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Tiêu đề Hotel Group: Intercontinental Intercontinental Hanoi Landmark 72
Tác giả Bui Thi Thu Hanh, Doan Thanh An, Cao Phuong Thao
Người hướng dẫn Mrs. Tran Thu Phuong
Trường học Hanoi Open University
Chuyên ngành Tourism
Thể loại assignment
Năm xuất bản 2022
Thành phố Hanoi
Định dạng
Số trang 49
Dung lượng 31,64 MB

Nội dung

History of hotel industry in the world and in Vietnam 1.1.. In the 1900s, there were many hotels across the globe.THE GRAND TOURIt is impossible not to mention The Grand Tour when talkin

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Nowaday, with the development of tourism and human needs not only stop atthe essential needs of material but also spiritual, many of hotels are created to meetpeople’s needs

The hotel industry is any types or forms of business which relates to providingaccommodations, food and beverage and a vast variety of services that are interrelatedand organised for public service

Hotels offer enormous range of guests’ services such as banqueting, conferenceand fitness, sport and facilities, beauty spas, bars, sophisticated restaurant and others.The hotel sector consists of more than 15% of all the people who worked in thehospitality sector Hotels falls into a number of different categories which includes theglamorous five-star resort international luxury chains, trendy boutiques, country house,conference, leisure or guest houses And in this essay, we are going to learn about theIntercontinental Hotel Group – a large hotel group in the world, particularlyIntercontinential Hanoi Landmark 72 – an IHG hotel in Viet Nam


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1 History of hotel industry in the world and in Vietnam

1.1 History of hotel industry in the world

1.1.1 Concept:

Hotel: a hotel is a managed building or

establishment, which provides guests

with a place to stay overnight – on a

short-term basis – in exchange for

money The precise features and

services provided to guests can vary

quite drastically from one hotel to

another, and hotel owners generally

aim to attract a particular type of

customer through their pricing model

and marketing strategy, or via the range

of services they offer

Hotel industry: The hotel industry is the section of the service industry that deals with

guest accommodation or lodgings By most definitions, the hotel industry refers notonly to hotels but also to many other forms of overnight accommodation, includinghostels, motels, inns, and guest houses However, it does not usually include long-term

or permanent forms of accommodation

1.1.2 History of hotel industry in the world:

Today, hotel and restaurant services have been developing extremely strongly to meetpeople's increasing needs As for the economy, the tourism industry is one of thefastest growing industries in recent decades Hotels are continuously built withdifferent levels and facilities to support the resort for visitors Referring to the hotelindustry, many of us think that this is a new industry group that appeared anddeveloped at a time when the scientific and technological revolution occurred.However, the revolution only accentuated the "rude" form of the previous hotel Morethan 1200 years ago, people needed accommodation when moving, until moneyappeared, they used money as a means of exchange to get a place to stay

Medieval and Ancient Egypt:

The forerunner of the modernhotel was the inn of medievalEurope there were places whereyou could exchange money orgoods for a roof over your headfor the night This was especiallyimportant at this time becausejourneys were taken by foot (or


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horse and cart later), so getting places took much longer than it does now At that time,the motel room was nothing but a place to lie down in the true sense of the word, run

"part-time" by landowners, farmers, mountain guides, or missionaries

During the period of ancient Egypt, the first accommodation facilities wererudimentary rooms to serve the overnight sleep of pedestrians Around the churches inEgypt, Assyria, and then in Greece, houses were erected appropriately and decoratedaccording to the guests' requirements - religious or non-religious, or ordinary travelers.often In Greece, public and private inns are in the cities and along the roads Inaddition to renting out rooms, they also sell food

Although rudimentary, accommodations in ancient Greece and Rome laid thefoundation for the modern hotel business These establishments have introducedregulations on the responsibility of property protection for guests, the task of making alist of guests staying; taboos that could harm the operation of the establishment Innscropped up around Europe and the rest of the world, but traveling wasn’t particularlysafe and/or common Pilgrims, couriers, and government workers were most likely touse these services


16th 17th century

16th century BC, when commercial activities and tourism developed and the demandfor accommodation - entertainment of people, especially merchants, was increasing.Money appeared to open up opportunities for people to have trips for trade, nomadism,pilgrimage, mission, foreign trade, and tourism development, from which the demandfor accommodation and food Drinking also expanded In France and England, lawswere introduced that meant innkeepers and hotel owners must keep a guest register.Around 600 inns were registered in England at this time

