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report on graduate internship internship company hanoi housing development and investment corporation

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Brief informationFull name: Hanoi Housing Development and Investment CorporationIn addition to the main production and business fields, HANDICO focuses onpromoting multi-industry product

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PART I: OVERVIEW OF THE INTERNSHIP CORPORATION1.1 The formation and development of the corporation

1.1.1 Brief information

Full name: Hanoi Housing Development and Investment Corporation

In addition to the main production and business fields, HANDICO focuses onpromoting multi-industry production in the direction of expanding the domesticmarket and other countries in the region.

1.1.2 The formation and development of the corporation

Hanoi Housing Development and Investment Corporation (HANDICO) wasestablished on September 21, 1999, is the first corporation operating under themodel of Corporation 90 of Hanoi city.

With 17 initial member units, HANDICO increased its network by accepting newmembers in Hanoi City and numerous Vietnamese provinces, including: Ha Nam,Ninh Binh, Nghe An, Thua Thien Hue, and a branch in Ho Chi Minh City It also

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accepted and took part in the formation of joint ventures with foreign capitalcontributions to carry out significant projects and works.

In 2007, HANDICO switched to a Parent Company - Subsidiary business structure.The Parent Corporation - Corporation modified its operating structure in 2010 tobecome a limited liability company with one member This is the time when theoperational model, organizational structure, management style, stability, anddevelopment are changing in the member units As a result of the aforementionedmovement and transformation, HANDICO has grown significantly, and itsportfolio now includes limited liability companies, subsidiaries, joint stockcompanies, dependent companies, associate companies, and joint ventures withforeign partners, among other business types.

With production and business outcomes that were stronger than the year before,HANDICO "crossed the finish line" of "The club of 10,000 billion VND" (Topfirms with business values of over 10,000 billion VND) in 2016 and maintained itsposition.

HANDICO today boasts 38 member enterprises with more than 20,000 workersoperating at more than 60 associated focal locations spread across Hanoi and manyother provinces and cities in the nation, up from 17 connected member units whenit was first created a focus on a civilized lifestyle and corporate culture; a notableimprovement in the material and spiritual well-being of employees.

With over 1 million m2 of housing construction floor and more than 7,500 flats,HANDICO is the top unit in Hanoi City and one of the leading units in the countryin housing fund for resettlement, resettlement, and site clearance This is a fantasticvalue attribute that upholds the HANDICO brand in the building sector andsignificantly aids in ensuring housing goals, social security policies, and servicingthe economic, political, and social responsibilities of Hanoi City in the modern day.Over 10 million m2 of residential floors, hundreds of investment projects toestablish new urban regions, housing areas, commercial and service facilities, andsocial infrastructure have all been funded by HANDICO and its member entities.

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The capital's urban landscape is changing as a result of society, urbaninfrastructure, and other factors.

The Corporation has made a substantial contribution to the construction, repair, andrehabilitation of works of considerable political significance while carrying out thepolitical duties of Hanoi City.

HANDICO consistently initiates and actively takes part in civic charity initiatives,acts of gratitude, significant and unforeseen duties, and political, social, andsecurity initiatives of the City and provinces These events occur frequently andhave integrated themselves into the HANDICO culture.

With more than 300 projects finished and in use during the past 20 years ofdevelopment and construction, HANDICO has grown into a powerful companythat is effectively achieving the objectives established by the City PartyCommittee, People's Council, and People's Committee of Ha Noi Building a large-scale, regular economic organization that can fulfill the demands of innovation inthe fields of building, housing development, and urban regions of Ha Noi's capitalis the goal stated on the first day of operation.

1.2 Business organization of the corporation

1.2.1 Main products

Real estate projects are the company's key offerings to address the demands forinnovation in the building, housing, and urban regions of the city sectors.

1.2.2 Business organization of the corporation

HANDICO has switched to a Parent Company - Subsidiary operating structure andis continuing to advance and enhance its production and operational effectiveness.With 17 associated member units when it was first founded, HANDICO now hasapproximately 70 affiliated units, many of which are located in Hanoi and otherprovinces and cities throughout the nation, including Ho Chi Minh City Hue, NgheAn, Ninh Binh, Ho Chi Minh City The size of HANDICO's manufacturing

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organization is continuously expanding, allowing for the preservation and growthof capital as well as the ongoing market consolidation and growth.

