Materials -Grade 10 textbook, Unit 10, Language -Computer connected to the Internet -Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards Language analysis Type 1 If + present simple, S + will
Trang 1UNIT 10 Lesson 2: Language – Ecotourism
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1 Knowledge
- Use the lexical items related to the topic ecotourism;
- Identify intonation patterns and use appropriate intonation (i.e rising or falling tone);
2 Core competence
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
- Use conditional sentences Type 1 and Type 2 correctly
- Access and consolidate information from a variety of sources
- Actively join in class activities
3 Personal qualities
- Develop a sense of an ecotourist
- Be aware of tourism and their impact on the environment
II Materials
-Grade 10 textbook, Unit 10, Language
-Computer connected to the Internet -Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards
Language analysis
Type 1 If + present simple, S + will+
Conditional sentences type I talk about real situations in the present or future that we believe are possible or likely
to happen
+ Ex: If you work hard, you will pats the exam.
Type 2 If + past simple, S + would + Vinf
Conditional sentences type 2 talk about imaginary
situations that are impossible
or unlikely to happen
+ Ex: If I were a bird, I would fly
- Students may be confused when using conditional
sentences type 1 and type 2
- Students may have underdeveloped speaking and
co-operating skills
- Give short and clear explanations with legible for each case
- Give clear instructions, give examples before letting students work in groups
- Provide feedback and help if necessary
SV: Nguyễn Thị Quyên - 2167010099
Trang 2Board Plan
Date of teaching
UNIT 10: Ecotourism Lesson 2: Language
I Presentation
1 Conditional sentences Type 1: If + present simple, S + will+ Vinf
2 Conditional sentences Type 2: If + past simple, S + would + Vinf
II Practice
Task 1: Identify the mistake in each of these sentences
Task 2: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences
III Production
Make conditional sentences type 1 and type 2 based on real situations
In each activity, each step will be represented as following:
* Deliver the task
** Implement the task
*** Discuss
**** Giving comments or feedback
To help students recognise differences between type 1 and type 2 conditional sentences.
- Teacher uses the storytelling method with 6 pictures
to introduce students to conditional sentences type 1 and type 2
- Asks Ss some questions to elicit from the Ss as they tell story
+ How many pictures are there?
+ What is this + What is he doing?
- Teacher tells the story
1 2 3
4 5 6
T-S 7 mins
In a magical forest, there is
a young man named Jason
If the sun sets, Jason will rest
in his cottage
If the birds sing,
he will join them
in a cheerful song
Jason realized that in his enchanted world, everything was
so poetic
Jason thought
that if he were a river,
he would flow to
distant lands One day, he wished
to explore the world
Trang 3- Teacher uses the rub out and remember method to delete some verbs in bold (sets – will rest, sing – will join; were – would flow) in the story
Teacher asks students to remember and repeat the story
Teacher rubs out the story content in pictures 2,
3, 5 containing conditional sentence grammar
Teacher elicits the target language from students:
+ If the sun goes down what will Jason do?
+ If the birds sing what will Jason do?
+ If he were a river what would he do?
- Teacher takes three examples from the story that contain grammar, prompts students to analyze the grammar of conditional sentences type 1 and type 2
Asks students to answer and checks
- Teacher asks students to study the examples again
Students decide which statement is possible or likely to happen, and which one is imaginary or unlikely to happen
Teacher asks students to peer check and give comments to their partners
Teacher checks answers as a class:
Answer: Ex 1: R
Ex 2: R
Ex 3: N
➤ Tell students that all sentences that are possible or likely to happen are conditional sentences Type 1, while sentences that are 'imaginary or unlikely to happen are conditional sentences Type 2
PRACTICE - To help
students practise conditional sentences Type 1 and Type 2
TASK 1 Identify the mistake in each of these sentences
1 If I were you, I will apply for the scholarship
2 If my parents are 10 years younger, they would
T-S 3 mins
Trang 4travel around the world
3 If you are trying your best, you will achieve your aim
4 If there were more than 24 hours a days, I will have
A B C D more time to sleep
- Teacher asks students Identify the mistake in each of these sentences and tells them to pay attention to the meaning of each sentence, and whether the situation
is possible (Conditional sentence Type 1) or not (Conditional sentence Type 2)
- Students complete the task individually
- Teacher asks students to peer check and give comments to their partners
- Teacher checks answers as a class:
Check answers as a class:
Have individual students write the sentences on the board
Go through each sentence and ask Ss to explain why they have used that particular form
1 B) will would (conditional sentences type 2)
2 A) are were (conditional sentences type 2)
3 A) are trying try (conditional sentences type 1:
If + S + V(present simple), S+will + Vinf)
4 C) will would (conditional sentences type 2)
- To help
Type 1 and
Type 2
TASK 2: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences
1 If tourists buy local products, more of their money (stay) in the community
A stayed B will stay C would stay D is staying
2 If we lived in the countryside, we (grow)
our own vegetables
A grow B will grow C would grow D grew
3 If my grandmother (be) still alive, she (be)
a hundred today
A are – would be B were – would be
C were – will be D are – will be
4 If we (stay) up late, we (be) exhausted tomorrow morning
A stay – will be B stayed – would be
C are staying – will be D stayed – will be
5 If I (have) _ superpower, I (save) _ the world!
A have – will save B had – saved
C will have – save D had - would save
6 If it (rain) _ tomorrow, we (stay) _ at home
A rains – stay B rains – will stay
C rains – would stay D rained – would stay
6 mins
Trang 5The teacher adapted the multiple-choice exercise to choose the correct answer into the game “ Đường lên đỉnh Olympia”
Game rules: teacher shows each question, each question has 1 minute to think, students work in pairs to discuss and raise their hands to answer
- Teacher asks students choose the best answers to complete the sentencesand tells them to pay attention
to the meaning of each sentence, and whether the situation is possible (Conditional sentence Type 1) or not (Conditional sentence Type 2)
- Students work in group complete the task
- The group answers by raising paper contain their answer
- Teacher checks answers as a class:
Check answers as a class:
Have individual students answer
Go through each sentence and ask Ss to explain why they have used that particular form
Answer: 1 B (conditional sentences type 1)
2 C (conditional sentences type 2)
3 B (conditional sentences type 2)
4 A (conditional sentences type 1)
5 D (conditional sentences type 2)
6 B (conditional sentences type 1)
T – S
S – S
T - S
practise talking about conditional sentences Type 1 and Type 2
- To give students authentic practice in using target language
TASK 5: Make condition sentences type 1 and type 2
in ecosystem tourism
- Teacher divides the class into two groups and gives two situations
Group A: Imagine you visit a tropical forest on a
rainy day Use conditional sentences type 1 to express conditions and possible outcomes in this situation
Group B: If you have the opportunity to
participate in a major caving tour, but currently you cannot go for some reason Use conditional sentences type 2 to express your wishes and the conditions necessary to achieve them
- Teacher gives Ss clear instructions in order to make sure they can understand what they have to do
+ Ss prepares their talk in two minutes + Ss present their answers
4 mins
- To help Ss memorise the target
language and skills that they have learned
* Teacher asks Ss: What have you learnt today?
- Use the lexical items related to the topic ecotourism;
- Use conditional sentences Type 1 and Type 2 correctly
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10_Reading
- Exercises in the workbook
T-S 1 mins