These inns provided

food and somewhere to

sleep as well as

stabling and fodder for

any horses within the

traveling party

Typically, an inn would

consist of an inner

court with bedrooms on

either side, a kitchen

and parlor at the front,

and stables at the back

To adapt and try to become the inn of choice in any one town, inn owners startedrunning their lodgings more professionally This meant proper timetables and fixedfood menus This is where we start to see likenesses to the modern hotel industry!However, at this time, the types of motels are still weak in terms of service, still at a


Coins appear as a means of exchange for accommodation

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primitive level, poor, unsanitary, and controlled by people who are not professional,and not hospitable.

The process of formation and development of these primitive "inns" actually appeared

all over the world, in manydifferent countries For example,this form of the inn is called

“ryokan” in Japanese, “paradors” inSpanish, and “pousadas” inPortuguese However, the motelsand hotels in Europe were the first

to think of applying their style,architecture, beauty, quality, etc totheir motels, forming the hotelindustry that we know today

18th - 19th century

By the mid-1700s, hotels had grown and offered more, there were signs of progressand the idea of the inn business As the wealthy began to explore further afield andtravel became an ever more leisure activity (e.g the elite of the ancient Greco-Romanculture) The end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century was theturning point of the hotel business, bringing its modern meaning The cause of thisturning point is the formation and development of capitalist socio-economic forms andespecially in the industrial development stage New public and commercial centerswith convenient waterways and railways have required the rapid development of thehotel business

For many centuries, the profession of making inns has always been passed down fromfather to son By the years 1750-1825, British inns began to gain a reputation as thebest inns in the world for cleanliness and quality as well as customer care

In the thirteenth century, "The

Pilgrim's Guide" can be

considered the first guidebook,

although suggestions and advice

for travel at that time were only

in the form of diaries, notes, and

letters and intended for those



Traditional Ryokan in Japan

The Pilgrim’s Guide

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In 1790, the Industrial Revolution in England was born, and since then hotels were alsoupgraded, showing progress in people's big business ideas An important milestone recorded

in the history of the world hotel industry is the first hotel in the world was born in 1794 in the

US with the name NEW YORK CITY with 73 rooms Because during the two centuries as a

British colony, the USwas the place to receivemany delegations fromEngland, along with theneed for accommodation,the operation of the hotelwas born However,according to theGuinness Book ofRecords, the first hotel inthe world that is still inoperation is NishiyamaOnsen Keiunkan inYamanashi, Japan Thishotel was first opened in

AD 705, run by a family

of 52 generations

Hotels that become transaction centers for guests, in addition to being temporaryresidences, also need modern equipment and communication In 1800, the UnitedStates was the world leader in the hotel-restaurant industry with the ability tosystematically develop the hotel service industry Mivart's Hotel opened in London in

1812 (later became Claridges), while in 1829 Tremont House Boston (USA) was builtwith a scale of 170 rooms – becoming the largest and most modern hotel world at thattime Thus, the previous form of dormitory inns has been replaced by a real hotel withseparate, locked rooms and a full system of equipment to serve the needs of visitors.There are 1 bed, 2 beds,

there are room types with

different personalities The

individuals as separate

entities are reflected in the

design and organization of

the entire hotel and each

bedroom This is the first

place with soap, where

there is a separate toilet in

the bedroom with the

system indoor plumbing

At the same time, a team

of management and

service staff is also trained


The first hotel in the world still in operation

is Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan – Japan

Tremont House Boston Hotel

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Thanks to the industrial revolution, there were regular but structured jobs so peoplehad more income as well as time off Tourism is starting to become more accessibleand more attractive.

With the invention of trains and cars as well as reduced work hours and other benefits,commuting is no longer something only the wealthy can afford! The demand led to aturning point in the history of hotels as they became increasingly popular In the 1900s,there were many hotels across the globe


It is impossible not to mention TheGrand Tour when talking about thehistory of the European hotelindustry “The Grand Tour” is along journey in the 18th centurythat the richest and most powerfulfamilies in England prepare for theirchildren, they have to move throughcountries such as France, Italy,Germany, Austria, and Switzerland,for learning and gaining experience

A journey of The Grand Tour canlast for many years

Where there is demand, there is supply, and hotels that focus on style and quality ofservice begin to spring up in the lands that The Grand Tour passes through Namessuch as The Dolder Grand in Zurich, Switzerland; Hotel Imperial in Vienna, Austria orThe Vier Jahreszeiten in Hamburg, Germany

20th century

As the physical aspect of

traveling became easier and more

ubiquitous, the hotel industry

boomed Around the end of the

nineteenth century and the

beginning of the twentieth

century, scientific and technical

advances were widely applied

and penetrated the business of

hotels Therefore, the competition

in accommodation is becoming


The Grand Tour

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more and more fierce This period is also considered the "golden era" in the history ofthe hotel business.

