temperature at night 90 ' ~#- ACRz system —— EC 2.40 80 , =—=—= Humidity at day —— Humidity at night 70 7.50 i ` s 32 2.30 60 2 5 31 Bí i 50 =Ẹ 5 30F 7.00 2 2 40 = - 29 _ m——_—-.m ee 6.50 30 5 28} © So EC/mS-cm , 20 27F 6.00 10 26 - i i i i i i 0 25 1 i i aw i i 5.50 4 i i iL 3 4 s 5 L 3 3 3# & 6 l2 3456 Time/d Time/weeks Time/weeks a Mean of temperature and humidity per day ——=— Temperature at day> uv th' 90 Š ø| 100 2ồr ~* NCRz system97F=#- ACRz system ' —=—Tempcrature at night 80 96 F —— Humidity at day ` Temperature/ °C ——— Humidity at night a e 5 95F mã© S 94+ — “, 40 5"` = NY NY Ww WwW SEE 30 ” 92F 20 91F sẻ 5š 10 90 i 1 i i 1 i 15 l 0 l2 34 56 2 3 4 Time/weeks Time/week b Mean of temperature and humidity per week 15 x a= 1 NCRz Concentration/mg-(100 g)" w a t w t eS o tư = 5 Chỉ.a Chb Chỉ.total Car Chl.a/b Note: Chl a: Chlorophyll a; Chl b: Chlorophyll b; Car.: Carotenoid œ F =NCRz 250r = ACRz 200 NCRz oo] MACRz œ < 2 Componenu% a n = 150F = we & = N e E 100 2 S ~ 50} N P K Ca Mg Total 0 Cu Fe Mn Zn phenol Inorganic components Inorganic components a N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and total phenol b Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn 07/05/2024 16 Table 1 Effects of NCRz and ACRz systems on plant height, leaves number, leaves length, leaves width shoot length, and root length Morphology characteristics Plant height/cm Leaves No.(N) Leaves length/em Leaves width/em Shootlengthcm Root length/cm Non cooled root zone (NCRz) 32.3+1.17° 14+0.00° 10.67+0.33° 7+0.50° 19.4+1.07° 12.9+0.48° Automated cooled root zone by fan (ACRz) 38.7+ 2.13° 20.3+0.67° 13.67+1 09° 10.7+0 67” 21 5+1 §0° 21.5+1.50° Note: All results represent the means of three replicateststandard errors Different letters a-d in the same column indicate significant differences or Critical Difference (CD) compared by /-test (p

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2024, 17:06