1.2.3 Management apparatus

Corporation departments

(*) Meeting office

 The place holding periodical meetings

 Perform work related to the field of office, administration, emulation and commendation, general administration,

(*) Secretarial assistant board

 Arrange work schedule, meeting schedule, business schedule.

 Organizing meetings, taking notes and summarizing the content of meetings to serve the management and administration.

 Hold a conference to listen to direct reports from departments or staff and record comments in the minutes.

 Record the leaders' opinions and transfer them to the units or individuals for their comments in writing.

 Categorize documents, help leaders deal with incoming documents. Collect data situation, look up references when necessary.(*) Integrated planning department

Members’ Council

Board of Directors

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 Analyze, synthesize and make a draft of the operation plan in accordance with the orientation and policy of the enterprise and organization from time to time.

 Present the draft work plan to the Board of Directors, then conduct formal planning, submit plans to upper management.

 Allocate planned targets to relevant departments based on the actual situation and capabilities of each department so that it is reasonable.(*) Project development department

 Seek and exploit opportunities to set up projects and promote investment incapital construction projects.

 Oversee and draft legal documents pertaining to land expansion, capitalconstruction projects, and annual investment capital plans for projects;inspect and monitor the implementation of investment plans for projects; andmake additional adjustments to investment plans for projects whenunforeseen tasks or unreasonable issues arise during the implementationprocess in the corporation's field of capital construction.

 Monitor and supervise the construction and implementation of the contractcontents of the projects, complete the acceptance, handover and warrantywork according to the current guiding documents.

 Monitoring and reporting procedures: Advance, payment, settlementaccording to the work of each capital construction project from the time ofinvestment preparation, investment implementation and put the project intopractice when it is the end of investment.

(*) Construction management department

 • Ensure that legal requirements are followed when engaging in constructioninvestment activities, such as developing, evaluating, and approvingprojects; surveying construction designs; managing the requirements for theconstruction operation capacity of organizations and individuals; and issuingoperating permits to foreign contractors.

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 Arrange for the decentralization of the evaluation of construction investmentprojects, construction designs, and construction cost estimates; direct andoversee the evaluation and verification of construction investment projects,construction designs, and construction estimates in accordance with the law.(*) Financial accounting department

 Manage accounting-financial operations and all financial revenues andexpenditures in accordance with current laws.

 Take part in the management, coordination, and execution of the company'sfinancial and accounting activities Update administrative processes andpertinent legal documentation on a regular basis represent the leadership'schanges in assets and money in detail Assist the director in having theappropriate operational direction and understanding the current accountingregimes.

 Coordinate activities with other departments in the enterprise, contributeideas to improve the working efficiency of the departments.

 Accounting for business transactions arising in the period, prepare quarterlyand annual revenue and expenditure estimates, estimate the risks associatedwith financial activities, and build the structure of the finance andaccounting department.

 Keep an eye on and manage the company's resources and capital Alwaysevaluate and review your debts, and encourage debt recovery Create andapprove strategies for the enterprise's capital structure, assets, and capitalregulation having a clear plan to raise short-term, medium-term, and long-term capital, as well as working capital and credit, in the ways that arepermitted by law.

 Prepare a depreciation plan and submit it to the Board of Directors forapproval, depreciate assets, monitor and report the depreciation of assets.Conduct periodic inventory to accurately and promptly reflect the currentstatus of assets, thereby taking measures to handle and use assets and capitalmost effectively.

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(*) Investment and capital management department

 Research, analyze and synthesize information and developments of theinvestment capital market in order to find investment opportunities insuitable businesses, fields and industries.

 Monitor, summarize and report on dividend payment of capital contributingenterprises and revenue and profit from assigned investments.

(*) Department of Labor Organization

 Organize, arrange and improve the production-business organizationalmodel and the management apparatus model at the Corporation's Office andmember units to meet the new management requirements and improveefficiency in business operations.