In the years from 1900 to 1930, hotel entrepreneurs knew how to research the marketand capture the tastes of guests In 1908, the Buffalo Statler hotel was built by a familywith a mind for the hotel business with many outstanding improvements: equippedwith a fire protection system, a large mirror for guests to see their whole body,installed a switch Lights at the door, free daily newspaper service, well-trained staff…Because of this, Buffalo Statler became a model architectural hotel at that time.During World War I, the hotel business stalled A series of hotels were destroyed, whileothers were turned into military hospitals During the Second World War, the hotelbusiness was not only stopped, destroyed, but also occupied, and turned into barracks

In 1930, the world economic crisis broke out, causing the hotel industry to be severelyaffected, a series of hotels fell into empty conditions and room occupancy was alwayslow Hotels have to reduce room rates to attract guests, 85% of hotels are pledged orsold cheaply to use for other purposes

In the period 1950-1960, the hotel industry entered a period of prosperousdevelopment with the average room rate reaching 90%/year, opening a new favorable

development of the hotelbusiness Besidescountries with typicalmodern hotel businessessuch as Switzerland,Austria, and France From

1959, there was also aMOTEL hotel (acombination of the twowords MOTOR andHOTEL) located alonghighways that often haveparking spaces

From 1960 up to now, the strong development of science - technology, especially thepopularity of air transport has helped the hotel-tourism industry to have more andmore breakthroughs

The hotel boom is a prominent part of tourism history With travel becoming a morepopular activity, there needs to be a lot of variety This is why we now see beachresorts and motels, golf resorts, and budget hostels around the globe


Buffalo Statler Hotel


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And of course, the opening of international tourism means that hotels and resortsaround the globe have a whole new customer base to serve: foreign tourists People nolonger just travel within the country Now they are visiting other countries to explore,stay for longer periods and expect more from their trip.

The role of the hotel:

• Hotels gradually become transaction centers for merchants, in addition to thefunction of accommodation for them, they must also have modern facilities forconvenient communication for guests

• Today, the hotel not only serves tourists as in the past, but also provides all thenecessary facilities during the process of being away from home such as: swimmingpool, massage, sauna, gym

1.2 History of hotel industry in Vietnam

2.1.1 Who brought the hotel industry into Vietnam?

Vietnam is a country located in the Asia Pacific region, surrounded by two oceans: thePacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean Vietnam's population is about 1000 millionpeople, with many different ethnic groups, and has a history of thousands of years ofbuilding and defending the country Along with the characteristics of geography, andlong cultural history, besides beautiful natural landscapes such as Ha Long Bay, MySon Sanctuary, Ngang Pass, and many rivers, streams, sea, across the country.Father, He also left us many precious and precious cultural heritages, which today arerecognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage such as the Temple of Literature,Quoc Tu Giam, and Hoi An Ancient Town An… are favorable conditions for tourismdevelopment in Vietnam

According to the research of historians, the French brought the hotel business intoVietnam in the 80s of the 19th century through the construction of the first hotel chains

in Saigon, followed by

Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh

City Hue Saigon is where

the French first set foot in

Vietnam in 1862 and this

may also be the place

where the first hotel in

Vietnam was built Set in

the context at that time,

these are interesting and

unique gifts that the French

have left to the three

regions on the S-shaped

strip of Vietnam, not only

because of the massive

management process but


Wang Tai Hotel 1867 the first foundation

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also by the subtle, flexible, eye-catching features in design and enduring existenceover time.

But in fact, Mr Vuong Dai was the one who laid the first "brick" to bring the hotel industryinto the Vietnamese market, and so far, people still respect Vuong Dai as the ancestor of realestate development services in Vietnam (including hotels and general office rental) MaisonWang Tai was built in 1867 by Mr Vuong Dai - a great businessman of Chinese origin inSaigon residence and office In 1874, Wang Dai moved his office and family out of thebuilding Until 1880, Vuong Dai sold the building to the government for 254,000 francs Thebuilding was later renamed the Cosmopolitan hotel and became a place for wealthy travelerswho wanted to enjoy European-style amenities

2.1.2 History of hotel industry in Vietnam:

Read on page 295 of the book The Historical Dictionary of Ho Chi Minh City byauthor Justin Corfield, there is a remarkable line as follows: “There was a certainnumber of tourists who visited Saigon during the French colonial period They stay atthe Cosmopolitan, the Continental, or the Hotel de l’Univers.” Following these hotelnames, I began to find pieces of history…

In the article "Saigon, Catinat Street in the early 20th century" Dr Nguyen Duc Hiep,

said that the first hotel in Vietnam was built and managed by the French, named Hotel Laval (also known as Fave Hotel located in Hanoi) on Catinat - Dong Khoi street

today) Laval Hotel was inaugurated around 1870, designed by Mr Élisée Fave, and

built by Bazin, Cazaux, and Salvaire

Laval Hotel is the first place where military and civilian officials from France whohave just come to Saigon to work or set up a business come to temporarily residebefore finding their own house According to Mr Arthur Delteil, a Frenchpharmacologist, when he arrived in Saigon in 1882, the Fave Hotel consisted of 3

floors: the ground floor was thedining room with "panca" fans

on the ceiling, and the uppertwo floors were the rooms,Each room had “robinet” waterand a shower (considered aconvenience at that time) Thehotel was built by Mr Fave, andwith its success, he became richwhen he returned to France

In Léon Caubert's 1891Memories of China, thefollowing conversation is


The I'Univers Hotel was demolished inDecember 1921 ending its heyday

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mentioned: "Did you find a good hotel to stay at last night?" I asked him “Yes,” hereplied,” They advised me to choose “Laval Hotel to sleep and Hotel l’Univers(Olivier) to eat”.

Hotel l'Univers was built around 1872, under the direction of Mr Lacaze The projectwas initially assigned 2 floors located on Vannier street (now Ngo Duc Ke street), afterbeing restored into 3 floors with the main entrance (of both the cafe and bar) located at

1 Turc Street (Ho Chi Minh street) Today's Vocational Training), facing the side ofRigault de Genouilly square (present-day Me Linh square) In 1886, Mr Olivier, whowas the head chef of the Governor General of Indochina, took over the hotel l'Universwith his brothers Hotel l'Univers is a three-story building managed by Mr Lacaze As

a chef, Mr Olivier made the hotel famous for its delicious dishes at that time Thereputation of the hotel is said to derive more from the culinary aspect than fromproviding a comfortable room for the guests This explains the meaning of the saying

"Laval hotel to sleep and hotel l'Univers (Olivier) to eat" above However, followingthe innovation of the times and the ultimate development of the hotel market inSaigon, the heyday of l'Univers ended and was officially broken in December 1921

In 1880, the Continental Hotel was built 1878 by Pierre Cazeau, a Frenchmanufacturer of building materials and home tools, and completed two years later inSaigon Before 1975, the hotel experienced 2 more owners, respectively the Duke ofMontpensier in 1911 and the "brother and sister" of Corsica – Mathieu Francini in

1930 In the 1960s-70s of the twentieth century, the government of Vietnamtemporarily forced commercial

establishments to use Vietnamese

signs, since then the hotel is also

known as "Dai Luc Lu Quan"

Located in a prime location in the

city center between Dong Khoi

intersection and Lam Son square, is

the oldest hotel still operating the

hotel business in Saigon

Continental Hotel has a rather

modest height with a ground floor

and three floors, however, This is

still a favorite stop of the upper class

because of the windows graceful,

bas-relief pillars bold French

architectural style In 2012,

Continental Hotel was honored to be

awarded the certificate of "Artistic

and aesthetic architectural

monument" by the People's

Committee of Ho Chi Minh City

and was voted as one of the typical

business hotels


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At the same time, when the invasion of Hanoi and the northern provinces was tense, tomeet the needs of the press and French officials to Hanoi to have shelter, a hotel hadsprung up in the north Sword Lake, however it is not clear who built this hotel Aftertaking over Hanoi in 1883, the city government started planning Sword Lake AFrench capitalist owner built the Grand Hotel (Great Hotel - now Intimex company)opened in November 1885 and this is said to be the first hotel in Hanoi According toAndré Masson's book Hanoi in the period 1873-1888, translated by Luu Dinh Tuan,Hai Phong Publishing House: "The Grand Hotel has a 50-seat dining room, and abilliard table was first imported into Hanoi The windows in all the rooms are glazedand at night they are lit up with lanterns.”