 Work on policies and regimes for employees (salaries, bonuses, socialinsurance, labor protection ) and remuneration regimes for employees,policies on using talented people

 Managing and disciplining officials and employees under management whoviolate discipline

 Handling issues related to organization and labor in the process of renewingenterprises under the Corporation

services to the departments of the corporation and its member companies.

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(*) Business and house management department

 Advise, give opinions and suggestions to the Board of Directors of thecompany on issues related to the distribution of products and services of thecompany to the market in the most effective and fastest way.

 All business activities and processes going on in the business need to bemonitored by this department After that, the department will make reports inaccordance with regulations and send them to the Board of Directors toprovide appropriate operational directions for each period.

Member units:

 2 state-owned companies

 3 state-owned companies holding controlling shares 33 state-owned companies not holding controlling shares 4 joint ventures

 1 vocational training school 7 dependent companies

1.2.4 Business features Technical facilities

HANDICO is currently investing in modern equipment, technology, and machineryfor the purpose of production and business, with 2 types of horizontal transportvehicles, 7 types of elevated vehicles, 2 types of water construction equipment, 6types of road construction equipment, 6 types of foundation, pile constructionmachines, 5 concrete production equipment, and other common equipment such asmortar mixers, air compressors, water pipe threading machines, and so on.

No.Equipment and machinesQuantity

numberUnit of authorizationA.Horizontal transport vehicles:


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B.Elevated vehicles

CWater construction equipments

2 Buoy mooring aquatic machine 1 Corporation and jointventures

DRoad construction equipments

3 Asphalt concrete spreaders 8 Corporation and jointventures

EConstruction machine for

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foundation and pile

4 Bored pile drilling machine 06 Corporation and jointventures

FConcrete producing equipment Corporation and jointventures1 Concrete batching plants 12 Corporation and jointventures

3 Concrete transport vehicles 37 Corporation and jointventures4 Static concrete pump trucks 18 Corporation and jointventures

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6 Water generator 53 Corporation

9 Concrete and rock drilling

17 1-phase and 3-phase welding

 3.000 with college degrees

 12,000 people at the level of technical workers

PART II: FINANCIAL SITUATION OF THE CORPORATION2.1 Advantages and disadvantages in the process of operation

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2.1.1 Advantages

With the many difficulties of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Corporation has spent thefirst two years implementing the Resolution of the Corporation's Party Congressfor the term 2020-2025 However, the Corporation has completed the key tasks,taking care of the material and spiritual lives of employees, with great efforts anddetermination, both to prevent the epidemic and to focus on economicdevelopment resources.

HANDICO has become a strong enterprise after 23 years of construction anddevelopment with more than 300 projects completed and put into use, successfullycompleting the goals set by the City Party Committee, People's Council, andPeople's Committee of Hanoi city on the first day of establishment, which is tobuild a large-scale, regular economic organization that can meet the innovationrequirements in the field of construction, housing development, and urban are.Furthermore, HANDICO has contributed more than 3.5 million m2 of constructionfloor to the City, and is one of the country's leading units in housing fund forresettlement, resettlement, and site clearance, with approximately 1 million m2 ofhousing construction platform and over 7,500 apartments The aforementionedresults make an important contribution to ensuring housing goals, social securitypolicies, and serving Hanoi City's economic, political, and social tasks in the newperiod.

2.1.2 Disadvantages

Using the Nam Trung Yen - Hanoi resettlement housing money in recent years haspresented many challenges for HANDICO It should be noted that many structuresused for resettlement in Nam Trung Yen today were constructed and put to useprior to the 2005 Housing Law's implementation may receive little maintenancefunding 2%; At the time, the cost of housing and land support for householdsaffected by site clearing was still cheap, resulting in disadvantaged resettlementhouseholds that constantly requested and battled to survive keep getting rewardsfrom the government and society However, the legal documents lackrequirements that are specifically tailored to apartment complexes for resettlement,which leaves the management and upkeep of resettlement homes here with many

Ngày đăng: 16/05/2024, 19:16