In 1899, Gustave-Émile

Dumoutier and Andre

Ducamp contributed

capital to build the

Grand Hotel Métropole

Palace at the corner of

Henri-Rivière Avenue

(present-day Ngo

Quyen Street) The

hotel was inaugurated

and put into operation

Today, the hotel becomes one of the oldest hotels in operation in Vietnam and bears the

name Sofitel Legend Metropole

Ha Noi hotel Until now, manypeople still mistakenly believe thatContinental is the first hotel inSaigon, while Sofitel LegendMetropole is the first hotel inHanoi But exactly, both hotels are

a rare few of the old hotels stilloperating so far in Vietnam

Among the oldest hotels inVietnam, Saigon Morin has a


The magnificent Continental Hotel still exists to this day

Sofitel Legend Metropole Ha Noi Hotel –

1 of the old hotels still in operation

Saigon Morin Hotel – one of the oldest hotels in Vietnam

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history dating back to 1901, built by French businessman Henri Bogaert and thenceded to Alphonse Guérin, and is the only hotel in Hue city w

the Morin family bought the hotel, ushering in a glorious p

French left Vietnam Until now, Saigon - Morin still exists and is the first

choice of international tourists when visiting the ancient capital The hotel currentlyhas a capacity of up to 180 rooms with the most luxurious services This is also one ofthe three oldest hotels in Vietnam still operating to this day, along with the two hotelsabove, spread across all three regions of the country

Morin family also established the first hotel chain in Vietnam, respectively: MorinGrand Hôtel de Hue (Hue), Morin Grand Hôtel de Tourane (Da Nang), Morin GrandHôtel de Quy Nhon (Binh Dinh), Morin Grand Hôtel de Ba Na and Hôtel Bach Ma(Da Nang), Along with that, the formation of the Morin hotel chain has led to theformation of tourist routes between Da Nang - Hue - Quy Nhon,

Next, in 1925 – the Majestic Hotel, and 1930 – the Grand Hotel The hotels in Saigonbuilt during this period

were mainly to serve the

accommodation and

entertainment needs of

the officials but were

not widely advertised to

invite foreign guests

In Hanoi, in 1901,

Sofitel Metropole was

the first 5-star hotel

built by 2 French

investors The hotel also

has a new bomb shelter

discovered in 2012

During the 1930-1945 period, Vietnam's domestic tourism began to develop Somemotels and small hotels were built in Ha Long, Non Nuoc, Nha Trang, Vung Tau, HaTien Meanwhile, a number of mountain resort centers were also built and invested indevelopment, aiming to attract tourists such as Sapa, Tam Dao, and Da Lat, buttourism at that time was not strong, it affects only a minority of the urban population(the middle class, and the upper class)

Due to the influence of the war, for some time, tourism in Vietnam was delayed InSaigon, due to the accommodation needs of the US military and especially foreignreporters coming to Vietnam to do reportage, several hotels were built in Saigon such

as Caravelle, Rex, Palace, Dong Khanh, Bat Dat…


Bomb shelter of Sofitel Metropole Hanoi Hotel

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Later, when the country was completely liberated, the policy of opening the economyattracted large hotel groups in the world to invest in Vietnam First is the SaigonFloating Hotel and restaurant (Saigon Floating Hotel), then the appearance of otherlarge hotels such as Omni, Saigon Prince, New World, Sofitel Garden Plaza,Renaissance Riverside, Sheraton, etc Legend, with modern facilities, equipment,new management, and marketing methods, quickly attracted and satisfied the majority

of foreign tourists to stay at the hotel

Especially since 2003, when Vietnam successfully conquered the SARS epidemic,along with the stable socio-political situation, our country has been rated as one of the

safest destinations byinternational tourists world.Besides, along withpossessing rich naturalresources, many beautifullandscapes are the mainreasons for attracting moreinternational visitors toVietnam, contributing tostrongly promoting thedevelopment of theVietnamese economy hotelbusiness in the future

In the past 20 years, the system of accommodation facilities in our country has made astrong breakthrough in both quantity and quality, making an important contribution topromoting the development of Vietnam's tourism industry If summarized in 1998, thecountry had only 2,510 accommodation establishments, by the end of 2017, thisnumber had reached 25,000 establishments with more than 500,000 rooms, including

116 5-star hotels and resorts In particular, InterContinental Danang Sun PeninsulaResort has been honored 4 times in a row as "the most luxurious resort in the world" atthe World Travel Awards - the award is likened to the "Oscar of the tourism industry"

2 Introduction of the hotel group Intercontinental Hotels & Resorts:

Intercontinental is the name of a hotel group The full name is Intercontinental HotelsGroup, abbreviated as IHG Is a British multinational corporation, headquartered inDenham, Buckinghamshire, England Intercontinental has about 842,749 diverse roomtypes such as deluxe, bungalow (for resorts), double room, standard room, suite room,premier room and 5,656 hotels distributed in nearly 100 countries across continentsaround the world gender On a global scale, it can be said that Intercontinental is theworld's largest hotel brand tycoon, and no one when studying restaurant management


Saigon Floating HotelSaigon Floating Hotel

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and food service - hotel management is unaware of what it is in this name Inparticular, they are known for their hospitality, IHG sets a vision to become one of thegreat corporations in the world by creating amazing hotels that can satisfy all needsfrom the highest to the highest of customers.

IHG brand name meaning:

IHG Group has changed its brand identity to IHG Hotels & Resorts The phrase

“Hotels & Resorts” was added to the brand name to recall the group's hotel portfolio of

17 brands as a family

The new brand identity of IHG Hotels & Resorts has been changed to better conveythe brand story, reflecting the brand's purpose and meaning as "True Hospitality forGood".The brand refresh also shows that the group's portfolio has grown to 16 brandswith a total of nearly 6,000 hotels spanning over 100 countries, with a large number ofregular guests and a close network of members With the new brand identity, the groupwill focus on increasing awareness and interaction, making the stories more relevantand attractive to guests, hotel developers, industry players, and employees talentaround the world At the same time, it is an effort to expand the group's investmentportfolio


Intercontinental Hotels Group

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The new brand identity of IHG Hotels & Resorts has been changed to better conveythe brand story, reflecting the

brand's purpose and meaning as

"True Hospitality for Good" The

brand refresh also shows that the

group's portfolio has grown to 17

brands with a total of nearly 6,000

hotels spanning over 100

countries, with a large number of regular guest bers Withthe new brand identity, the group will focus on increasing awareness and interaction,making the stories more relevant and attractive to guests, hotel developers, industryplayers, and employees talent around the world At the same time, it is an effort toexpand the group's investment portfolio

The big family of Hotels & Resorts: The change from the original IHG name to the

IHG Hotels & Resorts cluster aims to explain the commercial meaning more clearly, and at the same time affirms that the 16 sub-brands are all under the same managementand ownership Group

New look: The new identity of the brand named IHG Hotels & Resorts contributes to a

spectacular makeover, thereby helping the brand to convey attractive and closer stories

to customers, especially Younger clientele, as well as investors, colleagues, andemerging talent from around the world Along with all-new colors, styles, and fonts,this energetic, eye-catching design helps convey brand messages and resortexperiences most engagingly

2.1 History of formation and development

This corporation has a rather large and complex history The origins of theInterContinental hotel group, if considered deeply, can be traced back to 1777 whenWilliam Bass founded a brewery in Burton-on-Trent and did business under his name

In 1986 the brand was formed Their red triangle has become a recognized top brand inthe UK In 1967, Bass Brewery merged with Charringtons in London and as a result,Bass became one of the largest brewers and bar owners in the region


Brand IHG Hotels & Resorts

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Since 1987, the Bass Company has owned a wide range of hotels But aninternationally significant shift in the group's hospitality industry occurred in 1988,

with the acquisition of the Holiday InnInternational chain, followed by theacquisition of the rest of the Holiday groupbusiness Inn in North America in 1990 In

1997, Bass joined the high-priced hotels inthe US with the introduction anddevelopment of Staybridge by Holiday Inn.Bass had the fastest brand to reach 50 units

in the US A corporate breakthrough thatmarked Bass's great growth in March 1998was the acquisition of InterContinential fromPan American World

Airlines (InterContinental was founded in 1946 to serve Pan American travelers and40,000 employees and crew while they were on duty) Continued in January 2000 withthe acquisition of Southern Pacific Hotels Corporation (SPHC) (consisting of 59 hotelsunder the "Parkroyal" and "Centra" brands in Australia, New Zealand, and the SouthPacific as well as a number of guests) hotels in Southeast Asia) and Bristol Hotels&Resorts Inc (including 112 hotels); has turned Bass Hotels & Resorts into one of theworld's strongest groups in the hotel market

Along with the sale of Bass Brewery to a Belgian brewery and 988 small pubs to otherunits At the same time, the group's name was changed to "Six Continents PLC",marking the transition from a beer business group to a leading hotel group in theworld Six Continents PLC has continued to sell and acquire a wide range of hotelswith a focus on high-priced markets On October 1, 2002, Six Continents PLCannounced the separation of the hotels and beverage businesses (known asInterContinental Hotels Group PLC) and the remainder (to become known asMitchells & Butlers PLC) With its separation and merger, on April 15, 2003,InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG) became a separate company listed on stockexchanges in the UK and the

US Since then, InterContinental

Hotels Group has become a

major hotel group in the world

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continuously merged and developed new brands such as Candlewood Suites priced hotel); Indigo, and the expansion of Staybridge Suites hotel system in NorthAmerica, the UK, etc This has turned InterContinental Hotels Group into a hotelsystem with a global reach In 2004, IHG launched a new boutique hotel brand, HotelIndigo, with each hotel designed to reflect the local culture and history of thesurrounding area In 2007, IHG announced a $1 billion reboot of the Holiday Innbranded “Family,” consisting of Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express Holiday InnResort was launched in 2008, providing the perfect destination for family fun In 2015,IHG acquired US-based Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants.

(mid-Today, the group has headquarters worldwide and European offices in Denham,Buckinghamshire in the UK South East Asia and Korea offices in Singapore,Australasia office in Sydney, Japan office in Tokyo, India - Middle East and Africaoffice in Dubai and Great China offices in Pudong, Shanghai

industry has faced unprecedented challenges, and even as we have to adapt to newrealities, we have held our ground it's core things We have a great family of brands,centered on connecting people – strengthening family relationships between brands,building business partnerships, uniting with hotel brands around the world, andengaging with our community Our hotel brand represents how we bring TrueHospitality for Good to life for our guests, hoteliers, colleagues, and community So as

we continue to work through the pandemic, we must be clear about who we are, what

we stand for, and how we can help our clients open up their world again when they'reready to travel."

However, the path for IHG to realize its above strategy was not easy at the beginning,they had to travel to 20 countries around the world to approach the hotel staff here, andlearn more reasons and motivations for the hospitality service profession The mainanswer given is: Employees want to be treated as individuals and want theircontributions recognized and appreciated

For IHG, the strategy of focusing on human resources is a core factor that helps themalways outperform their competitors In the coming time, IHG will continue to focus

on recruiting and developing personnel to realize the landing plan and quicklydominate emerging markets such as China, India, and Russia

Since being adopted 6 years ago, IHG's people-focused strategy has brought tangibleresults, as 89% of the group's employees feel satisfied with their work (up 13%).compared to the industry average), 90% of employees consider IHG a great workingenvironment (19% higher than the average) and the group's reputation has increased by94%


Intercontinental Headquarters in the United Kingdom

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Employee engagement also directly affects the group's bottom line as every 5%increase in employee engagement will bring IHG 70 cents extra/room/night Thisnumber is indeed not small when multiplied by IHG's system of 750,000 hotelsglobally.

As the world's first international luxury hotel brand, Intercontinental Hotels & Resortshas been a global pioneer in this field for over 70 years Intercontinental prides itself

on sharing international, localized know-how with its guests at each of its properties,from historic buildings to city landmarks and resorts Intercontinental has received aseries of prestigious awards for hotel service, working environment, recruitmentpolicy, and most admired brand… From its inception to the present

Brand Positioning:

Positioning and Differentiating the Brand is the deciding factor, but theimportant thing is that they have a similarity between the actual image and thecustomer's perception Those are the shares of Eric Pearson, Marketing Director

of InterContinenta Hotel Group Businessmen, wealthy travelers, dignitaries,celebrities, and the cast of "Glee" (the hit American musical television series

with scenes inInterContinental)

InterContinentalthe home theirsecond homewhen away Thedifference thatmakes IHG standout from other competitors, according to the group's own Global HumanResources Department, is the people segment This is considered a key factor inhelping IHG make an amazing "transformation" from a fledgling hotel company

in the early days to the image it is today – a strong hotel group that can be found


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anywhere in the world Wherever IHG is present, the staff also showsprofessionalism and synchronization.

The InterContinental has had a very busy year since opening last summer asNew York's largest hotel in nearly a decade The hotel also has high-end officesfor rent, with prices ranging from $350 to over $700, depending on the time ofyear This summer, hotel staff also had the opportunity to dress up to welcomeguests and fans to the hotel lobby, where some scenes from the final part of GleeSeason 2 took place

Eric Pearson, Marketing Director for the Americas of InterContinental HotelsGroup, is responsible for leading visitors and introducing the luxury and

InterContinental apart from

InterContinental Hotels

Group works with Ogilvy &

Mather, Mindshare, and

Weber Shandwick, as well

as many other marketing

communications companies

around the world, and also

operates Crowne Plaza,

Holiday Inn, Hotel Indigo,

Candlewood Suites, and Staybridge Suites In the lobby, oversized touch screenshelp customers “surf” through restaurants or theaters The reception team isfluent in 6 languages and assists guests with the necessary information beforethey even arrive at the hotel Each room is equipped with luxurious Gilchrist &Soames bathroom facilities, Keurig coffee machines, plus spacious showers,computers, and 42-inch TVs

Achievements InterContinental Hotels Group


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– Leading the world in the number of rooms

According to the website Hotel Mule, IHG is the leading corporation in the US interms of the number of rooms with 619,851 in 2008 Behind IHG are other famoushotel groups such as Wyndham Hotel Group; Marriott International; Hilton HotelsCorp…

In 2012, IHG increased the number of hotel rooms to nearly 700,000 rooms The

Americas is the group'smost important marketwith nearly 450,000rooms Occupying 66.5%

of the total number ofrooms worldwide Duringthe global economicdownturn in 2008, theGroup made a strong

and profit

To date, IHG is managing 5,795 hotels and 864,699 rooms in 17 countries acrosscontinents

– Guarantee quality and service

With international 5-star operating standards, investors who cooperate with IHG canrest assured that their properties are cared for and preserved in the best way Inparticular, investors can trust the world's leading hotel brand to do business throughthe rental pool program

This is a unique difference and advantage only found in projects managed andoperated by a high-class international brand such as InterContinental A huge customerbase helps ensure regular occupancy rates for InterContinental-branded hotels andresorts


Number of hotel rooms by continent

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2 Brands in the group

The 17 brands of IHG Hotels & Resorts are divided into 4 groups:

- The Luxury & Lifestyle Collection:

InterContinental Hotels & Resorts: This is a luxury brand, started in 1945 by PanAmerican World Airlines Most of their properties are located in major cities, and eachhotel has its own unique style Breakfast is not included to a certain standard, although

each hotel has its ownrestaurant where you can orderbreakfast or other meals Theyalso have a special program fortheir loyal customers, called

“Intercontinental Ambassador”– which only offers benefits ifyou are loyal to the brand

Regent Hotels & Resorts: This is a hotel brand acquired by IHG They are a smallluxury chain with properties in Taipei, Berlin, Porto Montenegro, Beijing, Chongqing,and Singapore Born in 1970, Regent Hotels' collection of modern hotels and resorts isrooted in extraordinary living, with a legacy of luxury that endures to this day


17 brands of IHG Hotels & Resorts

Intercontinental Hotels & Resorts

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Hotel Indigo: This is IHG's boutique brand commonly found in major cities There areusually a lot of colors and styles in your room Each hotel has an on-site bar andrestaurant, although breakfast is not included in the standard price.

Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants:

A pioneer of the luxury hotel

concept in the United States,

Kimpton Hotels is renowned for

making travelers feel cared for

through thoughtful perks and

amenities, meetings and Creative

events, bold and playful designs,

and sincere individuals in

customer service style

Vignette Collection: A one-of-a-kind hotel chain with a focus on novelty, where guestscan satisfy a growing passion for authentic, experiential, and thoughtful stays Aplace that puts people at the center of everything, redefining high-end hospitality in aneven better way

Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas: the resort is built in beautiful locations and focuses on

sustainable development SixSenses has many health careprograms tailored to each individualand many activities such as watersports, scuba diving to see corals,sightseeing, and exploring localcultural tourism, and wildlife

- The Premium Collection:


Kimpton Hotels Open in Tokyo & Bangkok

Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2024, 07:55

